THE ST JOHNS REVIEW Publlahed Etery Frld7 I1V MAKKI.K & lIVHIU.Itlt. Tint Ukvikw is entered nt post ofTice In Snint Johns. Oreiron. ns .mill tnntter ol the second clnss under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Alt sJt ertlstnir bill pa-ilie first of ch inntmi. Ailt trllilne rates. 11.00 tier Inch per month. All communltstloti should tit sddreiiied to Tbe Renew, m. Johns, Oregon, Job I'rlntlnir etecuted In flnl clsm iti. Ullli (or Job Printing caih on delivery. Official Newijuper of the City of St. Johnt. Phono Enst 6IOG. flubicrlpllon rt, (1,00 per ear In idrsnee. FRIDAY, KKHRUARY 1908, A column of editorials Imvc been crowded out this week by other inntters. The ferry the tock- cnislier street improvement the fireboys' appropriation all of these questions we wished to review, but there is nnothcr week coining. 1'leasc note the communication of tile library committee in another coin in and contribute as liberally as your conscience will permit. Mrs, I'arker is the rlirlit person for sec retary and librarian, is ever faithful Kcuial, accommodating, ready to tiive advice and help to all patrons and deserves the best we have. When C. W Hodsou Mated that he would not vote for any man who signed .Statement No, 1, he showed that he was honest, and that he is not KiiK to do that which would rctmirc him to vote for 11 Democrat for United States .Senator. His objections to .Statement No. 1 aie legitimate mid merits the considerat ion of every Republican in the State of Oregon. Now is the time to put a stop to his business, John Shut tuck Orq-onluii. We thought iiio.t intelligent men had outgrown the idea that a man simply because lie was a candidate of his party must be voted for by every member of that parly. This is one of the most pernicious prin ciples ever advocated by any politi cal party and is responsible for more rottenness in polities than any other. Statement No, 1 is a wise measure and the man who would break It is either a political fraud or as many times a blinkety-blaukfool as Ilcinlzl makes pickles. t- Wu have done lots of howling I about our iKiople uoiiu: over to Portland to do their trading- We expect to do more alone: the same line because we don't think it is the riuht thinir for our people to do, particulatly when they can do L to ,scc,, w,je ,,e elides they as well at home. We ate i;lml to art. MI).)0Sl., to work auainst are see unit 111c iiiuiiiaiu, jlmcrow lraK; kc)l clVcy euaKed every mom- limit sales outfit have lilted and clll ()f ,IC lilllCi Then they com- "Hewed. It is funny how many ..j,,!,, jt is ,, ,IM! lo lry. The of our people et buncoed by such rcnsoll jH Ciis. , finl "cold feel." K:oplc. heie isoue thliu; our ,ffcieiiee to the fulute environ city council litis been deicliet in ieuts of our childien and children's ami mat is tne pasMiKcoi Midi r-1 cliililrcu: (nuances as would niiiKe 11 eNten Building Permits Issued. ORDINANCE NO. 163 other conveniences and necessaries as st tne notices do such other CARLSON & COMPANY DEALERS IN CARPETS AND FURNITURE Opening Day, Saturday, 15th A Silk Floss Sofa Cushion 16x16 Given Free to each of the first twelve Ladies visiting our store We have now in stock as large a variety of CHAIRS and MATTRESSES as can be found in any Portland retail house Our Goods will continue to ar rive for the next THIRTY DAYS Compare our Prices with ANY FIRM ANYWHERE WATCH US GROW WITH ST. JOHNS No. it to H. S. Hewitt to erect la residence on lot 7, block 4 Grimes I An audition fronting on Silas street between Cedar Park and Portland boulevard, $1300. This makes three of these residences Mr. Hew itt has erected within the past two I or three years in this vicinity. One he has sold, the other he still has and is putting the finishing touches on and this otic he is now erecting. He will soon have n town of his own nt this rate. Of course he would want it annexed I to Portland, though. No. 12. To A. C. Gaines to erect a residence 011 lot 13, block 1 2 Barton's addition fronting on Brunswick bctwccti Nicklin and and Fcsscnden $1000. No. 13. To Hamilton Fletcher to erect residence on lots 3 and 4 Ordinance (0 Provide for Special Election, Appoint Judges and Clerks Therefor, Designate Polling Places and may be required and to tiost the notice ntui (to such y law provided. Passed the council Feb. 11, 1908. as herein acts as b Approved I'cb. II. IcoS. K. C. Couch, Attest: Mayor. A. M. Ksson, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review Feb. 14, 19. Directing Publication and Post- ORDINANCE NO. 161 ine of Nodes, to Alter the Boundaries of the Municipal Corporation of the City of St. Johns, and Include New Terri tory Therein. The City of St. Johns docs ordain as fol lows : That, whereas, on the loth day of I'lOiriinrv. tnrtH. tliprp tvn Tiled III the l.1..t. ti. .l. !!.!.. t ...!.... I ,'.!. . ' 1 !... l4 uiu.iv j, miucia uuuiuun iiuiuiii i oiiicc 01 mc rccorucr ui saw cur ui gned oy 1: r..i ...t D..11. . .. than one fifth of tl.e aunllhcil elector ..u xuik Olivia, piyw. , .. , . , , ,nlll.eItM1l XNO. 14. 10 Li, II. 31111111 10 Ctl rnrtinrnnt. Iiirnrivirnlril mill rrUlltlt' I tm. .'... -f c. ti.. .i ...l-l.. large residence 0.1 the west half of umleV the laws ot the State of Oregon, """foMowa' ' An Ordinance Assessing the Cost of I m pro Ing Polk Street from Willamette Boulevard to the North l.lnc of St. Johns Heights Addition, in the City of St. Johns, mid Directing an Entry of Fiich Assessment in the Docket of City Liens. as lot 2, block 5, Oak Park addition fronting on Thompson street be tween Stewart and Gilbert streets, M50. as shown by the vote cast at the last municipal election h.ld therein, re questing that the mayor and council of said city 01 St. Johns institute proceed lncs and can a sticciai election as pro vldcd by chapter one M of title twenty seven fj7l of Uclllimcr & Cotton's An notated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, the General Law of the State of Oregon The Council of the City of St. Johns having ascertained the cost of Improving Polk street from Willamette lloulevard to the north line of St. Johns Heights addition, In the City of St. Johns, as shown by resolution of Council of record and date January list, 100S, and notice thereof having been p,ulill! St. Johns Review, n weekly thereof having been published in the the said city of Jst. . ' eIrclltIoii miblfshcd at St. ) consecutive weeks 31, toos, both dates To Our Patrons. All laundry must be accented ,! ,1,-Cinr(Pr nf when delivered or it will be taken Johns, to alter the boundaries of the ?0,"MfV. L Tw.0 (J back to laundry and delivered when municipal corjiorotlou of the said city Jf !.-,,,. ,. the driver gathers again. No pack- n, K'.ueon1'1 lCVlg U,c age done for less than 10 cents, electors of said muulcl ui corporation .r.c. ?, 1 , C KJ.." ifi,.e. -RniJ"l? Scud a dozen pieces of fiat work as and to the electors residing in the tcrri we do not prorate. Inccda Laundry, West Coast Laundry. ONE BIT-A-WEEK tory promscd to be annexed to sucli coriMjrntlon and become a part thereof, which said alteration of the said loiiiid- arlcs and new territory to be included is described as follows, to-wit: 'Ilcglnnlng at the north caU comer section one 111 T a one III None W Will Mcr, thence cast to center legal posting of notices of such street Improvement as shown by affidavit of City Hngiuccron file with the Recorder no remonstrance having been filed and as provided by resolution of Jan. 21, iqoS;aud the sum of five hundred dol lars ($500.00! being City Engineer's pre liminary estimate of the cost, but to be more accurately determined by the City liiiginccr. The tunc within which said . . . A.. ( 111c 11111111 ciinniipi n 1 1110 111 inn 1 " .... IV You wnt to buy. rent, sell or ex. Slmml.. l.r,. P.tK. followl..., tnprovcmcni is 10 uc comp ctc( is here 1 . n',.i.... ii. 1 i . i.J "1.. -i. J.: ..." v.P... .." y nxed at sixty nays irom the last tmi "T """ '" " ccmcru 11c nia iiiciiaii nci io in uh rml f nl- nr nmmu. (nr ul.l ....... t iuai 11111; ui iiiu ijtiiaiiti 111111 oiuiiiu 1 ...i.f.i. 1 i. C-rwl. and Rug xyeavlng-I.eavc or- Lffi ffi C " with the Recor ler of ..Id City by March tiers with Mrs. street. Godscy, 301 Mohawk MP Seattle erly along said Hue to the Intersection 01 me north i-i acre tract Portland & Seattle Ry. Co., thence south iid line to the intersection . 0 . , Ovloc(. . ' TotVuFlZ the 3,foCrlTlt Vhercby onlered L?L eS" ' fiX U "t 5 be linprovcdaciordlngly, Scaled bids will be received until March easterly along said Uric to the most east- , "1 ',," !.?.. h...- , IS. for lots 1, 4, 5 and 6. block 30, James erly corner thereof, thence south wester- , ! 1 'i?iV ,S tlVilf. V, John Jd addition to St. Johns. Or.;rlghts y along the easterly line or said tract ft' " '.' "''''"tVJ lil reserved to re cct any or nil bids. Trus- tS a point 150 feet north from the north ' L 'l.I Ji cril rlrrltln,7, t.. To Rcut-A front room, nicely funi-1 ' 1 " ' '. "' "1"'" ImU for making said improvements. Ished. electric IMit. stove iMth.'rca.ou. ' . " . V and said sum, as estimated by the City able. 112 8 Plllmorc, st. opposite Rose "i, Z 'f" " V ' " ... 0 Ht.glnecr m cost thereof, or such n1 - " .V" . 1 itt llmll niinlli ! fivi-il mill tln(frtii(nol .i-.f 1... . .....11. i,..i..i.. w. ...!.. ... y - I'.ngluccr not . .. ....... v..v.... .. 1 8Um I, l,.nbv ...... . n . ' ' 1 .iraitMii cninsi. m mo wpkipriv .nip iiiii i . . . iwiiuwcxxi iouri. w. b. i-inric. jj-c v . . . .... City hotel. t.i-p Corded wood on the ground, uccr not exceeding said sum, is hereby assessed to the lots, parts 01 101s aui. tracts 11. i.teir several propor- of. h1'' .''w.n,!.locn,L'' '"" Mtions as provided bv charter 'in 'the Woon ran SALH-Having purchaK.I tM"' ,, ,,'.1, , ,i acMtncnt district of said Polk street the wood yard of J. C.crJell, I nm ffc " " lC.V,V.!;0,i,," "l,' '' .Wm-niette lloulevard. to the 1 ! i: il '.' Jo" Heights ad prctNtrcd to deliver wood to any twirt 1st. Johns on short notice. Dry and green wood, by the cord or 10 Inches In length. All orders left at the yard will . Johns He HnZlof tl City of St. join... In 11 i 7. Vii.. ;L...:v "? resiiecnvc aim sive for such institutions to do bushiest, here. There is (mother thing that does not look good iiinl that is for our tropic here to go over town lor lnborers mid ineihiiii les in prufeieiiec to tilling men here in St. Johns. We have been told that this is being done. Of course n ttit.ti bus a right to go where he ileuses to gut workmen just the Mime us he has to do his trading, but it dots look much bet ter, and it will ii nve much mote buuedclul lit the end to get both workmen and all our necessities hure at home, for every dollar we spend heie helps to make the town bigger mid butler, while every dol lar wo send over to Portland robs St. Johns just to that extent. POLITICS. What is the matter with the file wilyrs. the Tammany tigers, the socialists, the anarchists, the good government advocates who congre gated in the city hall about a mouth ago to clean up the political stabler of St. Johns? It is about the way with the American iniople in general. Thev gut an idea, and they tear up the indifference fittuie of St. Johns. as to the receive prompt attention. J. A. Powell, it. ... wear. Rcbcknlis Have a Good Time. Two of a Kind. Matried at the home of the bilde's parents, 517 Oswego street, Wednesday evening, Conrad Kuip The Uebeckah lodge of St. Johns held a most enjoyable session last Wednesday evening. At first the Itchcckas were a bit afraid they were going to be hand ed 11 lemon, as at the oH.-iiiug hour there were but few present besides the officers. The regular routine business was hurried through with, four of the llyerlec tribe were ad mitted by card, three in person and one by proxy. Then the lodge closed in due form and the doors were thrown ohmi to the visitors, ttllfi tlritl ftcu fnt MMimtirvtiritt "then gave asplenpid in.icrso..atloii PrODOSalS for StrCCt WOrK t KrvLritru cMtmir n linn I brought down the house. Miss I'erriue then told the people how she stopped with a team on the O K. S: N. track- out the maxim ing sign, and Scaled proposals will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of north westerly following the center of the main channel of said river to a point which Is interacted bv n westerly ex tension in a straight course 01 tne norm UiiH.ltnilliii.nlTMn.iNril V tl' ..,,,., ,,M,jr .WIIVitJ A. Willi , thence cast along said extension and said line to the O. R. & N. R. R. rluht of way, thence custcrly along the north westerly line of said right of way to a .r. ... ...... . -. . - ., which is ii.tcrK-ctcii oy pecllvc amounts to be hereafter determined and assessed to said lots, parts of lots, and tracts ns being sjiec ially benefitted by said street Improve ments, heretofore declared and now designated us all the loti, parts of lots and parcels of land within a lit. feet from the outside Jlut ' the north no boundary of To one fil N one fil W on i s - - r - . k while she spelled "'. "K0,". " -Mnrch 3. ""Zltiri Ltl l 11 nnlntiil nn lti,.rtn 4 0 C,0ck '"" for ,1,c lProvcmci.t of tWII 01 C I, thct.CC CI II paltitet 01 the cross- Vok slrcJt from Willamette lloulevard of begh"! ig.'r what a lively getaway to the north line of St. Johns Heights 'n y-wtt J "PI 11 the engine Struck addition in the manner provided by Or- petition Is In all things imagine her para- dhmncc No. 161, subject to the pro- accordance with the )laws i.ij nj.,1,, ;, u. i.-,,., !,.. ....... I visions 01 ti.ecuancr ana oru nances 01 1 i"""-", , ny, n bohc Uight, it must have been very lhc city of St. Johns, and the plans, farther appears that such alteration of graceful. specifications and estimates of the city - luinlHrIc of the municipal corpor- Kl ami .Miss Plossie Ilauiiiiiii ; Kev. " ,. " , " V 1 kid, and Young, officiating. The young ,rtl ,,, , , ,w,,ru V "B ,M I lie did It in a way that captured ,K'oplH.ave u.ui.y friends in St f1 " . ' ' l. ,l! iu,L; ,,r(kccrj the house. This was so good that John who will join with us in wish " ' " s.,a,u,1 );iUl ,,cr,,wk. 10 ,c ciies of "try the other foot," "big lug then, a long and happy life. 'ft, 1 k' , c , U, .,,W"K 1 ,u foot," "C. C. I.'oote." which last Manied at the home of the ?'&,. jl ZH Clam " .."V W"V' w" Chowder I'oote. and when he 'I lit iu vt mil nit flu tinfirda ttnc I ?ni'liietr 1111 file. Master loote who was just about a rictly hi acconlancc " li iiVl!ht7u mwl tnt,l id,. ..rrll,l wl,u printed blanks which will tw fur- "J Is for the best In 1001 lllgll 1111(1 101(1 tile lerrlOle trials ..i.i.iV,, .,,,.ii.n, i , ,!: ,i.lof all concerned, now therefore. f . 1 1 rx 1 iii-iiii vii iiiiinilUII H. sllh VIMVVi J IMV I . ( ' ' , , 01 nieximiier ousiaiiiine loucs, a 11II011 of the said city of St. Johns and there uterests iiconchundreil line of each side of said Polk street between the termi nals heretofore mentioned. And this ustcM.ucnt district shall be known and called ".not Improvement District Number One." The Recorder Is hereby directed to enter at the proper time the said assess ment uerciiy mane in tne Docket 01 city liens, and notice to be published as provided by the City Charter. i-asscii tut council I'cu, 11, 1909. Approved I'cb. 11, 1908. K. C. Couch. Attest : Mayor. A. M. KssoN, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review I'eb. Mi I9. i.ri,i..c ,, i...i,ic 1,... ij..i. r.. . :.. . : '"." :. tjnowder i'oote. and wiieti lie saw ......v ....... v., , 1 v..rsl... i...rk Alii 1111. in liirt. nil .. . ' . 9. John Kaillbo Cooper and Miss over Portlun 1 until tlmris 1 ''' was 110 let lip, tile past grand per cent of the oggregate prosals. and to the electors residing In the terri Mabel Mayes: Kev. Johnson of the . , ""J L" ,V,r.; , nl of Laurel lodge 186 gracefully res- The right to relcct any and nil bids 07 propose. I by the aforesaid petition ,1 ' , 1 1 1 y .1 least 150 Jiersous present. 1 mi,i,,i, nfiru Xt ... Is hereby reserved. to be annexed to wid irtx)rat on, the Christian cl.nrch oll.ciat.l.g. The T A Wi I)ai.llIKirt orKniml W V,1', f,1, Co? J8," f llyoJerol d.e City Council. M city of St. Johns, ind become home was beautifully decorated ilL.r L.l)lirl ...1.1. 'pol, Mo,,,,!,,,.. c Oregon, brother Colfyn then gave ' A. M. RSSON. l"r thereof, the said proposition of wlllt evergieens and in one comer 1 r(i ci, M ' liKtln. Tin. nrt vli. " S0,'K' Aunl Oeralma'H sticking Recorderof the City of St. Johns, altering the Iwundaries of the muulclpat of the p..or was at, altar of the Ko JZiS 23?? filled with hosts of friends and rel- u , 1 b v 11 ";aud Urother Coffyn sang "Long, ft And notice of such special election shall i.tlvesof the viniiiir ik?otilL. who . . .. . . H , , , 1 I Long Ago." Then Weary Willie II J be given by publication in a newspajK-r ,1.1 5 11 cheek like a schoolgirl with her iWenivnVt KZ J II of general circulation In the said city of ,,lll,.?'Svil fii-t iK-au. Ui.on..or gave him . f. ,tT" W. f. ( lOflSPV II St. John, and in territory so W ...i""'"j hi miiuuiu nv nuuiii imi . . iiu&eii 10 oe annexeii ill b iviimt 1. .mil. a happy and piospvtous life, beg to warm up to the work and the unfortunates were trotted in as reg ularly as in Judge Cameron's court in Portland, with as great a variety of charges. There was the dtidtue There was an old-fashioned can with the man's collar and shirt- ground for a few days and declare dy pull given at the home of Mr. waist Idled and starched; there was Old Fashioned Candy Pull. they will convert the world. A few weeks and their ardor all oozes out at their finger tips and they (bitten out into (lie old nits and lotteiiuesii taukles in every avenue of business and political life. have thought it of Mrs. Davenport lor sue lias a very charmlug person ality and one would judge her ikxs- sessed of a loveable temperament. We are obliged to think that her household treasure, Weary Willie, slandered her 111 tils number. Mrs. McKiuiiey told her first ex- 111 nni' lernnfT tf Hi- llli. ,.f Kl Int.... I TllC C tV Of St. IOIIIIS llOCS Ordalll IIS Mltl Iiiii.rovumciiti tmut lie comnlctctl on 0!!9W: r lisfi-irsO) siIvIl iiiii. ft-ritM ti,. i...t ....i.ii.l That a sneclul election be. and the odlon of notice for P"""l-tor M NO. 162 No projiosals or bids will be considered hou ' t9J o'clock in the forenoon uniew uccou.iai.led Dy a certified check V' ul ... '". .'"c eruoon myablc to the order of the Mayor of the 'M'; "ay, at which said special elec- Ls,n Ordinance to Prohibit Licensed City of St. Johns, certified by 0 restK...- "'ere shall bo submitted to the n" wru,""-' " roniDll ucensca ..II. I. S " t - . - . I MtttAnl t f tint lialil tllti nfl CI IaIiii. I ic imkk, tor an amount equal 10 ten 1 "f I Innnr llinlor frnnt Allnuln '"""" t ws ftHUTTIM any Female Person to Ontcr, for (lie PurKsc of Drinking or Uu) ing any Intoxicating Liq uors, or to Remain or Loiter, for any Purpose, in or About any Saloon, Oar room or Place Where Intoxicating Liquors are Sold, or Kept for Sale at Retail, or Served, and Provide ing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. and Mrs. W. I'. llrooks Thursday the? curly-haired victim, who was if liivt 1 fit. 1 1 in Itiiiinp 4f I.. I lilllCi vfr:i liij lmir tiMic4li 1 a . . 1 1 - C ....... I iiviny. tim. imimik lllDlllcr. Wim n-u'" nuuavi uuvi u niuiui. f-.. r iiii .1..... , . , . . . 1 1 """""-X lu v,Ml . , " ,! . .... , . . ' Rave the history of the Perkins faui nil iiiimivu iiivie. limuia 11 nmi ui Km uwuy uuiu . , ,,i IMi..... (.... c.w... I....... Inn.. if Ii.t iiimiU iliirin.r .). ,ln.. "J V IIV VI VIMHK ttlli) HI'VIII III IliVtl.l I . . .-1,,1... 11. .- I. 1iuw..t'..1i n.ul 11 1" '.1 1 i .0 i...; .1 I !nc iiiui iiiwiii ui ucr uckruumi. sin. 1 1 vis VI tliv Ll 11 I tllll LlllI VUia.lllUII. L stlll?l Illlll GENERAL BLACKSMITIIING Horseshoeing All kinds of Repair Work on WAGONS and MACHINERY RUBBER TIRES, etc. Cor. Charleston and Ivanhoe. paper I filled therein), for the period of four ts weeks prior to such election. And notices thereof shall be posted in four! (4j pu.iuc places tl.e said city of bt. Johns ami in four (4) public pluces in I.ucii icmiory j iiroxisea to ue unite for a like period before such election. Such notice shall distinctly state tl.e proposition 10 uc so suumttted. and shall designate specifically the bound aries of the territory so proposed to be unuexcu, ami tne electors snail be tu vtled thereby to vote upon such pronosi The City of St. Johns does ordain as toiiows: Section I. N'o licensed llnimr ilfnUr luiuic U UU.UUI ptuiiosi. 1 ,. ; , 1 . - ng upon their ballots the ' jonns, nor uie owner anneiatloti," or "ogalnst 1,???? riel,or o( an "'oo". bar-room, or words I tf.. .. . . . -I - J. I iwu tieularly bright stars it, the games until the candy was ripo and bailiff choked her until she dis- r'jfc ' " V" nVoV Mrs 1 o t ea uiv..ii iiri,.iit I............ i..i if.... :.i. .1...,i ii... pi..... d... .,ii somu wl J"' "kg ueorge. Mrs. ........... .....,- h, ,rvv.,.v mivii wiviiuwii wt iiii.iy m lilt ....... ...v.. 'iiv t.ivii Inll rll miwrcnnnlnr ni.,1 W of the work they ate doing to put- sweetness and such a time as they to bribe the judge by offering to let If"" J ify the rotten spots in high places, had will be long temembered by him chew her gum until recess. She ! 5 JSSft lLr li S he was f .i I Their inlliience is beinn felt the "millers." Those ..resont was innocent of the wav of noliii- .?" . 'V. a"t" .. l l 5 1 loweti oy .miss rerKius wuu a line s throughout the country and otheis weie Mrs, Mclleury, Mr. and Mrs. cians, though, for the judge con are taking the woik up in their llrooks, Messrs. S. J. Donaldson, fiscated her gum and fined her for own spneies. miihc hi the strictly George Donaldson, W, A. Trout, ( I! . political iiue, otiiets, as iieuey 011 the judicial side of politics, but there is not that keen inteiest and effusive clieetiug to the echo that there was when the first stejw in the great moral movement was begun. The novelty of the situa tion is wearing oil and only those who have the movement at heart Mrs. Uillier, Misses Ruby Hoover. Adria llurkhait, Clara Boiler. All were emphatic in declariue; they had a lovely time and wished their friend a safe journey to her south ern Home. W. C. T. U. attempting to corrupt the court. I here were a number of other notables wnich we have not space to mention, but cannot pass up Weary Willie Davenport, alias Sol Slocom from Slocoiuville, Mo. Being from Missouri he was showed and as a punishment for overwork- tug liimselt by climbing the stairs was condemned to sit between two aie abetting the leaders. There The business meetim? was held of the prettiest Rebeckahs in the are others, powerful others, who at the Advent church last I room. are working to their utmost in .Monday afternoon. Reports from After the victims had been ctilti i:e.y avenue over witicit tuey tne MiK'riutciii en s of the various vaieti to tne last peso, order was have any iiiilueucc against these departments showed good work and restored by chairman Hendricks icfortus. These agencies are ac- satisfactory results. Especially the "d a splendid literary and musical tive in St. Johns. They are lavhur eostK-l tonneninee ineotiius tuim nroratu was reuderixl. This nro their plans with constiiuinate skill held at Bickuer's hall.Sunday after- k'niitt was openetl by piano duet and secretiveness. These good noon. by Misses Hazel Robinson and government cople will do well to These meetings will be held reg- Elisabeth Slaters which was very jirick up their ears and take note ularly every two weeks at the above nicely rendered. This was fol of the way in which the wind is named ttlaco with lhkxI stvakiT mul lowed bv a recitation bv Miss SuU I.I !.... .. ...I . . .-.--- --.,---..-.. . ' - - - uiuwhik o wiicii tne time comes uox music. All are invited. Hovs millibar, w 10 to let about the ove it will lie as it too otten is, too late and young men are especially limed niakitig of a young couple who to do any effective work. They to come. were there at the same time that by solo with Mrs. Hall at the piano. Then came the eveut of the even ing, the emptying of the baskets. 1 here is where we shine with par ticular brilliancy. Two of the prettiest little Rebeckahettes in the room secured our basket ami ween- joyed a very pleasant hour. The occasion will long be remembered by those present as oue of the hap piest of their lives. The St. Johns Justice of the Peace district has been set off and includes precincts 90, 91, 107, 108, and 100. Comrade O. R. Downs is out as a candidate for the posish, "Life and Lessons from Abra ham Lincoln," will be the subject of an illustrated patriotic service at the Congregational church Sunday, Eeb. 16, at 7:10 p. m. All the usual services will be conducted in the morning. Everybody invited. G. W. Nelson, pastor. Watch the label ou your wrapper. Bitgood & Cole Cash Meat Market To the Piopli of St. Mrs: We have purchased the Star Meat Market, lo cated at 205 S. Terse' St., and will keep constantly on hand all kitids of fresh meats, also smoked and salt meats, fish and pottl- stA 1 4 try. ine public is cor dially invited to call and inspect our stock aud get our prices. Don't go to Portland uulcss you have to. tion by placi worus "tor annexation,' thereto. The polls for such elcctlo s equivalent dri,,king shop, or place where intoxlcat 1 j licjuors are kept forsale.or sold at re- 1.. tail, e.ther by himself or bv anv servant. open for the I'irst ward o said city 0( cnPye " aijent, shall permit or suffer j It;! inhn, n, v n. 11. .,.... I any female person to enter, for the nur. For the Second ward o( said city of Mf of ""klng or buying any Intoxl 2 St. Johns at the city halt. eating liquors, or to remain or loiter, ror tne territory so protiosat to be , ' '"'- y. uum in. sam annexed at and in basement of tiew f n? bar-room, drinking shop, or school building in North St. Johns, blk PIac4e, WUer,e intoxicating liquors are 31. Holbrook addition. "Pt for sale, or sold, or place where The followine iudires and clerks of 'nt'catuiK liquors are served, or In or special election are hereby appointed. "V"1 anJ fw' t booU, a,cvc or vu: Place a' and connected in any 1. ..!... f. .1... u:. . . .... .!... I way with klich saloon, har.rmni. .lrlnV. jmm(,h ivi inv .-ia nam UI uc VIIV I x - . " . of St. Johns: John lViff, Marlou Johuson, ?K hoP' ?r Vce 'here lutoxlcating O. R. Dowus. liquurs are kept for sale, or sold at re- Clerks or the I'irst ward of the cltv P", or served: provided that this onli- of St. Johns: L. It. Chambers, O. Ii. na,f,e s,,a 1 not aPP'J to " OP6" d Learned. I Pul)"c restauraut or dining room. Judges for the Second ward of the city 'Tf1100 , Any nersoa violating any of St. Johns: U. B. Chipman, N. A. Gee. of tbe Prv,slon of this ordinance, shall, I. S. Downey. uPn convicttou thereof ia the municipal n.. , .... . rnnrt nf thu Mtv .1 Q rt..,j. ... v.icru ior ine aeconu waru ol tue city 7 , ; r V ' . ju"u,i "v huu of St. Johns: Charles Uailey, Prank !sheJ hK 5 ,fi,ne ? no$ mo,re than two Horsruaii. hundretl dollars ool, or by imprison- Judges for the territory so proposed ?teu l? thc citJ" iail not over u,Ilety to be annexed: A. Wymore. Havner -T'-l "" i. ' i aseu me council I Si Harry Smith. Clerks for the territo I to be annexed: J. C, wnec.ocK ry so prorosed waiton, c. E, Bitgood & Cole The recorder of the said cltv of St. juuus i. ucrcuy oruereu anil requirett to iiv.ivs uciciu iinjviucti ior. provule the necesaan- ballots, poll-books tally sheets and stationery and do such other acts necessary and requisite under uic taw as requireu oi utm til carrvini? out the provisions of this onli nance. The chief of police of &aid citv nf Si Ijohus is hereby onlered and dixcctetl to I proviue me necessary booths and such Feb. ii. icoS. Approved I'eb. u, 1908. K. C. Coucir. Attest: Mayor. A. M. Kssos, Rcconltr. Publiihed in the St. Johns Review Feb. M, 190. Mail Schedule Matt arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. ui. aud 1:15 p. in. Leaves at 10:20 a. m., and 4HS P Office open week davs from 6m a. m. to 6:10 p. m, Sundays from 9 to to a. ra 12'