St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 14, 1908, Image 3

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    Everybody Knows
that money can be saved to the one
who buys in large quantities. The
successful merchant succeeds by be
ing alert and quick to take advantage
of a bargain and careful to anticipate
the wants of his customers in making
his selections.
A good sale means that two people
are benefited the buyer and
the seller.
It is clinging to this idea that has enabled Calcf
Bros, to build up their large business.
We buy very largely in the East in car lots.
And right here we wish to
call your attention to a new
line of Dressers just received.
We have 23 different styles
on the floor here in St. Johns.
They range in price from
$13.00 to $30.00 for genuine
Eastern Oak and Quarter
Sawed Chiffoniers and Com
modes to match.
Remember the place
left, that wc will sell regardless of profit, and
ALMOST regardless of cost to
Clean Up Before Invoice
Now is n good time while too rainy to work out
of doom, to dress up that Commode, Morris chnir
or Chiffonier, with a coat of Sunshine.
Then give the kitchen floor and wainscot a coat
of Creolite. Make your wile believe that you
have turned over a leaf with the New Year.
Colonist Rates from all parts of the United States and Canada to all
parts of Oregon and the Northwest will be again put into effect by
I.lnen In Oregon
MARCH 1, 1808
and will continue daily throughout March and April.
From the principal cities of the Middle West the rates will
be as follows:
Chicago 138.00
St. Louis 35.00
Kansas City 30.00
"Council Bluffs 130.00
Omaha 30.00
St Paul 30.00
Corresponding rates from all other Eastern points. Stopovers at
pleasure at all points in Oregon.
The Colonist Rate is the greatest of all homebuilders. Oregon has
unlimited resources and needs more people who desire homes and larger
... f 1 I ii ... 1 . I I I! 11.!. H.M.t.,1,11,1 tn all
urreon jKupicnn mvupuaa ipirauH muni ur uciemiug . wimu.j
world. Scad Oregon literature string rood, reliable Information about tbe atate, Ur
1 wide. Call on the above railroad! lor it II nrcctsary.
Here at home II dealrcd. Any agent la authorized to accept the requrlred and tel
egraph ticket to any point. Calf on O. K. & N. or S. 1". agent, or addrcaa
General Faucngcr Agent, Portland, Oregon,
We have just secured the services of two high salaried, practical men, as
well as leading business educators, from the Bast. We leave no stone
unturned. We are now giving you the best that money can procure.
To Whom it May Concern.
For the name and residence of
the owner of any property in St.
Johns or vicinity, call on or write
T. T. Parker, attorney at law, in
Holbrook building.
Titks to real property.
How Is Your THIe?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by H. Hender
son, abstracter and notary public.
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
205 Jersey street.
Bring in your job printing.
Local News.
He who by his hit would rise
Must cither bust or advertise,
Miss Pearl York, 814 North Fill
more has been quite ill this week
Willi mat iasmouaoie iiuuuuy,
Goodrich & Goodrich, architects,
arc preparing plans for a six-room
bungalow for Mr. Moore, to be
erected in St. Johns. Daily Ab
Eiijhty-four deaths from pneu
mouia dtirintr January is the record
for Columbus, Ohio, a city about
the sire of Portland, We have
heard of but otic here.
The Modern Woodmen will hold
their ball in the Ilickticr hall in
stead of the M. W. A. hall as
announced last week, Please do
not forget, Ilickticr hall.
Any of the members of the chain
gang or Rebekahs who wish a
photograph of the Odd Fellows
home can get one at this office for
a short time, price 50 cents.
Mr. Mulligan of the Portland
Journal was in the city yesterday
looking for news. He says that
enterprising Journal intends to give
St. Johns more attention in tlie
J. W. Reeves, the Fcsscndcn-
Jersey street grocer, has been suf
fering from that excruciatingly
painful iiilmcnt, gallstones, and it
is thought will be obliged to under
go an operation.
We were hardly done boasting of
our freedom from pneumonia when
c learned of the illness of Mrs.
Ycska at the corner of Hudson and
Oswego, who was quite ill but was
thought to be improving.
W. H. Storlia, who is supposed
to have relatives here or in Port
land, is dangerously ill at Hot
Springs, Ark., and desires to get
word to his people so that lie can
communicate with them.
Mothers' club meets nt Central
school Friday, Feb. 14, 3:30 p. in.
Miss But'er, of the juvenile court,
desires to talk to the mothers on
tualtcra of interest to this commun
ity. Mrs. G. M. Hall, pres.
We wish to call the attention of
the workers at the different mills
that every Tuesday evening the
office of the city recorder will be
open so that they may register
after working hours, there will
be one of the prettiest little girls of
the city to wait on you, now wc
know you will come.
The W. K. C. of George Wright
Post nrc coing to give an entertain
ment Friday Feb. 3i, which will
be something worth going to hear.
The entertainment will be furnished
by the Western Academy of Music.
Mrs. Currie Courier, president of
George Wright W. K. C. will fur-
nish tickets to any one desiring
Butterworth and Scarbrough, the
jewelry and drug men have the
nicest, neatest rooms in the city.
It is as clean as a pin and their
stocks of goods are just ns fine as
their environments. These boys
are up to the minute in their lines
and you make a mistake if yon do
not see them before buying any
thing in their lines.
D. R. Norton, one of our old
Hood River friends, was in the
city this week looking it over. Mr.
Norton recently sold his business
in Eastern Oregon and if he sees
anything that looks particularly
good from a business point of view
will come to St. Johns, as he likes
the looks of the town first rate.
Mr. Norton is Ai in every respect
and wc would be particularly
pleased to see him locate here.
Harris & Sou, merchants of
Linntou, who were delivering goods
Monday met with a serious acci
dent which might have proven
fatal, i hey were driving up one
of the steep places in that city of
high altitudes, when one of the
horses balked and threw the vehicle
over a so-foot bank, where it land
ed bottom up and drivers under it.
Both were badly bruised but not
dangerously injured. It was a
close call.
George Campbell and wife, who
are making a tour along the coast,
stopped several days with their
brother-in-law, Leroy H. Smith,
and left for Seattle the first of the
week. While here they purchased
two pieces of property and we
would not he surprised to see them
returu in a short time and make
their permanent home here. They
have a very high opinion of St.
Brother L. A. Long of the Hills
boro Argus was in the city last
week but we regret that we were
out of the office at the time he
called. Mr. Long has been very
successful with the Argus and has
leased the paper for a year to give
htm an opportunity to rest up and
investigate some gold mines he is
interested in in Nevada. We hope
he may strike it rich in the mines,
as we are afflicted with the same
disease to a limited extent.
We notice quite a large number
of. buildings, larger or smaller, be
ing erected in the city limits for
which we do not find permits
issued. Such buildings which cost
more than fifty dollars are required
by ordinance to have permits issued
This is the only way the city can
have supervision over tbe construe
tion of the buildings within its
limits and there is a penalty at
tached to failure to procure the
proper permit.
Mrs. W. E. Niles and Miss
Reams of Milwaukie, mid Miss
Teresa Becker of Oregon City called
on Mrs. G.Ward yesterday.
All members of Holmes lodge
Knights of Pythias ore urged to
come to roll call on the 21. Bring
some friend who would make
Our business men should read
and consider secretary Perkin's
communication. The club could
be made the agent of wonderful ad
vancement in St. Johns if the busi
ness men would take hold of it.
The services nt the Methodist
church Sunday will be along the
lines of old-fashioned revival work.
The pastor is assisted by Rev. W.
S. Kerr, who is both a singer and a
preacher. Mr. Butterworth will
sing at the evening service. All ate
Editor Review: Knowing that
you are ever ready to help along
that which is for the public good,
I thought I would ,11 fee to say n
few things through the Review in
regard to the St. Johns public
reading room and its needs. The
public library of Portland furnishes
all the books, pays the librarian all
she gets, and wc nrc suposed to
furnish the room, pay for fuel and
light. Now wc have some 13
periodicals that will cither have to
be renewed or dropped, as our
time will expire. What is wanted
by the reading room at this time is
a little help in a financial way.
Knowing that the people of bt.
Johns ever stand ready to help
along that which will help to edu
cate and elevate the moral as well
as the intellectual standing of her
people, wc appeal to you for aid
In order to carry on the work.
There will be cards distributed by
all churches and nt the reading
room and by the officers of the
association. Now if every one will
subscribe just what they can afford
to pay monthly, if only 10c, it will
help carry 011 the good work. We
arc going to try and get our read
ing room on the ground iloor at
107 S Jersey street and just as soon
ns the rooms arc fitted up we will
try mid nrruugc for an evenings
entertainment so wc can meet you
nil nud talk over the affairs of the
library. Hoping every one will
try and give what aid they can by
word as well ns deed, we remain
your servants,
Com. free reading room.
To the editor of the St. Johns
Review: I would consider it a kind
ness if you would caution the good
citizens of St. Johns that the regu
lar meeting of the St. Johns Com
mercial club will ic held in its
assembly room Wednesday evening,
February 19, and urge the import
ance of all public spirited men
being present. Never in the history
of St. Johns has so many weighty
problems of public interest con
fronted the people and it is essen
tial that they should be thoroughly
considered and acted upon intelli
gently, not by some political fac
tion only, but by all the people,
irrespective of Mlitics or religion.
The club rooms were furnished
and are maintained for the purpose
of having a place where business
men may meet and express llieir
ideas without being ridiculed or
accused of playing politics.
G. J. Perkins, secretary.
Headlight Overalls
"Union Made"
Congregational Entertainment
The eiitetaliiinent given under
the auspices of the ladies of the
congregational church in Bickuer's
hall Wednesday evening is said to
have been a particularly pleasing
event. There were about 300 pres
ent, we are told, and the interest
was intense throughout.
There were 14 numbers and every
one was called back and in one in
stance, that of Mr. Butterworth,
the audience would not be satisfied
until he had given them three solos.
The ladies quartette and the male
quartette are both sokeii of as
having covered themselves witu
These good ladies have demon
strated conclusively that it is not
necessary to go out of St. Johns for
talent to put a high class enter
tainment on the boards.
Factory and
Site for Sale
or Lease
100 feet on Railroad
with switch and 150 feet
on Richmond street; iron
building 100x50 with ad
dition 40x50 feet. Will
give long lease or sell for
$9000.00 on easy terms.
Apply to
Wc intend to do the dry goods business of this town and believe
we arc on the right track. Our platform consists of three planks
First Class Merchandise Lowest Possible Prices for Cash
Credit to Nobody
If any article bought here is not right, WE MAKE IT RIGHT.
Wc guarantee fair treatment to all.
Cotton Goods are Going Down
Mills and manufacturers arc quoting lower
prices on cotton fabrics and wc mark down our
stock to correspond.
Yard wide muslins reduced from 1 to ac per yd.
Bleached and brown sheetings reduced 2 and 3c
per yard.
All standard prints, Americans, Pcabodys,
Haniiltons, etc., now 7c. Some people ask gc
for them. These prices wipe out all profit on our
present stock, but put us in line with other pro
gressive merchants.
Cotton Dress Goods at 15c and 20c, tcgularly
sold at 20c and 25c.
Special values in Lace Curtains at 75c, $1.00,
jpt.50 and $2.00 the pair.
Our Line of Blankets, Comforters
Pillows and Bed Furnishings is the best this side
of Portland. Blankets 85c to $7.00 the pair.
Comforters 50c to $3 each. Pillows 65c to $2 ea.
Special Sale Ladies' Umbrellas
at $1.00 nud ft. 25. Splendid wearing serge
covers, n dozen styles of fancy handles; they can
not be duplicated anywhere for less than ft. 50.
Our Great Ten Per Cent Discount
Sale of Shoes continues. Our complete line of
The Drown Shoe Co.'s famous footwear nt n dis
count of 10 per cent from regular prices. Tills
means 11 saving to you of 25 per cent over prices
asked by other dealers.
An Interesting Column Por
Prospective Buyers.
Fine oil for shoes nt the harness
shop. I
J. S. McKinuey, the St. Johns
Heights real estate man. 1
$375' Iot close in. XA cash, .
balance $5 n mouth. S. I. Dobie. )
$3500. Corner lot on Jersey St.
t-3 cash, balance 1, 2 or 3 years.
S. I,. Dobie.
You get full weight and first
quality at the Central market. Just!
try it awhile.
Board and lodging fj.50 per
week, 439 V.. Charleston. Mrs.
V. Sackett. Up
100x100 lot South St. Johns
$575. terms. J. S. McKinuey, St.
Johns Heights Station.
Lots 1, 3, 3, 4 and 5, block No.
3, Shcpard's addition. Terms and
cheap. S. I. Dobie.
Kivcrvicw lot, South St. Johns,
$325, terms. J. S. McKinuey, St.
Johns Heights Station.
For floral designs etc., go to D,
K. Brodahl'.s greenhouse, 302 Bu
chanan street, St. Johns Heights.
Two lots in So. St. Johns, $600,
another one block to cars, $3.15.
Monthly payments. II. G. Ogden.
5 room modern house in three
blocks of bank, $1650. J. S. Mc
Kinuey, St. Johns Heights Station.
$1400. House and lot 011 Ivan
hoc street near car Hue and post
office. Terms. S. I.. Dobie.
Parties desiring to sell call and
list their property with J. K. Col
vin, Chicago and Jersey streets.
Now is the time to plant roses.
For finest varieties see D. It. Bro
dahl, 303 Buchanan street, St.
Johns Heights.
Fine line of cigars, tobaccos, can
dies, nuts, fresh fruits constantly
on hand ut Al Harris1 old stand.
K. D. Walker.
Dr. Graffis, osteopathic physician
will move his office from the Jower
building to room is, St. Johns
hotel after this week.
Insure your projcrty in the
Pennsylvania, one of the best nud
most reliable companies in exist
ence. II. G. Ogden.
4 rooms and lot 50x100 Point
View, $750 $100 cash, balance
$10 per month. J. S. McKinuey,
St. Johns Heights Station.
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They are the
best. S. I. Dobie, agent.
6 room house and lot 50x100
$950$ 100 cash, balance $10 per
month. J. S. McKinuey, St. Johns
Heights Station.
All our meats are government
inspected ami the best that money
can buy. They are neatly and
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
HrF 0 loWLoivcrc (!)
i n ....
limit wkutl iho-
for nil kinds of
Cement Work
;' such ns
1 sidewalks,
'. Basements,
I l:tc.
liiinrr TlumiMnn
mi l Mrt HltrtW.
1 near Cwtiir lxik.
S. L. Foss Dead.
Charles Foss of North Fillmore
received word Friday that his
father, S. h. Foss was dead. Mr.
Foss was a G. A. R. having served
three years six months and nine
days in the 92d regiment, Co. II,
New York volunteers. He was
born in New York state and after
the war came west. He was in St.
Johns for some time last year. He
died at his home in Hancock, Wis.,
at the age of 74, and leaves a wife,
two sons, George Foss of Bancroft,
Wis., Charles Foss of St. Johns,
and two daughters, Mrs. Mary
Ostrum and Mrs. Hattie Haskius,
both of Hancock, Wis.
Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance
The Jefferson, the only old line company
that has 50,000 deposit with state.
CitMitNT Block
Chicago nud Jersey Sts.
Hold to Water Front.
George I. Baker, according to
the Journal, a councilman of Port
land and a very observing one, has
made 11 tour of the coast and makes
the following statement:
"Portland nud Sacramento lire
the only cities 011 the Pacific coast
which do not own a part of their
waterfront privileges," Mr. Baker
said this morning. "From talking
with men in the shipping business
while in the south I find that many
of them do not like the idea that
Portland's municipality has been
neglectful in this wny. They argue
that owing to the fact that the
wharf rights are controlled by the
railroad and other companies their
business has been hindered to n
large extent."
The jxilnt we wish to make is
that St. Johns should hold every
foot of water front she has mid ac
quire every foot that she can. If
she does not a half century from
now the people will be censuring
the management that allowed these
holdings to slip through their
Swift's are Coming.
The Swifts lire coming if we
may believe half of what the big
dailies say, with the biggest pack
ing plant that has ever been nitr
ated in the west. The cartoonist
on the front page of Tuesday's
Oregouiau represents the transac
tion by a big fat steer branded
$3,500,000, Swift plant making n
jump from Chicago to Portland and
old man Portland holding up his
hands in adoration of the golden
calf, even some of Portland's roses
held up their heads to welcome the
bovine deity.
There are few who will not wel
come the big industry for the im
petus it will give business in this
section, for this one plant will mean
others and while Portland interests
as indicated by the illustration on
page ten of the same paper would
cut St. Johns out of the deal en
tirely she will do well to recognize
the fact that St. Johns will have
something to say herself about that.
The pay roll of the Swift company
here will be from $1,000,000 to
$1,500,000 during the next year
and there will be permanent em
ployment given to from 1000 to
1500 men, who with their families
will make a population of more
than 5000.
Office Rooms.
For rent in the new First Nation
al bank building. Apply to B. S.
Swengel. itfc
Still Stuck on Juneau.
Wc are in receipt of another let
ter from our friend, J. C. Hrooks
now in Juneau, Alaska, also a copy
of the Daily Alaska Dispatch, 11
very prosjierous looking sheet.
Brother Hrooks seems more than
ever infatuated with the locality of
Juneau and from what he myn this
Juneau must be a sort of 11 freak so
far as climate is concerned. Ho
says he wears the same clothing
that he wore here except that he
uses n lighter overcoat, nud that
he never suffers from cold. There
has been but little snow and no
wind to sjicak of except on the day
he wrote, February 3, when, fol
lowing a five-inch snow fall there
was considerable wind.
The bill of fare he says is varied,
sometimes it is Krk nud beans,
coruhrend and bacon and if one is
particular he may have white bread
and butter, eggs, etc., and the hut
ter and eggs are not the packed
variety eitlier. Midi meals are 35c
at t'ue Polar Bear cafe where he
dines and his cook cannot be beat
he declares.
The aborigines about Juiuxiii are
much the same as those we have
here, but further along the coast
they get foxy and have been 110
cuscd of several murders.
Brother Brooks says there is no
sickness in Juneau and the weather
all that could he desired, mundow
larks singing, but up in the Tana
tin district he says the thermometer
went down to 65 nud 70 below nud
on extremely cold nights they have
to attach 11 piece of gas pipe to the
lower part of the thermomuter so
that the alcohol may go low
enough. He also tells of another
feature. A man there who goot
by the name of Iceberg Joe goaj
out into the channel and etitchus
small icebergs as they come from
the glacier 40 miles away, tows
them to the shore, cuts them up
and sells the ice to the people.
This beats the Harris Ice company
a mile.
We are glad to get these letters
from Mr. Brooks as they correct
some erroneous ideas about Alaska.
For Sale Cheap
Fine lot 50x100 in Point View
one half block to car line. Inquire
of King & Gill more or phone Fast
Aloncy Wanted.
$2800 or $3000 for ten years or
less, at 7 ier cent interest payable
monthly,' good security. Apply at
this office.
Bring in your printing now,