: 2 2 2 ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 pay you to visit our store 2 Ijjfill A beautiful Ladies' Desk in Quartered Golden Oak or Weathered Oak. Regular price $8. NOW $5,00. You arc always welcome. We in vite inspection of our goods. A Full Quartered Oak Dresser, four full size Drawers and large French Plate Mirror 24x30. Was $23.50, NOW $15.00. We carry everything for the home. Local News. Remember the place Opposite Postoffice NOTE THE THAT'S A LEGS 9 "LORAIN 91 Contnius so per cent more nsbestos packing. Hums 50 per cent less fuel. 100 per cent longer life. 100 per cent quicker service. 500 per cent more of genuine satisfaction. "See it in the win dow" nt : 9 Norton's Hardware g Successor to Potter & GooUl . 1 I have lately increased my stock of Goods 3 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 R. F. LASH 2 In addition to my line of Decorated Quecnsware and Glassware have in stock the following: Coffee, Tea, Dr. Price's Food, Force, Flaked Oats and Wheat, Violet Oats, Tomatoes, Corn, Cream, Soap, Brooms Matches, Baking Powder, Yea.t, Pepper, Salt, Lamp Chimneys, Wicks and Burners, Blue ing, Mustard, Vanlla and Lemon Extracts, Thread, Needles and Pins, also Butter and Eggs. Call and examine these goods and satisfy yourselves that this is the best place to buy. 207 S. Jersey Street St. Johns. CSJ CN C5 CS Qs C5 CS CSJ i Cjo Co CJ Ca C5a tm Guy Fountain Pens Have just received a complete new line of GUY FOUNTAIN PENS, the only adjustible feed pen on the market. Written guarantee with every pen. Prices f. 4-, n ALSO A FISH SEI nCTIOS OP STICK PIN'S, MOOCHES AND from $2 Up. ST. JOHNS SOUVENIR SPOONS. H. T. Butterworth THE ST. JOHNS JEWELER Phone Jersey 81. No. 104, Jers:y Street. EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning Call and see our new Garden Hose. 213 $. Jersey Street Phone jersey 91 St Mm, 9ttn 1ST. JOHNS BRICK CO. Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited. He who by his biz would rise Must either bust or advertise. Bring in your job printing. H. A. Calef and family of Tort land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gcsler on Oswego street Sun day. Mrs. A. M. Barrett and two daughters left Saturday morning for nureka, California, for a three months' visit. "The Holv Spirit" will be the topic considered in the Sunday 4 morning service at the United ev angelical church. The many friends of Kiiiinn McNeill wilt be delighted to lenrn that she has returned from a visit of several mouths in Mcdford. Adam Kacmtein drifted into the home port early this week. We arc glad to sec the lnd home again and hope he will stay with us. A. H. Willis and Clara Swayze of Baker City were married in Port land Sunday, Rev. F. L. Young of ficiating. They were old time friends of Mrs. Young. The Wabash Independents and the Gresham team will cross bats at the local grounds Sunday afternoon, while the St. Johns club is absent at Vancouver. Good game. Dr. Kambo is moving his dental office into the two front rooms over the First National Bank of St Johns where he will have nice large rooms, and from his window one has the finest view in town Wc believe the Doctor is making good move. Mrs. T. T. Porker left Tuesday morning for Salem for a short visit with friends. She will stop off on her return trip for a few days at the home of her father, A. P. Mag- ness, a prominent farmer, fruit raiser and hop grower residing at Wheat land, Yamhill Co., Oregon. Ben Wo'dt, who purchased the cigar factory of P. J. Peterson about a month ago, reports bus! ness as being the very best. Has 30 employes at work in his factory wttti a pay roll of about $300 per week. A lew more factories with a like pay roll would do St. Johns no harm. Miss Kuhtlia Greene came horn last Friday from Castle Rock, Washington, where she has been living on their furm and going to chool. She will visit here two or three weeks when she expects to re turn and take Jennie Greene with her. It is a lovely place up the Cowlitz where they live and wc do not bl.ime them for wishing to spend the summer there. C. L. Sporup and Miss Kthcl Moultou were united in marriage by Judge Gautcnbeiu In Portland on lucsday, May 12, and arc on their honeymoon. Wc could not dis cover where they were going or when the happy pair would be back. 1 uai is a secret ineir goou ircitius will have to discover. We hope they will be given a hearty welcome and oily reception wlieu tliein come home. Mr. It. T. Wilson, Natioual Bank Examiner, was here the first of the week and made a thorough examination of the First Natioual Bank of this city, and says the bank is doing very nicely. The national batik law requires personal examination, by one of its regularly appointed experts, of every national bank at least once every six months. Mr. Wilson has been in the contin uous employ of the government as national bank examiner during the ast sixteen years. Hon. J. W. Morton, one of our old Hood River friends on his way tome front Salem, ran out from Portland for a short call Tuesday. Mr. Morton says St. Johns has shown much improvement since he was here a year or more ago, He notices many new buildings that lave been erected since he was here. Wc, who live in St. Johns, do not notice these changes so much as the occasional visitor does. Mr. Mor ton thinks the situation ideal for a great city. The exemplifies of Columbia assembly, St. Johns, went to the Albina assembly Monday evening, where the entire staff of supreme officers were gathered, and put on the floor work of the order in such captivating manner that they won the entire attendance of some 00 Artisans and they were select ed to put on the work at Marion hall June 4th during the open meeting on that date. The St. Johns team is acknowledged the best drilled team of exemplifiers on the coast. Another feather in the fraternal cap of St. Johns. J. M. Rogers and H. H. Humph rey, representing A. G. Long of Portland, made a demonstration of what the band Babcock fire ex tinguisher will do iu case of a fire, Tuesday evening. They piled up wagon load of light pine boxes, dry as tinder, saturated them with kerosene, touched them off and "let her went," until the fire roared like a burniug brush heap. Then Mr. Rogers inverted one of the lit tle copper soda water cans, switched its tail around the base of the fire for about a minute and had the fire out. He had enough fizz water eft to put out two or three such fires. It was one of these fire ex tinguishers that saved Mr. Taylor, the tea store man, a disastrous fire recently. We understand the gen tleman disposed of something like a dozen or fifteen here. I this office. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. M Hart Thursday May 14 a daughter. Wanted Girl about 15 years of age to help with light housework. Call 529 S. Ivanhoe. "The Viper that Stings the Girl The Rattler that Strikes the Boy Winch is Worse?" Sunday night at the Evangelical church. W. J. Sterling formerly of Scat tic, now of San Francisco, an old friend of Brother Thorndjkc of the Astoria Leader blew Into our office Tuesday to visit his old friend, but was somewhat taken aback when he looked into our open Dutch countenance instead of the finely chiseled, classical features of the editor uy tuc nig urtny. it is a pleasure to meet any of the friend of Thorn, however, and. trust thev will look in upon us when they are iu the city. THE BARGAIN COUNTER Go to the ice cream. Home Creamery for to to Adjourned Meeting of Council The city fathers met in an ad journcd session Monday evening look into the status of different franchises that arc operative in th city. I he gas franchise was read its past history goue carefully ove and on motion 01 tinnier a com mittcc of three was appointed inquire into the qualifications of the sureties on the bond-of the St Johns Gas Light & Heat company, I lieu tltc water company s fran chisc was read and it seemed to dc vclop from the discussion that fol lowed that there was a kinky headed individual in the woodpile, which they had discovered a means of getting rid of, that would great ly improve the water situation in St. Johns. On motion of Davis the city attorney was instructed to inquire into the legality of the franchise as it stands and make written report. These discussions extended well toward the witching hour and the council then adjourn cd until the next evening at the regular hour. The Pie Face Social That the picfaccd sisters of the Y.P.S.C.U. of theChurch of Christ arc n txmular bunch ot young pco pic was very manifest at the social given by them iu Blckucr'.s hall last xucsuay evening, - mere was a fine attendance, a bright little program was rendered and the fun becan. Mr. L. T. Clnfk officiated as auctioneer, mid he was a dandy, borne or the pies sold us high as $2.50 and St 75 each, and some of the boys bought five or six pies in order to secure the pie their ducksy brought. The society netted above all ex penses 420, and they wish to thank all who assisted them, especially Mr. Clark who cried tlie sale and the bunch of Pthi ii 'sisters who came to the social iifier their lodin and helped not a little in disposing of the pies and adding to the enjoy' incut of the occasion. Mothers' Meeting. The W. C. T. U. held their rcg ular mothers' meeting at the home of Mrs. S. J. Kerr on Monday af ternoon. I he subject was "Home." One paper, Mrs. McKinley's, view of home life was particularly inter esting. After a short business ses sion and interesting program, Mrs. Kerr proved herself equal to the subject and occasion by serving the ladies with tea, sandwiches and cake. No mother can afford to miss these interesting and helpful meetings. Watch for the announce ments which will be made in the various churches. Notice. Johns Reading Room Friday. May after The St will be clostd 15th. All books not returned on or be fore that date must be returned to the County Department of the Cen tral Library, Seventh & Stark Streets, Portland. Alandolln or Guitar Lessons Would like to instruct a class of mandolin scholars who have not completed a course of lessons Also begiuuers will be given les- sous, uultar pupils also. Apply for information to D, F. Taylor. Dog Owners. All unlicensed dogs found in the city from and after the 15th day of May, 1908, will be impounded, and if not released therefrom by pay ment of costs and tax will be killed. H. Black, Chief of Police. Order of Eagles Memorial. The Fraternal Order of Eagles will hold memorial services at the M. W. A. hall Sunday, May 17 at 10:30 a. m. All are given a cor dial invitation to atteud. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined by H. Hender son, abstracter and notary public. Accurate work. Reasonable fees. 205 Jersey street. Money Wanted. Desire to borrow $250 or $300 at once; good security. Address J, care Review office. Dog For Sale. Fine young water spaniel; dog icense paid for this year. Call at All tile lntpst tinvi'ltloa In lnilinc belts at Prall's. Lot on Lively street $400. Easy terms, a. L. Dobie. 50 foot lot on Jersey street. $4000. Terms. S. L. Dobie. An acre near Stewart Station $t8oo $400 cash. S. L. Dobie. uo 1101 iorcet imuoou cm voie give you meat at Portland prices. M acre, otxtooM one block from car line sooo S200 cash. S. L. Dobie. You get full weight and first quality at the Central market. Just try it awhile. Ladies silk and lisle gloves at Prall's. Houses any size or price on easy payments. McKinncy, St. Johns Heights Station. Bitgood & Cole's trade is stead ily increasing, the result of small margins and prompt service. fitoo 5 room house and 50X too lot, 5300 cash balance two and three years. S. L. Dobie. Ready made sheets nud pillow cases, all prices at Prall's. Choicest varieties of pansy plants and rose bushes at Brodahl's green house. Place your orders now. $750, corner 100x100 near French block. McKinncy, St. Johns Heights station. If you wish clean, fresh, nicely cut meats go to Bitgood & Cole s. Spring weights iu underwear and hosiery for everybody at Prall's. 50x100 corner on Jersey street between postoffice and bank, $3750. iMrst come lirst served. Call up jersey 391. All our meats arc government inspected and the best that money can buy. They arc neatly and carefully handled. Come in and leave your order for free delivery. ward's Central Market. You get more meat and less bone for your money at Bitgood & Cole's than anywhere in the city. Fine line of men's furnishings at Prall's. 20x100 lots close to car only 3oo. to per cent cash, balance $5 or -f 10 per month, 6 tier cent Call and ask me about these lots. McKinncy, St. Johns Heights Sta tion. M. I). Walker, 119 N. Jersey, 1 XA N. Jersey, cigars, tobacco, confectionery and ice cream, Freel Freel With every $2 pur chase, wc will give it pretty framed picture. Prall Mercantile company, llolbrook block. $2400 buys 7 room modern house bath, pantry and cement basement. Lot 100x100 nicely fenced, 3 apple trees, 2 cherries, 60 logau berries, 00 struwberries. Fine river view; four blocks from postoffice. 'A cash, balance 2 years at 7 per cent. See owner, 622 North Edison or address postoffice box 23!, St. ohus, Oregon, iQtf 8 acres, 2 miles from good city, all iu high state of cultivation, 5 room house, barn 30x36 feet, root louse 12x16, chicken house 10x35, another 25x84, another 12x12, one acre of strawberries, 280 logan berry bushes, 200 gooseberry bush es, 100 black cap berry bushes, 11 apple, 3 jiear, 26 peach, 20 cherry, and 5 nut trees, one acre of the very best creek bottom laud, 2 acres iu pasture. This is an ideal little ionic. Price Si 100. Box 507, St. Johns' Oregon. Prall Mercantile Co. will give away a beatititul Japanese waste paper basket with every $4 pur chase. 1 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. R. 1,. Davidson, MntWKer. Hcon 1'oktnkk. Vice Pre, ffi St. Johns Creamery Co, "5 Phone Jersey 22 1. West Burlington Street. Milk Cream Eggs Fresh Buttermilk Butter Cheese Fruits EAT AMERICAN BEAUTY ICE GREAM AO 15 NTS l'OR Parisian Ice Cream Cones i s Wholesale ST. JOHNS, ORKGON Retail jj Celery plants for sale at 205 N. Misou street. Goal horse for sale. Call at Norton's hardware store, Nice, fresh eggs from the coun try at the Home Creamery. If you want to buy, rent, sell or exchange projerty see Wolcott (The Rent Man.) Found Scow 12x30 in Willam ette slough. Call at Gatton s slough. P. Turner. 3op Now is the time to secure your cabbage and tomato plants. Nice ones for sale at Brodahl's green house. Have your property insured in the St. Paul or Northern fire insur ance companies. They are the best. b. L. Dobie, agent. For Rent Five room bungalow, modern conveniences, corner Chi cago and iMlliuore, lune river iew. Call next door for key. 27P The ladies aid of the Congrega tional church will serve dinner iu the Holbrook block on Jersey street on election day. Come and eat with them. Our shoe sales for the first thirteen dnys of May are nlmost equal to the sales for the entire month of May Inst year. Is not this good evidence (lint we must be pleasing (lie people of St. Johns In our shoe depart ment? It is very encouraging (0 us Wc believe wc nrc the lenders in our community now Iu the shoe business nud in the grocery busi ness, nud we nrc striving to main tain our reputation nloug these lines nud nt the same time Increase our Men's Furnishings nud staple things iu Dry (ioods nud Notions to the extent that we enn satisfy ut most nuy cue In St. Johns. If you had passed our stores Inst Saturday night jou would certainly have romarUed that "something was doing" there. I 1 ? 8 I 8 8 BON HAM & CURRIER O: O Mason & Urba MANL'l'ACTl'Rl'.RS Cement Blocks of Drain Tile, Porch Piers, Foundation Piers and Sidewalk Work Telephone Richmond 641. Cedar Park, St. Johns. J. E. COLVIN Real Estate and Fire Insurance Good buys iu residence nud business lots. Factory sites, ncrenge ami water frontage, I'liouc Richmond yji, Ckmknt Block Bi.do. Chicago and Jersey Sts. ST. JOHNS, ORE. r L r 2 1 to I I I I Don't go to Portland TO BUY YOUR MEAT We carry a full line of fresh meats, also salt and smoked meats. As residents of St. Johns we believe iu patronizing liuiiiv industry and want you to get the habit. Why go to Portland when you can get your meat right nt home at Portland prices? Come and give us a trial. We will surely treat you right. BITGOOD & COLE 205 S. Jersey J 1 Cash n n , x IVIiirKCl a i Washed Gravel Best for Concrete Work West Side Washed Gravel Co. Leave orders with RICHARD SIIEPARD or WAYNE L MILLS no N, Jerbcy Street 51 N, Jcr Stn ft 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 Mandolin or Guitar Lessons. Would like to instruct a class of mandolin scholars who have not completed a course of lessons, Also beginners will be given lessons. Guitar pupils also. Apply for in formation to I), v. laylor. BUSINESS COLLEGE I'OKTI.A.NO, OKKCSON BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? Tlicy are tralunl (or Imniiu.t In a l.uilnr. llkf way. 1'luccil ji piii'lU into luiruluc KMttioiia iluriui; lt year. Why nut enroll In a rcuUlill ulioot that ilace all "I iu gruiluntea? It-W. IlI'.IIN'Klt, Pft. BHNII l'OR CATAl.OtU'l! I. M W.U.KKK, Win.