c A L E F arpets Couches Chiffoniers rt Squares inoleums-Lace Curtains xtension Tables ine Furniture LOW PRICES EASY TERMS B R O S eds--Bookcases--Buffets ugs of every description--Rockers ffice Furniture toves, Ranges and Sideboards Opposite The Banks Have a Holiday They needed It. (I'oor Fellows.) But. don't you lie n pessimist. You can innke n better in vestment right now than you ever mndc in your life. Just buy your wife or daughter n new hut and .sec what cheer it will bring into your home. Prices lower thnu in Portland because exeiiscs are less. VOGUf MILINERY CO. First Door South of Postoffice A. C. GKSLF.R MRS. C. A. STUCKKR I POTTER & GOOLD The Lorain Do not buy until prices are right. Best Range ever shown in St. Johns. Only range on the coast built up off the floor. Potter & Goold ex clusive ogeuts. First installment of our line of Cheerful, Redwood, Pacific, Oak Home, Ceil tury Hot Blast and airtight heaters has arrived, Our increasing sales from sea son to season show the su periority of these stoves. you have looked through our stock. Our POTTER & GOOLD. THE HARDWARE MEN. : : & : & : Wanted. Houses to rent. If the owners of dwellings and business places destrfug renters would leave a list of their places at this office, would be able to rent them immediately, especially a residence. L. H. Smith & Co. Cochran Block, St. Johns, Or. To Whom it May Concern. For the name and residence of the , owner of any property in St. Johns or vicinity, call on or write T. T. Parker, attorney at law, in Holbrook building. Titles to real property Sale or Trade. Lot 50x100, store room and five Hying rooms, Will take lot as first payment, balance $10 per month with interest. 617 Dawson street. P. W. Henderson, 243 Stark street, Portland. Notice. All parties indebted to us please pay your accounts to H. E. Collier, room 3i Holbrook building. Office hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Uhlig Bros. Work Wanted. A good, sober and industrious man desires to secure employment. Anybody who has use for the ser vices of such a person, who is will ing to work at anything, is request ed to leave word at this office. Society Night, St. Johns Rink Every Tuesday shall be society night at the skating rink. Skate only in couples don't forget a partner. Admission, spectators, 10 cents; skaters' tickets 25 cents. Wanted. Good bright girl, who is a good speller, to learn typesetting at this office. Local News. He who by his hit would rise Must either bust or adv ertlse. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Parker re turned from a visit with their chil dren near Forest Grove. If you wish to invest sonic mon . ... . ful fil ey wnere you win receive quicn returns buy a block of stock ot the Oregon Flake Food company. J. E. Williams has let the con tract for four new residences at East St. Johns, which when com pleted, will be occupied by custom ers looking for new homes. Who says times arc dull in St. Johns? Miss Mabel Shandorf of St. Paul, Minn., arrived in St. Johns recent ly and is making her home with her friends, J. F. Wright and fam ily. Miss Shandorf likes St. Johns very much and will make her home here permanently. The ladies of the Baptist church are doing nicely with their sales of homemade cookies, doughnuts and other bakery products, in the Hoi brook block. Their baking beats the baud. We know, for we trie it. Rev. II. S. Wallace, president of the Christian Federation, will preach in the Methodist church Sunday morning. In the evening Rcv.W.B. Hollingshead will preach nuu conduct sacramental service. The illustrated service at the Congregational church Sunday cv oiling, Nov. 3 will be interesting and helpful, and the public is in vitcd to enjoy it. The usual service will be conducted at 1 1 a. 111. G. W. Nelson, pastor. A. D. Cridge, formerly with the Echo Register of Echo, Oregon, but now with the union Guarantee as sociatioti of Portland, was a visitor 11 this office Wednesday. He notes wonderful improvement in St. Johns nee he was here two or three vears since. Mr. (J. 11. Davis, a newspaper man from Michigan was in the city ast Thursday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. Davis is also a K. P. and if any of the boys strike him we hope they will make t pleasant for him. lie is here ookiug for employment as account ant or clerk, having left Michigan on account of his health. F. E. Shcrwiu of Brookings, So. Dakota, arrived in St. Johns with lis family this week and has come to make his home with us. Mr. Shcrwiu is a friend of the Peterson Bras and others from that section, is a bright, enterprising citi7.cn, such as we ure always glad to wcl come to St. Johns and we trust he may find a profitable opening at once and believe he will. W. J. Ferrell, the wood man, was thrown from the top of a big four- lorsc load of wood batu relay even ug and severely injured. It was r wonder he was not killed. The accident happened at the foot of Salem street, where a board hud een removed from the road, cans ug the wagon to lurch, which threw Mr. Ferrell to the ground. le was taken home in a delivery lack and at last accounts was well on his way to recovery. Mrs. Geo. II. Lynn and daughter Georgia, daughter and grand daughter of the junior proprietor of this great moral prevaricator, ar rived from Omaha Monday night of this week. They lived in Hood itiver Inst winter and the greater part of the summer, and that was enough to convince them that there was 110 other section of our country that would satisfy them, and have returned to make their home. Mr. ynn will come as soon as he has their affairs there in shape. "Mas Christianity Failed?" or 'Is Christianity a Failure?" will be the evening topic at the United Evangelical church Sunday, Nov. 3d, ut 7:30. This is the first of a series on the subject, "Questions Over Which we Stumble." "The Declining Church" will be the sub- ect for discussion in the morning. This is the first of a number of ser mons on "Christ s betters to the Seven Churches of Asia," Every body invited to attend. Strangers are especially welcome. Chester P. Gates, pastor. Sunday evening of this week Fred Washburn and Ids sweetheart of Portland, came over to see the folks and to keep us from saying anything about it they left a fine brace of wild ducks at the residence of the senior member of the Review firm. Bert didn't do a thing but invite the balance of the buuch up to his home to help punish the ducks. Well, if the balance of that band of ducks had seen the way those two were treated they would lave quacked an encore that would have been a delight to a disciple of Eschylus. Come again Fred and we'll never tell. R. L. Burke and family, who have been visitiug relatives at the old home iu Douglass, Kansas, re turned home Monday of this week. They have had a fine time while there and things look prosperous in 'Bleeding Kansas," but just the same, they were glad to get back to the modern Eden, Oregon. There is nothing quite so good anywhere in the world to one who has lived here a few years. We are glad that all the people of the East do not know what it is here. There would be such an exodus from those old states that Oregon could not hold half the people who would come here. Dr. Mary MacLachlan wishes to announce that she is ready to meet her old patrons at her office iu the Holbrook Block. Mrs. M. lu. Scott still has some fine rooms to let at The Lloyd rooming house, comer of Lcavitt and Ivanhoc streets. If you want good rooms, here's your chance. Mrs. C. M. McKinnie and her daughter, Sarah, of Augusta, Kas., arc visitiug their daughter and sister, Mrs. A. M. Essen, the better part of our genial city re corder. Madam Rumor has it that Drue- gist Jackson is soon to take unto himself a helpmeet and that he is now preparing a cozy ncstingplace on the comer of Baltimore and Phil adelphia streets. Here's hoping that the Madam may not be mis taken. Wc wish to call attention to the article on the free library. Mrs. T. T. Parker is doing a good work there. She is denying herself of nearly all the social enjoyments of the city for the good of the people, young and old. She cannot do it all alone. Let our citizens make it a point to assist her by reading at least one book a week, l his is an opportunity to secure good reading none should miss. His Honor, K. C. Couch, es caped from the citic between two days and is spending his time these degenerate days somewhere between here and the north pole. If he catches Peary or some other polar ,barc, he will present the catch to the Portland zoo. The mayor never asked us if he might go, mid there is no telling what trouble he will get into before he gets back. Wc trust he will bring back with him a buuch of Michi ganders or Wolverines to make up for the time he is absent. The new building being erected on North Jersey street by Ed F. Day will be occupied when finished by Leroy II. Smith with his real estate office and Attorney II. I-,. Collier with his law olTicc. These gentlemen will have n fireproof vault placed iu the building. A fireproof vault inside a fireproof building will sound pretty good to the clients of these enterprising gentlemen who may wish to leave valuable documents iu their hands. It speaks well for the business qualifications of these young men and we wish them the best of sue cess in their new location. This they will surely win if they follow this line of progrcssivcuess iu all of their transactions. THE BARGAIN COUNTER An Interesting Column Prospective Buyers. For Ballagh Bros., the popular bak ers who have Ikxii doing business iu the French block since last June and who have worked up a splendid business, sold their bakery this week to Ktiiffel Bras, who will continue the business at Ihc same location. Messrs. Ballagh and Mrs. E. I. Ballagh will return to their old home at Ottumwa, Iowa, to spend the holidays, but will come back after that date and lo cate cither here iu St. Johns or iu Portland. They are delighted with the country here and the oppor Utilities, ure energetic progressive fellows, just the kind who can do the best here, as well a anywhere they may cast their lot, and wc trust they will be back here and doing business again iu the spring. Ex-Governor Fletcher returned Wednesduy evening from his visit to his old home in Prince Edwards Island. Mr. Fletcher Kays he has come back this time to stay. That there is no place on the face of the earth quite so good as Oregon, and especially St. Johns. He had a most delightful time with his old friends, but they kept him very busy delivering lectures all the time he was there, delivering 10 during his visit. While crossing the states Mr. Fletcher noted the evidence of great prosperity every where, but thought lie wotuu not ive there under any consideration because of this country being so far ahead of the older states in point of beauty and climate. It is the ver dict of every jktsoii who has spent enough time in Western Oregon or Washington to become acmia uteel with the delights of this section of our country. H. C. Hunter of the Portland Manufacturing company, returned this week from an extended trip n the east, lasting about a mouth. We gathered the information that le had heeu from coast to coast and from the great lakes to the gulf on a business trip, and it might have meant business to friend Hunter, but there are dire rumors of a mat rimonial mixup, fishing adventure and other exploits which seems to require some Sherlock Holmes work on the part of the news fiend. Our readers will want to keep their weather eye on the "sasiety" col umn to learn of Mr. Hunter's trip. He goes the last of this week to Gray's Harbor, Tacoma and other Sound points, to be gone three or four days. By the time he returns we will most likely have our sleuth work done. A Good Liniment. When you need a good reliable iniment try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It lias no superior for sprains and swellings. A piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Balm is superior to a plaster for lame back or pains iu the side or chest. It also relieves rheumatic pains and makes sleep and rest pos sible. For sale by St. Johus drug store. S750. River view comer lot- terms. S. I,. Dobie. Acreage I have three acres close In and cheap. S. L. Dobie. You net full weight and first quality at the Central market. Just try it awhile. $1150. Modern four-room cot tage and 50x100 improved lot terms. S. L. Dobie. Edison Phonocraphs. one-third down $1 a week. Musical depart ment National Tea store. Do you want to know your fu ture? Go to Madame Lcotia.Room 11, New St. Johns Hotel. $425. Must be sold soon lot in St. Johns Park, yi cash, balance 5 a month. S. L. Dobie. Strawberry plants 2.sc per 100. Now is best time to plant them. W. E. Sweugel, the Harness maker. Are you in trouble? Do you need advice that will help you ? Go to Madame Lcoua. New St. Johns Hotel. iu watches, diamonds at Uncle Myers 143 near Alder, Portland, Bargains and jewelry 3rd street, Oregon. Rachel Paulson, teacher of Piano mid Harmony. 400 Tllford Build iug, lentil mid Morrison Streets, Portland. For Sale Wagon and double Harness, almost new, only iu use for nine months. 805 W. Rich motul street. Mrs. Tillapatigh has opened dress making parlors at 600 Fillmore street. Rearonable prices and sat isfaction guaranted. Holiday goods arriving daily. Have your presents wrapped and laid aside for you. National Tea Store, 103 Jersey street Have your proicrty insured iu the St. Paul or Northern fire in suraticc companies. They are the best. S. L. Dobie, agent. All watches repaired and guar anteed by C. M. Salisbury, can be found at Uncle Myers, 143, 3d St., near Alder, Portland, Oregon. Now is your opportunity. Palm 'stO' 25c; card reading, 50c, and clairvoyant reading $1.00 Room 11, New St. Johns Hotel. Go now. uuc 01 the best investments you can make with that idle money of yours is to buy some of the stock of the Oregon Fluke Food company. l ry the Central Cigar store one door north Peninsula Bank, 103 Jersey St. Exclusive cigars mid tobaccos. Base ball headquarters. I. n. Goodell, proprietor. All our meats arc government inspected and the best that money can buy. They nre neatly and carefully handled. Come in nud leave your order for free delivery. Ward's Central Market. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel leal church will hold their annual bazar and Thanksgiving dinner November 27 nud 28, in Holbrook building, next to Bonliam & Cur rier's dry goods store. If you have vacant lots iu St. Johns and arc paying rent tor your house, see me. I will take your lots and give you a modern home close in. E. C. Hurlbert, 440 Chicago street, bt. Johus. If you want anything iu the way of furniture or household utensils, either new or second hand you will make a mistake if you do not sec II. v, Clark s immense stock before buying. 51-tf Return to me $10 of cash re ceipts issued by my Nutioual Cash Register and 1 will give you free ol charge fifty cents worth of any thing 111 my market. Bennett s Cash Market, "the place where you get more for less money." H. F. Clark has the largest stock ot new and second hand furni ture iu the city, new Royal sewing machines, one of the best iu the market, and will give you bargains iu all lines. 51-tf Masquerade Skate The masquerade on skates at the St. Johns rink was quite successful. While there was not quite so many masked as expected, being the first of the season, it did quite well. There were 249 admissions and 128 skaters. There were some very rich costumes ou the floor. Four prizes were given. The first prize, gems, Kicnard Armstrong, a 15 session skaters ticket, costume rep resenting a farmer; first prize win ner, lady, 15-scssion skaters ticket, costume renresentmc a cow-bov- glrl, exquisite indeed, represented by Miss Minnie Currier; second prize winner, gent, Robert Johnson, 8-sesssion skaters ticket, costume representing a cannibal from one of the South Sea Isles; second prize winner, lady, Mrs. Oliver Apple: she and her husband requested an other selection, which was awarded Miss Ethel Buery, whose costume was that of r. Red Cross nurse, well represented. Judges were: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Valentine and George M. Hall. LINGERING COLD Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "Last winter I caught a very se vere cold which lingered for weeks. My cough was very dry and harsh. J. he local dealer recommended to me Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and guaranteed it, so I gave it a trial," says J. Urquhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. "One bottle of it cured me. I believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best I have ever used." For sale by St. Johus drug store. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined by II, Hender son, abstracter and notary public. Rooms 4 and 5, Leo Building, opposite postoffice. Accurate work. Reasonable fees. Wanted. Roomers, for light housekeeping rooms. Apply 605 N. Mllmore. ctucuecHc uiun uinc uiouccc I Free Library The patroiianc of the free librarv is increasing considerable, but not as rapidly as would sat sfv the little hustler, Mrs. T. T. Parker, who has the care of our free read ing matter. Mrs. Parker says that after the first year, so she learned at the library meeting lust Thurs nay, ine rotuaiiti library will pay tne icui and light bill for the library here, iu fact, stamps, envelopes, paper aim an the accessories neces sary for the librarian iu her work. This will leave nothing hut the room rent for our citizens to pay ami our enterprising citizens can easily make that little bunch up any time. Iu fact, we believe this has already been provided for. The Club Pamphlets The Tribune Is iu receipt of a neat little write-up and illustrated description of the thriving little city of St. Johns, Otegon. The pamph let was sent by Charles Bredeson, formerly of this place, who is chief of police of St. Johns. The above clipping from the Volga, S. D., Tribune shows the work that is being done by the .splendid booklets gotten out by our commercial club. It will bring the attention of the people directly to St. Johns wherever they go, and will he worth their weight in gold. Send them to your friends, particu larly if they think of leaving for the west. A Methodist (Minister Recommends Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. We have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu our home for seven years, ami it has alway prov ed to be a reliable remedy. We have found that it would do more than the manufacturers claim for it. It is csecially good for croup and whooping cough. Rev. James A. Lewis, pastor Milaca, Minn., M. I'.. church. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold by St. Johns Drug Store. The Oregon Flake Food com pany has some shares of stock yet to sell which will be the best in vestment you can make with that spare money you wish to make quick returns 011. Our Winter Outings nre now lu stock nud nrc ns nice ns you cnu gut any where (or the price. Do niul Pillows mid Ticking ntitt nil Hint goes to nmke n comfortable bed souml fool to yon? Ours nrc nil mnrked nt very rcnsotmble prices. We have n lot of four ynnl remnants of I'lnti nclette that nre going nt 50 cents cncli. They nre neat nml good value just fine for Klmouns. Anil remember that we enrry the - , - 1 a BUTTERICK PATTERNS PUBLICATIONS We can fit you with n pair of our wenr well kImm-ii fur BOYS and GIRLS, Men and Women Bon ham & Currier i FOR THE I Best Bargain In St. Johns for call a I 10 days KING & GILLMORE'S And let tliciu show you a piece 100x200, close iu, very cheap. Also some fine bargains iu Dwellings. .Some choice Lots and Factory sites at Kast St. Johus. 1 ixi Jersey Street. I'hniie Union .oOH i COLVIN & HENDERSON Rooms 4 and 5 Lno Bum. Oitositk Postoi'i'icit ft I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. 1ST. JOHNS BRICK CO.: Manufacturers of Clay Brick and Pressed Brick. Sand on hands at all times. Orders solicited. Plastering x i! Bargains This Week Good four-room house, full lot, on Jersey street $ i.ioo Two lots iu Point View 27,") Fractional block 011 Burlington street, near R. R., 3 fronts 2,250 Full block, river view. ,ooo 100x100 close iu, corner, five-room house 3.100 50x100 on alley close iu, monthly payments 375 50x100 fine business location 011 Jersey street . 1,000 25x100 two story income business property 2J5Q 80 acres 3 miles from Forest Grove, improved 1,000 Hotel und furnishings 17,000 50x100 income property, Jersey street 13,500 Good buys iu factory sites, business locations, and modern flats for rent. Lots and acreage iu Whitwood Court, across the river, cheap and on easy payments, H. G. OGDEN RUVIKW OFFICF..