LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF ST. JOHNS, OREGON S0c thCDVGII 1 : If GEO. W. SIMMONS xi4 Jersey Street Confectionery, to Cream, Milk Shakes and Tobacco. Ice cream una . wimBI! r Johns Eat American Beauty Ice Cream fneturcrt ly ST. JOHNS CREAMERY 7- ..a 1 11.. .11 ill I r1 1 Street OTP 523 Shoes, Dry Goods G. art to0 si0 1 Tt MURPHY Watclics Clocks Sfck Ptic r . ...o, uroociics c"t Glass, Ere. H. F. CLARK 203 JcrS(:y Street New and Second Hand Furniture (mm ',JS '0. HONEST GRADES Deliveries Made as Wanted ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. I'.siinniti's 1 'HlllikllLHl. Kiln drkil Lumber properly mid thoroiinlily kiln dried. All nios ol dinicusion. I'Mi-iuiiiK, Cciliii,', Rustic, Kiuish, Mouldings, Lath, Shingles Green Wood Dry Wood Kiln Dried Kindling I'liom- Richmond 131. Mill and Yard J(M)t of Iltirliiinton Street, re ID .... .-.,,, ''Fv ai TfYir- v"i " 'nSSSSSSm . 8CAKIIK0U0H The New Reliable erythinffi thc u and up-to-date. Prices sntuc as in Portland rrrrr? m WW Mest Coast Don't Go to Portland to Buy Your Meat Wc carry a full line of I roll mead, alto Mil anil inoV. til meat. A renlilcnt of St. Joliiu we IwIIcnx in (Mt ruiiUIiiK home liuluitry ami want you to get the habit. Why yp to 1'orthuiil wlicn you can )et your meat right ut home ut Portland price ? Come unit Klvc iii a trial. vytfjyflffi We will surely treat you right. BITGOOD & COLE 05 South Jersey at a to " ... 1 -v M orS. 4Ut4cott 0 5 C f' "7, Us M1 9