St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 14, 1908, Image 4

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Tho only fuol that
woll as oconomy.
for fuol, cooking
Insures cloanllnoss, aa
Nothing Is equal to It
or lighting purposes.
Notice is hereby given Hint, wherens the St. Johns Gns
Ught & I lent Company nre about to begin laying their mains
through the streets of St. Johns, the rcsidentstlesiring to secure
same will please leave application for the use of Gas at the St.
Johns Review. Applications will be accepted by this office,
and by making such an application at once, it will insure our
going 'with mains in your street. This company will begin
laying mains to connect consumers only in streets where people
nre ready to receive the same. There is no obligation on your
part by making application for the use of the gas. It will only
give us the necessary information of the streets that are desir
ing same, and upon such information such streets will be equip
ped with gas mains first. The residents upon streets that are
making no applications will be kept to the last. If you have
never used gas for cooking purposes, try it. You will use
nothing else. Applications for the use of gas will be accepted
nt the St. Johns Review, St. Johns.
St, Johns Gas Light & Heat Company.
I The St. Johns Review, with few executions,
?t goes into every house on the lower I'cninsulo.
Circulating among 4,500 cop!e each week, it
has great force as an advertising medium. It is
Pi ti well established fact that no business can live
$ long in these modern times without publicity,
ft Look about you, if you have any doubt in this
matter, and yoli will invariably find that the y
v. largest and most persistent advertisers ore the
most prosperous. If you will observe closely f.
you will note that those business houses which
do not advertise are constantly changing hands $
or going out of business. This is an undeniable A
fact, and will bear careful investigation. This j
being true, the best method and medium for jjj
bringing the desired result is the great problem. l
The big dailies, while they have a good circula-
lion on the Peninsula, me too bulky and cum- V
bersome to be a good medium unless one could o
afford to take a space large enough to attract at- 2
tentiou. Dodgers have become so common as to 9
be considered a nuisance, and fence boards can 6
not be carried home to be read, and it is always A
11 question whether a fence boa id advertiser is 9
stilt doing business or not. A paer that goes 0
into the home of the laboring man is the one X
that brings results. Try an ad. in The Review.
It goes just wheic you want it to go, and the v
cost is not much. Let the people know about X
your business and know that you tire alive. 9
Keep Bright and You
Klectrie Light is the magnet that draws trade. The
bright store is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can
110 more resist the attraction ol a brilliant, Electrically lighted
store than they can tesisl the clarion call of a brass band.
Is your coui)etitor with the Electrically illuminated show
windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting
1111 advantage over you ? The moth never Mutters around the
uulightcd candle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider
shop-window lighting 11 necessity, whether they remain ocn
after dark or not. Competition foices modern methods.
A show window brilliantly illuminated with Electric
light will make many n sale "the night Kfoie." Electric
light compels attention, makes e isy the examination of your
display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors.
And don't neglect the Electric Sign. It is soliciting
"tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted burning
your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never
becomes weary never stops work - costs little.
Call Telephones: .Main 6Y188, A 1675 for Information.
Portland Railway Light and Power Co,
His Advice as Followed Out by
Hans Proves a Winner.
Enough Work on Hand Now to Keep
the Wolf From the Door Tramp Re
turni and li Qlven the Qlad Hand
and 8ome Deer.
tCopyrlBlit, 1W7.1
I nliiist linvo ono cement patch to put
on for a week, unci It looks nsli If 1
inttnt Hlitit oop my shop ttml drive n
con I wftKon vhen n tramp comes Into
der shop mid Hays tie likes to get a
lift put on Ills licul.
"It vlnm i!0 cents," I snys.
"It vims nottlngs," "nys lie.
"I don't work for nottlngs," Bays I.
"Nor I cither," snys I10.
"Vlicll, you see who I vims. I vims
an old trump, und my Indian iinmo
vims Hc-Who-SIU-Down-und-Thlnks.
St. Johns, Oregon.
s Capital ?35,ooo.oo
I Surplus 1,500.00
ijj Interest paid on savings deposits.
2 WA u
lit toil lynches h.t II
Maple syrup jwr qt
Maple syrup, 1 qt
Manilas Ce Ion Tea, reiu
ular 8oc, now Goo
Tins is the last week of discount on shoes,
of the opportunity.
II & M soda, .1 Ihs
Good Hour, 50 Ihs
IuqHirted Soruuin, pail .
Johnson's Naphtha soap,
(1 oats
75c 15
... ex
-5 w
Take advantage m
Phone I'liiou 40GG. 200 jo8 I'hiladelnhia street.
Awlillu. Hoinothnes 1 tlilnk ono thlnif
mill sometimes nuoddur. Hhunt now 1
vims thinking dot you vIimh 1111 old
Dootelimmi dot won't have unytliliiK
In der Iiimiho to eat In a week longer
If you don't wnko oop mid bring some
liceNiiess here. IIckIii on dot heel while
I talk to you. It vims 'JO cent, hut I
Kir you two hoouered dollnrs' worth
of ndvleo liiNtead of dor money."
I looked nt him for awhile and den
took his tdioo, and ptirty noon lie Hays:
"t'ohhler, don't you iiuiko n Htudy of
der peoplo?"
"If I eohhlo shoes dot vims nil I enn
do," I HIIJN.
"Dot's whero your head vhtitf screw
ed on der wrong way. If you don't
study dct peoples you don't make a
HooeivxM In pecsncsH. Der llrst thing
you hiivu to learn Is dot der peoples
iilvlinys vluint vliu t dey enu't get.
Dot's vlin t makes mu n tramp. I llku
to ho preiddeut of n snvlngs bunk. 1
enu't get der Job, and no I goes tramp
lug. Anybody cuii coino In ills shop."
"Of counnj."
"Und so only a few como In. Hup
poio It vims locked nop und had 11 slgu
on der door dot nopody eould eomo In V"
Den I vims a Imnkrupt."
Den you vims getting ready to
iniiko 11 lot of money. Now, you listen
to me, I vims nobody, und yet I study
liu mu 11 nature. If I don't I vims stnrv-
ed to death In n week. If I vluint to
deep In u f 11 ruler's hnrii, do you Mlef
iihI( him? No, sir. I ask I1I111 If I
enn sleep under a treo In his yard. Dot
makes him say I shall sleep In der
1'iirii, If I want a good meal I don't
ask his wife for It. I say I would llku
drink of sour buttermilk. Khu likes
to hnvo It her vluiy, mid so she makes
mu sit down lo der table und eat n
good Mpinro meal."
'Vhell, tuehbi) dot vims so," 1 snys.
'So? Of course It vims so. If you
llko K'oplo lo do 0110 tiling tell 'em lo
do nuodder. In ills world wo all llko
to have our vliny. If you keep dls
shop open souio ono eomes In vhen ho
likes to. If you shut III 111 oop a hun
dred peoples oiiuio hero und pound on
der door to Ket In."
Vhell, dot tramp talks to mo for two
hours. Ileforo ho comes I don't belief
dot n trump knows anything, After
ho goes iivliny I Mlef dot a trump
knows till iilHmt It. I talk things over
111 1 1 my wife, und sho says go ahead,
lid so der viitprs who puss my place
next morning llud my shop shut oop
und a big sign In der window which
"Notleo to Komo Publics.-Der der-
limn cobbler tins gone out of newness.
No more cobbling douo hero. You
hill Hud a dngo shop ono block down,"
Hhust ash soon null I cuts my break
fnst I put ou my Hooudny clothes uud
take so 1 110 walks, I stop In cfTery
store uud house and saloon und say:
"1 vims hero to say dot I vims gone
out of vcsneis. Please don't bring
any moro shoes to my shop."
Stopped by People.
Moro ash feofty people llko mo tw
top uud tell why, but I pass along;.
go for half a mllo around my shop,
ml I speak to children on der street,
ud I keep nvhay from der shoo all
day. My wlfo says somcpody vims
knocking nt der door all der tlmo In
der afternoon, but sho don't mind It
Vhell, I llko to tell you dot dor Bret
thing In der morning a man comes In
mlt tlnvo palm of shoes uud culls out:
"Hero, now, but vlmt vims all dU
"I shust go out of pecsness," I rays.
"Vlmt fort"
"Oh, I vhas Kbettlni; old I"
"Nonsense! You vims going to stay
hero for tho years yet. Her
rims some shoes to fix oop. Yo caul
go out of pewincss In no pooch yhay. 1
jfuess der peoples haf sometlnis to sar
about dot."
"Vhell, I sit und smoke my pipe, unci
nuodder mnti comes In. Uo vims In n
hurry,' und his face vims red.
"Vlmt docs dot sign menn?" be
shouts at me almost before he vims In
der door.
"It means llko she reads," I says.
"Hut you can't do things dls vliay.
Who said you could go out of pecs
liens? By vhat right do you do It?
Ono day you vims nil right and vhant
our custom; der next you vims going
out of pecsness to suit your own con
venience. Vhell, you enn't do It Here
wns Mmo shoes to flx oop. Hco dot
you do a good Job und haf 'cm dono by
If dot tramp vims around I pat htm
on der back, but I don't sco him any
where. I vims looking at der flfe
pairs of shoes on der counter vhen a
womnns comes In mlt two pnlrs more
und snys:
"Vhell, cobbler, I llko your ncrvo to
put oop n sign telling mo to go to der
dago mlt my shoes! Do you belief you
ruu dls town?"
"No, mn'nm."
"It looks as if you did, but you shall
And out different. You don't go out of
pecsness until you fix deso shoes und
tlireo moro pnlrs dot I shall send In.
It vims for you to accommodate der
peoples. It vhns for der peoples to say
when you shall shut oop shop. Don't
talk back to me, but get n hustlo on
Der next caller vhns nlso a woman.
Sho keeps a boarding bonne two blocks
nvhay uud nlvhnys takes her shoes to
a dago. Hho comes sailing In mlt a
basket of shoes und snys:
"If I had found der door locked llko
yestcrdny I should Imvo kicked it
open. Cobbler, vlmt sort of a shoko do
you call dls?"
"Vims It Bomo shoko If I llko to go
out of pecsness?" I says.
Hani Is Warned.
"You try It, and you won't find It
much of n shoko, I can tell you. Your
shop vhns to accommodate peoples. It
vims your pecsness to bo hero. Vhen
dor peoples say you can go out of pecs,
ncss It vhns tlmo to put oop somo
signs llko dot Hx oop deso shoes und
don't lw nil der yeor aliout It."
Der next caller vims a nice llttlo girl.
Hho has a pair of men's shoes to bo
heeled und half soled, uud sho nays to
"Plense, Mr. Cobbler, but my papa
vhauts you to fix oop deso shoes."
"I vhns gone out of pecsness, my
dear," I snys.
"Yes, papa said that you might say
dot, but If you did to say to you dot ho
como around hero dls evening und put
you back Into pecsness mlt six broken
ribs. My papa Is a tuid man If uny one
goes out of pecsness mltout nuking
him about It."
Ileforo noon oven der fat pollcemnns
ou der bent comes In. He owes mo $2
for n year und won't pay. If I speak
about der dobt, ho shakes his (1st nt
mo und says ho vhlll glf It avhay dot
I vims limiting counterfeit money. Dls
tlmo ho comes In mlt n smllo ou his
fa co und hands mo n dollar und snys:
"Cobbler, I don't llko to sco you sent
to prison for threo years. You must
Ptny right hero und keep dls shop run
ning. I pay you dot oddor dollar next
Uud dot ovcutngs dero tramp comes
around to seo how It vims, und vhen I
tells him ho laughs uud snys:
"Hnf you got somo wntor handy?"
"You shall hnf lcer," I snys.
"So? Dot vhns vhnt I wanted nil der
time. Hee? Vlmt you vhnnt don't ask
for It und der pcoplo vhlll always glf It
10 you." M. QUAD.
t're sure been called a lot of thlnca
Since I've been fooling round on earth.
They've even called me names, b' jlngs,
That cast reflections on my birth.
They've called me "raf ter," "enlde" and
Tea, they have named me worie than
Dut here comes some man with a book
That calla me "proletariat I"
Now, I have lived the best I could.
I've paid my debts when necessary.
I've been, I reckon, average good
Tor one so human and contrary.
Dut all my effort In tho lino
Of keeping straight and all of that
Is waited, and my eyes run brine
It I'm a "proletariat!"
I don't know what the word can mean.
And, tell the truth, I'm icared to learn.
Far as I know I've never seen
A sample aKd don't caro a durn
If I should waito the brief remains
Of what ihort time I have at bat
Without once getting through my brains
The lenie of "proletariat."
Yet while I live and have my health
I'd have the whole world understand
That, though I'vo nclthor famo nor wealth.
There's none that dares to lift his hand
And iwcar that I, peace loving man
That tries to itde step family spats,
Could o'er bo lilted with the clan
That's labeled "proletariats."
-Strickland W. Qlllllan In Judge.
Pleasant Prospect.
A young fellow In Pittsburg Intend
ed to ask her father's consent tho oth
cr evening, but changed bis mind. Ho
tins decided to wnlt till the old gcntlo
mnn Is disabled from a fall on the Ico
or till something equally propitious
turns up. It happened In this way:
When ho reached tho house, tho girl
met him nt tho door, pearly tears steal
ing down her fair checks.
"Oh, George," sho whispered, "I am
so glad you hnvo como. I'leaso go Into
the library and seo If you can calm
father; ho Is so excited and Is rnglng
nbout, knocking over tho furulturo and
breaking things."
"Certainly," Gcorgo said briskly.
"YVImt Is tho matter with tho old gen
tleman?" . "I'm sura I don't know," sho said.
"Ho was nil right, and I Just began to
tell him that you wanted to tnnrry
mo." Mpplncott's.
ash Market
C. W. DKNNKTT, Prop.
As you may be nwarc, I
tinvi rprpiitlv tnlrnn rlmrirr nf
T. .- - n - -
lift, tilicitinuo born Mtt.cnlf nttrl
business, which enables me to
furnish my customers the best
meat nt reduced prices, ns I
save the expense of bookkeep
ing, niul also as I do no de
livering the customer gets the
benefit of the money thus
Come in and inspect our
meats nud get our prices.
I Bennetts Gash Market
"The place where
you get more lor
less moiuy."
St. Johns
Electric Works
203 South Jersey St.
Office: Room 9, Breeden Build
ing, corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland, and Room 35, Hoi
brook Block, St. Johns.
I'lione: Pacific 2098. Residence: St. Johns
Rgoms in the Holbrook building.
St. Johns, Oregon.
i Contractor mid Builder
I East St. John.
Plans and estimates given.
1 -
Joseph AkChcsncy, Al. D.
Day and Nleht Office In McChesncy Block
On His Way to Take the Waters.
1 1 1
Electrical Installation and
Repairing Promptly At
tended to by lixp rls.
Motors mid dynninos
repaired, mid till kinds of
electrical work done at
satisfactory prices. Esti
mates given and sugges
tions furnished.
No work too difficult
no job too small.
Tho first heavier than nlr flying machine-Sketch.
A Wrong Tip.
A well knovu Chicago merchant was
onco nuked to talk to tho boys of n
business school. Ho prefaced his ad
dress by n few extempore remarks.
"Hoys," said ho, "as I approached
tho entrance to this schoolroom I ob
sorvod on tho panel of tho door n word
most appropriate to an Institution of
this kind. That ono word uxpresses
tho quality most useful to the average
boy when ho steps Into the Hold of
business. Can you tell mo what It Is?"
"Pull!" shouted several of ttio pu
pils, with a burst of laughter, while
tho horrified merchant recognized Hint
ho had taken bis text from tho wrong
side of tho door. Philadelphia Lodger.
An All Round Article.
"They do say," snld Sir. Torklns,
"that peanuts Imvo great possibilities
an food."
"I slwuld think so," answered bis
wlfo. "After you hnvo eaten tho ker
nels think what lovely pntont food tho
shells would make." Washington Star.
"I do wish," said Ilacklotx, "that w
hud a decent heater In our houso. How
Is yours? Docs It keep tho house
warm 7"
".No," replied Sububn, "but It keeps
mo overheated every tlmo 1 attend to
lt."-Cntholle Standard and Times.
Revenging Himself on the Profeulon.
"Say." asked tho wild eyed man,
limping Into the chiropodist's office,
"can you euro n bunion T"
"Yes, sir," answered tho chiropodist
"Can you do It In a short tlmo)"
"Yes, sir."
"Permanently V
"Sure! Tako this chair."
"No, thanks," said tho cnllor, whip
ping n notobook out of his pockot and
making an entry lu It. "I don't want
anything done. I am merely making
a collection of monumental liars. I
Imvo fouud another one, that's all.
Uood day."
Turning on bis heel, be limped out
Chicago Tribune.
As well ns the other
kinds of Hardware is
We arc making the hard
ware business our study, nud
it's not how cheap we can buy
but how ood, nud we must
have the quality.
Our Universal Stoves nnd
Ranges nre ns good (is the
HRST rnru'e.
Our mixed paints nre the
Acme quality kind.
Hendricks Hardware
No. in HurliiiKton street
Residence: 435 Williams Ave.
Phone HmI 6x6$. Office: Hol
brook llrlck I)lock,roomsjand4
I'honc Kast 3689.
St. Johns, .... Oregon
Crown nnd Ilrldgc Work a
Rooms 1 and a, Holbrook lllock, St, Johns
Physician and Surfcon.
Office In Holbrook's lllock.
Residence, a 15 Hayes street.
I'honc Scott 0995,
Office hours, 9 lo 1 1 , 111., 1 to 5 p. in.
Office I'honc, rtcolt 1104,
Kolilrncc I'honr, Union Jyot.
omce In Unlrcioltv I'ark Drug More.
j. rTweimer
Transfer and Storage
Your Patronage Solicited
toj Rati Ilurllngtou street, St. Johns.
Bon Ton Barber Shop
.MANsnitr.n & Kakmmiin.
l'lrst class work nud clean hot towels for
patrons. Hair cutting n
Agents for West Const Lmindrv.
Jersey street St. Johns
Hstimntes Furnished
1009 Monleith St. St. Johns, Or.
Darling & Barnett
414 Smith St.
St. Johns, Ore.
A Correction.
Timely Aid.
"I seo that Monoybaga has como for
ward with a half million to help out
In this tlunnclal trouble."
"Yes. lint If he wished to relievo
tho troublo any why did bo wnlt so
"Well, you see, be wanted to bo sure
the tldo was coming In beforo casting
bis bread on tho waters." Judge.
The I-'rleud-Whnt
Tho Philistine You mean
tho ulght.-I.oudon Oplulon.
singing! Llko a
a gale lu
A trouble to yourself and all around you,
80 rcatlou your associates confound youj
ou walk about an J then sit down asaln;
You try to occupy your mind, but all In
You'ro cross, and yet don't know the res.
eon why;
To a clve a yawn, you sap and then you
To evry one you are a perfect bear;
IVhat'a past or coming" you don't seem to
Tou nnd fault with everything that's
Tou're morbid and have lost all sense of
Tou sate at nothing with a vacant etare,
And,yt you're just the Mine aa e'er you
Tou know the mood I tnean-lt'a what we
Merely "nothing. to. do-tehneea" that's
La Touche Hancock In New Tork
The Proper Term.
Kuoi You nnd Dr. Jones are part
ners, nre you not?
Dr. Smlth-Ob, no. Wo often cousult
together nnd attend to each other's pa
tients lu caso of absence, but wo are
In uo senso partners.
Kuox-I seo. Ho Is what might t
termed your accomplice. Detroit Trlb
Gradations of Crime.
"That coustublo who followed a ten
or nbout tho Btugo with n warrant for
breach of contract might have provok
ed tho man to worse crime."
"I suppose you mean assault and
"No. Hut In his excitement the siuj;
er might have uttered a false note."
New York Times.
Charlie Schultz, l'lalntlfT II
Mary bcliultz, Defendant.
To Mary bcliulu, the above named He.
In the name of the state of Oreeou
you nre hereby required to appear nud
answer the compluiut filed agulust you
in the above entitled Court and suit,
within six (6) weeks from the date of the
tirst tmhlir.iHnti nf title iA ...(,.
from January 17. looS: and if vou fail tA
to appear and answer or otherwise plead.
iu 0.1 1 uu, wai planum aoove nametl
will apply to the above nametl court for
l ue reiiei demanded iu his complaint,
to wit: for a decree forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
ucuvccii me planum and yoursclt, and
absolutely divorciue: nlantifl from vou
and for such other and further relic: as
to the court may seem just and equitable.
1 ma summons is puoiiiued pursuant to
inc. oruer 01 me Honorable J. 11. Ueland
Judge of the above entitled circuit court
made in open court iu this cause, on
January 15, 1908, which order prescribes
mat uus summons snau be published lu
the St. Johns Review once a week for a
period not less than six (6) weeks. The
first publication of this summons was
made ou January 17, 1908, the last publl
cation thereof will be February 38, 1908.
H. K. Cohikr, Atty for Plaintiff.
Saving Hsr Pelt.
"Look out!" cried the friendly wal-
m. "Here comes n buuter after you."
aon't Rive n wrap," chortled tho
fur bearing seal, disappearing beneath
tho ss-avee, - Catholic Standail 4
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Has nil kinds of lumber, kiln dried und otherwise.
Also slab wood. Titulars of till sizes cut to order.
Get your winter's wood now and save trouble.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thanks, 50c; for resolu
tions of resist, $1,00; for notices
ot church or lodge entertainments,
for these events, we will break the
nil,. 11 till inert tli.i... fr.v.. nr..
Union lteDot. Portland.
No. 3 Chicago Special leaves 80 a.m.
o p. m,
7 MO p. m.
. v-imuu oicviui leaves o;
Ko. a Sjwkaue Plyer leaves at 7a
No. 6 Kansas City Kxp. leaves 71
I ""w N I in il 1 . . I - U u
uppers, sociables, etc., where there v S S S.'
scinrKeSfor admission, 5c per No.jSpokane Flyer arrives at 800 a. ml
i but where there are no charges No. 5 Kausas Citv Kxn. arrives o.n a. m.
Central Market I
Holbrook Block.
See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best I
Meats Obtainable.
No. 7 Local Passenger arrives 5:45 p. m. I
Orders PilleU and Family Trade Solicited
J. II. Id.ACK ANDY Kltkk
Building Contractors
I'lsns and KMliustcs Furulthnl.
No. 186 1. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evening In Odd
Fellows hall, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed.
II. S. Simmons, N. G,
It. H. Holcomb, Secretary.
Holmes Lodge No. 101
Meets every Friday nlcht
at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P,
Hall, Visitors always wel
come. Geo. R. Illack, C,
C. J, H. Black, K. K.S.
Fraternal Brotherhood.
MeeU every Friday nlcht lu XI. W. A.
Hall, S. J. Schelter. nresident: Tas. II.
Gee, secretary.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the arbiter
Street Car Time Table.
Leave ad & Alder.
M. A.M. P.M.
5 45 1130 548
6 03 1 ( 45 6 00
6 3j 13 00 6 13
640 i3 3oeai6 3o
7 00 13 40 6 48
7 15 1 00 706
7 30 I 18 7 34
7 45 I 36 7 4J
800 1 54 Sco
8 15 3 13 8 30
8 30 3 .to 8 40
8 45 3 48 9 co
900 306 9 20
9 IS 3 4 9 4o
9 3 3 42 1000
9 45 4 00 10 30
loco 418 1040
1015 436 1 1 00
toy 4 54 "30
045 5 10 ia 00
I 00 5 34 13 30
11 15 5 3 "45
Leave St. Johns.
A.M. A.M. F.M.
5 45
6 40
6 50
7 15
7 3
8 10
8 35
8 55
9 10
9 35
9 55
10 10
10 35
11 10
" 35 6 15
II 40 630
13 OO 640
13 30fj6 5o
13 40
I 00
1 18
3 13
3 34
3 43
4 00
4 30
5 15
7 10
7 30
8 10
9 10
10 10
11 CO
II 30
13 CO
13 30
13 50
I 30
5 55 A. M.
St Johns Ferry Time Card.
Leave East Side (A. M.)-:j. 7:10.
make this announcement so that T
00, gxw, loxo. 11:00, liwiM. P.M.
:oo, 3sxj, 3x0, 4x0, mo. 5:30. 6:30.
Leave West Side (A. M.Vfi-cr.
fcvw ultima limy UU(UniaiKl
our rule in this respect.
If you want job printiue dooe at
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30. P. M. 1 j iiS'
I ouce, bring It in now.
yo, 3yo, 3:30, 4:30, 5:10, 6wo, 630,