St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 08, 1907, Image 2

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PnWlKhfil T.rery FrlJuy
Tint RKVIISW Is entered nt tost office
lit Snlnt Johns, Oregon, ns limit mnttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3, 1879.
AiHorllnlne ralra, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All l?rrtlilng bllli pitjktlo first of ouch
Job rrlntlnir deputed In flrt.el Ijle.
nilln (or Job l'rlntlne cih on dellrery.
fliibncTlptton ruin, 11.00 per yenr In ilnen.
Phono East 0100.
Official Kowtptper of th City of Bt Johni.
An old criminal wns once nsked
wlmt was the first step that led
hint to ruin, mid he said: "The
first IhiiiL' tlint led me to my down
fall was chcatlm: an editor out of
a vear's subscription. When I
had done that the devil had such
a urah on me that I could not
break it. Ex. There ate about a neonle in St. Johns and
University Park who have taken
this first stet): we hone and pray
that their experience may not be
so unfortunate as the above men
tioned dcudbeut. We would rather
L'ive them two or three year's .sub
Some cur with less decency than
the poor dons he not started to fight
ing, yesterday afternoon, in front
of the Louvre, should be inter
viewed by some officer of the hu
mane society. The dons were in
and out of that jug shop scrapping
like a pair of Imo.elii'.literH, sur
rounded by a yelling mob of men
and boys just as tlie little ones
were noiuir home from school. We
don't know, and (lout care to know
who was responsible for the dis
graceful affair, but if we are not
mistaken it comes under the juris
diction of the humane society and
the two-legged curs should be
properly de.dl with.
Keuil the proposition we urge in
favor of our firchoys on the first
page. If you have lead it, read it
aaiii. Think about it. There
is no more deserving or faithful set
ol lirciucii nnywlicre limn ours, or
capable of doing better work.
What they need is the backbit; of
the city, enough money to pay
tlielr expenses, coiuiortiiiilc quar
ters to meet in, good cuuipmciit to
work with and there will be plenty
of others to take hold and help the
faithful ones who have stayed with
the "uiasheen" in adversity. Our
citizens should make it ti burden
for the city fathers until they make
Midi an appropriation as we sun-
Recorder Esson's Report of the City's Finances for
Month Ending October 31, 1907
Building Permits $16.00
Licenses, including telephone franchise tax 278.10
Certificates of title -5
Fines io5 50
Multnomah county 658-7
Streets, (Charleston) 15 'j L 6, IJ i , I. T. S.. 19.6'
Bond Sinking fund . 86-5
Bond interest fund 52-2'
Total receipts 1214.77
Warrants from soi.j to 2050 inclusive, divided
General fund 695.31
Salaries oo.i8
Water (rent of hydrants) 4.o
Light of streets '20.13
Youngferdorf contract (paid to sheriff) 5 'a4
General fund, bal. on hand. Oct. i, 1907 ... . 6494.70
October receipts to general fund 1058.17
Total 7552.87
October disbursements from general fund ... . 1464.65
Halauceon hand, geiieinl fund, Nov. 1, 1907.. 6088.22
Assessed valuation 1906, $2,181,135.00. Levy
.007, revenue 15267.94
Amount received to Nov. 1, 1907 3H95-28
Ilalauce due City of St. Johns 1372.66
Plus balance on baud 6088.22
Total resources, Nov. 1 7460.88
Special Services
You arc invited to attend the
special services at the Baptist
church of St. Johns Sunday
evening, Nov. 10th, uud con
tinuing ut least two weeks.
The pastor will be assisted
the first week by Rev. John
Iletitzicn of, Portland, who be
ginning Sunday evening will
speak on the following topic.)
in succession :
"The Worth of a Man."
"Moody and Ingersoll."
"Reaping the Whirlwind."
"Memory in Hell."
"A Father's Folly and
Ruined Family."
"A Sinner That Christ Can
not Save."
During the second week Rev.
K. A. Smith of Portland will
assist the pastor.
Plant an ad. in
National Airship Company.
gest, and it would come with much
Under the above caption the
Pot Hand Daily Abstarct devotes
more than a column of space to an
interesting description of an enter
prise which if successful will materi
ally alTect passenger transportation.
Accoitling to the aiticle, the nnove
named company was recently incor
porated in San Francisco with a
capital stock of 510,000,000, have
nutclmscil an Ho-ncre tract 01 lami
1... u ui.i.. r..- . ,v.r. .....I
In. Hit urni-i. If i.Ii'iui ub..,l ll. ' lw P". "
7": 1," .,n ... 7 T,;: . will erect a landing (lock 40x1250
i Viii. i.nii, I- I .1 J im . L ii 'cul' fnr stories, the top for landing
..j ,v ...v. 1 , 1 ,,.,,r L,ir ..u fur inn.
fireboys, for they hav: and will " "V " mm Z.
....... I... 1. I 1 1. I I. ILIIIIIV Olllfl'll HWi II I
may i.y u.e my wncii hiic nevus ,ttl , . ,,, flll, ..,,
IT I.. iwi ivii w n. ) aw ......
' we 110, -,u ,- ,c,
uiuni: iiiiin u tuitm.-i tin; v......
crui ivvi 'l'li. ifiiu imcd wilt lie
Another bank is learning the iiiin.i' vuliwl vi Mini tin tihint to
lolly ()l ICCklCMN Speculation in I ,,mf.i.r,. til.- num.. will cost
iiueKtiouablu ktockK, and the poor another .f ,m 000.
leiH).iitors will have to suffer for Tin. iittulilitc tvlll lu nf tin lmir
1.. ... .. I ....i...........
iiieir moipiaetsi commence. 11 ih shaped type, 1250 feet in length
mum mow nun vuuiti iv given ,i, c,, rcul dliiiuutur. made up
in muwi, ii-Ki iiuaiv imiiKs. n is ,f separate chambers so that the
worse than stringency in the moil- h.w-r n. ftmn nt will not
ey markets and it einphahies our amhe n,e s of the ship. The
reiuaiks made iccently that invest- proiiellliu; power will be supplied
meiit in teal CKtatc in St. Johns is liv ninlil iwi liiuli.r nlrsliii) I'lii'lnrs
safer and will bi iug better returns f the imsoliue tvne and the water
tlmu to deposit our savings in any ,lw.., t cool the same will also be
Work of W. C. T. U.
1. I..
sueii iiisiiiiiuoii. rsii naiiK 01
other oiganiAiliou can pay four
per cent on depoMIs ami loan the
money at 6 er cent, pay a large
clerical foice high wages, live
sumptuously, install exiiem-ive fit
tings and fiiiuituie in tlie banks
and their homes, tiuiidle aiitomo
ones, juy ineir way in tlie upiter
circles of fashionable society, invest
their deh)..itor.s' canh in wildcat
iiromotioii .schemeii and live. Thev
may do hiisiueMi in pro,K.'rous time
wlieu money Is plentiful, but at the
very fust stjueee in tlie ciiculatiou
they will do just as the two banks
of this class have done in Portlaut
during the little distill bauce recent
ly created by Wall street, they will
fail and beat their creditois. Theie
is a law iu China, it good and just
one, which our country might do
well to adopt, and that is when a
bank fails the bank officials, diiec
tors ami all aie beheaded. There
has not been n bank failuie there in
500 years.
drummer School ilntortains.
141 .
1 ue grammar seuooi will give an
entertainment to their friends ami
parents iu the audience 100m of the
seliool liuildiug beginning at 1
o clock this afternoon, and all the
parents and fi lends of the school
are cordially invited to attend.
Alter the program preliminary
tl..i.. ...Ml 1... .
sin.i hiii ne iiikvii 10 orgauue a
"Mot Iter's Club.
At a recent meeting of the board
ol directors there was donated
.....11. . ! I t . 1
nun me pupus nave rimed about
Cir nwr. :.. ..11 e .1
purpose ol procuring appliances and
miing up a gym in tlie annex for
tne noys ot tlie three upiier grades,
ilits is a good move on the part of
me uuys 11 u i.t earned 011 judici
ously, lor there are few of them
who obtain enough physical exer
cise during the school term and this
will be just the kind of exercise to
appeal to the average boy. Ho
will work ten times as hard at this
exercise us he would at cutting wood
for his mother, uud the only thing
to be guarded against will will be
liis overdoing the matter. A good
coach to oversee the the exercises
will be a good thing,
utilized to lower and raise the ship.
rhese eight engines have an actual
cembiued 3280 horse power. The
unships will all be fitted with wire
less upiuiatiis and thus be iu con
stant communication with each oth
er and the Muttons. They are also
to be supplied with uerografoMals
which will indicate tlie exact loca
tions of other machines and thus
ncvent the possibility of a collision
iu mid air. Tlie bedding isof silk,
the tables and other furniture is of
aluminum, thus reducing the
weight of the hxtures of the ship.
The first line will be put on be
tween Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Portland and Seattle, At the latter
place the Portland plant is to be
duplicated. The central location
ol the company will be at some
point iu Kansas with eastern head-
quartit.siu New York etty. 1 tie
lollowuig are the olhcers ot the or
ganisation! J. A, Morrell, presi
dent; M. Spailing, vice president ;
S. Le.Master, assistant manager;
W. O. H.ickinan, .secretary; Alex
ander Ots.ussistuut secretary. Mr,
Ots represents the company here
and the only thing that seems off
is that there was no stock otlered
for sale, Hie company has not
opened an office iu St. Johns yet
but as the work on construction
has been dated to begin some four
mouths hence we will be able to
complete some of our brick and
hollow block buildings and be ready
lo accommodate them, We want
to make a (tip to the treiublor city,
but we will wait until this new line
is iu operation and then make the
trip as the crow Hies,
The ladles of our W. C. T. U.
have been having a strenuous time
this week. Starting Monday after
noon it was a steady grind one
thing right after another until late
Tuesday night. Monday afternoon
Mrs. A. I). Stockton, formerly in
charge of the Mother's meeting
department iu Rochester, New
York, led a very interesting and
instructive Mother's meeting. The
subject under discussion was "How
to Teach Purity to our Children.'
Mrs. Stockton handled this subject
hi her usual earnest and energetic
manner and was ably seconded by
all present ami the discussion bids
fair to bring about some radical
changes iu the lives and education
of some at least of the youth of our
Monday night Miss Rose A.
Davison ol Colorado hprings gave
a recital consisting of selections
from "Hlnck Rock," which were
very interesting and well received,
as was (he duet by the Misses
Couch and llaldwiu and the olo
by Miss Lillian Perkins.
Tuesday aflernoou the W. C. T.
D. ladies gave a reception to the
teachers of the public schools and
Tuesday night Miss Davison who
is National "Y" organizer, gave a
lecture 011 the work of the organ
ization showing what hud been
done and much more that could be
accomplished in the future by
steady, insistent effort. Miss Dav
Isoit was entertained while here by
Mis. J. C. Scott who pronounces
her to be a lovely girl, iu love with
her work and ready to make grtat
icrifices for it.
All iu all the meetings of the
two days have greatly strength'
cued the organization in St. Johns.
St. Johns Review
. .If
watch your business
Juvenile Football Game.
Children's Story Hour.
Miss Hassler of the Portland It
brary will give a story hour to the
children from 3:30 to 4:30 p. in.
Tuesday of next week ut the li
brary rooms.
Building Permits Issued.
No. 1 16, to James Puukapile to
erect a residence on lot 11, block 2,
Marengo addition, fronting 011
Newton street lietween Fessenden
uud Mears streets. $750.
The St. Johns Juvenile foot ball
team reports another interesting
game. This time it was with the
Woodlawn juvenile team at the
Hill ball park, Wednesday evening
and our lads "done the bunch"
from Woodlawn to the tune of 5 to
o. We could not get the lineup of
the boys from the timbered lawns
but our crowd lined up as follows:
Walker, c; King, rgj S. Magoue,
Ig; C, Magoou, rt; Lelaud, It; F,
Gains, re; 11. PolT, le; Jones, nb;
Karl Croucltley, rh; Ivrnest Crouch- .1.. ',
ley, Ih; C. Gains, full buck. Jas. j" "ec
llrink, referee; Wnrd Lee, time- '1. lfir
keeper; uud H, Lee uud I cunis
Smith, linesmen. Manager Jones
says they hud n suuppy game, that
Captain F. Gains had his men well
iu hand and they feel equal to any
thing of their size and ure willing
to tackle anything from Portland
or elsewhere with weights averag'
iug 100 pounds. They will play
the Ilrowules of Portland Saturday
on the ball grounds and admission
will be free. All who are interest'
cd iu the game are invited.
Sunday Football Game.
There will be a football gume iu
the ball park Sunday that lovers of
will be well repaid to vts
recent came showed the
weak places in the lineup and these
have been eliminated. Loach
Drink thinks he has a bunch that
will stick together uud that is hard
to beat. South PortUwl, the team
our boys are to hmTi the bloody
sands, has been beaten but once iu
four or five years aud our lads will
need to lie on their mettle. The
name will be called at o clock
sharp, ruin or shine.
The Daily Abstract comuientiug
on the fud of using lampblack to
.lull tlm l..i;clr;..rr' wliilo in till-
,,,, ...W KINUI I.IK
Card Party. construction of concrete sidewalks
suggests using greeu for the walks
I ...1.1. J . CL.J..
1 1 1,.., i ..1. i;t..i.i.l u uiuutt tuiuitutmuo. uiinuu
.111. iiiiu iiiia. I'm iik a-ii.ii.iici 1 T. . , , , . .-... .u..
Lour, on Willamette boulevard the. ora"ge 0,ul he 8rea .?nn.0t
lust Friday evening. Pedro and a",l1' on tn,eu . se ,
Five Hundred were the games of ?t"t.Vie,Wi!,.k W0?W. ".'5
1 luii'k. iiiiiiiv iiisiunii nun a iicr kiiili
the evening uud proved an inter
esting pastime. Refreshments of
uke nnd chocolate were served,
A very enjoyuble time was the ver
dict of the guests.
back tabby fashiou, and the curb
I would fence-corner clear up the
street. It would not do.
Bring in your priutiug now.
P. M. HART, Photographer
Holdrook Block, St. Johns
All kinds of Portrait work, copying
enlarging, etc.
Stamp pictures a Specialty
At,. IIakkis' Or.n Stand
Mne line ol cigars, tobaccos, can
dies, nuts, fresh fruits.
From Producer to Consumer
Thk Bkst in Cioaks
No middlemen's profits save
your money and buy of
St. Johns, Oregon
You wish to know the future
you wish advice about your busi
hcs.i affairs, how to control the one
you love, even though miles away
gives secret power to control others
no difference how close or how far
If you arc sick, melancholy, dis
heartened or discouraged, Do Not
GiVK Ur in despair. Come and re
ccive advice that will help you
receive IlKAi.TH, WKAI.TH AN
Room 11, New St. Johns Hotc
corner of Burlington and Ivauhoe
streets. Readings; palmistry
cents, cards 50 cents, clairvoyau
"one "bit-a-week
All idmiistmcnts under this
held ont bit for ch week
No id. uken for lets than two bin. Over 24
words two bin a week (turfed.
Ii' You want to bay, lent, tell or ex
clinnuc inrrty nee Wolcoll (The Kent
.111111. j
I iiavk mimic of the licut Ixtrualiiti I
mimll home, nml vacant loin In St
Johns. J. M. Mellclcjolia, 4o O liber t
klrrct,ncar wcilar I'ark blutloii. .p
Gihi. VANTitiTo do Kcnvrid
iue hotel. waKe
A. V. D.irim.m,
work nt Cttaue
week. Mm
fu icr
WANTitn Renter (or one lionsokcci
Ink' room. AIm) roouiern anil iMianlcni
Very finett nrcotuiiioilatloui. Apply
5in 1 vun 1 loc tircci.
Wantuii Mini with umh1 reference to
take prolitiilile employ inent Willi y,om
Ititiirc prospects. Apply to T. M. An
tliouy. rare I., II. Smith. Cochran block
bt. Johns, 5Jp
I'or Hknt I'lvc room buuuulow. ui-
twinie, nioiicrii convenience, l'ricc rea
Minalile, Iminlre of owner, 605 north
Jcroey utreet. ip
Wasiiino Vantiu Home lannilry
work nml will uo out ami wash by the
day, A thl rem 519 Tioga, Point View, 501
l'ou Sai.k Sevcnd water inaulel tniiv
Dies. Iniiulre o( C. W. Potter, nt Potter
,S: GiMilil'ft liarilwiire store.
wnui n uirmsiieti nouse 111 11 eoou 10cm
Ity. cheap rent, nskj, It. Willlums. He
lias one.
Plain Skvin Pluhi.
lone tsi9 South Jcrocy.
Uoom and ltoAKD Anyone ilenirluu
11 warm nxiui anil home eookhtg, call nt
606 Willamette boulevard.
Nkw Rkwino Maciiink The New
Koyal Scwiiik! Machine, one ol the beiit
new ktock, more coiiiinvr. I,ov iu price.
liny now. II. V, Clark. 51-tf
llAUKAINSl llAKOAI.NSl IlllVC Umellt
thebtock nil, M. Shaw the furniture
man of the l'reuch block and other new
Koods. Special Uirealns now, IXiu't
lull to tec tliein, II. I',
Pound On Ivnuhoe street a iwir ol
fine eye glasses. Owner can have wine
by proving property and paying for this,
sspsssJIJIsJsssssflPs pH
Solid Silver
Where it Wears
Unlike ordinary silver plated
tHH)iis, Holmes & danls
spoons are Inlaid with sterling
silver at luck of bowl and
handle die wearing points.
Thee spoons aie stamped
and arc guaranteed for 25
year. You run no risk when
you buy Holmes Sc Edwards
Sterling Inlaid Spoons and
Foikt. Thev give solid silver
wear at L dun half the cost.
Sold by
Credit if Desired.
You can arrange to pay iu small
eekly or monthly payments.
Eastern OutfittiiiE Go.
Comer Washington
aud Tenth Streets,
Special values in Men's Fleece
Lined and Wool Underwear this
week at $1 .00, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00
per suit.
See our' window display
Prall Mercantile Co
Holbrook Block
Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings nnd Shoes.
Manufacturers of
A home institution Factory located on block 2, Northern
Hill acreage, iu course of construction Will have new
machinery installed within two weeks. A limited amount of
stock lor sale Apply to
ISTIIIt I'LAClt Wmmii (',01,1', tknnis, iioatino, IIATHINO.
RIDING, DRIVING nml nil the milliner xirU limy he enjoyed
Correnoniliui;ly Low Kitte to other Cilleit in Southern
CnlKornln, vies the (nuioiiN
Shasta RouteSouthern Pacific Company
The Road of a Thousand Wonders
I'or hcmitifiilly illustmteil hookletn, descrip
tive of Cnllfurnin nml ll Winter Report,
Cull 011 any SOUTHKRN I'ACIl'IC AKent
Portlnud Oregon
Third nnd Washington Sts.
Whitwood Court!
200 acre tract opposite St. Johns
y OA profit on one lot with nn in vestment of $70 in
four mouths is one of the results obtained on
this property. If this sounds good, investigate nt once if
you are looking for something of this kind. Nice homes aud
little acre tracts can yet he had very cheap and on easy pay
ments if desired. A FOUNTAIN of pure soft spring water
adorns our platted property and is now available to any part
by strong gravity pressure at nominal cost. The use of this
water will lengthen your life ten years. Streets being im
proved, building already commenced, full view of the beau
tiful Willamette. See ns quick before another rise iu prices.
R. SHI5PARD & CO. and II. G. OGDI5N,
Aoknts, St. Johns, Oukoon.
All kinds of vacant
frontage, best aud
Business and residence income property,
property, acreage iu lots aud farms. River
cheapest on the market.
J. S. Downey & Co. 108 1-2 Jersey Street
Undertakers , Embalmers
Phones; Main office, East 1088
Brauch office, Woodlawn 232
Big Channel Mining Company
The mines of this company are located Hear Merlin, Joseph
ine county, Oregon one of the richest placer districts in the state.
Siock for sale by W. H. KING or DANIEL CALKINS.