EASY TERMS LOW PRICES Opposite Postoffice Special Sale on Dressers THIS WEEK We have a full line of Refrigera tors and they were bought right Only two houses in Portland bought their refrigerators before the ten per cent advance, and Calef Bros, was one of them. We will undersell others and still make a profit. In Floor Coverings we can suit you and our prices are right. Matting, Rugs, Linoleum I V. l Yes, (hat sounds all right, but when you sec the IS LORAIN wiir l Tk mm rLsssV HBBP1 You won't buy an- other. Just ask your j neighbor, who is usiug j it, what she thinks of l the LORAIN. jj We , have others as J low as $30 for au 8-i6 J tut that li not a LORAI N. I Norton's Hardware f Successor to Potter & Goold l The Latest Full line of New and Second Hand Furniture Stoves, Tinware, Kitchen Utensils and Appliances. Come in and see that costs nothing. Prices arc right. H. F. Clark Nmm. WwitH iM BofeUiM far iui la All l MuUita. Terepv and Trnnm. I . t Tfcrtc tMngs are aMeatial to ttcci in buily 1 isc nisnc 0000s 2nd. Right Prices 3rd. Right Treatment You will fiad all tbsse if you trade with 0 L R. F. LASH 207 S. Jersey Street St. Johns. EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning CsM mmI sac wr sew Gm4m Horn, PfetMM Jenny. 91 - SLMavlMiM ft ST. JOHNS BRICK CO. ! Maufetocw 9! Ctay Iriek mmI m Manas at an iww. Unm Brick. PtMtwjcf Local News. He who by his biz would rite Mutt either bust or advertise. A great big rousing Union meet ing at the rink on Sunday night Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Esson spent bund ay at the parental Home in Gcrvais returning Monday. The forces for civic righteous ness and reform will be heard at the rink on Sunday evening. The question now is: "When widow leaves off mourning should she wear a Merry Widow hat? There's no use for a nerson male ing the same mistake twice when mere arc so many oilier mistakes to make. If you ask a girl if she believes in signs, you should be sure that there isn t one reading "ice cream" or "soda water"- in sight. There arc two periods in a mau's life when he is unable to under stand a woman. One is before marriage and the other is afterwards Before following the advice of man who tells you how you ought to conduct yourbusiness you should look and sec how he is running his own. Beauty is only skin deep. We can then take it for granted that a man who marries for beauty often turns out to be the victim of a "skin game." A gentleman named Warren from Ranicr has purchased a lot and wil at once commence the erection of a large store room at Whitwood Court. He expects to carry a ful line of general merchandise. A communication from W. W. Potter received by W. S. Kellogg states that our former townsman is enjoying life in the southern part of tins state. His health has im proved and he is busily engaged in getting his orchard in first class shape. Mrs. W. W. MclrvJn of Chinook. Wash., spent a few days last week visiting her old school friends, Mrs. lid. Ashby and Mrs. Walter Ban scy. Mrs. Mclrviti was greatly pleased with bt Johns, and will try and persuade her husband, who has a large prune orchard in Clark Co, to invest here. After about a week's absence in parts unknown old Sol s counte nance beamed upon us once more ast Friday. While there was some grumbling about the wet npcll. some people thinking it should have been confined to the points where it was needed, it should have been annrccuted. for there Is liable to be a long dry spell ufter the June election. Owing to a constantly Increasing ousluesa Dr. G. S. Brcitling, cbir onractic snluoloclst. has been obliged to secure larger quarters and has removed from his former location to rooms 231-233 Mar quaru, where his many friends in St. Johns will find him. Dr. ureitling is not only a successful practitioner, but is also a gentle man In every sense of the word and one whom it is a pleasure to kuow. ine trial 01 Hainan butter on the charge of murder aroused quite a good deal of interest in St. Johns. While his friends were gratified at his discharge, the concensus of opinion seems to be that he was en tirely too hasty with his gun. With another policeman within call and having a club In bis own bands there was no call to shoot at the time he did. It will no doubt serve as a timely wanting to all concerned. We were delighted by a visit of few moments from our friend Charles T. Early of Hood River last Friday. Mr. Early is one of the busiest and shrewdest of all of Hood River's scores of busy and able busitww men, and is the man ager of the Oregon Lumber Com pany s varied interests iu Hood River vaacy. He was in a hurry as be cteerally is and could not make a long visit, but promised to come again and see the town. We will be particularly proud to do the haperooe act for aim at any time. Many casta have been reported to usof degradations by rpse thieves throughout the city. The best remedy wc could suggest is to load up the sfaatgMB with fish salt and lay for the niscraanta. When they sake tur appearance, give it to them. Any jury in the country would acquit aay ooe for shootiBg tbaac repute. Of all the wean, low dawn Miacrabk whelps ia existence the rose tUtf U the went. It U awful diahtartealBg tocarafully look afttr a rote bad and than have some of tbaac vaaaala ataal the roaaa and daatrey the bwahaa, aa baa beta the caaeiaoMaylaatanoaa. Shoot 'an. Mrs. WW Ganger, wife of our fritad CaUi Will Gather, chief of pattec at Hood River, ia ia the ckyiWa.waak the guaat of Mrs. KaM, who loraMriy rived at Hood River. Mrs. Ganger caaie ia to sac if wc were, growiag aay older aiaoc cow lag to St. Jofcae, bat was obMgad to adailt wc ware jaat the the beat kk wc have bee far ait of two ccatariee aa4 that (here little 'hoeea for aa ever beiac aaytbing eUc. ' To gat cvaa we will have to aay that Mrs. Caaaar ia the aaaw bright Httlc base of ievKacea that aac waa waea wc eieter Rebekaae ia Hoed River. Wc wiea the Captaia had avaaajaj ja M m JRW; aewete THE BARGAIN COUNTER Easy Go to the Home Creamery for ice cream. Lot on Lively street $400, terms, b. L,. Dome. 50 foot lot otf. Jersey street, $4000. Terms. S. h. Dobic. An acre near Stewart Station $1800 $400 cash. S. L. Dobic. Do not forect Bitnood & Cole give you meat at Portland prices. l acre, atxioa one block from car line $600 $200 cash. S. L. Dobic. You get full weight and first quality at the Central market. Just try it awhile. Houses any size or price on easy payments. McKiuncy, St. Johns Heights Station. Biteood & Cole's trade is stead ily increasing, the result of small margins and prompt service. $1100 5 room house and 50X 100 lot, S300 cash balance two and three years. S. h. Dobic. Choicest varieties of pansy plants and rose bushes at lirodahrs green house. Place your orders now. $750, corner iopx 10a 1 near French block. McKinticy, St. Johns Heights station. If you wish clean, fresh, nicely cut meats go to liitgoou & Cole s 50x100 corner on Jersey street between postoffice and batik, $3750 I'trst come nrst served, call up Jersey 391. AU our meats arc government inspected and the best that money can buy. They ntc neatly and carefully handled. Come in and leave your order for free delivery. ward's Central Market. You get more meat and less bone for your motley at Ilitcood & Cole's than anywhere in the city. 50x100 lots close to car only 300. 10 per cent cash, balance 5 or f to per month, 6 per cent. Call and ask me about these lots. McKinney, St. Johns Heights Sta tioti. It. D. Walker, 119 N. Jersey, 111 MN. Jersey, cigars, tobacco, confectionery and ice cream. $3400 buys 7 room modern house bath, pantry and cement basement. Lot 100x100 nicclyJ fenced, 3 tipple trees, a cherries, 60 logau berries, 300 strawberries. Eiuc river view: four blocks from postoffice. lA . a " cash, balance 3 years at 7 cr cent. bee owner. 033 North lulison or address postoffice box 23I. St. ohns, Oregon. iQtf 8 acres, a uillea, from good city. all in high state of cultivation, room house, barn 30x36 feet, root house 12x16, chicked house 10x35, another 35x04, another 12x12, one acre of strawberries, 380 logon berry bushes, 300 gooseberry bush cs, too black can berry bushes, 11 apple, 3 pcur, 36 peach, 20 cherry, and 5 nut trees, one acre of the very best creek bottom laud, 2 acres n pasture. This Is an ideal little tome. Price fsioo. Box 507, St. Johns' Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Buy your tea and coffee of R. P. Lash. Celery plants for sale at 205 N. Edison street. Good horse for sale. Call at Norton's hardware store. Nice, fresh eggs from the coun try at the Home Creamery. If you want to buy, rent, sell or exchange property see Wolcott (The Rent Man.) Subscribe for the Telegram- best evening paper on the coast. See Ed Stockton. Found Scow 13x30 in Willam ette slough. Call at Gatton's slough. P. Turner, 3op Now is the time to secure your cabbage and tomato plants. Nice ones for sale at Brodahl's grecu bouse. Wanted To rent piano for sum mer, will receive uet 01 care, xno children. Phone Richmond 63 1 or leave word at ice plant. Have your property insured In the St. Paul or Northern fire insur ance companies. They are the best. S. L. Dobie, agent. The ladies aid of the Congrega tional church will serve, dinner iu the .Holbrook block on Jersey street on election day. Come and eat with them. Maadolin or Quitar Lesorw. Would like to instruct a class of mandolin scholars who have not completed a course of lessons. Also begiBners will be given lessons. Guitar pupils also. Apply for in formation to D. F. Taylor. How to Your Title? Have your abstracts ade, con- tiaued or examined by H. Hender- son, aoatracier ana notary puonc. Accurate work. Reaaonable fees. 305 Jersey street. Bring FIowmy. It U earnestly retested that tbeae who will kiadly donate iewera for Memorial Ijay exercises aead or bring them to the G. A. R. ball before 9:30 Saturday morning. CNUUTTM. That Delectable Library Board After giving those fussy old maids what was coming to them from St. Johns for their arbitrary and unjust manner of treating our librarian and the people iu general, Mr. Brewster, a member of the board, wrote Mr. T. J. Monahati criticising the editorial in the Re view as unjust and reflecting tin justly upon those women iu the big stone house. The gentleman sought to justify the action of the women in the big stone house by saying that the women were not to be blamed, that the directors were alone to blame. It is right good of the titan, and wc admire him for it but if he will pnrdpn us, wc believe candidly that he "yarned" to shield the women who have done all the business of the library here. Wc do not believe Dr. T. L. Iiltot, wiiom we nave Known lor years and than whom wc do not believe there is a finer, more thoroughly American, more gentlemanly or kindly disposed citizen in Portland, would countenance any such cratic, arbitrary, domineering conduct as that of the fussy old maids in the uig stone house, wc think wc know the doctor too well. If Mr. Brewster had said that he alone was to blame wc would have be licved him and held him in that contempt which the citizens of St. Johns in general hold the entire outfit in the big stone house and all who arc connected with the man agement of It, because of this affair. The St. John's board met and read Mr. Motiahan's letter from Mr. Urcwstcr Tuesday, and most heartily endorsed the editorial the Review which he criticised, and stated that they believed it was the sentiment of almost the entire com ttiutiity that the editorial was cor rect, and merited by the fussy old maids in the big stone house. The facts of the matter nrc that Mrs. Parker was giving the best of satisfaction here, the work of the library was- being attended to promptly and efficiently, and was increasing nicely iu volume, but because Mrs. Parker was not fussy old maid herself and lllbred enough to. call a rural gentleman down for not keeping his hat oil in the room the entire time of his visit, did not drop her patrons and tag along with the woman from the big stone house when she came and made her so-called inspection and toady to her iu general, the fussy old maid got huffy and removed her without so much as saying "by your leave" to the taxpayers mid contributors to the fund of the li brary in St. Johns. Wc character ize this conduct as unbecoming a lady, as unbusinesslike, as showing contempt for the people of St. Johns, who arc the peer of any set of autocrats iu the big stone house or elsewhere, and that until a pub lie apology w made by the fussy old maids in the big stone house the people of St. Johns will of necessity cherish their feeling of contempt for the woman iu the big stone house and the board that up holds her iu her contemptible con duct. So far as the writer is concerned he holds the same sentiment as the bnlauce of the people except towards Dr. Eliot, who he believes from a personal knowledge of his many admirable qualities, is incap able of countenancing such con temptible, petty, tyrannical, arbi trary methods. We gave the woman in the big stone house an opportunity to explain herself, but the little St. Johns Review evident ly is classed in the same category as the other residents of St. Johns, beneath the consideration of the fussy old maids iu the big stone house. We were told there would be a meeting of the board and the St. Johns contingent; but there was not, and we waited iu vain for several days without being able to meet anyone iu authority, spent a half day in Portland trying to get in touch with them and the only ones who blessed our vision were the fussy old maids iu the big stone louse, we have no desire to do litem an injury but we do not pro pose to stand for such treatment as ias been accorded our nconle bv them and if it injures their feelings to kuow what the people think of them here they will have to bear it the same as we have to bear their unjust treatment. As to the library being opened lere again, it will not be under the old arrangements, of that the li brary board may be well assured, and we can continue paying our taxes for the support of those old maids to the end of time without deriving any benefit, if need be. The managers of the jag factory campaign are evidently trying to run a sandy on the people 01 uni versity Park as they are circulating a dodger and a report, we are told, that It Is not necessary for the resi dents of University Park to vote lerself dry, as the deeds to the Property there provide for this, 'hese people had better watch out. There are hundreds of holdings in Umversit" Park the deeds to which contain no such provision, so that, if the people of University Park do not want auy saloons, they will have to vote their precinct dry. Just the same as St. Johns with her two precincts. The St. Johns Colts and the fire men played a game of ball Tuesday evening, which resulted iu a victory for the latter by a score of 3 to 2. Owing to lack of space we are una ble to publish the score in detail, We prophesy that the sun will shine next week If it does you will need a Straw Hat and perhaps a pair of Low Shoes. We have put in the nicest and largest line of Men's Straw Hats and Women's Straw Sun Hats that we have ever ven tured to carry. We believe we can please you. Why not 7 Our past rec ord of shoe sales tells us we have found out your wants for your feet and wc think we can supply the needs of your head. Four Hundred Thirty regular custom ers indicate to us that our grocery de partment is all right. The comparison of shoe sales this year with that of last is more than gratifying, and with this encouragement we expect todevelopc the Men s Furnishings and Staple Dry Goods line to compare with the Shoes and Groceries. BON HAM &. CURRIER The Leading Merchants. :Q Mason & Urban MANUl'ACTl'RHRS Cement Blocks of Drain Tile, Porch Piers, Foundation Piers and Sidewalk Work Telephone Richmond 64 1. Cedar Park, St. Johns. :0 J. E. COLVIN Real Estate and Fire Insurance Good buys in residence uud business lots. Factory sites, acreage and water frontage. l'hoiie Richmond 391. CltMltNT Hl.OOK Ilt.PC. Chicago and Jersey Sts. ct inuMc r o rr Don't go to Portland TO BUY YOUR MEAT We carry a full line of fresh meats, also salt utul smoked meats. As residents of St. Johns we believe iu patronizing home industry and want you to get the habit. Why go to Portland when you can get your meat right nt home at Portland prices? Come ntid ivc us n trial. Wc will surely treat you right. BITGOOD & COLE n 205 S. Jersey Cash nil 1. a 1 e0 eO cO "0 "0 tO cO 0 oio eO r3 c0 Washed Gravel Best for Concrete Work West Side Washed Gravel Co. I.eave orders with RICHARD SIIEPARD no N. Jersey Street or 1 2 2 2 2 2 WAYNE' L MILLS 0 Sio H.Jvnuy Street eO 53 rO sO oO rO 4 4 e No e53 p3 Commercial club. At the commercial club meet utr this week committeeman Hend ricks from the Rose Show club stated it wus desired that as many roses as possible should be gathered and left every morning at the store of II. T, Uutterworth, jeweler. rite street car company will scud out a car every morning to gather these roses from along their line. It is the purpose of the club to distribute these roses, giving every visitor coming to Portland each morning a ro.-x; with a badge bearing the words, "visit the Peninsula." Rach pupil of the public school will be exiK-cted to bring at least five roses every morning and every one else is urgently requested to bring as many as possible. It is feared there will not be a suiTcient number of roses unless every person who can get hold of a rose should bring it in. A committee consisting of Uut terworth, Aldersou and P. II. Kdleiseu, to find three ladies who would serve In the distribution of these roses from 9:30 a. 111. to 110011 one day during the week as St. Johns' share of this work. Those present contributed $12 toward a fund to cover the expense of this distribution, and other con tributions will be taken later. P. J. Peterson and J. S. Downey no wtsliitig to ganiDie 011 me elec tion entered into an agreement that Word was elected Peterson should give Dawney a rideiu a one-wheeled automobile from Prall's corner to the post office and return, while Stevens wins tue race Downey is to treat Peterson to a similar ride, There Is a Paddy-wagon ride coni ng in any event. Advcntist Cnmpmccting. The Seventh Day Adventists opened their camp meeting iu St. Johns Thursday evening on Wil lamettc boulevard, Rev. W. IS. Martin of Uozenmii, Montana, mak ing the first address. These good tieople have u fine large tout capa ble of accommodating muuc 1200 and a smaller tent wit li a seating ca pacity of 300 for the accommoda tion of the vnuug people and thuir societies. The young people moot at 6 a. m. and 5 p. 111. and will hold their meetings independent of thu regular meeting. The pruachitig will be iu German, Hngllsh aim Scandinavian languages. There is a comissary duparttnotit kept iu another tent mid aUo a cooking arrangement iu still an other, so that visitors will be well cared for. Mrs. I,. K. Additon, who lor 25 years has been a bright and activu worker in the W, C. T. U., will speak in the large pavilion Sunday at 4:30 p. in. She is a very Inter esting speaker, and you will uiiM something very good if you do not hear her. Good music, no colleo tioti, pleasant surroundings. Another Lie Nailed. Someone iu a recent issue of u Portland daily said that the reason that the business of the'son of May or Matlock of Hugciie had increased so rapidly under prohibition was that he was in the drug business. This has been proven a lie by a message received by Rev. 1 I. Youug yesterday, stating that he has 110 sou iu the drug business. It does not pay to lie even If you wiu your joiiit,