St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 20, 1907, Image 3

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In Fir, Ash, White Ma
ple, Royal Oak and
Quartered Oak,
$10 to $27.50
f $2.00 to $30.00
The kind that will heat an extra size room to your
complete satisfaction.
Local News.
Ladies, have you called on the i
New Millinery Store ?
There's n reason. Tell you more next week.
First Door South of Postoffice
The Lorain
Best Range ever shown In jg
St. Johns. Only range on
the coast built up off the
floor. Potter & Goold ex- J
elusive agents.
... ... , .. .
1'irsi installment oi our j
line of Cheerful, Redwood, J
Pacific, Oak Home, Ceil
tury Hot Blast and air tight
heaters has arrived. Our Jl
increasing sales from sea
sou to season show the su-
periority of these stoves. J
A . ..... i t t 1 .tAnl "t. mm
Do not Utiy mini you nave ioukcu unuuu um win
TS prices are right.
He who by his biz would rise
Must cither bust or advertise. '
If you know any news tell us.
Mrs. Eugene Wright returned
last week from a visit with friends
and relatives at Kelso, Wash.
Mrs. T. R. Anderson has secured
the services of Miss Lillian Murray
of Seattle to take charge of her Ta
coma street millinery store. The
oueniuc will he held tomorrow.
, ft
Sunday will be the last Sunday
of the conference year in the Meth
odist church. David Lippert of
Portland will sing at both services.
A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
United Evangelical church at
ii a. in., Sunday, September 22,
subject: "Day by Day." In the
evening "What Shall we Read?"
will be the topic under discussion.
You arc invited. C. P. Gates,
The Congregational ladies will
give a "Harvest Home" dinner and
supper in the vacant store building
in the Holbrook block, Wednesday,
September 25th. Dinner only 25
cents. Give the wife a rest and
come up.
Wc invite the public to attend
the Congregational church Sunday
and consider with us the following
subjects: 11 a. 111., "The Right
Kind of I'ighlcrs ' and at 7:45 p.
m., "Guarding Your Most Precious
Possession." G. W. Nelson, pastor.
W. II. McCoy, an old Hood Riv
er man, nu expert painter and dec
orator, who has been down in Cal
ifornia and back cast for the past
year, came to St. Johns to make
his home this week. He has locat
ed in n neat litt'e cottage in Point
C. L. Wren of southwest Mis
souri, who has been to the coast
several times within the past few
years, has brought his family and
will make his home somewhere in
the vicinity of Portland. He was
in St. Johns Wednesday, but is
making his home for n short time
with his father at 429 Mnin street,
The Woodmen of the World put
on their initiatory work Tuesday
night at their hall and were assist
ed by the champion drill team of
the coast, the W. O. W. Portland.
They report a most enjoyable time.
There were two candidates and
nine more who were not present
for various reasons. The two who
were present had a good run for
their money and arc satisfied.
Mrs. II. P. Robertson with her
two sous returned to her home in
Frankford, Mich. Tuesday of this
week after a delightful visit of five
mouths with her father, Mayor
Couch. Mrs. Robertson is in love
with St. Johns ami if she can induce
her commander, Captain Robertson
to leave the great lakes and come
here they will return and make
their home here.
The members of the M.I', church
have presented a petition to the
quarterly conference requesting that
body to ask the annual conference
of this district to return Rev. l. L.
Young to this charge. Mr. Young
while lie has been here has made
many friends, has made his church
home very popular with the
people of the city, and he and his
estimable family arc held in the
highest esteem, We trust the an
nual conference may see its way to
retain Mr. Young here another
Attorney G. J. Perkins received
a message yesterday morning stat
ing that his father had been killed
by an I.. & N. train in Brimitigham,
Alabama, hut the particulars were
not given. Mr. Perkin's father was
an old Confederate soldier, and at
the battle of Peach Tree was shot
twice through the body and laid
several hours on the battlefield.
There were 27 holes in his clothing
made by shots of his enemies and
there was not a man of the regiment
but was either killed or wounded.
Several years ago he was working
on a scaffold which fell with him
and he was seriously injured. It
seems to have been his fate to meet
with a violent death. Mr. Perkins
has not seen his father for some six
years and will receive the sympathy
of his many friends here.
1 hpt!
"Hi, there, sonny! What are you
crying for now?"
"Oh, mamma, boo-hoo, sent me
to the bakery in the French block
for loc worth of those nice cookies,
n I just tasted 'em 'n they were so
good I just had to taste 'em again,
'n I kep' tasting 'em 'n they're all
gone 'n I'll get a lickin' when I get
home, boo-hoo-hoo."
"Never mind, sonny, I don't
blame you for eating them; they
are good. Here's another dime; get
some more for your mamma."
e 2S
it I
3 &
2 S
03 CO
Call in and subscribe now.
K. H. Parker and family, who
have been up the vailcyhop pick
ing returned this .week reporting a
fine time and good ' weather for
Paul Bannon spent a-couple days
in tins city this week. He was em
ployed with a bridge building com
pany operating near .Pendleton, and
was on his way to Drain where the
company has secured a contract,
S. T. Roman, who. conducts' a job
printing establishment ( at Oregon
City, was a caller at this office yes
terday. Mr. Roman was formerly
employed in this office with J. C.
Crome, the founder of The Review.
Whltwood Court is strictly on
the mat). They have cemented
and enclosed two reservoirs, insert
ed pipes and have two fine streams
of pure mountain water located
from 100 to 300 feet above their
lots. Streets arc being laid out and
building is Koiug on now. Property
here is being sold rapidly and if
you want in on the ground floor
you will have to hurry.
Mr. J.T. Ellis of 509 Hayes street,
an employe of the West Coast laun
dry, was. taken ill Wednesday even
ing about 0 o clock and died before
morning of heart failure. The fun
cral will be held at the residence to
day nt 10 a. 111., the Knights of Py
thias having charge nt the house
and the W. O. W. at the grave.
Interment will be made in Mt. Cal
vary ccnietcry.
We have been reliably informed
that papers of incorporation for the
batik of St. Johns have been filed
with the Secretary of state, that the
capital wilt be $50,000, that the
bank will do a general banking bus
iness, that it wilt locate in a building
to be erected by P, II. Light on Jer
sey street next to Honlinin & Cur
reir's grocery, that some of the
wealthiest iiiouicd men of Portland
arc back of the institution, that the
bank will be fitted witli the very
best equipment for their work, safe
ty vault, fire and burgltr proof for
use of depositors. Wc have also
learned that temporary quaters have
been secured with S. C. Norton un
til their building is ready.
A good looking young man
came into the office and handed us
a copy of the announcement of the
Y. M. C. A. of Portland. The
cover bears the suggestive declara
tion that the contents concern "A
growing institution for growing
men in n growing city." The
booklet is beautifully printed and
illustrated 011 fine book paper, neat
ly bound with the index 011 the
back the inside is so chock
full of information regarding this
great association there was no room
for it there. Any one wishing for
information tegardiug this fine in
stitution mid the great Advantages
offered the public there, may cull
and read this booklet, or pcrlmps
better address the secretary of the
Y. M. C. A., A. L Veazle, Port
laud, for one of your own.
An Interesting Column For
Prospective Buyers.
Got Too Gay.
Two young men from Portland,
old enough to vote and know belter,
thought to have some fun in the
little city they were visiting, and
when passing the fire lell Monday
morning one of them rati tip to the
rope and gave it 11 jerk with all his
might, then dodged back to the
sidewalk. Unfortunately for the
gentleman, Mayor Couch and Re
corder Hsson saw the little by-play
and promptly ran out to intercept
the gay young men. At the same
time Captain Uredesou rati out from
his office to answer the alarm and
the mayor pointed out the Port
hinder to him and said to hold him.
The captain made one of his favor
ite baseball sptiuts down the side
walk, captured his man and brought
him before the recorder.
The visitor was too full of bug
juice or pretended to be so, to talk
intelligently and the recorder in
structed that he be given lodgings
in Hotel Uredesou 'or a lew hours
until he sobered up enough to do
business. About three hours in
the cooler satisfied the gentleman,
and he came before the municipal
judge with a baby cry of not mean
ing any harm, was having a little
fun. The judge said that kind of
fun was just a little expensive and
would cost him $10 or three days
in jail. Not liking the accommoda
tions of Hotel Uredesou, the friend
of the gay young man reluctantly
puugled up the sawbuck and paid
for his friend's freedom.
Our officers are to be commended
for their action. If every fool that
comes to St. Johns soaks his hide
full of bug juice and happens by
the fire lell should give the rope a
pull, would either have the fire
boys on the jump every day, or
being fooled often would fail to re
spoud when there was a fire. Every
one should have sense enough to
let those ropes alone unless there
is cause for a fire alarm.
For Our
Opening Announcement
New stock Dry Goods on way
from Eastern markets.
See us now for bargains in
Srwerto, Tiaware, Glassiari
Holbrook block, St. Johns.
Suits cleaned and pressed, $t.oo.
Inceda Laundry.
$750. River view comer lot
terms. S. L. Dobie.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a specialty of lace curtains.
Acreage I have three acres close
in and cheap. S. L. Dobie.
No need of having cold feet.
Calef JJros. sell heating stoves.
Ifcst thing in men's working
gloves is found at the Harness shop.
Wc wash ond iron all flat work
at 25c per dozen. West Coast
Nobby school suits for boys $2.75
and $3 each at the St. Johns Cloth
ing House.
You get full weight and first
quality nt the Central market. Just
try it awhile.
Good goods, small profits and
quick sales is the motto of the
Home Dakcry.
$1150. Modern four-room cot
tage and 50x100 improved lot
terms. S. L. Dobie.
The White House is n fine place
for night workers to sleep. It is
quiet and cool. Try It.
425. Must be sold soon lot In
St. Johns Park. xj cash, balance
5 a mouth. S. L. Dobie.
Just received our new stock of
Horse Blankets and Rain Covers.
St. Johns Harness Shop. 46c
Just one $20 men's suit left.
$12.95 takes this suit if taken at
once. St. Johns Clothing House.
See J. E. Williams and save rent
by purchasing one of his fine resi
dence properties 011 the installment
Rachel Paulson, teacher of Piano
and Harmony. 409 Tilford lluild
lug, Tenth and Morrison Streets,
A well located business lot, 2 story
store building, rented. A bargain
for n few days $2750. Address II.
G. Ogdeti, St. Johns, Ore.
Have your property insured in
the St. Paul or Northern fire in
surance companies. They tire the
best. S. L. Dobie, agent.
If in need of dental work call nt
room 5 in Holbrook block. Ex
amination free, and advice cheer
fully given to all. Dr. Riimbo.
Some very desirable comer lots
near the new schoolhouse can be
bought cheap and on the install
ment plan by applying to J. E.
D. S. Southuiayd has a ton and
n half of 1907 wall paer 011 hand
for you to choose from. Prices and
work guaranteed. Cull and inspect
this Mock.
Your umbrella repaired for 25c,
also silver and gold handles re
paired and warranted at Uillie's
Repair shop. Next door to
Couch's store.
Are you hungry? then try the
Home Ilakery. They have the
best of home made bread, pies and
doughnuts. Try them, they are
really good to eat.
If you are intending to give pres
ents the Variety store is the place
to leave your orders, especially for
silverware, Itest goods at lowest
prices. All styles.
Come in and look at our new Fall
suits and overcoats before going
elswhere. We make your old
cloths look like new. Peterson and
Noce, Merchant Tailors.
Try the Central Cigar stand one
door north Peninsula Hank, 103,
Jersey St. Exclusive cigars and
tobaccos, Hase ball headquarters.
F. E. Goodell, proprietor.
Do not forget the millinery open
ing at Mrs. F, R. Anderson's to
morrow, Saturday. You cannot
miss the place, south side of Taco
ma street, first door west of the
All our meats are government
inspected and the best that money
can buy. They arc neatly and
carefully handled. Come in and
leave your order for free delivery.
Ward's Central Market.
Our business having doubled in
the last six weeks, we fiud it neces
sary to employ more help. Any
one desiring a good job for the win
ter come and see us. Women espe
cially. Inceda Laundry,
A shipment of that famous
"Rosewood Oak" Harness Leather
has just been received by W. E.
Sweugelof the St. Johns Harness
shop, Iu oiut of quality Mr.
Swengel says it is the finest he ever
put a knife into and thinks it a
good time to leave orders for new
harness. 46c
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined by II. Hender
son, abstracter and notary public,
Rooms 4 and 5, Leo Huilding,
opposite postoffice. Accurate work.
Reasonable fees.
II. G. Shearer and Miss Bell
Mandcrson were married at the
home of Mrs. McNeal at 616 Ivan
hoe street, Wednesday, September
11, 1907, Rev. F, L. Young, officiating.
r 1 o I
Donnam turner
I-m nr
Let us remind you
again that we
- Can supply you with
Slicker coats
Slicker pants
and Slicker hats
Also Umbrellas
And don't make that long, tedious ride to Port
land to buy Shoes-even high top shoes. Wc have
them, and rubber boots and rubber shoes also.
Bonham & Currier
Li 07 S. Jersey. m
Factory at St. Johns, Oregon.
Office, 236 Alisky Huilding, Portland, Oregon.
Legitimate profits is our motto.
Jl Phone Union ,66. 2o6-2oS Philadelphia Street. J
Bargains This Week
Good four-room house, full lot, on Jersey street ! 1,100
I! Two lots iu Point View 275
! ! Fractional block on Hurlliigtou street, near R. R., 3 fronts 2,250
1 1 Full block, river view 1,000
100x100 close In, corner, five-room house 3, 100
50x100 011 alley close Iu, monthly payments 375
50x100 fine business location 011 Jersey stieet ,ooo
25x100 two Mory income business proj)erty 275 t
80 acres 3 miles from Forest Grove, Improved 1,000
Hotel and furnishings 17,000 X
f ft m, .
50x100 income property, jersey street ,fi3uu
Good buys iu factory sites, business locations, ami modem
flats for rent.
Lots and acreage iu Whitwood Court, across the river, cheap
and on easy payments.
Timber and Farm
Lands convenient
to transportation
and Linnton.
Ilargaius in Linn
ton Real Estate.
Also at Whitwood Court.
Office opjKsitc postoffice
at Linnton.
St. Johns and
East St. Johns
For fine bargains in the
way of business and
dwelling lots, river and
railroad frontage sold
on easy terms. See
I Bathrooms Open j
J To the public after 6 p. 111.
25 cents for bath at
tZ'J Jersey Street,
Real Estate, Loans and
Phone Union 4068
The finest of calling cards at The
Review office.
Hring iu your job printing,