INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA Architecture Ilook-kccpiug Stenography Hanking nnd Hanking Law Cointncrcial I,nw Advertising Show Card Writing Chemistry Mechanical Drawing Klcctrical Kiiginecrlng Newspaper Illustrating Civil Steam Engineering Gas Engineering Mining Engineering Locomotive Running Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating I'rcnch, Spanish, German taught with Edison phonograph Eor full information address, J. A. SHERE, Representative 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Keep Bright and You WILL KEEP BUSY Electric Ught is the magnet that draws trade. The hright store is the "hypnotic eye" of hitsincss. People can no more resist the attraction of a brilliant, Electrically lighted store than they can resist the clarion call of a brass baud. Is your competitor with the Electrically Illuminated show windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting an advantage over you ? The moth never flutters around the uulighted caudle I Up-to-date stores nowadays consider shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain oicn after dark or not. Competition forces intxlcrif methods. A show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric light will make many a sale "the night before." Electric light compels attention, makes easy the examination of your display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors. And don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting "tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never becomes weary never Mops work costs little. Cull Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information. Portland Railway Light and Power Go. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND OREGON DMoc.0CM5XMXMa a THE PENINSULA BANK St. Johni, Capital Surplus Interest paid on savings deposits, DID YOU EVER REALIZE It sometimes pays to look arotuul a little and get prices and see qualities before you buy. We have both, COUCH Phone I'lilon 40(16. St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln Also slab wood. Timbers of Get your winter's wood now 11. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Titfe Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. ST. JOHNS BRICK CO. ; ; Manufacturers of Clay Hrick and Pressed Urick. Plastering. , . Sand on hands ut all times. Orders solicited. ; ; $ Engineering Civil Service Mechanical Engineering V Oregon. $25,000.00 1,500.00 off a aS a & CO. 206-208 Philadelphia street. dried and otherwise, all sizes cut to order. and save trouble. 1903. alt pay I Prohibition Means Prosperity. There has been a disposition to decry prohibition as tending to kill a town. There have been many stories as to how other Oregon towns have become "deaders" since the saloons were cut oilt. Eugene has been classed with this list. The following clipping from the Orctron Citv Enterprise will give our readers the view taken of the situation as given by the mavor of the city of Eugene: and should be reliable Information: Mayor Matlock, of Eugene, Ore gon, was in Oregon City last Eri- dov nlKht and helped tne local op tion people in their light tor a ury Clackamas County. Muyor iuai lock's remarks were well received They were timely and showed how the people of Eugene got along ,S.lm,.r t.o r,w..u, from the 11- censed liquor saloon. " - lie said in nart: ' i come 10 you not as an orator, but as a farmer of Lane County and by good fortune the mayor of Iuiiiene. I come not seeking political honors because my best davs are cone, but I come in behalf of cood lrovcrnmcut, the elevation of character and good citizenship. "Eugene went dry two years ago under very unfavorable circum stances. The mayor of the city at that time, a man honest in his con victions and a cood man, was not in favor of it, because he honestly believed that there was not sum cicnt public sentiment in Eugene to make the law effective. There were predictions of failure on every hand, and it was said that our present splendid prosperity would be trampled in the dust. I . - "Hut what arc the facts nuotit Eugene today? Instead of grass crowinsr in the streets we have paved miles of them under prohi bition. The eleven empty saloon buildings were soon rented. Ett gene prospered in spite of the loss of saloon revenue. The last two years have seen the largest increase in business and money in banks, in fact, in bank deposits, Eugene stood at the head of the list in Ore gou, leaving out Portland. we have better collections, factories and mills arc running full time Last year we put up from aoo to inn ilu'i-lllinrri mill hiwl mi Increase in population of "I,et me give you a fair sample of business prosierity in the case of liny own son. lie wus doing a business1 of &to,ooo a year. After the first year of prohibition it was increased to, the second year to 560,000 and this year it is larger than ever lcforc. 'The first year of prohibition we I decreased our city debt by $2,000, besides purchasing a site for a new city park, a team and chemical cu glue and hiring an engineer and surveyor and all this nt an expense I of jii 2,000 over Inst year. "No, the grass Is not growing in r.UKcue streets, they arc paved to the extent of 1 15,000 worth during nml ,llis 'ear we are mtiklnt? imnrovcmciits to the ex tent of $815,000 and the building department shows that $83,000 for IH'rmlts were taken out for dwel lings alone in one mouth." Disgusted With Local Option. The other day the Albany Her aid published a bitter editorial de iiouncing the results of local option in J, Inn county, which went dry in 1 006. Ivver since that date the courts of Mnn county have been clicked with criminal cases brought by the prohibitionists against those awiui citizens wuo persist in uritiK tug. I.iuu county has swarmed with private detectives employed e. !r . 1. . . . . t t. by the Anti-Saloon League, white the traveling prohibition orator has found easy picking in that uufor tuuate commuuity, and now comes the Herald and says boldly in Us issue of March 16, iqoS: "The taxpayers of Linn county will have to pay all of the costs in all of these cases, which amounts to hundreds of dollars. What has been accomplished to justify such an obnoxious law as the local op tion law? The sale of intoxicating liquor nas not ended, tne revenue derived from the licenses was cut oil, ami the taxpayers are called upon to pay court costs for at tempted prosecutions and persecu tions. l'.nmity, hatred and bitter ucss is engendered, One church member is arrayed against an- other, neighbor against neighbor and hell to pay generally I "The Herald has decided views against this obnoxious law. We believe that a saloon properly reg Mated is u thousand times more to be desired than the bickering broils in which we now turn ourselves." All of which is perfectly true, but what editor in Oregon would have dared say so four years ago? The Dalles Optimist, April 30, Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby giveu that the partnership heretofore existing be. tween D. G. Massman and IS. G. Sites, blacksmith shop, 401 South ivauhoe street, is hereby dissolved. 1 he Dusmess will be continued by D. G. Mobsman who will collect accounts due the late firm and all bills. D. G, Mossman. This is the last issue before the ir 111 -1. 1 . .. I c ve 10 wy 11 Wt4, H t e'ee p. m. iu"i w tuisvir ami, i rtmeniMr thia am TAKE YOUR CHOICE Ticket to be Voted Upon Next Monday, June 1st STATU I'or United Stale Senator Vote fbr One Amos, I. II., Multnomah, Prohibition Cake. II. M.. Multnomah. Republican Chamberlain. George B.( of Multno man, Democratic. Cooper, J. C, of Yamhill, Socialist. SKCOND CONGRESSIONAL DIS TRICT. I'or Representative of for One Congress Vote Kills, W. R., of Umatilla, Republican Jeffrey, John A., of Multnomah, Detn ocrnt. Sanders. O. B.. of Wasco. Socialist. Shaffer, II. C, of Multnomah, I'rohl Dillon. I'or Justice of the Surpemc Court Vote 7;" Beau, Robert S., of Lane, Republican i i ipitmcM lit Hright, C. J., of Sherman, Prohibition urix, j. u., 01 crook, socialist. I'or Oregon Dairy and Food Commit stoner vote lor une. no I Icy, J. W., Multnomah, Republican Kmery, U. N., Multnomah, Democrat. Hoskfns, C. K., Yamhill, Prohibition I'or Commissioner of the Railroad Com mission of Oregon, Second Con gressional District Vote for One. Altchlson, Clyde n of Multnomah Republican. , Hamilton, J, N of Multnomah, Inde penuent increased Faculties. Newell, I. P.. of Multnomah. Pro, Young, Oglesby, of Multnomah, Detn 1'OURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. I'or Judge of Circuit Court, Department rso. une, Aiuiitioman county vote tor une, Allen, G. W., of Multnomah, Dcm. llronougk, Karli:., Multnomah, Re puoiican-rroiiibltlou. I'or Judge of Circuit Court, Department Via t... it. .11 i. W. A TVU, IVIUIIIIUIIIHII .UUIliT1 vote lor uue. Morrow, Robert G.. Multnomah. Ren O'Day, Thomas, of Multnomah, Dcm. I'or Prosecuting Attorney, Multnomah louitiy voie tor one. Cameron, George J of Multnomah, Republican. Clark. J. II., of Multnomah, Socialist. Mantling, John, of Multnomah, Dcm. Rutherford, l'ratik 1)., of Multnomah, rrouiumon. siiVltNTIM.NTH RIU'RHSUNTATIVI, DISTRICT. I'or Representative. Clackamas and Multnomah Counties Vote for One. tAit.iM r vr f.. it. ...... ..i. ti... McIIenry, 1'. J., Multnomah, Socialist. raget, li., oi uaclcamss, no. Wilson, A. King, of Clackamas, Detn. TMIRTUHNTII SENATORIAL DIS TRICT, I'or State 8ctiator Vote for I'lvc. Republican aidcc, ii. k of Portland. Coffey. John 11.. of Portland. Kcllaher, Dan, of Portland, Reti. Nottingham, C. W of Portland, Pro. nciiuig, ucti, oi rortiami. l'uruham. Walter C. of Portland. Deni rrouiiimon Mc Daniel, T, S., or Portland. Morrow, Samuel, of Portland. Under, Paul, of Portland. Wolvcrton. Bruce, of Portland. Socialist Axelson, A. II., of Portland. Leader, A. II., of Portland. Nolfke, William, of Portland. Smith, Prank, of Portland. Stevens, J, I) of Portlaud, KIGHTKHNTII RHPRI'.SKNTATIVH DISTRICT. I'or Representative Vote for Twelve. Republican- Abbott, James I)., of Portland. Altmau, 11. C, of Gresham. Hrady, I'rcd J of Portland. llryuiilJ.C.of Portland. Clements, W, J., of Portland. Couch, K. C of St. Johns. Davis, L. M of Portland. I'arrcll, Robert S.. of Portland. Jaeger, I. J of Portland. .Muuoiie, I,. u of Portland, Pro. McDonald, Charles J of Portland. Ortou. A. W.. of Portland. Democratic- Campbell, I). I'., of Portlaud, Parker. II. V.. of Portland. Prohibition Ilaldwiu, LeGraud M., of Portland. Ilertroche, H. II., of Portland, Dotton, C, A,, of Portland, Katon, 15. G of Portland. Hmerick, II. V, , of Portland. Hanson, John l, of Portland. Kerr, W. T of Portland. Paget, Lionel I,., of Portland. Poison, 1'. I, of Portland. Smith, Lewis P., of Portland. Tliointttoii. M H.. of Portland. Socialist Foleen, Charles I., of Portland. I'uclis, A V .of Portland. Gabriel. R P . of Portland. Juops, John, of Portland, l.ioyci, narolil, 01 Portland. McfXxiald, Allan, of Portland, McDonald. J A .of Portland. Slmola. A O .oi Laurelwood. Sladdeu, Thomas A., of Portland. hummers, it I,., 01 Portland. Weyera. V A., of Portland. .tthm, G. M , of Portland. COUNTY. I'or County Commissioner Vote for Que. Hurcat. L. Ii.. of Portland. Socialist. Lltiiituer, W L,., of Multnomah, Rep, urwiuii, r,, r., 01 roriianu, rru. I'or County Sheriff Vote for One, I'erriue, G. L , of St. John, Socialist, Stevens, Robert. L., Port load, Rep, un, lum .m., 01 fonioau, uem, J'or County Clerk Vot tor One, I'ields. 1' S . of Portlaud. Rcd. Palmerton, Orin V of Portland, Soc, I'or County Treasurer Vote tor Oue, Lewis. John M.. of Portland. Ren. Wilton, II , of Porttaml.SliH I'or County Attestor Vote for One, Pctltt.J W., of Portland, Rep, Slgler, 11. I),. of Portlaud, Rep. I'or County School SuptrlMeadcat-r vpie wr oe. Iluckius, Roy J., oi Portland, Soc.. Robiusou, R, V of Portlaud, Rp. I'or County Surveyor Vote tor One. Gosictt.C. II.. of PorlUud. Pro. Molbrook. PMie, Jr.; of porttotu), Rep Mrange, w, L., H roniMd, Sec. For County coroaer Vote for 0e. Amos, William P., of rortUjtd, no. rrankitn, joteM. MocUHX. Goray, J. p , of VottUad, Deaaoewt Nordeu, Ben L., of rortlaad, Rep. St. Johut Justice of the rttce Dittrkt IWWUI, U, K.t'Ktpi Mccoy.M. H,,Sc. NOTICE TO ABYBKTMIM. In order to hMwra a ehawge af aeV srtlssmtnt tht ft eastfe I vertlstmtnt .L...IJ 1 . t nKD SW date. Hood River County. This bill is submitted under the initiative for the following, among other, reasons: A county is a public corporation and it is apparent that section 2 of article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon, as amended, reserves to the people the right to create a county by initiative vote. There is no general law for the creation of counties now, and no one knows when, if ever, there will be one. The facts as to area, pop ulation and assessed valuation show that we arc able to maintain a county government. Out of a population of about 7.Soo the dc sire of a county for the Hood River country is earnest and unanimous with the exception of a small frac tion of one per cent. We are as sured by leading citizens of The Dalles, Dtifur and other portions of Wasco County that they have no objections to the creation of Hood River County as proposed in this bill, More than 400 residents of The Dalles and Dufur have signed the petitions asking that this bill be submitted to a vote at the June election, though forty-five names from Dufur were received too late to be filed with the Secretary of State. The people of the Hood River country therefore ask favorable consideration of the voters of the state for these, among other, rca sons: Because the new county will be a great benefit to the people rcsid ing therein and will facilitate the transaction of their county busi ness. Because as the law stands a conn ty cannot be created by the Legis lature; and finally, Because the people of The Dalles and the. balance of Wasco County arc willing that Hood Kivcr County may be created as provided in this bill. I lie assessed valuation In the proposed Hood River County in 1003 was 9qo8,gs: in 1000 was fi,6i8,670, showing a gain in vol nation from 1906 of $710, 102, or about 78 per cent. The valuation in 1007 was $2,762,240: a gain over 1906 of $1,143,580, or about 70 per cent, snowing the pro portionate Increase In one year from 1906 to 1607 to be almost as great as that in three years from 1903 to 1906. The proposed Hood River Coun ty nas a population 01 about 7,500 an area of about 500 square miles; and twenty school houses, seven of which arc graded schools having from two to eight rooms each and with a 9ao,ooo high school under construction. Ttiere will be left in Wasco County, after Hood River County s created au area of 1,046 square miles, a population of 11,500, and 1 valuation of $5. 457. 720, thus caving it among the largest and strongest counties of the state. Hood Rivkk Commkkcial Cluii By A. A. Jayue, President. By P. S. Davidson, Secretary. Directors Charles T. Early, W. L. Clark, Truman Butler, IS. O. Blauchar, Charles Hall. Officers A. E. Lake, Pres.: A. R. Crosby, Vlcc-Prcs,; C. L. Phil. Ips, Trcas.; J. M. Puttersou, Sec. and Mgr. pirectors-j. A. Renter, k. M. Williams, N. A. Bonn, F. Mcnefee, J. C. Hosteller, A. E. Lake, A. E. Crosby. TUB DALI.RS I1USINKS3 MKN'S ASSOCIATION. The Dalles, Ore., May 15, 1008. To the President and Directors Hood Rivtr Commercial Club, Hood Klvcr, Oregon. Gentlemen Your communication of 6th inst regarding the initiative in the matter of Hood River Coun ty, whs read at a meeting of our board last evening und I was iu structed to couvey to you the greetings of this board, and to as sure you that your plan for cutting oti the new county would have the full support of this body, and we wish you every success. Very respectfully, J. M. Pattkkson, Sec, K. P. Smoker. Arnold Ungert when he proposed to the Knights of Pythias that lie I would lurnisb the Havanas if tat I boys would devote Friday night of last week toa smoker and iuvitc the mcHibers of Calauthe and other castles to be with us, certainly pkyed tbe joker. There were present about 100 knights and from Hart to sawa it was a aiost enjoy abk occasion. There was bo decree work doiie, but after the preltainary work tf fttalafr the lodge Ckancellor Com warier declared, a recess for the eveaiag aud those woo were ad dicted to tbe. weed were regaled wkb the hnest specimeas of the trucculeat yefttatiod obtainable ia Ihea attar Jfaruey. thecook. had fried the coftec jt the right turn, tltctaMc.WM aprtaa and we ate 'ban aad triad hoiea" until we bad 'aplaoty," AfUr tbe' feed tin-re wtxe aiaciea sad soocs for aaother hour aad wc oalv auk- wbea our good rxotkers rroai Laiaotac were ob4 to nut for the last car down tbe liac for the night. They gave Hemes todac a hearty iavitatiou to visit Calaathe at any tiate. aad we wUl take the dare at au early J. B. KILKENNY G. L. BPPS St. Johns Electric Works 203 South Jersey St. We don't solicit plumbing, tinning or carpenter work or any other line not pertaining to the Electrical Business. THAT ISN'T ALL We are not running a curb stone Klcctrical Business. Our way of doing business is legit imate. Motors and Dynamos sold and repaired; Fixtures and Supplies; House Wiring. BUILDERS' HARDWARE As well as the other kinds of Hardware is OUR HOBBY 0 We arc making the hard ware business our study, and it's not how cheap we can buy but how good, and wc must have the quality.. Our Universal Stoves nnd Ranges arc ns good as the HHST mntle. Our mixed paints are the Acme quality kind. Hendricks Hardware COMPANY. No. 1 1 1 Ilurliugtou street Street Car Time Table. I.envc 3d & Alder. Leave St. Johns. A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. 5 43 605 635 6 40 7P 7 15 7 30 I 800 8.IS 830 8 45 9 00 915 9 30 9'45 1 1 30 548 1 1 45 o 00 5 45 605 6 36 6 40 650 7 00 7 15 7 3 7 50 8 10 835 840 8 55 9 10 9 35 940 9 55 10 10 10 35 10 40 10 55 11 10 11 35 6 15 1 1 40 6 30 13 00 640 13 OO 6 13 i3 sopn ft jo 1340 648 13 3opm6 20 13 40 7 10 I 00 1 18 136 I 54 3 13 3 AO 3 48 A06 J4 3 4 4 00 418 436 454 706 794 5 00 8 30 840 . 9 00 9 30 940 1000 10 30 10 40 11 OO II 30 13 OO 13 30 13 45 I x 7 30 I 18 730 I 36 8 10 I 54 8 30 3 13 830 3 30 9 10 3 48 9 30 306 930 334 10 10 341 1030 4 00 11 00 4 so 1 1 30 4 40 13 OO 5J 13 TO 1000. 10 15 1030 1045 11 00 II 15 5 10 515 1350 5 3i 530 5 35 I 30 5 55 A. M. TIAIG TABLU 0. R. & N. Union Depot. Portland. no, 3 tJiiicauo bpccial leavet HiAon. in. No, 4 Sjxtkanc I'lycr leaves at 7:00 p. 111, No, 6 Kansas City lixp, leavet 7:40 p. ut. No. a lAXM .PasscnEcr leaves a;oo a, ut. No. 1 Chicago Special arrivct8:3o p. in. .H?!! civyi?xnrrnrrivo:. 1'. !!!! No, 5 Kansas City Uxp. arrive 9,45 a. m. no. 7 mci rasscngcr arrives 5:45 p. ut. St. Johns Ferry Time Card. Leave . Kast Side (A. M.V-ti:.u. 7:10. 8:00,9:00, lo-fio, no, 3;ooM, P, M, 1:00, jo, 3;oq, 4:00.4:50. 5 no, 0:20. Leave West Side (A. M.1-6lso. tm. 0:30, 9:30, 10:30, iisjo. v. m. u:jo, 1:30, 30, 3:30, 4:30, 3:10, oxo, oyo. Mail Schedule Mall arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. tu. anu 1:15 p, ut. Leaves at 10:10 a. in., and 4Mt n. tu, Office open Week days from 6:ia.iUi, o o;io p. m. auuuaya trom 9 to 10 a. hi Plant an ad. in The - "Ca. It r. .: jts jonns it eview and a. i a WatCII yOUr DUSinSS grow. IHDEElBiB Watch the label o yew ptfsr. AN OFFICIAL DIRECTORY S. H. GREENE Attonwy-t-Law. Office: Room 9. Brceden Build- ' big, comer Third and Washington . streets, Portland, and Room 35, Hoi- brook Block. St. lolint. Phone: Pacific 3098. Residence: St. Johns HENRY E. COLLIER f twifir Ttoniim In Hi ITnltimnV ImlMlncr. St. Johns, Oregon. 111 i Joseph McChesncy, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON Day and Nlcht Office In McChesney Block lhon WoodUwn 475 ST.. JOHNS, - OROOON Dr. MARY MkLACHLAN Physician and Surgeon. Office in Holbrook's Block. Residence, 315 Hayes street. Phone Scott 6995. OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D Office hours, it to tia, m., f to J p. m. Office Phone, WoodUwn 1141. r KeldncePhont,'tJnlon J901. ' Office In Portsmouth hrlck. Darling & Barnett CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 414 Smith St. - St. Johns, Ore. , ii. 111.ACK ANDY KItKK BLACK & KERR Building Contractors Plans and IMImnlci I'urntihed. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your goods to and from all wttts of Portland, Vancouver, 1,1 11 11 ton, Portland and Suburban Kxtircst 'Co.. city dock and nil points accessible by wagon. Piano and furniture mavlna u sticcialty. 100 I. Ilurlinutou: nliono Richmond 61. A. B. HEMSTOCK ; Funeral Director and Bmbalmer . Lady Assistant. Branch alTlcc at Univantltr Park Uruif Store, phono Woodlawn 1874, Main odlcc. Portland. Oregon: nhone Sclhvood 71. ' laurel lodge no. 186 I. 0. 0. F. mm ST. JOHN, OftCMN Meets each Monday eveahttf In Odd Pel lows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed. II. H. bitumoiit, N. O. 15. II. Holcoinb, Secretary, Holme LrxJfC No. Ii! KNIOtlTS Of pVTMIAt. . Meets every l'rlday night at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.I'. hall, Visitors always wel come. Geo. R. Hluck. C. C. J.H. Mack, K.R. I.'-, Central Market! Holbrook Block. See us for the Choicest Cuttof the Best Mcatt Obtainable. I Orders I'illcd and I'uuilty Trade Solicited I T.P.WARD, Proprietor. No. 9047. TRRASURY drpartmunt Office of Comptroller of the Currency, WOSIIIIIgtOtl, l). C, I'tU. 39, I90U.V Wliereas, by tatlsfoctory evidence pre- tcittcil to the utidersIgncU, It hat been made to appear that the ' "1'iast National iunk oh St. Johns" in the City of St. Johns in the County of Multnomah and State of Oregon, has complied with all the provisions of the statutes of the United St States, required to he cotunlled with be. fore an association shall be autliorited to commence the business of RankiuK. Now. therefore. I. William R. Rlduel. Comptroller of the Currencv.-ito hereby certify that the f 'Pirst Nationai, Bank oi St, Johns' in the City of St. Johns vt in the county of Multnomah and state of Oregon, It authorized to commence the business of Ranking as provided iu Sec tion I'iltv-oiie Hundred and Sixtv-niue of the Revteed, Statute of. tk..Ualted States, ror'Or'O In testimony whereof I r a Ii; Z wttneks my 11 witness my baud & r jj t oir,cc tfi. twehty-eigiK iiay oi reoruary, 190a, VM. n.'RIDGliLY, Comptroller of the Currency. l'9-33 .1 REGISTRATION OF LANB TITLE' In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore. gou for Multnomah. county, In tbe mat ter of the application of Prau JHerrut 10 uave reguterea.ttte title 1 taJott J, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, r'i3. Uri5i 16. 17. V. 3o, si and 33 of Block No. t and lots i,V 3. '4.-5. 6 aad .7 oi. Mask No..t4 Ora May Addition in the city of St. John in Multnomah county, state of Oregon applicant. - Va . - All whom it way cHcem. ' . ,AU towhoai k: way concern; Take notice, that on the 3d day of May, 190B, I an application wa filed bjr . taiti Frank Merrill in the1 aterc antHM court fw inlttfl regi4tMin of Use tUIa to tne land above described. v' Now. unleeayou aoar oa or baleac a,i Oil- ..1 v a a ' ibc 9iu uy 01 jhwti iwfl, v mm CSUfB-f wllV ilAll sat&fajAgA aAsII mm L J m eaBveBsnaB vavta W rattd; the watt wit he taken aa scms- cording to the prayw of the appHaation, and you will be forevsr barred frew di MtUnc Uw imk. V. S.Ut4h Clocks covar SKALj By H. C. Stwlth, Desutar. H. B. Miehoka, VT I aw prepared to spray yor trees, beBbeuaes, feBs, ia fact tie aay kiad of whitewasbtag aad swaykg. N, A. Gee. '