St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 04, 1907, Image 3

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    Local News.
Crumb Tray and Scraper
Nickel Finish.
Investigate Our
Ranges and Stoves
Though only a new enterprise in i:
: St. Johns we are meeting with splen- i:
I did success.
It is not the price alone, but what :
: is given for the price that counts.
We earnestly urge you to call and ij
: inspect our goods and compare prices. ::
Wings, plumes, flowers, silks, rib- i:
bons, velvets and ornaments of every t
description. SCHOOL HATS, natty lit
tle street hats, etc.
First Door South of Postofficc
The Lorain I
Best Range ever shown in S
St. Johns. Only range on y
the coast built up off the ir
floor. Potter & Goold ex- j5
elusive agents.
First installment of our iv
line of Cheerful, Redwood, tt
Pacific, Oak Home, Ceit- j
tury Hot Blast and airtight V
heaters has arrived. Our S
increasing sales from sea
son to season show the su- A
periority of these stoves.
t Do not buy until you have looked through our stock
V prices are right.
St. Johns Butchers
Beef, from 2 to 15 Cents
Pork, from 7 to 18 Cents
Veal, from 7 to 15 Cents
Mutton from 5 to 1 5 Cents
Call in and ask for anything you don't see and
we will get it for you.
He who by his blr would rise
Must cither bust or advertise.
The Multnomah County fair.
Mr. Satterlee began the erection
of his residence on North Ivanhoe
Mrs. Stennct of North Gilbert
street is reported seriously ill with
heart trouble.
Mrs. Ross oi Fnirview, Or., is iti
the city visiting her daughter, Mrs.
A. W. Vincent.
Harney Noonan the popular
clerk at Conch & Co.'s store hns
been seriously ill for some days,
but is uble to be out ngain.
Remember the Sunday services
at the United Evangelical church.
Preaching nt 1 1 a. m. No services
at night. C. P. Gates, pastor.
The Fraternal Brotherhood will
give n dance in the M. W. A. hall
next Thursday evening. A good
time is assured. Everybody invit
ed. Tickets 25 cents.
The Vogue Millinery Co. reports
lively sales nt their emporium of
feminine adornment and Mrs. T.
R. Anderson reports splendid busi
ness also at her millinery store.
N. A. Gee went down to the
car barns with his outfit to raise
the roof of n store building near
that place so ns to enable the owner
to put another story on his store.
Wc noticed a sunflower just west
of the new schoolhousc which
should go to the Multnomah county
fair nt Gresham, stalk and all. It
is the finest specimen we ever saw.
Mrs. Sarah A. Smith and Mrs.
Martin of Oregon City visited over
Sunday nt the home of H. K
Hoover and ramily. 1 lie two
Indies arc mother nud sister of Mrs.
Hoover. Mrs. Smith is a former
resident of St. Johns.
Roy Poff, who has been attend
ing college nt Corvallis, wns not
prepossessed with the city at first,
but recently wrote that it was nil
right, that he had found some old
friends of his father there and was
enjoying his college days to the full.
V. Scott Kellogg, who recently
went cast on n vacation, returned
ast Tuesday. It is said he com
mitted matrimony while nwny, nud
ns he does not deny the soft im
tenchmcut, we must tnkcit for true
nud extend hearty congratulations.
Wm. T. Burliughnin, formerly of
Independence, Iowa, has come to
St. Johns to make his home. He is
working in the interests of tuc St.
Johns Bank nit I will meet with our
citizens daily. Mr. Burliughnin ap
pears to Ik: n very ngreeaole gentle
man, nud we wish him success in
Ids work.
Mrs. Thordorson nud two daugh
ters from Esmond, North Dakota,
visited with Mrs. Samuel
several davs lust week.
estimable ladies nrc on n tour of
the west and nrc perfectly delight
ed with Portland and the country
S wen gel
arc thinking of
around. They
locating here.
Mr. Prall, of the Prall Mercantile
company, who gave ins opening last
week, is very favorably impressed
with the reception he has received
at the hands of our jwople. He re
grets very much that some of his
goods were delayed in arriving f r
the opening as he had anticipated
they would be, but tliey are coming
in every day nnd his stock will be
built up ns rnpidly ns they arrive.
Some neonle think times nre a lit
tle slow in St. Johns, but a look at
the record of building permits will
show thnt there has been n pretty
good business doing in the city's
growth since last November. The
record was commenced on the tirst
day of that month with number 1.
This week wc nave passed the cen
tury mark in that record, as will be
seen by reference to our columns.
The people of St. Johns generally
will be glad to know that Rev. F.
L. Young wns returned to this
charge for another year by the an
nual conference. Next Suuday
will be his first meeting of the new
year. Mr. Young has made many
warm friends 111 bt. Johns since
coming here who will congratulate
themselves on having him for a lei
low worker during the coming
year of his pastorate.
F. P. Babbitt left this week for
Pierre, S. D., where Mrs. Babbitt
has been for some time holding
down a claim. They will remain
there until they prove up. Mr.
Babbitt likes it here very much bet
ter than tu nerre and It they can
make their arrangements will return
here as they still retain their prop
erty in Point View. Of course they
had the Review sent to them each
week, where it goes with our best
wishes for their success and a safe
return to St. John.
The abominable crime committed
in Baker City Monday night seems
almost incomprehensible. There
may be some excuse for such ac
tions in Russia, where the people
are made worse than slaves by the
persecutions of the autocracy, but
here where men are free there is
none. Nothing short of a disposi
tion asdiabolicalasthat of the fiend
incarnate could desire such a thing,
much less to put it in execution,
and there is no punishment on earth
severe enough to expiate such a
crime. Ex-Sheriff Brown had a
number of friends iu St. Johns who
knew him well and speak of his life
in the highest terms.
A Large Attendance Should
Represent This City.
Actint? unon a suggestion from
the Multnomah County Fair com
mittee the St. Johns Commercial
rlnl nt iti iiipptitii' WcdiiDsdnv even
ing decided to take the matter up
and nave as large ueiegnuon ns pos
sible represent tills city nt Gresham.
A rntmnittco wns nnnolntcd to as
certain how many desired to attend
and to mnke arrangements for trims
tmrintimt. The Fair committee
has expressed n willingness to give
n day to be designated ns at. jonus
Dav at the fair, mid the club is de
sirous thnt the nconlc nrovc that
St. Johns is on the imp by sending
n booster crowd to tne county inir.
There should be enough to fill two
or three cars nt least from St. Johns.
It is only in this way that wc may
aid this part of the efforts of our
ctitrrnrislntr citizens to develott our
j.- 0 - - 1
great stnte nud place her where she
belongs, nt the head of the list iu
uTnltlt. ns she is in he.nutv nf scen
ery ami licnlthfuluess of climate.
All those desiring to go nre re
quested to leave their tinuic with
Mr. Mnxon nt the nostoffiec. Frank
Goodcll's cigar store or at this of
fice. This should be done ns early
ns possible so thnt the proper num
ber of enrs may be arranged for.
The committee litis not hnd time
to make arrangements in regard to
transportation, but it is expected
to be so arranged that the cars will
make no stops between this city
and Portland. At that point the
trolley will be taken to Grctihnm.
The fore for the round trip will not
be much, probably 50 cents. Next
week these matter will be definitely
As many of our business houses
as can should give one or more of
their onmlnvps n dav off. ctve them
n badge representing their business.
The manufacturers would receive it
grcnt denl of advertising if they
should send n representative on
St. Johns Day with some of their
products made up iu miniature nud
cither place them on display or have
their representative carry them
throughout the day.
Let everybody go. Gresham de
serves it for the trouble she has
gone to to mnke the nffairn success.
It will be 11 good advertisement for
St. Tnhtm. The dnv selected nud
hour of departure will be announced
next week.
Building Permits Issued.
95 To F. 11. Granger, to erect
a residence 011 lot 1.1, block 10, St.
Johns Heights addition; fronting
011 Monteith, between Polk nud
Buchanan streets. fcioo.
06 To W. E. Hillis, to erect
ndditiou to residence on north hnlf
of subdivisions tract "A" ndditiou;
fronting 011 Charleston between
Swausou street mid Smith's road.
Si 50.
07 To B. T. Leggett to alter
residence on lot 2, block 2, James
Johns ndditiou; fronting on Fill
more street between Richmond and
Charleston streets. J-too.
08 To Samuel Cochran to niter
livery barn on south half of lots
5 and 6, block 39 in James Johns
second addition; fronting 011 Bur
lington, between Ivanhoe nud
Hayes. fHo.
99 To Bickford & Tennnt to
erect n residence for George Warn
er, lot 14, block 19, South St.
Johns; fronting on Mnriou avenue,
between Alma and Wall streets.
100 To J. E. Hiller to erect a
residence on lot 3, block 3, Grimes
addition; fronting on Portland
boulevard between Chicago and
Silas streets. $1400.
101 ToS. II . Satterlee to erect
a residence on lot 3, block 4, in
Chipman addition; fronting on Ivan
hoe between 1 rumnuii nud lessen-
den streets. I1300.
Don't Play Hookey.
An Interesting Column For
Prospective Buyers.
Snow still has n thousand to
loan upon good security.
$750. River view corner lot
terms. S. L. Dobie.
The West Coast Lnundry mnkes
n specially of lace curtains.
Acreage I have three acres close
11 and cheap. S. L. Dobie.
No need of having cold feet.
Calef Bros, sell heating stoves.
We wash and iron all flnt work
nt 35c Kt dozen. West Coast
10 bags sugar, Is. so per bag.
The Wngoner Co., 109 Burling
ton street.
You get full weight nnd first
quality nt the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
$1150. Modern four-room cot
tage nnd 50x100 improved lot
terms. S. L. Dobie.
$435. Must be sold soon lot in
St. Johns Park. xj cash, balance
f5 n mouth. S. L. Dobie.
Sec J. E. Williams nud save rent
by purchasing one of his fine resi
dence properties on the installment
Rnchel Paulson, teacher of Piano
and Harmony. 409 Tilford Build-
ug, Tenth and Morrison Streets,
Dr. Mary MacLnchlati wishes tu
announce Hint she is ready to meet
her old patrons nt her office in the
Holbrook Block.
Have your property insured iu
the St. Paul or Northern lire in
surance companies. They nre the
best. S. L. Dobie, ngetit.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will give 11 chicken pie din
ner Halloween eve, October xo.
I.ocntion given next week.
If in need of dental work call at
room s hi llolbrook block, nx-
nmiuntion free, nud advice cheer
fully given to all. Dr. Rainbo.
Some very desirable corner lots
near the new schoolhouse can be
bought cheap and 011 the install
ment plan by npplyiug to J. E.
The rainy season is here. Crav-
encttes, rain coats nud overcoats
mnde to your measure from if 20 tip.
Petersen ix Noce, tailors. Next
to postofficc.
Try the Central Cigar store one
door north Peninsula Bank, 103,
Jersey St. Exclusive cigars and
tobaccos. Base ball hcadmiurtcrs.
F. E. Goodell, proprietor.
The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel
ical church will hold their annual
b; and Thanksgiving dinner
November 37 and 38. The place
for holding same will be announced
luter. Nov. sac
All our meats are government
iusicclcd and the lest that money
can buy. They nre neatly nud
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's central .Market.
Our business hnviuir doubled iu
the last six weeks, we find it neces
sary to employ more help. Any
one desiring n good job for the win
ter come and see us. women cstie-
dully. Iueeda Laundry.
Be stvlisli! Have votir suit or
overcoat made by Petersen & Noce
next to poslolhce. We nave n
swell line iu browns. Cleaning,
pressing mid repairing.
Parents and pupils will take no
tice that Chas. Bredesou, chief of
police, has leeii made truant officer.
The provisions of the truant will law
be rigidly enforced. All know whut
they are. We trust every child iu
the city whom the law requires to be
in school will be there, that there
may be no need for any enforce
meiit of the provisions of this luw.
This is an age of education, and
the child who does not take advau
tage of the days of his youth to nc
fiuire it, will most certainly be bidly
handicapped iu the after years of
liis life, Parents should consider
this and assist the truant officer to
the utmost iu discharge of his duty.
Perry Beheu of this city was
married last Wednesday at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Rood, near Mount
Hood at high noon to Miss Ila
Rood, one of Hood River's nicest
and best young ladies. We have
known both these young people
ever since they were little children.
They are of the best of the earth,
and we wish them all the happiness
and prosperity that such ixrople
deserve. They will make their
home in St. Johns and we bespeak
for them a host of good friends as
soon as they become known to our
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by II. Hender
son, nbstracter aim notary pumic.
Rooms 4 and 5, Leo Building,
opjosite jiostoflice. Accurate work.
Reasonable fees.
r 1 o I
Donnam a turner
Let us remind you
again that we
Cnn supply you with
Slicker coats
Slicker pants
and Slicker hats
Also Umbrellas
And don't make that long, tedious ride to Port
land to buy Shoes even high top shoes. Wc have
them, and rubber boots nnd rubber shoes also.
Bonham & Currier
107 S. Jersey.
Staple nnd Fancy Cured Meats
Groceries Canned Goods
Dry Goods Cigtits and Tobacco
Boots and Shoes Fresh Emits
Flour nnd Feed And Vegetables
In fact everything desired in a general store.
& Phone Union .1066. 206-208 Philadelphia Street.
Bargains This Week j
Computing Machine.
The adding machine is a boon to
the weary bookkeeiwr. There nre
adding machines and adding ma
chines, and not every one is as
ingenious and capable of doing the
work of one recently left iu the
office of the city recorder for him
to play with.
We were over there yesterday
for information and asked him to
play it little tune on it for our del
cctation. Mr. Essou is nothing if
not accommodating. That is part
of his profession. He had heptem
Iter's receipts ready to be footed
and in about five minutes he had
them all recorded 011 the machine
simply by playing 011 a lot of keys
looking much like the keys of our
Smith-Premier. Then he asked us
how long it would take us to foot
up the column which rati up into
seven figures. We replied it would
take some time as the column was
about a foot long. He simply
touched a little lever and pulled
another, when, presto, the footing
showed on the paper.
He also showed us how the diff
erent operations of correcting errors
testing for accuracy, etc., were
made and we noticed there was one
lever he did not touch. Like any
chump that was just the lever we
wished to know all about and told
him so. Mr. Essou replied; "Oh,
I don't just know what that is, I
have never used it," and pulled it
to him. He nulled the throttle
wide 0(1:11, ami this started the
machine going. It is a fine piece
of uicchatilsm.
Factory nt St. Johns, Oregon.
Office, 22O Allslcy Building, Portland, Oregon.
Good four-room house, full lot, 011 Jersey street
Two lots in Point View ,
Fractional block on Burlington street, near K. K., 3 fronts
Full block, river view
100x100 close iu, corner, five-room house
50x100 011 alley close in, monthly payments
50x100 fine business location 011 Jersey Mi cut
25x100 two story income business propity
80 ueres 3 miles from Forest Grove, impioved,
Hotel nud furnishings.
50x100 income proerty, Jersey street
f l.ioa I
3ilOO t
.j.000 X
7,IXJ) 4.
Good buys iu factory sites, business locutions, and modern
Hats for rent.
Lots and acieage iu Whilwood Court, neroi the river, cheap
and 011 easy payments,
Timber and Farm
Lands convenient
to transportation
and Linnton.
I Best Bargain
Bargains iu Linn
ton Real Estate,
Also at Whitwood Court.
Office opposite postofficc
at Linnton.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertliement the copy for such change
thould reach this olfice not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the printer
III St. Johns for m daj s
call at
And let them show you
$ a piece 100x200, close in,
J very cheap.
$ Also some fine bargains
X iu Dwellings.
Some choice Lots and
J Factory sites at Ivast St.
t Johns.
1 134 Jersey Street.
I'hone Union 4068
Bring in your job printing.
Remember the county fair to be
held at Gresham Oct. 15M9.