St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 01, 1907, Image 2

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Pnblliticil Ererr Frldr
IlV MARKI.H & llVHHt.Klt.
Tint Rkvikw Is entered at xst office
in Snlnt Johns, Oregon, as mnil mnttcr
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
press of March 3, 1879,
Adrcrtlilnt rtn. 11.00 ser Inch cr month
All d?rtlilnr bllli prtl flrt of aeh
Job Prlntlnr executed In flrit-eltii ulyle.
rillli for Job l'rlntlng eh on dtllrerr.
Bubicrlptlon rtn, f 1.00 per jer In lne.
Phono Eait 0106.
Officii! Hcwipapar of the Olty of Bt Jokni.
FRIDAY, NOVKMUliR t, 1907.
The Oregon state dairy nssocin
tioii will hold its annual session In
Portland Thursday and Friday,
December 12th and 13th instead of
the 1 9 tit and 20th. This change
assures sonic of the ablest o tinkers
in tlie United States.
Wc learn that I.inntou people
who have just voted on the fines
tion of incorporating fell short of
the necessary number of votes to
accomplish this desirable object.
This means our little nclglinor on
the west bank will have to do some
more missionary work and get their
good people in line for improve-
meiit and nrouress. They will do
it. too. for they are the rinht kind
of people over thete and a little
turn down like this will only en
courage them to greater efforts.
Wc wish them better success next
time and hope their people will sec
the benefit of united. tcrsislcut
effort for the advancement of their
busy little burg.
Wc wish to call the attention of
our renders to the school report in
this issue. We regret that the re-
port does not show a greater mini
her of parents visiting the schools.
We know that our people are inter
ested in the schools, but the in
structors are often discouraged by
a seeming lack of interest 011 the
part of the parents because they do
not visit the schools and become
acquainted with the methods usci:
the work being done and advance
iiicm made iy tile pupils. We are
proud of this record, for the first
mouth and know that futuie mouths
will show tin improvement, although
these reports are above the icgulai
Kick, keep kicking, and don't
quit kicking. One pull one way,
one pull t'other. Go to other
towns to buy your goods. De
nounce your merchants because
they make a profit on their goods.
Knife ev.ry man that disagrees with
you on the method of increasing
business. Make your own town out
a very bad place and stab it every
chance you get.
Refuse to unite in any scheme for
the betterment of the material inter
ests of the people. Tell your mer
chant that you can buy your goods
a great deal cheaper in another
town and charge 'hint with extor
tion. Keep every cent you get and
don't do anything of a public nature
unless you can make something of
it directly. When you say any
thing of your town say it in such a
way that it will leave the impression
that you have no faith in it. Pat
ronize outside newspapers to the
exclusion of your own and dc
notiuce them for not being as large
as the city papers. Hx.
This may be true of some towns,
but it will not kill St. Johns. All
of these things have, and arc being
done in St. Johns by some mis
guided citizens, but St. Johns
keeps right on in the middle of the
road to future irreatness. 1 here is
110 more prosperous or enterprising
city of its size on the coast. The
next two or three years will make
such an advance in the industries
and commerce of the city that those
leaviuir here now will not be able
to recognize the place when they
return then. Our enterprising
merchants arc delivering the goods
regardless of the cry of the calamity
howler, at prices as low as any
other city in touch with our coplc,
and he who is so foolish as to trade
elsewhere will be out his time and
car fare. Hut do not disturb the
kickers, they arc doing good by
waking up some of the sleepyheads
ami causing tliein to sit up and
take notice.
Then, if you are one of the (lis
gruutled lot, one of the Mainline
gastronomic sufferers, take n reef
In your calamity rigging, swing
over 011 the other track before you
are rim down by the progress of
our little city, and bear it hand lu
steering her to yet more proscrous
and progressive waters Uy so
Five millions in gold coin coming I
to the coast at fast mail speed is an
instance of Uncle Sam's method of
providing for his kids by the big
waters. He knows wc have the
collateral here to protect it.
VV. C. T. U. Meeting
Grammar Grades Standing.
mew. U. 1. U. of fat. Johns At the close of the school month
Monday, to listen to, tlie report of the fntlnwimr Ki,i,
tlie state convention ;also to appoint spelling, geography or history,
superiiuenuems lor we cumins arithmetic, application and deport-
We hope Uncle Sam's hired men ycar 111 the different departments of mcnt. Thc following pupils stood
in the capitol at Washington, D. C. the work. the highest in the several classes,
will continue the squeezing opera- The report of the state conven- 9.jj Catharine Coffin, o-A Nellie
tion until all watered stocks arc tion was given by Mrs. Scott and Robinson, 8-B Ruth Smith 7-13
made as dry as a jrawder house, was listened to with closest attcn- Kdyth Nelson, 7-A Anna Joy G-Ii
1 lien ousuiess would oe put upon a tioti bv evcrv member orcsent. It r liitn.. Mte.. r.. a tw..
solid basis and gambling reduced to Was very interesting and encourag- e.n-i Ruby Clark c-H-2 Rachel
a minimum in thc stock market. Uw mid shows good gains all along
the hue. 1 here is good promise of 5.A-2 Gcorgie Bilyett. 4-B Olvicna
aggressive, persistent work during
the coming ycar, and it is hoped
that the rummies who arc now on
the run will be kept jumping.
1 tic following arc the appoint
ments: mothers meetings, Mcs-
dames Kerr and Stockton; narcotics
Wednesday announces the nr
rival of the Lyra, a freighter from
around the horn, and reproduces a
hair raising talc of one of thc offi
ccrs who was chased at one time
into a Cuban mud hole by an in
furiated aligator, where the saurian
got stuck
the officer,
titft In fl.1 I
man may be 'something of a Lyra Smith rind Day; scientific temper- show our pretty girls what you arc
Supply your needs in Rubbers and Umbrellas. Ladies'
umbrellas, fancy handles, steel frames, special values
$1 and 1.25.
Men's Umbrellas, 23 inch, strong and durable, special at
Kxclusivc Agency "Headlight" Overalls, Union made.
Holbrook Block
Prall Mercantile Co.
Coleman, 4-A-i Wesley Wrinkle, fth-
4--z uomc npies.
Anna Joy stands at the head
with 1 00 per cent. What is thc
matter with our boys? Thc only
one in the above list is Wesley
Wrinkle. Surely they arc not
: and was despatched by Mrs- loinlinsonj evangelistic, Miss going to permit the bright eyes to
r. Thc tale may be true, Brown; jail work, Mcsdames Aiken beat them on' in the race for nil
it sounds like the sailor n"d Youiit; (lower work, Mcsdames education. Hit the grit, lads and
The St. Johns Gas Light and
Heat company has issued n neat
mid tasty prospectus filled with val
uable information in regard to this
city. In looking It over wc noticed
two little errors. It advertises the
fact that thc city "supports a live
newspaper, Thc" News," but the
only publication wc have seen so
far is the Review. Possibly they
nrc foreshadowing a competitor in
the field and if so, common courtesy
would have also mentioned our
paper, we therefore charitably give
them the credit for the first error.
The other error is that they had
thcprititliigdoiiciu Portland instead
of in the Review office, where they
could have had the work done just
ancc instruction, Mrs. Weeks;
Loyal Temperance Legion, Mrs.
Ollcnbcck; press work, Mrs. Stock
ton. Secretary.
Building Permits Issued.
No. 1 14 to Bickford & Tenant,
to erect an office building on lot .1,
lock .11, James John addition,
fronting on Jersey !ctwccu Chicago
and Baltimore streets, of concrete
blocks 25x35, otic story, for Kd F.
Day, ft 750.
No. its to Dick ford & Tenant
to erect a residence for Geo. West
on tot 17. block 8 South St. Johns,
fronting on Jersey between Utichau-
an and Wall streets, $1200.
No. 1 to to J. C. Cunningham to
good for. It is up to you.
Monthly School Rhpokt.
St. Johns High School, Clara A.
Iloss, principal.
number of days taught . . 20
Whole number of days at
tendance 3244.5
whole number of days ab
sent 122.5
Number of times late 8 1
Number of pupils neither
absent nor late 78
Average number of pupils
belonging .. 118 1
Averngc daily attendance. 1 12
Per cent of attendance . . . 94.6
No. of visits by parents . . 10 1
Number of visits by mem
bers of school board . .
Total number of pupils 011
.... .....11 - ... I A .... 1. ... .. s.hIm.. I .. I I I . t t . . .
Il.t IVL'II llllfl III II 1I1W II III UL?ilIl!zlllll: I urnif n4lt ittmn n irt t I.TamU
-- - " ' I WV IV.llUWIIWVi Ull IVt A Ut UV. IV 1 a
wouiii nave nutied soinctiiiug more point View, fronting on Fessciiden.
to the town they ore to do business
in, for every dollar that we make
is devoted to pavim: for and im
proving property here, or at other
places , where, as soon as it can be
disposed of satisfactorily, the pro
cecds will be trauslerrcd here. If
this was the first instance, wc
would not have thought much of it,
but we certainly believe in the doc
trine of reciprocity and will want to
between Charleston and Richmond
streets, I600.
Y. P. S. C. E. Social
St. Johns Grammar school,
C. Aldcrsou, principal.
Number of days taught .
No. days attendance
No. days absent
Whole No. times late . . .
No. pupils neither absent
nor lute
Average No. of pupils
A v. dally attendance. . .
Per cent of attendance. .
Irtll l.T 1111; HIM, w IIIW 11)11, HI, I - -r,---"---- -- . . I rillllflltll. Ill
Mtnndi.nt of most schools. Parents "".' will sooner place yourself
can wreiitlv aid thu Instructors bv I'.asy street uild Will the com-
---- -- -1 1 f.ii 1. 1..
t ic r v s it nml 11 1-iirw! mini fi-Mlu. iiiciniiiuun.s ui your icnow.s. 11 1.1
lion nf tin hili-ri-sl lliiv lntri In Ihi just like fun and better than a
schools, fiet out iiih'l 11 nwinih I nuitluee.
parents anil see how the young
Idea is taught to shoot.
l'he little flurry in finances caus
ed by the oiierallons of wall stieet
should be a lesson to the financiers
of Portland. There is not the
slightest reason for a dollar of our u....i i a.i,.... nt.i. As we are going to press the
money being tied up in New York .iTi.e ..., w,om ti10 ,,nvcs. , young of the city are in the height
any more than theie is for its being i... ...n 1 ui J n... oi their glee and there is more fun
I...I.I !.. I I.... 11 l i.k mum mi.! niiu (iiiivmwiM till, inv , i.r . ... ... i
111 i.iiiiiiiiii, iiuiii; rkiiiii: 111 liny , 1 , .1 .., n 11 i,i
Ctissie Chadwick, who has caused
I more misery in the world than most
women do, died in prison last week
after it lingering illness. St. Johns
'And the man (Adam) said:
rhcY.P. S. C. H. of the Church
of Christ of St. Johns entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Hitgood, 408 Thompson street
1 hutsday evening, October 2.1th
use St. Johns gas when it comes, and n good number of the members No. of visits by parents
1 ue prosK.'ctus snows uie new gna 01 mc society aim incir inciidsi tNo. of visits by mem
to ik omcercu uy cuicr- gaiucrcu tu mis picasnni iiotuc ami
capable business men, enjoyed n most happy evening.
men who hnve had wide experience The rooms were decorated with
mid have ample means to handle autumn leaves, ferns and cut
the gas enterprise and their offer is flowers, making them very pleasant
very liberal indeed. If our coplc Indeed. They had a candy pull,
with 1111 abundance of the sweets
which never tnste miltc so well as
when pulled by yourself or sweet
heart. 1 here were 38 present ibid
all expressed themselves as having
a delightful time
bers of school board
Total number of pupils
on register
have any idle money to invest, they
will undoubtedly snap these bonds
up at once.
- t
Council Meeting
A Reliable Remedy lor Croup.
Mrs. S. Roslnthal of Turner.
other foreign coiiimeicial center.
Our banks can give letters of credit
to any of these places. The pro
ducts of the Pacific Nntthwcst are
so voluminous and valuable as to
warrant a arrangement in
Portland that would handle nil the
money necessary to carry all this
product to market. It is 11 shorter
haul to Portland than to New York
with the Rock Island, Milwaukee
nud Northwestern toads strniiiiug
.. t . . t t it .
every nerve to complete tueir lines
to salt water, transportation fnciti
ties will be improved nud Porllniu
should be prepared by another year
to reciprocate tlie attentions of wall
sttcel mid withdraw every dollar of
our money from their banks. The
fact that the bank clearings of l'oit
luud last week reached $,501,303
as ngniust I5,y3.-M7 l'M ywr i i
indication of the healthy state of
finances heie.
It docs not take an octogenarian
to hark back to the time when Wall
street ruled the finances of this
country when a hint from that
gambling joint that a financial panic
was imminent would cause every
capitalist great and small to call in
every available dollar they had.
That time has passed. Following
the cue given tccently by Rocke
feller Wall stteet has done every
thing in its jniwer to piccipitntc n
financial panic similar to that under
thc Cleveland regime, but all in
vain. While these bulls and lears
huve Ikx'H playing with lin
stock market in New York, the
country has been developing and
such is the wonderful prosiKirity of
our laud that the .scheme has prov
en n boomerang ami tne very men
who were instrumental in their ef
forts to down the country have had
to come to the relief of their willing
tools to save them from theexticm
uy into which tuey were driven 111
their ignorance of the conditions of
the people of the nation. Outside
of their own immediate circle
scarcely a ripple was felt in the fi
uaucial world, ami New York has
learned that she is 110 longer the
master of the financial situation and
that this country can exist nud do
business if she nud Wnll street were
wiped off the face of the earth, The
little flurry causing the closing of
the banks of the Northwest for n
day or so caused little alarm and
little inconvenience and is the ut
most of Wall street's efforts, while
25 years ago the same efforts would
huve ruined batiks in every city nml
town in the laud. Wnll street has
lost her grip on the finances of the
country. So long as the good Lord
gives us ruin and sunshine nud
abundant crops we need never
i'lic above clipping from the Or
egon City in reference to
a siiuib which npiK-ured in this pa
cr during our absence in the east
in connection with nil editorial
the same issue of that paer too
long to reproduce would intimate
that we looked with contempt iim)ii
womankind. While it does not
matter, and causes us to smile at
the spasm from which our brother
evidently sulleied at the time, we
wish to go 011 tccord as believing
that if all the men in the world, in
eluding our good brother of the l?n-
terprisc, were lined up side by side
with all the women in the world
before the l.ord Omnipotent to de
cide which of the two divisions of
the nice were the most honest, lion
orable, the tiuest and the liest, the
women would carry olT the bun by
a latge majority. Hut this docs not
affect Cassie'scase, and we believe if
Lassie had not lied
Cassie had not died,
lift. . . r t t
wueti iiovcrunr iiiaiUDcri.ini is
sued his proclamation declaring a
holiday of the last days of the week
our local bank followed the action
...I. f .. .. . , ,
01 uie naiiK.s 01 roriiaun, cioseti us
doors; but when it was learned that
the Portland banks were owning
for business lefore the time was up I
the local bank followed suit and
opened its doors nlso, having suffi
cient funds to cover pay rolls mid
supply the needs of the ordinary
business ot the city the same as I
usual. We think, as we huve al
ready stated, that there was no ne
cessity for this extra precautionary
move, but the clearing house offi
cials perhaps felt justified in taking
the steps tney did. there are no
safer banking institutions in the na
tion than those of ours, nud there
are none which have as good back
ing anywhere 111 the nation us the
banks of the Pacific Northwest; we
know this for we have traversed
the territory in two different direc-
it . 1 i t.. . .1
nous (luring tue past uirce weeks
and know what is ichiud us in the
way of productions, the source from
which the wealth of our banking
institutions is derived.
to the block in St. Johns than it
lakes to supply n vaudeville tor n
week. It reminds us of the old
lays nud makes us wish we could
be with the kids, llut there is no
rest for the wicked and the toor
devil of 11 printer has to get in nud
We hoix! that our boys nud girls
wtll all come out of the niinual
frolic with whole hides and sound
limbs. The only bad feature about
the practice is that there is too oft
en n class of youths mixed with
those who have good horse sense,
who think there is 110 fun in any
thing unless it injures some person
or gives pain to some animal. This
is the class from which comes our
vugs, hobos, ruffians, criminals oi
all kinds. We think their number
s small in St. Johns, We have
seen but littte indication of their
existence here nud we hope that
our boys nud girls who may meet
them this hallo ween may give
them the cold shoulder they de
serve. 11 is rigiu to nave n utile
e , .
inn 111 tne expense 01 our iriemis
if we do them 110 personal or fiuuti
cial harm. Hut there is the rub.
The city fathers met as per ad
journment 'Iucsdny evening, but
being Governor Chamberlain's boll
day they honored his Hxccllcncy
by promptly adjourning until next
lucsday evening. After adjourn
mcnt the citizens of Ilartinan street
debated the matter of improving
that street in Oak Park additions
Mtoi.Un,, iiw. 1 uiai sireei in uhk rnric
Mi.iMitu . titttv iinvu I I A (III . ll
Chamberlain's Cnnuli Kei..Mv for ouc ",m wo: . were good
nnr.K...a .....I t. ..... i speakers on both sides, and not-
yearsnndi " f
ii.i.a.b .1... ..i.. f., ...J the inntter mid the earnestness of
nml nnn , rA......A...l U M " U41C, U KIWI UCUI OI lllinil-
IMKMIl WVMIItlt Willi III I ..II l t . t 1 I
' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iitrtfi turn 1 in nunnit
iiiiiik- viiuivii tit ftw kttw kakftltv
We can but add n thought here.
Not having any interest one way or
the other, except to see that our
good friends get the matter satis
factorily settled for nil concerned.
it does seem to us that it would be I
better to place the grade of Ilart
inan street where it will be obliged
For sale by St. Johns drug store.
f i .1. ... 1
.in . L'..n... .....
w,. 1, ,n,a iw ruu,v lliw llllllli;.
you wish ndvice about your busi
iiess affairs, how to control the one
VOII love, even llmnili inili-i nu-ni
Btves secret nower to contro ot hers- lu nuuuir ur uiicr, ami 1101
110 difference how close or how far havc to lI the work ovcr Kai "t
nwav. ua K'eiu cxiieusc or greater, uiaii 11 1
1.1 r..i.ii.. ., . .
Ifvonnn. s oL- mi. nnolmk. none niMiuy now: loan to sunn y nr iiu,-niirniH.t iv. Wiw make a wagon road through nt this
------ - w ww w a . .... - - . . 1
Gi vit Ur in despair. Come nud re- ,Me' 1 ,,e Kntleinan making the
celve advice that will help you to mosl reotJ object on to the cut-
receive IIkai.tii. Wkaltii and ltxu K w'llU l,e wceiioiwiy termed
Plant an ad. in
St. Johns Review
Room 11, New St. Johns Hotel.
corner of lltirliiigton nud Ivaiihoe
streets, Readings; palmistry 35
cents, cards 50 cents, clairvoyant
All idwtlitmtit i4r this
head oat bit ftr Mk wttk
No id. liken for Im th rw kkt. 9vtr U
Merdt two bits a wk charted.
if ou wuut 10 tmv. reut. cll or ex.
change projrty mw Wolcott (The Kent
II KM Wantkii At the Woolen Mills.
KxiH.-rieiicnl liamU preferred. Several
goint jxwitioiu open, Apply at office,
WASIII.NO W'ANTltD Home la.lin.irv
work ami will k'o oat ami wash by the
uiiy. AiiureMi 519 i joga, folnt View, jop
I'OK SAUt Several water ivuiel duiu
lilies. Inmilrfiil l. v. IVitier at ivnr
V l.ooiii's iianlware tore.
I I . . I
nuui n luriiuiicii iiouse in a g00' local-1
ity. eheuii rent, ask I. K. Williams, lie
has one.
a canal, it seems to us would not
lose by the transaction if the street
were cut to grade and he then
levelled his lot back from the street,
taking off the high part and filling I
up the low part of his lot until it I
came to a level. If he did this, he
would have the most desirable lot
in that section and the street would
be none too low. Others each side
of him, if they adopt the same plan
would be equally benefitted and
this part of the city greatly im
proved in appearauce. ut course.
this Is just an outsider's view. We
may be wrong, but we would like
for our good friends there to think
of this suggestion. One thing is I
sure, and that is, that our good
citizens in that part of town should
have facilities turntslied for getting
to and from their property, and ad
equate lighting of the streets to I
enable them to keep on the side
J If You Want to See the Newest in
I Wearing Apparel Visit the Style Store
A Pioneer's Welcome
Plain Skwing Plain.
done at J 19 South Jersey,
Room ami llo.vtm
11 eat
1 wo cur loans 01 gold com snip
ped on a moment's notice from
Loudon for the use of the trade in
this country is n pretty good evi
dence of our stunding with foreign
watch your business
Mrs. I-.lizabeth Uyars, a pioneer
ln.a . - . I
lot bt. Johns who moved to Fort-
land about 25 years ago, has moved
back among us, and is now living
on her old home place, iu the new
residence of her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Basey.
.Kv biwiNi; MachikK The New I A number of her old friends, learn.
Koyai tx-wmi: Machine, one ol the best. I t.r ! l.c l.'nM .o 1.0. i.:..i.
IICW Stock, more miiiltur. I.nv in nrirx. I . . . .
.. ... "-o- 1 nm. itiiv nir n mnntil- curnnca
iuy iuivv. it. v. uiark.' Sl-til. " v.. : .
1...... ......1 1, "T"77r Trr..rr ttt I UV -ong wmi wcu nuieu duskcis
IM..(,J-lVC UUUKIll I ,1 I.J... .t I
Anyone ttcsiritii!
I a warm room ami home cooking, call at I
noo w ilHmctte boulevanl.
thetock otj, M. Stuw thc furniture
man of the l'rench block and other new
goods, b'xvUI lurgaiui now. Don't
laii 10 sec lliem
II. 1'. Claik.
tremble at me uiutiuerings ot wall u,ade
street deiuagogues, mistloings.
Wonder what would have hap-
jwtted if they had sqeczed a few
more sloit buckets full of water out
of those stocks in Wall street. Too
bad the way those gamblers have
to suffer by their own
I'ov.NO On Ivuuhoc street ialr of
line eye gta,fec. Owner can have same
liy proving property and paying for this.
At. Harris' Old Stand
Flue line of cigars, tobaccos, can
dies, uuts, fresh fntits.
come their old friend in their midst
again. Those present were: Mrs.
T. R. Turubull of Vancouver:
Mesdames C. N. Ray, I. R. Neale.
h. M. Kandle, bred Garduer audi
Master Gardner of Portland: Mcs-l
dames N. Caples, H. Ashby. Wak-
ely, Turrell. Wynn, M. Basey, Miss
b. L'aples, Mr, and Mrs. W. E.
Ashby, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Basey.
u. ueau aua j, j. liasey.
Bring lu your priutiug now.
"Clothes of Proven Quality"
Is the just title to the Suits, Top Coats, Overcoats and Crnv
cnettcs wc show this season in our Men's Room.
They represent every new thought in stylish wearing apparel.
They are cut, styled and tailored in the most skillful maimer,
and nrc the smartest products of such famous makers as the
Sleln-IJIoch, the llros. nud the Hr.idbury System, what
is efficient guaranty for absolute satisfaction. They are priced
right, from $15 to $35. Besides giving style, quality and
price, we invite you to nvoil yourself of our credit system,
which simply means that you are privileged to select your out
fit now, wear it, and pay later 011 in small weekly or monthly
payments, ns may best suit your convenience. Have it when
you want it, pay when you can,
(Eastern Outfitting Co.
M Cor. Washington and Tenth Sts.
HIDING, DRIVING and all the summer Jjxirts may he enjoyrd
Correspondingly Low Rate to other Cities iu Southern
California, via the famous
Shasta Route-Southern Pacific Company
"The Road of a Thousand Wonders"
For beautifully illustrated liookleU, descrip
tive of California and its Winter Resorts,
Call on any SOUTHERN PACIFIC Agent
Portlaud Oregon - Third and Washington Sts,
Business and residence income property. All kinds of vacant
property, acreage in lots and farms. River frontage, best and
cheapest on the market.
J. S. Downey & CO 108 1-2 Jersey Street
Undertakers Embalmers
Phones: Main office, East io83 nnn
Branch office, Woodlawu 232 U0 JtHOCI ST'