THE ST JOHNS REVIEW Pnbllihed Etery Friday I1V MARKMt & IlVKIU.Hl'.. Tint Ritvittw Is entcrctl nt jxst office in Snlut Johns, Oregon, ns innil tnnttcr of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1907- Hcncy made the Olnss fly in San Francisco Inst week. Mr. Tnft the great is certainly a fat old rooster, and his enormous appetite would make n poor man's pockclbook look dizzy every time lie makes a meal. He mnde the mistake of his life when he neglect ed to make n visit to St. Johns. - - The postofflcc department has done a flue thing in barring the disreputable picture cards from the mails. If the department would make itself still more topu!ar with the public it would also bar the sending of the same class of valentines. We are under obligations to the Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture for a complimentary ticket to the entire show. This fair promises to be the best ever and our people .should remember the date, Septem ber 16 to 21 inclusive. Go up to Salem and make a week of it. The city dads should dig up that bill posting ordinance and put it on its final passage. Too many build ings throughout the city now look like a piece of cra.y patchwork with their windows and sides bedecked with n great assortment of flaring posters. The Cans-Hritt fight ended ns it ought to. Any white mini who will make .such n holy show of him .self as to fight a colored gentleman in public ought to be whipped and whipited hard. Pri.e fighting is bad enough at the best, but mixing it up witli the colored race is stretching tiie thing a little too far. i The wood question is one of the serious problems of life that now confronts the poor man of a family. it seems to take nil a man can .save up during the summer mouths to tiay for his winter Mtpply of fit I. The new gas works will .surely be a Godsend to this community if they turnisli neat ns cheap as lliey claim. According to the newspaper laws, the fact that an individual "never subscribed" for the paper does not relieve him of the responsibility of payment therefor so long us he lifts the paper regularly from the postofliee each week. If this was not so the newspaer men would have 110 pinlcctioii whatever, as any one could claim they never subset ibed. TRADE AT HOME. We wish to call especial nttcn tion to the statement on first page of this issue made by our butchers in regard to their prices and the matter of home patronage. The same principle applies to any dc partinent of trade in our city. If our good people will but stop to think they will most assuredly know that our merchants cannot pay rent, or if fortunate enough to own their projerty, pay taxes, insurance, clerk hire, freight char ges, cartage and the dozen other different expenses incident to the business, and carry good stocks of ttoods if our people simply use them to tide over emergencies and when they have greater leisure run over to Portland and buy the bulk of their .supplies. Our people should also consider who pays their taxes in St. Johns, tlie merchants of Portland or the home merchants. They should bear in mind that if in an emer gency they may need a little credit, it is not the Portland merchant who comes into the breach and carries them over n tight place, but the home merchant. Then it is due him to receive a generous patron age when money is plentiful and we are nble to pay the cash. Our home merchants may not be altogether blameless in the tnnt tcr. The Portland merchants by their attractive advertising of some article, which they sell nt cost or less, induce our people to go there, depending on getting back more than they lose on the social sales from other purchases their patrons make while there. Our merchants migjit well give their prices in their advertisements showing that their prices are as low as are those in the big city, except perhaps in these specific cases of sacrifice sales. In this, our butchers have taken the initiative and have given their prices. Our butchers keep their markets in it condition to compare favorably with the best in the big city. Another thing, none of them have been brought under the ban of the health oliicers as has some of the Portland butchers. Their meats are government insceted, clean, healthful and the markets tire worthy of the patronage of all our people. There should be pride anil interest enough in the upbuild ing ot our city among all our peo ple to sectitc patronage of the home merchant as against any out sider, livery dollar spent nwny from St. Johns is just that much money taken away Irom the wealth of the city, for none of it comes back. THE CITY DADS IN SESSION T Council Meets Tuesday Evening and Transacts Its Usual Budget of Municipal Business a "short to curry it. other nldcr- The work before the city council Monday night was horse," but contrary to the old maxim, it took a long time 1 Couucilmen I.iuquist and Prancis were absent on leave, all c men were present. On motion of I.cggctt six bills were allowed to be paid from the goncraf fund ns follows: J. W. Carr, lettering doors, $3.50; O. W. Allen, police gun, holster and ammunition, $16. 10; S. H. Greene, ap pearance, Thronson vs. city, $5; St. Johns Water & Light Co. rent 14 hydrants for August, fjo; S. W. Simmons, leveling street, $35. Ttnl $100.45. Committee on the IJurlitigton and Bradford street proposition decided to await the action of the new city engineer to determine what !.. .1 ... ousiruciions were 111 sirccis. Water contract between the water company and the citv for hy drants at the junctions of Ivauhoc and Chicago, Ivauhoc and Fcssenden and Hayes and Catliu read, and as it did not seem to comply with the limitations of the present charter, Mayor Couch airrccd to take the mat ter up with the company personally lor adjustment. It was reported that water was running from the laundries to the slough north of the woolen mills and the recorder was instructed to request them to care for it. A brief discussion of the saloon and gambling situation was in- bilged in and it was the sentiment of the council that the gambling should cease. Apple & Son requested special police service at their own expense and W. C. Pickett was appointed as special policeman at the rink. The exporting of the books was discussed and it was found that the expert accountant's report did not ngrcc with the report of Treas urer Hall. The methods of keeping these accounts were discussed at some length, and while neither of the men, cx-Rccordcr Thorndykc or Treasurer Hall arc believed to have been dishonest in any way, the records have been made nud the funds handled apparently without a regular system so that it is n very difficult matter to straighten the accounts out. It is the belief of every one that when these accounts arc straightened out by the men most directly interested that every cent of the funds will have been accounted for, and this is what the council is now asking the gentlemen to do, to make a report up to the beginning of the current year showing the balance in each of the different funds which obtained at the beginning of the present year. It is expected this will hc-accomplishcd within the next few days. Want to Buy a Property? If SO; here is a great opportunity Price Drops Ten Dollars a Day If you want it, be quick READ ALL ABOUT IT This property is one of. the finest pieces of land in the city 'mid any one looking for an ideal home or a good investment cannot afford to pass it by. The property is admirably located, being one block from the city hall, two blocks from the street car station and three blocks from the postofliee, in the heart of the city. There is n substnntinl frame dwelling of five rooms with wood house, etc., on the lot and nn abun dance of fruit for family use, including pears, plums, prunes, quinces, grapes, currants, cherries and 35 or 30 fine rose bushes. The lot Is 1 00x1 00 feet, on an improved street, has city water and would make n delightful home for nny one. The price of this property today is $3210 Tomorrow it wilt be $3300, and each day thereafter for 5 days, unless taken, the price will drop $10 per day. Compared with other property in St. Johns the property is cheap at $3500. Don't delay too long. Reasonable terms given. The first money down takes the lot. If you mean bus iness, for further particulars apply to I H. G. OGDEN, Review Office. A letter fiom 11 gentleman in Idaho who owns proerty in St. Johns says by all means improve Philadelphia Mteel; it is the best proposition befote the eoplc of the city today. We wish we had about 5000 people bete who thought just the same thing. To us it looks like neglecting our oportiitiilics to leave this fine avenue to cheap transportation blocked by lack of modern iiuptovcmeuts. It bottlers 011 ciimiiial carelessness. This .street improved to a (list class dock would mean thousands of dnllats saved to our met chants in freight eltaiges every year to say nothing of 11 saving of time and wony. San l'inueisco recently gave evi dence of the wonderful improve ment she has made not not only in the executive aud legislative, depart ment of that city, but in thuii police. I.ast week three policemen arrested 11 member of a violent mob and placed their man in jail despite thcsticuu ous effort of the mob to release him and held the foil until sumeient re inforcements came to their aid to quell the mob. Another policeman, 60 yeais of age Mood off a mob of 500 men siuglehauded aud ptotcclcd 11 Mteel car ami ciew until help came and the mob was disH.rscd. Indications aie that St. Johns is dropping into line for good govern ment aud the administration that brings it will teceive the most heatty support of our citizens. Yes, Hood River's done it again. I.ast year when the bulk of the crop was sold for $3.15 jer box all the knockers theie. and there are n few the same as here, declared that prices had reached the limit; that from that time on the prices would retrograde until high class apples requiring expensive culture would not pay for the growing. The sale of Hood River's first class apples Tuesday of last week at approximately j?3-5lH:r box to the Davidson Fruit Co., of that city, gives ute knockers a knock-out blow in the solar plexus, or words to that effect. Don't write your friends in the east that Hood River apples cost five cents each by the carload in that city, however, lest they put you on the Ananias list. just astc iiiein 10 write tor prices. There is no use in talking, the Hood River Apple has the world .skinned a mile for excellence in color, shajie, keeping qualities anil flavor, and when it comes to prices these apples are in a class to them selves. y The criticism of the city attorney at the council meeting last week leguidiug the saloon fights and brawls was very timely and just. There nte certain restrictions which the wisest of statesmen nud jurists deem necessary for the protection of society ngniiist those Individuals who have no regard for the rights of others, who, having 110 decency themselves, if left unchecked would soon reduce society to 11 state of anatchy. These restrictions me embodied in national, state and municipal laws. We are living in the laud which boasts that the "iiiajoruy ruie -governs its ocra tious. The majority have declared in favor of saloons and we have them. 1 he laws of our state nud city define the manner in which these shall be conducted. There is no teasoii then, for crmlttiiig disreputable places which have been annoying nud endanger ing the public to continue their nefarious work. If they will not comply with the law, there is one sine lemedy. Their license should be revoked and their joint closed, It is the province of the city coun cil to do this nud failing to do so they become, morally nt least, partMmis crlmltiis in nil their vicious otierations. The saloon men in the city, too, who wish to obey the law will suffer nlike by the wioug iloiug of the otheis and should take even more interest in the etifot cement of the saloon laws than the ordinary The vigorous action of the police, acting under the spur of the city attorney and the council is to be commended. If they will keep it up, theie will be no future charges of "cold feet" from the city fathers, and both the council nud the ixillce will receive the thanks of every citizen ot our town. Wo did not succeed in placing advertising space to war rant us iu issuing the Review twice a week as we very much desired to do and may do later. There are just two things iu favor of coming The Journal's special number for last .Sunday is a buster. It con talus 160 pages, many of them iu colors filled with a world of inter estiug information about Oregon nud the coast, embellished with hundreds of illustrations. The ed ition cost $30,000 and yet the pa pers were sold nt the regular price of five cents jier copy. The attention of our people is called to the notice of a public meeting nt the library rooms to pro vide ways nud menus for the coir tinuation of the public library here. which appears on local page. It is 11 great boon to the reading public and by all means should be liberal ly supported. We hote n good nt tendance will be given this meeting nud that the library will receive the support it deserves. Harry Wngoner has been enjoy lug the influences of life nt the bench since Wngoner Ilros. sold their store, and Mrs. Wngoner has been visiting her parents at Dallas. Did you see the new book, "Chips that Pass iu the Night?" Just ask Captain Ilredesou to show it to you. It is the best literary production of the present century icgarilless ot race, creed, color or previous condition of servitude. It is from the facile teu of Wilhelm I.ougamus Thorndykc and is dedi cated to Captain Charlemagne Iltedesoii. Pi of. J. R, Kendall, who has been working nn a book bearing uimmi the subject of evolution for the past eight years, treats his sub ject iu .quite nn unique manner. He illustrates his theory by the use of the magnet, describing the pro cesses of evolution iu that way. He sent his manuscript and drawings to nu eastern publishing house yes tenlay. Our friend P, T. Hanson handed us a copy of the Yellow Jacket, a true blue republican paier publish ed at Moravian Fulls, N. I)., twice a mouth. It is n five column, four page paper, and is so full of inter estiug matter that it hangs over tin chases like a yellow jacket's nest on ait apple limit, The Yellow Jacket has a stinger 11 yard long and isn't ntraid to jab it into any wrong doer from palter to president. Police Make Another Grab. Knot Nelson nud a number of others were indulging iu the flowing bowl Wednesday evening iu Sher man Cochran's saloon nud when pretty well mellowed by the Influ ence of the convivial fluids, $35 of the coin of the realm nud n iood 17 jeweled, nickel-cased Waltham ticker, valued nt $14, changed hands. Mr. Nelson lamented the loss of his wealth and decoration aud so licited the aid of the guardian of the tiencc to have It restored. Iu the municipal court yesterday morning he swore out a complaint against John Fitzgerald, John I'rink aud Hnrry l-rench. chariilnir them with larceny from the person. Judge Kssou made the bail $100 each and in default were lodged iu the city bnstile until the time of trial which was set for this morn- ng at 9 o'clock. The gentlemen nil demanded trial nt once, hut the state required 3.t hours time to secure its witness es nud the judge ruled accordingly. QOOOOOOOOOOjruruCjrOOOO( iSt. Johns Butchers I PRICE LIST Beef, from 2 to 15 Cents Pork, from 7 to 18 Cents Veal, from 7 to 1 5 Cents Mutton from 5 to 1 5 Cents don't sec and g oooooooonnn Sad Case of Drowning. Joseph Kendall need at. em ployed on the pressure barge by the North Hank road nt the new bridge was drowned Wednesday. evening, September ii. Mr. Ken dall littdiiig nu opportunity to rest went to n row boat attached to the barge to get n cushion to lie upon. Not returning after a time his com panions went to look for him but could see notltimr of him. Thurs day morning a search was made and his body was found in the river. It is supposed the voutiir man accidentally fell into the water wlille trying to get into the boat. Mr. Kendall leaves a young wid ow, n sister of George Mutison, nud relatives in MichlRan from witence tney came to St. Jolms a short time ago. Call In and ask for anything you we will get it for you. School Books ! And Supplies YOU WIIX FIND AT St. Johns Book Store 430 Jersey Street, 3d door north of Postofliee. BUILDERS' HARDWARE As well ns the other kinds of Hardware is OUR HOBBY We nre making the hard ware business "our study, aud it's not how cheap we can buy but how good, nud we must have the quality. Our Universal Stoves and Rouges arc ns good as the HRST ma le. Our mixed Acme qunlity paints nre kind. the. -------- ---- EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing, Tinning, Hardware Notice to the Public. Call iu nud subscribe now, out twice a week: It gives the news Itesli aud the advertisers meet their patrons twice each week. On the other hand there is double the excuse of getting out the jwper, news !jMce iiiuu we win re quire, and more office room than we can have iu our present quarters. We shall be obliged to enlarge our present size and will do so by run ning an insert, which will' give us the additional space we desire, uud there are other improvements which we shall make to the paper ns rnpntiy as we can. -1 Twenty-two hundred buildings now in couise of construction iu St. Johns and Portland is not going so slow for this season of the year, t Mrs. Anna Maher, mother of Mrs. G, W. Simmons, who has been quite ill at her home on 1 houiksou street for several days Through this notice, Filers Piano House wishes to advise the public that Li. W. Douglas is no longer iu the Firm s employ, nud no rcspoti' sibility will be acknowledged iu any agreements or ueiits made or contracted by him, except such as wete duly authorized and regularly agreed to previous to the termina tion of his services, September 4, 1907. Hii.kks Piano Housit, Sept. 4, 1907. Portland, Ore. New Drugstore in St. Johns. W. M. Scarbrough has pur chased the lease of the building and me fixtures of the drug store known as Smith's Pharmacy. locat ed at 1 1 1 South Jersey and is refit ting, rejuvenating, rehabilitating, reunvattuir aud otherwise remodel ing the establishment. All the old stock has been removed and Mr. Searbrough is filling his store with the best in all Hues which he will carry, towit: drugs, patent med icines, toilet articles, druggist sun dries, cigars, confectioneries, sta tionery, school supplies, etc. Mr. Searbrough is a bright, genial young man, a registered pharma cist, worthy of the patronage of our people uud we iudue from indications that he will receive a I generous share of it. We carry a good f line of Rubber Hose PHONE EAST 6311 203 JERSEY ST. Hendricks Hardware COMPANY. No. 1 1 1 Burlington street J. It. KlI.KItNNV O. I.. KIM'S J St. Johns Electric Works 303 South Jersey St. St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of lumber, kiln dried nnd otherwise. Also slab wood. Titulars of all sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. ALL VARIETIES OF Electrical Installation and Repairing Promptly At tended to by Exp rts. Motors and dynamos repaired, and all kinds of electrical work done at satisfactory prices. Esti mates given and sugges tions furnished. No work too difficult X no job too small. t 'is reported u little better, Building Permits Issued. 70 To Thomas Scales o erect a residence on lot 3, block i, Pair child's addition; fronting on Wall between Mickliu and Fessenden. So -To A. D. McDonald to alter and add to store building, fronting on Jersey, between Chicago and Ihirhugton on lot 5 Depot addition. Si To J. F. Wyvel, u. e of lots 7 and 8 block 29, James Jolm addition; fronting on I.eavitt, bet ween Ivauhoc and Hayes. 500. 83 To Mordie Keeney, to erect resilience on lot 35, block 3, St. Johns Park; fronting on Kellogg betgeen Catliu and St. Johus ave nue. I600 W. C. T. U. Elect Officers. The W. C, T. U. had a verv Happy Farewell Party. Monday evening a delightful ! social event occurred at thecommo- dious home of L. B. Chipmau on I l rumbull street when a few close interesting meeting in the Evan friends gathered there to bid ben gehcal church Monday afternoon, voyage to Miss Anna Ryan aud W. September 9. They elected new Scott Kellogg who were to leave officers for the ensuing year as fol- shortly for the east. lows: Mrs. Scott, who has so faith- The evening was spent iu play- fully atteuded the duties of presi- ing cards, music and social chat, dent, was reelected; Mrs. Tallman Delicious ice cream and cake was was elected secretary: Mrs. Dav served lor refreshments to the corresponding secretary and Mrs. happy bunch, and all joined in O'Hara was again elected treasurer, wishing the departing friends a I which speaks well for her work most happy journey aud safe dunug the past year. return, Those present were: Misses Moreuce Carlson, Edna Bailey, Hazel Catlsou, Alma Villeueuve. Gertrude Willis, Anna Ryan and Messrs. Jucksou, Kellogg, Charles Bailey J. J. Hurlbert. too Big Channel Mining Company The mines of this company are located near Merlin, Joseph ine county, Oregon one of the richest placer districts in the state Stock for sale by W. H. KING or DANIEL- CALKINS. Ou Monday afternoon, September bin work ou . - . " nnl .1 33 at me same place they will hold MUUI' unnay their annual meeting when reports of the past year will be read and plaus for the work for the followittg year discussed. Everybody is welcome to attend these meetings. Notice to Pupils. The pupils north of the street car tracks and west of Charleston street who attend the first, second, third and fourth grades, and all the high school pupils of the city should go to the new school build ing. Miss Boss, principal of the high school, wishes to meet all of the pupils at this building Satur day, tomorrow, at 2 o'clock to 1 arrange the classes, etc., so that everything will be in readiuess to A PENNY-A-WORD IF You want to buy, rent, sell or ex change property see Wolcott (The Rent Man.) Waxtkd Hand ironers at the West Coast Laundry. Apply at once. HUM Wantko At the Woolen Mills. Experienced hands nreferred. Several I good positions open. Apply at office. I Girw Wantko A number of girl 'can secure employment at the Portland 1 Manufacturing Co. Apply at once. For S.t.K. I Type-vriter in good running order for sale cheap, A bargain for the one who I gets it. U. S. Swengel, St. Johns. ! LadvSoucitor Wanted Good com .mission paid; St. Johns territory. Ap j ply at this office. I Roomkks Wantko Hoard and room with private family; ladies preferred. 404 West Charleston. 4Jtf Lame Back. This is an ailment for which Cham berlain's Pain Balm has proven es pecially valuable. In almost every instance it affords prompt and per- the first dav of ,nane"1 renei. Mr. Milce L,aUrange All pupils other grange, aucu., s ysotil: "Alter than the above should renort nt tin. central school building Monday morning. If you know any uews tell us. using a plaster and other remedies for three wetrks fora bad lame back, I purchased a bottle of Chamber lain.s Pain Balm, and two applicai tious effected a cure.". For sale by St. Johus Drug Store. I I