St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 05, 1908, Image 3

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    oimiwug most run. DOWNRIGHT ABUSE, in moinriiT nc ivrrcR I nn SHP WAR PMRAr.rn tup npniiTiWTC at Rmnnc !
I rl IITVIViill I sl VaTrTI Ml eaa)W WJ I weeeaai e e f w hllUnULIl I I Ilia tWI W I nil I km n I WIIIMUU
We were glad to receive a good
letter trom Juneau, Alaska, from
John C. Brooks, sou of our towns
man, J. T. Brooks, written May
17th. He says he notices the
clianges as recorded in the Review
each week. He is looking forward
10 me nine wnen ne will come
back home, we think, because he
said: "I've got that stocking
nearly filled, and when I get it
tilled I will come back home: see ?' '
We will be looking for him down
this way some of these days. He
ts loud in praise of the weather in
that country now, but not far from
tlicrc a big snow slide nearly
.doused the ghm for a number of
the citizens.
He has seen a number of people
irom i-oriiaim even the Merry
Widow lid made its advent there.
There was hut one appearance,
however, and Mr. Brooks does not
wnenier u was iaici away as n
relic or put up for a prospector' .
shack on the Yukon. He also suy.s
ne notes mat an Alaska fashion
paper says "purses are flatter this
season." Evidently the million
aire's panic has struck Juneau, too.
Well, John, come home; our purses
arc getting more and more like the
gastronomic arrangement of a typ
ical alderman, or that of the com
ing republican candidate for presi
dent ot the nation,
An Even Break.
Two games of ball were pulled
off on the Jersey street gtounds
May 31. The I'apermokers of Ore
gon City miitlc their initial appear
ance here, and it was only through
the rank playing of Brown, the lo
cal short-stoi), that St. Johns did
not capture both games. The first
one was dead cosy, the locals win
ning handily by a score of 8 to 1.
The second contest was nip and
tuck up to the sixth inning, the
score then standing 3 and 3. With
two men gone the Papermakers
succeeded in filling the bases. The
next batter then drove an easy
chance to 'Brown, who picked it up
neatly, but instead of tossing the
bajl to second, when he had loads
of time to do so, he made one of
his regular wild heaves to first, re
sulting in three runs crossing the
home plate. Brown seumtd un
able to come anywhere near fiitit
base when trying to head off it run
ner, and during the two games was
charged with eight errors. Clark
Moore made the Mar catch of the
game when he caught a foul fly off
the right field fence. Otto Moore
also distinguished hiimclf by driv
ing the ball over the fence. The
game ended in n score of 6 to 3, in
Oregon City's favor.
I've sure boen called a lot of thlnirs
Since I've been fooling round on earth.
.xneyve even called mo names, V Jlngs,
mat cast rcnecuons on my birth.
Thoy'vo called me "grafter," "inldo" and
"crook" ,
Tea, they have named me worio than
Dut hero cornea somo man with a book
That calli me "proletariat!"
Now, I have lived the best I could.
I'vo paid my debts when necessary.
I've been, I reckon, nvcrngo Rood
For ono so humnn nnd contrary,
nut nil my effort In tho lino
Of kccplnn straight and all of that
la wasted, nnd my eyes run brine
If I'm a "proletariat!"
I don't know what tho word can mean.
And, tell tho truth, I'm scared to loarn.
Far as I know I'vo novcr seen
A sample aSd don't care n durn
If I should waste tho brlof remains
Of what short time I hnvo nt bat
Without onco getting through my brains
The sense of "proletariat."
Yet while I llvo nnd hnvo my health
I'd liavo tho whole world understand
That, thhugh I'vo neither fntno nor wealth,
There's nono that dnros to lift his hand
And swear that I, ponco loving man
That tries to side step family spats,
Could o'er bo Hated with tho clan
That's labeled "proletariats."
-Strickland W. Cllllllan In Judge.
Pleasant Proipoct.
A young fellow In Pittsburg lutein!
cil to auk her father's consent tliu nth
ur uveiilng. but changed Ills lulml, tin
liim decided to wait till ttie old gentle
man Is disabled from a fall 011 the Ice
ur till something equally propitious
turns up. It happened In thin way:
When I10 readied the house, ttio girl
met I1I111 nt the door, penny tear steal
ItiK down tier fnlr cheulsM.
-un. woorge. sue wuispcrou, "i 11 111
so Kind you tmve conte. I'lenso go Into
tile library 11 ml wo If you can culm
fattier; lie Is ro excited nml In rnglng
about, knocking over the furniture ami
brunltlng tldtigg."
"C'ertnluly," Ooorgo snlil briskly.
"Y lutt la tlio matter with tho old Ben
"I'm nuro I don't know," she wild.
"Ito wa all right, ami I Just begun to
toll lilm thill you wanted to mnrry
me." I.lpplneottH.
A Wrona Tip.
I well known Chicago mcrclinnt was
onco linked to till!; to the boys, of u
business ncliool. He prefaced Ills ml
drem by a few extempore luinnrks.
"Hoys," snlil lie. "an I nppnmelied
tho ontrmico to this sehoolnmin I oh
served on tliu panel of the door it' wont
most approirlnto to an Institution of
tills kind. That one word expresses
the quality iiiimt useful to the nvornge
hoy wuon lie Men Into the Hold of
business. Can you toll me what It M"
"run!" shouted sovornl of tho pu
pile, with n I hi rut of Inughter, while
the horrllled motvhniit recognized that
ho hud tnkeii his text from tho wrong
Milii of tho door. Philadelphia Ledger.
Alnrslml Shot by Alistnkc.
Mistaking J. S. Wright, of Col
ville for one of the thugs wlro had
attempted to hold up his brother,
George Utish shot the officer down
at Spokane, May 27. and inflicted
n fatal wound. Wright has re
fused to have Hush arrested, as he
states the shooting was the result
' of n mistake.
Jack Hush reported to theofliceis
that two men had attempted to
hold him up and tfint. when he
Jled, they fired two shots after
him. Ofikt-rs went to the Hush
home and .alter shouting throned)
the diyr. were surprised by the
brothers, one of whom pulled, open
the door, while the other fired n
rifle, fatally wounding Wright.
The brothers thought the high
waymen were coming to the house
to commit robbery.
No word hits Uen recievwl by
, Rev. Young since the nccitlent, and
this h wis him to hope for therecv
ery of the woumkd officer, who is
his brotlM-jn-la,. r ,
. Farewell Reception.;
Thursday afternoon, May 28th,
Mrs. Leon H. Chambers aw) Mrs.
D. Frank Horsumu entertained
very pleasantly in honor of Mrs.
John J. Lyons who expects to leave
in a few days for Seattle. Those
present besides the hostesses were:
Mrs. John J. Lyons, Mrs. Howard
G. Ogdeu, Mrs. William K. Hartel,
Mrs. G. W. Nelson, Mrs. Marion
F. Loy, Mrs. IJ. C, Monnich, Mrs.
C. K. Woodley, Mrs. L. A, Mc
Keon, Mrs. Edward Wilson, Miss
Brown, Mrs. Marion Johnston,
Mrs. Lutz, Mrs. D. G. Rushy, Mrs.
F. W. Valentine. Mrs. j'. H. Can
(right, Mrs. A. W. Vincent. Mrs.
Geo, Thomseu, Mrs. B. T. Leg.
gett, Mrs. A. Craik and Mrs. Hoi
laud of Portland.
Rovenolna Hlnuclf on tho Profession.
"Hay." nuked tho wild eyed man,
limping Into tho chiropodist's ofllce.
"enu you euro 11 bunion?"
"Yen, nlr," answered tho chiropodist,
"Can you do It la a chart tlmo?"
"Yes, sir."
"Stiru! jl'ako thin chnlr."
"No, thnnks," said tho cnllor, whip
ptnif n notebook nut of his pocket nml
innklng an entry In It. ''! don't want
uuythluK dom'. I am merely maklui;
a eollvetlou of uiouumeiital liars. 1
have found another one, that's all.
Uood dny."
TtiridtiK on his heel, ho limped out
Timely Aid.
,"I H'o tint MoaeylmRa come for
wan! with a half million to holp out
111 this fluniiclnl trmililp."
"Voh. Dut If ho wUhed to relieve
tho-.troublo nny why did ho wait no
"Woll, you see, ho wanted to lo sunt
tho tldo was coining In before caHtlni;
his bread on the(wnters." Jtulge.
tU Efftet Upon the Shovel Making In
duttry In England.
A millionaire shovel maker as ho
int in tho smoking room of an At
lantic liner said:
"I havo been over to England try'
ing to sell shovels to the British
government. I failed. I didn't sell
a shovel. And a dead man named
Jones woB tho eausn of my failure.
"Jones was alive, vorv much alivo,
during the bnttlo of Waterloo. Ho
sat on horseback near Wellington's
tent. Wellington, Booing him thero
in civilian's dress, said angrily:
"'I am a shovel salesman said
Jones, 'and I enmo hero from Brus
sels to see tho battle.
"'Now you ore hero,' hoA Woll
ingtoiij 'afo you willing to carry a
mcscngo for mo to 0110 of -my gen
erals? lv will bo a dangerous er
rand, but just now I havo no ono e!so
to send.'
'"I'll enrrv vonr inrMsntre.'
Jones, 'and as or danger, ono part
of this battlefield is no more danger
ous than another part today.'
"bo Wellington gave hint tho mes
sage, nnd .loncs delivered it, bit
failed to return. Thu duko thought
him slain, but 0110 tltijr eight or nit e
venra Intnr 11 innn nrnnttnil Hi a ilul.-n
In London,
"'Do von remomtier mo?' ho na'd.
" r t'i'.,'n?tl Wellington, sliakirt-
1110 mnn nand warmly. '1 on saved
two rogi'.'cnts of miuo bv the deliv
ery of thai mesago. Wliy didn't
you return to nui?'
".lone fold his horse had boon
killed by a eannon ball 11s ho was re
turning, and ho hiin?olf had boen
shot in tho side, but not badly. A
low titiys abod had brought It i 111
" 'Well, mid tho duke, wftnt can
I do for you ?' . 1
"'I am it partner in that shovel
iouio of oura now.' said Jones. 'Tito
firm name it Smith, Jenkins &
Jones, nnd I'd liko to get a gevcrn
ment contract.'
"Ho irnt It." tho nrfllitsMfco end
ed godly. "From that dy to this all
tho horcl uiod in t!i R'ritish armv
nml navy havo been r.ipp! e I bv th'o
liov or SmUli, Jmking Jonw. I
waited mv timu tninj; to comppto
with that'r.rm.".St..Loai Olobo-
Tits Latilt Arllhmttic
(I ti .. m a
i inun p niros out 10 u iiirmor lor
Hr month. He ot 11 boss din-
works for nn hour and Lhen
skiru out. Counting tho dinner
worth .10 conts, did ho mnko or I050?
(votintiux thu three biles ho j;oc
from tho formor's doy whilo inakiiij;
us rKiiiu arau coins a utte, wns tlio
0, the runner or tho tramp ahead '!
A father nays V30 to cdnto hi
daught A- in music, $50 to onablo her
0 say "ifond day' in Fronc 1. SI,"?!) to
Rtvo nor h won in mn.hvi an
100 to teach lir Imw to dunce. Stu
hen marries n voumr man rctti.i :
salary of 0 por week. How inurfi
ill 1 ho savo by doinif her own
itchon work for tho next flvn voor.
yinj,' horself at tho rata of $ I nor
Tt takes twenty blows of n ham
mer in th liiind of a woman to
drlvo a tenponny nail on inch, nnl
slio mitws. tho noil' throo timtw
wJicwiIjb liiU.jt giwti. Ijtrikijui
r.00 blr)u, .how for In 1b tlio null
driviwt and how fur eon sho bo hoard
wbeu she strikes her thumb instoad
;of tho. nail ? Chif 'o Xinrs.
A Wily Answor,
Sir Aoqulii ilurtiii wus at tho
head of it (inn of civil oneinoeni
in Cnlouftn. n not which orontunllv
tlAiit lu n of nlouot". hut wo nr. I lod to n business trip to Kabul and
In uo sunto portuvig, , 1 to-an intiiuutu friendship with tho I
kwx so. :u in tvMt mivtt i- Into Ameer AlMlurm utwn. Ift Idph.- ..M,,..i....-nn. lWM mt) ,md . ,iw ,,. ,.f t ,
t .1...,
iruuiuiiuew oi 1110 iivernno man
The Tale of a Business Man Who Met
His Match.
lie wns engaging a now stenogra
pher, nnd ho bit off his words nnd
hurlod them at her In n way to fright
en nny orainnry girl out of her wits.
"Chow gum?" ho asked.
"No, sir."
"Talk slang?"
"No. sir."
"Make googoo eyes at tho fellows
when you'ro not busy?"
"No, sir."
"Know how to Bpcll 'cat nnd 'dog'
"Yes, sir."
"Chin through the telcpiiono hnlf n
uozon times n uny?" -"No.
"Usunlly toll the office . forco how
much tho firm owes nnd nil the rest of
Its private business you lonm?"
"No. sir."
Ho was thinking of something else to
nslt her when sho took n hand In the
nmtter nml put n few quurlos.
"Smoko cheap clgnrs when you're
dictating? she nskeil.
"Y liy er no." lie gasped In nsloii'
Take It out of tlio Nd.tioiriviiiiini'u
hlilu whdn you've had a scrap at homo
anil got the worst of It?"
'Ctir-corlnlnly not!"
"Hinm tilings around nnd swear
when business Is luid?"
"4".ny for your employees with n club
when they get caught lu a block somo
'No. Indeed."
Think you know enough about
grammar and punctuation to appreci
ate a good stenographer when you got
"1-1 think so." "
"Want me to go 'to work, or Is your
lime worth so little thnt"-
"ou bet!" he broke lu enlhushiMlc-
ally. "Ivluilly hang tip your things nnd
lot's get nt these lettors."-A. 11. IaswIs
In Judge. .
Tho Cautious Reporter.
'young mini." snld the edlor to the
new reporter, "you hick etuuloii. You
must loam never to state u thing its a
ran until it im lieeu proved a fact.
You are npt to get us Into lll'ol suits.
Im not suy. The rnshlor stole the
funds.' Buy, Tho eaahler who Is nl-
loged to Imve stolen the funds.' That's
all. Oil. m'l MameililnK nUnit that l'lrst
wnm micIuI tunlKhL"
The nest day hnlfwfiy iloun tho so
cial coin inn the editor saw tho follow-
lug eautlotm iNiiMgniph:
"It Is 111 .noted Unit a ennl parly was
Kiveii inst evuniug to a iiuiiiIkt of re-
ptdwl Indies of t!i I'lmt ward. Mrs.
limiiii. gossip says, wns thu hostess.
nnd tho festivities nre reported to havo
ciHiiniui-d uutll I lulu lu the evening.
The uilcgcd hostess N hwllcvcd to bo
the wife of John Smith, tlio so cnlled
hlgti priced grocer.' "-Success Mngn-
"Great Cry nnd Little Wool."
Let's sec, what's trumps oh, a race, your
hat's a dear.
And so becoming toot dirts, did you hear
That Clara Golrox Is encnged nt last.
And to a count with a dreadful past
And not a penny to his titled nnmo?
(I dote on brldgo. It's such n clever
Lot's see, what's trumps?) Thoro's Cath
erine over there,
And entro nous, l hear sho dyes her hair
And paints but I might, too, with such n
(Oh, partner, did I really trump your
freak thtvo tablus to thu
the Wllbur-Urownrs last
Who Is that
I saw her- nt
Borne parvenu no doubt, and. K"v(lnii5
knows, ' ' .
I think n blacksmith must dMirn hci
(Aro liearts or diamonds trump"? Oh,
that's a fact) '
It's clubs!) Roino nlrls nro co devoid ol
That Carlton crenturp In the Isst yru't
Just innUes mo mad as mad-alto's such n
And nearly sntm your head off If ynu
ICeepHbsnluteh' dumb. Of oouriH) I won't!
Oh. nlrls. Jack's so itevotcM It's n Jnkc.
He's inilto my 'shadow whnt lh I re
voke? Well, nnvwnv 1 think It's Olefin In take
Three trlcHs from me for Just that small
Urltlgn liores mo frlffhtftilly, I'm bound tc
ThouRti Jaek cays It's natoundlnn how I
Why wltl somo hostesses Invito such
Oh, dear! My lend iuinln7 Lut's see,
wloil's truininT
Illln licntley In Puck,
St. Johns
! Electric Works i
203 South Jersey St.
Grandma's Destination In Doubt.
Ktlicl l.i -of the mature age of live.
Itecently her grandmother concluded
that It devolved on her to Instruct the
child In religious mutters.
"You must Ih a good girl, lUhet.'
sho wild. 'Then you will go to heuveti
when you tile."
Kthel HOPHiPd (H'lirccly plousetl with
this rewurd rm oxeeptlumtl eomluct.
"Don't you (want to go to heaven?"
asked grandma, with n look of re
proach. "Oh, I don't know," tcinpnrlzed
nttii-l. "1 gucm not."
"Why uviT' demanded gfuiiilnm m
"lleeutUK imtylie I eouhln't Kt out."
nusvaml Rthel.
"You wouldn't want to got nut." re
plied gmndiun.
"Oh. yen. I should," returnetl, Kthel
with eoiivlrthin.
"No." argued Krnnduin, "you would
tint. Why should you want to gvl out
if iMMivan?
"Why." NiisworiM ICtbul, "I miww I'd
wnut to no nin se you onco In awhile.
wouldnt I?" Woman's Homo Com
We don't solicit nlunihinc,
tinniiiR or carpenter work or
any other line not pcrtnitiiii
to the Jvlectrical IltisincsH.
We are not runninir a curh-
stone IClectrical Husincss. Our
way of doitiK husiuehs is knit-iumte.
Motors and Dynamos sold
and tcpaired; -Fixtures and
Supplies; House Wiring.
Pointers for our Patrons.
Our rule is the best stock and
best work for our patrons.
We carry in stock typewriter
paper, carbon paper and onion skin
for making duplicate copies.
We tlo not allow any nrintcr to
put out nicer work than we do and
we put the best stock into our jobs.
The difference between noor
X stock and first class stock on a job
is n sinaii item wnen you consider
the value of the job. It is the
price of a satisfied customer. It is
better to make no cents less on a
job nnd have it customer who will
come back, than to use the llhusy
stock, make the extra 50 cents and
los your customer. That is the
way we figure it.
S. M. (1REI3NE
OfTice: lUwim 9. Ilrecdm 'Build
ing, corner Third ami Washington
streets, Portland, and Room 35, Tlnl
linvilt Mock. St. tiditis.
Phone: I'oclfic so8. Residctirc: St. Johns
HARDWARE $ I Joseph AlcCIic
ltiHims in the Holltrook 'milditix.
ni. joiiih, uragon.
As well as the other
kinds of Hard ware is
We nre making the hard- f
ware MiMiteiM our study, and
it's not how cheap we can buy
but how-good, and wo liiust
have the tpinlity.
Our Universal Sluvcs
Rm;es nro as good im
ItUSr iiKiilc.
icsncy, rti. D.
I).iyand Nlalit Office lu .VicChMnoy Illock
I'Ikmk WooJUmii .175
Our mixed paints ate the
Acme quality kind.
nnd x
the Z
I'hytlclnn nml Siirgwiii.
Office lu IJolhrooV's IHck.
Hi-sideuce, 21 j Hayes strcnt.
I'hone Seott (M95.
Ofltc hoHt, 11 ta 11 s. m., !o3i. m.
(Hlkf I'hun. WfMNllaMn 1141.
HmMttwa IImhm, VhIvh y.
aV In rnruniontn ;iuk.
! HondriGks Hardware
Ovorhcnrcl In th Darnynrd.
"1 can't Idss
stop pouting."
you, dear, unless you
No. 1 1 1 nurllliKtnit ntrect
Street Car Time Table.
Building Contractors
l'l1lKncl I'Mlllt-'inl
Leave 3d & Alder.
A.M.. A.M. P.M.
S IS 1 1 3" J !
60s 11.15 000
b 3j 13 Oil (1 13
f'A" ia atrni f 311
7 im 13 411 ' 6 .(K
7 15
730' 1 IS
7 -15-' 13ft
I 51
3 13
8 AO 3 AO
8 45- 3 48
90 306
9 4$
10 is
10 ju
1 1 10
11 is
3 4
4 i
4 36
4 SI
5 Ml
7 of,
7 43
8 30
l (N
10 3U
11 ou
13 (Ml
13 JO
5 45
6 s
6 Jf
6 .)
( 50
7 Ult
' 7 13
7 30
7 5
8 10
8 3$
8 S3
9 To
' iru
10 10
lu 2$
It 10
Leave St. Johns
114" ,V
I1U) 6 40
12 pp6 yt
13 40
1 18
1 3d
3 3
3 4J
4 uu
4 10
5 IS
Transfer and Storage
We dcllwr our biksIs t. mid from nil
tru uf r.irtl.iiiiL Vitiicouvrr, Lliiuloii,
7 3"
7 5"
8 10
u 10
10 10
mill Sulmrlsin l?in Co..
city diick and a)l lnt Mrocwiblc by
U'MUUU. PlnilQ nnd furnltura ninulnn
d HiMllfllly. iw lv. Iturliiruton: idiom-
Itlchmontl 61.
Tho Proper Torm.
Miox 1011 and Dr. joihh aro part-
mirs. uru you not?
Dr. Pmltl-OU, no. We ofton commit
lom'iuvr nun nitt'iui 10 oacu oinarK i,i.
Tlmt cuuMtHbic who foilowwi n w- "A J.najisiinwn s inuiK nmtinors.
VerovAII Out.
All ncaunlntniico-cNllod on souio In
dies In nn Alabama tuwn who IihiI nt
th time bevu inueli Hoiirli'd by un an-
piirmitly .m!kw .slim-sslon or cnllure.
Tlio door wns 9j)ciieil by Augustus
Hultn, the fnltliful old butlur. "Aro
thi ludlcu In?" ashod tho onllor. ".No.
nut'tttn. the 'so all out." "I sin so sor
ry that I mimed ttniu," coiitlimod tho
visnor. iiHimim,- nun nor innis. "i pn
IM-Uimiy ukbMl Ui sue Jlr Joins."
tv, iimaui. limine yu, munui," rw
jhu-:I AOi'mitiis. "Tlnffe nil out. nml Mrs. Jouoh U iwrtlculnrly
out, uin am."
Mr, Green's Watorloo.
Mr. Omen bad bwm psyliiK Pi n
wuuk for bunrd. Ills niwllt iiinainHt
ly lnri3W4l. I'lnnlly liU landlady hmw
that bf must i4lhw soli mit nml iiiitt
or ralmt Iwr lKMnlorH rate. One il
nf tar wutthlnK tilsn fnvurtahly dormir.
inx platorul rur pkitorul slut pluokiHl
up eouraiftt ami an Id:
Air. Crtwii. I kUall liavo to ml-s t'lilun liris.i. iN.nlam
your iMwm lo 0." -. i v nu-ajjo niiniui l-nvr H:,va. 111
Mr. (Iri-c-n loohnil nn. wUli 4 iMiWarir I'lvrr ivavt-s at 7an 11 m
- - . . ' tea .. ..... . . . .
. .. vnim. vi fni IIBIIBa.SI.
w.. u 1 .1 i. z 1. w
. l awsjior leaves o.ii. m
.. 1 viihhk" Mwciai arrives v. m.
.no. a Hisikaiie river arrive at H!. h. hi
TIAU? TAIII.I! (i. H. & N.
I'lincrnl Director nml ihubnlmcr
-Lady AHlstant. " "
ll t- .MA . 1 l. I
10 yi iirauvii umee ai i' v MrM Mug
n o,,l Sliire, ulionv WinmIIhwii 1 .
11 ml Main oilk't'. I'urtlanil. Unnm- nlniiii.
130U aWHwood 71.
1 3 sHi I J ff 11 lev -vL
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meetaaach MoiiHmv rruim- im odd
KclloHa ball, at !;. 'i it-r Hclcomvil.
11. s f ii., m, (;.
V.. II. Iliilo-uili, x 1 - iik-.
, ilou'tl It's ms much
lo i.t SI worth."
pr'abnut thi'tiiire with j warrant
iitiwi'li ofrfeoutrat't uilslit have prnvok
on me man to wmwo erlint."
"I snpposo yoi) .niouil nwuiiilt
'JCo. Hut In bN I'Sc-ltemHiij the iijuj-,,,
rr miaul luivii nunrfii 11 rame nnie.
Now York Times.
M I Uier tell vou u lie?" Sir Ae.
iqtjln onao cked the apteor. 'J'no
potontnto rollotl his oyos and rcf
l'livd, "I upvor fo iud vou ont in
one." London Tit-Hits.
Oavlna Her Pelt.
"Lnolt out!" cried the friendly wnl
nis. "Here eome.i n hunter nftor ynu."
1 uoirt mve a wrap." chortled tlio
fur louring seal, dlnni
tho wnves. Catho
Iowa Cyclone.
in l'ortlnucl, battlrdny, we met
Chris Greisen, the wide-awake
hustler for the brightest liorti
cultural ninRazme on the coast,
"Itetter Fruit," published in Hood
uiver, uregon. :ur. Ureisen says
tne prospects lor all kinds of fruit
in the banner fruit district of the
coast is the best for years, and that
is going some. If there is any
piace lu tne world that tan hold a
Soelablo epldert.
Spidery aro not ulwuys solitary
crentunw. A scientist has lately
found in toiitlmri) I ml in n sii(u-i,.
of )idor that builds doiil'v nosts
With OUtlvlllL' wnlu. liar-1 1 iutirv )m!nrr
ippenriuu beiwnth pcoupicd W forty to a hundred spi- "u
de. Staiiduil uM ders, with a luro exue3 of foinale-.
Snilinf I'lllCJ Hilt HP Jfi'tiojlo n-mn ,. V
tcred toffetlicr. Tiio spiders no
only llvo and work together, bu'
tlioy elmro with ono nnothor nr.'
prey that may ho captured, a.n.
Boino even show maternal alfectio.
approaching solf Bacriflce.
When tho Maid Proposed.
Tbi lonp jour Kir! had Just propoKsJ.
This Is-wv-so KuddoM." stumiuored
tln young man In tiu cnu. " uni
drwidrully-or 0111 Im rrwwoil, und"-
"HmbumiHH'd!- o.-tclalmul the fair
imiid. 'Tbtni I tnko it all lwt-1;. I
thouvht ynu had oodlw or money."
Bt. Louis I'ost-Dlspateh.
"nileKhw has u patlwit and cheerful
os," auriwored Mr. Slrltis Uurltur.
IlllKKluw ow'es you monoy. hu
doesn't uut nntrry, no mutter how often
on usk dim for lt."-WnshliiKtou Stur,
Should Have Waited.
"nilKcr eloped with hU cook, tho un
feellnj; wretch!"
"Well, I don't know. Why shouldn't
no jr 110 wanted tot"
"Uut Ids wife was Just koIuk to give
n mnner party." New York Llfo.
Paganlnl'a Violin.
Paeanini came bv h'u fnvoritn vln.
un in u curious way. A I'Teneli mcr.
cnnni lent mm tho instrument t
play upon nt a concert at Leghorn.
Twas Ever Thut.
When I waa a lad
A dlscBtlon I had
That onuredly waa a Jim dandy.
And It seemed to ma touch
I . - .
to Hood River for fine After the concert racanini hrnurdiH or such stuff as cheBi.. mincn
t......!f..1 I :i 1 1. 1 li . ... V I 1-.ml1,
unit ucuuiiiiu .-ciierv ivei 11 uii(.'K 10 11a oVTipr. u-nnn thn inr..
Even .Old Albia, the city in
which we were born, where we
passed some of the happiest days candle
ot lite. line old town, progressive, fruits
un-to-ilaie. lias been monlrevinr' I hmw nni oi.i i.. :. ..... I r.i:..i n 1 1: 1 . .
' v-n ..w uviii iiu.t, tu juvuic ii MWilllirai, U 1110 (lL'llf.'l)lC(l UStO!)
wiiii .i;iuiiC. x uc aiorni sianeu and mere are few placr ? in the ishment of tho player: "Never more
uj, me 1, uucuimuUn, wncre we wona wnere tlie people are as will 1 profano tho strin-N which
first served as telegraph operator genial, as social and goodhearted. your fin.ircH havo touched. That
JJ;v.-w. am.jH Mu?i wiuie wcareiaiKing, at, joiinsi iimninient is yours,"
nnrni'.' frt.i ..., . I 7 f . . . I J
um u"' vwuu uuiuj; u lis one oi i nose places, vat bocia
deal of damage, both by the wind bility and genial comradeship there
t.a l.U ..!.. -..,1 I.. A 11.;- I;. - .
uu ie iiniuiijj, ami in iiuiu uuc is uo piace we nave ever known
ucaiu UU.-IUJCU, mm oi an oiu pio- mat comes up to at. Tonus
T r m 1 nr. -t I . t.
uccr, J. iayiur. we wish an
our ttnnA fripuds In Town lir
where we never have daneerous Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Clarke completed
Thmi In n tmm of eonsternsitlan he
Oh, Mrs. fimnll
en I onn do now
Tlioy Hut In tlii dim parlor.
"Oiw bfass" be pleaded.
"Konsonwr' exi-laininl llw nn-llr vlrl
in n iwiains; iiKNxi. "ftjute (Hm initfbl
sw us."
WUy. the eloolr. for InatancM. 'l'lmi
milt u no."
'VtsL UJt LhR t Oloek lnjia Mtuakh-nitii
im um moan rant ictpi nnaer tlowi
It Nufitt Its face invHrtnl wltli lis
lmndii."-MitiejipolMt JtHinml.
Then the FlaM Befan.
"VktOL' miu Un. Cwws nmudir.
"lay ueiiiiis wiu wu o' ib iiiUNr-
en at thu ' iIib rleh Mloltanl
iiuullKen t'dajr."
"Aye." retort! Un (.'aaeldy iiaiioiu
ly. " "twiw wtHI titled fur the lob yr
iiusuami wiui. ur In 'a uatsl u nrry
w... u,y Miw iuiv wHitt- wen eue aiy
wiiirr -uniiioiio fitaiHia.-ii hoiI Tlimsi.
Strlatly Appropriate.
"MrSxtSoii,!) nwfiil iiuul."
".Sho nakml nil her frloftilB to kvo her
omoiniii( tluiraeterlsilf to ntut hui
now Kn-tinury with, and thay nil bent
hsr rubber pIntits."-l!iiitlnioro Amor-
A Certainty,
"Papa, when will tho world como tn
un emit"
"Probably, my boy, nonio Monday
morning when I i-mt uleop as long na
i wit ii i to uut! nave lift orders not to
bo culled." Se1 York Llfo,
pie and
Things have changed, I must own,
filnce to manhood I'vo grown.
Now cheeso I .pan get by the hummock,
riles of candy foot high
And Just laihin's of ilo;
Dut, ph. whero la that Juvenile atoraachT
Boston Transcript.
Alandolln or Guitar Lessons
Woum like to. instruct a class of
mandolin scholars who
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
The Limit.
Howell-I dou't mind getting a lemon
now and then, but
I'owoll-nut what?
flowell-I think It Is overdoing tho
thing when tho lumon has been squeez-
ai,-new xorK I'ross,
No. i HisikMiio IMyer arrive at :- it.
Ho. t Ifaiu! Ptfy itxiu amu-s o. i a.
K 7 Jse)l lhimuvt surrivea s-iS p. rn.
- V- - ia -
H.dnux I .ijrv No. 101
. :MlUtf 4HJW U!W8.
Mci-atTi P'ulay nielli
hull. Viil-r .ilwuys wel-i-nj.
il.o. K. Hiark. c.
t. j. n. w 4k.i:. a..
st. i. cm. - eflt- - j
iMtve nasi ftKie (A. W.V o:.V, 7:i(i,
8:ou, yjun, luiuo,'' 1 1 wo, i jirai l . I', il .
l:t., j;io, 4:..,, 4,v, s:, 6;),
Lvare Weal Mile I A. M.) o;-u. t:m.
11:3". I. . ia:.i.
SO. Ml. hUM '
( - . ... -
.Mull Schodtile
Witt vvm rn
:. t:j-i.
llolbrouk (Hot.
Hee us for the Choicest Cuts of tt ibt
weau upuinaide.
11 -- it . a. . -J. 1.. m. .
oSrToneN vfttk luiIl'iS? !!!' i
tofJlop.111. lMm.laT.frn,)!,. , a a. h. I 'I'. I VAT?n Hmnrimlnr
Plant qn ad. in
St. Johns Review-
watch your business
Jh the Oirasjrt Court of thu Htuta si Oris
Kou fur Multiioruali tu.uiii .
1 Ue ejsuter id the Hdn.'.tiiwii of JptHiik
airrriu in navv rqKlU:rtl iraa. Utle
to uu 1, , J, , , 7, , ,
m. 11.
I.J. 14. IJ.tfc 17. t. i'eo. Jl
auu 44 01 niueK no. 1 ami lam-1, 3,
J. 4, S. 6 SSed 9 of BUirk Mo. 1 In
On May Addition in the dly4( St.
John in MiiltnosMh county, state of
Oregon applicaut.
All whom it limy conrerti.
All U Mlioot tt may coHceru; ?Tilo
notlcf. that 011 the id ilav oi .Mae. lnoei.
an ii) idicatinn u-i lib I by said frank
Mt-i rill in ihe . ntUWd coVft lor
initial rigikiraiuii 1,1 ilu iitU t-iihalsn.l
Vow, unless vim mi orbaiuu-
tlu.- hill day oi June, 1 .-ni niv'w
cuiit- why aiicb ai,:i!,t'.iti .11 .1... I IKK lie
grant, d; tin- Hint will l Uicn mt con-ftssi-i'
.ui-l ii ilecrco will In filtered ur-
1 1 i-li 11. die .i.irr tin- iiillcalou,
in-! x .11 will bv Inri-wr L.irriil Irom dik
i.utin , . u 1 s 1 u ,,, Clerk.
' hi -i:ai.J livjl 1 iviiuii, Uojuity.
i 1 ,iin i-
have not Partnershin h eretnfnrf PviKtJntr fit,
. -i "
storms aud the lightning never does of Hood River, who were visiting 'so beginners will be given les- Sites, blacksmith shop, 401 South
any damage. tbe Rose Show this week, took a Guitar pupils also. Apply Ivanhpe street, is hereby dissolved.
iuu om io 01. jouns weanestiay to iuiuhuuuuh iu u. v, tayior. Tlie business will be continued by
say hello to their old time friends. 11. O
If you want to know how the He is the same old Charlie in the I am nrennrmli tn snrnu vmir I all ncmtittfa ln f lot fir... n..,l
t ui V t 01 i. t u ,c a ijuiuucri irws, nennouses, lences, 111 tact do W a oil's, D, G. Mosstnan
iyatuiau a juuc o, m ms iuui uj mciui uuc cuuiuumcnis OU lUC anoear-lanv Itinil nf ii..liitM.l.!.cl..,, a
world. anceof our. little city. snravimr. N. A. Otc
Bring in your printing now.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will chartre
r 1 . . . - ' . 0
ior caru 01 inuiiks, 509; tor resolu
tions 01 respect, $i.oo; for notices
ot cliurcli or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are charges for admission, 5c ier
line, but where there are no charges
for these events, we will break the
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
HrBatayi jEBysesjBwyeTefjsagaBj
Watch the label on your paper.
-n - v l-ir A 1 .li.-unt.
60 YCAflS'
Trade Marks
CoPYnicica Ac.
ArfTonendln r tketrh nl t ie Mnn mar
qaleklr 1U10UI11 imr iiuit-n fmu whthar iui
liiTeiuluo U iroliAtlr i-iti-riinl.ta I 'imiuuiiio.
lloiMtirlcilrcoiiauantul. HAllDBOCK - i'mnuts
viitfrM. oldMi uancr lurniK'uiiiiK uitaiiK.
i'amnw taken tfirouvli tlumi 4 I ructlre
nvcfcii wXk, wllhuut cliui, In tnti
Scientific JFlmcricatf.
A hsndiAinsIr llluitriie.1 weaklf. larnut clr
cuUlloii u( ur clnlUJo louruu, 'l uruii, IJ a
rout rc-ur montlit, U duUtirall iwwtOiulor.