St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 14, 1908, Image 1

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J To wbKrRw for TIm R.vbw. jf
a AN.UM mwi whtl It U niws U J
I oar aotto. Call la and enroll
Ot admitting In The Ret lew
and you'll net er regret It. tie
tin at once and keep right at It
Devoted to (lie Interest of (he Penlmula, (he Manufacturing Center of (he Northwest
VOL. 4
NO. 14
Department Commander the Guest oF the Local
Post Which Met in Special Session Friday
Friday afternoon General Comp
son Post met in special session to
honor Department Commander S.
F. Blythc of Hood River. There
were a number of visitors all of
whom wc cannot remember, and
if we could, would not have the
room to mention and tell all the
good things they said, for every
speaker was a good one 11 ltd some
of the finest .sentiments of patriot
ism we have ever heard "were
uttered in this meeting.
Wc arc neither a veteran nor the
son of a veteran (some people in
St. Johns think wc arc a sou of a
gun, though) and the nearest rela
tion wc can claim is that of nephew;
but wc do not permit any one to
entertain a more exulted regard for
the veterans than do wc. They
arc the living remnants of that wall
of flesh mid blood which stood so
bravely between our homes and
firesides, between our liberties and
prosperity mid those enemies of the
nation who sought to destroy all
that wc loved and cherished. All, Chaplain Harden responded most
the prosperity, all the happiness, j feelingly mid encouragingly. While
all the comfort, nil the greatness he admitted the thinning of the
wc enjoy as a nation and as a pco ranks by the liuntl of time, he was
pic is due to their bravery and most highly plcused to note the
fidelity. What a tribute, then, do deepening interval in the G. A. R
thrown open at 3 o'clock to all vis
itors. Through the kind invitation
of a friend and comrauc wc were
graciously and heartily welcomed
to come in and partake of their old
time rations. Wc found about 50
' om vets (Honored name) and
nearly as many of the W. R. C.
After an intermission of a few mo
incuts in which wc met many of
the old heroes for the first time the
comtumaudcr called the post to
order and called Department Com
maudcr Blythc to the stand to ad
dress the audience. Comrade
Uly the in response replied that he
had made his address mid that he
could not sec his way to repeat it
even if his old "devil" was in the
audience or words to that effect.
Past Commander Fikc was then
called for and responded with u
very curliest, pufriolic address,
paying n well deserved tubule to
the W. R. C. and to Chaplain
Henry A. Harden to whom he
yielded the floor.
Regular Weekly Accumulation of Municipal Business Taken
Up and Disposed of as Seemeth Most Wise to the Dads
wc owe to their memory! How
gladly should wc show our appre
ciation for their work to the few
who arc left to us, and who within
the next few years will ull leave
us. Grand old heroes! Involuntar
ily our hat comes off in your pres
ence, as in the presence of veritable
kings of the earth, as ye are. May
Futhcr Time dcul gently with you,
and may you be spared to us with
your good comradeship for many
.years to come.
The post was called to order at
2 p. in. by Commander R. H. Mil
ler. The regular business session
was held and the doors were then
both in the ranks and in the people
on the outside. He asserted that
tin;-number of visitors to the posts
were increasing and the member
ship was also increasing all over
the state. Chaplain H.itdcn paid
a glowing tribute to Uuu-ral Comp
The elder statesmen of the city
met in executive session for the
46th time in their wickiup Tuesday
evening for a strenuous night of it
and had it, adjourning at 12:10 a
All were present except the city
attorney. After the minutes were
read and approved the petition for
the renewal of Sherman Cochrun's
saloon license was read and on 1110
tiou of King petition was granted.
Councilman L,cggclt alone voting,
Petition of Spurting for a license
to open a saloon at the junction of
iucoma and Jersey streets was
read and on motion of King pcti
tiou was granted and license is to
be issued when the $ 1000 and prop
er uomis arc deposited, in uccord
mice with the ordinance.
rcttuoii lor enlarging city was
read and accepted.
Communication from the Me-
Phcrsou company regarding the
heater leaking creosote was read
stutiug that they had instructed
Potter & Goold to remedy this and
these gentlemen having done so
the bill for the furnace was allowed
with other bills later.
Communication from Fire Chief
Noouun asking an appropriation
of 25 per mouth for the benefit of
son for whom this post was named, !u,e fire boys was reud and discussed
expressed his high regard for him nt kli&ih u"a KiB '""V"1 Brunt
as a general, a citizen and n friend, t ,e petition. After further discus
and urged that Compson post take 8'0" Jobc ,ovctl to amend by
the initiative in a movement to''Propriuting $50 for present use
have the general's remains removed 1 w,tM the understanding that if this
from the neglected ami obscure cor- ,una wns uscd judiciously and
nerof the G. A. R. cemcteiy where carefully there would be more
they now lie to a place of honor forthcoming when needed,
more fitting the remains of such a I Complaint was made of the un-
sanitary condition of the sewer in
' block 40 St. Johns addition. It
The Indiana Road Muchine Co.
presented the matter of prices on
road machines and rock crusher
which sounded good if the city had
the "dough" and the mntter was
referred to the proper committee.
St. Johns Transportation com
pany in response to a request from
tlie council presented their offer to
sell the ferry James John to the
city for $18,975. Councilman Leg
gctt reported that he had been to
Portland several times during the
week to interview the commission
ers, but that he was unable to see
any of them except Mr. I.cightner
and Judge Webster, the latter but
for a moment mid. that Mr. Darucs
was not yet returned from Califor
nia, also that nothing could be
ascertained until nftcr their meet-
ng next week. Mr. Leiuhtuer.
however, assured Mr. I.cuKett that
he was sure that it was not neces
sary to go before the legislature
with the matter, but that if the
city furnished the boat the commis
sioners could and would be glad to
ocratc the same.
In the matter of the Wytc bill
for electric work which was cut
down, Mr. Wytc met the council
and explained that the excess in
the charges was occasioned by
some dillictlltv in the ivorl? mwl
that he considered the charges!
Other bills allowed were as fol
lows: W. G. McPherson for heater,
538; St. Johns Lumber Co., lum
ber ti 10.26; O. Kdwards, five blue
prints of city showing proposed
new limits, 54.25; Udinondson Co.,
material, $3.55; Portland R. I,. &
P. Co. light, $121.20 St. Johns
water to. 14 hydrants, 540: And
rcw Would street survey, $3, total,
829.26. The bill of McPherson
was erroneously reported passed
last week, It being held over to
have the creosote leakage cared for.
city engineer and attorney were
instructed to look up the title to
street near the Canlcs tract where
there was some dispute as to t!"
ownership of some wood cut by the
Report of water and light com
mittee on ctitiou for arc light nt
the intersection of Grcsham and
Johns streets was adverse to the
installation of such light, because
the contiguous lights would give
sufficient light for the time being.
The report was accepted.
The matter of certain streets mid
boundaries was lelt over another
week for investigation.
Ordinance for the improvement
of Polk street, another for enlarg
ing the city boundary to be pre
sented to the people for voting at
the next regular election and an-
made by him reasonable. In view other to keen women out of the
of this the council split the differ-! saloons were passed by the council
ence and allowed him half of the !nnd will appear elsewheie in this
amount of the reduction of the bill.
mm... rnii...:.... 1. m -11 1 1 mi n ..
iiw ; luiiuniuu un in nut iiuuweu 1 i uu miners amounted in line
pain: in. u. annul,
and ordered
$8,255 C. J. McArdlc J8.25; 15. II
Goad, $10.25; K. H. Hulscy, ?io.
25; W. H. McCoy, tfj.25, all for
cutting wood, total 40.25. This
will make quite a saving of wood
for corly breakfast.
' . ... ..... iiinnv H .'I. 1 1 1 U lllfll
IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , wus learned that this was a private 1 money to the city as the wood laid
Q1 sewer. Was referred to the health 'down at the city hall will be from
Q'aud police committee for invcstfga- i to fi. 50 per cord cheaper th
JS , tiou and report. it could be purchased for.
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for and check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced and courteous employes.
Phone Mrtiu 358, Portland office.
Phone Mniu A 3358.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawn 818. Ageut at St. Johns.
Office 105 IS. Burlington street.
Watch the date on your paper
that you tlo not get more than
year behind. You will not want
to miss a number, because you
don't know what is going to be in
the next number, and we will have
to cut off every one who is more
; than n year behind after April 1st.
Eleven Girls and Eight Boys Receive their Diplomas
at the Home of Professor Alderson
mau aud patriot.
He wus followed by Past Depart
ment Commander Pratt, who ap
pealed to the W. R. C. to stund
. faithfully aud firmly to the support
'of the G. A. R., as a faithful wife
to her husband; recalled the great
deeds done by many noble women
in ages past, in other lauds and in
modem times in our own. Com
rade Baker of Kugeue was the next
speaker who recounted some of the
good work of the W. R. C. By
their contributions and assistance
iu other ways they placed in the
treasury of the G. A. R. $6000 last
vear and were continually ilniiif
b"vui iihiiu me jajui uuk Ulliy
within the post, but also on the
outside. He spoke with a great
deal of warmth on the contemplated
desecration of the Audersouville,
Georgia national cemetery by the
erection of a monument to the
memory of the infamous murderer
KiUblUtaed 1SS1 In New York City
A. U N
LA CADIZA, 10 cent
EL ROYAL, 5 cent
Full line of Smokers' Supplies
Central Cigar Store, Next to Bank.
Commander Miller then compli
mented the post and W. R. C. for
the wonderful growth during the
past three or iour mouths in which
time the post has doubled its mem
bership aud there are several more
on the eve of taking membership,
two new members having been ad
mitted at this meeting.
Mrs. Sarah Kemp, department
chaplain of the W. R. C, read n
do the decoration and these faith
un ones never leave a single grave
without its (lowers and Hag. They
even go on the outside at the stock
ades of Audcrsouville aud gather
wild (lowers with which to decorate
the graves, and the writer nppcahnl
to all the members of the G. A. R.
and W. R. C. aud others interested
to make donations so as to assist
these futithfiil ones.
Altogether It uas a most enjoy
splendid article from their depart-(able occasion and Department Com
ment magazine giving the condi- mander Uly the expressed a high
tions of the cemeteries and the way appreciation of Compson Post G.
decoration day is observed in the ' A. R. We all hope to sec more of
south. 1 here are 14,700 graves of ( Col. Blythe and hope he may find
the boys in blue at Andersonville, 1 it convenient to come down aud
10,200 at Atlanta, 7000 at another go fishing with us this summer.
place mentioned, 3000 at another
aud there are very few to do the
decoration. At the place where
there are 7000, we did not under
stand the name of the location,
there are but seven old soldiers to
The Fraternal Brotherhood will
give a dance at their hall tonight
a regular valentine hop. A good
time is sure to happen.
Whitwood Court
The grandest view in America
ToScc Whitwood Court is t0 Buy
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering
Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited.
44 AA A J
I H. HENDERSON 205 jersey St
i Real Estate, Loans. Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Lots ... $100 to $300
Acre tracts 200 to 300
11H N Lrcii tfaot Qf- Inline Cirtatn
1 J
The largest class to iiraduatc
St. Johns were given their diplomas
last Thursday evening, and it is
gratifying to note that the percent
age of boys has largely increased.
Heretofore there has been one or
two boys and about a dozen uirls.
This year there were eleven uirls
aud eight boys, 19 iu all to take
their sheepskins.
It was rather nit informal affair,
an occasion of good comradeship
aim social enjoyment. Professor
rvldcrson invited the tirade to his
home aud the diplomas were hand
ed to them there. The votiinr
adics gathered iu the home ami
ater the boys came iu a bunch and
gave the class yell under the win
dow of the drawing room before
entering. The yell was something
ike this:
Wang, bang, zip boom bah I
St. Johns Grammar school,
Rah I Rah I Raid
After the diplomas were distrib
uted the gratis proceeded to enjoy
the hospitality of the professor to
the full. There were games galore.
One of them, the historical guessing
game was 11 good one. Iu the
round up there were three of them
guessed 22 out of 24 of the guesses,
and when they cast lots to see who
should take the prize of a nurse.
Karl Crouchley was the lucky man.
Another game which furnished a
great deal of amusement we sup
pose was called the sectional artist.
t was like this: One artist would
raw the head and tipper part of
some animal, then this was hidden
from sight by turning it under mid
the next artist would draw the
middle part of the body, then this
too, was hidden and it third artist
would put on the finishing touches.
Adam never gazed on such animals
when the entire creation was na-
raded before him for their names.
We tlo not think the poor man
could have invented names equal
to the occasion if they had.
Most delicious refreshments were
served and n vote taken to deter
mine where their pictures should
be taken and the vote wns 16 to 3
iu favor of St. Johns. The class
president was Karl Crouchley;
treasurer was Archie Smock.
The members of the class were:
Misses Klea Hathaway, Gertrude
Baldwin, Ruth Catiriirht. Cnth
Coffyn, Hva Kdinondson, Una
I'incli, Vnlkyrin Larson, Gertrude
Negsten Peterson, JeannelteOgdeii,
Nell Whlsler; Messrs. Jesse Aider
son, Floyd Culp, Karl Crouchley,
Krnest Crouchley, Ryder Corinany,
Arkie Anderson, Alex. Kerr,
Archie Smook.
When the performances were nil
over aud the happy yonmr noonlo
started for their homes they gave 11
hint of the days to come in a new
edition of their class yell:
Wang, bang, zip, boom, bah I
St. Johns high school,
Rnht Rah I Rah!
There is nothing that so stirs our
blood as these gatherings of grad
uates for their departure from the
educational institution which has
been the alma truter of their tender
years, going to they know not
what, but witlt the full confidence
of youth that whatever they may
meet they will overcome all ob
stacles. Our most earnest prayer
is that they may not fail in any
instance but all come to years of
maturity with well rounded char
acters of sterling men and women.
The entertainment given under
the auspices of the Artisans was a
splendid success. There was n full
house and the entertainers were re
peatedly encored. Their acting
was fine mid the Artisans are to be
congratulated upon their good for
tune iu securing the play. ifTs"
expected the same company will
I lie Here again in the near future
with another play.
I Al. 1 101. BROOK C. 12. HAII.RY
St. Johns Land Co.
The Largest and Oldest Real Instate Firm
in St. Johns. j
East St. Johns
The center of tltc great development now taking
place on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. U. &
N. railroad for sale on reasonable terms.
Holbrook's Addition
We have some choice lots iu the vicinity of the
new $20,000 school building now in course of construc
tion. Call at our office for prices aud terms for either of
these desirable tracts.
St. JolUlS Phono Union 3104 Oregon
Plumbing and Tinning
Phone Kust 6311
203 Jersey Street St. Johns, Ore.
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.
Lumber Manufacturers