St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 17, 1908, Image 3

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The Toledo
Made of best qunllty cold roll
ed sheet steel of heavy gauge.
Duplex grates.
Baking can be regulated
fust or slow.
Warming oven door can be
placed in any position.
Nickel smooth and easily
kept clean.
Fuel savers.
Clearance Sale During This
If you are in need of Furniture, Rugs
or Carpets
It will prove to your financial advantage to examine our offerings
before placing your order elsewhere.
left, that we will sell regardless of profit, nud
ALMOST regardless of cost to
Clean Up Before Invoice
Now is n good time while too rainy to work out
of doors, to dress up that Commode, Morris chair
or Chiffonier, with a coat of Sunshine.
Then give the kitchen floor and wainscot n coat
of Creolite. Make your wile believe that you
have turned over n leaf with the New Year.
ISA win, ItlMr P UM UK WlHW Wjnmm. wimvm w .
As well as the other
kinds of Hardware is
We are making the hard
ware business our study, and
it's not how cheap wecau buy
but how good, and we must
have the quality.
Our Universal Stoves and
Ranges are as good as the
BEST made.
Our mixed paints are the
Acme quality kind.
No. 1 1 1 Burlington street
When to Go Home.
From the Bluffton, lud., Banner:
"When tired out, go home. When
you waut consolation, go home.
When vou want fun. ero home.
When vou want to show others
that you have reformed, go home
and let your latnuy get aquaimeu
with the fact. When vou want to
show your self at your best go home
nnil do the net there. When
you feel like being extra liberal go
linme and nractlce on vour wife and
children first. When you want to
shine with extra brilliancy go home
and light up the whole household."
To which we would add, when you
have a bad cold go home and take
Plmmherlaln's Couch Remedy and
a nuick cure is certain. For sale
by St. Johns Drug store.
Our Charges.
As is customary, we will charge
fnr rnnl of thanks. oc: for resolu-
' w -
HflnnriRKS HSrOWBrB 1 cnurch or ,odBe entertainments,
nUIIUIIbAO IIOIUHUIU ,. .les. etc.. where there
are charcres for admission, 5C per
line, but where there are uo charges
for these events, we will breaK tne
rule and insert them free. We
make this announcement so that
'our good friends may understand
our rule in this respect.
The Wellington
KNIGHT t CLBYII. friyteten.
' Fine Wines and Liquors.
Family Supplies a Specialty.
Holbrook Block, St. Johns, Oregon
Watch St. Johns grow this year.
To Whom it May Concern.
For the name and residence of
the owner of any property m St,
Johns or vicinity, call on or write
T. T. I'arker, attorney at law, in
Holbrook building.
Titles to real property
lurueriic UlUft UIU UllklfCfc
Local News.
He who by his biz would rise
Must cither bust or advertise.
Voters in precinct No. i will
register at no No. Jersey at the
office of Richard Shepard & Co.
There wore eicht forcicu vessels
anchored in our harbor last week.
Guess Portland must be crowded
for room.
Mrs. C. W. Potter, who has
been confined to her bed for some
days by serious illness, is slowly
Mr. Mellien of Portland and Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Ward of Olcx,
Ore., visited at the S. J. Scheltcr
home Sunday.
MA. Stnrlttnti. resident rctiorter
of the Telegram at St. Johns, has
rented his residence at wnitwoou
Court, and is now living in our
St. Tnlma PiIps chili will meet
at city hall Wednesday evening,
Jan. 22 at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody
interested in the future of St. Johns
cordially invited.
The nf the W. C. T. U.
will render a program in Bickner's
hall at 2:30 Sunday afternoon.
Absolutely free. No collection.
Everybody welcome.
A nhvslclan was called and an
operation made to relieve an ab
see hehitul Mrs. Coffvn's left ear.
It was a very successful operation
... . .. .-... li
it is reported ana me iauy is recovering.
Tt will soon be time to rctiancr
your honlcs and rcpaiut the build
ing. Kindly see K. C. Monnich's
ad and call 011 him when you need
anything in 111s line, lie win -mix
you plenty."
H. V. lk-llcu. who has not been
well for some time has gone to
Southern Lulitorina in nopes uiai
hltt henlth mnv lie linnrovcd. Wc
hope he may soon regain his health
and return to St. Johns.
W T? Qivemret. nnr untitilnr hnr.
If. w.. ..., ...
ncss maker, attended the Harness-
makers' and Dealers' convention at
'ortlaud Tuesday and Wednesday
of this week. He is Johnny oil the
spot when there is anything doing
11 his line.
A scries of sermons will be
ireached at the Baptist church Sun
day evenings commencing January
16. at 7:30 on the topic! "is tne
Bible from God or of Men?" All
ure cordially inviteu. 11. a.
,couard, pastor.
Mr. Frank Mason of San Fran
cisco and formerly of St. Johns,
trade Dr. and Mrs. Hartel n visit
Wednesday. Mr. Mason is chief
engineer of the steamer Johan Poul
son, which plies between Portland
and San Francisco.
Mrs. Lasher, who has been in
the city attending her daughter,
Mrs. Rambo, during her recent
llness, returned home to Cheney,
Wash., accompanied by Mrs. Ram
bo, who will visit with her mother
for awhile as she regains her health.
A movement is on foot to start a
creamery here which will be a first
class institution, enabling our peo-
lc to get cream, milk, butter,
cheese, eggs, etc., fresh at all times.
We hope the gtntletneu interested
will succeed in doing so for It Is
something St. Johns ueeds badly.
Mr. Averell. the representative
of Western Life, is meeting with
good success. The business men
art cu ar v are subscribing lluer-
ally to his magazine. His offer of
a free write-up for the city with
eood 1 ustrations is a very unerai
one and we trust the full number
of 300 subscriptions may be secured
Mrs. M. A. Bitcood left this
week to attend her daughter. Mrs
Fountain, at Walterville, Ore., who
Is HI with the measles. Mrs. Bit-
good anticipates a picnic, as neither
Mrs. Fountain, her husband or any
of their four or five children have
experienced the pleasure of a seance
wltll tliat disease, 1 lie lainiiy mm
Mrs. B teood have our Hearty con
A mother sent her minor children
down from Portsmouth Tuesday to
tret her some beer. When asked
r . .
why they came here instead ot
Portland, replied that the policemen
were eettine too strict over there.
They were brought up before the
municipal judge, where tney were
taught that St. Johns policemen
were 11 n to date, and mother will
have to get her own beer uutil her
boys become of age.
H. E. Harris, president aud
manager of Harris Bros. Ice Ma-
ehlnerv Co. was in the citv 1 ues
dav look ne alter ins interests uere.
7 . ' .
Mr. Harris savs that the machinery
for the ice olant is all finished and
ready to be sent to St. Johns. He
is having the ground put in snape
for the erection ot the building aud
as soon as the material can be got
ten on the ground will nave it put
up. He says they will be making
ice there by the first of April.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rice of
Mason City, la., who have been
making an extended tour of the
Southwestern states arrived in bt.
Tohns last week. They expect to
make this their future home. We
congratulate them upon their taste
and mdement and wish tnem tne
best of success. Mrs. Rice is a
daughter of R. W. McKeou, our
nredeeessor on the Review, is a
chiD off the old block, a bright,
happy young woman who will be
welcomed to the society ot tne city.
An Interesting Column For
Prospective Buyers.
Fine oil for shoes at the harness
$i7:. Lot close in. A cash.
balance $5 a mouth. S. L. Dobie.
Stcoo. Corner lot on Jersey St.
1 -i cash, balance 1, 2 or 1 years.
S. L. Dobie.
Vou pet full weicht and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
Lots 1. 2. 1. .1 and .s. block No.
2, Shcpard's addition. Terms and
cheap. S. L. Dobie.
Sijoo. House and lot on Ivan-
loe street near car line and post-
office. Terms. S. L. Dobie.
Wanted A lady to do wnshinc
and ironing for family. Call 217
Mohawk street near water tower.
I will be in St. Johns to test eyes
Tuesday, Jan. 14 tit the North
Bank pharmacy. C. M. Salisbury,
Have vour property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire insur
ance companies. They are the
best. S. L. Dobie, agent.
Parties desirlutr to sell call and
list their property with J. E. Col-
vlii, Chicago and jersey streets.
If vou have nropertv for sale at
reasonable prices in St. Johns. I
will buy it and sell it for you. 11.
G. Ogdeii, Review oilicc. it
T. T. Larson has moved across
the street from his old stand where
he will meet his old customers for
nil Irliwlu nf rennlrlmr nf hnntti mill
shoes. 114 Philadelphia street.
All our meats are uovcrnmeiit
inspected and the best that money
can buy. They arc neatly and
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
Have vour eves fitted nronerlv
bv C. M. Salisbury, the optician.
Jan. 14, at North Bank pharmacy,
bt. j onus.
Commercial Club.
The commercial club met iu reg
ular session last Wednesday and
the rooms were crowded with inter
ested citizens. The club was met
by n couple of representatives of
the Portland Board of Trade Jour
nal, with n nrotxxsition to give St.
Johns a write up iu that publica
tion's anniversary number. I lie
club endorsed their proposition and
expressed the desire that our mer
chants and business men would
contribute liberally to the fund. A
representative of the Journal will
call upon you iu a few days. Dig
up liberally and let our city be
known 011 the outside.
The matter of the free ferry was
taken up, a committee appointed
to confer with the county commis
sioners with a view to having the
county purchase the present ferry
and operate the same free.
Other matters ot minor impor
tance were discussed and all mem
bers appeared to be blowing up
their muscles for a strenuous effort
when the robins nest again.
Airs. Carrie Wilkes.
Mrs. Carrie Wilkes, wife of Mr.
Wilkes of Point View, died at their
tome on the corner of Dayton and
Seneca streets Sunday at 1 1 p. 111.,
of tuberculosis and heart failure.
The funeral services were con
ducted at the home on Tuesday
morning by Rev. G. W. Nelson of
the CoiiKreuaiioual church, inter
ment was made in the Rose Uty
Park cemetery. Mrs. Wilkes
eaves a husband, daughter, moth
er and sister to mourn her early
House and Lot.
We have a house and lot: lot .Sox
no and four room house. Hist
built, well located, right 011 car
track. 8oo 200 cash, balance
atSi2.o per month. Harry E
Wagoner Co., 216 Chamber of
Commerce. nc
Money Wanted.
iRr-i nr ftirwi fnr ten vears or
less, at 7 per cent interest payable
.1 i ' I I... A I.. .
mommy; goou oct-uiuy. ipi'iy
. t t rr
1111s omce.
Bring in your job printing.
Mrs. MacCullani's sister is very
sick with symptoms of appendicitis.
A musical and literary entertain
ment will be given at Hiekners
hall. February 12. under the aus
pices of the Ladies Aid society of
the Congregational ciiurcn.
W. H. McNeill is a new arriva
in St. Johns and is engaged in
selling a number of valuable torm
nla fnr different remedies and
airents which he euarantees to do
the work assigned them or reiunu
the money.
The public is invited to attend
the illustrated service at me -on
ereeational church, Suuday, Jauu
arv 10. at 7:30 p. m. There wil
be special music. The usual serv
Ices will be conducted at the morn
ing hour. G. W. Nelson, pastor
Headlight Ovcrulls
"Union Made"
I Special January Reduction Sale
Until further notice wc offer ninny lines of first-clnss nierelinntlise
nt grently reduced prices, Our regulnr prices nre from 10 to 25
per cent chenper thnn nny other store in St. Johns, nud ns cheap
ns any Portland store handling the same grade of goods, and
This is not a fake sale of the kind now so populnr iu Portland. If you wish to be humbugged,
don't come here. Go to some of Portland's big department stores. We don't mark UP our goods
before we mark them DOWN.
At this store. We sell only for cash and you get the benefit in better goods at lower prices. Thrifty
housewives and all economical buyers will find much to interest them nt this sale.
All standard Prints, Mcrritnacks, Peabodys, Ilainlltons, etc., regular price everywhere 8 cents,
now 7 cents per yard.
Auioskcag nnd Normandie dress ginghams sold at the best stores for cents, mid by some
of our St. Johns competitors nt 18 cents, now 10 cents yard.
Entire stock of Outing Flannels reduced
7c outings now 6c t2c outings now 10c
toe outings now 9c 15c outings now i2c
Flannelettes regularly i2j4cnow to cents
Low Prices on Towels and Table Linens
Full size bath towel, regular price 15 cents, now i2'j cents.
Full size bath towel, regular price 25 cents, now 23 cents.
Extra size bath towel, regular price 35 cents, now 30 cents.
Bleached table linen, 64 iu. wide, reg, price, 50 cents, now 45 cents.
Bleached table linen, 64 in. wide, reg. price, 65 cents, now 55 cents.
Unbleached table linen, 60 iu. wide, teg. price, 65 cents, now 55 cents.
Deep Cut in Dress Goods
Cotton dress goods in stripes nnd plaids the 18c grade now 15c; the 25c grade now 20 cents.
Twenty per cent discount 011 nil our wool dress goods $1.25 values now $1. 00; S1.00 values
now 80 cents the yard, etc., etc.
Big Values in Bedding
Extra fine cotton blankets, full size, regular 2.25, now $2.00
Fine white wool blankets, full size, regular 4.00, now 3.50
SuKr white wool blankets, full size, regular 5.00, now 4.50
Full size comforter, weight seven pounds, $1.50.
Sateen covered comforters, filled with best white batting, regular price $3, now $2.50
Comforters from 75 cents up. Blankets from 85 cents the pair up.
3--Big Bargains Men's Underwear-,-3
Men's grey wool underwear, regular price $1.00, now 75 cents '
Men's grey wool underwear, regular price 1.25, now ii.oo
Men's grey wool underwear, regular price 1.50, now 1.25
Odd pairs men's and women's shoes at actual cost
All hand painted china, picture frames, Japanese baskets, etc., 25 per cent off.
We guarantee that these prices cannot be duplicated.
lluslcr llrown Shoes Str.iim llros. Clotlilnw
A Home Alndc Happy by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
About two months ago our baby
girl had measles which settled on
her lungs and at last resulted iu n
severe attack of bronchitis. We
lad two doctors but 110 relief was
obtained. Everybody thought she
would die. I went to eight differ
ent stores to find a certain remedy
which had been recommended to
me and failed to get it, when one
of the storekeeicrs Insisted that I
try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I did so mid our baby is alive aud
well to day. Geo. W. Sence,
Holly Spring. N. C. For sale iy
St. Johns Drug Store.
0000000000XXvXmX0hX0: 0 OOOSOOOCKI 0OO0O0OOOO00f0O
lunpiim iPATinuc
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by II. Hender
son, abstracter and notary public.
Accurate work. Reasonable lees.
205 Jersey street.
TIMB TAB LB 0. R. & N.
Union Dtpot. Portland.
No, t Chicago Special leave 8:300. 111.
No, 4 Spokane 1'lyer leaves at 7:00 p. in.
No, 6 Khiiwh City I'.xp. leave 7M p. in.
No, H Local I'akttujjtr leave won, iu.
No. 1 Chicago Social arrive H;30 p, 111,
No. Snolcane l'iver arrive at 8; u. 111.
No, 5 Kanwi City I'.xp. arrive 9,45 "
No. 7 Local PaMcnRcr arrive 5:45 p. 111.
I St. Johns
Branch Store, 107 S. Jersey.
The Coming City
of the Peninsula
I Call at 113 1-2 Jersey
street to get prices on
some good factory sites,
business blocks and choice
residence lots. We have
some extra good bargains j Q
f in blocks on tne U. K. ct (
J i. tracK ana on ine river 5
frnnt fnr fnetnrv sites.
- - - j
5 See
1, n ....
tut n try john twin
HtC MAOft "INa
for all kinds of
Cement Work
such as
D tiirr 'riioiiion
ami Mrr htiett..
near CnUr IMrk
r.niMnPF I
113 Jersey Street
Phone Union 4068
Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance
The Jefferson, the only old line company
that has 50,000 deposit with state.
Ckmi-.nt lli.ocK
Chicago and Jersey Sts.