St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 10, 1908, Image 1

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01 idverttilng In The Review
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To tnbcrlb (or Tb R.tfew.
AU.tht mwi white It b nwt U
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Devoted to the Interesti of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 4
NO. 9
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of St. Johns Attend In
a Body-Fine Program Rendered.
Swift & Company Begin Construction of Their
Immense Packing Plant March First
Two initial projects of mammoth
proportions that will open the
spring construction work in Port-
lnud arc the Swift & Co. packing
plant ou the peninsula, and the
boring of a double track railroad
tunnel under the peninsula. Swift
& Co. will begin construction of
the buildings for their big plant be
twecu March i and March 15.
The Harrimau railroad tunnel
will be commenced within the next
. 90 days. All the keystones in its
various bridge and tunnel plans
now drawn bear the magic date
That the year 1908 will be n
great era of progress in Oregon and
especially for Portland is now a
certainty. Perhaps the largest
industrial project already begun is
the Portland plant of the Swift
Packing company. The filling of
the site for buildings and stock
yards was b:guu some months ago,
and rilling of the stockyards site of
60 acres was nbout half completed
when the roads became so bad that
work wns stopped for the winter.
About half ot the lumber for the
stockyards structures is 011 the
ground. The buildings for the
packing plant will be of cither con
crete or brick construction.
"We; expect to have the entire
plant completed a year from the
date of beginning construction of
these buildings," said C. C. Colt,
Portland manager for Swift & Co.
"It has not yet been decided
whether the buildings will be of
reinforced concrete or brick, but
they will be of fireproof construc
tion." The plant will be similar in pro
portions to the company's great
plant at Topeka, Kansas, and will
cost upwards of $500,000.
It Is known that some of the
largest concrete constructors in the
country have been asked to make
estimates of cost of that process,
and the character of the building
will be decided upon within the
next thirty days.
The manufacturing building will
be six stories and will adjoin the
killing building, which will be five
stories. The combined buildings
will have dimensions of 335x150
feet and will, it is said, cover the
largest floor space of any single
structure on the Paciuc coast.
There will be two other factory
buildings, each two stories, and
about 150x50 feet in size. All
tlicsc buildings will be of nonde
structive materials.
The railroad companies are rap
idly completing preparations for
putting in the needed trackage sys
tem and transportation facilities
for the new packing house.
Boring of the Harrimau tunnel
under the peninsula, which will
give a water grade outlet for the
Oregon & Washington railroad
from Portland to Pugct Sound and
an inlet for the main line of the
O. R. & N. company, will be com
menced within the next few weeks.
Concrete firms arc now figuring
on the cost of lining the big tunnel
with rccuforced concrete, aud their
final estimates will be submitted
within the next 30 days. In view
of the fact that figures on large
uuJertakiugs are not made by con
crete manufacturers more than 60
days in udvance of the work, it is
believed that work on the tunnel
entrances will be commenced very
Estimates are also being secured
by Chief Hotchke of the
Hurrimaii lines ou cost of concrete
construction in the widening of,
approaches jiX both cuds of the
steel bridge. Plans for rebuilding
the steel bridge aud other plans for
modifying the present bridge in the
mutter of approaches aud other
features have neon made.
There huve also been made plans
for an entire new bridge where the
present steel bridge stands It is
said to be most probable that the
present bridge will be continued in
service by widening the approaches,
making turnouts that will permit
trains from the tunnel and from the
terminal yards to enter it ou easy
curves. Portland Journal.
Fred Watch of Michigan bought
the business of Mr. Baker at 803
Ivuuhoc street lust week and is get
ting in new stock and preparing to
take care of the business of the
north end of the city. Mr. Ilakcr,
we understand will go to his ranch
near Ilillsboro in the spring,
1907 Saw Many New Industries Established and a Building
Boom-1908 will See Still Greater Progress.
St. Johns is naturally blessed
both in location and in depth of
harbor, and much credit is due its
founder, James John, for the pio
neer wisdom which foresaw the
future commercial greatness that
must come to n city located at the
junction of two such rivers as the
Willamette and Columbia. If his
instructions had been carried out,
St. Johns today would have been
far in advance of its present posi
tion. However, the place has
gone ahead by bounds, the past
vcar being the most prosperous in
its history. Business and social
life atlkc have improved greatly.
Many new industries have been
started. Prominent among these
arc the Gillcn-Chambcrs asbestos
plant, the site mid building repre
senting an outlay of $35,000; the
Collapsible I3ox Factory, with a
capital stock of $50,000; the iron
foundry of I.cach Hrotlicrs; the
Oregon Flake Food Company,
which will manufacture several
different cereal products; the Barnes
woodenwarc plant, in Hast bt.
Johns, and the Parrish & Thomp
son cement block factory. A 1 1. s,-
000 ferry has been built aud is now
in operation. Many new buildings
of substantial character have been
erected, among thciii being the
McDonald block, the Light build
ing, the Bickucr block, a $3000
skating rink aud numerous resi
dences, j
The city council, which took
office last April, has had a hard
row to hoe, but has straightened
out the City Hall tangle aud com
pleted this $13,000 structure, and
has installed a new and complete
system of bookkeeping, where a
most unsatisfactory state of affairs
had existed, owing to which the
City Treasurer was reported at one
time to be short in his accounts.
The city churches ns a whole
have made substantial gains. The
Baptists have, with a small mem
bership composed of working peo
ple, erected a $4000 church and
paid for it and the lot with the ex
ception ot $500, nil in 1907. I he
Christian church, too, is making
The school district has kept up
with the procession, having built
aud paid for a $35,000 school
building iu the north end of the
district, just outside the city limits,
and the census just taken shows
1 108 children of school age, an
increase since February last of 104,
Building permits aggregating
200,000 have been issued the past
year. These average $1500 each.
Real estate men have had a good
year, although business is now
quiet owing to the season, aud arc
looking forward to a better one,
believing that soon the effects of
the financial flurry will be forgotten
and investors will come to St.
Johns, drawn by its undeniable ad
The first undertaking of 1908
will be (thc adoption of the new
charter to be voted on January 6
aud then all will turn every energy
to the securing of a city dock at
least 500 feet in length, at which
seagoing vessels can load and un
load, and to the improvement of a
main street leading from it to the
center of the city. A petition is
already ou file asking that a prox
sition to issue bonds to the amount
of $75,000 to build a dock and se
cure n city park be submitted to
the voters. This will be done at
the next city election,, as will also,
be the enlarging of tho city's boun-t
darles so that they will include both I
the O. R. & N. and the North
Bank railways and extend ou the
river side to the center of the chan
nel. This will double the amount '
of taxable property and it is expect-,
cd that the tax rate will be almost
cut in half. The city hall grounds
will be graded aud made into a
lawn and a large tower for the fire-
bell will be erected.
Street improvements wilt be the
order of the day iu 1908 and I'll i l
adclphia, Tacoma, Burlington,
Polk, Hartmau aud a dozen others
will be graded aud sidewalks laid.
New enterprises are to be started
iu nil directions. The most exten
sive will likely be the new gns
plant, to be installed by the St.
Johns Gas Light & Heat company,
which nl ready has its franchise nud
which will mean nn expenditure of
nbout $50,000 in the next six
mouths. Both telephone com
panies have obtained franchises aud
promise to establish sub-stntious nt
The Commcrcinl club lias several
propositions thnt it will nttemnt to
push through, which wilt greatly
benefit the city.
Just outside the city's boundaries
the Swift Packing company has
stnrted nn immense undertaking.
A large dredge is clearing out n
channel along four miles of fine
waterfront on the Oregon Slough
uud with the sand and gravel thus
obtained is filling in the low ground
to grade with the North Bank road
on which products will be loaded
on to seagoing ships at the North
Bank's own docks. It is reported
that 150 men will be working there
within 30 days and the plant will
give employment to 3000 men when
completed. This will cause St.
Johns to tnke another long step
aiicau. nvcntng l elegram.
D. S. Southmayd is doing the
finishing work ou the new tousorinl
parlors to be occupied by Mansfield
& Kncmlcin iu the Holbrook block
and is doing a "smooze" job.
Is the only way to secure immediate delivery of your
goods at the most reasonable of transportation rates.
Therefore ring up the
Operating electric freight cars between St. Johns and
Portland. We call for aud check your trunks direct
to destination.
Turn your trunk checks and shipping receipts
over to us and your goods will receive prompt attention
We have teams connecting with cars at St. Johns and
Get our rates before shipping. Special rates on car
load lots. Experienced and courteous employes.
Phone Main 358, Portland office.
Phone Main A 3358.
Hunter-Larson Nuptials. ' Peddicord's Review of Kipling.
First and Flanders Streets.
Phone Woodlawn 818. Agent at St. Johns.
Office 105 E. Burlington street.
KtUbllthcd 1U1 In New York City
A. U N G E R
LA CADIZA, 10 cent
EL ROYAL, 5 cent
Full line of Smokers' Supplies
Central Cigar Store, Next to Bank.
Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Plastering
Sand ou hands at all times. Orders solicited.
The informal home wedding was
celebrated at the residence of Dr.
K. I Hunter aud the Misses Hunt
er on Seventh street Sunday at
noon, when Harry C. Hunter was
married to Miss Julia Larson, of
Marsh field, Ore., aud lately of San
Francisco, Cal. The spacious
rooms were beautifully decorated,
the parlor where the ceremony
took place being decorated iu white,
the dining and other rooms were
effectively decorated throughout
with red carnations and Christmas
The Mendelssohn wedding march
was played by Miss Minnie Lane,
as the bride and groom, attended
by Miss Ruby Hunter as brides-
maid aud Dr. K. i Hunter, tue
groom s urotner, as best man,
entered the room aud were met by
the officiating minister, Rev. O. II.
McGill of the First Methodist
church. The ring ceremony was
used, the wedding party standing
under a large wedding bell of white
After congratulations, a substan
tial wedding breakfast was served.
The bride was charmingly
gowned in a costume specially made
for the occasion in San Francisco,
and carried a large bouquet of
white carnations aud asparagus
The happy couple left on the
atternoon train for a trip to the
Sound cities aud Victoria, B. C,
amid the congratulations of their
friends. The bride's traveling
dress was a handsome one of garnet
broadcloth. The presents were
very numerous and costly aud make
a magnificent display.
A Goodly Bunch.
One of the pleasant features inci
dent to our visit to the Odd Fellows
home dedication day was the meet'
tog of a bunch of Hood River boys
Among them we remember Tom
Lacey, C. R. Masiker, Frank
Strang, Otto Ehrck, Frank Smith,
Hugh Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. R.
Crosby, Chas. Tucker, Will Board
man, Byron Smith and M. J.
Masiker. We were dee-lighted to
see the boys and trust they may all
come soon to bt. J onus and see a
real live town.
T. T. Larson is prepared to do
all kinds of shoe repairing at the
ota stana, 104 w. uurungion.
In the Right Direction.
About seven years ogo W. J.
Peddicord brought out his little
book entitled Rudyard Reviewed.
Since that time it has been very
generally read all over the United
States. We remember well the
criticism Mr. Peddicord received at
the hands of a few worshipers of
all things English aud how well he
rose above this criticism. Mr.
Peddicord's review of Rudyard's
slush is very generous indeed, giv
ing him every consideration that is j
his due, even more. Kipling's,
"Tommy Atkins" would well be'
called "Tommyrot." The same,
may be said of more than half of
his'effusions. They remind one'
more of the doggerel of some pen-ny-a
liner writing for an advertis
ing magazine, than the writings of
a man claiming the dignity of a
poet. Their style is crude, their
sentiment degrading, their rhythm
awkward, broken; iu fact, his
poems (?) as a whole take the very
lowest rank among all literateurs
of note; and yet, at the recent con
test this Kipling was given the
prize with an alacrity which would
suggest the boodling operations of
a San Francisco alderman.
The Meanest Ever.
Bill Nye had truth well told
when he said: "A man may use a
wart on the back of his neck for a
collar button, ride on the back
coach of a railroad train to save
interest on his money till the con
ductor gets around; stop his watch
at night to save wear and tear;
leave his "i" or "t" without a dot
or cross to save ink; pasture his
cow on his mother's grave to save
corn; but a man of this sort is a
gentleman and a scholar compared
to the fellow who will take a news
paper two or three years and when
asked to pay for it puts it into the
office and has it marked "Refused."
We have three or four such ou our
records. We are not personally
acquainted with them but would
like to be, for they would be a
greater curiosity to us than the
three-beaded dog, supposed to
guard the entrance of that abode
where they are destined to spend
the hereafter.
Fred W. Coffyn is circulating n
petition to invoke the initiative ou
the question of taxation. The
purjiosc of the bill is to eliminate
the taxes from anything except
the laud. It is the old Henry
George theory. There are some
things which look good iu the bill,
but it does not provide for certain
contingencies which are sure to
arise: the differentials iu valuation,
the taxation of manufactures which
are operated ou leased lands, these
manufactures receiving the protec
tion without compensation, which
would be as unjust as taxation
without representation. It is a
move iu the right direction, but
not yet what we need aud we pre
dict that the measure will be voted
down. We signed the petition,
however, to get the measure before
the people aud get them to think
on this line. We believe that the
result will be beneficial and that
more equitable taxation will come
from the agitation.
To the Land of Snow.
John C. Brooks left St. Johns ou
Tuesday evening for Seattle and
left there last night for Juneau,
Alaska, on the steamer Jefferson.
Brother Brooks took a sudden no
tion to go, it seems, and there are
hundreds of people in St. Johns
who are sorry to learn of his leav
ing here, and will wish him a safe
Had Better Keep It.
Geo. Campling is back home
from Dayton where he has been
engaged ou a building for the past
week returning Tuesday.
Scott Doorman, a former Hood
Riverite, now living near North
Yamhill, was in the city Tuesday,
He is placing his fine ranch at
Hood River on the market. We
think Scott might do worse than to
improve his Hood River ranch
which is u fine one of 60 acres,
well watered and alout half im
proved, one of the best on the west
Here From Canada.
Walter Stadey from the land of
the Canucks visited with John Mc
Niven, family and other friends
and relatives in St. Johns and Ore
gon City the past week, returning
home Tuesday evening.
Bring In your printing now.
We have heard many flattering
remarks of the Odd Fellows home
nud the members of that order are
very proud of their home, but one
cannot appreciate the home as it is
without n visit there and n talk
with the inmates who arc being
cared for by the generosity of their
The occasion of our visit there
was the dedication of the new home
building. This is a fine brick
structure having two stories and
bas'Mncnt 44x100 feet. The base
ment is fitted up for cuisine nud
diner and the first floor has a fine
parlor or reception room iu the
west end of the building while the
remainder of the floor is divided tit)
into rooms for the initiates of the
home. Each room is of sufficient
size to accommodate n bed, ward
robe, two or three chairs, commode
aud dresser. It was to furnish one
of these rooms that the Laurel
lodge of St. Johns made the pur
chase of Cnlel Bros. The room
allotted to this lodge was the one
at the extreme east end of the
building ou the north side of the
hall. It is a splendid room, will be
nice and cool iu summer mid have
a fine view of the city and country.
1 he tipper floor is divided into sim
itar rooms.
A whole carload of Odd Fellows
aud Rebekahs went from St. Johns
to attend the dedicatory services
Saturday morning, arriving there
in good time. The services began
shortly after 11 o'clock by singing
the opening ode and prayer by
Grand Chaplain I.eroy, aud the
Grand Master of the jurisdiction of
Oiegou, Richard Scott of Milwau-
kie then read n short address fol
lowed by the reading of a letter
from President Emma Galloway
stating that because of sickness aud
death iu her family she was unable
to attend , the dedication to repre
sent the Rebekahs, and her place
wns therefore vacant. Past Presi
dent Ida Foster presented the sen
timents of the Rebekahs. Com
pliments to the faithfulness of the
Rebekahs were given by every
speaker aud Judge M. C. George,
past grand ol Orient lodge No. 17,
who nave the principal address of
the occasion paid a glowing tribute
to the Rebekahs for their good
work aud helpfulness iu the estab
lishment and improvement of the
The addresses were interspersed
with songs by different persons and
the program was closed by singing
tlie closing ode of the order nud
benediction by Grand Chaplain
I.eroy. The visitors then gnthcrcd
iu the basement where n bountiful
supply of the most delicious sand
wiches nud coffee was furnished
until all were satisfied. There
must have been between 300 nud
400 present. After luncheon n
great many of the guests visited
the grounds and the other buildings
The Odd bellows have 11 tract
of seven ncres about half of which
is cleared nud contains two lame
frame buildings which have hereto.
fore been used fur the home, and
will still be used partly for the in
mates of the home and for the use
of the attendants. The tract of
laud is beautifully situated near
Woodstock where the drainage is
perfect nud the improved part is
set to fruit which will be almost
enough to supply the home.
in the Home there are a number
of aged Odd Fellows nud orphan
children, little tots, who if it were
not for this home would be out
upon the charity of u not too kind
ly disposed world, but here have
every comfort of n good, cheerful,
happy home. The appearance of
these little ones us well ns that of
those 80 nud 90 years of age testify
to the good work of the Odd Fel
lows, n work that will reflect hon
or upon the order as long as time
shall last.
Conventions Galore.
Orcgoniaus will be busy attend
ing conventions to be held iu Port
laud during January. The list in-"
eludes: January 13 nud 14: The
Northwest Retail Harness aud
Saddlery Manufacturers Associa
tion; January 14, 15 aud id: Oie
gou Horticultural society; January
17 and 18: Oregon State Press asso
ciation; January 21 nud 33; Retail
Grocers' association; January 21
nud 22: Oregon Retail Hardware
& Implement Dealers' association;
January 23, 24 and 25: Pacific Fed
eration of Implement mid Hardware
St. Johns Land Co.
. The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm
in St. Johns.
East St Johns
The center of the great development now taking
place on the Peninsula.
We have only a few business lots left on Columbia
Boulevard, which for a short time only will be sold at
present prices.
Some fine residence lots still on sale.
Choice manufacturing sites adjoining the O. R. &
N. railroad for sale ou reasonable terms.
Holbrook's Addition
We have some choice lots in the vicinity of the .
2 new $20,000 school building now in course of construe- j
tion. !
Call at our office for prices and terms for either of
2 these desirable tracts.
St. Johns Phone Union 3104 Oregon
Clark & Wilson Lumber Co.
Lumber Manufacturers