St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 22, 1908, Image 4

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Architecture Hook-keeping Stenography
Hanking niul Hniiking I,aw
Coiiiiuercial Advertising Sliovv Cnrd Writing
Chemistry Mechanical Drawing
Klcctrical liuginccring
Newspaper Illustrating Civil Kngiuccring Civil Service
Steam Kngiuccring Mechanical Kngiuccring
Gas Knglnecriug Mining Knglncering Locomotive Running
Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating
l'rcuch, Spanish, German taught with Kdisou phonograph
Hired Superintendent of "re
form" League lets the cat
out of the Bag.
Eighth Grade Exams. Portland Building permits.
I'or full information address,
J. A. SHERE, Representative
435 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Keep Bright and You
Klcctric Light is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of husiucss. People can
no more resist the attraction of u brilliant, Klcctrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of a hrass hand.
Is your competitor with the Klcctrically illuminated show
windows, hrlght interior and sparkling Klcctric Sign getting
an advantage over you ? The moth never Mutters around the
tinlighted caudle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain ocii
nfter dark or not. Competition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Klcctric
light will make many a sale "the night before," Klcctric
light compels attention, makes eusy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors.
And don't neglect the Klcctric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment It is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor thut never
becomes weary never stops work costs little.
Call Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information.
To the Kditor: The Rev. J. R.
Knodcll of Portland, one of the
manv salaried "superintendents"
of the Anti-Saloon League, stated
the other day that the local option
elections this year were only pre
limiuarv skirmishes. He said that
the real idea was to obtain prohlbl
tion for the entire state of Oregon
in 1010. two years from now. That
lets the cat out of the bag.
The people were assured four
years a no that the local option law
was merely intended to protect res
idcucc districts against the cu
croachmcut of the saloon.
"We are not prohibitionists,"
cried the supporters of the bill.
"We are only local optiouists."
To those who claimed that the
local option law was merely prohi
bition tu disguise, its supporters
presented an unbroken front. When
taxed with the fact that tliclr law
was unfair they replied by asking
the public to read it. As the law
was 28 pages in length the public
would not bother itself by making
a more careful investigation
When they were confronted with
the fact that states and commun
itics which adopted prohibition
grew poor and lean, they said it
was not so. When
shown that the United
sus proved that only
in the Union hud ever
population, and that two of
were prohibition states, they
tucy were
States ecu
three states
decreased in
Portland Railway Light and Power Go.
St. Johni, Oregon.
Capital 35,000.00
Surplus 1,500.00
Interest paid on savings deioslts.
It sometimes pays to look around a little
and get prices ami see qualities before
you buy. We have both.
"j;o not worry. Tins is only a
local option law. We are not in
favor of prohibition."
When this same crowd of sal
aried agitators was asked if taxes
were not generally higher in prohi
bition communities than in com
inuuilies which handled the liquor
business under the license system
they were quick to answer: "It is
not so, but even if it were, it docs
not matter, for this is local option
not proliiimiou."
And now tlic cat is out of the
bag. They are not local optiouists
I hey are prohibitionists after all.
The opponents of the local option
law were riglit. it really was pro
hibitiou in disguise. And the
scheme of the smart attorneys, Ice
Hirers and orators, who make a fat
living out of this prohibition agita
tion, is quite plain. The scheme
is to start in quietly; to hold elcc
tious in precincts in which there
arc no saloons, never were any sa
loons and probably never would be
any saloons. Such precincts being
iriglitcued with the ubsurd ques
tion, "Do you want a saloon next
your home?" were easily put in the
dry column. Then by adding each
year to the dry territory acquired
11 this way, they have finally
reached that state of arrogance in
which they have thrown aside the
mask and boldly declared for state
prohibition two years from now.
Voters have been fooled with this
kind of fraudulent election long
Prohibition accomplishes uothiiic
tor real tcmerauce or for morality.
Bankruptcy does follow prohibition
and the united btates census re
ports prove this beyond a doubt.
Here nud there n prohibition orator
may una a prohibition town or
small community which has been
fairly proscrous even in spite of
prohibition. There are exceptions
to all rules, but government figures
which do not lie, prove that prohi
bition is not only a mark of a stag
nam community, but is a blight to
a prosperous one.
Prohibition in Oregon .would
cause 2500 buildings to become va
cant and would throw out of em
ployment 9000 men and deprive
1000 minutes ot their livelihood
Where is the prosperity in this?
Remember a vote for local option
now is n vote for prohibition in
1910. K. Ward
There is no end of amusing inci
dents connected with the hard
work of conducting the state
eighth grade examinations. In
spite of the careful work of teach
crs, and hard study of the pupils
there will occasionally creep in
answers which would startle the
natives. Why they do, the mental
process through which they come
would be a study for the psycholo
Recently we looked over some
papers on history and the follow
ing arc anion;" some of the answers
to questions we found:
Name three nations whose peo
ple made discoveries and explora
tions in North America. Ans.:
French, Spain and Dutch.
What purpose governed in the
settlement of Maryland? Georgia,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Pennsylvania? Ans.: The people
from Iuiropcau countries came
over and settled Maryland to do as
they pleased and to govern their
selves. Georgia, in the southern
part of the United States was main
ly inhabited by people who had
large plantations and also keep
slaves. They did what they
thought but after were under the
laws and rules made by the prcsi
dents as wc do now. Massachu
setts is in the northeast part of the
U. b. and at once was a small col
ouy known as the Massachusetts
Day colony. It governed itself but
did not want any of the European
nations to interfere with their ideas,
Rhode Island got along well and
is now ruled by the U. S. So is
State something of importance
about each of the following: Bur
goyne, Arnold, Paul Tones, Corn
wallis, LaFaycttc. Ans.: Battle
of Ilurgoync; Arnold was an officer
in the war; Paul Jones was a rough
rider and was in the army; Corn
wallis was an English soldier from
the old world and lost his
For April 1007 residences, 226;
business, 60. In 1908, residences
3665 business 16. For the four
months ending April 30, too7 res
idences 667 business 188. In 1908:
residences 1189; business, 54.
The statement of permits issued
in bt. Johns is as good reading as
that of the big city up the river.
The number of permits issued last
year during April was 14 and the
same number this year: but while
the valuation last year was $ i,8oo
this year it was $17,250, last year
during the first four months there
were 23 building permits issued in
St. Johns as against 50 for the
same mouths this year, and the
aggregate valuation last year for
this period was f 4.1, 200 while this
year it was The activity
In the building line is increasing
in St. Johns as the weather becomes
more settled. Wc look for the
heaviest run of building this year
wc have ever had in St. Johns.
St. Johns
Electric Works
203 South Jersey St.
with our English people; LaFayctte
was another soldier of our war.
in a me three ot the leading men
in the convention that framed the
constitution. Ans. Washington,
Lincoln and Jackson.
Give a brief account of the Liu-
coin-Douglas debates. Ans.: The
Lincoln Douglas debates was when
both were running to lie president.
hach wcut around to give speeches.
Douglas gave to much and Lincoln
said just what the people liked so
he was elected president.
What right docs the referendum
law give the people of Oregon?
Ans.: The Lewis and Clark expe
dition, Captain Gray and the
Astors, who made trading posts in
Astoria. These arc the rights we
have to Oregon.
What is the direct primary law?
Ans. Primary law is a rule which
each one of United States must
obey. Such as those who commit
munier suoiiki ue iiung. or any
.... . . -
other crime which is against the
law. Each man who is a citizen
has a right to vote.
What is Statement No. 1 ? Ans.
Statement No. 1 was the first rule
that was made.
What is the choice of each pollt'
ical party of Oregon for United
Maies senator r aus. tiacu man
of Oregon can have a chance to
become a body of law and work
tlieirsclf up to be a senator or may
And the pupil's mother knew
there was something wrong that
her Johnnie did not pass because
she kuew he answered every ques
This bright pupil does not be
long to the St. Johns schools,
A Good Investment.
Uiiprcparcducss for war has be
come almost a tiational characteristic
The keynote of that is qccnomy.
Congress is loth to spend a few dol
lars, cutting on military and naval
annrooriatlous wherever possible.
The people must come to a realiza
tion of future dangers from rapidly
rising Oriental powers before it is
loo late, otherwise the lesson may
have to be learned at the cost, of
millions in money and thousands of
lives. That there is a movement
in Oregon even, to hold up a small
appropriation for armories for the
proper training of hundreds of Na
tional Guardsmen in the state, is a I
disgrace to the patriotic citizens ol
our state. There is no investment
which the people cau possibly make
that will give so large return in due
time. Trained citizen soldiers con-
battle stmtc our great hope incc it Is the
policy of the country to keep a mere
Hand-full of a regular army. Let
M - 1
us every one vote tor any measure
looking to the training of our young
men to defend their country.
School Report
We don't solicit plumbing,
tinning or carpenter work or
any other line not pertaining
to the Llectrical Business.
Wc arc not running a curb
stone Electrical Business. Our
way of doing business is legitimate.
Motors and Dynamos sold
and repaired; Fixtures and
Supplies; House Wiring.
As well as the other
kinds of Hardware is
We arc making the hard
ware business our study, and
it's not how cheap we can buy
but how good, and wc must
have the quality.
Our Universal Stoves and
Ranges arc ns good as the
nnST made.
Our mixed paints arc the
Acme quality kind.
Hendricks Hardware
No. 1 1 1 Burlington street T
Attorney t La.
Office! Room 9. Brceden Build
ing, corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland, and Room as, Hot
brook Block. St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific 3098. Residence: St. Johni
Room hi the Holbrook.uuilding,
St. Johns, Oregon.
Joseph McChcsney, M. D.
Day and Nlcht Office In McChemey Block
FhoM Woodkwn 471
Phyilclan and Surgeon.
Office In Holbrook's Block.
Residence, 315 Hayes street.
Phone Scott 6995.
Office hour 1, 11 to 11 s, in., s to 5 p. m.
Office rhone. WoolUwn 1141.
Residence Phone, Union 3901,
Office In r-orlitnoulh Stick.
Darling & Barnett
414 Smith St. - St. Johns, Ore.
11. nr.ACK
Building Contractors
riins and Killmstci PurnUhrd.
Transfer and Storage
Wc deliver your Roods to and from all
ports o(
Number of days taught during
mouth iqH
Whole No. days attendance, 302 ij4
Whole No. of days absence.. lo.sfcj
Wliole number ot times late 5
Number ot pupils neither ab
sent nor late. 74
Average number ot pupils be
longing 164.3
Average daily attendance. . . . 154.2
Per cent of attendance 93.8
Number of visits by parents 8
Number of visits by members
of bchoolboard 3 unncc No.
Number of pupils remaining last
month, girls 73. boys 80. . 161
I it.)
iuiui luiuiiiui'iu una muiiiii:
girls 86, boys 106 102
increase iu enrollment: girls
14, boys 17. ..... 3i
Dropped from enrollment: girls
11, boys 30 ..31
V.LAKA A. Boss, Principal.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby glveu that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween D. G. Mossmati and E. G.
Sites, blacksmith shop, 401 South
Ivanhoc street, is hereby dissolved.
1 he business will be continued by
D. G. Mossman who will collect
all accounts due the late firm and
pay all bills. D. G. Mossman.
Vancouver Beats St. Johns.
Wou. Lost. Pet.
Phone Union 4066. 306.308 Philadelphia street.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried nud otherwise.
Also slab wood, Timbers of all sizes cut to order.
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
New Berry Hallock.
C. D. Edwards with the Portland
Basket and llnudle company has
invented one of the finest folding
iiuiiucks ior uerries we nave ever
seen, it ts snipped to the growers
in the flat and they put it together
when filling their crates. It does
away with the double bottom which
enabled dishonest growers to raise
the bottom with a biir berrv and
fill the hallocks with about half the
number of berries required when
properly put together. It is the
simplest and yet the most ingenious
liaiioclc we nave ever seen. Mr.
Edwards expects to no to Hood
River this week to try and interest
the growers there and have them
Frakes .
Woodburu. .
Oregon City,,,
St. Johns ....
Hast Portland . .
To Whom It May Concern.
For the iiume and residenoe of
the owner of any property in St,
Johns or vicinity, call on or write
T. T. Parker, attorney at law, iu
liolbroolc building.
Titles to real property.
Notice it hereby ulvcn that sealed hid
win i receiver uy me Kccoruer 01 111c
city of St. Johni, Oregon, until 4 o'clock
p. 111. TucMlay, June 9, 1908, lor sale at
not leu than iar ami accrued Interest
ol all or any part ol municipal bonds of
mki cuv issucu uv autnoriiy 01 urtii
nice No. (174) of ordinance of said
city, patted by the council ami approved
uy tue Mayor April si, 190a.
Said bond are dated April 31. iqoS.
and mn twenty (so) ycani from their
date, bearing Interest at the rate of ix
txr cent per annum from their date,
Interest payable semi-annually, both
principal ami interest payable in U. 8
gold coin at the reuliitula bank, St.
Johns. Orciron.
bald iKmils are one hundred ami
twenty (120) in number and of the de
uouiluution of five hundred (fjoo) dol
Ian each, ami are li.ucd lor tue iur
chase of river front lots numbered three
(6) James
known as
to the city
of St. Johns, and for the erection there
on of a public dock. In accordance with
tne provision 01 saui ordinance no. 1,1741
in accordance with the charter of said
city and are exempt from taxation eith
er by the state 01 Uregou or uy any
county or municipal corporation therein.
Said bonds shall be sold to the huili
I est responsible bidder, but among equal
bidders preicreucc in tue sale ami allot
ment thereof shall be given to bidders
residing Iu the state of Oregon.
The riant Is re&crvctl to rclcct any
and all bids and to rc-advcrtlsc for the
Dated at the city of St. Johns. Orcuoii.
.1 . ' . a - . ' . . ' -
tnisoin day 01 way 190a.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review May
15 and 22, 190S,
Street Car Time Table.
Portland. Vancouver. Llnnton.
irtland and Suburban l.xtircts Co..
city dock and all point accessible by
wagon. Piano and furnltur moving
n siK-clnlty. 109 I'., ilurllimtoii: phone
Puncral Director and Cmbalmef
Lady Assistant.
Jlrmich office at University Park Drui?
Store, phone Woodlawu 1874.
Main oflice, Portland. Orcuon: phone
Scllwood 71.
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meet each Monday cvcnliiir In Odd
I'cllows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
II. . blmmons, N. G,
1!. II. Ifolcomb, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge
i miiiAt.
No. iei
Meets every I'rlday night
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.l'.
hall. Visitors always wel
come. Geo. R, black, C.
C. J. II, black, K. R. 8.
Central Market!
Ho! brook block.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Ilctt
Meats Obtainable.
cuate 01 river iron. 101s iiunit
(3) four (4) Ave (5) and six
Johns addition (sometimes
James Johns Pint Addition) t
Orders Pilled ami l'amily Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
No. 9047. r
The St. Johns Apotdles proved
themselves anything but mudlark's
in the game with the Pioneers at
Vancouver Sunday, and Helser's
clever bunch took them into camp
by a o-to-i score, and incidentally
displaced theui iu the percentage
WakeGeld. the St. Jokaa twirler.
pucneu elegant ball, but the errors
of his team mates proved too npich
of a handicap and he is credited
with a defeat. Trdeh, the Io-va
leaguer, wai on the wouud for Van
couver, and showed class iu the
pitching art, He was backed up
by a splendid support
In ordsr to insure m chanoa of aaV
vsrtlssmsnt tha copy far such Changs
should raach this office net later than
Wednesday, at S o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the printer
Plant an ad. in
St. Jphns Review
Watch your business
Leave ad & Alder. I
A.M. A.M. P.M.
5 45 II y 5 48 5 45
6 05 II 45 000 60s
625 u 00 612' 636
640 I2 3oa6jo 640
700 1240 64S 65a
7 15 too 706 700
7 30 118 7 U 7 15
7 45 1 36 7 41 7 3o
8 00 1 54 8 00 7 50
8 15 212 8 20 8 10
8 30 2 30 8 40 8 25
8 45 2 48 9 00 8 4a
900 306 920 855
9 15 3 34 9 4 9io
9 30 3 42 10 00 9 25
9 45 4 00 10 20 9 40
1000 418 1040 955
10 15 436 iioo 1010
1030 454 1130 1025
1045 5 10 12 do ip 40
1100 324 1230 1055
11 15 530 1245 11 10
Leave St. Johns,
A.M. A.M. P.M.
II 25 6 15
1 1 40 6 30
1200 6.40
12 2001650
1340 710
1 00 730
l 18 750
I 36 8 iu
154 830
a 13 830
a 30 9 10
348 930
306 950
3 34 10 10
3 4 1030
4 00 11 00
4 30 1130
440 1200
5 OO 3 30
5 15 !? 5
5 35 I s
Oflice of Comptroller of the Currency.
wasimictou, u. c, I'cb. 30, 1908,
Whereat, by satisfactory evidence pre
sented to the undersigned, it has been
made to appear that the
"Pikst National Hank oh St. Johns"
in the City of St. Johns
in the County of Multnomah and State
of Orcgou, has complied with all the
S revisions of the statutes of the United
late, required to be complied with be
fore an association shall be authorized to
commence the business of RankiHK.
Now. therefore. I. William B. Rideelv.
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby
certity that the
in the City of St, Johns
in the county of Multnomah and state of
Oregon, it authorized to commence the
businesa of Banking as provided in Sec
tion I'ifty-ouc Hundred and Sixty-nine
of the Revised Statutes of the United
e&OSSOlS In testluionv wlittcof
?srai 7. witue my baud and seal
n of office this twenty-eight
rarfo uav of February, 1908, -
Comptroller of the Currency,
5.55 A.M,
a ad secured
make a trial of his hallock this yeur well-deserved victory. JSt. Johns
aim by next year be will be pre- was credited wits 13 errors and 5
H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St.
Real Estate. Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
pared to furnish auy number de
sired if they prove as good as they
A Fine Residence.
(Concluded from page i )
its cement floor and cement pillars
supporting the roof. On the roof
of the building will be placed for
fire protection three large sprink
lers with which the roof can be
hits, and Vancouver a errors and
6 hits.
The rain Interfered in the sev
enth iiiniug, and after the Apostles
nan been retired in that canto thel
game was called off,
Hood River keeps up her record.
The people there wanted 600 fori
a float and they started a votinc
contest and put nn s bunch oil
their nrettv orirLa to sr who would
uePPM8 wet.w one or two be queen. Before they could stop
; ; Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed llrick, Plasteriug
i , Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited.
minutes. As this is about the
only vulnerable place, when this is
done Mr. Hollister will have
practically fire proof building. He I
lis very justly proud of hisresldeuce
as it ts a model of convenience aud
the circus there was nearly lioool
n the float fund and Mies Maggie!
Nickelsen, one of the prettiest girls I
in l tie valley; was chesen queen.
we seud our ceswraHiwtkwa to I
Miss Magcie and Mf to sec her I
in the processtea.
Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon (or Multnomah couuty.
In the matter of the application of Prank
aternii to nave regtsterea we Hue
to lota 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 6, 7. a,.9, 0j n,
U, 13. M, 15, I. I7i . 19! V3
and 33 ot Block No. 1 and lots 1, 3,
3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Block No. s In
Ora May Addition ia the city ef 'St.
Johns iu Multnomah couaty, state ot,..
Oregon applicant.
All whom k way ceaeera,
AU to whom it. asav concern: Take
aotiec, that on, the 4 day ot May, iea8,
aa appltcailoa was hied by sa44 rrsak
MeerHliathe above etiUe4 eotHt'fe
lakial wgisasatlM oi Use HWc to the hwd
above decribel. '''''
New. HMeea you appear o or hew re
the 8tk day of Jus. 1908. a ad skew
cease why sash swltoUfoe. shall aet be
Side (A. M.) 6:30, 7;io, K ran ted; the tease wilt be. Uhe aa mm
o, uo,i3oM, P.M. leeee.swsstadeefwi will be eeUeedac
, 4:00, 4:50, 5:30, 6:jo, eeJl tfee PJyr or tk applkwtw,
M.) 6:50, 7:35, " "Z,T7
P. M. 1313a, FMg c aaaae- r. . riww, w.
H. B. Nicholas.
36-30 Attorney for Apfdieaiit.
Union Depot. Portland.
No. a Chicago Special leaves 8:ao a. m.
rso. 4 bpokane 1'lyer leaves at 7."QO p. til.
no. a avaacae my r,xp. teavee 7:40 p. m.
No, 8 Local Pasacneer leavee 8:00 a. hi.
No. I Chicago Special arrives 8:30 p. iii.
no. 3 opoaane flyer arrives at :oo a. m.
No, 5 Kansas city Kxp. arrives 9,45 a. w.
No. 7 Local Paeager arrives 5:45 p. m.
St Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave East
1 8:00, 9o, 10x0
1 mo, ax. 3:00,4:00, 4::
Leave West Side (A
8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 1 1 130.
lye, 3:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:10, 6x. 6:30.
MaU SeheeMe
Jobbs at 7:10 a.
Watch the label on your paper.
Mail arrives at St.
land i;is p. m.
Lavee at 10:30 a. sa.. and iui r. sa.
Ottce once, week dava free, in a. sa.
1 m) e;iu f. m. awtanays Hwea 9 w M a. m
I aw prepared to spray yeur
trees,, henhouse, fences, in fact do
any ' kiwi ef whitewashing s4
sffsyiuf )i A. Gee