THE ST JOHNS REVIEW rublMid Ertrr Friday IlV MAKKt.K & IIVHRMttt. TllK RltVIlM Is entered nt jxist office In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns nmll matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. flubierlptlon rstei, $1.00 per rear In adranee. Phono Cast 0106. omdil Newipaptr of Ihe Ottr or St Johns, FRIDAY, OCTOHKU 25, 1907. The business men of Portland! addressed ttic pupils of most of the schools of tlic city last I'ririay after noon. This practice is becoming n Imbit which otir business men should acquire in St. Johns. i Gresham covered herself with Now for the Gas Everything is Coming St. Johns' Way Works! ORDINANCE NO. 156 glory and was grateful to the other towns of Multnomah county for participating in her fair. The showing of live stock, vegetables and fruit was very fine; there was a great variety of entertainment; thousands from Portland were in attendance. The enterprise was a success and will be repeated on a larger scale next year. I Saturday niiriil ucloncr 12m n bunch of boys went to a Canby sa loon and boo.ed up extensively. The consequence is that one of the lads is dead from the effects of the drinking and it has aroused the citizens to such an extent that the saloonkeeper is likely to get a part of what is coining to him. Our laws do not provide a sufficient tKMialty for selling Honor to boys. It is bad enough to sell it to drunk en men, but to get the foolish boys into a saloon anil nil them up with the poison should be crime enough to make it n life sentence on the rock pile. RESOLUTION Notice Is Hereby (liven Thai (it the (Meeting of the Council of the Cllyof St. Johns, Oregon, Held on the 22d day of October, A. 0. 1907, the Following Resolu tion Was Adopted: Resolved. 'J'hiit tliei'iilllioll nf llierltv of St. Julian, Olegon, iliiiiis It expedient mill promtes to improve I'ulk stint (mill Willamette lloulevaid to the north I li in- of SI. Johns Heights addition In the follow Inn manner. In wit- To establish tin iiirin-xiry grade for iwvluu iiml to iiniiiiivi Nilil Poll; triil, luy sidewalks, grade, fit'. Said improvement to lie made in accordance I wllli the charter and ordinances of the I'ltyof St. Johns, nud tin- iihuis, sh'H1 I'litinti uud vsllmutt'S of the rllv ciii'l- la it, llltil In the ollirc of the m-oidrr of (lie city of SI. Johns. The cost id Mild I impl tivi'iilt'iit lo hi' iism-mmM im pro. Idol I by Iho rlly charter iiiii I Ik- pmin'rly swi.iiiy nun KCiiiiaiiy iicnciiimi hick ly mid which la heicby diclarcil to Ik.' all the Inlii, imiIh thciinf, mid lnnds ofl land within a Hue list feet fioni Hit' out side IIiiit of inch side of the said I'nlk tint. The i iikIiuhm's intimate ol tin- oioIm hit' tulnl rml fur the linproviiui'lit of said Mlit't l vai.oo. Tlio plans, svllicnliou mid estimates! in ine I'liv vnguuvr lor tut' inipiovciucnl in wiiii I'olk htuil mi' iii'ivhy niiopi- KoMilvud, Thai thr lity ici-oidi-r ofl the city nf St. J oh to. he. mid Is, hi'ieby illnt'lt'it In give nolli'i'iif thi' noioit'il iininovi'ini'iii in Kim roik siieei n provldiM I iy the city charter. lUimotislriiuai. iiuniiihl the above Im- n fiuiiit tuny he filed In writing with the llinliilslgliml willllll 15 da) (loin the dale of tlio lirsl publication of this no I ice. Ily order of the eoiiiii'll. A. M. I.kwin, City Uivonler. I'iiIiIMiihI in the St. John Review Oct. IS. ly7- RESOLUTION Notice is Hereby (liven That nt the Meeting of the Council of the City of St. Johns, Oregon, Held on the 22ml Day of Octokr, A. I). 1907, the PoIIouIiik Re; oltillon Was Adopted: UttMttvixl. That the Couia.ll of the Oil v of Si. John, Oregon, deems it exiKslient mid iiroMi t iinpmve llurliiigtmi sueet iiuin ine, noiineny line m Jersey mil in ine soiimuriy line in iveiiogg II ill in ine loiiowiug inaiiniT. to wit: To establish Ihe necessary grude for imving and lo improve said llurltutuii BHieii iiij biviiik, mmi'l, civ. i-Mit improvement!, to lie made in accordance with the charter and ordinance of the city of St. Johns, and the plan, sH-cjli-culion mid estimates of the citv I'luil- neer. filed in the oilice of the recordei of the city of St. JoIiiih. The cost of Mid improvement to he mscsvI as provided by the city charter iim Ihe pmpcrtv specially and peculiarly lK'iii'iltlcl tiieie hy and which i heiehy declared to Ik.- nil the loU. parts thereof , mid parcels of land within a line no feet from the outside line of iwcli side of the baid lluiliugtoii st reel. The engineer's etiinate of the nroUi- hie total cost fur the intproveineiit of said treet U f ly.8a. The plan, specifications and estimate hi tlic city engineer lur tlio Improvement in b-iui nuriiiiKioii kiieei me ninny adopted, Uekolvetl, That the city recorder of I the city of St. John bo, mid in, hereby directed to give notice of ihe pniM.'d improvement 01 Mini luirniinlon kiivet as provideii uy uie city charter. Kcinoiiitrunci'k uvnitixt the iibovv Im provement may bo filed in writing with ine miiieriKticu wiiiiui is uayn irom tlic date of the tirkt publication of thin notice. Ily order of the Council. A.M. lisso.v, City Hecorder. We already have our big saw mills, our planing mills, our immense woolen factory, large flouring mills, shipyards, dry dock, machine shops and a host of miscellaneous factories, making St. Johns the busiest city iu the West, and now comes THE ST. JOHNS' GAS, LIGHT AND HEAT CO. Dristling with energy, enterprising to a dot, and overflowing with determination, to augment our list of urgent necessities by the construction of A Thoroughly Up-to-date Gas Plant Which will supply our homes, stores, offices, factories and other places of business with that most desirable and safe illuminaut, and it will not be long until our housewives will cook with Gas, our homes will be lighted with Gas, Gas will furnish the necessary fuel for the ojcrntioti of much of the machinery of the city, and the coal bin and wood pile will be consigned to a much merited and in glorious oblivion. It will be n glad day for St. Johns when this hour comes. All over the country Gas is being employed iu ever increasing quantities, the mechanical genius of man having invented so many uses for the commodity that the expansion of its manufacture is growing beyond all compre hension. I'or example, iu our neighboring city of Portland there are numerous districts fairly cry ing to the Portland Gas company to "Come over and help us" by extension of its mains and pipes to the city's homes, that its Gas might supplant the exorbitantly expensive cord wood and coal now iu use. When our coplc have enjoyed the luxury of this Inexpensive light and heat producer for a season, we shall hear the same cry here. Our local company wilt be importuned on every hand to hurry its service to all sections of the city, so that even those in the remotest quarter may participate iu the advantages to be derived from the use ot this Cheap, Clean, Labor Saving Heat and Light Production "Of nil the discoveries which make for genuine comfort and convenience," says a well known writer, "it is doubtful if a single one (Gas) has won so intimate a relation to the domestic economy of civili.ed nations, It plays n most important part iu city life. It not only lights the homes, offices, stores and streets, but warms the chilly comers, cooks the meals, provides cheap, convenient owcr; it heats the bath and furnishes a cheerful, glowing fire all at the mere touch of a match." The in ventor was told that he "couldn't light Loudon with smoke," but he was not discouraged, and today the bcnfiec.Micc of his genius is felt in all civili.ed communities Iu fact Gas is ns staple ns coal, wood or oil, and, best of all, the cheaper other fuels become, the more cheaply can Gas be produced, so that no matter how sjieedily prices of wood, coal or oil scamper down grade, the cost of Gas pro duction will be found galloping headlong far away iu the lead of them. (Ins Bonds, Therefore, Next Only to Gold, arc the Best Securities on Earth. "Ilonds and Mortgages," New York's great financial publication, recognized by money lend ets as authority on all classes of securities, says of Gas stocks and bonds: "Of H77 gas companies having five hundred and seventy-five million dollars of stocks and bonds issued, less than one cr cent were in default of the payment of any interest, n record justify ing no little pride. When electricity came to be a factor as n lighting owcr, the doom of gas was many times picdictcd, and for a while such securities were correspondingly depressed, but it was not of long duration. It develoK.'d that the use of electricity actually increased the consumption of gas, because of the demand for better lighted buildings. Gas securities have therefore become to be rec ognized as most staple, iiud are favored by many careful investors." $15,000 of the St. Johns Gas Light and Heat Company's Bonds arc now offered for Subscription to the Public of St. Johns. These bonds run for 20 years, draw 6 kt cent Interest nod are payable, principal and interest, iu United States Gold Coin, interest payable semi-annually. The bonds will be Issued Iu multiples of taxi each, and of this first subscription 100 IN STOCK WIM, H ISSUHI) l'KKlt WITH KVKUV $100 HON I), therefoie, even when the bonds have been paid off and retired, the purchaser will still have his stock, which will continue its dividends throughout all time to come, 'litis stock will not die with the expiration of the bonds. It will live on and on till the crack of doom, and in creasing iu value with every additional building erected in the city. Our Gas Franchise is for 25 Years. It has been granted upon very favorable conditions, and as the city is bound to continue its uma.liig growth, so wilt the business of the Gas company continue to expand until its stock divi dends touch mi altitude (hat wilt more than satisfy the most craving of its owners. Never Wits There a Brighter Prospect Than That of St. Johns. So far as imputation is concerned, the city is iu its swaddling garments n mere babe In arms uotwitlistnuillug it lias grown irom a village ol 400 to a city 01 4000 willilu tlic last llirec years. Phenomenal ns has been its expulsion in the past, it will be even more astonishing iu the future. All our H-ople are familiar with the transformations constantly taking place. The one private and two new National banks just entering the field, and the two new saw mills that arc coming into ex istence, the large packing houses soon to be iu oH.'ratiou, the numerous sites secured uud inquiries for others for factory puiMses, are matters ot general knowledge. That our water front is the most spacious, and our shipping facilities the best as well ns the least cxeusive, is not controverted by any one. That St. Johns will manufacture 11 greater variety of wooden products than any other city on the coast, those of the keenest crccptihilitic.s readily concede. That our city will crowd the jkh insula fiom liver to liver is beyond the pale of doubt, and that the ST. JOHNS GAS LIGHT AND 11KAT COMPANY'S piojierty will incubate into the arena of the wealthy corporations will not bear disputation, and These Bonds are Secured by livery Dollars' Wortli of Property it Con trols or Will Control When it Begins Operations. They will be 11 fust claim upon its real estate, its buildings, its franchise mid all and singular its properties of eveiy kind and deseiiption, so that for absolute security there can be no safer jwper anywhere on earth. Having personal iuteiests iu St. Johns, and being keenly interested in her wel fare and citizens, we offer these bonds to our home people now, so that the profits may come into the pockets of those we .shall have ns our icriuaiieut patrons and not to others iu whom we are not at all concerned. As a matter of fact, we have both n selfish and n friendly purpose iu thus placing these bonds 011 sale iu this community. Selfish, because we want to pay our dividends to those who, from this business relation, will become interested iu their home enterprise mid so familiar with its business methods that they will remember it iu kindly conversation with their neighbors, and a friendly inter est, because St. Johns has been so kind to us that we feel grateful for the goodness of her people, and desite to aid them iu every way one friend can aid another. OUR PROPERTY IN ST. JOHNS. We own 100x150 feet on the railroad track, nnd only 200 feet from the river dock. Our buildings will be erected on this tract, so that fuel oil may be pumped into our tanks ut little cost. This is now the fuel to be had on this market. Our building, 100x100 feet, two stories and of galvanized iron, fireproof and modern, present able to the eye and in keeping with its surroundings, is fashioned after the latest designs and will ac commodate the business for many years. It is not likely it will be necessary to add to it uutil St. Johns population has passed the 50,000 mark. The cost of our plant is estimated at $70,000. It may go n trifle aliove that figure, on account of the tapid expansion of the city. From the start we will be able to make 7000 cubic feet of Gas per hour, nnd our storage tanks will have a cijucity of 30.000 cubic feet. It is believed that, measured by dollars, our franchise is a valuable asset, and that when com pleted the works will leadily sell for at least 120,000. Such is the present security for the 1 15,000 of bonds we are now offering the people of St. Johns for public subscription. Our Gas making machinery will be of the very latest design and perfection of Its kind. It will be csecially adapted to the consumption of California oil, which is of extreme significance, from nu economical statuloiut. It means larger dividends than could otherwise be had. Messrs. Hiuuions & Hmuions, the eminent lawyers, nre responsible for the legality of our bonds, and the city ordinance upon which they stand has passed the strictest scrutiny of the city at- 2 toruey of St. Johns. There is, therefore, no question of the legality of either the bonds or ordinance 0 under which the franchise was obtained, 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION j 5 Remember, every buyer of n 100 bond gets $100 worth of stock as a present from the com- T patiy. This affords 0 eretual income from the dividends, even after the bonds have been paid off and retired. The bonds are issued in fractions of $ioo each, and may be secured at either the Bank i of St. Johns, St. Johns, Oregon, or nt the Portland office of the company, 206-207-208 Couch bldg. Office telephones: Main Si 15; AM857, St. Johns Gas Light and Heat Co. AN ORDINANCE granting to S. V. DAVIDOR for the use of the proposed Company (0 be known as the ST. JOHNS' OAS LIGHT & HEAT CO., Its successors and assigns the right to con struct, acquire, own, maintain, conduct and operate a plant or plants for the manufacture and distribution of gas in the City of St. Johns, Oregon, to sell gas for domestic purpose and other purposes and to lay pipes and mains for the purpose of con ducting and distributing said gas through, in, and over said city. era of km the privilege such rnnges upon paymen installments of jmrchnslng year from the dnte this ordinance be lt ot monthly comes of effect, strikes, Inclement wcntli jcr, judicial actions, injunctions, and The L'ravltv of iras nroduccil shall be other Indiclal delays without theconsent nt least 565 II. T. units and of a 34 camtle of the grantee, its successors anil assigns, power. 1 to lie not considered in the unitl one year, Section 4. All rights, privileges nnd then said bonil shall he declared for- frnnchiscs Rrnnteil to or conferred Uon felted nnd nction tuny he taken by the snlil S. V. DAVIDOR, for the use of the city to recover thereon, proposed Company, to be known ns the .Section 8. In the event that the said ST. JOHNS' OAS LIOHT&HHAT CO., S. V. DAVIDOR, for the use of the pro- Its successors nnd assigns, by tills onll- posed Company, to be known ns the ST. nance shall continue, exist nnd remain JOHNS' OAS LIGHT & HUAT CO., Its In full force for the period of as years successors nml nsslgus, shall fall totualu- from the dny this ordinance becomes of tain the said plant or property In good force. order and repair nt nliy time during the Sections. Said S. V. DAVIDOR, for term hereof or shall fall to provide ctTi- the use of the proposed Company, to lie dent service In the supplying of gns for known ns the ST. JOHNS' OAS LIGHT domestic or other purposes nt nny time & I IK AT CO., Us successors and assigns, during the said term, the Council of the In consideration of the franchise, rights City of St. Johns tuny nftcr the rcfusnl of nnd privileges granted by this ordinance said grantee, or Its successors or nsslgns nnd ns comiicusntiou for the my to 111 ng sums, same snail Johns the follow- THK CITV OK ST. JOHNS DOKS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. That there be nnd herein- Is granted to S. V. DAVIDOR, for the txiv to tnc 1: tv ot nt lug sums, towlt: The sum of $350.00 each year until said city has a population of 4000 nnd up to 5000; the sunt of fjoo. 00 each year after said city has n popula tion ot 5000 until It lias 11 (lopuiauou 01 10,000; the sum of fjso niter snld city to commence repairing same for the period of sixty days nfter notice on part of the city of such delinquency, declare nil rights mid privileges granted to the said S. V. Davldor, for the use of the proposed Company, to be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS LIGHT &HKAT CO., Its successors nnd assigns, forfeited nnd hasn lxitiulntlou of 10,000 until it hns .may revoke nil rights nnd privileges con- n population of 15,000; the sum of 400 tallied herein. each year nfter said city has n population I Section 9. The snld S. V. DAVIDOR, of 15,000 until It has n population of for the use of the proposed Company, to 30,000; the sum of 450.00 each year be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS after said city lias a population of 30,000 , LIGHT & III'.AT CO., Its successors nnd until it hasn population of 35,000; the nsslgns. shall revive, reconstmct, or sum of fsoa.w nfter snld city has 11 iiopu-1 otherwise repair nnd keep In good con- lntion 01 35,010 until 11 11ns n population , union wncnevcr uirccteii uy uc Lity of 35,000; nnd the yenr lifter said city 35.000, sum litis of f 550.00 each Council and In such manner ns the ior 111c . .... ....., .. ... use of the tirotiose.l Ciiimimmv in l. K us successors nun assigns, known as the'sT1. JOHNS' TO LIGHT u T!T"" ' 1 nml said Treasurer shall issue his rccci aciju V. IftJIT n f Ut f,i1... r 1... inwii .U.,i vll, J Willi, VJIl-UUIl, m ...l.!,,!. I. ..II successors nnd assigns, the franchise, i'"cnfrf 1 J' ?lm,Vv?Mnni rllfht nild firlvlWu lo cmulnirl. ' tn,,cc ! "''' DAVIDOR. ST"'. K aTS,e,.NSSy'LG gas for domestic, manufacturing nnd & HKAT CO., Its successors nnd assigns ilii.r tnr,w....i will. I.. Hm ii... ii.IIf ,i. for said iiaymcnt. Should snld S. . other puriHjses witiiin the limits of the ,,,,, n, ,i, ltw,.,i L'ltV 01 at. lolins. UrcL'on.niul tofurnlsli. -"-- i'"i-"' 11 population ol 1 municipal ntituoritics may direct those Knelt of the annual payments of tortious of the streets or street nnd other money required by tlili section shall be t public, places, hi, nlong, Uwn, and under made by the said S. V. DAVIDOR, for which said gas pipes and mains arc or -.. a ......... r. '. .. . . . . ... Mian nercaiier oc lain nun snail tuc Willi the City Recorder of St. Johns thirty ij.iys before laying said ples n good nml BiiHicicnt bond In the sum of Two Thou sand Dollars (3.000.00) for the faithful performance of the same; this section Is not to be construct! ns to require the said S. V. Davldor, for the use of tlic the use of the protwscd Comiaiiy, to be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS LIGHT r. fur the to be HT provide nun sen sucn quantities ol gas ns mnv !- rcnulrctl iu the Citv of St. Johns for llghtfiii' streets, stores, public nnd private buildings nml places of nny nnd nil descriptions or other purjioses nnd to construct, operate nnd maintain n gas pipe line system nnd mains with nil necessary feeders nud service plcs Iu connection therewith, in, nlong, ujion nnd under nil streets, nvenucs. lanes. alleys, squares, nnd public places, Includ ing bridges In said city. Section 3, That the work of Islrucllng, erecting nml Installing plant nud works nud the laying of con said said ' gns pic systems nun maim lor tlic con iluct nml distribution of said gas iu nnd , I tlliollL'll snld cllv. shnll bri'ln n kw.ii nu ' possible nfter the ncceptnucc of this t,)r lIe use of the proposed Company, I franchise by tlic Mid S. V. DAVIDOR. 1,0 know" ns the ST. JOHNS' OA ior tuc use 01 tlic proposctl Lompiny, in t Couuiauy, to he known ns the JOHNS' GAS LIGHT & HKAT CO.. successors nud nsslgns, fall or neglect for ten days after the same becomes due nml aynbfe (mid nftcr written notice from the City of St. Johns to pay the same) to pay any of said minimi payments of compensation provided fur Iu this sec tion, the City of St. Johns shall have the tight to collect such overdue pn) incut from said S. V. DAVIDOR, for the use of the proiiosed ComiMiiy, to be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS LIGHT : HKAT CO., its succcsvirs nml nsslgns, by suit or action, nud shall have n lieu uk)U said gas plniil mid malm for the Niytncnt 01 miiic Section 6. TlmtsaldS. V. DAVIDOR, to AS LIGHT & HKAT CO.. Its successors lie known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS, '"id nsslgns, shall in addition lo the LIGHT & HKAT CO.. Its successors nud compensation iiIkivc stipulated furnish nsslgns, nud have said plant Iu oiieratlon nl,"' supply the City Hall of said city witliln one year from the date of the wiiii gas iree 01 cuiirgc lor iwlli mum acceptance ol this franchise, unless .lc-' l"Uioti nml lient. Inyetl by judicial nction orcauses not the I Section 7. Thnl snld S. V. DAVIDOR, fault of the grantee, the same when for the use of the pmiMiscd ComiMiiy, to wholly finished nnd completed to cost be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS iiinixiiiniiciy iinriy-i'ivc iuouiuiiiii, in 1 1 K. l k.u,, its successors nml Dollars If 15,000.00), And lie it further ' nsslgns shall within thirty davs nfter ihe provided that the said S. V. Davldor, . acceptance of this franchise furnish n for the use of the pnitxed Company, to good mid sufficient bond In the sum of lie Known ns tlic hT. JOHNS' GAS , Ten Thousand Dollars (fio.ouMo) run LIGHT & HKAT CO., Its successors mid nlug to the City of St. Johns, approved .); viiiiii cxciiii ill Three Thousand Two Hum! I'lve iMiinr ( per year iiininimiiaiicc 01 tuc Mine. Section 3. That the said 8. V. Dav Idor, for the use of the proposed Com pany, to be known ns the ST. JOHNS' OAS LIGHT & HKAT CO.. its micccks. ors mid nsslgns, shall not during the life of this franchise charge or demand from the consumers of gas hereunder more than the following rate per thousand cubic feet: Until said city has n population ot And when Slid city has n imputation of 5x fl..Q. And when s.i!d city has a population of 10,000 1,30. And when said city has n population of I5,(x f 1.35. And when said city hits n xpulntlnn of 30,000 f 1,10. imi wiicu Mlil city lias n opulatlon population approximately imircii iiigu in ti the by the Mayor nud dcKiteil with the Kccorucr 01 surety lo ot 35,000 1 1. IS. Aim wiicu saiiii city lias n lerencc or other unavoidable cause, be yond the control of wild grantee, its sue rcstors nud nulgtis. then nud in that event tlic? time fur L'nnttriirlli.ti lli.-r.f of nml for taking effect of this franchise All Of the UlKlvc subject to n cai.ll ills- shall lie extended Ix'vnml I lit IkSTlaflll count of 5 per cent on nil bills, If paid j limited for a period of sums of all ilelays or before the 10th of ench moiitli. so caused, but unless said gas plant Is 1 lie Ons Coilipnuv Mlllll rillt nil tIles . eomtilete ami liiili.ll.-il nml Vii... nt from the gas main to the meter where . Thirty Thousand Dollars ( 1ms Hie City 01 ht. Johns ns (or mid conditioned upon the erection, installation nnd operation of Mid gas plant mid works, uud the lavlm? of Mid system of pipes nud mains, over said city 111 tlic manner nml us renn red by this ordinance; but If within one year ... .. rout ine iiate tins oniiiuiuce iiecomes of effect, Mid gns plant nud works arc completed nnd installed, siifliclcut to supply twenty-five per centum of the demand for gas iu the City of St. Johns, mid the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (30,000.00) ha been expended In con struction of plant, for real estate, in lay ing of mains ujion, over and under the streets, nlleys, avenues, lanes, squares nun jiuiiiic piuccs 11s rvquimi Hereunder, then Mid bond shall be mill nml void, except nun in case 01 ikiii weaiurr, lilt promised Coiniwny, to be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GASLIGHT & HKAT CO., Its successors nnd nsslgns, to make new permanent street Improvements, but to ST. require the streets to be properly re- Itsl paired nftcr they have been torn up for the purH)scs of the wild gas company, its successors nnd nsslgns. Section 10, After the construction of the Mid gns plant the said S. V. DAV IDOR, for the use of the proiiosed Com pany, to be known ns the ST. JOHNS' GAS LIGHT .Si HKAT CO.. Its succes sors nml nsslgns, shall unit arc hereby required to Ale In the office of the Re corder of the City of St. Johns, n map or plat showing the definite location of said gas plnj system mid mains In nud throughout the city nud it shall be tin lawful to change same without the cr inlsslou of the Council of the Citv of St. Johns. Section 11. It shall be unlawful for nny crson or persons to obstruct the laying down, construction, malntnltinncc or operation of the gns pipe system or mains mentioned In this ordinance, ex cept such Interference ns mny be nec essary In making street Improvements, uud in such eases the Mid city shall replace the mains nml pie in the Mine condition Iu which they were found nt the expense of the city, nud nny ierson or iktmjiis w ho shall violate the provis ion of this section shnll be deemed guilty of n misdemeanor mid fined not less than fifty dollars or more than otic hundred dollars for each nml every offense. Section is. The said S. V. Davldor, for the use of the pnOM.'tl Couiwny, to be known us the St. Johns' Gns Light & Hent Co.. Its successors nml assigns, shall be deemed to have nlinu doned nil rights nml privileges con ferred by this ordinance unless it or they shall within thirty days nftcr this ordinance U'comes of force. Tile In the office of the Recorder of the Citv of St. Johns, n written ncceptnucc of the rights 111111 privileges ncrcoy conierreil, subject to the terms, restrictions nml conditions herein contained. Section 13, This ordinance mid the franchise therein contained Is urnuted subject to nil the terms, provisions mid conditions contained In the Charter of the Citv of St. lohiu. nnnlleable thereto. , , m , ... , ... - in ine miiic manner nml to the Mine extent ns though each nud every of mIi! set out mid embodied entlon. strikes. Inliiiiclloii. Imllel,illiiier. urm '"" Provisions unil conditions the consumer will make connection and shall supply consumers of gas with gas ranges for each mid miv use at the ncttul cost of such ranges to the Comuuy, and Mid Company shall also give the consuin- been expended iu constructing n plant, , or plants, or work or works, the pur-: chase of laud for the location of the were expressly iiiercin. Passed the council Oct. 33, 1907. Approved Oct. 33, 1907. K. C. Couch, Attest : Muyor. A. M. Ksso.v, Recorder. I'ublLhed Iu the St. Johns Review Oct. 25. 1907. Dr. Mnry Maclachlnn wishes to announce that she is ro.idv tn niMt wine, laying 11 system of pipesaud mains! her old natrons nt her office in tlii ns required by tf.Is ordinance within one Vf VSS!L muiKIWWI ftI w n I I BEST INVESTMENTS IN ST. JOHNS Lots in Hill's Addition on the car line, one block from the Postoffice Facing two streets, for a short time, FROM $500 To $600 10 per cent down, balance $10 per month GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR Richard Shcpard & Co. 1 1 0 North Jersey St. St. Johns, Oregon I Published in the St. John Review Oct. 5i 907.