St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 22, 1908, Image 2

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Pnbllihtd Krerj Frldsr
At 117 Weil Burllnittuil Strt, St. Johm.
HV MARKMt & nvitRf.lW.
Tub Rkvikw is cntcrc-d nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress o( March 3, 1879.
Adrtrllolnc ratti, $1.00 per Inch tr monlb.
All eomraunleatlnns ihonld b addressed to
Toe Renew. Ht, Johni, Orecon.
Job Frlnllnr eieculed In flrit ctm e.le.
iiiiu tor jod rriniinr tun on neiiTerr.
Phone Richmond It
Bubirrlptton rstre, $1.00 per yesr In adranco.
FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1908.
Wc linvc no ficlit against the
him. lie is
troubles, his
Some of litem
We do
joys and
wc have
not lintel
Has his
found as
honest niul upright in their dealings
ns any man living. More thun can
be said nbotit some church members
wc know. But this does not justi
fy his business, nor does it con
ileum the church, because some
hypocrites gain admittance therein.
There is ns much difference be
tweeu a cnnrcii member nnti n
christian as there is between a sa
loon keeper and u preacher. Some
times more difference.
Personally we have seen so much
of the evils of the liiiuor business
during the past 30 years, so much
of its economic waste, so much of
its physical ruin, so much of its
m-.ntul blight, so much of its tears
and heartaches. m much of its bro
ken homes and destroyed happiness.
so many of its idiots and insane, so
liinnv of its ortmans and invalids.
without a single redeeming feature;
that wc have come to regard the
business in the light of the judg
mcui 01 me supreme court 111 n de
cision handed down last year, that
it is unconstitutional, that it is not
n legitimate business and that re
ally no city or town, nor has the
United States n constitutional right
to license any man to operate n sa
While we bear 110 malice toward
the saloon keeiHir we hate the bus
iuess. We have been a careful
observer of saloon men. We arc
surprised that they are not more
depraved. We are surprised that
we And men oi integrity among
them. Men whom wc may trust,
,. ....... ...
1 ncir temptations are sucu mat we
are surprised that they do not all
do everything under the sun in
order to increase their revenue.
Wu make laws Imposing a high
license to sell the liquor to make
men drunk, then we make another
law to flue the saloon keeper for
selling to Htm if he is drunk.
borne of course pay 110 attention to
the latter law, but there are others
wc have seen who obey this law to
the letter; we have observed them
refuse liquor 10 men who were
under its influence. There are
some saloon kceiers who are lion
est. livery saloon man in this
city has paid us every dollar they
owetl us except one firm. All
others have been honest. That is
more than we can say of some
church members. Thus we "give
the devil his due." Hut this does
not say that we endorse the saloon
keeping business.
Wc hate the business us the dev
il is said to hate holy water. We
hate its every phase. We hate its
intolerance, its arrogance, its hyp
ocrisy, Its cant, craft iiud false pre
tense. We hate it for its greed
and avarice, taking the baby's
shoes to pay lor the father s drink.
We hate it for its sordid love of
gain at any price, making its 111011
vy out of the lives and souls of its
debauchees. We hate it for its
dominion in politics, where it uev
cr tans to use its chid in any way
that will further its ends. We
hate its corrupting influence in civ
ic ullairs, where it bribes judges,
corrupts juries, procures false wit
nesses, having 110 conscience to
restrain its actions
We hate it for the cowards it
makes of public men, for Us utter
disregard of law, for its ruthless
trampling upon the solemn com
pacts of state and national const!
unions. We hate it for the load
it straps upon labor's back, for the
palsied hands it gives to toil, for its
wounds to genius, for the tragedies
of the might-have-beens. We
hate it for the lives of men und
women that it has sent out in dark
ness, We hate it for the alms
houses it peoples, for the prisons it
fills, for the insanity it begets, for
its countless graves in the potters'
fields. We hate it for its spiritual
blight, its moral degradation, its
crimes without number, crimes
against nature, crimes against God,
hearts it has broken, homes it has
destroyed, for the malice it has
implanted in the heuits of the men
it has poisoned, for the strangled
hopes, the scalding tears, the bit
terness of despair of helpless wo
manhood under its curse.
We hate it for its heartless cru
city to the aged, the infirm, the
helpless little children, for its inon
strons injustice to th
Successors to
Carlson &, Company.
A Saloon Motto
John Manning for Attorney.
Editor Review Sir. Will you be We havebeen asked to eive some
Kind enougn to puolisu tn your reasons whv an Indenenc etit think-'
oblige a er cven though a republican, might
paper this clipping and
friend of temperance?
When the. saloons went out of
business in the new state of Okla
hotna under the prohibition clause
of the constitution, one Guthrie
saloon flaunted lone streamers of
crape on its doors. In its big plate-
glass windows on the last night
that it was open, a big barrel, heav
ily draped in black was set, with an
empty glass beneath its open faucet.
On it a large placard was mounted: continue this policy and keep these
X "Everything going out and nothing places closed on Sunday. You may
1.V ...... f, "
break his record and vote for1 Mr.
Manning for district attorney.
There are two reasons which
would appeal to any man who
looked more to the welfare of his
country than the success of his
party and. the first of these is that
John Manning is the man who shut
up the saloons on Sunday and has
kept them closed. He has prom
ised that if he is elected he will
Going Out of Business
Our entire stock of Furniture BELOW COST.
Every article at wholesale and the same price to
all. We have a nice stock of furniture to select
from and it will pay you to call early and select
your choice. Make money for yourself .by help-
This was an unusual motto one
symbolizing the destruction of its
business. Though the saloon
keeper did not mean it to do so, it
inevitably suggested the usual and
fitting saloon motto to be just the
opposite, like this: "Everything
coming in and nothing going out.' '
The truth of this second motto will
be apparent to anyone who has ever
watched a saloon entrance. Money
goes into the saloon in quantities,
day after day strength and respect
ability, and decency and youth and
promise and hope go in but no one
I of them comes out. The saloon
swallows and bankrupts them all
Nothing conies out but drunkards.
Take the biggest and best-conducted
saloou in any town, after twenty
years of business, and figure up
what has conic out of it of value to
the commuuity.the answer is always
and iuevitably: "Nothing 1" A
more unproductive business never
existed or can exist than the saloon
business. Oklahoma, is a progress
ive and prosperous stale, has wiped
it out wisely and forever. Where
the saloon puts on crape the com
Imuulty may well rejoice, for the
prosperity of the state is assured.
know that this wc say is true by
Pointers for our Patron.
Our rule is the best stock and
best work for our patrotis. ,
Wc carry fa stock typewritelr
paper, carbon paper and onion skin
for making duplicate copies.
We do not allow any printer to
put otit nicer work than we do and
we put the best stock into our jobs.-
The difference between poor
stock and first class stock on a job
is a small item when you consider
the value of the job. It is the
price of a satisfied customer. It is
better to make 50 cents less on a
job and have a customer who will
come back, than to use the flimsy
stock, make the extra 50 cents and
lose your customer. That is. the
way we figure it.
hSb' lmmmmmmml
ssssssssssuNSsT1' '- ' BP'ssssssssu
I To Make a Merry Widow Hat.
ing us close out our stock.
N. Jersey St.
See Us
N. Jersey St.
Take one cart wheel. Super
impose on the hub one wire waste
paper basket. Stitch on cover of
white fishing net over green mos
Inuito bar from your last season's
camping outfit. Around this crown
bank a few sunflowers and daisies,
brown roses, cerise and crimson
chrysanthemums, a bunch of tall
grass a spray of lavender lilacs,
Alice blue hyacinths, a stalk of
holyhocks, purple and variccated
petunias, pink verbenas and candy
tufts interspersed with the blue
and brown forget-me-nots. Next
take fifty-three yards of lavender
colored ribbon edged with
noting how the saloons of the Port
land red light district are fighting
John Maiming to a man. 1 hey
know if he stays in office he will
enforce the law and convict every
violator against whom he can sc
cure evidence, while if they defeat
him they believe they will have a
more favorable time.
Another reason that every man
who is looking for a square deal, in
these strenuous times in the fitnni'
cial world, should vote for John
Manning, is the position he took in
the late financial disturbance, and
the active part he took in the settle
ment of the affairs of the banks
which failed in Portland, whereby
the depositors will eventually re
ceive every dollar they placed in
these banks. Largely was this the
result of Mr. Manning s efforts,
and he should have proper credit
for it. We arc too apt to forget
these tilings in our fidelity to our
party interests. This, however, is
a matter wherein we may well lay
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will' charge
for card of thanks, 50c; for resolu
tions of respect, $1.00; for notices
of church or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are charges for admission, 5c per
line, but where there are no charges
for these events, we wilt break the
rule and insert them free. Wc
make this announcement so that
our good friends, may understand
our rule in this respect.
Rqxirt of the condition of the
First National Bank of St, Mrs
nt St. Johns, In the state of Oregon, nt -the
cloie of business May 14th, 1908:
f.onns ami discounts,, ,,Jt2i,nii,oo
U.S. bond loccurcclrculaUau 7,006,00
Premium on U. S. boiuti J'J.75
Hanking bouse, furniture and
fixtures 3,41iao
Expenses paid 1,171,13
Due from State bank
and bankers f 1,621.83
Duo froui approved rc- :
serve agents.. 9,406.63
Notes of other Nation
al Hanks 350,00
fractional paper cur
rency, nickels, cents 7.21
I.nwful money reserve . ,
in bank, vim
Specie 3,387.60
i.cgiiMcuiicr notes. . . 3,000.00 .
Redemption fund with
U. S. Treasurer (5
per ct. of circulation 350.00 16,123.37
Total 150,060.34
Capital stock paid In f17.700.oojl
National hank notes outstantl'g 7,000.0a
individual deposits
subject to check... $23,071,34
Demand certificates of
of (lcnoslt.... i.ju.oo '
Time certificates of
deposit oo.oo
Savings dejwslu .... 335.00 25,360.34'
ists the faintest spark of feeling for
the mother who bore him, who has
the slightest regard for the rights
of his fellow man, who loves the
home that shelters him, who cher-
slies a love for his native laud,
who desires the pcrictuity of his
kindred will such a man vote to
perpetuate this monster evil in St.
Johns? No, we do not believe
such men will vote for saloons in
St. Johns. They will not prosti
tute the power the constitution of
the United States gives them to
such a base purpose.
1 he claim is made that if we
vote the soloons out they will go
just outside the city limits and we
will have all the evil without the
revenue. Vote them out and see.
It is up to the people whether we
have the evils if we put the evil
out. The evil doers will soon tire
of the consequences If the citizens
enforce the laws. Put the curse
from among you. Such action has
never met with disaster.
We print a home imih-t, It is for
the people of St. Johns, the entire
people, not for any particular class
and so long as an article is couched
11 resiKxtable language from any of
our citizens that cannot be consid
ered libelous, we will not turn it
down whether it presents our view
on the particular subeict or not.
We wish to call the attention of the
voters to the article by Mr. 15,
Ward, which puts the saloou ques
tion, we think, in the best possible
light that it can be presented. We
wish our readers to read it carefully
and give it the consideration that
u subject of such importance de
serves, We cannot study this
question from too many sides. We
cannot give it too great consid
eration. lfor there is involved in
its solution matters of most vital
import to the nation, We trust
therefore that every voter will read
this article witli the same care and
consideration that they have all I Gates for a copy of the minutes of
Wc wish above all things to be
just, and wrong no one. Mr.
I'lctcher tells us iwrsonally that he
wrote the article for the Portland
paper at the same time he did the
first article for the Review; but
that it was held up several days
before it was published, which mad
it look as if he had repeated his
first assertions after we had refuted
them. Wc are glad of this and
it gives us a much better opinion
of his integrity.
Wanted Girl about 15 vcars of
age to help with light housework.
Call 529 b. Ivauhoc.
There will be a fine game of
base ball Sunday afternoon, Hast
Portland vs. St. Johns. These
two aggregations should make a
lively game.
Look after your dorg. The
bogiemati will be after him next
week. There will be weeping and
wailing and gnashing of teeth. But
you will have to either dig up or
lose the pup.
T. J. Davidson recently from
Hood River, has located with the
American Title company, 3J5
Worcester building, Portland. Mr.
Dcidsou reports business goo
with him,
J. W. Taylor and family from
Hood River arrived this week and
have located in Sellwood, a mis
take they will rectify in the near
future by coming 011 to St. Johns.
Mrs. Taylor is a sister of Mrs. D.
R. Norton, which will help to at
tract them to St. Johns.
Cecil Ilolinau, another Hood
River boy who has come to Port
laud, has located at 611 Secoud
street. One by one the old friends
are gathering around us. There
is a glad hand out for all, and we
think they miss it when they do
not come out to St. Johns.
We are indebted to Rev. C. P.
A HotShot.
We ware in the office" of J'.S.
Downey, the democratic war horse
and construct a number of loops for a9ldc partisanship and work more
earnestly for our Immediate local
either side of the front of the hat
extending from the center of the
front of the crown to cither outer
edge of the brim, using as braces
htate of Oregon,
interests. To the voters then, vc
County of Multnomah
I.'l'. 1. Drinker, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the.
yesterday morning nnd he wished to or stiffening long strips of bamboo
cull up the democratic headquarters In the center of this daintv ho.v
for something or other. He rung tip place the gordcn;gatc, the latest fad
would say. look into these things above staU'tnriit is true to the besfofwy
Spoken Knowledge ami uciicl.
central and called for Main 8620.
in a minute he received an answer.
"Hello" said Sam, "Is this demo
cratic headquarters" "No" replied
the voice "This is the morgue."
"Hell," said sam, "We're not all
dead yet. Them hello girls
getting too flip."
Field Meet
There will be a field meet be
tween the St. Johns and thcGresh-
am schools, Saturday, May ai.
There will be a ball game in the
morning and field and track meet
with basket ball in the afternoon.
Admission 10c in the morning aud
15c in the evening. Get out
watch the youngsters play, it
do you good.
in a Merry Widow hat buckle.
Should the ribbon not be forth
coming, two cauoi paddles, sc
cured by the above mentioned
buckle and appropriately tinted,
will serve satisfactorily. A golf
are stick, a garden rake and a flag pole
will give a jaunty effect as hat pine.
These are only a few hints in regard
10 the material for the Home manu
facture of the popular Merry Widow
hat. Any changes may be made or
fixtures added to suit the maker,
for anything is in style, if the size
is maintained. If we have forgotten
anything, call at the Vogue.
Mrs. Stucker can tell you the rest.
and if you find we have
true.'give the man the vote that
will show him that you upnnreciate
fits good work, ami keep him an
other term where he can serve the
Tics Up at Sellwood.
1'. P. Drinker. Cashier.
Subscribed ami sworn to before mo.
this Jilt day of .May, 1908.
V. K. flail, Notary Public,
Multnomah county, Ore.
Correct Attest! Henry V. Coc,
K. 51. Tultle,
C, W, Sherman,
inuy appear
others which have or
in the Review.
It begins to look as if the vote
for tlie University appropriation will
be almost unanimous, as it should
be. Uvery one interested in the
welfare and development of the
State will vote for the bill. A vote
against it is a vote against Oregon.
the immigration boosters in the
tiMi litc n till
blameless orphans over which it ?"" 01 Washington are already us-
shadows '" ,-'rBu" a umimic uu uie uiuver-
throws its blighting shadows,
heedless of their streaming eyes
and crushed hearts. We hate it
as virtue hutes vice, us truth hates
error, as justice hates wrong, us
liberty hutes tyranny, as freedom
hates oppression. Great God of
heaven! Is there any reason why
man should not hate this hideous,
hydra-headed monster, the enemy
of the home, the fireside, the nation,
the very souls of the unborn babes
for whose existence we are to pre
pare the place here on earth?
Will u man in whose heart ex-
sity of Oregon appropriation bill
as an argument for the purpose of
diverting homeseekers to their State.
Since the form of the ballot title
is, shall the appropriation be sus
tained, all friends of education
should vote "yes." If you want
the uppropriutiou to become effect-
tive, mark your ballot between num
ber 314 and "Yes."
Subscribe for the Telegram-
best evening txiper on the coast.
See Kd Stockton,
the 14th unnuul session of the Ore
gou conference of the United Kvau
gelical church held in Dallas, April
3-0. Air. Gates was statistical sec
retary of the conference and a
perusal of their minutes show a
wonderful umouut of work done in
all the departments.
Card of Thanks.
The family of the late Mrs. Sar
ah K. Simpson desire-to thank the
neighbors aud frieuds for their
kindly ministrations aud thought
fulness during the illuess of their
mother and their dark hour of
trial, Members of Family.
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by H. Hender
son, abstracter aud notary public.
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
05 Jersey street.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore cxistiug be
tween the Colviu Brothers and
Victor Carlson under tue firm name
of Carlson aud Company is dissolv
ed, and that the business will be
continued by the Colviu brothers
under the firm name of Colvin Bro
thers, who will pay all bills made
by Carlson & Company and will
collect all accounts due to Carlson
& Company. Mr. Carlson has re
tired from the firm and has uo con
nection witli it.
Colviu Brothers.
K. Vandermcer, who was for
several years a property holder and
rcsideut of St. Johns, aud who
made lots of good money handling
at. joiiiis real estate lias recently
purchased property at Sellwood and
will erect a One residence there.
Vau is a jolly good fellow, aud has
the habit of traveling pietty well
developed. Made a trip back to I
the old home and returned last fall.
He has been all up and down the
coast since his return, has handled
considerable property in the time
-...I 1 . l 1. 1 f t . t
riot s as JVH yS .3? Eft? ETK ffi t!.
only mistake he has made that we
can see is that he has located at
Sellwood instead of St. Johns,
Building Permits Issued.
To Water Users.
Water used through bose for
sprinkling yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
be paid for in advance, and used
ition, fronting on Portland
evard between Newport and
View. aso
No. 50, to N. J. Baily, to erect
a factory on lots 3 and 4 block 36
A. it. Minor addition fronting on
Bradford between Richmond and
Erie. $1000.
No. 53 to R. O'Hara to alter
residence 011 lots 9 and to block 26,
roini view addition fronting on
Lehigh between Point View and
Seneca street. $350.
No. 53. Daniel Brecht to alter
hotel block 4 James Johns addition
fronting ' ou Burlington between
Crawford and Decatur. $1000.
It is evident from the attitude of
our new city fathers and police
onlv between the hours of ; and 8 CM' that the liquor business in St.
' " I T-U ...III 1.. ti I J..-. -J
a. m. and 1 ami. o d. m. It mast j""ua wm ncmuci ix cunuucicu
not be used for sprinkling streets.
Anyone using water contrary - to
these rules, or wactefully, will be
shut off without further notice.
St.Johus Waterworks and Light
ing Co., P, II. SdlefKn, wperin-
on unes mat will absolutely cou
form to the law. We are gratified
to note that there was absolutely
Will Surprise Her Pet.
Mrs. luizaoetn sunders, of 411
Chappie street, has a canary bird
that builds a nest and sets regularly,
out never lays an egg. Mrs. San
ders secureu tnree swallow's eggs
aud placed them in the nest, where
i iic mwe mru is careiuuy incubat
ing the bunch. Mrs. Sanders says
if the result of the hatch should
prove a flock of mud hens, she will
next put in some duck eggs and try
to hatch a parrot. It is only
through such progressive experi
menting that Oregou develops her
resources. We wish the good lady
may meet with as much success in
her line as Burbauk, the California
wizard, has in vegetable experimentation.
no "doom" selling hut Sunday and
Money Wm4.
Desire to borrow or f 300 at
once; good security, " Adrts J,
care Review office.
Union Service.
mote wlio depended on being able There' will be a union iurvlrn- ,,
to get what they wanted on Sun- the skath rink Sundav
uisy were iw ottcc tuwpejieu 10 go which everyone is especially and
dry. uoodi iet us nave a strict particnlarly invited. The address
ooservance oi ine ww, and let tbem will be given by Chester Paul Gates.
las widened its market un-
vl it includes the whole civil-
:cd world; has become tb
pewriter of over 300,000 .
ourators and has, during
30G, broken every previous 4
cord of sales, because it
as from the beginning beat
let every typewriter need,'
fHEtri-color feature of '
3 the Smith Premier '
Typewriter is racaf- ,
nized as the greatest im
provement in modem type
writer construction yet la '
viding- it, none of the
string fundamental fea- "
tures, for which the Smith
Premier has always beta ',
noted, havebeensacrifcce ,
Complete literature 6a re
Dog For Salt.
Fine young water sptnkl; dee
i cense paid for this year. CaU at
this office. ,
In ordsr to Insure
vrtismnt tn cepy
should reach this eM
Wtdntaday, at S e'eteek p. m.
rtmemMr wit
who break it pay the penalty.
Look! Don't Reed This.
I have a puce I must sell at
once. A neat 4 roon cottage, nice
location, one block of car line and
Cedar Park store. S950 cash take
the pUce and u a good inveetsnent
far it would easily rent for $8 and
postibly the year around.
Cente all house seekers and wane
investors and let she anew yea this
pkce. Reese feir wising I aw
aA HeVn euSjsm aaaaa
w isani aes1! vannai ejaiBi fssiTa
sM J1m MleMtyfMti 6l.S
HartaMa street, St. Jehus,
paetor f the United Evangelical
church, tiis subject will be; "The
American Eagle and the Weasel,"
This service in the place of the reg
ular evening services in the
churches, and its purpose is' to aid
in furthering the cause of local op
tion. H. T, Butterwortb will sine.
A. targe attendance m desired.
Miadalla or OnMar L seas
VWeuhi like to iuetruct a claee of I
mansialhs scholars who have not
a course of leei
beginners will be Ktveu lea-
sous- Guitar pupils ako. Apply!
ler iwernMiieu 10 u. r, layier,
fCsjCu wCa SmmStHtmmnstsnsssssssmmm