St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 22, 1908, Image 1

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    "'MopJcal Society
To Mtacrlk for TIm Rtrbw. .
A Um mm white M U mwi h
Mr bmM. CM la n4 mtoN
01 advertising In The Review
end you'll never retret It. tie
tin at one and keep right at It
DevotMl to tb latere ef the PeftJnwIa, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwett
VOI,. 4
NO. 28
This Line Will Open Up the Finest Suburban Resi
dence District to be Found Anywhere An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large
tiiiiTtiJAAn rAi hit W.. . tapc 4 DAAu Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of
The County Court has just granted a franchise to the
United Railways company to construct a trolley line along
the cast line of the Portland and St. Helens road to Linntou,
and the right is also given to cross the road at any conveni
cut place. The line wil cross the range at Cornelius Gap
to reach Hillsboro, from which point to Portland cars must
be running inside of two years according to the terms of a
franchise recently granted by the city of Portland.
The maximum fare fixed by the franchise is 5 cents be
tween Portland and Linntou. The road must be constructed
to the grade of the county road, must be begun within sixty
days and be completed to Linntou within a year.
We have been informed that 300 men will be put to
work on the road the first of the mouth and the work pushed
energetically. This road when completed to Whitwood
Court means a ten minute ride from Portland.
The completion of this line will mean much for Whit
wood Court. Admirably situated as it is on the west bank
of the Willamette with one of the finest panoramic views to
found anywhere in the northwest, a trolley line was the only
thing lacking to make it the most popular residence suburb
in the vicinity of Portland. The view which discloses Mt.
Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and several other notable peaks in all
their snowy grandeur, miles and miles of the majestic Col
umbia as it wends its way toward the sea, numerous sloughs
and lakes, with the Willamette at its feet, the city of St.
Johns clear and distinct just across the water, and Portland
and the packing plant site in plain view, the picture is one
to entrance the eye of au artist.
The advent of the trolley will have a marked tendency
toward developing the water front on the west side. Manu
facturing plants will spriug up in a short space of time aud
it will not be long until the hillside will be dotted with hand
some residences. .Lct the trolley come.
The 6th regular session of the
common council convened in the
council chamber at the usual hour,
nil members being present. After
the minutes of the previous meet
ing were read aud approved a re
monstrance against the contcmplat
cd improvement of Richmond street
was read aud referred to the street
T. T. Parker appeared aud called
attention to the ordinance pertain
ing to the vacation of a portion of
Charleston street iu favor of the
Marine Iron Works which the old
council had tabled. Mn Parker
requested the present council to
take some definite action, either to
pass the ordinance or kill it. The
matter was In'cr referred to the
street committee.
On motion of Whidlc the water
company was authorized to lower
the water pipes 011 lacoma street
nt the expense of the city as that
pipe was uncovered before the
water pipe ordinance was passed,
and there was nothing else appar
ent that could be done, the pine
having been put nt the legal depth
On motion of Dobic the street
committee was authorized to raise
the approach to the city dock to
conform to the street grade 011
Richmond street as being graded
by the county supervisor.
It seems that the nightmare of
the old council is nbout to be sta
bled. The proposition of Mr.
Gosucy to care for the garbage at'
an expense of 1 so per year to the
city was referred to the committee
for further investigation and to
arrange a contract with Mr. Gos
ncy and report at the next meeting.
The committee investigating the
stability of the gas franchise bonds
reported that the bondsmen were
not in their estimation cither at the
time of making the bond, nor ut
the present time worth $20,000 anil
that they did not consider the
bonds worth anything. At this
time, by his attorney, Mr. Meagher
presented an affidavit to establish
the fact that he was not worth fio-
000 nt the time he signed the bond,
that he did not know he was sign
ing a bond, but thought he was
signing a recommendation to assist
Mr. Davidor iu securing a bond
from the security company. The
gentleman appeared in person and
stated that he was. not worth the
$20,000 at tlfe time he was fraud
ulently, he. claimsj, Induced to sign
the bond and that he was not
worth anything, iu fact, owning no
property and was still iu about the
. - r 11.! 4..
same nnauciai couuiuon. miorncy
Collier stated that he and Mr.
Hunter had called' 011 Mr. Davidor
and that gentleman said he would
lurnish other bouds if Mr. Meagher
furnished this affidavit, that he
would require but two days or a
few hours. Mr. Collier stated that
uudcr the circumstances he thought
that the city had 110 bond,. that Mr.
Davidor should, however, be given
a reasonable, time in which to fur
nish a bond aud that if he did not
do so then it would be proxr for
the city, to revoke his franchise.
On motion of Davis Mr. Davidor
was given ten days ill which to file
tin acceptable boud.
On motion of lryoti n resolution
covering the matter was adopted.
Hills to the amount of TG1.G5!
was allowed, on motion of Alder
man Bonliam.
The matter of the sewer 011 Jer
sey and Fcssctidcn or Catlin was I
referred to the city 'engineer for
the selection of the street best
adunted to sewer ' mimeses' from
Jersey street to the riyer.
On motion of Hunter the condem
nation proceedings on Polk and
Tyler streets, was tabled for another
The monthly report of the St.
Johns Transportation company was
read aud on motion of Davis the
'chfck covering he city (ccs was
returned to them,
The rock crusher was reported
Rose City hotel, the Bickucr hal
aud others, aud requested that the
council take the necessary action
in the matter.
The building committee reported
that Mr. Caprou would bring over
n number of sample scats in order
that the council might select such
as they wished for the city hall.
On motion of Hunter the record
cr was instructed to write ex-City
Kugiuccr Edwards requesting him
to turn over to his successor such
field notes and other data as he
may have acquired on the city
work while iu the employ of the
The matter of putting crushed
rock on Pittsburg and other streets
leading to the ferry was discussed
and it was the sense of the council
that this should be the first work
that should be done after the
crusher was installed.
On motion of Hunter the street
committee was instructed to insect
the road from the ferry to the top
ot the hill and make their rccom
mciidatious at the next meeting.
R. J. McKinucy was appointed
special policeman on the same
basis of the other specials.
to be on hand at Muuton ami
city engineer was authorized
attend to the arrangements for
installment at the rock quarry, on
motion of Dobic.
A motion to change the grade 011
Kellogg street iu accordance witli
the lines shown on a blue print be
fore the council was lost by a vote
of 5 to 2, which leaves the grade
as it now stands,
Fire Chief Nooiiau reported some
buildings iu the city that were not
in accordance with the require
ments of the fire ordinances. The
Death of Airs. Simpson.
Mrs. Sarah IS, Simpson was born
Nov. 35, 1845 iu Ilurliugtoii,- Ct.,
died May 15, 1008 nt her home in
Portland, the immediate cause of
death being dropsy. She is one of
a family of four two brothers hav
ing passed on before aud one sister
still surviving her. Three children,
one boy and two girls remain to
mourn her loss,
Mrs. Simpson was converted
early iu life and remained n stead
fast, earliest christian until her
death, dying in the victories of n
christian faith. The funeral serv
ices were conducted from the Evan
gelical church, Sunday afternoon,
interment taking place iu Rose City
Yes it is going to stop raining
some of these days aud you will be
kicking as hard for n little water as
Dives (lid in the story of Lazarus
aud the rich man.
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland, We call for aud 'check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced aud couiteous employes.
Phone Main 358, Portland office.
Phone Main A 3358.
Fine and Flanders Streets.
Pbooe Woodkwn 818. Agent at St. Johns,
dfice 105 E. Burlington stmt.
s New, Nobby and
Up t (fait far your Spring Suit
CWaaa Fraaaiaf asd Repairiag
We call for ai 4lm Ffeoae Rkkawad 941
Opa Sna4ty 10:30 to 12 mm.
StQfMhi 4ooc MMtlt &4 f
BsLEfl5SEn29BflEi) TrfiTiCi i
Lots, $75 and up
110 N. Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon J
Real Estate
Loans and Insurance
Cull in tind sec my ListjofPropcrty. Bargains
every one. Buy St. Johns property now while
the prices are low. You can double your money in
one year on sonic of it.
See Rogers
A Fine Residence.
Tuesday morning we ran down
to Portsmouth to see a couple of
fricuds and as our errand took us
to the residence of O. T. Ilollistcr,
who erected the hollow concrete
block house that we mentioned last
summer, we remembered Mr. Hoi-
listers kind invitation to come
sometime and see the finished
Mr. Ilollistcr was iu his yard
aud showed us over the entire
building. We entered the base
incut through the hall or second
diner, into the dining room which
is fitted with china racks 011 the
wall, tables, etc, aud hot water
radiator. From there we went in
to the kitchen, which our friend
calls a Dutch kitchen. It is one of
the most convenient we have seen.
There is n spice cupboard iu one
corner opposite the range, leading
from it ulong the wall is a draining
board, reaching to the sink. On
the opposite side of the sink is nil
other draining board that reaches
the china cupboard. Iicsidcs these
arrangements there arc other con
veniences making it n model kitch
en for convenience and comfort to
the house wife. From here we
entered the boiler room where Mr.
Ilollistcr has his work bench and
toots and which is fitted witli an
Ideal hot water heater that he says
cannot be beaten for economy of
fuel and efficacy iu heating. Three
tons of coal heated his house of
eight rooms during the entire win
tcr keeping the temperature at 70
degrees. From the boiler room wo
went upstairs.
'lliere we found n beautifully
furnished parlor connected with
the living room by an arch and
portieres. The living room is con
nected with a very large bed room
by folding-doors on the west side
of the living room. Tills enables
the three rooms to be thrown into
practically one big room iu case of
a party or reception. Another fine
bed room leads off from the living
room 011 the south nud nil these
rooms nrc connected with the bath
aud toilet by u hallway that enables
one to go from any of these rooms
to the bath without disturbing nny
one iu any of the rooms.
Above this is a large attic which
may be made into three more large
bed rooms if desired. As we have
already remarked, the walls arc of
hollow concrete blocks. These
blocks were made witli the "Face
down Ideal machine." The fac
ings of the blocks were made of
cement and sand in the proportion
of two of sand to one of cement,
aud this has made the walls imper
meable to moisture. Mr. Ilollistcr
says that during the entire wiuttr
there has not n particle of moisture
found its way through the walls,
and that Mrs. Hollister's clothes
have hung against the walls in the
most exposed portion of the build-,
iug without having absorbed a par
ticle of moisture from the walls.
There is one room Mr. Ilollistcr is
proud of which we forgot to men
tion. That is the fruit room lead
ing off from the kitchen. It is so
arranged that it can he kept cool
nud nil the light excluded making
it as dark as n photographer's
developing room,
From the parlor through n hall
egress is made onto the porch with
(Continued on page .)
M. L. II0U1R00K
St. Johns Land Co.
The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
The center of the great development now
nlacc on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the 0. R. &
N. railroad lor sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrook's Addition
We have some choice lots in the vicinity
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy
Call at our office for prices aud terms for either of
these desirable tracts.
l St. Johns Phone Jersey 931 Oregon
of the
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.
Lumber Manufacturers