St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 24, 1908, Image 2

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rnb1lhd Every Friday
Tint Kttviltw Is enteral nt jostofIicc
in Snltit Johns, Oregon, ns limit mutter
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879,
All communication ahouTd b tildrtned to
Ths BOTltw, Pt. John, Orccon.
Ailrcrtltlne rilfi, 11,00 per Inch per month.
All idTtrtlalne bills paills flnt of neb
tllllii (or Job
Printing executed In flrt-el 11ln.
1'rlntlng csh on delivery.
OfflcUl Kawiptpar of ths City of Bt Johni.
Phono Eoat 0100.
Mubicrlptlon rate, $1,00 per rear In advance,
Candidates' announcements to
the public fur the different ofliees
hi the city tire now ripe nntl we
would be glad to pitblisti them nt $2
per in advance, that being our reg
ular space rate. If the job a man
is nfter is not wortli advertising for
it should not be handed to him,
lest he take it ns it sour lemon. We
open the list this week with our
friend, T. T. Parker tit the head.
I have for sonic time p;tt heen urged
to plnce my name on the ticket nt the
coming election for the office of City
Attorney, hut until now liuve declined,
111 view of these prevdng request 1 do
consent mid will he it cmididate (or the
office of city attorney nt the April elec
tion. T. T. l'AHKKK.
A reasonable time will he allowed
publishers (0 secure renewals of
subscriptions, but unless subscript
tloits are expressly renewed, after
the term for which Uiey ore paid,
within the following periods week
lies within one ear, scml-weeellcs
within nine months, trl-wccklles
within six months, dallies within
three mouths. They shall not he
counted in the legitimate list of sub
scrlbers, and copies mailed 011 ac
count thereof shall not be accepted
for mailing at the second class
postage rate of I cent a pound, but
tuny be mailed tit the transient sec
ond clnss postage rale of I cent for
each four ounces or fraction thereof,
prepaid by stamps affixed.
Ilecnuse of this arbitrary ruling
of the posl office department nfter
the first of April we will be com
pelled lo drop from our list nil
names over one ear In arrears.
We note by the Journal that our
old friend, L. N. Hlowers of Hood
River contemplates being it candi
date for htitte senator. We do not
know a mail we would rather sec
receive the honor of a seat in the
state senate and we believe if he is
a candidate he will take the bun.
He is capable, perfectly honest and
would represent his constituency
wiui Honor.
The council of the city of Port
land is considering the advisability
of passing an ordinance to keep
women out of all saloons, This is
certainly a step in the right dircc
who is at FAuir?
Since we took up our abode in
the city of St. Johns we have made
every endeavor to advance the best
interests of the city. We have re
frained from criticising the actions
of the council or other public offi
cers as far ns possible, for we be
lieve thnt every citizen should up
hold these officers to the utmost of
their ability as long ns they nrc
working in good faith and doing
their best for the public welfare.
We hnve repeatedly cnlled ntten
tion to the good things which hnve
been accomplished by this council
nnd there nrc many of tbein. We
expect to continue this policy so
long as we are connected with this
publication. We nre here to make
this our permanent home. We
want the best there is commercially
physically, socially, morally for the
town 111 which we hnve our liouic.
We shall bend our best efforts to
accomplish this.
While wc do not believe in for
ever finding fault with the city
council because they do not do just
what we wish they would, nnd
give them credit for being consci
entious In their actions in general;
when a petition is presented by
hundreds of citi.ens requesting the
council to take steps to regulate
some doubtful or vicious places of
amusement, when the evil effects
of these places are apparent in the
ruin of n number of our boys and
girls, and when an ordinance drawn
to cover the points in the petition
is presented by motion to this coun
cil and they refuse to take nctiou
011 the same, thus wrinkling the
evils to go on without abatement,
we believe it is time to say some
thing and Ave would consider our
selves cmially reprehensible with
these coiinciluien if we kept still.
In last week's issue we mentioned
these cases in two items but we did
not mention the council in anyway.
It could be inferred that wc had
the council in mind. It seems our
worthy mayor so considered it.
The fact is, we did not, but hnd
the people generally in mind when
the articles were written. The
fact that our good mayor took oc
casion to roast the writer in the
council chamber Tuesday evening
for publishing these 111 tides indi
cates that the shoe pinched, mid
now that lie lias piilillciy called
our attention to this matter, we can
do nothing less than give our own
private view of the (iiiestiou and
let it go for what it is worth.
The council Is elected by the
leople to make and enforce laws
for the government of the tieople.
The pitiful excuse offered by his
honor that he could not go out as a
Sherlock ilohues is not germane to
the proposition, for 110 one would
for a moment cxixx't either him or
his aldermen to do so. It is, how
ever, their province to provide the
ways and means to enforce the law,
Resolutions Adopted.
Furnish Their Own Power.
Resolutions adopted by the Good Last week we mentioned the
Government league, January 22: fact thnt the Harris Brothers were
lor the purpose of clevnting and going to furnish their own power
improving the mornl nnd industrial for their ice plant. The following
conditions of our city; to compel from the Daily Abstract will ex
the due observance nnd strict en- plain their plans more fully,
forceinent of our laws nnd ordinan- The first "gas producer plant"
ccs without fear or favor; to restore ever installed in Portland Is being
nnd maintain confidence In our placed in position in the new fac
intniicipal government, both at tory of the Harris Ice Machine Co.
home nnd elsewhere; to encourage at St. Johns. This plant Is guar
civic pride nnd industrial develop- nntecd to produce one horse-power
incut; to foster hnrmony nnd dispel hour on one and one-fourth pounds
discord nnd to secure co-operation of coal. The machine being in
nnd economy in the administration stalled at St. Johns Is a so-horse
of our municipal allairs: producer engine. Anything iuflam-
He it Resolved: Hint the cut- mawc can be burnt in these ma
zens nnd electors of the City of St
Johns, without regard to party
politics or party affiliations, organ
ize nnd unite for the purpose of
uomiiinting candidates for the com
ing city election, and electing com
chines, ns coal, wood, sawdust,
bark or even sewage when com
pressed. The city of Glasgow,
Scotland, disposes of its sewage in
this manner and secures nowcr
from It to run its car service and
pctcnt and efficient
make, administer and
laws nnd ordinances of our city In
accordance to the letter and spirit
Resolved, that encouragement be
given to civic pride and industrial
development of our city, In order
that the business Interests and the
homcbuildcr of the state nnd else
where, may be attracted here by
reason of our natural advantages,
our unequalled opportunities nnd
moral Influences.
Resolved, that n plntform be pre
pared nnd submitted for npprovnl
nt n future meeting nnd that candi
dates for office be required to sub
scribe to it when they nrc nominated.
Resolved, thnt small voluntary
officials, to lighting plant. The plant is being
enforce the Installed by the Pacific Electric
Co. of this city.
Rcbckahs Initiate.
Wc understood the Rebekahs
were to install their newly elected
officers Wcdncsdny evening and
went to the lodge to witness the
ceremony, but behold, Instead of
nu installation there was work In
the degree and three good Rebek
ahs were made members of the
lodge. Upon inquiry wc found
that nt the previous meeting the
following members were installed:
Mrs. Hnttlc McKlnncy. N. O.:
Mrs. Anna Hathaway.
The Free Ferry
At the last meeting of the com
mercial club the quetion of a free
ferry was discussed and a committee
appointed to confer with the county
commissioners. The commissoners
virtunlly agreed to operate the
ferry provided the city purchased
the same. That leaves it up to the
enterprise of the citizens interested
to buy the ferry and turn it over to
the county. We understand that
this Is the way the ferry at Sell
wood was provided.
There is no question about the
desirability of a free ferry here. It
is almost as much a necessity as n
dock. Not only Is St. Johns inter
cstcd, but the entire peninsula
north and west of Album, Liunton
and the Tualitin valley. Kvery
man presented with the proposition
is most heartily in favor of the
move and many from the peninsula
outside of St. Johns have expressed
to the committee a willingness to
assist in securing the ferry to the
best of their ability. We do not
know whether or not It would be
advisable to vote on bonds for the
ferry, or if it might not be better to
buy the boat by popular subscrip
tion. Wc believe it would be an
easy matccr to raise the necessary
funds by popular subscriptions
among tuc citizens of university
Park, Portsmouth, Woodlawn, St.
Johns, I,itmton and the Tualitin
valley and others who would be
interested. This would avoid the
loading so much upon the tax pay
crs, nnd those most deeply inter
ested iti the ferry would be able to
do more toward the purchase of It,
A Home Made Happy by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
About two months ago our baby
girl bad measles which settled on
her lungs and at last' resulted in a
severe attack of bronchitis. We
had two doctors but no relief wns
obtained. Everybody thought she
would die. I went to eight differ
ent stores to find n certain remedy
which had been recommended to
me and failed to get it, when one
of the storekeepers insisted that I
try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I did so and our baby Is alive and
well to day. Geo. W. Spence,
Holly Spring, N. C. For sale by
St. Johns Drug Store.
Dissolution Notice.
Ik You want to buy, rent, sell or ex
change property see Wolcott (The Rent
DmiSSMAKlNrt All kinds of dress
making neatly and promptly done by
Miss Anna Stelchen; 519 So. Jersey. Jtf
Vanthi-A good girl to nsslst nt
home work. Call on 15. C. Hurlbcrt. 41
Chicago St.
Lost Lady's gold watch, Klglu move
ment, Initials H. L. S. on hack of case,
finder please leave at Geo. W. Simmons'
cigar and confectionery store.
Carpet mid Rug Weaving Leave or
ddrs with Mrs. Godscy, 301 Mohawk
street. MP
Notice is hereby given thnt the
firm of Larson & Hnlvorsen have
dissolved partnership and that
Jacob Hnlvorsen will collect nil
accounts and pay nil bills.
Jacob Ilalvorsen,
St. Johns, Oregon.
Wntch St. Johus grow this year.
v. r.
Mrs. KIHnlt. wrrMnrtM Mrs in AIM UIOSC WllO tlligllt HOt l)C inter-
hiibscriptlons be asked for nt differ- I Mnnnlinn. treasurer; Mm Opo m. cstcd nt nil would not be obliged to
cut times in order to defray uuy Hnll, chaplain; Mrs. H. S. Hewitt,
excuses that may be required Uur- p. q.; jj, tj. jjolcomb, R. S. N. G.;
mg tuc conmici 01 uie campaign. Mrs. C. II. Dcrrle, h. S. N. G.J
Resolved, that n cordial invito- Mrs. E. W. Robinson, R. S. V. G.;
tion be extended to the members Miss Jennie Hendricks, L. S. V. G.;
01 1111 political parties 10 my iismc miss Holcomb, I. G.; E. W. Rob
party pontics aim past (inferences inson, O. G.
The team work in the initiation
and unite in the nlfairs mid man
agement of this organization, in
order that harmony may prevail
and united effort be obtained in the
procurement of a proxr and business-like
administration of our mu
nicipal affairs, our Industrial inter
est and for n "IJctlcr nnd Greater
pay for thnt which would not bene
fit them so much. There is hardly
n man, woman or child in the en
tire territory enumerated above
who would not be benefitted cither
directly or Indirectly by n tree
ferry and every one should do his
utmost to achieve this end. A
St. Johns.
Attest: The above
of the original. E.
II. Collier,
Geo. G. Cnrhart,
W. I.. Pluiumer,
is n true copy
I). Holcomb,
was particularly good.
practice would make them perfect,
and the work is the nicest wc hnve
ever seen put on a floor. Wc hope
our sisters will meet tucir captain
every 1 ticstlny evening nnd prac
ticc their drill. A few times will
suffice to tcrfcct them In the work.
Utile Meeting will probably be held be-
Notice Is Hereby Given Thnt nt the
Alcetlng of Hi: Council of the
City of St. Johns, Oregon, Held
on the 21st day of January,
A. D. 1908, the Following Res
olutlon Was Adopted:
Resolved. That the council of the city
of St. Johns, Oregon, deems it expedient
and proposes to Improve l'olk street
from Willamette lloulcvard to the north
line of St. Johns Heights addition In the
following manner, to wit:
To establish the necessary grade for
luiving itml to Improve kiii! l'olk
street, lay sidewalks, grade, etc. Said
fore the meeting of the council next improvement to he made in accordance
1. ..... I-. f..... .. ...... I wiui 111c dinner nnu uriiuiniiccs 01 111c
lucsdny to formulate some maimer cityof St. Johns, and the ph..... upeclfi-
of presenting the matter to the
council nnd secure their assistance
in the matter.
The Citizens' Club
Mrs. Hriullcy, who murdered
Senator Drown of Utah, is in n
penniless condition, deserted by her
former friends with four small
children to support. We arc sorry
lor the little ones, but
If tlie disgruntled knockers, who
1 he club met ns p:r call in the
city hall Wednesday evening. The
minutes of last meeting were read
At the home of the bride. enr nud approved.
racoma street. Mrs. Dclln Heath Committee on plntform asked for
to George Stuart. Rev. C. P. Gates further time nnd was granted an-
of the Evangelical church officlat- n" week, which Inter wns cx-
lug. It wns n verv unlet nffnlr. tended to two weeks, by the club
there being but three or four wit- voting to hold the next meeting
uesses besides the contracting "vo WCCKS "cllce' 'curuary 5-
tart es. We understand tbev will Ait executive committee com-
. ... 1 .
Wanted Woman or girl to do general
houscuork; family of three; good wages.
Mrs. W. V. Johcs, 204 Kellogg street.
Carpcnterand House Plnlshcr Finish
ing house for Mr. Walker on S. Jersey.
Any one desiring such work done call at
it 17 Princeton. W.S.Clark. n-p
I'or Rent 1'lvc room modern house,
river view. See J. IS. Colvin In concrete
block hulldlng, Jersey street. tttf
Pickup Up On the river a two room
scow, nhout Oct. 15, 1917. Owner can
have same proving property and paying
W. U. Aslioy.
Wool) FOR
Sai.H Having purchased
the wood yard of J. 0. l'errcll, I am
prepared to deliver wood to any part of
St. Johns on short notice. Dry and
green wood, hy the cord or 16 In
length. All orders left at the yard will
receive prompt attention. J. A. Powell,
1). L. Gear.
W. E. Godsey
All kinds of Repair Work on
Cor. Charleston and Ivnuhoc.
nun to uiiiKe such laws as tlie two
pie demand. When they refuse to ,,re everlastingly cursing everybody
do Hits tliey are evidently subject i office, likely because they could
to cviiMitc. They nre just so far not rake off a bun themselves,
icspousible for the ruin of these would stop their le!lyachlug and
boys and girls who might have Kct in nnd do something worthy of
been pievented from going into te, tropic would be more npt to
vvii wuyn nun punier icstniiui
make their home where they were
A musical ami literary entertain
meut will be given nt Ilickner's
hnll, bchrmiry 12, under the nus
pices of the Ladies Aid society of
the Congregational church.
Parker, J. S.
II. lirice was
been placed about them by the city other lecling thnii disgust.
council, nor can tue city council
shift the responsibility upon the
Hon, mid the oidlnaiicc should pass i , nose children wlieu
witlinui .1!ii,r ..!,.,. , A they have failed or refused to afford
Sunday. Jan. 20, at Evnmielical
look upon their minings with some church, nt 11 a. in., subject
many cases have come to light in
which voting gills have been ruined
in the saloons that drastic measures
have become imcmtivc. While
it might be argued that women
have as much right in a saloon us
a man, it is nevertheless a fact that
their presence tends to greater de
jiravity, Man has made it hog of
himself in mi many instances that
little else is exacted of him, but
when women get to following in
his footsteps what will become of
the world?
Judging from the stories that
from time to time appear in the
Telegram regarding the misman
agement nt Kelley llutte, it is high
time that the county authorities
get busy and look the matter up.
It seems to us that no self-i'!pcet-ed
body of men should he under
the charge of harboiiug and em
ploying a man of the stiie of
Overseer llriggs, as depicted by
the corresK)iidcntH in that paKT,
without t,,MKiug 1111 earneM cudeuv
or to prove the truth or falsity
these charges. us have the
matter denied up one way or an
other. If llriggs is bitttal and in
competent, as charged, leiuove him
without delay, as the public is gut
ting tired of leading these horiible
and brutal talus, emanating fiom
the jhjiis of thoe who have been
iucarceiated at the rock pile.
such piotection us these parents
have asked for. We therefore hold
this council icspousible for these
conditions and unless they redeem
themselves )y passing such restrict
ive laws as aie asked by the people
we do not believe they are entitled
to the support of the coplc they
represent. This is our honest,
sqtiaie view of the matter, We
have a very high icgaul for the
city mayor mid the council in gen
eral. We believe them to be men
of integrity and honor, but they
have made a veiy grievous mistake
here and deserve the censure of
every right thinking citien.
We are glad to note that we were
pretty good guessers last week in
regaul to the water front proposi
tion for the city dock. We thought
it would be the projer thing for the
owneis of the piojieity at the foot
of Philadelphia street to open their
hearts and name it lower price for
tue city man lor the general mar
ket. This they have done and
t)f given as the bedrock price 2,1,500,
One big mouthed bnwler knock
ing against n town can do more
bat 111 to the progress of the same
than ten good men can counteract,
because that kind of n
nothing else to do, while
"Chtirchniilty vs. Christianity."
At 7:30 p. m., subject, "Hide and
I'oollsbuess of
Sin." You are invited.
P. Gates, pastor.
'1 he boys of the Central school
of T.
Downey nnd
On motion it was decided to have
the resolutions adopted printed in
the Review.
On motion it was decided to
change the name of the club from
the "Citizens' Club" to the "Good
Government League." The vote
was unanimous with the exception
0: "Lttoyen" l'errinc.
1 he meeting then toon a recess
to sign the roll of membership,
otter which it adjourned.
Fraternal Brotherhood Install.
cation mm estimate of the cltv cue I
nccr, filed In the office of the recorder of
the city of St. Johns. The cost of said
Improvement to he assessed a provided
hv the cltv charter udoii the nroncrtv
specially nnd peculiarly benefitted there
hy nnd which i hereby declared to be nil
laud within a line too feet from the out
side Hue of each tide of the snld l'olk
The plans, specifications nnd estimate
of the cltv ciieiucer for the Improvement
of riid ' l'olk street nrc hereby adopt
Kcsolved, That the cltv recorder of
the cltv of St. John be. and I, hereby
directed to give notice of the proposed
Improvement of said Polk ktrcct a
provided hy the city charter.
Remonstrances against the above im
provement may be tiled in writing with
the undersigned within 15 day from the
date of the firnt publication of this notice.
Ily order of the council,
A. M. I'.sson,
Cltv Recorder.
Published In the St. John Review Jan.
TIME TAHLli 0. R. &. N.
No, 3 Chicago Special leave H:jon. 1.1. 2
No. j Sjxjknne I'lyer leave at 7:00 p. in.
St. Johns
The Coming City
of the Peninsula
no. 0 Kaiiwu city I(xp. leave 7:40 p. 111,
No. 8 Local Paskcnger leave 8:0011.1...
No. 1 Chicago
APcciai arrive :x p. 111.
aioiooa, in,
c 9,4s n. 111.
e 5:45 p. m.
No, 3 Siwkune l'lycr arrive 1
No. 3 Kn.1s.1s City Hxp. arriv
No. 7 Local Passenger arrive
Call at 113 i-2 Jersey
street to get prices on
some good factory sites,
business blocks nnd choice
residence lots. We have
some extra good bargains
in blocks on the O. R. &
N. track and on the river
front for factory sites.
Jersey Street.
Phone Union 4068
man lias nre ti0K nCely with their evening
the good athletic drill. It Ik l.rnnl.i.r H.
citizen has nil the work his hand I little fcitmv nr.. punditm n.,
can do striving to build up the
the town and has not time to buck
against the knocker. One thing is
sure, however, uud that is if the
knocker can be kept going hard
enough he will knock himself out.
The rotteuest individual in the
community is the man who does
nothing but knock, knock, from
morning to night. He declares
every man 111 otttcc is a unci or
grafter, that not one of the officers
may tic trusted, it any prominent
i he Installation of officers of the
fraternal Hrntliprhnrvt lnt Kridnv
limine themselves better, and Is ,ught was a most enjoyable affair.
Keeping mem uway from places on State Manager I K. Taylor and
tue street where tliey Have no Mrs. Tnvlnr were tli iimtniiimr
business to be.
"Origin, History and Destiny of
Satan and the World's Curse Prom
a Uible Stand Point," will be the
subject of a bible study held at the
M. K. church Monday evening,
reurunry 3d ut 7:30. isveryuody
is cordially invited to attend and
listen to this important subject.
I.. W. lirtitisou made u trin to
business transaction has leeti pulled the old home near Willatnlua, Ore.,
off some one connected with it is
accused of getting n bribe or rake
off, When you hear Mich a man
talking keep your hand on your
pocket book. When a man has
reached that stage that all men to
him nre thieves, he must steal to
keep even,
The Thnw trial is again occupy
ing the judicial stage in New York
City, nnd once mote the story of
livelyu Thaw's wiongs has regaled
the public in all its nauseous de
tails, Prosecutor Jerome is as
vicious nnd brutal as ever in his
examination of Mrs. Thaw, nnd
the jK'ople ure again wondering
why his vicious tactics nre permit-
.i ...
led 111 tne comma 01 tuts or any
other case. Witnesses have no
right to endure the abuse and dog
like treatment accorded them at
the hands of ferocious and unprin
cipled prosecuting attorneys, but it
seems there is no escape, and the
witnesses in many cases huve n
harder time than the criminals. In
the Thaw case the interest does
not run nearly so high ns in the
former trial, and it is the concensus
of opinion that the defendant will
ut least escajw the electric chair,
which ts cheap all things cousid
eicd. In fact we considered the
former price of $25,000 as cheap,
and the citieus of St. Johns befoie
u year will be willing to accord us
the honor of being correct in our
estimate of the value of St. Johns
water front. We do not believe
our cople can do better than to
make it jwssible for the council to
neipure tins property for the city,
for befoie another year passes this
propel ty will advance in value
thousands of dollars nbove the
present price and mast likely will
have some factory or other enter
prise located thereon, if it is not
taken now, that will forever bar its
purchase by the city.
l nose who were in attendance- at
the late meeting of the state press
association retort the most enthusi
astic session they have atteudetl in
the state and that much good work
was accomplished. We regret sin
cerely that because of much extra
work incident to getting out the
city directory and other work com
ing in last week we were unable to
attend any of the meetings,
Tlie appearance of the grounds
about the city hull is wonderfully
improved by the leveling and grad
ing that has Iteeti done, Now
when that drinking fountain has
been installed and the old hall re
moval it will give a fine appearance
to the legislative building of the
une ot tue nicest u not the very
nicest office building in the city is
the new hollow concrete block
building on Jersey street occupied
by J. K. Colvin, I.eroy Smith and
11. K. Collier, the two former ns
real estate and the latter as a law
office. Messrs. Smith and Collier
occupy the south room and have a
tine nreprool vault tor the preser
vation of the papers of their clients.
Mr. Colvin occupies the north room.
Henry Smith, one of our best
Hood River friends, was in the
city a few moments yesterday and
took a little walk down the water
front and through the
section of the city.
last week uud reports find inn the
Review up in that country where
we hnve 110 subscriber. When you
advertise in the Review you do not
know where it is going to hud you
a customer. Mr. munson's atten
. f .
tion was drawn to tue paper by a
matrimonial notice, but he did not
bring her home with htm.
n. . L,oug ot itood Kiver was
in the city yesterday. He had a
petition asking that the matter of
Hood River comity being struck
off from Wasco be left to the
people. People were signing it ns
fast as he came to them showing a
very favorable seutituent in favor
of the new county. The energetic
people of Hood River valley de-
serve nud should have a county of
their own. We would be glad to
aid the measure in auy way that
we can,
TheW. C. T. U. met at the
Adveutist church Monday after
noon, A report was read of meet
ing held Sunday afternoon, also
one of the Mother's meetiug held
the week before. New song books
were ordered. Attention was called
officers and they were ably second
ed by the "team." A bunch of
seven were initiated" into the mys
teries of this progressive order and
more are on the way. The officers
installed were: President, S. J,
Schelter: vice president, Alice Gal
loway; past president, N. A. Gee;
chaplain, Anna Fretlenckson; treas
urer, lul h. block ton; physician,
A. w. Vincent; secretary, J. II.
Gee; inner doorkeeper, J. U. Kelll-
her; outer doorkeeper, Kruest
Owens; captain of drill team, J. Ii.
Kilkenny; sergeant-at-arms, Virgil
Whitsall; Susan Galloway, mistress
at anus; musician, Hattie Rue.
Tonight this lodge will initiate an
other large class of candidates.
Whitwood Court!
200 acre tract opposite St. Johns
On N. P. Railroad nnd St. Helens lloulcvard, only 4 miles
to Portland, best of soil, electric line now building passes thru
this property. A FOUNTAIN of pure, soft, spring water
adorns our platted portion and Is now available to any part
by strong gravity pressure at nominal cost. The use of this
water will lengthen your life ten years. Streets being Im
proved, building already commenced, full view of the beau
tiful Willamette. Acre tracts to suit from $125 to $300 per
acre. Nice lying lots $75 to $350, on easy payment plan.
Buy before arrival of electric line and double your money.
Aghnts, St. Johns, Orkgon.
Notice to Citizens
Having seen in the papers an in
timation that Tom Mouahatt was
after ati office, and hearing the
same rumor on the streets, lie
wishes to sincerely thank the citi
zens of St, Johns for past favors
shown him; but at the same time to
say positively he is not after, aud
will not accept any othce in the gift
of the people, but will gladly work
with them tor tlie best interests of
St. Johns. Tom Mouahau.
Our It one ol the Uu Urgett butlnex collccc. la the 1'nltcd Stair.
Karoltmtnt. ptytar, 84 j itupllt hquipmcut, 16,000. Graduate arc til cmclored.
tinininrr.i nuiui-tn iiii.intv tn.t tnp .. ill i -
riacetl Ul pupil
H. W, I1K1INKH, nt.
nlo lucrative poitlon during past J car.
We will place you when
I. M. WAI.KKR, rrln
How Diptheria is Contracted.
One ofteu hears the expression,
"My child cought a severe cold
which developed into diphteria,"
when the truth was that the cold
had simply left the little one partic
ularly susceptible to the wandering i
to the fact the curfew ordinance ,.m.he1a e.Tm: eu Chauuler
pleased with the appearance of the
city, and thinks we have an ideal
water front. He saw clearly the
need" of a good substantial dock
that would ltd Mil t nf sp.ip-nintr
If you want job printing done nt vessels loading and unloading
once, bring it iu now. thereon.
would be enforced hereafter, the
M. K. church having given the use
of their bell for that purpose. A
bttsiuess committee was appoiuted to nud a
He was new location for the public library
on the ground floor if possible.
Mrs. Day gave a very enjoyable
reading and a Mother's meetiug
was called for Motiday, February
3. Also a gospel meetiug at Bick
tier hall Sunday afternoon to which
all are iuvited.
Iain's Cough Remedy is giveu it
quickly cures the cold aud lessens
the danger of diptheria or any other
germ disease beiug contracted, tor
sale by St. Johns Drug Store,
Aloney Wanted.
f i 800 or f 3000 (or ten years or
less, at 7 per cent iuterest payable
moutbly; good security. Apply at I
this othce.
W. E. Sweneel
and Dealer in
Harness mi
Htrsa (Ms
Whip. Clove. Water
Prool Clothing, etc.
Hand Made llarncu my
Xcpairtng promptly done
st. wns, mm