St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 24, 1908, Image 3

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We Don't Want Your Trade
For Once Only
We want it ail the time
is our constant aim
This Spring
Has ninety-six oil-tempered
coils and is fully guaranteed
$4.50 fS3S
3 i&-z&-rt vsvrs-.- Js-3rn
Iron beds
Of every design and
and color, made strong
and durable, heavily en
ameled; ornamental in
every joint.
2.75 to 20.00
left, that we will sell regardless of profit, and
ALMOST regardless of cost to
Clean Up Before Invoice
Now is n good time while too rainy to work out
of doors, to dress up that Commode, Morris chair
or Chiffonier, with a coat of Sunshine.
Then give the kitchen floor and woinscot a coat
of Crcolite. Make your wile believe that you
have turned over a leaf with the New Year.
Mil u
i bom.
OUpoH. WtlpplM IMS oar
t r. m. (Mtktf k4. Ml Mlklt4 WWII". UUMI. U rt
Ml4 to4 IiU
When to Qo Home.
From the Bluffton, Ind., Banner:
'When tired out, go home. When
you want consolation, go home.
When you want fun, go home.
When you want to show others
that you have reformed, go home
and let your family get aquainted
with the fact. When you want to
show your self at your best go home
mid do the act there. When
you feel like beiug extra liberal go
home and practice on your wile ana
children first. When vou want to
shine with extra brilliancy go home
and light up the whole household."
To which we would add, when you
have a bad cold go home aud take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
a quick cure is certain, ror saie
by St. Johns Drug store.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will charge
for card of thanks, 50c; for resolu
tions of respect, $1.00; for notices
of church or lodge entertainments,
suppers, sociables, etc., where there
are charges tor admission, 5c P",
line, but where there are no charges (
for these events, we will break the .
rule aud insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
our good fnends may uuderstana
our rule in this respect. .
To Whom it May Concern.
For the name and residence of
the owner of any property in St.
Johus or vicinity, call on or write
T. T. Parker, attorney ai iaw, m
Holbrook building.
Titles to real property
Enjoyable Taffy Pull.
A delightful evening was spent
by a jolly crowd at "Bachelor's
Hall," 109 Crawford street, Thurs
day night of last week. Games
aud social chat occupied the early
part of the evening, but the crown
ing feature, and the one which ex
cited the most interest was that
of pulling the taffy, each guest tak
this snlendid on-
, portunity for exercising his mus-
.cles. It was also observed that
1 t.i.. . 1. ..
every oue rose iiuuiy w mc m..u
Ision when it came to disposing of
the "sweets." Those in attend
ance were: Misses Adria Burkhardt,
: Ruby Hoover, Clara Beller, Mrs.
Hillier: Messrs. S. J. uouaiuson,
W. P. Brooks, W. A. Trout, G. C.
The best thing we have seen iu
the matter of going over to Port
land to trade was an instance
brought to our notice by Mr. Ed
mondson, our enterprising plumber.
Rprentlv a eentlenian came to him
for a bill of plumbing and plumbing
fixtures and secured me price.
Evidently the price did not suit as
the gentleman went to tne city tor
bis goods and in a few days Mr.
E. received from the Portland
firm a credit slip for the full amount
of the profit on the bill of goods.
If all the Portland houses would do
this we would have nothing to say
nhmit our neonle tradine there, as
it would save our merchants the
freight charges and the trouble of
handling the goods Here.
Messrs. Butterworth and Scar
brough have moved into their new
nuarters in the Bickner block. The
new rooms are very neat and these
gentlemen know how to take advan
tage of their environments.
Local News.
He who by his bli would rise
Must either bust or advertise.
Bring in your printing now.
Mr. ntid Mrs. West Edwards of
Salem and Mrs. Erwin and Mrs.
Rnker of Portland visited with J.
F. Gillmore and family last week.
C. K. Baker and wife of Hermis-
ton, Ore. were in the city last week
visiting L. H. Chambers and other
friends. Mr. Baker is editor of the
Hcrmistou Herald.
Mansfield & Kacmlcin have fin
ally moved into their new location
and their office is as smooth as a
baby's foot. They have one of the
best locations iu the city.
Miss Emma McNeill is happy
again. Her mother returned last
week from her recent visit and re
lieved Miss Emma from some of
the joys of housekeeping.
H. G. Ogden has secured the
- f At... T 1 .. I
agcucy ui 111c i lamayi vuuiu i n-
Insurauce company and is now pre
pared to insure all who desire in
surance iu this cood old reliable
Cochran Bros, have disposed of
the St. Johns hotel to Eastern
parties. This is one of the finest
structures in the city. The con
sideration, we understand, was
W. H. Hurlhcrt of Albany, was
11 the citv this week a cucst of W.
H. Kinir. while he inspected the
advantages of St. Johns. We hope
he may become a permanent resi
dent here.
W. T. Phlllins. the enterprising
editor of the Daily Abstract was a
pleasant caller at tills ottice lnuay.
lie reports lively times amonc the
contractors and builders, in the big
city, and predicts a very busy year
in the building department of the
country in general.
Business iu real estate is picking
un. There arc neon e on U C
streets every day looking for desir
able locations. Some of them arc
buying and others arc going away,
who will come bade a year or two
liLMice and kick themselves around
a block for not buying just now.
Mrs. Hrlnt. Hvlnc? in the Tower
building is in a very precarious
condition. She was ill Mine time
ago and underwent an operation.
It is reported that she did not re
ceive proper care after the operation
ond suffered a relapse which will
necessitate another operation aud
licr recovery it is icarcu win uc
Mrs. Richardson of Hood River
accompanied by her little daughter
Velnia, and her menu, Mrs. uoop
cr of Portland, were callers on the
Review man aud his better two
thirds Friday morning. They
were delighted with St. jontis ana
wc hone to have them for neighbors
before long.
A larcc saw mill to employ 500
men is one of the possibilities of
the near future to be erected north
of the Portland & Seattle railroad
bridge on the west side of the Wil
lamette. Engineer Edwards has
been surveying the grounds for the
interested parties, but as yet is not
at liberty to divulge who his em
ployers are.
When in the city Tuesday we
met Dick McDonald, oue of Hood
River's most substantial merchants
and best citizens. Mr. McDonald
was down to attend the Hardware
Merchants' convention held in the
Alisky building on that date. Mr.
McDonald reports things lively as
usual in Hood River and business
generally good.
The St. Johns Gas, Light &
Heat Co. purchased the two lots
adjoining the location they recently
purchased from the St. Johns Ship
Building Co. ana will begin tue
erection of their plant in about two
weeks. There will be pieuty 01
work for all the laborers in the city
when these gas mains are being
placed and consumers of gas should
make application for gas at this
office tor the preseut. me neces
sary blanks have been left here for
that purpose.
The Knights of Pythias iustalled
the following officers for the com
ing terra at their meeting Friday
night of last week: Geo. R. Black,
C. C; W. C. Alderson, V. C; W.
A. Storr, prelate: J. H. Black, K.
of R. & S.; G. G. Goold, M. of F.;
D. F. Horsman, M. of U.; A.
Unger. M. at A.; L. F, Clark, I.
G,; C. L. Goodrich, O. C. L. W.
Brunson, master ot work was
absent and will be installed later.
Holmes Lodge K. of P. is in a very
flourishing condition, in fact is one
of the banner lodges of the state
and has reason to be proud of its
Lawrence Thorndyke has been
having a bushel of fun. In some
way we did not learn he managed
to stick a knife iu his leg and
severed an artery. A surgeon was
called and found it necessary to
make an incision in his limb which
required eight or more stitches to
close in order to be able to tie the
artery. After a time the wound
began to show symptoms of blood
poisontne and Lawrence was con
fined to his bed where he bad the
time of his life. We can imagiue
how nice it was. It is said even
the kitten refused to stay in the
room with Lawrence. At the last
report he was doing nicely and wil
be about in a few days. Next
time, Lawrence, carve the leg of
the table, it won't hurt so badly.
Fine oil for shoes at the harness
Hnusekeenincr and sincle rooms
at the Raymond. Reduced rates.
$17?. Lot close in. lA cash.
balance $5 a month. S. L. Dobie.
Stcoo. Comer lot on Jersey St.
i- cash, balance 1, 2 or x years.
S. L. Dobie.
Voit pet full wcieht and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
Lots t. 2. 1. a and ?. block No.
2. Shenard's addition. Terms and
cheap. S. L. Dobie.
Sijoo. House and lot on Ivan-
lioe street near car line and post-
office. Terms. S. L. Dobie.
Wanted A ladv to do washimr
and ironing for family. Call 217
Mohawk street near water tower.
I will be in St. Johns to test eyes
Tuesday, Jan. 14 at the North
Bank pharmacy. C. M. Salisbury,
Insure vour property in the
Pennsylvania, one of the best aud
most reliable companies in exist
ence. II. G. Ugclcu.
Ilnvc vour nronertv insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They arc the
best. S. L. Dobie, agent.
Parties desiring to sell call and
tt their nroncrtv with I. E. Col-
vin, Chicago and Jersey streets.
If vou have nroncrtv for sale at
reasonable prices iu St. Johns. I
will buy it mid sell it for you. II.
G. Ogden, Review office. it
T. T. Larson has moved across
tin' street from his old stand where
he will meet his old customers for
all kinds of repairing of boots and
shoes. 114 Philadelphia street.
Blacksmith shop, bldg. 16x64,
lot 2xi;o. Hood River. $7so, or
trade for lot in St. Johns. II. G.
Ogden, Review office.
All our meats nrc eovcriiment
inspected and the best that money
can buv. Thev are neatly and
carefully handled. Come iu and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
Hnvo vour eves fitted nronerlv
by C. M. Salisbury, the optician,
Jan. 14, at North Bank pharmacy,
St. Johns.
An Interesting Column For
Prospective Buyers.
To Our Patrons.
All laundry must', be accepted
when delivered or it will be taken
back to laundry and delivered when
the driver gathers ttgain. No pack
age done for less than 10 cents,
Send a dozen pieces of flat work as
wc do not prorate.
Inceda Laundry,
West Coast Laundry.
House and Lot.
Wc have a house and lot; lot 50X
100 ami tour room uousc, 111 si
built, well located, right on car
track. $800 1200 cash, balance
at$i2, per mouth. Harry E.
Wocouer Co.. 210 Chamber ot
Commerce. 11c
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by II. Hender
son, abstracter and notary public.
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
305 Jersey street.
Bring in your job printing.
Mrs. I. S. Jones of Vancouver is
visiting friends iu the city this
Mrs. B. S. Hoover, who has
been confined at her home by a
severe attack of La grippe, is tiow
able to be around again.
Mrs. W. P. Brooks of Eugene,
arrived in the city Tuesday, and
with her husband, W. I'. Brooks,
will make this her future home.
Mrs. W V. Jobes returned Sun
day evening from a month's visit
with relatives and menus m Minne
sota aud Denver. Mrs. Jobes re
ports lots of snow and cold weath
er in uenver.
The surroundincs of the city hall
have been vastly improved since
the a r nn iids have been nictlv grad
ed. When a nice sod of green has
grown thereon and a prolusion ot
roses adorns the landscape this will
be one ot the beauty spots 01 tne
Mrs. T. R. Anderson has re
moved her millinery store from
Tacoma street to the room recently
vacated by the uon ion barber
shop on Jersey street. This will
give Mrs. Anderson a much better
location for her business.
Miss Lillian Perkins spent last
week with her sister, Mrs. Wright
of Woodburu. Mrs. Wright has a
larce class in voice culture, elocu
tion and physical culture. She is
directing the Presbyterian church
choir and has been offered a good
salary if she will take the Metho
dist also. She has a chorus of
forty voices iu training for a con
cert. The Woodburn people ap
preciate having the chance for
study in their home town.
Headlight Overalls
"Un on Made"
j Special January Reduction Sale
For another week wc continue our offerings of high class merchan
dise at greatly reduced prices. Wc arc selling many staple lines
of goods at actual cost. It will pay you to anticipate your wants.
Cash is what we want and
Cash is what wc sell for
I Conic aud take advantage of these exceptional bargains. Entire stock of Outing
I Flannels reduced. Very excellent assortment to select from.
7c outings now 6c i2$c outings now 10c
10c outings now 9c 15c outings now t2j4c
All I2j4c Elannelettes now 10 cents
CxtraJalues in Bedding
Three pound feather pillows, 65 cents each
Three aud one-half pound feather pillows, 75 cents each
Three and one-half pound feather pillows, regular value ft. 25, now $1.00
Extra fine cotton blankets, full size, regular M.25, now 2.oo
Pine white wool blankets, full size, regular 4.00, now 3.50
Super while wool blankets, full size, regular 5.00, now .(
Pull size comforter, weight seven pounds, $1.50.
Sateen covered comforters, filled with best white batting, regular price .fj, now $2.50
Comforters from 75 cents up. Blankets from 85 cents the pair up.
We have a very complete line of White Bed Spreads at all prices from $1.00 up.
Pillow cases from 15 cents up; sheets from 60 cents up.
Low Prices on Towels and Table Linens
Pull sir.e bath towel, regular price 15 cents, now 12 cents.
Pull size bath towel, regular price 25 cents, now 23 cents.
Extra size bath towel, regular price 35 cents, now 30 cents.
Bleached table linen, 64 in. wide, reg. price, .50 cents, now 45 cents.
Bleached table linen, 64 iu. wide, reg. price, 65 cents, now 55 cents.
Unbleached table linen, 66 in. wide, reir. price, 65 cents, now 55 cents.
All standard Prints, regularly 8 cents, now 7 cents icr yard.
All dress ginghams, regularly 12 to 18 cents, now to cents yard.
AIIDress Goods Reduced
1 8c Cotton dress goods, stripes nud plaids, now 15c.
25c " " " " " " " 20c.
Twenty per cent Discount on all Wool Dress Goods
I1.25 values now $1.00; $1.00 values now 80 cents, etc., etc.
Wc have a few odd pairs of men's and women's shoes at very low prices. We
t can save you from 50 cents to $1.50 on a pair. Come and see if we have your size.
Wc are agents lor tne celebrated l'arisiaua (Jorsct, the best m.oo corset made.
Hand painted china, 25 per rent off. Pictures aud picture frames.
(luster llrown Shoes Strums llros. Clothlnic
Mrs. D. G. Bushy is seriously
ill and her daughter, Miss Sadie
Black of Portland is nursing her.
Register at the city hall for the
city election. County registration
will not count for the city election.
Mrs. Agues Lelaud, the popular
young society lady is soon to take
unto herself a helpmeet, says Dame
Postmaster Blackabee of Silver-
ton, made the St. Johns mail
shuffler a brief fraternal visit yes
terday. It was his first visit here
and he was favorably impressed
with this locality.
Mrs. V. W. Coffyn is recovering
nicely since (he operation and will
soon be able to travel. boon as
she can she will make a trip with
her daughter up in the bound coun
try for a visit with her son.
Do not fail to register on the city
register books at the city hall.
Registering iu the county register
will not suffice for city voting.
you must register in the city regis
ter or swear in your vote.
Please note the advertisement of
the St. Johns Gas Light and Heat
company and leave your orders for
gas at this office soon as possible.
The street ordering the greatest
amount of gas will be supplied first.
The Capitol City was pulled on
the slip of the ship building plant
Tuesday with a hole iu her bottom.
She was repaired at the slips about
a month ago, but the new bottom
then put in would not stand against
the rocks.
Mrs. C. J. Nickerson has made
a hit in the shape of a valuable im
provement to a flour sifter. It is a
lid that fits on the bottom of the
common "hand organ" sifter so as
to prevent the sifter from leaking
flour when beiug carried about full
of flour.
At the stLTPonticon service at the
Cnnpretrational church Sunday
evening, Jauuary 26, Dr. C. M.
Sheldon's great book, "In ills
Steps" will be illustrated with over
fortv-eieht slides. Usual services
in the morning. The public is in
vited to attend, u. w. XMeison,
According to the census wc have
not sufficient number of voters in
this precinct to hold a regular pri
mary election. There will, there
fore, be no primary on the 7th of
February. This will spoil fun for
one day at least, but theti there are
enough days left.
Pbutterick pattern
Branch Store, 107 S. Jersey.
0 Ji '
hjio lovrumcrcia
111 BM
for alt kinds of
Cement Work
such as
Couirr Thompson
tut Myeil MrrU,
utar Cedar l'ifk.
Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance
The Jefferson, the only old line company
that has $50,000 deposit with state.
Ci'.uknt Block
M.l ...! T... .... C...