St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 12, 1908, Supplement, Image 5

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    Supplement to the St. Johns Review
Friday, June 12, I908
Airs. Hannah Sclby.
Miss llatinnh Force wns horn on
the old Force donation clnitu in
1868 mid lias lived the renter pnrt
of her life in the home of her child
hood with her father nnd uncle.
On the death of her f.ither three
years ngo she married Mr. Guides
Sclby of Vancouver mid has lived
in that city since.
She was of a most lovable dlsK
sition nnd everyone who knew her
became her friend. She leaves to
mourn her, beside her IiusImikI
and little two-year-did daughter, in
Vancouver, three sisters: Mrs.
George Scottou, Untile Ground,
Wash.; Mrs. Delia Scottou, Fish
ers IaudiiiK, Wash , and Mrs.
S. V. Simmons, St Johns. Ore ;
and three brothers. Geo. W., of
Portsmouth; James, of Molalla, and
Mack Force of Vancouver.
She had been Miff rim; Irom a
malignant tumor on her shouliier
for more than a war i st and
finally passed away Sitnrday.
The funeral was held at the resi
dence and interment made in the
family lot in the Columbia Slough
cemetery Monday The hushnnd
and little daughter pnrtictil.irlv
have the sincere sympathy of all
the many friends of the deceased
Just take notic of the bargains
offered by V. I,. Thorndyke, the
philosopher of the Astoria Leader.
Thorn lias a scheme and wants to
turn his property into money. lie
is scared because the town vent
dry, too, we think. Why, bless
his jolly old heart that will not
make five cents worth of difference
in the value of the real estate, for
the present; but you look ahead a
year or two and nab every foot of
St. Johns soil you can get at nnv
thing like a reasonable price. Ve
wish we had $ 100,000 of loose
change. We would put every dol
lar of it in St. Johns realty. The
man who sells now will be like the
matt who sold two or three years
ago. He will come around a year
hence with n sickly smile on his
face and say "I was as many kinds
of a bliuketv-blank fool as Ileintz
makes pickles for selling that fine
piece of St Johns property. It is
worth twice what I got for it.
Mrs. Will Ganger, her two little
sons and her niece, Miss Olive
, returned to Hood River
Saturda) after a most delightful
visit of a week or ten days in St.
Johns. They ore all greatly
pleased with our city and would lie
easily induced to come and make
their home here if his royal high
ness Captain Will would only con
sent. We hope to welcome the
whole bunch some day.
At the Christian tabernacle next
Sunday evening the Sabbath ques
tion will be handled by Rev. Jas.
R. Johnson. The points touched
will be: Wheu was the law of the
Sabbath given? To whom given?
How long did it last? All are in
vited to hear this address.
Watch the label on your paper.
Fire Alarm.
About 4:15 Tuesday evening the
alarm wns sounded nnd there was a
hurrying of the fire boys and the
draymen to get the apparatus lim
bered up nnd on the way, for a fire
was reported in the St. Johns lum
ber mill. Those lumber mill fires
are something fierce when they get
started and everybody just spread
himself to get there quicker than
the other fellow. When the aggre
gation had proceeded as far as Kdi
sou street word was brought that
the fire was nut. Cnntnin Kane's
men are up to snuff and capable of'
doing good work in the lire-lighting
line themselves, besides, the mill is
equipped in the best possible man
tier for fighting fire. It would be
next to impossible for n fire to get
any headway there during the day.
It was a good thing though, to
get the department out, as it gives
the boys practice, and then it is im
possible to tell when they may be
needed after a fire starts. So,
while there was no damage done
this time and there wns no need for
our lads, they did the proper thing
to get a '"wiggle on" when they
heard the "hurry up" call.
Captain A. S. Hlowcrs, one of
the most substantial citizens of
Hood River, spent the forenoon
with us Saturday looking over as
Mich of St. Johns ns we could see
in that time. Mr. ltlowers is one
of our most highly esteemed friends,
is an old soldier, was circuit judge
for a number ol years in Hasteru
Oregon, for n term of years was
mayor of the citv of Hood River,
nnd is one of her very best citizens.
He was verv favorably impressed
with St. Johns nnd promised to
make 11 another visit soon and stay
longer so that he can see the whole
town He ts one of the kind of
men we would like to see come to
St. Johns to make their home nnd
if we can get him divorced from
Hood Rivet we will endeavor to
secure him for our citv. He has
the most beautiful home in the
Apple Citv, but we can find him
more beautiful locations here if he
would only come.
J W Huggius, eldest son of
L. H. Huggius, one of Hood Riv
er's most prosperous business men,
was a visitor in this city last week,
making a flying trip, stopping over
just one car We would have been
glad to have shown Mr. Huggius
some of the beauties of St. Johns,
but he had to make connections
for the Apple City and could not
stop longer. Come again and
bring your knitting, Mr. Huggius.
Mrs. K. D. Calkins of Hood
River was a welcome visitor at' the
home of the Dyerlee tribe last Fri
day. Mrs. Calkins was a near
neighbor when we lived in the
Frankton neighborhood at Hood
We carry in stock typewriter
paper, carbon paper and onion skin
for making duplicate copies.
Jesse Shaffer.
It is not generally known that
Jesse Shaffer, the brave young
chauffeur, who was drowned on the
a.itl day of May while rescucing
Miss Alice Drummond, at Or-gou
City, has relatives in St. Johns.
He was n cousin of Mrs. Ittdge
Greene and n brother of their
ndopted daughter, Miss Kill. ill 1.
Mr. Shaffer was n fine yotui" m 111
with most exemplary habits and
was most popular with the 'i nit
feurs. He was a member f the
licensed chntilTctirs of Portl i"d a -I
the entire body turned nut ins
funeral with most benutifu' Moral
offerings. It is most lam ntnoU.
that such nu estimable yniim nan.
after having saved the life h -mingled
so hard for, should tin ve
to give up his own.
The Camp Meeting
The good people of tin- d eot
church have been liavlm u 1 1 1
interesting meeting the pas k
Their large tent in St s
Heights addition was crowd un
attentive listeners at all in J-
The music was fine and mid '-es
were well -received and we'
seuted. There were some ,10 '
ditions to the church which 1
baptized last Sunday. The ir 'i
here was greatly strengthen d "
the meeting, nnd it was a mnt
felicitous occasion (or all in mb- rs
of that faith, nnd one th till
long remember.
We wish to acknowledge nn it
ror in the report of the exercists at
the high school. We evidently
misunderstood the good friend who
told us about the exercises then,
from whose report we made th"
writcup. Mrs. Kemp instead of
speaking along the lines of W 0
T. U. work, spoke in the interest
of the little bronze button and the
sacredness of Memorial Day. We
did not know of the exercises at
the high school until after the hour,
and we were at the other school
One of our good friends kindly told
us of the fine exercises there and
we made our report accordingly,
but in this instance we evidently
got a little mixed, and trust Mrs.
Kemp will pardon the, error.
The Fans of St. Johns witnessed
one of the most exciting Tri-City
games of the season June 7, when
the Frakes shut out the Albiua
Cherubs with a score of 5 to o.
Until the fifth inning neither team
scored, Oluey covered the mound
for the Frakes, and with excellent
support of his team mates allowed
but three hits. Crosby pitched for
the Albinas. He issued seven
passes to first and allowed four hits.
His underhand ball was a great
fooler. McBride caught a great
game and had a deadly aim for
second. Rankin, the umpire, cer
tainly rubbed it into Albiua and
favored the Frakes throughout.
June 14 the Frakes will play the
Apostles at St. Johns,
Nice, fresh eggs from the coun
try at the Home Creamery.
Office: Uoom 9, llrcetlcn Hulld
lug, corner Third nnd Washington
streets, Portland, mid K00111 35, Hot
brook Mock, St. John.
Phone: Pacific jooS. Resilience: St. Johns
UoiiniH lii the Holbrook luilliling.
St. John, Oregon,
Joseph McChcsncy, M. D.
Day and Merit Office In McChctncv lllock
j'honc W.xxlUxn 41 &
I'livMiInn nn J Surgeon.
OIlU'c in llnlbrookV lllock.
Ucsidcnce, aij Hayes street.
I'lione Scott tjy5.
liny ix.uto. 11 hi ih mi i
illuv I'lKMir MixxlUwil am
4rMl(.Ht I'hlMM I'lll.M .
cv ii. I or ninmilli rick.
i 111,
ff J II- III..1
Building Contractors
rUii.mnl l!lmte I'linil.lirtl,
Transfer and Storage
Wo deliver your ooi in unit from all
imrtH ul I'nitliinil, Vi eouver, I.iunlou,
Portland and MiimriM 1 Hxpre Co,,
city look anil all jtoinu iicreiible by
wiig'in. Piano nnd furniture moving
11 kjecinliy. 100 li. luirliiiKton; phone
Kiclunonif 61,
Funeral Director and Cuibalmcr
I.ndy Atsi-luni.
Ilrnneli office at University Piirk Drug
Store, phone Wootlluwii 187.1.
Muin office, Poitluml, Oregon; jilionu
Scllwooil 71.
No. 186 I. 0. 0. P.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
Pcllnws hall, at 8:00, VUitors welcomed,
II, S. Simmons, N, G,
K. II, Holcomli, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Sleets every Priiluy ululit
at 7;3o o'clock at I.O.O.P,
hall. Visitors always wel
come. Geo. K, illack, C.
C. J, II, Illack, K, It. S.
Central Market!
Holbrook lllock.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Ilest
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Pilled and Paniily Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.