INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA Arcliitccttire Book-keeping Stenography Hanking and Hanking Inw Commercial I.nw Advertising Show Card Writing Clicmistry Mechanical Drawing Electrical Engineering Newspaper Illustrating Civil Engineering Civil Service Slcnm Engineering Mechanical Engineering Gas lingineering Mining Engineering Locomotive Running Plumbing, Heating and Ventilating l'rcnch, .Spanish, German taught with Edison phonograph I'or full information address, J. A. SHERE, Representative 4 425 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Keep Bright and You WILL KEEP BUSY Electric Light is the in iguet that draws trade. The bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can no more resist the attraction of n brilliant, Electrically lighted store than they can resist the clarion call of a brass baud. Is your competitor with the Electrically illuminated show windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting nu advantage over you? The moth never flutters around the iiulighted candlel Up-to-date stores nowadays consider shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain open after dark or not. Competition forces modern methods. A show window brilliantly illuminated with Klcctric light will make many a sale "the night before." Electric light compels attention, makes eisy the examination of your display, siiows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors. And don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting "tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning your name in the public mind. It is 11 solicitor that never becomes weary never stops work costs little. Call Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information. Portland Railway Light and Power Go. FIBST AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND OREGON Factory and Ware House Site For Sale or Lease 100 feet on Railroad with switch and 150 feet on Richmond street; iron building 100x50 with addition .10x50 feet. Will give long lease or sell for $9000.00 on easy terms. Apply to ST. JOHNS OR KG ON B. T. LEGGETT, THE PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON (Continued from first page) influence of the university over the daily and in every other way' with-1 versity reports include all depart mcnts. and it is not possible to make an accurate segregation in the funds in arriving at the cost per student to the state. Table 1. Washington $151.00 Oregon 133-00 Idaho 179.00 California 180.60 Montana 194.00 South Dakota 276.00 North Dakota 148.00 Iowa 126.50 Wiscons in . 200.00 Table 2. Washington $392-00 Oregon 208.00 Idaho. . . . California 274.00 Montana 228.00 North Dakota 323-00 Iowa 321.00 Wisconsin 207.00 Harvard 420.00 Yale 287.00 The scale of salaries at the Uui school system of the state will be come greater as the university be comes stronger. It is absurd to say that the uui versity appropriation stands in the way of the development of the pub lie schools. The cost of the uni versity, annually, to each person in the state is less than thirty cents, on the basis of the appropriation of judge and $ The rate of the uuivcr- their lives sity tax would be less than one fourth of a mill. The aim of the university is to serve not only the students who arc within its walls for instruction, but also the people of the state at large. To this cud, correspondence courses have been established and iustruction is now being given to 250 students in every part of the state, who arc not able to attend out a saloon in it. There is noth ing good comes from the saloon, but continually evil and only evil. Some of the best friends we have in the city, so far as we know, are saloon people. Some who are just as honest as the day is long, but they are on the wrong side of the question as far as we arc able to it is the one thing in I that we regret. We would give a great deal to be able to induce them to drop it, for aside from that one thing they would be most admirable citizens, a credit to the city and community. In Storyland. I J. E. KILKENNY O. h. EPl'S St. Johns Electric Works 203 South Jersey St. 325-00 tlc university. The departments of Economics, Education, Mining and others have responded loyally to the many calls made on them, and every depart ment iu the university is constantly serving the state. The proposed appropriation of $125,000 will stand iu lieu of the present annual appropriation of versity of Oregon is lower than that of a great majority of state $47(500 per year, and of all special universities. me sumry "' appropriations, such as have been IirChlUeill in ramUi us UKillliai. ,-llu'liimilninMiA mil .Snorinl nnnrn . rr..f i... .( n.iir-...!. """-. w '-' i" rr. 000 ni uic university ui uiiiu.niu, ,)rjnt,ong WCrc necessary at the ses $4,500 at the university ot wasn- sion of thc wsnlurc j 1903, and ington, at uic university 01 nIso , I005 Tc avcragc BmoUnt jimiiu, w,uw iii nit "' provided by tlic state during the Montana, and $5,000 at the Oregon t r.ii riii. ... ..I Agricultural v.oiicgc. 1 ue nmxi mum salaries paid to professors at the University of Oregon is $2000. as against a standard mil versity salary of not less tnan hfiooo. Onlv ciuht nrofessors re ceive the full salary of $ 2000; nine receive St ,600 per year, and the rcmnitilmr. members of the instrtic tioual force receive salaries ranging from $1 ,200 to $300 per year. The entire salary roll is lower than that of superintendent, principals and urade teachers in uood city schools In the matter of cmiipincnt ami . .. .. . .. . , I UI lilt UlllVCiSIll buildings the University of Oregon ,matc, 0 000 is also ut the foot of the list. I he Additional In years of 1905-6 was $70,750 per year. The increase iu thc appro priation is from this amount to the new appropriation of $125,000, or $46,250 per year. The estimate for thc bare cost of maintenance (exclusive of buildings laboratory equipment and of books for library) is $80,000, on thc most economical basis. New recitation buildings, now urgently needed, will cost not less than $50,000. An adequate dormitory should be provided for the young women of the university, Some children I like, Ami some I ndorc; I'or nieces and nephews I have Just four: Louise, I Intel, Kindle mid Fritz, Each upon my knee oft sits, Of jjhosts arm goblins And beasts that roar. They listen nnd wonder And laugh in glee, And conjure in mind Thc thiiiL's they sec. With their thoughts far nwny Their eyes expand, As they wander on Through fairyland. Who would not be A child again, And listen to talks Of land and sea? I would that I. Like you could be, A happy youth On uncle's knee. J. C. K. We don't solicit plumbing, tinning or carpenter work or any other line not pertaining to the Electrical Business. THAT ISN'T ALL Wc arc not running a curb stone Electrical Business. Our way of doing business is legit imate. Motors and Dynamos sold and repaired; Fixtures and Supplies; House Wiring. charge rcsolu- notices Our Charges. As is customary, we will for card of thanks, 50c; for tious of respect, $1,00; for of church or lodge entertainments, suppers, sociables, etc., where there arc charges for admission, 5c per line, but where there arc no charges for these events, wc will break thc rule and insert them free. Wc make this announcement so that costing npprox- our good friends may understand our rule iu this rcsncct. ...... .. ..... 1 .wwiirintim iniwi uimtuii in ui.. total value of the laud, bit Id ties . ..1 ...i.n.. 1. 1.. a.. expenditure of from $15,000 to cl Y"r Sunday trimmings. 725,000 for land and equipment at the University of Oregon is 5150,000, as compared with nt the University ot Idaho, $360,000 at the University of Montana, $719,500 at thc Uni versity of Utah, $514,000 at thc University of Colorado, and $5,641 000 at the University of California The campus of the University of Oregon contains but twenty-seven acres of laud while the campus of the University of Washington con tains 270 acres. The present condition ot the Uut versity of Oregon is deplorable Class rooms mid laboratories him and laboratories are rc llirc St000 tied, nnd 110 relief can be jMie ni. ut the present time would save a much larger ex penditure iu thc future. A number of the departments are badly in need ot modern labor atory equipment. It will require at least f 15,000 to put them iu con dition for good work. The library stands in need of $10,000 for books and general equipment, to bring it up to thc efficiency of even the smaller university libraries. I he grounds, heating plant and furniture for new buildings will The C. E. society of the Chris tian church will hold a home bak ing sale nt the furniture store of Carlson & Co. iu the Tower build ing Saturday evening this week and every week for some time. Don't forget to get "Sunday fixiu's" of thc young people and save your self thc bother of making it. overcrow had without new buildings. The woman's dormitory cannot be used because there is no money to pro vide the heating plant, and the library building is wholly destitute of lights. During the mouths of October, November and December, 1007, the faculty of the University served without pay, there being 110 money left iu the treasury, bev eral members ot tlie (acuity re ceived flattering offers to go else where, but out of loyalty to the university and to the state, they declined these offers and remained. These facts are injurious to Ore gou's good nnmc ns an educational needs above specified aggrc- John3 or vcinilVi J 55,000, enough to consume Tt T ,,nrkcr n'Uo rglndbovccost of maliitcu- iioibrook l.nildlnir gate $1, the margii mice for at least three years, with all other sources of revenue count ed, and without making any allow ance for increased expenditures necessarily attendant 011 thc rapidly increasing number ot students. To Whom It May Concern. For the iniiiic and residence of the owner of any property iu St. call on or write attorney at law, in Iioibrook building. 1 itles to real property Wet or Dry. the temperance people of the East Side nnd St. Johns are bring- 1 am prepared to spray your trees, henhouses, fences, iu fact do any kind of whitewashing and spraying. N. A. Gee. RESOLUTION BUILDERS' HARDWARE i As well as the other kinds of Hardware is OUR HOBBY o We arc making thc hard ware business our study, and it's not how cheap we can buy but how good, and we must have the quality. Our Universal Stoves nnd Ranges arc ns good ns the I1RST made. Our mixed paints arc the Acme quality kind. Hendricks Hardware COMPANY. No. 1 1 1 Burlington street Plant an ad. in Thc St. Johns Review and watch your business grow. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. AN OFFICIAL DIRECTORY S. H. GREENE Attorney-at-Law. Office: Room 9. Brceden Build ing, corner Third and Washington streets, Portland, and Room 35, Iioi brook Mock, St. Johns. Phone: Pacific 1098. Residence: St. Johns HENRY E. COLLIER Lawyer. Rooms In the Iioibrook building. St. Johns, Oregon. Joseph AlcChcsncy, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURfJEON Day and Night Offlco In McChesncy Block I'hone WoodUwn 47J ST. JOHNS, OREaON DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PHYSICIAN AND SURdEON Resilience! 435 Williams Ave. Phone East 6x63. Office: Iioi brook Brick IMock.rooms i,niid4 I'lionc Kast 3689. St. Johns, .... Oregon Dr W. E. HARTEL, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty I'hone Richmond 201. Rooms t and 2, Iioibrook Block, St. Johns IN ing up the temperance question again tuts year, petitions arc be state, and the conditions nre unjust ling circulated referring the question to the young men and women who are to receive their education in Oregon. Poor mid rich alike can share iu the advantages offered by the state university. Tuition is free, and the cost of living low. Any deter mined young man or woman can hotxr to gel a university education. A wide field of opportunity is opened up by the training given at the state university. statistics show that the earning powers are fully doubled, and this is but a small part of the real gain, Iu a government by thc whole people the training which will prepare for the highest positions ought to lie to the people. In St. Johns it will doubtless be a hard fight. Harder now than it would have been a few weeks ago when the rottenness of Louis Richards and his patrons raised the indignation ot the decent element, and even ot those who did not make much of a claim for decency, to such an extent that Richards wisely thought best to leave betweeu two days. I his feeling lias to a great extetit worn ott, by some forgotten, and the other saloons have been more careful, with one or two exceptions perhaps, to keep within the bouuds of ordinary saloon propriety. It is 110 wonder that the people who de- It Is resolved by thc cllv of St. lohns mat uic muyor iw ami ne is herein- num. orlted, directed ami required to enter Into a contract on behalf of thc city of St. Johns with "The I ml ana Road Ma, chine Co.," o( l'ort Wayne, Indiana, for ine purcnusc 01 one .no. 10 rort Wayne nunc cniiiicr. 30 icei elevator, wit 11 best chain belt, one revolving wreen eight feet long by 30 inches diameter, with two crforat!ons and one eh-hteeti horse power portable Ajax engine for twenty-eight hundred dollars on the terms rroo$cd in bid by said company ucrciuiurc mummed 10 cue council, ami uovcrnol !y all the snccificatioiu there. In, the form of which taid contract mut nciore signing, oe approved by thc citv A. .M. H5SON, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review. April 17 ami 24, 190a, TIIH COUNTY COURT 01' TIIH STATU 01' ORUC.fN, l'OR MULT NOMAH COUNTY, In the matter of the estate of Hruest It. l'.lllott, deceased, Notice Is hereby ulven that Mary It ltlllott was 011 the 3rd day of March, loott, uiily appointed by the County Court of Multnomah county. Oreuou. administratrix of the estate of Hriicut It. ltlllott. deceased, ami all iwrtous hav Inn claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers attached thereto, to the said administratrix In the law office of II. It. Collier, iu the Iioibrook buildiui!. St. Johns, Oregon, within six months from and after the date of March 27, 1908, said date being the first publication of tills notice. .MARY It. Itl.MOTT. Administratrix of the estate of 30-J4 Itrnest It. I'.IIiott, deceased, SUMAIONS. RESOLUTION. IN TIIH CIRCUIT COURT Ol' TIIH 8TATK 01' UKI'.lill.M, I'UK MIU.TKUMAII tOU.NTV, Annie M, Scot, rUlnliff v. 1!. . O, txol, Defendant. To li. K. 0, Heol, Defendant, In I he tiaine ol the Ute ol Orrrou. vou ate ncrtliv rciuireu 10 annear anil antwrr tlierom. Dlalnt tiled aialntt vou In the ibmc entitled autt I on or before the ei titration of tlx wrekifroui the date ol the fir publication ol this tumiuont, to. abundantly provided for the sous sire n decent, respectable place to live whether churcli people or otli erwise, would endeavor to rid the city of this oue blot upon the oth erwise most beautiful and desirable spot iu Multnomah county to have a home. The saloou life of the past year has been oue of disregard Capital 25,000.00 Surplus 1,500.00 Intet est paiil on savings deposits. SI. Johns Lumber Co. lias all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of all sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. mid daughters of all the people. The .students nt the University of Oregon come Irom the common people. rew of them have the means to pay tuition and attend the big institutions of the Kast. bixiy-nve per cent ot the young men nt r.ugetie nre earning their own way, either wholly or partially, through college. Students have entered ine university with less than 30.00 in money, and yet liuve been able, through their own e.v ertious, to work their way through to graduation, Its students are in college because they want nu edu cation. They are in earnest. They mean business. Why should they not be given the facilities and op portunities that the young men and women of other states are given? win 011 or before Monday, the 4th day ol May, 190S. and In delault thereof the trialutflf ttltl ) ply to the Court for the relief demanded In lie It is Resolved by the citv of St. folms that the mayor be, am) he is hereby directed and required to complaint, which la that the bonda of matrimony IUI112 between thc aakl iitalntltt and dclcad- ant be diatolvcd; that plalntjfl be decreed to hare authorited, the exclusive care, curtody and control of their minor children, vil; Mtunie ticol. Richard Srol and Violet Seol, and that Lota 7, f). 9. 10 and 5 of Mock 4, and lot 6 of block 5. all In Fall View Ad dition to Oregon City, Clackamas county, Ore gon, be et apart to pialulltf aa her own separate for law or deceucy iu uiauy instances dred dollars on the terms proposed in ami have beeu so flagrant that those who were tryiug to comply with the law have beeu condemned with the others as au undesirable class. This, not alone by the re ligious fanatic, as thc saloou people often declare, but by those who day test by the council before the city of have 110 affiliation with the church' es and care 110 more for the church es than does the saloon man, but who despise the filth, the debauch cry, the criminality that emauates from the saloop as uaturally as Jer required enter into a cotitract on behalf of the city of St. Johns, with Howes & Co. of t'ortiaun, uregon. for the purchase of one twelve ton, second hand, Oas tcr l'r?P''y nM ube to an y equities or clalnia of uun you uy oruer 01 lion, jonn n. nctanu, ludiieot the above entitled court, made and en. tcred March iStb. 190S, directing that the said publication be made In the St. Johna Review, a weekly ncwananer ol eeneral circulation, nub. ii.ucu at ine ciiy 01 pi, jonut, aiuituoiuan county, itate 01 Oregon, ana that aaid publica tion be made once each week for aU couaecutivc weeka. The date of the firat publication ot this aunt moui 1a ine win uay 01 arcn, 1921. d. 11, uKiu'.riis. 16-14 Attorney lor I'lalntlff. om ami communication from said com pany of date April 7. IQoS. on file with I Recorder, and governed by all the spec ideations therein, the forms of which said contract must be, before signing, approved by the city attorney. It is however further 'resolved that saw roller shall be submitted to a thirty The states which support their sey lightuiug front the copper still. universities most liberally are the ones thnt have the strongest system of public schools; as for example, California, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. A strong university absolutely necessary for a strong public school system, for the uui versity is nothing more or less than the head of the state's public schools. Hie University of Ore This class of our citizeus is the more active in opposition to the I saloons, This contention between the decent elements of the city and the lawless, dissipated, debauched, besotted class, abetted by those who have little or no regard for auything decent, will engender strife and ill-will more or less: this St. Johns shall in any manner be bound to purchase same, and If unsatisfactory upon such test, the council reserves the nun 1 to declare sucu contract of nur. i 1 cuutc nun ami voiu. A. M. KSSON, Recorder- Published ill the St. Johns Review. April 17 ami 24, 190a, No. 9047. Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Physician and Surccon. Office in Ilolbrook's Illock. Residence, 215 Hayes street. Phone Scott 6995. OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D Office hours, 910 its, m., 1 to J p. m. Office riione, Scott 1104. Healdencc I'hone, Uulon 3901. Office Iu Uulvettlly I'sik Drugstore. E. C MONNICH PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Ivstimatcs Furnished 1009 Montcith St. St. Johns, Or. Darling & Barnett CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 414 Smith St. - St. Johns, Ore. WEAVING Now is the time to get your work done. Carpet for sale. 401 Taco ma street. J. It. III.ACK ANDV KKKK BLACK & KERR Building Contractors riaiiasnd Ifitlmalcs l'urnUhcd. LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. 0. F. sr. JOHNS. 0KC00N Meets each Monday evenlni! In Odd I'ellows hall, at H:oo. Visitor welcomed, II, h. hlmmoiis, N. O. H. II. Ilolcomb, Secretary. CC NO. UI KMOIITS 01" I'VTIIIAS. Meets every I'rlday nluht at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.l'. hall. Visitors always wel come. Geo. R, Illack, C. C. J, II. Illack, K. R.S. IrjSjftf Fraternal Brotherhood. Meets every I'rlday nluht in M. W. A. Hall. S. J. Schelter. president: las. II. Gee, secretary. Mail Schedule Mall arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. in. and 1:15 p. ui. Leaves at 10:20 a. ui,, ami 4' AS p, m, Office open week days from 6u a. ni. to 6:10 p, iu, Sundays from 9 to 10 a, ni WOOD FOR SalK llavlm; nurchased the wood yard of I. C. l'errell. I am prepared to deliver wood to'any port; of St. Johns on short notice. Drv and green wood, by the cord or 16 Inches in length. All orders left at the yard twill receive prompt attention. J, A. Popell, 1.4. wvai, NOTICE TO ADVERTISER In order to Insure a chanat of ad- vertlsemsnt the copy for such change should reach thle office not later, tout Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleae rememoer tnie and save the Brlater (Ft H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St. Real Estate. Loans. Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. over the public school system of the state. More than 125 of its graduates are teaching iu the pub he schools and high schools of Ore gon.. luguteeu out of fifty-four young men and women who were graduated last June are now teach ing iu the state's common schools For neat work, good material ami reasonable prices The a,ul l,iRh sclxool&' T,,e deuiaud I fnr IWkll It'll itltl l-skoMta-X"? 2a 1itr Review job printing department cannot be beaten. times as large as the supply. The gon lias exerted a strong influence is unavoidable, aud much as it is deplored by every one who loves peace aud harmony, one cannot afford to sit supinely aud permit evil to triumph without au effort to overcome it, aud while our columns will be open for brief discussions of either side of the subject, if I there cau be two sides, we must say at the outset that we believe that the city will be immeasurably better off Cuaucially, morally, so-1 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of Comptroller of the Currency. ... 1. 1 . x . . It .1 " tluaillllKluu, u. V.., l-eu, 39, 190a, Whereas, by satisfactory evidence nre. sented to the undersigned, it has been mane to appear tuat tlie "First National Bank oh St. Johns" In the City of St. Johns in the County of Multnomah and State of Oregon, has complied with all the revisions of the statutes of the United tates, required to be comnlied with be. fore an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking. Now, therefore, I, William B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the "First National Bank op St. Johns" in the Citv of St. lolins in the county of Multnomah and state of Oregon, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Sec tion Fifty-one Hundred aud Sixtv-niue I of the Revised Statutes of the United States. r!3eS3S3 In iKltm 10 crai 9 witness my hand and seal Q . (J 0f 0ffice this twenty-eight 5300 ilay of February. 190S. WM. B. RIDGELY, Comptroller of the Currency. 10-18 W. E, Godsey GENERAL BLACKSMITHING'. Horseshoeing? All kinds of Repair Work on. WAGONS aud vi MACHINERY RUBBER TIRES, et. PORTSMOUTH, OREGON; Central Market! Iioibrook Block. See us for the Choicest Cuts of the' Best .Meat Obtainable. Orders Filled and Family-Trade Solicited T, P. WARD, Proprietor;