St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 29, 1908, Image 1

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P30S LMjOSjf
To tatter ft tor Tba Rtvbw.
AI.Mm mot whfc K U Mil If
r mmM. Call la u4 mtoH
Of Rdvcrtlilnf In Th Review
nd you'll mver regret It. He
(In tt one and kcp rlfht at It
Dtvoted to ttM latere tti ot the Pealimita, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 4
NO. 29
The Peninsula Realty Association Organized and
Hold an Interesting Session Monday
There is a movement on foot
among the most progressive realty
dealers, to systematically advertise
the entire peninsula. The first
step in this matter was a prelimi
nary meeting held at the Aibina
tire house Tuesday of last week,
when committees were appointed
and arrangemtnts made for a meet
tag which was held Friday at 10
a.- m. at the same place. At the
latter meeting a permanent organ
ization was formed.
At this meeting the minutes of
the last meeting were read and ap
proved and the matter discussed in
a general way when R. O. Brand
moved the permanent organization
of the association by the election of
a permanent president, and other
necessary officers; which carried.
The election of officers resulted
as follows:' J. H. Nolta, president;
V. H. King, vice president; James
D. Ogdcn, secretary; R. G. Urntid,
treasurer, ff The committee on
finances reported good success. In
the accumulation of the sinews of
war and felt assured of success in
their department. The committee
on printing and publicity were not
quite so sauguin., but two of the
committee miidc reports and they
were not satisfactory to themselves,
and the committee wits given, until
four o'clock Monday evening fur
ther time to make their final report.
The ifiuaucc committee wus con
tinued. On motion of R. G. Brand the
name of the organization was made.
The Peninsula Realty Association.
On motion ot Mr. 11 rand the trcas- (
urer was authorized to spend no.
money and to pay out no money
nvmnt nrvin tlif AufVIfttntl nrinr or
warruut signed by both the prcsi-,
. e t !, I
uciu auu sccrciuryoi wicnfcsociauon.
It was the sense of. the meeting
ttwMhtiUvlSiou lines of the pen
insula,, so far as' the'busiuess of t lie
association be concerned, be wiped
out, that we work all for the ad
vancement of tlte entire peninsula.
Those present' were J. II. Nolta,
W. J. Pcddicord, C. V. Stafford,
James D. Ogdcn, V. II . King,
R. G. Brand, D. V. Hart, J. J.
Walters, A. W. Bagley, another
gentleman whose name we failed to
get and the writer.
The following is the report of
Monday's meeting, May 25:
The association met as per ad
journment. Papers descriptive of
the peninsula were read by Messrs.
Pcddicord, Walter and Byerlcc and
it was decided to incorporate the
three into a booklet and print
15,000 of them. The contract for
the printing was let to the Review.
These booklets nrc to be distributed
to the visitors at the Rose carnival
and sent east by the members of
the association.
Some new members were taken
into the association and it is the dc
sire to eventually enlist every real
estate dealer on the peninsula in
the work. Kvery one should be
come a member and assist in the
work and the association should
rcciivc the hearty support of every
citizen, particularly every business
man on the peninsula, for the rea
son that their entire work is the
furtherance of the business man's
A few of these booklets may lc
obtnincd after the Rose carnival by
application to the members if they
arc wanted to send to .friends in
the cast who anticipate visiting
High School Banquet.
Just about the finest social event
we have had the pleasure to enjoy
since wc have been in St. Johns
was the banquet given by the fac
ulty nud pupils of the high school
on field meet day, last Saturday.
After the ball game in the morning,
which wc regret that wc were not
able to attend, the pupils, instruc
tors and visitors repaired to the
beautiful high school building and
were seated about three tables
in the auditorium. There were 84
covers laid and besides these there
were 25 or 30 pupils served in the
different school rooms, so that there
must have been 100 or more present.
The menu wan delicious and
varied. and not Hie leatrt attractive
were the educated radishes. At
least they must have been educat
ed as they were graduated from
the radishbed trained and cared for
by the pupils of the high school,
and they were fine, crisp, fresh and
delicious. The other features of
the repast were in keeping with
this "erudite" vegetation. Kvery
one was delighted witli the enter
tainment and were loud in praise of
Miss Boss, her uble assistants and
the enterprising pupils of the
school, all of whom deserve great
credit for the splendid success of
the event.
An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large
Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
goods at the 'most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
' over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with curs at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced and couiteous employes. ''
Phoue Maiu 358, Portland office.
Phone Majn A 3358,
First and Flanders Streets.
n jr! i
Phou Woodlawu 918: Agent at St. Johns.
Office 105 E. Burlington street.
's New, Nobby and
.h WtMlair f rif vniir Sorinc Suit
na -v,iMgt 4yrgKBg awl jRepainsg
cmll for aaft Mtver Phoe KickMosd 941
Ofm Swdays 10:30 to 12 moa.
Saeead deer Mtitk of portage.
The common council met in their
seventh regular session Monday,
all members being present. The
first item of interest was the Day
idor franchise matter which was
brought up by Mr. Garrett, 0 Port
land attorney, who appeared in be
half of Mr. Davldor and asked for
further time for that gentleman to
present an acceptable bond to (he
Mr. Davidor had stated to the
council committee that waited upon
htm that if the Mcagrr nmclavil
was obtained that he would fur
nish another bond that would be
acceptable to the council, that he
could do so within 34 hours. The
council gave him ten days and now
he asks until the fifteenth of June.
After due deliberation the council
voted to not extend the time for
furnishing the bond. If therefore
the bond is not forthcoming at the
cud of the ten days, which will be
May 29, the council may revoke
the franchise.
The Seventh Day Advcntists
then presented a petition to the
council ask'ug that they be per
mitted to furnish four members of
their church whom the mayor
should appoint special police to
maintain order at their campmcct
inn from May 28th until June 8th.
On motion of Davis the permission
was granted.
That old familiar cry: "What
will we do with our garbage?" was
the next matter under considera
tion. This brings a smile to the
phis of everyone in the council
chamber. There have been plans
and plans for disposal of the gurb
age of the city, but the matter bobs
up serenely about once a month.
The chief of police declares that the
conditions of the city are such that
if this garbage is not taken care of
promptly when the heated term be
gins that it will result in much
sickness in the city and that
prompt action on the part of tlu
council is imperative. The citi
zens he assured the council were as
anxious as anyone to clean up, but
there was no place to put the garb
age. The matter was referred to
the committee on health and police.
The Collapsible Box Co. and
others presented a petition asking
for the obstructions to be removed
front Bradford street between Bur
lington and IcaviU so as to enable
them to get ailde' track into their
places of business. This matter
was referred to"1 the street committee.
The matter ot selling and cx
plotting fireworks was then taken
up and on motion of Boulinm the
city attorney was instructed to
draw an . ordinance conforming
with that of Portland on the same
The chief of police called, atten
tion to the thistle nuisance and
asked the council to make certain
amendments to;thc ordinance, nud
Was informed that the deficiencies
of the ordinance were covered by
the state jaw. He also called at
tention to the matter of displaying
red lights by those making excava
tions in the streets for the protec
tion of the citizens after night.
The city attorney promised to look
into the matter of an ordinance
covering the point.
Bills to the amount of S12.1.85
were allowed for material and labor.
In the matter of the petition nud
. t 1 1..... .i.-i
rciiiuimnmic mr mm iiiuu.ti uiu
extension of Richmond street ini-
firovemcut there was a petition
rom 1735 feet front and a remon
strance from 835 -feet, which per
tnits the improvement to be made.
' Contractor Jackson was granted
five days more time in which to
finish the Polk street Contract upon
W. S. 'Kellogg innde complaint
that the corner of the cement walk
being put in 911 Ills premises was
being made 'several feet too far
back from the street. The ques
tion as to wlictlftmhe boulcvurd at
that point was too feet or but 80
feet wide was the one at issue. If
100 feet wide the corner would be
right. No action was taken.
The firebell, another chestnut
from the old council, was brought
up but was not cracked. Neither
the firebell nor the chestnut. The
matter took its regular course,
a discussion around the board ami
no action. The most economical
and best way to dispose of it would
certainly be to dispose of it to the
junk man and purchase a new bell
that could be heard at least n half
dozen blocks away, which is more
than can be said of the present
bell. It is about as efficient as a
$5 farm dinner bell.
In the matter of the placing of
new lights the committee reported
that the council had Used up their
appropriation for lights and that no
new lights could uc placed until
next yedr when further appropria
tion could be made. The recorder
was Instructed to request the elec
tric liitht company to continue the
light at St. John's Heights station
which has not been lighted for some
The city engineer presented his
report on the matter of condemua
tiou of certain parts of what was
Lively street through the Maples
tract and same was adopted by the
The ordinance prepared by the
city attorney covering the matter
passed to the third rending all
right, but when put upon its final
passage was objected to by Hunter.
who thought the public should be
advised oi the imminent passage of
the ordinance bv the miblished pro
ceedings of the council in the Re
view, and give opportunity for
anyone to make objections if de
sired, which could not be done if
the ordiuaucc was railroaded
through. He sought to set a
precedent for the handling of fu
ture ordinances and when the roll
was called all voted "yes" except
Attorney Collier presented u writ
ten opinion in the matter of the
water franchise to the effect that
there were two provisions therein
which were unconstitutional, but
that they did not invalidate the
franchise, it being Impossible to
eliminate them without affecting the
virility of the document.
In the mutter of putting in fire
hydrants on South Jersey street the
committee reported that there was
but a two-inch main down that
street and that if the hydrants
were put in it would do no good for
the reason that the pipe would not
furnish water fast enough to give
and pressure through the fire hose,
The O. K. Restaurant man ap
peared for a decision on his bid to
furnish meals. No action taken.
The plans and specifications for
(Continued on page 2)
f Whitwood Court j
Lots. $75 and up
9 , t, . :
1 10 N. Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon J
Real Estate
Loans and Insurance
Call 111 rind sec my List of Property. Bargains
every one. Buy St. Johns property now while
the prices are low. You can double your money in
one year on some of it.
j See Rogers
Attcnt Single Tax.
One of otir good friends handed
us in a communication which is all
right, fine as silk on the single tax
and wc consider it unanswerable.
The oul) thing that prevents us
running the entire article is that it
is too long and it would spoil the
whole thing to cut out any of it and
run the rest.
Our friend presented the objec
tion to the proposed single tax law
that we mentioned recently, which
alone would kill the law with a
large number of people, that in
case where the owner of laud had
leased for a long term of years his
laud, the single tax on the laud
would more than cover his rental
and he would have no recourse.
Millions of wealth could be
brought into the country and put
into manufacturing establishments
from which the government would
secure not one penny for support!
while the tax would contiscate the'
laud upon which they were pro
Our friend's remedy was to make
it a penal offense to make u false
return of property, to assess prop
erty at actual value regardless of
whether it is a big iron dollar or a
load of squash. Klect officers who
will enforce the laws ami li they
neglect their duties as officers pro
vide and Inflict severe penalties for
such negligence, wc wish we
might be able to give the entire
communication. It is worthy of:
consideration. We hope by an-
.. ... ... . . .
other election to ue in n position 10
turn down 110 communication be
cause of its length when it is
worthy of a reading by our patrons.
t his we will he aule to do if wc
can make our plans work.
St. Johns Lost Again.
Won. Lost. Pet.
Woodbtir 9 2 .818
I'rakcs 6 2 .710
Salem 6 3 M-j
Oregon City.. . 5 3 .625
Vancouver 5 5 .500
St. Johns 5 6 .455
Hast Portland . . .j 7 .3O4
Albiua o 1 .000
What was purported to be n
game of base ball took place on the
local grounds May 24 between Hast
Portland ami St. Johns II any
one expected to see a good game
they were sorely disappointed, for
it was anything but that. Hast
Portland did not do so badly, but
the locals -Oil, my I The pitcher
was wild and the infield was a ter
ror. Kveu the captain became so
disgusted with his own playing
that he crawled out Into the field
nud let Parker take his place at
third. The agony finally ended hi
a score of 12 to 4 in Hast Portland' 8
St. Johns will certainly have to
take a brace or base ball will fail to
be a drawing card witli the people
here. Thirty-seven errors and
nine hits in the last three games is
surely not healthy for the game.
Under the able supervision of
Contractor Simmons the grade of
Richmond street to the city dock is
presenting a flue apicarauce. It
has the grade on Ihirlmgtoii skinned
a mile. When it comes to road
building Mr. Simmons need takeoff
his hat to no one. Just take it walk
around and huven look at Richmond.
St. Johns Land Co.
Tito Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
C. n. UAILEV 5
- -
1 he center of the great development now taking
place on the Peninsula. j
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia j
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at !
present prices. !
Some fine residence lots still 011 sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R, cc
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrookes Addition
We have some choice lots in the viciuitv of the M
$ new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install-
i jncnts.
Call at our office for prices and terms for either of
jj these desirable tracts.
St. Johns Piione Jersey 93i Oregon
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.
Lumber Manufacturers