St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 17, 1908, Image 2

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fuMIOi'il J'.terr I'rliUy
IIV .St llVUKI.I'.H.
Tint KKViitw Ib entered nt wst office
In Snlnt Joints, Orison, ni innil mutter
of the second clniss under the Act ol Con
gress of Mnrcli 3, 1879,
"""ah rommunif.iion. niimti.t ie nd.itfMfd to
The BtTtaw, HI. John. Oregon.
A.troril.ini- rlt tl.nn nor Inch rttr month.
All idTtrtltlng tillli rril "t '"M
Job Printing nceutnt In flnt (! it.
Hills for Job Printing cnnh nn aenrrrjr.
OfflcUl Krwipper of ths Oil? of St. Johnt.
Phono Enit Q1Q6.
HuWrlptlon rule, It.OO per yer In dfne.
We would be ulad to print any
thing of interest to the welfare of
1tn friti ntttrnfin If rMont 111
good faith over the signature ol the discord which according to the yel
i ,........,!.. it.U U vmir low tdass'-s of the agitators will
ft lu linn. In l-.lrnnll 1 lie
... ....... - -
views ami opinions ot tue people ns
.. r ... !...!!. .1.1. ...I ...I
individual whose
would be' triad
too offensive. We
to present both sides of any iptcs-
, ' j.
t on com ni: before the people from
mm mm' 011 10 election uuv.t. 11
.. . .. . .1 .: I'....
matters not whether we agree
the writers or not. If we do agree
uttit 1ue.11 we win ,iro a .y s .y
and if we do not we will be sure to
sa ywny. .,. -
1... r 1 1 r.
We note by last week a tsstte 01
... f
the Newsletter of Hood River that
there has been it re-organlzation of
the stock company. Portlier man-
ager, Iv R. Hrmlley, who estab-
Jl.siicu me paper inree year.i g",
Wfii nu ni Tin
duty it is to see that the columns Almost tne enure soutuern siaics
. . -..... -!.! Iint-i. tiiwll uivnitt 111' n lirolllllltUlll I iNOW lliat
are lined eacit wcck. une cukch .....w ,
of St. Johns has as good right to wnvc. I he disease is spreading ""Icr way to
be heard through these columns as like the measles over the ph. on f" t,JedJ;
1 1 Iiivitlliv Mil. ti iv voiirrt nt the lllttl C llttVC
iiuotuer 11 tue laugu
. . iiiiiii'vu i uiv .uuni turn in.-iiunvAt
iiviuicI ttf-Itlrtr at I 'ItlMrilff nfilttillirl . .... .. .
icimim . rjiiiiiiiwK.ivMt (uili, lt,u, )n t,,. ,.,et .,,i i.i,,!.,.,!
ir 1. ... "V".""
to notMi Ktver iroiu iieunncKs,
... . If 1 f I 1 I It
Mlch..succeeding him, also holding
the office of secretary and treasurer.
' '""' y
remim uvv.. ' """ "'
., . 1 . 1 I .
jiretuci, 111.1 U ...H i.e..., .n.. ,
1 , , V r
all, we believe it now has secured,
lltllllllll.- 1HIMI Ik HVVIIIM llliin
a cnpanie, e nusiuess . 11a n-
"K"" rii'ii. v
tii..a nml ! unriM ifvtii 1 1 nun 1 1 1
!ll,,k.u. B''. 'Miiioriaiiy we ki ow
it will be all right so long as
ser Kris" pushes the pencil.
The somewhat disturbed fiuaii
cial situation in the and South
is causing industrial institutions in
the older states to investigate the
opportunities for 11 more advauta
neons home in the great Pacific
Northwest, or nt least this would
be indicated by the fact that the
Portland Commercial club has had
more correspondence 011 this sub-
jeel within (lie last sixty days than
din inn the nievious twelve months,
It stands tit. Johns iu hand there-
fore to lie prepared to take care of
nil comers. Another thing. It
would be only the part of common
prudence for the city to advertise
t'Ltni'rmislv the iittrni'tions ive have I
to ofTur to home builders and to men
nf ciiiiltnl who wish to install ureal
commercial or uiaiiiifaeturiiii! insli-
tutlons. Thete is no more favoied
snot in the w in e of the Pne fie
Northwest than the city of St.
Johns and we hhotild use every
opportunity to tell it to the world.
Those citizens who are so nigh
that they would pinch 11 nickel
until it is black iu the face befote
they will let it go for taxes, but
are willing to shovel out good yel
low gold to get 11 "skiuch on any
project they like, should look
around it little before they condemn
Oi t.ti..... 1. ...... . 1.... i., i...irl
St. Johns because her tax is a half
mill higher than that of Portland
How would they like to be in As
toria with a tax of 57 mills, iu
Kuguiic witli 30 mills, Albany with
ior 20 nulls and in almost any
other city ottUidc of Portland
whete the tux tuns fiout 8 to to
mills or more higher than at St.
Johns? Would they not rather pay
even 8 or to nulls mote tax than
they would iu Poitlaud to have the
affairs of their government in their
own hands? A man who would
virtually disfranchise himself by
annexation to a bk-citv when,
vote wnnl.l enimt nlmn'l iw niiili ,w I
a drop of water iu the ocean, has
an uyuoight for the futute about as
long as his iiom'.
ilie Calamity IIOWlCIS Willi tlllllk
tltey waill ill go into fortlatld
huouiit Keep iiietr weatuet eye out
us iu eoiiiiiuons mete. 1 ue
.situation at pienent is receiving the
attention of the pies. Did you
iiuutu nun MiKKVMivv enitooii re
cently showing the spirits of the
microbes emanating fiotn the cheap
gas inauufnctuied fioiu any old
thing that could be put into the
retort? 1 he president proposes to
make a gas that costs still less than
that now used to which such st ten-
nous objection is being made by
int iinvin. Lvnia ivi
1000 feet. Oil at $t. s ikt Imnel!
What under the sun can such eas
be made from ? I his is .something of
for our voteis to think about. Do
we want such gas as that iu St.
Johns? If we go into Portland
that is the kind we will gi t. We
have a gas franchise here that will
compel pure gas. Operations will
be commenced within three or four
weeks laying mains and laterals to
supply this gas. us keep
things iu our own hands, not have
our hands tied by Portland so that
we cau get nothing.
The United Stntes is destined to
Imve n monkey and parrot time of
it within n few years if we might
l)elicve nil that is beinn said by the
pessimist. The prohibitionist pes
simist says that mm will evcntti-
ally ruin ottr government, that we
will eventually become a race of
imbeciles, criminals, invalids. The
socialist nvers that the monopolist
will eventually own the earth and
collect rent from every other sou!
for the privilege of living. The
alarmist says the yellow peril will
come over this land like a swarm
of locusts, that as we chased the
red man across the continent from
Maine to Oregon, so the Japs and
Chinks will chase us from Oregon
to Maine, bo we might go on and
name i
a half dozen more elements of
.i....,- ii)
I mil lirm' llll 1
t 1 t facls strikc i'm ?
present rate and you will not be
able to get a mint julep from Maine
, nriHFnii mid frnm Ouebec to Kcv
' urLH. .!um. rom yiiuitc io mj ' rim nlil imrt i4 nri' liiirilli'
cognizance of the drill ot the linan-
.... ..... ...
........ ................. . -
r ;
r nl iittmitilllnt mm niw U'l'IS iitlflll
it.lti lillloimlres wl Ich w 1 con t-
" nil moiiairu. u lieu win con
tie t ei 1 10 resneci i e law. reirani-
Us of their we . III. so that 5. slice
.....1 i.t..i. M.wi nttii
I Ullll JU 1I1U IIILII IU tlll
.,,' ,.ti(t,ltIi,wi fr, c,-ti
" "J . ..
land business life. Our western
h receiving the attention of
, KUVcriUlent, the great fleet of
..-..t,,..,..- ..... comil?L, ovc, ......
rms ,! c(, are being
where t lev w tlo the most irood.
.,. ,,., i1(, ..
Jtuitlll mia till iiiiu wiaii iiiiiivnw
(l J0t. f()r te ,)rcM!lll nml WICII
sho lJldu Sa w, ,)C
rcady to give her a hearty recep-
tioii. It is the Mime ill national
1 11 nil 11 n tin 111 inw iiiuiii.i j'tti iiiw wi
ff,.U.i ..u . ti... IJTj r
Sl( ,ollSi T,lure re Minc few
who seem eternally to be suffering
,, ,. nllnKl. of i.Mttriliu
, iyM)C1()ll,lr, ,hc l)hlB!, tlu jin;
, fl rrciIarity f
t ie L'astr e or nervous svstein and
" . . - .
, , . . , , . .. ,,
only makes one feel worse one s
self and makes all our friends de us, doing nobody any goix
If you feel like going into Port-
land lead the headings of the dailies
'Streets are the city shame; '
Must Side clubs determined to carry
on the fight until Portland sshame
ful thoroughfares are bettered:"
"r.asl hide walls a year, then gets
green lemon;" "After long delay
police site is conditionally chosen,"
and enough more to fill 11 page of I
the Keview lust like litem. The
Portland patters are full of com-
plaints of the rottenness of the
police, fire, water, gas.
When Alblna wilit into Portlahd
ten or twelve years ago she had 11
"t class lire engine, was on of
vm wiw progressing uiceiy. i ne
nie engine iiisap ivateu. no one
knows where it went. 1 here has I
neeu 11 ngiu 10 get one uieie ever
i- ..... ... . .... ... 1
since. Kecetitiy a chemical ami a
little steamer was placed nt High
laud to take care of Piedmont,
Woodluwn, Vernon and a portion
of Alblna with horses discarded by
the fite department of Portland that
ate not able to go out of a walk
when milling a fire apparatus. This
is the lufoi mation furnished by the for registration iu the city hall both
'.... I. All. I.. I. ..I..1. ll.l.. .. . . . ..
the kind of service St. Johns would
. ... - . . .... . . . I
111 oiiiniti ininn viiiii. i n inimriiiL' cnnnirv 111111 niv eieriinii.
get were .she so crnzy as to go into
Portland, and serve her right if
sue did.
Our young folks must look out
nights now. The curfew will ring ter and the youngsters should
seek cover. I he police are in
sttucted to take in all under nee
after the bell rings. There is too
much promiscuous eusseduess tun-
. . 1 . . . . i. 1 ... . . it .
mug 111 at. minis, 1 ne dis
graceful affair that was aired iu the
juvenile cotttt this week, the prill-
ctpais in witiett were seni ttom ht.
JohllS, should be (111 object k'SsOII
to the voters here. Yon cannot
expect anything le.v so long as our
young boys and girls are brought
in contact with just that kind of
luxmti' Si l.iiii. iiu miii'Ii iliv.w n tul
,l..iw f liif.iiitv n u. tirinillml
h,.,,. ..vim ... nuiv lrt,a- f,,r iiul
such tesults. This curfew business
may retard the degeneration some-
wwti ,m x j m) xmww,
When the bonds for public iui-
provement are voted on they .should
be made as latge as the law of the
state would permit. Then if the
pessimists, calamity howleis. dis
erutitled politicians and the rest of
our good ftiends who are vellum to
play in Portland s back alley can
ueiiiiie euoimit 01 t ie peon e 10 ae-
eomnlish their nuipose. we would
be able to hand Poitlaud sotucthiiiL'
a lemon for the box of bitter
almonds she will dole out to
during the next ten or fifteen years.
,e believe the annexationists
would be willing to do this. It
would be the nearest approach to
getting anything for their money
they would ever have thereafter,
Make the bonds the limit, improve
our harbor trout and streets, then
if ever the time comes for Portland
to swallow us. horns and hide, let
them help pay the fiddler. 'sale by bt, Johns Drug btorc,
When Mr. Harris of the Harris
Hros. Ice Machine Co. was in the
city this week looking after his
interests we remarked that lie was
right beside the generating sub
station of the Portland Klectric Co.
and it would be very convenient to
eel his power there. "Not on
your life," replied the manufactur
er of frigidity. "I have n fine
engine which we will install here
that will furnish power for our
plant at about half what their pow
er would cost inc." This is but
one instance of the hundreds that
company will surely come up
against within the next year or two
if they adhere to the policy of
charging 50 per cent per annum
income on their investment. It is
tttttfincnttn1t1i mm tins fnnn rtf Jf fill ft
L, .nm. n ., . is nut
, ,crC whicl, w, ,)C whllill tl)rce
or four months, as fast as present
contracts expire the people will
cut out the electric and put in the
gas equipment.
the council has matters
purchase the location
and build the same,
been Howling for so
long, let's get that city park before
the owners of the location get bids
,ro"i oilier sources wiiicn will raise
! 1 I... t .
11 uui ui um ivuun. u jwiwi iu
luwuuun uwhcu x,y iuib,
' i " uy mi iiiu iiwi luiuuuu
to be sure, but sufficiently large for
. t.
years. If this is allowed logo
bv clefntilt there will he JiunuredB
of Dcot) i! who w ill s iicerelv rcirrct
I . 1 . '
lit and none more so than the prcs
c"1 col,llc.i1, 'l Is 11 . Imposition the
commercial cittn suotua constacr
also and use their influence.
The Citizen's Club.
There was a jolly gathering at
111.11. nn 11 J"" uwiwini 111,
tIlc cly i,n Wednesday evening in
rcsl)OIISU t0 the C11 for IIlcetin8
of the citizens at the city hall. J
II. Fletcher was elected permanent
11.. .it- I. II irlnnfiilt i;.ifrM
1 wiitin utiiiif 4 tt a wiwuimj o.w v
tary and J. C. Wrinkle, treasurer.
I At the meeting last week II. IC.
Collier, G. C. Carhart and W. I,.
I'lummer were appointed to pre
pare a declaration of purposes and
- .. .... -
tir nc ti es. T i s cotnin ttee re
. , s tMowj..
"For the purpose of elevating
and improving the morals and in
dtistrial conditions of our city; to
compel the due observance and
strict enforcement of our laws and
ordinances without fear or favor;
to restore and maintain confidence
11 our municipal government both
at home and elsewhere; to encour
age civic pride and industrial dc
velopmeut; to foster harmony and
dispel discord and secure co-operu
lion and economy iu the admiuis
tratiou of our municipal uffairs."
The declaration was adopted
without opposition and Uiuiruinn
I letcher appointed a committee on
platform consisting of F. I,. Voting,
b. C. Cook mid George C. Carhart,
who are to report at the meeting
next Wednesday evening. The
meeting adopted the name "Citizens
I unit.
Judge Kssou arrived about this
time and announced that the county
court had said it would appoint tt
iusticu of the tieace for this nart of
. . : . : 1
tne jieiiliisula if this meeting would
1 . .
endorse some one wlio would run
for justice at the next June election.
I On motion O. R. Downs was uiiiin
imotisly nominated for the office.
Committee was appointed to secure
seats for hall.
Recorder Kssou announced that
he would have books and blanks
Adjourned to meet iu the citv hall
... . . . '
next Wednesday evening at 7:30.
W. R. C. Install Officers.
The installation of the newly
elected oilicers of the W. R. C.
took place at G. A. R. hall Wed-
ucMiay evening and was a very
entertaining and enjoyable affair,
The ceremonies went off without a
hitch and were witnessed by the
largest gathering ever seen iu the
hall, After the ceremonies there
were stieakers called out and Capt.
11. 1., hitovv and others responded
with brief but stirring siieeches
suitable to the occasion. Then
some of the women, among them
Mrs. Geo. Hall, who recited "The
'l'hrt'i' Hnnitu'r Di'i'ri'i-i " nml llu
instnllinir ollieer. ilelivered u r.-ul
illir entitled . "Win- lo von WVnr
the lladge?" both of which were
most excellently executed.
Alter me stieecnes mere was
served a most delicious lunch abun
dantly provided. When all had
been tilled to the limit, like the
feast renowned in holy writ, there
were taken up three baskets full.
It was suggested that these be sold
and Capt. buow acting as auction
eer soon disposed ot every article
and left the W. R. O. with n i-nnd
'hunk" of coin in their exchequer.
How Diptlicria is Contracted.
uue otlen hears tue expression,
"My child cought a severe cold
which developed into diphteria,"
when the truth was that the cold
had simply left the little one panic-
ularly susceptible to the wandering
diptlicria germ. When Chamder-
Iain's Cough Remedy is given it I
quickly cures the cold and lessens I
the danger of diptlicria or any other I
germ disease being contracted, ror
Doing Good Business.
We got on the water wagon the
first of the year and cut our smok
ing out. Wednesday we went over
to the White Crow factory to see
how strong our resolution had tak
en hold on us. We explained our
errand to Manager Stevens, and he
displayed his finest wares before us.
He took us in the main room where
they have 12 expert cigar makers
rolling the delicious weed into the
best cigars that are smoked by any
body, took us to the stock room,
showed us tobaccos worth $6 a
pound which they were putting
into the cigars. We went through
the sorting room and then upstairs
where there is a bunch of pretty
girls stripping the weed ready for
the cigar makers. Kverything was
in order and everybody busy and
in good humor. They arc using
almost 100 pounds of this fine to
bacco per day. Mr. Stevens
showed us a box of tobacco which
we could have shouldered and car
ried home that cost over $Goo, yet
they will tell you that cigar mak
ing is all profit. One thing is cer
tain, we have never tasted n cigar
which suited us so well ns the I.a
Salveua, into which that fine to
bacco is being manufactured. It is
the tie plus ultra of cigars. Put
Mr. Stevens could not persuade us
to take a smoke, but we promised
him, however, that when we did
start to smoking again we would
call for n box of Snlveims the first
A Citizen's Views.
It appears the large Industries
or manufactories arc gradually leav
ing Portland and locating at St.
Johns. For instance we have the
dry dock, built here 011 account of
desirability, fine harbor, economy,
no bridges, etc. Next we have the
asbestos plant, one of the finest and
neatest manufacturing establish
ments In St. Johns. Remember
also this asbestos plant is removing
all of its machinery from the Port
land plant to St. Johns. We next
call your attention to the Columbia
hiigiticcriug works of Portland;
they have purchased forty-two
thousand dollars ($.12,000.00) of
property in tins locality to erect an
immense plant. There arc reliable
reports also that one of the largest
saw mills of Portland, Is to soon
pass out of existence nt that berg
and we are to hear her buzz like
the other busy bees in this locality.
MM..... .1... ill
a nwii w iiuvi; wiv iyuuiwii nun
here. Well I presume if their
profits were about one thousand
dollars a day they could pay the
rent asked on that vacant property
owned by your millionaires and
located iu the reserved city. As it
is property is cheaper to purchase
nt St. Johns for manufacturers or
We are not complaining though
of Portland trying to knock us as
our salt air city (Astoria) does. Portland continue iu the old
rut, and when our packitig plant is
n running order we will want to
annex Portland to St. Johns. If
she improves her streets and re
moves some of the dummy police
men utid pays her debts. A Citizen.
lJriug iu your printing now.
Whitwood Court!
200 acre tract opposite St. Johns
Ou N. P. Railroad and St. Helens Iloulevnrd, only 4 miles
to Portland, best of soil, electric line now building passes thru
this property. A FOUNTAIN of pure, soft, spring water
adorns our platted portion and is now available to any part
by strong gravity pressure at nominal cost. The use of this
water will lengthen your life ten years, Streets being im
proved, building already commenced, full view of the beau
tiful Willamette. Acre tracts to suit from $75 to $300 per
acre. Nice lying lots $75 to $350, ou easy payment plan,
liny before arrival of electric line nnd double your money.
R. SHKPARD & CO. nttd H. G. OGDKN,
Agunts, St. Johns, Okkgon.
They arc traliiftl lor tmtlacu In a butlncM-IIke way.
I'UrJ UI luiit Into lucrative Hltiont tlurluu P"t ear.
Why uot curoll In a rcputiWJ achool that place all of its graduated
tytNtl 1'OR CATALOG Ul
All advertittmcnts unite this
held one bit for each wctk
No id. ukn for Itst than two bits. Over 24
words two bid a wetk charged.
Ii You wnnt to buy, rent, sell or cx
climiKe property see Wolcott (The Kent
DiutssMAKlNf. All kinds of dress
making neatly and promptly done by
Miss Anna Htclclien, 519 So. Jersey. 4tf
To I.ilT I'urnlslied rooms with or
without hoard. The I.Ioyil, cor. l.eavltt
nml fvnnlioe streets. Mrs. M. It. Scott.
Wantkii A good girl to nsslst nt
home work. Call on H. C. Itiirlhcrt. 440
Chicago St.
Waxtkii At once, girl or woman to
do ecticrni Housework. Call at 010 N.
l'illtiiore or address, llox 693 St. Johns.
Wantkii Two dozen Plymouth Rock
ciuckctis, w. l'. bitttieitimii, 711 .N. l'lll.
more street. 10 p
Carpenter nnd House l'lnlsher I'lnlsh'
inir house for Mr. Walker on S. Jersey,
Any one desiring such work done call nt
1117 rriuccton. v. cinric. it-p
riCKitn UP On tlic river n two room
scow, about Oct. M, 1Q37. Owner can
have same proving property mid paying
cimrgcs. w . li. Asnoy. u-p
Owxitk Wantkii 1'or n house of 3
rooms built 011 lues, picked up on the
river 011 or iiIkiuI November 15, 1907,
Owner can have luiinc by proving prop
erty and mvitur clinrecs. liiottlre of L.
Cnplcs, St. johns, Ore, 9 xl
Wood t'OR Sai.k Having purchased
the wood yard of J. C. l'crrcll, I run
prepared to deliver wood to nny part of
oi. jumia un miuri nuiicc. wry nuu
green wood, by the cord or 16 Inches In
L....1I. til 1 i..r. .1.- 1 ...til
ii'iiKiii. 4111 umcrs itiu in me juni win
receive prompt attention. J. A. Powell,
I). I.. Ocnr.
Charlie ScliulU, Plaintiff
Mary Schultz, Defendant.
To Mary Schultz, the nlxive named Pc-
in iiiv lining ui niv mint; ui lyivjuii,
you arc hereby rcrpilrcd to appear and
nuswer the complaint Tiled ngniusl you
lit the nbovc entitled Court nnd suit,
1.. i. ......... r .1.- ...a- .. r...
witiilu six 1&) weeks from the date or the
first publication of this summons, to wit:
I from January 17, 1908; nnd if you full 10
to apitcar nnd nuswer or otherwise plead
. to sjild suit, that tilnhitllf nbovc named
will apply to the nbovc named court for
the relief demanded In his complaint,
10 wit: lor n decree lorcver dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
uctwccii tlic planum nml yourself, nnd
absolutely divorcing plnnllfl from you
mid for such other nnd further relief ns
to the court tuny seem lust mid cntiitnblc,
This summons Is published pursuant to
tne order 01 tne iionorninc j. 11, ucinnd,
Judge of the above entitled circuit court,
iiinilc In
open court In tins came. 011
y 15.
1909, which order presenile
that this summons shall be published Iu
the St. Johns Review once n week for 11
period not less than six 16) weeks. The
first publication of this summons was
mane 011 January 17, 190.1, tne lust puuu
cation thereof will be I'chrunrv 38. 100S.
II. K, Coi.muh, Ally for Plaintiff.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
firm of Larson & Halvorseu have
dissolved partnership and that
Jacob Halvorseu will collect all
accounts and pay all bills.
Jacob Halvorseu,
St. Johns, Oregon.
If you want job printing done at
once, bring it in now.
W. E. Swengel
anil Dealer In
Harness and
Horse Goods
Whip, Olovc, Vttr
1'root Clothing, etc
II111J Mdc llnruru my
SlxvUIty ,
Rclrlug pruniptly Jone
Notice is Herehv (liven That nt lite
iMcsting of the Council of (he
City of St. Johns, Oregon, Held
on (he 3 1st Day of December,
A. D 1907, (he Following tics
otufion Wns Adopted:
Resolved, That the Council of the City
of St. Johns, Oregon, deems it expedient
anil ncccsary 10 improve miriinnion
street from tlic northerly Hue of Icrscv
street to the northerly fine of Kellogg
street in tlic following manner, 10 wit:
llv lt.hH ni? same to established erade
nnd graveling same, and completion of
sidewalk six Icel in wtiiin, euro tone
twelve feet from proerty line, curb
plank to be 4x14 inches, stringers 44
Inches and nccesnrv crosswalks. Said
Improvements to be made hi accordance
witn tne cnartcr nnn oriiinnuces 01 me
city of St. Johns, nnd lite plans, specif!
callous nnd estimates of the citv caul
necr, filed In the office of the recordet of
the city of St. Johns. The cost of said
Improvement to bo nestcl ns provided
by the city chnrter tijion the property
8cciniiv aim peculiarly ucuciiuca mere
by nnd which is hcrebyileclnrcd to be nil
the lots, parts thereof, nnd parcels of land
within n line 100 feet from the outside
line of each side of the said llurlingtoii
The ciiehiccr's estimate of the tirob.1
blc total cost for the improvement of
said street Is J6o.So.
The plans, seclficntloiis nnd estimates
ol tne city cuuincer tor tue improvement
of said llurlingtoii street are hereby
Resolved, That the city recorder of
tlic city of ht. Jolius tie, nnd is, liereiiy
directed to ulvc notice of the promised
Improvement of said llurlingtoii street
ns provided ny me cuy cnnrtcr.
Remonstrances nenlnst the nbovc im
provement tuny be filed lit wrltlni! with
the undersigned within 15 days from the
date of tlic first publication 01 tins notice
ny order 01 tlic council.
A. M. Us.toN.
Citv Reeonler,
Published hi the St. Johns Review Jan
to mid 17, 1903,
Central Market!
llolbrook block.
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the Pest
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Pitted and I'nmlly Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
Lll lIlL. I I O
Cash Market
C. W. llltNNKTT, Prop.
As yon tuny be nwnre, I
have recently taken charge of
the business here myself, nnd
business, which enables me to
furnish my customers the best
meat nt reduced prices, ns I
save the expense of bookkeep
ing, nnd nlso ns I do 110 de
livering the customer gets the
benefit of the money thus
Come iu and iusjKct our
meats and get our prices.
t Bennetts Cash Market
"The place where
you get more lor
less money."
St. Johns I
Electric Works
203 South Jersey St,
I Electrical Installation and
Repairing Promptly At
tended to by Uxp rts.
Motors and dynamos
repaired, and all kinds of
electrical work done at
satisfactory prices. Esti
mates given and sugges- J
lions ittrnisuea. t
No work too difficult J
no job too small. f
baptist church K. A. Leonard, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 n. in. Preaching at
1 1 11. in. II. Y. P. U. 7 P. ! l'rcachlng
nt S p. tu.
Methodist church 1'. I.. Young, pas
tor. Suniliiv school 10 n. in.; preaching
nt 1 1 a. in. iiinl 8 p. 111. Hpworth League
nt 7 p. 111,
Holv Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth
Station: 8:15 a. 111., low mass; 10:15,
high mas; 7:30 p. 111., vespers and bene
Miction. Christian church Meets every Sunday
nt ion. 111.; preaching at it n. in. anil 8
p. in., nnd S lS.C.K.inectingnt7p.ui.
K. J. Johnson, pastor.
St. Andrew's Uplscopal Chapel, Unl,
vcrsity Park Rev. Win. R. Powell
chaplnln. Regular services 7:30 p. m.
Sunday (.chool at 3 p. 111.; Hlblo class 7 p.
111.; I.enton services every Prltlay nt 10
n. in.
Kvnugellcal church Sunday school nt
10 n. tu. Preaching 1 1 n. 111. Junior K.
I,. C. K. 2:30 p. in.; Senior K. b. C. U. 7
p. 111. Preaching nt 8 p. in. Chester P.
Untcs, pnstor.
I'lrst Congregational Church-G. w.
Nelson, tKistor. Sunday school to n.
111.; prcaclilng it a. 111. nnd 7:4s P- 111
Y. P. S. C. K. meeting nt 7 p. in. Prnycr
meeting Thursday nt 7:30 p. m. A sent
and welcome to nil.
baptist Church, University Parle. Rev.
A. li. Waltz, pastor. Regular services
every Sunday morning nml evening.
Oermnii baptist church Services held
each Sunday nt baptist church nsfollows:
Sunday school a p, 111., preaching nt 3 p.
in. Rev. I'nltmcnt, pastor.
Smifii fremfer
as videned its market un
.1 it includes thewhole civil
'cd world; has become the
pmvritcr of over 300,000
j2iao:a and has, during
broken every previous
scord of salens, because it
rns from the beginning best
n:t 1 v'try typewriter need.
K the Smith Premier
Typewriter is rccog as the greatest Im
provement in modern type
writer construction yet In
-rUling it, none of the
. .tu fundamental fea
tures, f )r which the Smith
Premier has always been
noted, havcbccnsacrlficcd.
wample.e l.tcaturc on rc
Portland Office, 247 Stark Street
' Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
watch your business
Darling & Barnett ; '
414 Smith St. St. Johns, Ore.
Mail Schedule
Mail arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. ui.
and 1:15 p, nt.
l.raves at io:jo a, ni and 45 p. ni.
Office oiien week ilaya from 6m a. m.
to 6:10 p. tu. Sundays from 9 to 10 a. 111
In order to, Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for luch change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleas
remember this and save the printer
Copvh:cw- 4c
quickly wcrtln our oiiukm fiuk htr a
lQTntioQ UprobablrMlentMita. Otc moDlc.
ItoiuMrictlrconsdMitfe). HAWSOOt o l'uuu
Anron itndlnr . iketrh and deMTlrtlon m
. uumi ucaer fur Mcuniirfl iauu.
1 t&ken thruucU Jiiuxa A CL rlv.
IfiKiilluHU, without din, att
serine jfmericaii.
A budomttr lHaXnlsd WMklr.
coUttoa ot &nr MlwtUa loanuu.
Tcriut. St
uri (our uoauu, SU lioU IrtM ntwtdUrm.