St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 18, 1907, Image 2

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rubllnJiHl Kfry Friday
IlV & HVItKt.llH.
a mtic Gooscbonc Rot: IsWIFX GETTING ACTIVE.
Tins Hhvikw is cntcreil nt jxist office ber when the quail shall
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns nmll matter shrill, when the coal lunti
of the second class under the Act of Con- acjj0u with his pesky li
Kress of Mnrch 3, 1879,
Subscription rites, $1.00 per year In advance
AiltfirtUlne ratM, 91.00 per Inch per month.
All advertising bills paytlla first of each
Job Printing eireuted In flrst'clnta Ie.
tltlts (or Job l'rlnttnir (aah on dellverr.
All communleatlona ahontd be addroned to
Tbo Rartaw, Ht. Johns, Orrron.
Phono East OIOG.
omdal Hawspapsr of tha City of St Johns.
The hnlf page ml in the Oregon
tan mid Journal booming St. Johns
.should bear much fruit. It was
Welcome, welcome, sweet Octo-
gets in
pesky little bill:
when the frost and pumpkin poets
sing the old familiar strains, ntid
the foot ball gladiators scramble
one another's brains. Doubly wel
come, hallowed season,
When the wild noose travels
space, when the hunter in the wild
wood shoots the rabbit in the face.
When the last year's hat made
over shows up in the new fall
stock, and the bug-fed turkey
shudders every time he sees the
The husky husker in the com
will trill his little ballad, the rac
coon in the forest deep will cat
the robin icd-
chilled, will slowly
Twenty-eight Acres of Floor
Space Under One Roof.
Swift & Company plan to begin
the work of excavating for their
mammoth packing plant on the
peninsula within the next 60 days,
.says the Telegram. The main
building, slaughter-house, dressing
and packing departments wilt be a
seven-story brick structure cover
ing ground space equal to four city
blocks. Its stupendous size may
be realized when it is stated that
there will be four acres of space 011
each of the seven floors or 28 acres
under the one roof, a total of 1,120
000 .square feet.
C. C. Colt, local manager for
Swift & Company, lias just left for
well written and displays a spirit of f
enterprise that is commendable. It ' " " 5."
wits inserted by the Hank of St. "V" P '.. "'"V, """V Z Chicago, where plans and specifica-
rwilllllliu JIUlLll 1 mm lilt UHki.i.-9 1 . r , I I it 1
in the skies will catch the scent of " f"r " ". ln,iJll"K ,.nbvc
miiiIc l.i.itor .Mentioned, for the cold storage
The Jamestown exposition is re- 'V. f,,iJ. .11 roi..r. full r,f root. l,laut' lllc ice-plant, engine house
ported to be a gigantic failure from .ll off m, hl nut,,,,,,. t,,t! the ?Mt . Iwer p ant, will be drawn
n financial stand point mid that the ,,w,Vr ...iii. n.. n,ii.. ,. lortliwltH, following in a genera
. I"J . wa I 4 1.. f
director-general and several other w,c the horns and trumpets
officers of the association have re- ,nrC( wj )ttl nrotsiicl till he is
signed or abandoned their positions, tliraivn mid someone breaks his
Jamestown is too far away from the coar )one. The lusty sound of
"western" people who make these ri, ri,li tnhs will tirw the fell ntid
ig expositions .successful. bloody cause; the girls in mass and
colors come, will sing mid .scream
Cassie Chmlwiek, who has caused ''. swallow gum. The giant full-
a ... I I. ....I. a...- 1 ..I. .la
more misery in the woild than : i""ii . win pit u
iniie leuow out, kick 111 111s siais
and change his face, mid maul him
up mid down the place, and when
the foe shall case to breathe, will
A GREAT MAN'S SILENCE. Miss Jones Maid of Honor.
Calmly Dlanlfiad Under the Moat Try
ing Clroumatanoat, Miss lua Jones, who was a can-
A great man whoso wife wag do- didate for queen at the Multnomah
Toted to him, but wa9 subject to in- county Fair and Carnival held at
inno attacks of jealousy and resent- Gresham this week, we are sorry
rnont, was onco visited at his coun- to statc. failed to be elected to that
try Iioufo by two old timo friends, position. It was through no fault
Ho welcomed them with marked of hers nor of Frank Goodcll, who
cordiality, and, seating himself bo- l"1" tlie voting in charge, that St.
tween them on the piazza, was soon Johns did not secure this honor,
deep in confidential conversation. H01'1 labored hard and incessantly
U'l,!l l, ...., ( for her etertlnn. tint f1ir ttino u-no
f f liuu liu who ,ioit;illli nuuv biiuj ...
had to say and occasionally replying too short in which to secure the ,
to an argument which scorned to necessary votes. She was, how-
him more plausible than logical tho ever, elected first maid of honor,
door behind him was suddenly open- The number of votes she received
cd, and from It emerged his wife, was 800, being just four vote less ,
with an angry face and a pail of wa- " the alleged number received
tcr. oy the Gresham candidate who was
Without a word sho deliberately bedecked as queen Tuesday. If the
upsot tho pail and drenched him statement wllic, appeared in the
from head to foot. Tho two friends dailies is true which stated that the
sprang to their feet in astonishment Gresham candidate had her regalia
and caught ultrht of tho resentful s queen almost completed before
most women do, died in prison last
week after a lingering illness.
Cassie certainly loved the yellow
metiil. mill feiv were mi bold mid
unscrupulous in obtainiim it its proudly claim the victor's wreath
Shu will live long 111 the
The baseball fun will lose his
job, the highball fiend is broke, the
mothball crank is now abroad
spreading odor thick as smoke.
'I he ice cream soda has fizzed out,
the ice iii.iii slacks his pace, the
small boys save their nickels now
to buy 11 comic face. For Hallow
e'en will soon be here
she. blie will live long 111
memory of many licit mun in the
For October weather the pasl
couple weeks could not be beaten
in any clime. When it comes to
nice weather St. Johns is in the
front row. Our poor deluded east
urn hiclhrcii, who will not believe,
will have the nlei.Miic of .slowly
freezing to death for the next six
mouths while wu sit out and watch
our loses grow.
1 t 11 !.... .1 t 1 many mounts. 11 is 11 inosl nu
ILn11.11: 11 n nine lor nawini; wnoo. ,.. .n" ,1 1..., ... , . , , . "4 wu'ra m wum,
November crisp Is 011 the way with n ic" ! lu desires u0 gtrovo to put his friend, ul enso
nays, uu every 11111111 is iieaiii me coal Thanksgiving nits, ami the .. .. i 1 7, .. oy inverting meir attention irom
the music of the stiw ami hammer, president will set the tlav in time v.011 nnic tho painful exhibition of his wifo's
, ' , inurmiiy y engaging incm in tni
tract or more than aooo acres re-
- B , , a mm v 1 via aiwill
cetitiy secured ly the built people. Kn mi. .wf,il u-. i, i,..t m. ii..n
lllld it iS tlllderstoml the IllOst lie unrn unnn InmrMmr MmHInn t,A
--o o -"o
...i.i. .........
iii iiu 111:11: Willi iiiiiiiw- 1. , ... 1 . .
kin, spooks.....! pranks, and f the " " "..u- . : . ,T"CIC
I.OO.II.....S pass us til) wu surely n.ri ,hl 'V... i ,s ,,n".
may give thanks,
lie glad, be glad, the worst Is
..,..1 ,t . r... i... 1 iiiiiHiiuj
, u . ..v.-v;: ,u::rz:. i- m iu inside f
.......I ...... ,w . ifiv llllilllllU 11 in rilmivl
.Will.'.. il' II..... 1.. ... ........I .......j . ... U.11
way the plans of construction of
the vast establishment nt "Puck
ingtown" Chicago. It may be
stated definitely that not nn indus
try lit the Northwest will be oper
ated on so large a scale or embrace
so many large and up-to-date build'
ings as will the "beef trust" plant
and stockyards here.
Mr. Leonard, of Chicago, who
is chief of construction for till the
building operations and extensions
of the Swift people, has been in
Portland for two days looking over
the local situation with a view of
determining the convenience, cost
mid opportunity of getting the
.structural material needed for flic
vast plant hi the local market.
Portland, it is said, will be given
the hrst chance of supplyiuir every
brick, beam, spike and shingle for
the plant, and 11 good deal of the
reached by the Swift people be
cause of the car shortage and the
inability to get orders for structural
woman retreating into tho houso
with a triumphant air.
Tho man who had been subjected
to tliis shower bath aroso without a
word, wont into tho houso and in
ton minutes returned to tho piazza,
having made a complete change of
the votes were counted, it seems
tio other candidate had a ehost of a
show. Anyhow Miss Jones should
feel proud of the vote she received
in so short a time.
How to Cure a Col J.
TM.. !.. -C I.
tft. ! 1 mi 11 1 I 1 111: iiiik.iiiuii ui now 10 wuii: u
11 i n Pld without unnecessary loss of
?"-iiuhJ??ii thl 5.Uld b0 time is one in which we arc all more
iriiiiBjiudi-u ujr uttiiuuu ur inugic enr-
pot to thoir own homos, whero thev
would not bo witnesses of strange
and embarrassing domestic scones.
Their host called to them and
placed tho chairs on tho piazza,
when thoy wcro all seated no re
turned the conversation with tho
simplo romark, "As I was oaying,
my friends," ond then went on witli
Mm diiinilAA nn. nfrklnir 11.1 Mm Mirn.,1 ult '"" .or
ulmrn k Jon Ar A nlJC?mCa tO Illy
or less interested, for the quicker
a cold is gotten rid of the less thc
danger of pneumonia and other
serious diseases. Mr. U. W. L.
Hall, ol Waverly, Va., has used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
years and says: "I firmly believe
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be '
absolutely the best preparation on
the market tor colds. 1 have re-
friends and
iiuf no reference to what had hap- L" . 1 ur
: 1 ny 01. joiiiis wriig oioru.
Collars at 25c, 35c and 50c
Men's Shirts at 50c to $1.50
Come Early Before Assortment is Broken
iinoiii'? nt Af.P vnn dhoti AMn PPir.P;
m i
School Books !
And Supplies
Ho was nuiet and diuniflcd nnd
ditl not betray in his mannor a traco The West Coast Laundry
ot the mortification and annoyanco socially ot lace curtains.
which ins wuo s exasperating attack
must lmvu caused.
A weaker man would either hnvo
itppoalcd to his friends for sympathy
or striven to tinolouizo for tho
strange and irrational conduct of
tho woman. He had neither accusa
tions to make nor excunes to offer.
All idvcrtliemiiti under this
had nc bit for tich week
No id. taken for lti than two bits. Over 24
words two bllt a wttk charftd.
St. Johns Book Store
420 Jersey Street, 3d door north of Postoifice.
Anil .still gteater things ntu Income, for turkey uravers.
rv. ..!... 11., 1.1 1...,
v.iiiiiiuini.-i iiit- iii.iNiii); iiiiiiij iiiji.i
to St. Johns, mid it mentis some
thing. Nothing definite has been
given out, but many t it mors me
rifu. Prosects wore never bright
er for for St. Johns thai, they .tie
ut pie-scnl.
If You wnut to buy, rent, tell or cx
clinnuc property sec Woleott (The Kent
Wantiio II11111I Iroiicr nt the Wct I
Coait Lnumlry. Apply ntoncc.
II KM- Wantho At the Woolen Mill.
Hxticricticctl luniln preferred. Several
Staple and Fancy Cured Meats
Groceries Canned Goods
Dry Goods Cigars ami Tobacco
Hoots and Shoes Fresh Fruits
Flour and Feed And Ycgcttiblcs
The two telephone lines which
leceutly iccclveu franchises to use
our stteets nnd etect centrals heic
had better gut a hustle. Tle Home
i....t nt
I II LIIIIfllVI'k I , . . . . - . . I " ' " . s....nsala.M ,.. I ..I. .1.1 . .ft.-- IM
'"'' locations or tite various arguing logothw a though nothing k yyv Iw fact everything desired in n genernl store.
buildings, more than n do.en in unpleasant hud happened. Takkm Ui A wttcr pup by Cptnlnirf COME AND SEE US
'pi 1.1..1 11.11 mimber, its well US the site for the Iviion tho timo cAmo for tho tiro "redewn. Owner cm. have Mine by prov-- .
is., w n mle r con se f co,,struc- -kynids, have been tlcci, cd visitors to drive to tho station to "'K property ,! ,lol.,g the needful. Phonc Union 4066. 206-208 Pllihldelpltia Street. i
lion has ..heady been leased W. T.n,.i nftcr Cl,r?f"1 C0?M,,n,. take n train thoir host said goodby WantkiI. Hvery Imtly to know that J - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - off
7 TJ V ' . V':'. . .. . . with the survey charts nnd eugin- to then, at tho uato with the re- the Variety .tore cll. the W.t good, at 4 &44 441X4 4t444fr44iif$4i
1 lowet 1 pncei i-
room with his Noith Hank phar
macy; Hutterwoith, the jeweler,
who iccutitly purchased the outfit
luiepiioiie cotuiHitiy agreed to make i .M, haiibpury, will occupy
1. goiMl showing within six months ( loom, ..nil Owenv. Ilros.
eers plats.
Leonard is now in Tacoma look
ing over the conditions there, as to
availability of structural material,
and the chances of establishing n
mark that they had had a delightful
afternoon together.
i no great man loved his wifo and
know that eho wns not responsible
.11 nu nine lor t.or caprices and re
l'ou Sai.K A o MkmUi rnrnrc with
four large and two miiull holes, nearly a ,
good at new, with reservoir and water,
pll, for fo. .Mr. I). Iluiliy. 4&tfc
. .fir.,, ..rim... ..I ll... ilt.. " I 1 1 .... . .1 1.... 13 . t t 1. . t
from the ticcei.tante of the franchise will move their pool and billiard . , J . ,,t. tr i J0"""0"" lIl-w,'S l0'K, oui 'j y. -g .. J ce T. AImVi Vec 1
by the council. The lime is neatly tables into the tl.inl co.npa.t.uent. , c ffiaJh m,d the! ,l?rfmtlc? vm f h Sd and
up mid yet nothing is doing out l?hlig, the furiiitu.c iiiau, has VHI 1 to t tr iHted friends, ho acted w th rare hou. J. 11. CampWll.' p,9 '
IhUway. There should be some decided to go out of business. The ncl,K 1 kmim.Ioii nnd good taste in WASTKn-llome laundry'
wttyto b.iug tlicMi gentlemen to .00... which he has bee., occupying "' t cc. nnit.ining rigid silence and leav- JSKn '7d 'SibJ't
tlll.u. Vi? iiL-c-d llll- iiliiiniti mill swum to lie 11 n.irll.Miliirlv iinliiol-v lllg tll0.ll to intor I0f thOinSOlVCI the dav. AddrrM in TIol-b. Point View, wn '
we are getting awful tiled waiting.
More sited impioveiueiit in St
Johns is now under way. The
f.t step was taken last week when
iUM)lulio..K by council to imp.ove
poitioiisof Titcoiua and Philadel
hia stieelH were pi.hlii.lied. This
will be the first st.eet work under
taken by the p.eseut council,
although late in the season, it
promUvK not to be the last. St.cel
wo.k is something that can be
cnrriutl on in the winter time here
almost ax well a in the summer.
Thus the nioguiw of St. Johns
goo marching 011.
If a single reader of pan;
has failed to utile letters In some
old friend, auiuaiiilituce. .e alive o.
other jKJtsou who may be benefited
by eouiing to Oiego.i, he should
write 10 tiny, ti.c colonist rales
close Oct. ,11st and if you want your
lutter to get leMilu it must Ik for-
wu. (led at once.
.'tilarly unlucky
one. lie makes 1 11c fourth party
lo go out of business in that loca
tion in a little over a year. C. M.
Salisbury has also ictirnl from
business in St. Johns, and we
understand the Palace lestat.raut
has closed up shop. This docs not
mean by any met.. is that business
is gvtting poorer in this city. Coin
petition and lilgl. tents have
to do with it, and
Hi' who by hU would iImi
Mii1 I'ithiT 1'iut iiriidvt'itUc.
4 . . . 1 rilildfina
a woiuiiii cannoi ciiarin necnuso
roservo. Glasgow
Undertakers Embalmers
Phones: Main office, Fast 10SS
Branch oflice, Wood lawn 333
A Rid For HU Tompor.
A certain fitrmor livinir near tho
she wanU to, A mun is not agree
able bmniso he it-tn out lo be. Tho
propor elfeet iiiiint, like repartee, be
r ...I.I..I V .us , unprt-me in. e 1. town of i),,ruv httvin,, ot xhmot
1 iiiiini in,- rmiiiueu iiimiruiiv. i.kc i .n-lil-,..! i - l.i. 1
1 . ... .. MinimvM u,i iiLuiiuiib ui 111a uuaiiur
itiiu love. 1100K1 iner. tiro ,wblu tho otl0r f(irie de.
irotoiiu 10 icii now it .4 none, pi.1,,,1 ,. ntu in rnn i,tm ,i.
bit. At miilniL'lit tho fanner was
Thev do so ttuile its coninlelolv 1.
1 '1 . ... t
.....en KniMH" Ppern leiteii e moinoiogy . lite disturbed by u roico
ito tity o eii.irui, 10 no igreeitim', 10 yur horso is Htolenl"
Wantkii. To Ilorrow 000 ot. St.
John projicrtj'; value fjjoo for two
year. 7 jer ecyt. Aililrc M. Card
well, 8t. John. 47i
I'OK SAI.U at 11 Imrualu. llonrdini!
Iioum: In St. John, rail 116 Crawford St.
or l.eavltt Street. 47c
Alake Your Kick Now.
ror tue ursi nine ... inany years
me inspars 01 .Muituomal. coitnly
nave an opportunity to examine
the assessment mils which have
been open for iiistK'Ctiou all this
week. I he books will lemaiii open
in County Assessor Sigler's ollicc
until lomorrow evening to
ilissjitisfied taxpayers 11.. opimrttiu-
ity to discover any errors, which
I'litortain jierfeotly and to bo per-
lecuy enicriiiiiilug is an art appro-
hnimbU) only through ...lli.eticea
gfiiernlly prenatal, but always pro
longed. 1110 mere tiei.uiiiie U so
volatile that it must bo inhaled.
Tho irato farmer hurried on his
clothes and, hastening to tho door,
asked, "Which way has ho gono?"
"toward 11.," replied ono of tho
auuiiicr onoreu uio lonn or
.il;e tho Mityfalr iiitonation, little l0riu )l0 strode, which offer the
iV. i "lU!- ,K;i",,s,1rlr1' M.w Ieopy farmer uccentod. After rid
ing nil night ho found himself at
daylight next morning riding his
own horse, London Tit-Rlts.
I'OK RUNT Nice x room Uiiiil-iiIow In.
quire of Mrs. Carlson, Corner Chicago
and Iliiyes nt recta. 47p
1'or KltNT I'uriiUlied rooms. 107
Taconm street. Mr. T. R. Anderson.
Lost In or near the skating rink a
pair of runlet cycglasies in black catr,
miner iioiity kcv. l'. I.. Young and re
ceive reward. .
Rooms i'ok Runt No. 414 Owego liatlstcd?
ttrect. 48
Plumbing and Tinning
Phone Fast 631 1
203 Jersey Street St. Johns, Ore.
How about your Printing? Isn't your supply about cx-
Don't wait, but leave your order now.
... , "j ...-- .....
i 1 e lines aie sj 1,1,.... ..1... .... 1. .1. .
fr.ii.i li,.ri im '"v "".V
vOr.."' ...1 m'7 ' . ol eualiatiou when it meets next
....... 1,1111 nu I III-I Ilium y
adjacent, Ijo f.oiu St. I.ouu and
f33 f Chicago, with a usluctioit
f $.'.50. to points Kaot oi Uuiaiilla.
Similar rates ftoin every jniint in
the United Stales. (?ut btuy and
add one family to the popultitioti of
January nth is the time apjHiiut
id for voting on the amendment to
the city chatter, a copv of which
will soon be ii. the hands of eveiy
voter in St. Johns. This amend
incut makes all the ctooked places
in the old chatter st.night and
eliminates anything that was con-
tnuitcioiy 111 ti.e .ui volume. Much
tune and labor was spent in com
piling litis new version, and the
city has gone to quite (1ti excuse
in order to bring the same before
the people. While it is quite prob
able that some sections may not
suil all, the commission believes
on the whole it is the best that
could be done in justice to all.
Therefore, we hot the amend-
itieiii will meet with public favor.
Pence Wants Alore Time.
I.afe Pence filed a iwtitiou in the
county court Monday nioitiing ask
ing that his franchise for the con
struction of an electt ic line on the
amnion roati he extended for such
tittincniHl under such conditions
its tlie cotiit may deem wise. Pence
nlsp asked that a common user
cjause De inserted 111 tlie franchise.
Monday. Therefore, any one who
s not satisfied with his assessment
should register his kick now or
foi ever after hold his jvace.
Free Lecture.
Kev. li. V. llrenneiseii of St.
Paul, Minn., will speak in the M,
V. A. hall Sunday afternoon and
...... ..I... ....... IM . . r .
viiuifc iiv.M. i ue K.-opic 01 (HIS
city who ate iutetested in Uible
study or who like to hear a good
siKMKcr upon Hible sub
jects which ate not commonly un
derstood, may have their desite in
listening to two lectures by this
gentleman, who visits us under the
auspices of the Watch Tower llible
and Tract Society of Peiinsvlvania.
At 3 p. 111, the subject will be;
"The Thiee Worlds of the Uible."
At 7:30 p. in.; "The Three Ways
ot the Hible." liverybody invited.
No admission fee, no collection.
From London Bridge In a 810k.
hdgar Salttts in tho Delineator.
Kings and thug may tho
lunuti'iir in tho art of leasing, but
tho artist is at home with them.
Ho puts ltiinelf in harmony with
them. In the nbilitv to do that is
(tut whole secret of Ote art of pleas-
A DUguiUd 8Usmn,
iieury fweotier many years ago
was a ftiltuuian for '.loci Hold-
thwnito, carpet dealer, of Moston,
Ono day he was called to show ear-
tets to a linly who had plans of all
the rooms of 11 houso for which she
wished to select suitable carpets.
'thinking it 11 chance for n eood
sale, for two hours ho showed car
pets, helping her with his judgment
to make n good choice for each
room, and, having decided on tho
carpets, ho said, "Xow wo will have
these cut otT, and whero shall wo
6cnd them?
"Well." tho hulv said, "mv bus.
kind is looking at a lot, and" if he
buys it we shall build this house.
and then wo shall want the car-
Mr, SweeUor was too astonished
to speak, and she walked calmh
from the store after bidding hiiii
good niorning. lloston Herald.
Rtd'i Only Dlrd Hunt.
Thomas 11. Heed used to tell the
1 i .it . .
never leu nioro asnanieU in
all my ltfo than I did ono day after
An Impossible Photograph.
lUisinei-s was not booming at the
little studio.
"Oiily 0110 order yesterday." said
tho photo'Titphur. "and that was
an impossible one. A lady came in
with her little daughter. Sho had
seen, sho said, my famous photo
graph of a littlo girl khuing hcniolf
011 tho mouth in u mirror, and she
wanted her child taken likewiso,
only sho had scruples agaiust kiss
ing on tho mouth on account of
germs, and so am wanted me to
photograph tho youngster kissing
itself in tho mirror on the forehead."
Point on a Point.
A student undereoini! examina
tion in the principles of mechanics
was asKeu, "Why will not a pin
stand on its point?" Ho returned
ine louowmg answer: "in the Hrst
plseo, a point is defined by Euclid
as that which has no parts and no I
magnitude, and how can a pin stand
on that which has no parts and no
nuignuuue m me second ptace, a
pin will not stand on its head; much
less, therefore, will it stand on its
point. Thirdly and lastly, it wiU if
you suck it in hard taouga."
f sy
Lots in Hill's Addition on the car
line, one block from the Postoffice
Facing two streets, for a short time,
FROM $500 To $600
10 per cent down, balance $10 per month
Some years ago it porlor named ? .! n " o day after
'tiller, employed at Hillingsgato kUhllJ " l'ml 1 evorT shot but
aarket, London, made a bet that he T , b,r,a m , m-v
roulil jump from London bridge lll,-v ?0,!,K t,h?tI l a a
would jump from London bridir
tied up in a sack, his only stipula
Fandpiper. 1 chased him for hours
I lit) mill it mill n milUtr.inm u'kan
uou Doing mat no siiouiu no provld- J ;, i ."it Ti i : I T i i
feat and when picked up bv soma ....,. ' 1 .-!L lWfts onli'
iiiiiiihiiii: ui iiuu tnir vuii nrrt nnn
friends in u boat was none tho worse
for his dive.
how small the bird is I "Boston
To Whom it May Concern.
l-or the name and residence of
the owner of auy property in St.
Johns or vicinity, call on or write
i. i. 1'arker, attorney at law, tn
uoitirook building.
l itles to real property
Estimates Furnished
1009 Monteith St. St. Johus, Or, 1
Richard Shepard & Co.
1 1 0 North Jersey St. St. Johns, Oregon