TO THE USERS OF GAS! Tho only fuel that Insures cleanliness, as woll as economy. Nothing Is equal to It for fuol, cooking or lighting purposes. Notice is hereby given that, whereas the St. Johns Gas Ught & Heat Company arc about to begin laying their mains through the streets of St. Johns, the residents desiring to secure same will please leave application ior the use of Gas at the St. Johns Review. Applications will be accepted by this office, and by making such nn application at once, it will insure our going with mains in your street. This company will begin laying mains to connect consum-irs only in streets where people arc ready to receive the same. There is no obligation on your part by making application for the use of the gas. It will only give us the necessary information of the streets that are desir ing same, and upon such information suclrstrcets will be equip ped with gas mains fust. The residents upon streets that are making no applications will be kept to the last. If you have never Used gas for cooking purposes, try it. You will use nothing else. Applications for the use of gas will be accepted at the St. Johns Review, St. Johns. St, Johns Gas Light & Heat Company, 1 I I Plant an ad. i in the I I St. Johns Review and I see your business grow I Keep Bright and You WILL KEEP BUSY Klcctric Light is the magnet that draws trade. The bright More is the "hypnotic eye" of business. People can no more resist the attraction ot a brilliant, Klcclrically lighted store than they can resist the clarion call of a brass band. Is your couictitor with the Htcetricnlly illuminated show windows, bright interior and sMrkliug Klcctric Sign getting nn advantage over you? The moth never Mutters around the uulightcd caudle! Up-to-date stores nowadays consider shop-window lighting a necessity, whether they remain open after dark or not. Competition foiccs modern methods. A show window brilliantly illuminated with Klcctric light will make many u sale "the night before." Klcctric light compels attention, make eisy the examination of your display, shows goods in detail and fabrics in their true colors. And don't neglect the Klcctric Sign. It is soliciting "tomorrow's" business every moment it is lighted -burning your name in the public mind. It is a solicitor that never becomes weary never stops work - costs little. Call Telephones: Alain 6688, A 1675 for Information. Portland Railway Light and Power Go, FIRST AND ALDER STREETS PORTLAND OREGON Monsieur Beaucaire By Booth Tarkington An Interesting Serial Story, a Portion of Which will be Pub lished in the Review Until Completed. (Continucdfrom last week) "Ob, bo I" tho ambassador cried out. "Ho would not ba content with mo. Ho would wander over a Btrnngo country." "Ha, ha, my Miropoix I And what is bettor, one- ovoning I am oblige' to fight somo fricn'u of M. do Wintorsot thoro, and Bomo ladiet and cavaliers look on, and tboy etui think mo n servant. Oh, I stn I great actor! 'Tis truo thoro ia not a peasant in Franco who would I not havo then known ono 'born but thoy nro wondorful, this English pcoplo, holding by an idea onco it is in their beads a mos' worthy j quality. But my good Molynoux hero, ho bad speak to mo with courtesy, jus' becauso I am a man an' jus'' becauso ho is al-ways kind. ' r l i I.:- ...... i t- i n t i imiu luum iiiui, ma yiuai-iunuiiniiur wuh a A' runenmnn. i do j. son to him and toll him ov'rytliing, and ho gain admittanco for mo hone tonight to await my fricn's. "I was speaking to messieurs about my cousin, who will moddlo in tho affair' of his relative'. Woll, that gentleman, ho moko a marring for mo with n good and accomplish' lady, vory noblo and vory beauti fuland amiable." (Tho young count at his elbow started slightly at this, but immediately appeared to wrap himself in a mantlo of solomn thought.) "Unfortunately, when my cousin nrrango' so I was a dolt, a little blockhead. I swear to marry for myself nnd whon I ploase or nuvor if I like. Hint lady is all things charming and gontlo, and, in truth, sho is very much nttach' to mo why should I not say it ? am so proud of it. Sho is very faithful nnd forgiving nnd sweet. Sho would bo tho samo, I think, if I woro oven a lackey. But I? was a dolt, n littlo unsensible bruto. I did not vnluo such thing' thon. I wna too yo'ng, Ins' Juno. So I say to my cousin, 'No, I mako my own choosing I' 'Littlo fool ho answer, 'she ia tho ono for you. Am I not wisor thnn you V And ho was very angry, and, as ho has influ enco in Franco, word como' that ho will got mo put in Vinconnos, bo I mus' run away quick till his angor is gone. Aly good frion' Miropoix is jus' leaving for London. Ho take' many risk' for my sako. His hairdresser dio before ho start', so I travel as that poor harbor. But my cousin is u man to bo afraid of when ho js angry, oven in England, and I uuin' not got my Miropoix in trouble I mus' not bo discover till my cousin is ready to laugh about it all and innko it a joke. And there mny bo spies. So I chnngo my nnmo again and como to Bath to amuse my retreat with a littlo gaming. I am al-ways fond of that But three day' ago M. lo Marquis sond mo n courier to say that my brother, who know where I had run away, is como from Franco to say that my cousin is appeas'. Ho need mo for his littlo theater, tho piny cannot go on. I do not need to espouse mndomoisollo. All shall bo forgiven if I roturu, nnd my brother nnd M. do Miropoix will moot mo in Hath to felicitate. "Thoro is ono more thing to say that is all. I havo said I learn1 a secret, and use it to make a man introduce mo if I will not tell. He has absolve' mo of that promise. My frion's, I had not tho wish to ruin that man. I was not roceivo'. Mccstairo Nash had robot? mo. I had no other way except' to uso this follow. So I say, 'Tako mo to Lady Malbournu's ball us "Chntenurlon." ' I throw off my wig and shave, nnd bohol', I am M. lo Duo do Castlo Nowhoro. Ha, ha! You bco ?" Tho young man's manner maidenly changed. Ho beenmo haughty, menacing. Ho stretched out his arm and pointed at Wintorsot. "Now I am no 'Beaucairo,' mesjiiours. I nm a French gentlomnn. Tho man who introduce' mo at tho price of his honor and then betray' mo to re deem it, is that coward, that card cheat 'thoro 1" Wintorxot made n horriblo effort to luugh. Tho gontlomon who Btirroundod him foil uway us from pestilence "A French gcntlo man!" ho sneered savagely nnd yet fearfully. "I don't know who you are. Hide behind us many toys nnd ribbons ns you liko. I'll know tho iiniuo of tho man who dnrott bring such a chargo I" "Sir!" cried do Miropoix sharply, advancing a stop toward him; but ho cheeked himself at onco. Ho mado n low bow of stato, first to THE I PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Capital Surplus. $25,000.00 . 4,500.00 Interest paid on savings deposits, 3! 1 Fourth January Clearance Sale l'iiulliiKnirHtvvs lt.utl In mid of more kjuec (or u lurKe Hue of Shoes mmiii to arm v. m will kivc 11 caali duvoiiiit of ten per cent 011 every hhoe In our ht ie until 15. iS. Wo havo a few piim of cloth wuterproof limiting Ikiots. a f y IkhU, to clokc out at Thlk iliHutint for e.uli only Call iiiul vv some hpivlal jirlee 011 xrucvruii. COUCH &, CO. Phone 1'iiion 40(10 2008 Philadelphia street. : St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood. Timbers of all .sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. laWY MARY CARLISLE, THE BEAUTY OF DATII, PASSED SLOWLl BY UIM. tho young Frenchman, then to Lady Mary and tho company. "Permit me, Lady Mury und gentlemen," ho said, "to nssumo tho honor of pro boating you to his highness, Prince Louis-PhiUppo de Valois, duke of Orleans, duko of Churtres, duko of Komours, duke of Montpenaier, first prineo of tho blood royal, first poor of Franco, Ueutonant general of French infantry, governor of Dauphine, kuight of the Goldea Fleeeo, grand master of tho Ordor of Notre Dame, of Mount Carmel and of St Luznrus in Jerusalem, und cousin to hia moat ObriaUaa majesty, Louis XV. of Franco," "Those are a few of iny brothor'a uaines," whispered Heari ti Beaujolais to Molynoux. "Old Mircpoix has tho long breath, but it tako a strong man two da to say all of them. I can suppose this Wintersot know' now who bring tho chargo 1" "Castlo Nowhoro!" gasped Beau Nash, falling back upon tke burly prop of Mr. Bantison's shoulder. "Tho Duko of Orleans will rcceivo a mossago from mo within the hour!" said Wintorsot as ho mndo his way to tho door. His faco wm black with rngo and shame. "I tol you that I would not soil my hand with you," answered the young man. "If you send a mcssngo no gcntloman will bring It. Whoever shall bear it will rcceivo a littlo beating from Francois." Ho stepped to Lady Mary's side Her head was bent low, her faco averted. Sho seemed to breathe with difficulty nnd loaned heavily upon a choir. "Monscignour," sho faltered in a half whisper, "can you forgive mo ? It is a bittor mistako I havo mndo. Forgive." "Forgivo !" ho answered, nnd his voico wns as broken as hers ; but ho wont on, moro firmly: "It is nothing less than nothing. Thoro ia only jus' ono in tho wholo worl' who would not hovo treat' mo tho way that you treat' mo. It is to hor that I nm goin' to mnko reparation. You know somothing, Henri ? I am not goin' back only becauso tho king forgivo me. I am goin' to plcaso him. I am goin' to cspouso mademoiselle, our cousin. My fricn's, I ask your felicita tions." "And tho king does not compel him I" exclaimed young Henri. "Henri, you want to fight mo ?" cried his brother sharply. "Don' you think tho king of Franco is a wiser man thnn mo 1" Ho offered Iub hand to Lady Mnry. "Mndcmoiscllo is fntiguo'. Will Bho honor mo V Ho walkod with her to tho door, hor hnnd fluttering faintly in his. From Bomewhcro about tho garments of ono of them n littlo cloud of faded roso leaves foil nnd lay strown on tho floor bohind them. Ho opened the door, nnd tho lights sliono on n multitude of eager faces turned toward It Thcro wns n gront hum of voices, nnd, over all, tho fiddles wovo a wandering air, a swcot Fronch song of tho voyngour. Ho bowed very low, as, with fixod and glistening oyes, Lady Mary Cnrlislc, tho beauty of Bath, paBscd Blowly by him and wont out of tho room. Tim END. A Singular Coincidence. V, WILLARD C. IRVING. i elllK chief of tho detective bureau in which I was employed III ono day told mo that a prisoner convictod of murdor 1 1 .atinl tn ann tun In tila nnll. T wont tft tlm nrldOll nnd found an educated and refined man, who Bald to mo : "I'm not guilty of this murdor, but I'vo boon proven guilty, and thoy'ro going to bang mo. Now, I wont you to mnko an effort for my lifo. I shall not swing for six weeks, and mcanwhilo want all your time I'll givo you $500 for your timo and $10,000 if you'll find out who committed tho murder and thus exonorato mo." Tho murdered man wns a Mr. Jnrvis. Ho nnd tho condomnod, Hor- ton, lived near oach othor and had had business dealings togothor. O110 night Ilorton visited Jnrvis. They bad hot words, Horton accus ing Jnrvis of having swindled him, and tho next morning Jarvis waa found dead, shot through tho body. Tho murdored man was tho only person in tho houso oxcopt tho sorvants, who slept in tho back part and did not hear tho shot. I worked a month endeavoring to find a clow to somo ono who would havo hnil nn interest in Mr. Jnrvis' death. I failed signally. Taking a box of tools, I wont, as a final expedient, to tho room at 0 in tho ovoning tho hour Ilorton had visited Jarvis and began a systematic- examination of tho locks, window catches, indeed anything pertaining to entrnnco and exit. I found nothing and at midnight, tired nnd disappointed, wont to sleep on a lounge Somohow I couldn't got rid of tho fancy that I might soo somothing during tho night to givo mo a clow. But I didn't. With tho lifo of 11 follow being on iny hands I slopt but littlo and was nwuko at daylight in tho morning. I was in a library, and, besides books, it was filled with curiosities. Among othor things I noticed on tho wall a pair of mooso'a horn supporting un antique arquobus, It was hung in such a mannor that it did not point parallol with tho wall, but at an aouto angle Tho sun had beou up somo timo, and its rays woro converged by a couvex glass in a fancy window into a brilliant spot on tho wall. I watched tho spot travol as tho sun roso, aud it passod a short distanco from tho powder pan in tho arquebus. I looked at tho chair in which Mr. Jarvis had been accustomed to sit and noticed that tho wenpon pointed directly at it It occurred to mo that if tho sun spot had passed exactly over the pan and tho gun had been loaded it would havo been fired. Then it suddenly eutorod my head that this sun spot and gun might have boen connected with Jarvis' doath. I got up and examined tho gun. It was empty. I called tho Berv- ants, Ihoy reported that their roaster had kept it loaded, declaring that it was yet good enough to protect him against burglars. At any rato I believed Jarvis had boen killed by tho gun oven if tho sun spot had not fired it. Tho next morning I took an assistant from an astronomical obsorv- atory into tho room. Ho noticed tho courso travoled by tho sun spot aud figured its track on tho dato of tho murdor. After finishing his computations ho announced that tho spot on that dato passed over tho pan of the arquebus. Ono thing more I got up on a stepladdor, lookod down tho guu'a barrol and saw that it pointed directly at Mr. Jarvis' chair. As soon as I had completed these investigations I went to the prisoner and announced tho result. I shall nover forgot tho look of intolligonco and hope that camo into his faco. Tho next morning I had tho prisoner's attorney in tho room, and the next tho judgo that had sontenced him. Tho attorney formed the theory that Mr. Jarvis was sitting in bis chair the morning the sun spot fired the arquebus aad illed him. Tho prisoner was accorded a now trial, but it was a very short one. Tho jury, after visiting tho room and seeing a demonstration by the attornoy, who arranged that tho suu spot should fire a bullet into Mr. Jarvis' chair, acquitted tho prisoner, Tho incident saved his life and made my fortune. . (Coutiuued next week) Ian official directory s. h. greene Attorney-nt-Law. 1 Office: Room 9, Brcedcn Build lug, comer Third nnd Washington , streets, Portland, nnd Koom 25, Hoi- brook Mock, St. Johns. Phone: Pncific 2098. Residence: St. Johns HENRY E. COLLIER I Lawyer. 1 Rooms in the Holbrook building, j St. Johns, Oregon. 'b. f. BELIEU ! Contractor and Builder Enit St. Johns. I Plans aud estimates given. Joseph McChcsncy, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND ' SURGEON Day and Nlcht Office In McCliciney Block I'hom WoodUwn 47S , ST. JOHNS, - - OREQON 1 DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEON Residence: 435 Wllllnnm Ave. Phone Knst 636J. Office: Hoi brook llrick Block, rooms 3 nnd 4 Phone llnst 36S9. St. Johns, .... Oregon Dr VV. E. HARTEL, DENTIST Crown nnd Bridge Work n Socially Rooms t nnd 3, Holbrook Block, St. Johns Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Physician and Surieon. Office In Itolbrook's Block. Resilience, 315 Ilnycs street. Phone Scott 6995. EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing and Tinning Phone East 631 1 203 Jry Street St. Johns, Or. OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D Office lioun, 9 to 11 . m., 1 to j p. m. Office fhoiic, Scott 1104, KeiMttict rhonc, Union 5901. Office In University 1'ark Drug Store. j71TvVEiAlER Transfer and Storage Vour Patronage Solicited 105 Knst Burlington street, St. Johns. Bon Ton Barber Shop MANSI'IKM) & KAKMI.IUN. Pint class work mid clean hot towels for , Mtroiui, Ilulr cutting a specialty. Agents for West Coast I.nuiulry. Jersey street St. Johns E. C MONNicFT PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Estimates Furnished 1009 Monteith St. St. Johns, Or. P. At. HART, Photographer Hoi.iirook Ili.ocK, St. Johns All kinds of Portrait work, copying enlarging, etc. Stamp pictures a Specialty E. D. WALKER" A 1.. IIakkis' Old Stand The very Choicest Candies, Fancy Clay, Drier Koot and Meerschaum Pipes. Fine Cigars 50c a box up. j. 11. duck ANUV KliKK BLACK & KERR Building Contractors I'Uutsud lUtltuates furnl.hcJ. ,gjfe LAUREL LODGE me? No. 186 I. 0. O.T. ST. JOHNS. ORCQON Meets each Monday eveninc in Odd Pel lows ball, at 8:00. Visitors welcomed. 1'. H. Pootc, N, G, H. U. Ilolcomb, Secretary, Holmes Lodge No. 101 KMOIITS OF HVTIIIAS. Meets everv l'rlilav nk'lil at 7:30 o'clock at I.O.O.P. hall, Visitors always wel come. C. L. Goodrich, C. C. H. N.Holcouib, K.R.S. Fraternal Brotherhood. Meet every Friday nhdit In M.W. .A. Hall. S. J. Schelter. president: Ia. II. Gee, secretary. Street Car Time Table. Leave A.M. 5 45 605 VS 6 40 700 7 5 7 3o 7 45 800 8 15 830 8 45 900 9 15 9 30 9 45 10 00 10 15 10 30 t45 11 00 II 15 ad & Alder. A.M. P.M. II 3 5 48 II 45 600 13 CO 6 13 13 3OBB1630 13 40 6 48 I CO I 18 136 1 54 3 13 3 30 3 48 306 3 24 3 4 400 4 18 4 36 454 5 10 706 74 lA1 800 8 30 840 9 00 9 30 940 loop 10 30 I040 11 CO II 30 13 CO 13 30 45 Leave St, Johns. A.M. A.M. P.M. 5 45 U 35 6l5 6 03 1 1 40 6 30 636 is co 640 640 j 3 30ii 6 50 6 50 13 40 7 10 7 00 1 00 7 30 7 15 1 13 750 7 3 I 26 8 io 7 50 I 54 8 30 8 10 3 13 830 8 35 3 30 9 10 8 40 3 48 9 30 8 55 3 06 9 50 9 10 3 34 10 10 9 '5 3 4a 1030 940 400 11 GO 9 55 4ao II 30 10 IO 440 13 00 I0 35 5 CO 13 30 IO 40 5 IS 13 50 10 55 5 35 I 30 11 10 SS5 A. M. St. Johns Ferry Time Card. Leave East Side (A. M.V-6:vi. 7:10. 8:00, 9o, ioo, iio, I3XM. P.M. .00, 3o, 30i 4o, 4:50. 5'JO. 6:30. Leave West Side (A. M.I 6:w. 8:30, 9:30. 10:30, 11:30. P, M. 13:30, 30, 3:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:10, 0:00, 0:30. If you want job printing done at once, bring it in now.