St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 12, 1908, Image 1

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X r?T fst 1'tJr li 1 ntn 5
"Km Society
To wtwcrH for Tht Review.
AH the imwi whB II b niwi k
our moHo. Call la and tnroH
V Of adtertlilitit In Ttio Review
A and you'll never regret It. lie
v (tit t onco and keep rlftttt it II
Devoted to the Interest of the Penlniula, the Manufacturing Center o( the Northwest
VOIy. 4.
NO. 31
Statement Showing the Plurality or Majority Re
ceived by the Successful Candidates
The completed returns from the
elections give the result of thecoun
Grand Jury Indictment
for 7.a6o.
ty vote ns follows, and while the Hood River County Majority
man we voica lor was not elected for 8,038.
in every instance, and not every j Port of Portland Dill Majority
issue which we woriccu tor carried; tor 12,013.
wc nre well satisfied with the re-1 Official figures on prohibition in
suits. Wc would like -to change, precincts 89, 90 and 9 1 arc: For,
somcottiic ligtircs and hope to 531 ; against, 507; majority for, 24
ncip 10 cio so ni 111c next election:
County Commissioner W. h.
Lightncr, plurality 16,437.
" Sheriff R. h. Stevens, pluralitv
County Clerk V. S. Fields, ma
jority 19.395.
County Treasurer John M.
Lewis, majority 18,142.
County Assessor 1). I). Siglcr,
majority 18,417
Hood River County Officials.
Hood River, Ore., June 7
Hood River democrats mndc the
first move toward providing Hood
River county with a set of officers
yesterday, when they held a meet
ing and nominated S. Is litythe for
county judge, G. 1). Culbertson for
county clerk, L. Ii. Morse for
County School Superintendent sheriff, M. M. Hill for county com
K. I'. Robinson, majority 17,874
County Surveyor Philo Hot
brook, Jr , plurality 11,628.
County Coroner Hen Nor
den, plurality 14.373.
St. Johns di.sttict:
Justice of the Peace - 0 R.
Downs, niiij irity 531.
Constutik W. S. Hasev, miijor
iiy. 353
Official figures on the initiative
and referendum vote are:
Knunl Suffrage- Majority ugaim-t
Increasing Legislators Salaries-
Majority against 10,783.
Location Slate Institutions -Ma
jority for 1,054.
Increasing Supreme Court Mu
jority against 1 ,838.
Changing Time of Elections
Majority for 10,810
Custody of County Prisoners
Majority for 8,453.
Compulsory Puss Hill Majority
again. 5.47.
Ai mory Appropriation Majority
against 74
Uu.vir.sity Appiopiiiitlon Ma
jority for 9.390,
Wlucliiieu's I'Uh Hill Majority
for 2,405.
Reddy Iiilll Majority for 924.
Single Tax Mi. jority against
Recall Majority for 8.431.
Sciiotoiial Instruction -Majority
for 11,564,
Proportiouul Representation
Majority for 4,901.
Corrupt Pi net ices Act, Majority
for 7,991.
Astoriu Fish Hill Majority for
mlssioner and V. C. Ilroclc for
county treasurer. The other offi
cers, consisting of another commis
sioner, superintendent of schools,
assessor mid coroner, were not
named owing to the fact that it was
decided to let the republicans par
ticipate in forming the new county
government mid the selection of the
hitter was thctefore left to members
of the opposite party.
Several of .the more radical of
those present were lu favor of nam
ing u full .set of officers and recom
mending their appointment, but
were unable to secure votes enough
to see it tlirough. Orcgouiaii.
basnc of the other boys think it
should be divided more evenly lie
twceii tue two parties, and mere
may be some hair pulling.
We would like to be licensed of
butting in long enough to say to
the best bet of fellows that-cver or
gituiml a county in any stato:
"Just hold your breath a minute
boy , and do not get warm under
the collar. Take warning from
The Dalles. That cltv has been
cutting its own throat regularly for
the past quarter of a century.
Don't scrap, boys. Let the dein
inits have the first whack at it, us
there is a democratic governor who
was elected by the republicans to
do the appniuiiu,; of the first set of
officers, mid there are enough re
publicans (0 elect all the second set
of officers, so that the dcmmles will
huve 110 other opportunity. He
good, boys, and let them have it
this time."
An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large
Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of
Ail members were present at thejeept the position,
ninth regular meeting of the com- The city engineer filed plans and
profile for improvement of Polk
street from Jersey to Willamette
Hotilcvard and the matter was re-
Hriug in your printing now.
Is the only way to secure Immediate delivery of your
goods at the most reasonable of transportation' rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars betweeti St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check vour trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced and coiiiteous employes.
Phone Maiu 358, Portland office.
Phone Majn A 3358.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phoae Woodlawn 818. Agent at St. Johns.
Office 105 K. Burlington street.
Washed Gravel
Best for Concrete Work
Wist m WasM Grawl Co.
Iev orders wkh
ih K. JtkcyWt
mon council in the council chamber
last Tuesday evening and the may
or called the lads to order at 8: to.
The first number 011 the program
was a brief address by a reprcscnta
live of A. H. Long, who endeav
ored to interest the council in the
purchase of a new fire bell. He
offered n fine new McChane bell,
the best bell that, is 011 the market
today, at 39 cents per pound and a
so-foot steel tower for $ 105. This
tower with a t soo-tiottnd bell would
cost the city $690. The city fath
ers, however, arc hedging, and luid
the mutter 011 the table for the
On motion of Hunter llie time
for meeting was made at 8 o'clock
sharp instead of 7:30 p. m., 40 min
utes late every evening.
Petition of citizens near Cedar
Park to have Pcsscudcii street
ilaccd in better condition by filling
some of the big chtickhnles was,
read, placed on file and the matter
referred to the street committee.
Mr. Scales, who presented the tie-
titiou, stated that the street there
was so rough that It made the
drivers of their delivery wagons
seasick and if the street was not
smoothed up lie would huve to hiie
an able seaman to drive for him.
It seems there is not 11 full street
dedicated there and until this is
done there can be 110 permanent
improvement made.
Communication from the city en
gineer recommending that the city
adopt a standard plan and cross
section for sidewalk and street con
struction by ordinance so as to in
sure uniformity in these improve
ments. After' some discussion the
the city attorney and engineer were
instructed to draft on ordinance
covering the matter and creating a
standard for such construction.
Communication of A. R. Joins
expressing his appreciation of tl.t
honor the council would confer up
on him by electing him to serve the
remainder of the year in place of
Alderman Tyrou, stated that be
cause of the interference of his pri
vate business he would not be able
to serve them. The many friends
of Mr. Jobcs will be sorry that he
could not find it convenient to ac-
ferrcd to the street committee to re
port at the ucxtjnectiug.
Mr. Windle of the street com
mittee reported that he thought it
was necessary for the engineer to
establish the property lines along
Bradford street ftotu Richmond to
Fcsscnden in order that the com
mittee might be able to report in
telligcutly regarding the obstruc
tions alleged to be on that street.
On motion by Windle the engineer
was instructed to I'crform this service.
There were two bills on the
very much to call attention to the
impossibility of getting the young
people, boys and men and some of
A Few New Thoughts Advanced and Published at
the Request of J. H. Leiper
Kditor St. Johns Review: I feel
free to ask n hearing in nuy publi
cation issued in the best interests of
the public, for the consideration of
tiic above topic, because in the
sword shall never depart from thy
Tli is is one example of mmiy of
the faithfulness of Mble history in
exposing the wrong doing of its
the girls, to call on Mayor Hrico I judgment of both its friends and its , characters as well as
.... t.i..., 11.. - i : . t f t . ...
ami state me nour ami inncc wnere ' n " neuvc Hgcncy in 1 rignieous nets ana
they wisli to shoot off their fire
works on that day, and also the im
possibility of our good looking chief
of police to capture nil the young
Atnericnns who will surely cele
brate the day or perisli in the nt
tempt. Why would it not be wise
to make an ordinance permitting
the firing of these noise producers
on vacant lots nway from buildings
where any damage might occur,
and prohibit their firing on streets
where teams might become fright
ened nm
the propagation of the christian re
ligiou and the most formidable foe
of irrcligion. After all, may not
these two facts - which 110 one can cause of the double crime so faith
tiutlifully deny account for the j fully recorded against him. It is a
relating their
both for the
betterment of the race. Nor is it
just and right to place such men as
David in the list of reprobated be-
antagonistic attitudes of the friends
mid foes of the lliblc? That its In
fluence 011 men and communities is
purifying and uplifting it is folly to
deny. To forbid or discourage its
being read by any or nil classes of
people is crtici and deolic. It is
snatching hicad from the mouths of
the starving. Unit there umy be
nil the cili.etn mid would save a, even inn most luliwrtniit matter,
great deal of annoyance to hoth the ! Ifr the help of the; honest skeptic
people and the officers who serve allow tut through the columns of
your imjier 10 oner pome uiotigiits.
It may add to their worth for Un
made its
1 them
The liquor otdiuauce
final passage after considerable dis
cission mill trimming by the coun
cil. , On motion of Davis council met
1 as committee ol tue wnole to con
reader to know that the writer
made the lliblc his chief study
mote tlisu fifty yours.
First, the Inspiration christians
claim for tlio llihlr does not make
run awav cattsimr loss of
life or nroneitv. We believe such , honest doubt 11s to the
bonds for the city docks, one by ' action on the part of the city fnth- mrcc of the hihle J freely
our own bank, the Peninsula hank, j ers would be favorably received by 1 "ion may b? honestly
Which oilers 11 premium of S.1287,
and the other lV S. A. Kean, of
Chicago offering n i-nnium of but
5600. On motion oi II inliiim the
mutter was referred to the finance
committee to rejxut at the next
In the matter of the Kellogg im
provement the rcpivt of the engi
neer with nrofile'wns accented mid
placed on file on motion of Hunter, jsider candidates for councilman to its writets more scrilus but holds
uud on motion of Johnson the en- succeed Mr. Tyron. After some j tlicm to have wiitleu "as they were
giueer was directed to give Mr. deliberation the names of Peiry J . moved by the Holy Spirit;" so that
Kecncy grade stakes lor his side Miller and George lipps were placed they erred not either in the records
walk so that he could finish the in nomination and upon the ballot 'of history, the piedictions of future
li, a . . . I ..... , .. I l
same. -.1 , neitu: canvassed Mr. .Miller was , veuis or uie ex iressiou 01 nivine
Plans of the engineer lor the tin found to have received four votus,
provemeut of Hitcttaiiaii street were one was blank and one wss for Mr.
accepted and ptacnl 011 file on mo- I.pps. Mr. Miller was therefore
tiou of Davis. . I declared elected.
Dill of CariwiJter Wright for
woik on the treasttier's room was
allowed, $39 59. Qiid ordered paid.
The fireworks oAli.iuce produced
some pyrotechnic .display of ora
tory, or in the language of the
street philosopher, "rag chewing."
lter a lengthy discussion it ended
u a little urdit mice grunting mer
.'hunts pctmisHOii to sell fireworks.
So change was made in the old
fireworks ordinance, which compels
all who would celebrate the national
birthday in this time honored
fashion, to call on the mayor and
secure n scciul eriuit. We were
not a member of tlic council and it
does not look goal to us to butt in
and disturb their deliberations with
our personal views, but we wished
Apostles IMown Up.
matter of history that George
Washington once was fined for pro
fanity uttered hi the presence of a
justice, but it is well known Hint
he, was n devoted, prayitiff chrls
lion., that he went into battle after
having rctited for prayer. The
single case of profanity which oc
cm red under provocation in nn un
guarded moment was utterly out of
character with the tenor of his life.
We enn truthfully say of Georqe
Washington, ns it is written of
King David: "He wss n in. in af
ter God's heart."
I challenge skeptics to point to a
single verse or record in the Dibits
whete moral wioug is excused or
sanctioned. Pet verted interpreta
tion and miNtiniihlntlou nud human
depinvlly nie rcMKusibIe for the
unjust assaults made tion thu III
ble. Skeptics discard the Dllile for
another rceson, vix: It rupiesuutH
God ns punishing thu agents of
crime notwithstanding the sin com
mitted was n link in lite chain of.
ciicumstaiiecs to brinif about the
triitii. in o iiouesi person 01 intent- consummation ol tlic divine pur
gciice can or will deny that proph- pone. The most notable case of
esy has been fulfilled. For exam-, this kind is the port Judas took in
pie, the details of the criteifiction securing the cruciflctiou of Christ,
ot Christ were predicted a thousand without which event the prophetic
years nuiorc mat iiwitu event too); , scriptures would not imve occii fui-
piace, 111 me asit rsann. home lined nor uie salvation 01 stiincni
ii4 IHiioius, bJd je!im:. foj)niw!bJ NuwJmUjis reflect
l,e!forthe bad myiUKM nud the liiflnlTiaUt ffthiioinml inUf
' In a game that wan clwc mid
terestiuu lit) to the last' half of tl
eiuhth iniiimr the Salem team of conduct of some of the Milile char
the Tri-City League defeated the ncters. The IMble represents David
St. Johns Apostles June 7 by a heing "a mnii after God'hlienit"
score of 6 to 1. The first score j 0t Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22)
was made by Kuwards, of Salem. 1 Vet the inspired record preserves
in the second iuniinr. ond this account of DavmI k double crime
filled nor the salvation of sinncni
tied by St Johns in the third. No ,
more scores were made until Salem
lauded another in the seventh, and
through a scries of well-placed hits
and a bad throw over second, thu
Cherry Pickers ran four men across
the home plate in the eighth.
Old papers for sale at this office.
in tlic seduction of Hathshehn aud
the virtus! murder of her husband
to cover his crime. Alto his ie
bukcof Nnthnii. the prophet of
God; followed by accounts of most
fearful demonstrations of the divine
displeasure hi fulfillment of Na
than's prediction, viz: "The
al tiolity to an action. Was it the
motive of Judas to furnish the
world witli a Savior or to obtain
the thirty pieces of silver? If
skeptics would know what the Di
vine Author of the Bible thought
about the- treachery of Ju i.i 1
thousand years before it v. ki.i
milled, let - them read tin- m-l
twenty verses of the loyth i's.ilni
nud then rend Pelei's iutpiud ap
plication thereof ss recorded m thu
second chwptor Acts of Apostle
(Continued on juge i)
Whitwood Court
? ,M. I.. IIOUIKOOK C. !: ItAILfiV
The LarRCst anil Oldest Real
In St. Johns.
Estate Finn
East St Johns
The center of the great development
place on the Peninsula.
Wc have only a few business loin left on Columbia
Dottles ai d, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on smle.
Choice uiiumfnctiiring sites adjoining the'O. R. &
railroad for sale on reasonable term.
Holbrook's Addition
e have some choice lots in the vicinity of th
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install
ments. Call at our office for prices aud terms for eitlnir of
these desirable tracts.
St. Johns i,lono Jcrsy 931 Oregon
Lots. $75 and up
110 N. Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon j
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.
Lumber Manufacturers
mmmaumasumam tiwi rrn w r rsn r snrr ri wn i s t sn 1 mum r r