St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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Tonbiftlb for Th Relw.
All Hi newt whlk It li newt If
oar motto. Call In and enroll
Of advertising In The Kcvlcw
and you'll never regret It. He
lta .it ones and keep right at It
. Z.
Devoted to (ho Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 4
ST. JOHNS, ORlvGON, 1'KIDAY, MAY 15. 1908.
NO. 27
The Pythian Sisters Do Themselves Proud in Their
Vaudeville Last Thursday Evening
We do not believe that there
would be any risk of missing the
truth if we should say that the
entertainment given by the Pythian
Sisters Thursday night of last
week, in Oickncr's hall, was the
best of its kind ever given in St.
The music furnished by Toole's
orchestra was all that could be de
sired. Their selections were nil
good and the cxcqitlon was per
fect. We arrived on the scene just nt
the close of the second number,
Madam Princeton's Ikauty Parlors,
just where the troubles commenced,
and were delighted to sec that our
ubiquitous reporter was on hands
and broke up the whole show. lfor
the Madam seemed to be one of
those too numerous fakes who
take advantage of the misfortunes
of others, and it was really amus
ing to sec the woman with the wurt
on her nose and the girl with freck
les "hit the grit" when our report
er announced her business. We
will spare the guilty parties, how
ever, if they will promise not to do
so again.
The comet solo by Miss Donna
Hsach was exquisitely given and
she was called back. Miss lieacli
is an artist with the cornet and
our entertainers will do well to
have her on their progtnmsoftener.
That special added attraction by
Professor Bender was one of the
best "specialties" of the evening.
It was a shadow acrobatic stunt
performed with a jumping jack
between nil electric light and u
screen, the screen being between
the performer nnd the audience.
The shadows were the most rcnl
istic and lifelike wc have ever seen
nnd caused the greatest of merri
ment in the uudiencc.
Valentine and Clurk in their
farce '"Glickmau the Glazier,"
was another especially good mini
ber. The subject was fine nnd the
acting was crfect. Mrs. Valen
tine is a "natural boru artist" and
Clark, well you all know Clark,
there Is nothing lacking in any of
his stunts. The situations were!
excruciatingly funny all the way
through, nnd we think "Glickmau"
has solid grounds for a damage
"Me and My Downtrodden Sex,"
was a splendid number, and Miss
Louise Couch did flue work, in
fact she outflctchcrcd Fletcher in
demonstrating the objectionable
features of woman's rights. We
would commend Miss Couch to
him if he should run short of slush
about the gentle sex, for she cer
tainly presented n most lively cari
cature of Mr. Fletcher's favorite
type of the woman's rights woman,
the kind who scrap with the police
and run with the long haired men
of Mr. Flctclicr's native land.
Mrs. Lyons and her churns girls
was another number which won
most hearty applause from the
audience; but the funniest of the
whole lot was the Sweet Fnmilv.
And they were hvmA from Mu
Sweet on down to the spoiled baby,
Glorlnuit Gud about Sweet. They
kept the audience in a roar of
laughter and Glorlaua kept the
little ones on the front rows In an
everlasting giggle throughout the
entire number. Caroline Cordelia
nutl Dorlhy Dclinh, who were
"both twins," Itetscy Ileliudn, the
fainting orator, Araulitita Ann, the
the flirt, in fact all were just per
fect in their several parts. The
most affecting scene of all was
Francis Fedora's reading of Cur
few; there was not a dry eye in the
Sweet Family when she subsided.
Those who failed to attend
missed a treat. It is rumored that
the sume company will put 011 an
other entertainment in the near
future. If they do be sure to se-
rnri vnlir tlrl?itu iTirk' nr vnil will
I v.. l..f mil In tlw rv-M M'lii ImliMi!
was filled to the doors this time
and nt the next It will be packed
like sardines in a box.
An Interesting Session Tuesday Evening in Which a Large
Budget of Municipal Business Was Disposed of
To Water Users.
Water used through hose for
sprinkling yards or sidewalks or
washing porches or windows must
be paid for in advance, and used
only between the hours of 5 ami 8
a. in. nnd 5 and 9 p. in. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets.
Anyone using water contrary to
these rules, or wastcfullv. will be
shut off without further notice.
St. Johns Waterworks nnd Light
ing Co., P. II. Kdlefsen, superin-teudent.
Urine in your printing now.
mam mum -m w w m
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
goods nt the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars betweeu St. Johns and
Portlaud. We call for nnd cluck your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates 011 car
load lots. Experienced and coutteous employes.
Phone Main 358, Portland office.
Phone Main A 3358.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawn 88. Ageut at St. Johns.
Office 105 F. Burlington street.
Everything that's New. Nobby and
Uptodate for your Spring Suit
Cleaniug, Pressing and Repairing
We call for and deliver Phone Richmond 941
Open Sundays 10:30 to 12 noon.
Second door south of postoffice.
The common council met in their
fifth regular session Tuesday even
ing nil members present. After the
usual preliminary skirmish, they
listened to the tales of woe from
two gentlemen from Portland, one
of whom, Mr. Wagner, represented
himself and a woman whom lie
claimed had been buncoed out of
her money by S. V. Davidor and
the uns company, the other repre
senting Mr. Davidor's bondsman,
Mr. Meagher, whom he claimed
lidtl been buncoed nlso, nnd whose
signature to Davidor's bond was
obtained he alleged by fraud.
They cl. until that Davidor was
trading his worthless gas stock lor
fruit lands, city pioperty, or any
thing i lse he could get his hands
011, that this stock was absolutely
worthless, because the bona back
of the gas company was not worth
the paer it was written 011 nutl
that Davidor had buncoed a poor
old man out of $1600, the savings
of n 'lifetime and that his wife is
now distracted over the loss of the
money. Thev recounted nil the
events of the rotten life of Mr.
Davidor alleged by different tier-
sous nnd nsUd that the council
take sotiii? stps whivh would Mop
Mr. Davidor fiuiu foisting tins
worthless palter upon the
Mr. Hceket, representing Mr.
Meaglur, said that Mr. Meagher
told him that he was not worth
anything except the S 10,000 Moek
in the Washington Telephone com
pany stock, nnd that this Mock has
not been placed to his credit 011 the
books of that coipornlion, theiefore
lie was not even worth the doubtful
value of this stock. The gtntle
men also declared that Mr. David
or's wealth consisted principally
of just such worthless stock as the
gas stock, teleplione mock, mining
stocks that were eijuaily woithless.
that there was not the Mlgntest
chance of the gas stock ever belli
worth n dollar so long as he hntl ..
in his hands.
The council took 110 action on
these statements beyond giving
them n respectful hearing. If nil
they sny Is true the gentlemen who
arc 011 the bond, who swore that
they were worth nbove nil indebt
edness more than $20,000 each, are
lined up In good shape for the
charge of perjury with the rewards
due the crime. On the other hand
if these statements are untrue the
council would be liable to damage
claims on the part of these gentle
men, if they took nny decisive
action. It, therefore, behooves the
council to net with prudence in
dealing with the matter.
Petition of property owners to
establish guide on Kdison street
was received nml placed on file on
motion of Doble. The engineer
wns Instructed by resolution to es
tablish the grade.
On motion of Dobie engineer wns
instructed to establish grades on
nil streets ns soon as possible ac
cording to approved plans adopted
for such work.
Petition of KJ Magoon for re
newal of liquor license for his
.saloon on Jersey street was referrctl
to the liquor license committee.
Petition for suitable grade con
forming with the contour of the
ground on Willis boulevard be
tween Mnrtuinu nnd Oswego street
iu Oak Park No. 3, on motion of
Davis, was received and placed oil
Resolution passed establishing
grade oil Kdison street belw eu
north line of llurliiigton street mid
Weycrhaeuher Mrccl.
Petition to iuipiove a portion of
Polk mill D.iwsou streets by con
demnation proceedings was accept
ed and placed 011 file 011 motion of
Petition presented by Dr. Mc
Chesney et nl. for a sewer to be
eoiistitictcd down Jersey street
from Itallimore to Fessendeu,
thence down Fessetuleii to the river
was teferred to thp committee on
streets on motion t Hunter.
Uiil of Mr. Gosiiey to provide 11
place and attend to the disposition
of garbage for the sum of 150 por
nullum, 011 iiio.ion of Dobie was
accepted mil turned over to the
strict committee for Investigation.
Hid ol the 0. K. restaurant to
feed the prisoners and furnish such
other meals ns the city must pro
vide during the year nt the rate of
. cents per meal was received nnd
placed 011 file.
On motion of Hunter the adjust
ment of the balance 011 the J.envltt
street fund was referred to the
street committee.
Hills for labor and material were
allowed to the amount of $235-'7.
including electric light bill of $ 154
05 and water bill of $79.70 for the
month on motion of Hunter.
Mr. Hunter then called the atten
tion of the council to the fact that
some of the citizens had spoken to
him about the saloons clearing
their windows ns suggested Inst
week by Captain Illack. He stated
that he believed It would be a good
idea for the present council to go
011 reconl and to instruct the chief
of police to notify the keepers of
these houses that they must live up
to the full letter of the law, thnt
these curtains and screens must h;
removed nutl the windows cleaned
so that all may know thnt they are
keeping the law. He stated that
he believed there were some saloon
men here who wished to comply
with the law in every respect, but
there were others who realize thnt
their time is Khort mid that they
wilt resort to anything that will)
gain n dollar or two more for them
nnd this is working n hardship up
on those who will obey the law.
Mayor Hrlce replied that he
thought the entire council were In
favor of making the saloon men all
obey the law ns regards Sunday
closing nnd that the saloon men
understand that this is the position
taken by the council, nnd that
there was not a man 011 the council
who would not stand for the en
forcement of the law, and that If
the saloon keepers will comply with
the requirements ol the law it will
save them a great ileal of trouble
nnd expense.
Mr. Wiudle said he thought it
would be n good Iden to hnve nil
the partitions removed from the
back end of the saloons because
while the fronts may be made clear
so that one could sec throughout
the bar rooms, liquor could be
dealt out In these wine rooms all
day and no one be the wiser; that
there was 110 use for these wine
rooms being there. The only pos
sible excuse for them would be for
n store room to hide the empty kegs
and barrels, but that a saloon mail
should not be ashamed of his
empties. In many liquor houses
(Continued on page 2.)
Real Estate
Loans and Insurance
Call in and sec my List of Property. Bargains
every one. Buy St. Johns property now wliile
the prices are low. Yon can double your money in
one year on some of it.
See Rogers
The University Appropriation.' in this surmise; but having henrd
so mucii a oou 1 uie poor men s sous
who were attending the institution,
nnd cspeclnlly that stale oltl story
gray with nge mid hobbling on
crutches relative to the poor lad
wlio stnrtetl iu with -tjo iu his
Court j
-mailt ' 'Pt. '7 ''
:.: -.Jk
Lots, $75 and up
1 10 IM. Jersey Street, St. Johns, Oregon J
Kditor Review: Iu the issue of
May 1 , you attempt to reply to my
letter advising the people of Oregon
to vote down the "continuing:"
appropriation to the Kugcnc uni
versity. You assume that when I
referretl to your sudden change of
mind In the short space of a few
weeks thnt I meant that you were
bribed. And so you rushed off
nutl made mi affidavit that you
never received 11 cent. When n
resectable citizen, such ns I take
you to be, denies any charge im
puted to him, I am always willing
to take his wortl for it; but I nui
always more or less suspicious
when he denies n thing under onth
before he is accused of it. If 1 can
not tnke n man's word ns to the
truth or falsity of anything, his
oath will add no more force to It.
1 do not charge you with accepting
a bribe for if I did I suppose I
would suffer for it, but your sud
den change from an enemy to n
friend of the appropriation was
startling iu the extreme. Nothing
like it ever occurred iu my time,
mid I believe thnt history furnishes
110 parallel to it unless It wns the
sudden conversion of the Apostle
Paul while 011 his way to Autiocli.
There wns certnlnly some strong
reason for your sudden conversion
nutl I regret to say thnt you fail to
tell us what it was. If there wns
110 money consideration then they
must have stuffed you unmercifully
full to the point of bursting.
You next charge me with saying
that the fool ball coach was paid
by the university ami then assure
me it wns paid by the student body
themselves. I wns probably wrong
pocket nutl worketl his way up.
I naturally concluded that it was
Impossible for the students to mm
$1500. Probably I was in error,
but It tlitl some gootl for it provud
two things first, that the proftw
sors kept a tight grip 011 their sal
aries, ami second, that the pupils
are not so hard pressed for the sin
ews of war as the iilttmui represent
them to be
You next tell us how carefully
the funds are guarded. A bill must
be approved by the head of the de
partment, by the president and sec
retary of the university, the finance
committee, Hoard of Regents, etc.,
before It Is paid! Illess your inno
cent heart, the same process has
been iu vogue for years nt the nor
mal schools nutl other public insti
tutions, but waste and extrnv
agauce nutl grafting went on nil
the same until it became unbear
able, mid the result was an entire
change in the management of those
Your next point is that the uni
versity appropriation does not
come from the common school fund
ami does not affect that fund. Who
cares from what fund the money
comes as long ns it comes from thu
state. The money belongs to thu
leople nutl it is they who ought to
sny how much of it shall be ex
pended. You say that if thu uni
versity were blotted out of uxiat
euce that the country schools would
not receive 1111 additional dollar.
Cuiitluiloluil Iwillli wnr
a m mm "v m v M smi m h A mm
St. Johns Land Co.
The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Pirnt
in St. Johns.
East St. Johns
The center of the great development now taking
place on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some Hue residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the 0. K. &
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrook's Addition
We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the
new $20,000 school building to be sold on easy install
ments. Call at our office for prices and terms for either of
these desirable tracts.
St. Johns pllono Jcrsy 931 Oregon
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.
Lumber Manufacturers