THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW rubllnhtd V.ittj FrliHy At 117 WeKt llitrlliiKlon Street, St. John. II V Sl liVHKLKIt. Tint RHVIKW Is entered nt post office In Snint Johns, Oregon, ns until matter of tltc second class under the Act of Con gross of Mnrch 3, 1879. A(l?ertlnlnR rutci, f 1,00 per Inch per month. All communication! honld b iddretied to Ttie Iieriew, Ht. John, Oregon. Tob Printing executed In flrit'cUm i.jle. mil ior jod rrinung tun on neuvcrr. omcltl Newiptper of the City cf St. Johns. Phono Richmond 11 fiuUcrlpllon rstei. (1.00 per yesr In sdvsnee. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1908. t T ki KMi ttt.l .ft . . n I J 1 UIPTAB riAl CAM Uii laJ (aUm j. t. iulvin, prctidtni ana ireaiurcr iiakki mum, rice rrtsment nn non5i .,; PASSING OF THE OLD (Continued from first page) Irovcrsfes K Plenty I tybelik- The Hcney-l,'ultoii controversies which have been affording ot lining tor tne dailies may enctl to tlie groccryintiii who had two brothers-in-law anions Ins cus tomers. One day one of them ad vised the grocer confidentially not to trust his brother-in-law, for he would not pay his bills. A couple of days later the other one came in and gave tlie merchant the same advice in regard to the previous rel ative. 1 he grocerymaii eventually discovered to his sorrow that both had told the truth. Might not this apply in the present instance r 1 Arbor Day Program Just Received When Your House is Built The most important question is the selection of Furniture and Carpets. We invite you to inspect our large and varied line, and compare Quality Style and Price r 2 2 1 he following program was most excellently rendered by the first, second, third mid fourth gratles ut the high school building Friday, April to. The pupils of this school always have their programs well committed and there is little or no prompting and this program was especially well rendered ami deserving of all the praise that has been given it: Music "Ring the Hells of Springtime," School. ExerciseThe Wondeifiil World First Grade. Spring Song Third Grade. Daisy Song Second Grade girls. iass jvxercise -neeouti liiatie boys. Hlrd Song First Grade. Class Exercise Hird Alphabet, Third Grade. Music "I know the Song the Hluebird is Singing, Thiid Grade boys. Memory Gems Font th Grade pupils. Story of the Apple Tree Fiist Grade girls. Piano Solo Mary Haiti win Recitation, Planting the Apple net 1,0111 .Murphy anil ucorgia Davidson. ,,.... f f I.I ... . v.inss r.xereise, running uie Seeds- First Guide gills. Kxercise, Hint Nests - Third Grade pupils. Song, Dear Robin Third Grade pupils. Heading, Trees Grace Darling. Song, I I.ove the Trees Fourth grade. Rainbow Fairies Six first grade girls. Mmg, All the .Merry llirds are Coming Third grade boys. Planting the Trees Four first grade boys. Recitation, 'Member Raymond Hretleeii. Violul hxcieiso First guide girls. Song, Oregon Grape School. : Dining Chairs $1.00 to $6.50 Extension Tables $5.50 to $33.50 Buffets $16.50 to $33.00 LINOLEUM CARPETS BETTER GOODS RUGS LOWER PRICES MATTING In 'the matter of bonds the fol lowing amounts were assigned to the different officers: Treasurer, $10,000; recorder, $5,000; engineer, $3,000; all policemen rcgulariyem ployed, $r,ooo each. These amounts were deemed sufficient for the present; when heavy operations arc entered into such as the hand ling of the funds for the city dock ond street improvements the bonds of the recorder could then be raised by ordinance. On motion of Dobie city attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance fixing the bonds as above. The improvement of a section of Kellogg street wus referred to the street committee on motion of Da vis. inc improvement ol Oswego 7 street was referred back to the com-; (j mittcc and city engineer on motion ? of Dobie. ' . Ordinance fixing bonds was rail- roaded through to passage. fa Engineer's acceptance of work 7 on Polk street was adopted on mo- fj tion of Dobie, the same on Tacotna 9 and warrants were to be drawn for. O the several amounts involved in the improvements when the work was finally accepted by the street com mittee. The matter of the improvement I of Philadelphia betwecu Ivanhoc and Hayes streets was referred to the street committee to report at the next meeting on motion of Dobie. On motion of Hunter, the chair man of each committee was re quired to report to the council all the tools, appurtenances, etc., in his hand belonging to the city, this also including the officers. On motion of Davis the fire chief was required to make a report once a mouth showing all the material and machinery of the fire depart ment in his hands and condition of the same. On motion of Dobie the Record er was authorized to purchase sun- plies for his office not to exceed 50 lor the year. Adjourned. New line of Fountain Pens at $1.50 each. Why pay $5.00 for one? Finest line of Cut Glass ever shown in the city. Lower than Portland prices on all kinds of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass. H. T. Buttcrworth THE ST. JOHNS JEWELER Phone Jersey 81. e0 c0 eO o430 oD (O P 0 cO 0 'O 0 0 'O Washed Gravel Best for Concrete Work West Side Washed Gravel Co. RICHARD SHEPARD Leave orders with or WAYNE L. MILLS 1 to N. Jersey .Street 5 N- Jeney Street 2 ? ? i 1 1 ? IWnMM.c.l 1M1 lit New Vork City A. U N G E R MAKItK Ol' TlIK l'AMOtm LA CADIZA, 10 cent and EL ROYAL, 5 cent Full line of Smokers' Supplies Central Cigar Store, 'Next to Dank. Cigar 1ST. JOHNS BRICK CO.ii Plastering Brick and Pressed Brick. Orders solicited. Manufacturers of Clay Sand on hands at all times. 304 N. Jersey St. See Us 304 N. Jersey St. Bachelor Girls Picnic. IltiililiiiK Permits Issued. Elect Principals for Next Year No. xCt, to Daniel Williams to alter dwelling on lot 3 Mock 13 At their meeting Monthly night the .school board electetl principals Edlcfscn-Pricss. A very pretty wedding was that of Anton lullefscu and Miss Helen James Johns 3d addition; fronting J for the city schools for the coming ' priess, who were married in the ... . Commercial club rooms the evening .MISS Clara , of Atr .1. Hev. P. Hiioolit..r. of on Decatur, and I.eavitt. between 5x- to J. M. Mciklcjohu, to erect resilience on lot 24 block 5, St. Johns Park addition, fronting 011 Hayes between Catliu and St. John's avenue, for Mrs. Sarah Sat- terlee. 1 2(H). lliirUugloii year. Ior the High school No. .17. K new school i?,ii,.f.sen School Report A. Boss was unanimously electetl to succeed herself. Miss Doss has made a most admirable record in opening and placing the 011 a gootl footing. It will be re memhered that the building was not flillv comnletetl when the IIMi No. 38, to Uickford & Tcntmnt school was onened. vet with con- to erect residence for A. V. Nelson, suniate skill Miss lloss marshaled on lots X, 9 and 10, block 11, Point her forces, segregated her pupils, View addition, fronting 011 Oswego assigned her assistants to thediffer- between Hudson ami Portland cut rooms and had the entire bunch University Park officiating. A small party of young ladies had a most euiovable trio and rtic nic last Saturday. They climbed the hill on the west side of the riv cr on me wens road, stopping oc casionally to admire the luudscapc and were much surprised to sec streets cut .through almost two miles back from the river, and to sec a nice little bungalow, the own er near by making garden and his little daughter looking 011 to sec that it was properly done. The hills arc very beautiful now, as many wiltl flowers arc in bloom. After reaching the top the party walked to Portland on the Summit road, which is practically level, and 1 he following tepoit of the high school shows a wonderfully good attendance for this time of the year. Out of 11 total enrollment of 159 the icport shows an average daily at tendance of 150.7 or 0.1.0 iter cent. Wu have had splendid icports fioin tins seiiooi through visitors ami olliuis ami expect in the near future to verify these reports by K!rsonal visits. Number of days taught during moiiiu 20 Whole No. days attendance, 3136 1? Whole No. of days absence. 175W Whole niimuer ot times late. Nuiubut of pupils neither ab sent nor late Average number of pupils be luiiKitlK Average tlaily attendance. . Per cent of attendance Numhcrof visits by patents Number of visits by members of schoolboatd Number of pupils remaining hint uioiun, gins ho, hoys yj . 173 total enrollment tins mouth gills S, boys 100 1 89 increase in euiollmeut: girls 3, boys 13 it, Dropped from enrollment: giils 11, boys 17 38 Ci.aka A. Uoss, Principal. No. 41, to Ihckfortl iV lennunt ( ted by a faithful corps of iustrttc- in the club rooms and mad erect stoie ami tl veiling on lot tors, whose bright faces we hope to 'occasion doubly pleasurable, block 3, P. O. Smith addition, see in our school rooms again next music was furnished by Mrs! outing on Jersey between Charles- year. The work of these gootl I Shncht. . .70 1 .I"'- 7 y..6 .4 .1 boulevard, $1200, No. to, to Frank I.etluke to erect 11 residence on lot 8 block 13, North St. Johns, fronting 011 Fillmore, between Maple and city limits. 1 700, No. .10, to Owens llrothcrs to erect resilience 011 lot 5 block u, flouting on Stafford between Wall and lluchanaii. ioo. No. .11, to Uickford & Tcuuaut to 7 fronting on Jersey ton ami John stieet, for U. S Mooie. fi7ot). No. .12, to P. T. Harnett to eiect tabernacle on lot 6, block 2 in Com t Place, fronting on New York street between Leonard anil I.ellogg, 5350 No. .13, to J. A. Sterling to erect a residence on St Johns Hernias, fronting 011 Stafford, between Polk anil Tyler, -f i.ioo. tso, .14, to Allien Ulin to erect a residence on lot 15 block 3, Oak Park 3d addition, fronting on Hart. man street between (Jnukshauk and Charleston. 750. moving olT within the first thirty days with the regularity and pre cision of an old, established school. This accomplished by a man would be considered praiseworthy, but when one of the gentle sex shows such gootl generalship, such exec utive ability, we well, our hat is The Misses lullefscu. Atitzen and iMilb were bridesmaids and J. N. was best man. The commands a view in some places of groom, who is a brother of P. II. large sections of the Tualatin val and J. N. Ktiiefsen, is in the cm- Icy with Hillsboro, Forest Grove ploy of the Pacific Hxoort Lumber and the Coast Range in the distance. company, ami be and his pretty There is also n fine view of the Cos- bride are very happy in their home cade range, Vancouver, Maegley at 353 Stout street, Portland. Junction and other towns, the Col- There were at the wedding as I umbia river and the cut across the sniests. P. II. Kdlefsen. wife and peninsula. I ilni.f.ltt...-. Tnl... T.ltufoa.. T)..n I 'IMiMt. nnccwl n .ii.miI.a.. nf ...aII Atitzen wife and daughter; Miss kept farms and farm houses and in Mary Falb, Miss Ivdith Tuthill, the heat of the day stopped to rest George Kay, Leon McCleary, Rciti' hart Preer and many others. A sumptuous banquet was pre pared by Airs. Thomas Condon as. :itpfl tivi Mra Dnnnltm. ni1 frc . i.. .. . . ... .. ........... j ....... w o wmi our nest now to a iss uoss. Kingsley. Tlie latter served the .miss uoss nas been most amy assis.;,Minsts ,, ,,io,i,,T ,,.n,.r . . ... - . . n " " t. .... ieti oy a laiiniui corps 01 instruc- l the club rooms and made the The Emll Lime.-, una uee.i su enec tinny tione, i The entire evening was a most iiiiu uie senuui mis uiiiimcu milii a uy a brook, ate the remains of a bountiful picnic dinner and washed olt the travel stains; as it was only a mile from the fair grounds and they did not wish to be mistaken for hayseeds. The road came to an end at Lovejoy street and they took the car for home at 33d and Lovejoy. uvery one 01 uie party was so pleased with the day's outing that they are planning similar trips for (1,'lli'lilfiil niw- nftir tli nmvr tlit-ltlie near future. The vnttner lnflii i.t..i. ,i r 11.. ,i.. . n "r . : -"n" , -. nigiit was sjieut tu singing aud wno went on tuts exiKUition are pace win be a iiartl one to follow, dancing, and not until about 1 the Misses Ella and Ruth Rixon, for uie grammar schoo Mr. o'clock could the guests see their Hetilah lMtus. Lulu Magone, Milla v.iiaries i. uoyti 01 uoiueutuiie was. wny to disperse w th uianv kooiI Petersoti and Edith Ausoti. iwiicrsoii, wishes for tlu nrosnentv nml linn . t . piness ot tne young people. Juvenile Hall (lame. i.ast wcck we wauteti tt put in a repot t of the game between the St. Johns Heights and the Senilis, two vigorous juvenile ball teams, iitti iiuutics eiowtieti it out Willi lots of other .stuff and it is too late now to make a full report of the game. It was a hot one though and the seoie was 9 to .1 in favor of the scrubs. Ihe game was umpired by Hon. C. loole, according to the report handed 111 by the aggregtf tion. We like to get these reports ami trust tne boys will not target us because we were obliged to miss them. Married. N. Alley of llutte. Montana. and Miss Maud K. llartou of Port land were married at the M. 1? parsonage Sunday, Apiil 13, Rev. I'. I,. Young olhciatiiii:. H. O. Rogers of Marshfield and Miss Leuoia 11. Larson were mar rietl at the home of II, C. Hunter April 15th, Rev. F. I Young ofli cutting, Mrs. Rogers is a sister of Mrs. Hunter. chosen to succeed We know nothing of the attain ments or capabilities of Mr. Uoyd, but have heard him very highly spoken of by other educators who know him and presume the board satisfied themselves that he is tlie proper jierson for our school. Wt must rnminiMwl t)i lwvir.1 tnr election their nrincinals thus earlv. , brothers Potter and Goold, who are when they have almost the entire , "c Ma' Street Car Time Table. Ringed and Charmed 1 he Holmes lodge, K, of P., at their last meeting showed their appreciation of the faithfulness of teaching fraternity of choose from. the state to The Haby is a Peach. The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church will give 1111 Easter Dazar and chicken and pie dinner Wed nesday, April 33, iti the Holbrook block on jersey street. Everybody invited. brother Murkle treats to it fine, lij girl, ; "Ktit- mat is fairer limit Mother of lKMtl, O tliuik of his joy, uo, on tlie level; lfur was it 11 boy, lie it lie it "tlevil." F. C. Mighells at ft 14 South Edison met with a painful accident at the Acme mills Monday morn ing. He was working with a peavic which broke ami caused him to severely sprain his foot so that he will be laitl up for some time. Fraternal Brotherhood. F. E. Taylor, state manager of the Fraternal llrot her hood has in stituted lotlees at North Powder. Houanza, Forest Grove, Dallas and Rainier during the past mouth with an average membership of 30 for each lodge. In addition to these new lodges, a class of 100 was initiated at Eugene March 34, and another big one will be initiated at Hillsboro May 1. The Portlaud lodge made 15 new members Wed nesday evening and on the 34th of this month the goat will exercise a class of 35 members or more in St. Johns lodge. During the past month this order has written $397, 000 insurance in Oregon which is certainty going some, Oregon at the head of states for this order. and the list of places I am prepared to spray your trees, henhouses, fences, 111 fact do any kind of whitewashing aud spraying. N. A. Gee. Alter the regular business was disposetl of a delegation was sent to the home of Brother Potter, who was not yet sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to be able to attend lodge. The delegation bore with them as a tokeu of their love and high esteem, a beautiful gold wutch charm covered with the env bletns of the order, ami they pre sented to Brother Goold a beautiful gold ring bearing the same emblems and expressed the hope that these good brothers would be led to re member Holmes lodge when their eyes should rest upon these keep sakes. Mr. Potter was oue of the most active workers iu the organization and institution of Holmes lodge, was past noble grand aud oue of the most faithful members of the lodge. Iu the departure of G. G. Goold, too, the lodge loses one of its mast genial, faithful tuembrse, who was always present at the post of duty, was vice grand up to the present time. The best wishes of the entire lodge goes with them aud a full assurauce that the clad Leave 3ti & Alder. A.M. A.M. P.M. 5 45 1130 548 6 03 1 1 45 6 00 635 u 00 613 640 1330911630 70a 1340 648 7 15 1 00 706 7 30 1 18 7 4 7 45 I 36 7 4 8 00 1 54 8 00 8 15 3 13 8 30 8 30 2 30 8 40 8 45 3 48 9 00 900 306 930 9 5 i 4 9 40 9 30 343 10 00 9 45 4 00 10 30 1000 4 18 1 1040 1015 436 ioo 1030 454 1130 10 45 5 10 13 00 II 00 534 1330 II 15 S36 "45 Norton-Phillips The happiest, prettiest wedding of the season was celebrated at the home of the bride's parent's Mi. ami Mrs. Fred M. Phillips Wednes day evening, April 13 at S o'clock. Ihe pretty home of Mr. Phillips wits beautifully decorated with cedar boughs, ferns, Oregon grape, roses, calla lilies, carnations, ger aniums and other flowers, while .streamers of colored crepe paper were grnccfull hung from the cen ter to the sides of the rooms, mak ing a very pretty effect. 1 here were gathered at the home the fairest and best of all St. Johns young people until the rooms were filled to ovcrflowimr. rhey had come to the parting of the ways, when one of the fairest aud sweetest of the coterie of friends was to step out from among them and devote her life to oue individ ual of the group instead of to all. I It was an occasion of great hapiii- to the two principals and iu a reflex action to the gathered friends but iu the latter case tempered witli the thought that though their friendship will ever remain the same, their lives will inevitably drift opart. Just as the clock struck the hour the bridal party: h. J. Norton, lead ing his bride to be, Miss Bessie Phillips, followed by the grooms man mid bildesmaids: Edward Tetiuant and Laura Phillips, Jo sephine Young, Fern Davif, and Marion Phillips, the last, a little miss carrying a beautiful lily bring ing up the rear, marched through the rooms to a bower constructed of Oregon grape, calla lillies, ferus with a wedding bell of grape and white carnations. The bride carried herself prettily and. looked very sweet iu her pure white costume and spray of brides wreath iu her jet-black hair, being by contrast the more striking. 1 he ceremony was very impres sive and clearly prououn'-ed by Rev. F. L. Youiig of the M. E. church. After the ceremony and a flashlight photo had been taken Rac Hullis, Thos. Marsdcn, Blaine Bickford, Geo. West, Davis, Lee Davis, Harry Martin, Arthur Rac, C. W. Hattcnstcin, F. A. Thornbiiic; Mr. aud Mrs. Muttson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Satterlcc, Mr. ami Mrs. Whitney Rose, Mrs. Bassctt, Mrs. II. S. Magone, Mrs. Telling. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined by II. Hender son, abstracter and notary public. Accurate work. Reasonable fees. 305 Jersey street. ORDINANCE NO. 172 Appropriating Money fo Buy Prop erty for Rock Quarry Pur The City of St John docs ortlalti as follows: Tlmt there nlmll tic, nml hereby Is, ap propriated oat of the general fund the sum of twelve hundred dollars (jti3oo.oo) for the purchase of property for rock miarrv purpows, to be expended under the direct supervision of the council anil Iu accordance with the charter and ordi nances of said city and resolutions of council in accordance therewith. I'aed the Council April 13, 1908. Approved April 13, 1908. K. C, Couch Attest Mayor, A, M. Hsson Recorder. 1 . Published in the St. Johus Review April 17, 190S. ORDINANCE NO. 173 Leave St. Johns. A.M. A.M. P.M. 5 45 1133 6 15 6 05 1 1 40 6 30 6 40 Is josm 6 50 of the bridal party, congratulations 6 50 7 00 7 15 730 Z5 8 10 835 840 8 55 9 10 9 '5 940 9 55 10 10 10 33 1040 1055 11 10 13 40 1 U) 1 18 136 I 54 3 13 3 30 3 48 306 3 34 3 4 4 00 4 30 4 40 500 5 15 5 35 TIME TABLE O. R. & nT 5 55 A. M. 7 io ana a bounteous weuumg supper 730 tollweu. ine presents were too 5, uumerous to mention, beautiful 8 ,Q aud useful, iucluding cut glass, sil- 850 verware, linens aud many other 9 10 1 things calculated to bring joy to 9 3 the hearts of the happy pair. IO 10 I 4VJU,4tl fVUJJ.V UIW UllUfelU 1030101 maniug uieir iiome iu iioou 11 00 River, where we cau assure them 11 3 of pood treatment bv the rxnr1 isool ? . V . ,--r ,2 so I ouo-the prettiest place on earth to 13 50 live, but we hope they may find it 1 3 profitable to remain here in St. An Ordinance Fixing the Bonds of City Treasurer, City Recorder, Police Officers and City Engi neer of the City of St. Johns, Oregon. Union Depot. Portland. No, a Chicago Special leaves 8:30 a. m. No, 4 bpoicaue 1'lycr leaves at 7.-00 p. m. No. 6 Kansas City Exp. leaves 7140 p. tu. No. 8 Local Passencer leaves 8:00 a. tu. No. 1 Chicago Special arrives 8:jo p. tu. No. 3 Spokane Flyer arrives at 8:00 a, tu. No. 3 Kansas City Kip. arrives 9,43 a. hi. Ko. 7 umm passenger arrives 5143 p. si. St. Johns Ferry Time Card. Leave Kast Side (A. M.l ao. 7:10. 8:00, 9o, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00 M, P.M. 1:00, jmo, 3o. 4oo, 4:50, 5-jo, 0:30. v rtl.i I a a V 4 hand awaits them at any time they mf.. Mu choose to returu. irjo. 3:30, 3:30. 4:30. 5:10. 6x0. 6ao. Johns Those present besides the bridal party, were: Mr. aud Mrs. Fred M. Phillips, Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Young, Mr and Mrs. Bert Wrigb and son, Lee Pagne, Professor aud Mrs. Aldersou, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brooks, Mr. aud Mrs. J, Gleen, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hurlbert and daughter, Mrs. Kemp, Misses Nel lie Kemp, Jessie Cook, Lulu Ma- goue, btella Jones, Beula Titus, Mary Pera, Mary Young, Hazel Young, Lena Long, Hattie Brown, Amy Brown Florence Huff, Cora Huff, Carrie Waller, Ada Holcomb. Clarissa Huff, Kdith Anson; Mes srs. v rankle and Henrv Yountr. Edgar Stone, Walter Crouchley, The City of St. Johns docs ordain as follows; Section 1. The bond of the City Treasurer of the city of St. Johns Is here by fixed at ten thousand ($10,000,00) dol lars. Section 3, The bond of City Recorder of the city of St. Tohns is herehv fuel at five thousand (15,000.00) dollars. eecuon 3. i lie bona ol Chief of Po- lice anil .Nigiit 1'olice of the city of St. Johns is hereby fixed at one thousand (f 1000.00) dollars for each regular offi cer. r Section 4. The bond of the City En gineer of the city of St. Johns is hereby bxed at three thousand ($3000.00) dol lars, Passed the Council April 14, 1908. Approved April 14, 1908. II. V. Brick, Attest: Mayor, A. M. Esson, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review April 17, 1908. Plant an ad. in The St. Johns Review and watch your business grow.