St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 15, 1908, Image 4

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    H. E. HARRIS, Prop.
This is a St. Johns industry and will manufacture only a superior grade of Ice. Our wagons will deliver ice anywhere on the Peninsula in large or
small quantities.
We solicit your Patronage
Phone Richmond 621
Office and Works South of French Block on Dawson Street.
& Architecture llook-kccplii Stcnogrnpliy
2 Hanking mid Hanking I.nw
ft Coiiiincrcinl I.nw Advertising Show Card Writing
Clictnistry Mechanical Drawing
Electrical Engineering
Newspaper IltustrntiiiK Civil EtiK'incerliif; Civil Service
Steam liiiKineeriiiK Mechanical EiiKinccriiiK'
Gas lviif-itiecrini; Mining Iinniiiecriiitf Locomotive Riimiiii;
I'lniuhiiiK, Heating and Ventilating;
Erencli, Spanish, dernian taught with Edison phonograph
I'or full information address,
J. A. SHERE, Representative
435 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
Keep Bright and You
Electric Ulit is the magnet that draws trade. The
hrijjht store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
no more resist the attraction of a lirilliiint, Electrically lighted
store than they can resist the clarion call of n hrass band.
Is your competitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sin Kettititf
an advantage over you ? The moth never llutters around the
tinliuhted candle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lie,htlne; a necessity, whether they remain open
after dark or not. Cometition forces modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric
light will make many a sale "the niht before." Electric
light cointiels attention, makes easy the examination of your
display, shows goods In detail and fabilcs in their true colors.
And don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is n solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work - costs little.
Call Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Co.
St. Johns, Oregon. X
The University Appropriation.
Continued from firt iikkc
Who told you so? If that $r25,ooo
were to be left in the treasury what
would hinder the legislature devot
ing a part of it to assist the com
inou schools it need net nut so
long as $50,000 is to be voted to
the university every time the leg is
lature meets, the common schools
must get along as well as they can.
1 he money belongs to the state
and they can divide it up or dis
pose of it in any way they think
best, if the cojlc will only let
them do it. Truly yours,
J. II. I-'letchcr.
Capital .25,000.00
Surplus . . . . k , 500.00
Inteiest paid on savings dejwsits.
Not satisfied with the insulting
insinuation of having been bribed,
as intimated in Mr. Fletcher's let
ter two weeks ago, he must repeat
the insinuation in a Portland dally
and again less directly reiterates
it in this issue. It has been said
that an oath is the cud of all con
troversy. We had not the time,
the means, nor did we think it
necessary to bring the officers of
the state university here to St.
Johns to prove that we had never
been bribed to take the step which
we did, hence gave this affidavit,
the strongest evidence man alone
can give to the truth of his asser
tions. It seems this in the eves of
this modern Solomon has no weight,
rather weakens our cause. Rotten
indeed, must be the heart of a man
who has no confidence in his fel
lows. It reminds us of the old say
ing "There is no fool like an old
fool" and another, "Only n fool
never changes his mind." In the
second paragraph of our former
reply to Mr. Fletcher we covered
the most doubtful ground of the
appropriation, that of honest hand
ling of the funds; that objection to
the appropriation removed we were
iu favor of it, but the governor
retuses to recognize even this tin-
ess we state sieclfically that this
was the reason.
There is 110 one so blind as he
who will not see. While the rea
son we gave last week was only
one, the most important, others
being crowded out for lack of space,
we win name some now for his
benefit. The university needs this
money for its very existence: it
needs it to put iu condition build
ings that will be fit to house mid
care for the students now enrolled,
to make provisions for the hun
dreds others who are to come thot
will increase the attendance, to
provide better laboratory euuii)-
incut, to furnish needed books for
the library of the institution; be
cause Oregon stands iu the front
rank among the states of the na
tion iu all other things, she should
do so iu education unless this mod
ern Solon would force our boys
and girls to grow up iu ignorance
or go to the monopolistic uuiversi
ties, as some are now doing, or
be equally untrue in the others,
and we lose, all confidence iu any
thing he lias to say.
1 lie governor knows too, as
well as wc, that if the money was
left iu the treasury, as he suggests,
not a dollar would be received by
the schools. That not a day extra
would be added to the time of the
country schools nor would n dollar
be diverted to the school fund.
These funds are not handled iu
this manner. If the university
were blotted out as he seems to dc
sire, the levy for the expenses of
the state would be cut just that
much, there would be 110 levy for
the university. That is all the
effect it would have upon the tax
es. And this parsimonious .sent!
mem seems to he, so far as wc can
see, the active element in the gov
ernor s opposition to this bill. Wc
give below the statements of a
number of the brightest minds iu
the state, whose views of the mat
ter would iu all probability weigh
more iu the minds of our readers
than would the opinions of either
A Financial Leech.
Why do men question the right
of the saloon to exist? The legal
ity of banks, grocery stores, dry
goods establishments, hardware
and like institutions is never qttcs
dotted. in looking over any an
swer that may do the case justice
I (ma but this: because the saloon
is a morul wrong, a civil disorder,
and a financial leech.
unt titey say, "We pay your
taxes." Do you now? Well, you
don't. When the saloon claims to
pay our taxes they take unto them
selves a lot of credit that statistics,
hard uncompromising figures, show
is not theirs. Do you not know
that it costs this government $2,
500,000 more to prosecute the
crime and take care of the want
and misery produced by the saloon
than is derived iu revenue from it?
You say it pays taxes. It docs
not. It buys its unconstitutional
right to exist. It pays for that
right with the money extorted from
the governor or the writer. So appetite-chained victims. Money
far as wc arc concerned this closes
the discussion:
The great stutc of Oregon cannot
use its public funds to better ad
vantage than enlarging, equipping
and endowing the UnivcrMby ut hu
gene. The $1 25.000 asked for
practically but a slight advance is
a most reasonable sum. David II.
Moore, bishop of Oregon, M. E.
Oregon made one collossal blitn-
that is virtually snatched from the
backs of children and bread taken
from their hands. With this it
pays revenue.
Men iu every business ounlit to
fight this cancerous growth on our
body politic. Figures show that
business sales are increased, bank
ing deposits are doubled and quad
rupled where the saloon has been
put out of commission.
I he I-lrst National bank of (.or-
vallis did as much business iu the
first 18 months of the operative
derln her educational affairs. Let local ont on law os thev had done
us hope that she may not make an- in all the previous 10 vears of
other. '1 he paucity of our public saloon rule. This is not sicklv
school fund Is due to poor judgment sentimental fanaticism os accused
iu the disposal of our school lauds; by our adversaries, but statistical
to defeat the Unlvesity nproprlatlon truth, and figures don't lie.
would he an equally grievous Dlun- Would to God that men would
der, equally disastrous to the cduca- see; that they would open the
St. Johns
Electric Works
203 South Jersey St.
tionnl interests of our State. James
Withycombe, director Oregon ex
pertinent station, Corvallis, Ore.
1 think that an adverse vote on
the University of Oregon appro
priation would be about the worst
misfortune that could possibly hap
pen to the State. E. E. Bragg,
school supt. Union County.
eyes, that they would discern that
this sovereign institution ol hel
is nothing but a parasite, a lecher
ous bloodsucker, upon the mora
and civil and commercial life
our country. C. I. Gates.
No. 9047.
It is my Krsonal opinion that it 0mCWahh?iS
would be a calamity if the approp- Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre-
nation for the University of Oregon enicu 10 we unaersigncn, u nas been
should fail at the comim? election. .m"lle W'TPcar mat tlie
I can hardly conceive of the possi-
bility of unfavorable action when
we consider the growing demand
for young men with such training
as will fit them for the wider duties
"I'ikst National Hank oh St. Johns
in the City of St. Johns
In the County of Multnomah and State
of Oregon, lias complied with all the
provisions or the statutes of the United
States, required to be complied with be
fore an association shall be authorized to
eloptiieut of commercial, industrial
agricultural and professional activi
ties throughout the State. Fred
M tiller, sec. board of trade, Port
land, Oregon.
In my opinion an adverse vote
on the 1'nlversity of Oregon approp
riation bill for the coming election
would be the means of placing the
to State of Oretiou rear-most in educa-
the state institutions of other states tional matters, and we could hone
at greatly increased expense. .to obtain but little immigratioh to
The governor says such a change an educational character. A.
of opinion as we have displayed Meyers, pres. first state batik Gres
has not occurred in his time and ! ham. Orecon.
doubts if history records such since I my opinion on adverse vote
the conversion of Saul of larstts. upon the appropriation made at the
Sareastu is considered legitimate Just session of the Oreuon State
uiiimuiiHioii 10 use in imminent. T ... utninr.. fr.r , u.,i itrcit w nf
regret decidedly to Oreuon would not onlv briuir the
1 1 !.. .1 !.. 1 .1 ... .. . . vv
iivuivcu 111 iiio expansion uim ucv- commence me misuiess 01 iuiiiIcIiil'
.-sow, tuereiore, 1, William 11. Klilgely
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby
certify that the
"I'ikst National Hank oh St. Johns
In the City of St. Johns
in the county of Multnomah and state of
urcgou, is autiiorueu 10 commence tlic
business of Uankini; as provided in Sec
tlou I'lfty-one Hundred and Sixty-nine
01 tlie KcvUctl blatutesot tlie United
SOOsO In testimony whereof
I) or.. 7 witness my hand and seal
(, (J of office tills twenty-debt
nay 01 reuruary, ioo.
day of February, 19
Comptroller of the Currency.
St. Johns Lumber Co.
IIos all kinds of lumber, kiln dried nnd otherwise.
Also slab wood, Timbers of all sizes cut to order.
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
but we would
stoop to lying in order to use it.
1 ne governor is us wen aware as
any of our readers that among lion
est men it is not a strange thine
lor a man to change his tnitul, hi
purpose, uis tuoue 01 ute even
when he is convinced that he is
wrong. We know not how it
might be with an old broken down
politician; we are not particularly
ujh 111 political intrigue, uor no we
wish to become so. We may be
easy, but not so easy that the gov
ernor can stuff us with his sopliis
Tlie governor acknowledges that
he might have erred iu the base
ball coach charge. Yes, ami that
is not the only error the gentleman
has made. That he lesorted to
falsehood, by insinuation we kuow,
in our own case, and he makes the
mistake of coming to us with his
stories which may be equally false
about the normal schools, He
who is false iu one iustauce uiav
blush of shame to the brow of every
believer iu higher education, but
wouiii put back at least ten years
the work done the past three years
by our commercial bodies iu adver
tising the resources of the common
wealth, E G. Baily.sec. and treas.
uregon copper mining, and power
Co., iVortti Powder, Oregon.
The list of "casualities" in the
event of the defeat of the Uulversity
of Oregon appropriation, I shall
not even attempt it. The people
themselves can realize and kuow the
fate ot the State should they rele
gate their educational facilities and
institutions into the background,
and knowing this, there are but few
intelligent and fair-minded voters
who will deliberately go to the polls
iu June and destroy the future of
Oregou. J, Frank Skeltou attorney
at law, Echo.Oregou.
Watch the label on your paper.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
goti for Multnomah county.
In the matterof the application of l'runk
Merrill to have registered the title
to lots 1, 3, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, u,
I a, 13, U, 15. 10, 17. 10. 19. 30, 3J
and 31 of lllock No. 1 and lots 1, 3,
3. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of lllock No. 3 in
Ora May Addition in the city of St.
Johns In Multnomah county, state of
Urcgou applicant.
All whom it may concent.
All to whom it may concern: Take
notice, that on the 3d day of May, 1908,
an application was filed by said Frank
Merrill iu the above entitled court tor
Initial registration of the title to the land
above described.
Now, unless you appear on or before
the 8th day of June, 1908, and show
cause why such application shall not be
ranted; me tame will oe taken as con
'essed. and a decree will be entered ac
cording to the prayer of the application,
ami you will be forever barred from dis
puting tue same. r. a. I'lems, ujeric.
court skal By II. C. Smith, Deputy.
It. 11. Nicholas,
26-30 Attorney for Applicant.
I am prepared to spray your
trees, henhouses, fences, in fact do
auy Kinu ot wuuewasttiug and
spraying. N. A, Gee.
Wc don't solicit plumbing,
tinning or corpenter work or
any other line not pertaining
to the Electrical Ilusiiiess.
Wc arc not running a curb
stone Electrical Business. Our
way of doing business is legit
imate. Motors and Dynamos sold
and repaired; Fixtures and
Supplies; House Wiring.
Ah well as the other
kinds of Hardware is
Wc arc making the hard
ware business our study, and
it's not how cheap we can buy
but how good, and wc must
have the quality.
Our Universal Stoves nnd
Ranges arc ns good ns the
IJRST mate.
Our mixed paints arc the
Acme quality kind.
Hendricks Hardware
Office: Room 9. llrccdcn Build,
tug, corner Third nnd Washington
streets, Portland, nnd Room 35, Hoi
brook lllock, St. Johns.
I'houc: Pacific joo3. Residence! St. Johns
Rooms In the Ilollirook building.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Joseph AlcChcsncy, M. D.
Day and Nliht Offlco In McChciney lllock
Phont WoodUwn 411
I'hyilclnn and Surgeon.
Office Iu llolhrook's lllock.
Residence, 11$ Mayes street,
l'hone Scott 6995,
Offlc lioiirn, 9 to 11 a, in., 1 (03 p. 111.
Office I'liuue, Scott 1 km.
KoMcnct I'lioiit , Union )foi,
Office In Unlm.lly 1'nrk Drug Store.
Darling & Barnett
414 Smith St. St. Johns, Ore.
No, 1 1 1 niirliugtou street i
Notice is hereby ulven that sealed bids
will be received by the Recorder of the
city of St. Johns, Oregon, until 4 o'clock
p. ui, Tuesday, June 9, 1908, for sale at
uot less than nar ami accrued interest
of all or any part of municipal bonds of
said city issued by authority of Ordi
nance No, (174) of ordinances of said
city, passed by the council and approved
uy uie .Mayor April 31, 190a.
Said bonds are dated April 21. iqoS.
and run twenty (20) years from their
date, bearing interest at the rate of six
per cent per milium from their date,
ititerest payable semi-annually, both
principal ami interest payable iu U. S.
gold coin at the Peninsula bank. St.
Johns, Oregon.
.said bonds are one hundred and
twenty (no) In number ami of the de
nomination of five hundred Itsoo) dol-!
lam each, and are issued for the pur
chase of river front lots numbered three
(3) four (4) five Is) ami six (6i Tames 1
Johns addition (sometimes known as!
James Johns Pir&t Addition) to the city I
01 01. joniis, aim iur uie erection lueic
on of a public dock, in accordance with J
the provision of said ordinance No. (1741
in accordance with the charter of said
city and are exempt from taxation eith
er by the state of Oregon or by anv
county or municipal corporation therein.
Said bonds shall be sold to the high
est responsible bidder, but among equal
bidders preference in the sale and allot
ment thereof shall be given to bidders
residing iu the state of Oregon.
jneriinil is reserved to relect anv
and all bids and to re-advertise for the
Dated at the city of St. lohns. Oreuon.
this 6th day of May 1908.
A. 31. Kbbi IV,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review May
15 and 22, 190S.
Building Contractors
risns and Kitliuatti I'urnUhttt,
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your goods to nnd front all
parts of Portland, Vancouver, I.liinton,
Portland and Suburban Hxnress Co..
city dock mid all points accessible by
wagon. Piano and furnltur moving
a specialty. 109 H. Ilurlinuton: phone
Richmond 61.
Funeral Director and Kmbalmer
JMy Assistant.
Ilrauch office at University Park Drm
Store, phone Wood lawn 1874,
Main office, Portland, Oregon; phone
Sellwood 71.
No. 186 I. O. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evenlm? in Odd
Pellows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
II. S. himiuoiis, N. G.
1. II. Ifolcomb, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every l'riday niiiht
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P.
nail. Visitors always wel
come. Geo. R, Illack, C.
C. J, II. Illack, K, R. S.
Fraternal Brotherhood.
Meets every Prldav nit-lit In M. W. A.
Hall. S. I. Schelter. IirLSldent! las. II.
Gee, secretary.
In order to Incur a chano of ad
vertisement the copy for such chango
should reach thla orfic not later than
Wtdntaday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Ploaaa
ramtmbor thla and av w nrmar
W. E. Godscy
All kinds of Repair Work on
Central Market!
Holbrook Block.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprirtor.