St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 10, 1908, Image 2

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ruljllihfi) F.rery Friday
nv M.KKMt & ltVHIU.l'.lt.
There has been much said pro
and con about n city park. The
petition that has been circulated
calls for a sum of $75,000 to be
voted for the pnrpdse of providing
a city dock and a city park. We
believe that both objects are wor
thy of the most earnest considera
tion and effort of every individual
citizen of St. Johns.
There are two propositions as to
the park. The first to which otir
attention was called is Cedar Park,
the price of which wc have not
been told. The other location for
Subscription rates, 11.00 per year In adfanee. ft p;irk we sttllllblcd OlltO wllilc'ollt
ifintiAv ia viiadv tn on niiotlicT trio: tuts one is the
TiiK Khvikw Is entered nt post otTice
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns nmll matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March j, 1879.
AH eommunleatlona ihinld be addreMeit to
The Rerlaw, Ht. Johns, Oregon.
Adrerllilne rates, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All advertising bllti payalla Drat of each
Job Printing meeuted In Arst'Claaa si;l.
Wile for Job Printing caah on delivery.
Official Newipaper of tha City of St, Johna.
Phono East 0106.
Kellcy Loe, a well known print
er nnd newspaperman will open a
shop at Camas, Clarke comity,
Wash, about January 20, when he
will launch the I.n Camas Post.
Wc hoj)c Hrother I.oc will be able
to play High, I.oc, Jack and the
game so successfully that when one
of those millionaire panics bumps
up against his Post it may stand
the shock without a quiver.
Thu supreme court has decided
that where two brutes armed with
pistol or dirk beat a woman with
a leather strap, arc not guilty to
the charge'of assault under section
1 766 of Uellinger and Cotton's an
notated code. We do not care
whether it is cowhide or bull wining
the strap was made out of if we
could have the honorable supreme
court over a barrel and an oppor
tunity to use the strap on him for
five minutes we will bet a jcaiiut
he would be willing to find us
guilty under the statute named.
This may be "lese majestic" and if
it meets the eye of the infallible
supreme court we may be haled up
to answer the charge of contempt,
but we'll risk it.
point of land lying on the bluff
overlooking the dry dock. There
are six or seven acres of this lot
nnd it reaches down to the water
front at the north end of the strip
and has 38 feet of water front on
the north side of the street. The
highest point of laud is partly
cleared, so that tenuis grounds and
other play grounds could be easily
and at little expense installed. The
edge of the cliff is covered with
large fir trees and other smaller
trees and bushes which could be
trimmed and made into a most de
lightful shady resort. Prom here,
too, a fine view of Portland nnd
the river from the steel bridge down
to I.iiinton is obtained. In fact it
is fhu most desirable location for a
Council Alccting.
Watson's Jcffersoniau Magazine,
published by Thus. lv. Watson in
Atlanta, Georgia, is n regular and
welcome visitor to our desk. Mr.
Watson is an old Jefferson demo
crat and later a very radical "pop
city park there is anywhere near ,rook and Uinghain that
ht. Johns. We made inquiries desired to purchase these
nnd learned inai rowers ami outers
ill Portland owned the property
jointly, and asked Mr. Kdlcfscn of
the waterworks to ascertain the
very lowest price it could be ob
tained for to be used as a city park.
Mr. Kdlcfscn has ascertained that
the property can be purchased for
f 18,000 Including the water front
of 18 feet which would give the
city 98 feel of a lauding for the use answer.
01 excurs ons coining to or going Report of the St. Johns Trans
from the city. I here Is nit easy portation company for the month
grade from the highest point to the f December was rend nnd on mo
water front and we bclitve that tion of I.eggett was accepted nnd
steps should be taken to secure the check for $3.75 franchise fee
this at the earliest possible moment, was returned,
before some one buys it and cheats Application was made by Prank
tlie city out of the most desirable I. Heck and one Wssem-er for the
The city patriarchs met in regit
Inr session Tuesday evening with
all members present. The matter
of the purchase of lots 3, 4, 5, and
6 of James John's addition to St.
Johns for dock purposes was
brought up by the reading of two
communications, one from Mr.
Holbrook and the other from Mr.
Pmghatn, his partner in the lots.
The price asked for the lots, $25,
000, while nbotit $2000 or $3000
too high should be accepted by the
city at once and immediate stops
taken to erect the dock and im
prove Philadelphia street so that
the work may be pushed to an
early conclusion, and not be per
mitted to drag through another
year without anything being done.
If this location is not secured
now it will be sold to some one else
who will not sell it to the city, for
there are interests which arc work
ing against this city to the fullest
extent of their ability and if our
people are sleepyhcndcd enough to
K.-rmit it, they will soon have our
hands tied so that wc will be help
less to extend the improvements of
the city, except along such lines as
they desire, and for their own
emolument. JJcsiries that, there is
not such another desirable place for
a city dock. The recorder was
instructed to notify Messrs. Hoi-
the city
lots and
the matter would be .submitted to
the voters mid requested them to
hold the lots until the bonds were
voted to make the purchase.
A communication front W. Scott
Kellogg was read in relation to
Some work which he at one time
tried to secure from the council on
the treasurer's books and was re
ferred to the finance committee to
Report of City Treasurer
Oct. 1st to Jan. 1st, 1908
Cash on hand Oct. 1st $9,653.20
Special Tax 1,560.46
Dray Licenses. 39.50
Liquor Licenses 100.00
Dog Licenses 14.00
Miscellaneous Licenses 167.70
P'iiics 267.25
Uuilding Permits 27.00
Miscellaneous 4.00
Rent City Dock 135.00
Street Improvement. 374-79
Street Improvement Interest ; '51.76
Total Receipts ." 2,841.46
Grand Total -f 1 2,494.66
Snlnries (four months) $ 2,270.81
Street Lights (three months) 363.25
Water Hydrants (three months) 147.00
Insurance Premium 25.00
Printing City Charter (copies) 206.50
City Jail Cells 535.00
Vault Doors, 140.00
General City Printing 122,65
Shades for City Hall 49.25
Stove, etc. for City Hall ' 34.40
Street Work '. 87.90
Street Improvement, including Interest 215.55
Office and Vault ; 46.80
Kxperting Hooks for City 25.00
Vault ntid Uasemcnt City Hall 235.00
All other purposes 284. si
City Hall v 1,511.24
Totnl Disbursements $6,299.88
Total Receipts $12,494.66
Total Disbursements '. 6,299.88
Dalaiiccou lintid $ 6,194.78
City Hall Fund $1,881.05
All Other Punds 4i3'3-73
Totnl (Jnnunry 1st) 194.78
Notice is Hcrebv (liven That nt the
Alccting of the Council of the
City cf St. Johns, Oregon, Held
on the 31st Day of Divember,
A. D 1907, the Following Rts.
olutiou Was Adopted:
Wherina, On the 71I1 day of August.
A. D. iijo6, it Charter Cotnml'sion wns
ihtlv npiMiltttcd bv the Council of the
City of St. Joh is, In Multnomah county,
state of Oregon, to revise nnd ntnend the
Charter of the said city of St. Johns nnd
Mihinll such rev Moil mid amendment to
the cltliein of said city for their inspec
tion nnd proper criticism, ami thereafter
return the wine to the Council of said
Vhercni, Thereafter the wid Charter
Commission. lmvlng duly revised nnd
Resolved, That the Council of the City amended sa d Uiartcr, nnd having duly
of St. Johns, Oregon, deems it expedient submitted the same to the said citizens
nnd necessary to improve llurlitigton of the said city, returned the same to the
street from the northerly line of Jersey sa d Council of said c ty. nnd
street to the northerly line of Kellogg Whereas, Said revised nnd nuicndcd
. 1.. n...i...: ,..!. Charter was oresctited bv Initiative I'ctl-
BUCV. Ill Hiw luiiuniui: iii.iii 1. . i" ,.ii. ,
Ilv eniditiL' same to established grade
nnd graveling same, and completion of
sidewalk six lect in wiiiiu, euro to tic
twelve feet from
plank to lie 4x14 inches, stringers 4x.j
inches mid ncccssnrv crosswalks. Said
Improvements to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the
citv of St. tohns. nnd the plans, specifi
cation and estimates of the city engi
neer, hied in tlie omce 01 tlie recorder 01
the city of St. Johns. The cost of said
tion of tlie r tizctis of said City to the re
corder of said city, and by him trans
mitted to tlie Council of said City on the
line, curb Ht" ""' 01 October, too;, ucing tno next
ticlics, stringers 44 ?cssi0" of f?"1 ST'"1 1 1 1 '1 1 ! '
1I1K UI B.IKI Jilllliuua. wiukii oniit I"-villous
arc on file with the recorder of said
Chy,and ,.
Wlicrcns, in said initiative rciitiousaid
eltirens nnd leeal voters of s.lid City re
quested tlie fixing by the Council of said
Citv of n date for a special election for
Politics arc Brewing.
and he must feel "mighty" lone- location for it park within its limits, privileiie of filllim out Louis Rich-
Home among some of his colleagues. c wish the commercial club or hud's unexpired license. They
Wc arc not a democrat and never city council would take this
have voted the democrat ticket ex- mutter up ami make some definite
cent where the renubllcan was so arrangements. Mr. Kdlcfscn tells
cussed ornery that it was like be
coming partisimis crimiitis in nil
his rottenness to vote for him, then
wc deliberately .scratched. We
like Watson because he is houast,
because he is a man in the true
sense of the wortl, and although we
think he is mistaken .sometimes,
we know he is true and honest.
We wish his magazine might be in
the hands of every voter in the
United States. It would not make
democrats of all of them, but it
would make thousands of better
republicans its well as democrats.
It is laughable to hear some men
talk. Hccatise some one in livery
and silk tile did not come around
to them and parent 11 gilt edged
catd inviting them to the recent
mass meeting they arc sore, They
aiu going around all drawn tip like
11 lousy calf in a rainstorm and say
ing, "I wasn't invited, I won't
play.'s gel the decent jvople
together mid cut this crowd out."
This makes us the!. If every pig
headed idiot in the country trie to
find fault and goes gunning for
trouble he wilt meet up with plenty
of it. When our kids weie small
and they were ullllctcd with an
attack of this kind ami 11 reasonable
amount of tiei. suasion would not
bring them to 11 icsK!etab!o frame
of mind, we used to take them on
our lap face downward mid be a
father to them. That is what a
tloeu or mote calamity howlers in
this city needs and if they tlo not
Mop knocking and get in ami push
us lie can Handle the matter Here in
St. Johns and will be glad to meet
the council or any committee of the
council or citieus looking to the
ptitchasc of this tract.
Thu owners have been holding
the pioperty intact because of the
(lesirauuity 01 tlie location lor a
hotel or
tliat reason
individual lots mid lefttsed to sell
the water front, niitl when wc pre
sented thu matter of 11 city park
they at once saw the fitness of the
situation mid made their price
through Mr. Kdlcfscn.
Wc believe the better wny would
be to place this park matter 011 a
sepaiatu ballot from that of the
city dock and this view we have
found to be universally that of
personally, let us support him to
the best of our ability. This tnkes
mnnhood of n high order, but wc
should have it. Let us have the
best for the best city in Oregon,
anything less is not good enough
lor at. Johns.
Epworth League.
The Ktnvorth League held an
cspccinlly interesting meeting at
the home of Mr. Phillips in South
St. Johns Tucsdny cvcnlnir. It
was a business mcctinir held for the
election of officers and the follow
ing roster was elected for the ensu
ing term:
Ii. C. Httrlbert, president: Miss
Lena Lontr. first vice president:
1 "I'l'vui v in 1 ' 1 iiuui ntiikiiM' 1 11. . i . , " I
cd em ission to ininrove the street Plomica 10 y se present nnu on Miss una Magone, second vice
in front of his residence on lots n Clir01""c,u 1VM lnKeu ,e,orc president; Miss Hazel Young, third
mid 14, block 3. Onk Pnrk nddition Journ" fm 01 '.'V mof wno wcre '"l)"00 .Walter Crouchley,
to be done under the supervision of " "V,y, r . " .. u,c n,OVBmw" ' l0"" vice president; .miss wales.
the city engineer. imw MMtmut i jm .k vajh nwuun-j rmiiK iiiuriHiruc, irviiH
The following bills were allowed lJvt or tl,rcc who, ,eft bcforc the urer; Miss Bessie Phillips, organist;
and ordered paid: Couch & Co., ; were tnken. Mr. Weaver, chorister,
stitmlles to n inner. Vi..m Couch On motion the clialrnian appoint- After the business meeting there
were informed ns politely as pos
sible that Richards had forfeited
his license and that there was noth
ing coming to him. Therefore the
proposition was turned down.
Councilman Walker seemed to be
the only one in favor of granting
the request. Alderman Liuqtiist
intimated that the council would
consider n proposition lor tlie gen
tlemen to occupy the stand nt the
The first gun of the spring cam
iialgn was fired Tuesday evening
tu tlie law oilice of II. Ii, Collier.
It was not our pleasure to be. at the
cannonade, but the echoes rever
berating on the "circumambient"
struck us nbotit as follows: The
meeting was called to order by J.
K. Williams and n temporary chair
man in the person of Kx-Govcruor
Fletcher was elected as was the
secretary, J. K. Kirk, who was
selected to keep the minutes of the
r ' I ililfcll iw w.wi.'J tnv nilllllt Ilk HIV .
Pleasure resort, ami for lr.ii.. nf Ho..,iu,. iin ntiu.r c,i,,u meeting.
011 have refused to sell Kvcre under, 1000. ' ' The chairmnn then called for an
On motion of I.eggett Mr. OII11. r""u" " V,B sc'"h '
who appeared in person, was irrant- ",ee" w c was KC"erany rc-
imnrovement to be ncsscd ns iirovld'cd the ndoptiou or rejection of said revised
I. .. . .1 rii.mii.lii.l r'linln nltil fnilnOI Itt M (t 1 1
ov tlie city ennrter uikiii tnc nronerty
specially nnd peculiarly benefitted there-
ny nnu which is iicrcoyitccinrcn to uc nil
the lots, tiarts thereof, nnd rnrcelsof laud
within a line 100 feet from the outside
line of ench side of the said llurlinutou
The ciiL'iiiccr s estimate of the proba
ble total cost for the improvement of
said street is f 469,80.
The plans, sccificatlous nnd cstimntcs
of the city engineer for tlie improvement
of said IHirlingtoii street arc hereby
Kcsolvcd, That the city recorder of
the city of St. Johns be, nnd is, hereby
directed to u,ivc notice of the proKD.ed
improvement of said Ilurllnetoii street
las provided by the city charter.
Kcnioiisiranccs ngninst tne uonvc im
provement may be filed in wrltinc with
the undersigned within 15 days from the
dntc of the lirst publication of this notice.
ny order 01 tnc council.
A. M. KssoNT,
Citv Recorder.
I rubllshed in tlie St. Johns Review Jan.
10 niiit 17, iq-3.
Central Market!
Holbrook Illock.
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the licit
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Pitted mid family Trade Solicited
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
Cash Market
C. V. HliNNltTT, Prop.
resolutions, 1 was held
k'. a ........ I I a 1 tr I 111 11 n 11 l-UlllIlllLlL'ir Ull
otuer cmens Willi wiioni we nave $ 1 c.7r. j0j- & q0 directory 1 ' " -"lcr "ier aim session which ail appreciated to the furnish my
talked 011 tlie matter. This park 0f Portland, $6; election expenses TW -ran. iiigitest degree. The League is meat at r
could he made self sustaining trout only partly in. "sjo1 St. lohiu Re. uu motion tne secretary was in- composed of some of St. Johns most X save the
.1... 1 1 .... 1 1... .,. t I . ' "V ' J"1""1 Ic, ,,,,! ...-. .i., i.n I...,, 1 i.,.. 1 1 .1 IT .
mi.- weKiiiuiiiK ny iiiu muu 01 con- view ndvertisimr and iobwork. "4U,B mmuuic nun, caiiiiiuuiu youuj; pcopie ami ineyiT ing, and
cessions, etc., and it could be im- 50.25. uie city nnu, Wednesday, January nrc doing a gooil work for their f livcring the
of the recorder and !' wnere nil uie voters cnurcii. I benefit of
ut such times ns the
funds could' be easily
of the city
Wc would be glad to hear from
the cili.fiis either through these
columns or otherwise. All who
have been over the grounds are
unanimous in the opinion as to
their desirability for city park jmr-
treasurer were read and placed in
the hands of the finance committee.
The question of the pluciiur of
the firebell was brought up and on
motion of King it was decided to
place the bell 011 the west end of
the city hall, the vole being four
for three against.
On motion of King it was decid
ed to accept T50 for
To Whom It May Concern.
might meet and effect a permanent
organization looking to a bigger,
better and cleaner city of St. Johns.
There was considerable enthtis-1 The Free Alliance llaptist mis
instn manifest in the meeting and sion, of St. Johns, Oregon, iucor
everything bids fnir to have things porated by William Kuynth, Gott-
iiuiiiiniiiK in u suuri nine lor a irieti uross nnu unill .ink Has no I
lively enmpaign. recognized standing with any Bap-
Psow, just one word nt the begin- tist church or organization. The
mug. Let us lay aside every individuals promoting it are actimr
the city council last meeting which
with the main body of enterprising V '. V, 'Vw""!mei. wv
citieus, leaving the little tusignifi- 1,0 1101 U,.e ,,k'r sti,,csmc,,
cant, bawlbaby piuuliviliw alone, wcie more tliiin half awake when
we hoio they will get it, good mid tly lassc.l the matter. It is the
haul. Kvunttmllv tliL.v will. Int it pbK'ing of the old, antediluvian lire
rtlft nltn
hall the purchaser to remove the 01 lersoiiai enmity or good. on their own behalf and without
urn, u3 iuuiv aiuiy 10 uie iiiuiiuniy, aim uoue oi iiieiu nre
advanceineiit of the city. If our members in goal stntiding of nny
dearest friend is not in our estima- j Haptist church. This notice is
tion nt tor tlie position lie nsks, let published to prevent anyone being
On motion of lobes the citv en-
There is one motion that ' passed gineer was instructed to make nil
L'port was
may lie too late to tlo the
city any
The St. Johns ciiuy-u-liucr-hanger-on
of the Journal comes
about as near the tiuth in hisicceut
little gtict work report of the situ
ation at St. Johns as he can be
.supiocd to. When he says the
propel ly interests favor going into
Portland he probably thinks one or
two iiiktitiitious, whose owueis
havu heavier inteickts in Portland
tliau liete, constitute the projierty
intercuts. Speaking of the oilice
II on the top of the west end of
the city hall. This bell is nbout os
efficient as grandmother's old dish
pan when it comes to giving a fire
alarm anyway, ami is as clumsy
ami ungainly as a mud fence. He
foic the city council places this
bell they should consider whether
or not the bell is worth the tiouble.
Why pay $150 or $:oo to place n
bell that is worth but $.'5 or $30
for old junk. Just what can be
realized on this old bell from the
junk man is all it is woith, and it
would do the Height of folly to
place it anywheie else than in the
estimate of the expense of placing
the bell on the west end of the city
hall and that 110 steps be taken to
place the bell until his re
acted utiou.
On motion of Kim: the citv en
gineer was instructed to proceed to
level ofT and remove surplus dirt
from the city hall park and grade
the saute.
On motion of King the jhmI room
utdiuaucc was held over another
us cheerfully turn him down, while 1 imposed upoii and led to contribute
on tnc otuer Hand, It our bitterest under a 111 sannrehens on as to the
enemy is especially iitteu tor some tacts. J, Kratt, K, Felumeth, Jas.
place of trust or public service, no Hilleter, Pirst German church, V,
matter how much we dislike him1 Iitieermaun, Second Germaii church.
I. ..1.1 1 .1 .. .1
"'""" nfimniK junk 11 0. lies des if it w tstlio
annexation because ol the fear that I", .? ' r L . '
v. n...,. 11 ..VII HV lllllllli lllfk lit
their revenue I10111 the city would
be cut oil; wc can only answer for
ourselves. The Review is the
only paper and it has received the
munificent sum of $137. 50 from
the city in the six mouths we have
been connected with the publication.
At the same time we have been
able to keep our feet under the
table three timet, daily, meet all
bills and lay something by for a
rniny day. If this wonderful city
revenue was all the Review deietid
cd iijh)ii we would bo obliged to bo
as economical villi me use ol our
finances as this correspondent is of
the truth. The fact is the Journal
scribbler is not such a fool as ho
looks, else in chaiity wo would
credit him with making a mistake.
We know that he knows better,
hence we are compiled to say sim
ply that ho deliberately lied when
lie wrote the slush referred to.
If you want job printing done at
once, bring it in now,.
in favor of destroying the present
symmetrical apK'arance of the city
hall by putting up a belfry on the
west end of the structure which
would give it the appearance of an
old church of the 17th century.
If a bell is desired for lire alarm,
trade this bell for one which will
make a noise, put it up 011 a neat
M001 lower, wnete piovistons can
be made to raise the hose to drain
in the tower, so that they will not
be mined by the moisture in them
after they have been 111 use. Then
the city will get the worth of their
money. If this motion which was
allowed to pass, is carried out the
city lull that has cast so much
First Leap Year Party.
Hie first leap year party of the
season was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gales at Moutavilla
Thursday night of last week.
Those in attendance from St. Johns
were: Misses Ruby Hoover, Adria
Hurkhart, Clara Holler; Messrs.
S. J. Donaldson, W. A. Trout,
Penny Hoover, George Donaldson;
Miss Hooth of Portland; Misses
I.elah and l.ilah Dolau of Mouta
villa. A very enjoyable evening
was spew, games and music, being
tue cntei features ot entertainment.
Refreshments were served.
! H. HENDERSON 205 Jersey St
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
As you tuny be aware, I
have recently taken charge of
the business here myself, nnd
business, which enables me to
customers the best
educed prices, ns I
expense of book keep-
also ns I do 110 de-
customer gets the
the money thus
Come in nnd inspect our
meats nnd get our prices.
Bennetts Gash Market
.W fI.WV ItllVIV
t you get more lor
1 less money."
St. Johns
j Electric Works
t 203 South Jersey St.
nnd amended Charter, nnd recommend
ed the 6th dny of January, 1908, ns the
date for the holding of such special elec
tion, and
Whereas, on the 8th day of October,
1907, Ordinance No. 155 of said City was
pitscd by the Council mid approved by
the mayor of said City fixing the said 6th
day of Jnnunry. 1908, ns the date for the
holding of said special election on said
initiative I'etition, ami
Whereas, Due mid leal notice of said
special election was published In "The
St. Johns Review," n weekly newspaper
of general circulation published In said
city, county mid state, ns shown by nfil
davit of the printer of said newspaper on
file with the recorder of said city, mid
due and legal notices of such special
election were xstcd by the Chief of
Police of said city, ns shown by his affi
davit oil file with the recorder of said
City, and
Whereas, On the 6th day of January,
Ij8, such special election by Initiative
Petition was duly nnd legulty held In
said City of St. Johns, In said county
and state, nnd
Whereas. At such stccial election
there were cast the whole number of
one hundred mid ninety (190) votes, of
which one hundred nnd twenty-seven
(137) votes were in favor of, mid sixty
three (6j) votes were ngnlnat the ap
proval and adoption of said revised mid
amended Charter ns proponed by Initi
ative Petition ns aforesaid, ntid the op
provnl mid adoption of said revised mid
amended Charter received n majority of
nil the votes cast nt such special elec
tion ns aforesaid, ns shown oy the affi
davits of she canvassing board thereto
fore duly nnd Ick'nllv amxilnted. which
affidavits nrc on file with the recorder
of S.1I1I city.
Now, therefore, I, K. C. Couch, mayor
of said city of St. Johns, by virtue of
the power mid authority vested In me
and 111 compliance with the lnw in such
cases made mid provided, do hereby
proclaim and declare that the said re
vised mid amended Charter of the said
city of St. Johns, in said county nnd
state, has been legally approved ntid
adopted by a majority of the votes cast
thereon by the eople nnd legal voter
of the said city ot St. Johns, nt said spe
cial election mi held, and the same Is
11 nd shall be from mid after this date
the legal Charter of said City of St.
Johns, of full nnd legal force, effect ami
Done nt the City or St. Johns, in
Multnomah county, state of Oregon,
this 8th day of January, A. I). 190S.
Ily the Mayor.
K, C, Cot.cii,
Attest: SInyor.
A. M, Usso.v,
rubllshed in the St. Johns Review Jan.
10, 1908.
All adwtlicmtnti under this
head one bit for tach weak
No id. taken for lest than two bin. Over 24
words two bits a xtck (turfed.
Ik You want to buv. rent, sell or ft.
change property see Wolcott (The Rent
DKIISSMAKI.VO All kinds of dress.
making neatly and promptly done by
Miss Anna .Stelcheu. 519 So. Jersey. 4tf
To LltT I'urnUhcd room with or
without board. The I.lov.l. cor. LeavlH
laud Ivauhoc streets. Mrs. M. II. Scott.
Wa.N'THD A liood L'lrl to nUt t
home work. Call on H, C. Hurlbert. 440
Chicago St.
WANTKO At OllCe. L'lrl or trnnnn tn
do general housework. Call at 8j8 N.
l'illmore or address Ilox 693 St. Johns.
WaNTUD Two dozen l'lvmouth Hnclr
chickens. W. V. Stadelman. 711 N. Pill-
iiiuic ircci,
IO p
signifies the best in BUSINESS COLLEGES
Graduates arc
upon Kra
Hurollmciit tual year. 8-U nunlli.
all employed. Wc will place you In a xitiou
Men's Mass Meeting.
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m.
there will Iw a men's mass meeting
held at the Kvangelical church.
Mr. Gates will speak on the sub
ject "What is Man?" an uddress to
money and trouble will be ruined ! w" u" wvouieu suojects. .Mr.
and we do not believe the council I Lutterworth will sing. You cannot
will stand for it. I u,lorl to miss it. All men between
ute ages ot 12 nnd 150 nre mvlted.
Otis Learned and fatnilv returned
the first of the week from their
visit to Skamokawa. whete thev
have Ikcii enjoying a holiday sea
son with relatives and friends.
Chester Dctrich of Yancouver,
recently spent several days in St.
Johns visiting his cousins, Wyun
uud Hurley Maiming.
and Dealer In
Harness and
Horse Goods
Electrical Installation and
Repairing Promptly At
tended to by Exp. rts.
Motors and dynamos
repaired, and all kinds of
electrical work done at
satisfactory prices. Esti-
mates given and sttgges- J
tions furnished. t
No work too difficult t
no job too small. J
Carpenter and House Finisher t'lnM,.
nig nouse lor air. Walker on S. Jersey;
Any one desiring such work call at 11 17
, Clark.
PlCKKO UP Oil the river n two rnnm
scow, about Oct. m. iqot. o
have same proving property and paying"
charges. W. U. Ashby. .p
OW.VBR WANTKO For a house of 1
rooms built on logs, picked up 011 the
river on or about November it.
Owner can have same by proving prop,
erty and paying charges. Inquire of .
Copies, St. Johns, Ore. 9 pd
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
ihould reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
emember this and save the printer
Whip. GloTca, Water Clothlnir. etc.
llaml Made llaruets my
Keflriug promptly done
Tiuoc Manksj
CoPVR!.".ua An
. "J,0" nln akelrh and dn -v Inn nai
aolcklr aaninaui cur ouuu.n tttv (hVu
laeaniloa la probablr ratrniahl r m mhiiIml.
ItoiuMrlctliteonademAa.filKOBOM , F5S5
aent rre UMm ucner tu awuniu aJnuu
Ifrt4i aok, wllhoulchiraa, lu tha
. Taraaal atr
. Tanua. tt i
1 - .--i
eulioiou ot inj acwetlOo toamtX TanuaVsXia