i J. Ii. KILKENNY O. I. EI'l'S St. Johns Electric Works 203 South Jersey Street ALL VARIirriliS OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND REPAIRING Promptly Attended to by Exp rls. X Motors and dynamos repaired, and all kinds of X electrical work done at satisfactory prices. Kstimates X given and suggestions furnished. No work too difficult no job too small. J HAVE YOU AN EYE FOR BUSINESS Electric Light Will Make Salesmen of Your Windows After Dark There is no known illiimiimnt wliicli will liht .store win (lows as efiectively, handsomely and satisfactorily as lilectrie Liht. Fabrics are shown in their true colors and every little detail is lironf-ht out in trite pioporlion to its . surrounding. Keep your place of liusiuess bright with Klectric I.iv;1tt, and don't neglect the KI.KCTIUC SKIN, and yon will keep busy. Light is the magnet that draws tiade. The use of Kkctrk Light is an adverti.seinent of your pro giehlve enterprise. It's the light that's bright. Call Main rifiHH for information. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC GO. First and Alder Streets, Telephone Main C.f.HH I'OIMI.ANI), OUIKION FUNERAL ORATION By Rev. G. W. Nelson of Con gregational Church. Olson, while you realize that she cannot come to you , rejoice in the fact that you shall, bye and bye go to her. Mourn not for her, but cultivate her faith: seek her God and Savior; and rejoice in her hope of a blessed immortality. HAD AN AWFUL T1AIE Dear friends: As we have gath ercd to nay our tribute to one whom we have loved, and to bear her remains to their resting place, we cannot regret that her spirit has none, for, being a constant sufferer for a number of months, she had a irrcat desire to pass 011 to her rest and reward. A few weeks ago as Sister Olson was reading the eleventh chapter of the gospel according to John, and coining to the words, "The Master is come and culleth for thee," she said to her mother, "There is the text for my funeral service." She felt that the Master was about to call her to Himself to her own reward and exaltation She could feel that way about it onlv because of previous calls of her Master, to which she had promptly responded. Her Master, Icsus. had called her years ago to repentance, faith and the christian life. She had heard His voice in the tender invitation. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Why Not at St. Johns? Wc believe that St. Johns has the best street railway service of any part of the country all things considered. The employes of the company arc gentlemanly and obliging to a man. In all our go ings to and from the city, we have yet to witness the first objectionable act upon the part of any one of the men. This is something remark able. The cars, too, arc almost invariably ou time, and there are enough of them to comfortably care for the people who patronize them. It is true that once in awhile the ears arc crowded to the limit, always well patronized as they should be, but it is very seldom one has to hang on with his teeth as on some lines. Hut there is one thing which wc believe would add to the popularity of the company, and that is for the Portland Kail' way, Light and Power company to have u local office here. There are But Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. "It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a se vere case of measles I got caught out in a hard rain and the measles settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word for this remedy." Sam H. Gwin, Con cord, Ga. lfor sale by St. drug store. Johns Our Charges. As is customary, wc will charge for card of thanks, 50c; for resolu tions of respect, St. 00: for notices of church or lodge entertainments, suppers, sociables, etc., where there arc charges for admission, 5c per line, but where there arc 110 charges for these events, wc will break the rule and insert them free. Wc make this announcement so that our good friends may understand St. Johns Market FULL LINK 01? BEEF, PORK, MUTTON and VEAL, HAMS, BACON, HOMEMADE LARD and SAUSAGES. Also all kinds of Pickled Meats. Poultry Dressed to Order. Wc make Family Trade a spe cialty. Orders solicited and delivered to any part ol the city. Call on us and you will be con vinced that our prices arc right. Phone Scott 4062. G. W. BENNETT. AN OFFICIAL DIRECTORY L. E. STORY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURdEON. Day and Night Office, Rooms 7 ami S, Ilolbrook Block, ST. JOHNS. Phone Union 2S0. I ll. KlVt JUL iuu I . - ,, .. I ,ke my yoke upon you, and .earn - - " " ur rule in this respect. if iiif. mr 1 run mrt!ic iimi iuwiv i ... .1 . 1 !.. 1 ...... I. lt .-..ut ll.iin PUUU IN IIOII I, Ullll W : ....l. j. ,,, mnni.l,l l, a uiil'l'l I UII1V.V, WVUIU F. J. KOERNER S. H. GREENE Allorney-at-l.flw. Office: Room 9. Urecilcit Build ing, corner Third and Washington streets, Portland, mul Room 35, Ilol brook Mock, St. Johns. Phone: Pacific 209S. Residence: St. Johns HENRY E. COLLIER Lawyer. Rooms in the Ilolbrook building. St. Joints, Oregon. B. F. BELIEU Contractor and Builder Unit St. Johns. Plans and estimates given. Whitwood Court! 200 acre Iract opposite St. Johns has been selling beyond our e.H.'Ctations. The owners have given us M.iiniioii to sell a limited number of lots and aeu-agc at o)viiiug prkes until Sept. 1 when lots will be advanced $35.00. Now is the time to buy. Terms 10 per cent down, 510.00 per month U. SlIKl'ARI) & CO. and II. G. OGDI-N, Ac.lt.NT8 Sr. Johns, Okiicon, your souls. 1-or my yoke is easy and mv burden is light." As she obeved this call she was led into the Christian life. This was a life begun in regeneration, realized bv ralth anil sustained aim increased bv divine knowledge. Hut not only did she hear the voice of the Master ca in: her into a lite in Christ, but she also heard him call hiL' her to a life for Christ. In this life for Christ, she made the exam tile of Jesus her model: the will of Christ her law. and the glory of Christ her end. And so she came to sav with the great apostle Paul: "For u'e to live is Christ," and wc feel sure she could say witli the aiMMtle also, "And to die is gain." The christian's d:ath is a gain also by being deprived of .something Our loved one is deprived of the sinful body. She is I reed from temptations. She is delivered from spiritual enemies. She is released ftoni suffering and death itself. The Christian's death is a gain bv iicniiiriug something. There is increased opportunity and ncceler ated liberty to worship God. There is blessed reunion and fellowship with departed friends. There is and so many instances where the Itliltr lirnltM tint n triii rttmt Irttun I . , . ..I llnnW II Illam here all 1 the time: and in view of several lm- hd lose all interest when help is portant changes that will neccs- within reach. Hcrbinc will make sarily be made during the coining nt nver perionn us duties prop- busy season, wc believe it would criy. J. U. Vaughn, Iilba, Ala., he much to the bencht of that pro' gressivc company if they would install an office here at an early day. Doran Question Closed. lul i tor of Review: It seems to me that it Is about time to stop all this "gush" us to whether or not Captain Doran died a noble death. Those who have carefully studied the case have come to the conclusion that any man who will "go down with his hand ou the whistle cord" when he can save himself is a blamed fool. The chances arc he was so crazed with the thought or possible belief that he was the cause of the fright nil disaster, that he lost all reason. None but a chump will stand ou the roof of a burning house till it falls in merely because there hap pens to be someone in the cellar who cannot get out! All this slush writes: "Ucing a constant sufferer from constipation and a disordered liver, I have found Ilcrbiuu to be the best medicine for these troubles on the market. I have used it constantly. I believe it to be the best medicine of its kind, and I wish all suitcrcrs from these trou bles to know the good Ilcrbiuchas done me." P'orsalcby St. Johns drug store. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Joseph AlcCltcsncy, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROIiON Day and Night Office In McChcsncy Mock Phone WoodUwn 47$ ST. JOHNS, - - OREOON DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON Residence: 435 Wllllnms Ave. Phone Woodliuvn 576. Office: Hoi bruok Prick lllock, rooms 3 and 4 Phone Knst 36S9. St. Johns, .... Oregon Dr VV. E. HARTEL, DENTIST Crown nml Bridge Scclnlty Work n Rooms 1 nml 2, Ilolbrook Mock, St. Johns Plans ond specifications furnished on application, done with nenttioHS and promptly All work dispatch, about the bravery and ''squaring the presence and companionship of the account in heaven" is merely Icsus and the muicls forever. gush from the feminine view to . r" . . . . .1. .. .1.1 .1 t . . . So as our dear s ster heard t he gctiier wtui uic opinion 01 u tew voice of lesns ealliiiL' her to a chris- male freaks. I here is no doubt of p. 111., nml V. P. b. C. 15. meeting 11t7p.n1. THE PENINSULA BANK St, Johns, Oregon. Capital $2$,ooo,oo Surplus ;j.5&3 Intel est paid on savings deposits. 1 COLVIN & HENDERSON Rooms , ni$ I.ko Hi.ihi, Oitositu Postoim'ich Real Estate, Loans, Insurance f Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. tiau life and blessed service ou earth she did not fear, but rather wel coined the Master's voice when he called her through death to lellow (ship with himself, and to eternal glory up yonder. She looked ujkmi death as every christian looks upon : it, as rest from labor: as eternal and glorious expansion; ns the ! key that oiK'tis the palace of eter nity." 1 Mrs. Adell II. Olson, daughter (of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ilorsinau, 1 was born in Nebraska, November 5, 1.S70, and fell asleep July 5 1 1907, hence was thirty-six years laud eight mouths of age. Shu had received a thorough education. I Kor a number of years she followed , her chosen vocation, that of teach ier of elocution in the city of Port ! laud. Ou June 21, 1 005, she the bravery of Captain Doran but I'm never going down with my hand ou the whistle cord as long as the water is wet and I can swim. See? V. I. Thorndyke. People will differ, and with the mention of the above we believe it is time to call this matter n closed incident. Iid.l Bcrcnns Nearly Win. r St. Johns Lumber Co. Has all kinds of bimbo . kiln dried and otherwise. Also slab wood, Tuubeis of all sizes cut to order. Get your winter's wood now and save trouble. the beloved wife of Mr. Hryant Anton Olson, She was for many years au earnest, elhcieut christian and a most faithful member and worker in the Congregational chinch, of which she was a mem her when she passed nway. She was also au esteemed member of the Hebekah lodge. She was uui vei sally loved and respected for her many excelli ut characteristics. All are ready to testily to her most unselfish life. She sought to live for others. She was ever ready to give her lime and strength in ser vice, yea oft.'n over-taxed her stieiigthiu her endeavor to serve others and the church. She was always gentle and kind. She lived a tiustiug life and died in the christian faith and hope. She was conscious to the last and was ier fectly reconciled to the will of her Master, and anxious to go into His presence, hue lias Jived a useful life, She will Iks missed in the home, in the church and upon the I street. fiKlit; has iiinsiieii iter course, and we can study believe that she has received the "well done" from the Master, with the crown of life. Her war fare is ended; her victory is achiev ed; her glory is begun, w e snail an rcmemocr tier as a dutiful daughter, a loving wife, a faithful christian, a true friend, a thoughtful and kind neighbor; as a vaiucu advisor ami counselor; as one who was thoughtful of and helpful toward all. We note by the Glacier of Hood Uiver that the high schools won the library at the recent contest. While wc congratulate the schools 011 their success, there was really not so much need for the library iu this institution as there was for the llereau club to secure it. The schools have a splendid library became already, whereas the club has none, CHURCH NOTICES. llnptlit church 15. A. Leonard. mMor. hunilny ftcliool nt 10 n, in. Prcnclilni: nt 1 1 n, in. II. V. V. U, 7 i). in. PrenchhiL' iu o , III, .m-uiotiw ciiurcii p. I,. Young, tin tor. Sunday school 10 11. in.: tircnchlui! nt 11 n, 111. nml 8 p. m, Hpworth League ni 7 11. in. Holy Cross Cntholis church. Portsmouth Station: 8:15 11, 111. , low mass; 10:15 11.111.. iiiuii ninu T.o 11. in., vernier ami bene. diction. Christian church Meets cvcrvStimlnv In Ilickucr'shiillnsfollowsiSumUy school nt ion. 111.; preaching nt 11 n. 111. nml 8 J. Johnson, pastor. St. Andrew's HiiIscoimI Chanel. L'nl. vcrslty Park Rev. Win. R. Powell. chaplain. Regular cervices 7:30 p. 111. Miminy school nt 3 p. 111,; Iliblc class 7 p, m.; i.ciiiou services every I'rlilny nt 10 n. in. Hvaugcllcut church Siimlny school ut 10 n. 111. Prcachltu! 1 1 n. tu. tun or K. h. C. It. s:jo p. 111.; Senior K. h. C. 15. 7 11. m. Preaching nt 8 p. 111, Chenter P. (.iite. txutor. Pirst Conm'L'ntiomil Church P. ( . .iviwii. M..iur. tiiiiiimy M.11UOI lull. ill.; preaching 11 n, in. ami 7:30 p, 111. lUiitlst Church, University Park. Rev. A. H. Wnltz. IKUtor. Retiuhr sen-Ices every Sunday morning nml evening, German llatitist church Sen-ices held each Sunday nt Ikiptist church n follows: nuiinay scnooi 3 p. m preaching at 3 p, in. icv. rumiu'ui, junor, WULUOTT "The Rent Man" Has what Ofllce in ilolhrook's brick block. Ladies' and Gents' Billiard Parlors STINE BLOCK. Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Physician nml Surgeon. Ollicc In Ilolhrook's lllock. Residence, The Rnymoml. OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D Oflie hours, 9 to 11 a, in,, j to j p. ni. - Ofllct I'liuiic, Scull 1104. Hcnliltucc I'liotie, Union J9UI, Ofllce hi Piilmtlty l'stk Dma Store. Owhns Huos., Proprietors l-'ive l-'irst-class Tables. Drop iu and play a game. Central Bar. Sam. Cociiuan, Prop. Tins. Coxpo.v, Mgr. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cochran lllock, St. Johns, Oregon THE LOUVRE! I RICHARDS, Prop. you you want Real and the club is a fine beginning for a splendid organization of the boys of that thriving city, which will have 11 wonderfully good influence in the years to come, if properly handled and encouraged as it should be. We are proud of the showing the boys made, and bad their friends had the faith iu them that the boys had at the outset they would have won out easily, as they weie nearly as high in their vote ns the winner; but they will come out all right if they pull together and stay with it. It isstick-to-itivcuess that wins and they should be only the more determined to win time. next Sunday's Gun Shoot. She has fought a good sue uas Kem tue laitu. s e Wagner 91 out of 100. T. M. Shangle 32 out of 35. Southmayd 59 out of 100. McPherson 89 out of 100. Foss 34 out of 40. I). Nash 24 out of 40. Walker 31 out of 50. Mansfield 27 out of 50. Scott it out of 25. T. Condon 3 out of 10. Archie 33 out of 55. Ogden 3 out of 10. 1'. Peterson o out of 10. J Nash 6 out of io. want. Sec him if Kktatc. Plrc Insur ance or llusiness Chances. Houses to rent uud collections a specialty. If you need n Notary Public he will attend to your wants. 401 S. Jersey, corner Charleston street. CARS WILL STOP FOR YOU ENTERPRISE BAKERY BALLAGH BROS., Props. o Our goods are strictly first class, and we deliver to all parts of St. Johns. Buy a Lot in West St. Johns $100 and up. The Finest of Wines, Cigars. Liquors and A Fine Lunch Served Ivvery Day. O-l-C Family Liquors Portland Prices Goodrich & Goodrich. ARCIIITUCTS Pull Professional Services l'ivc Per Cent. Saint Johns and Portland, Ore. N. A. QBE House Mover anj Reps I re r Houses moved, raised and re paired. Odd jobs of nil kinds. Prompt service, reasonable charges. Ivanlioc nml Culllii streets. Phone Wootllawu 5S6. I Saint Johns ... Oregon LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. F. ST. JOHNS, ORUOON Meets each Mondav evenlnc In Oilcl Pellows hall, nt 8:00. Visitors welcomed. P. U. Poole, N. C. 1. II. Ilolcomb, Secretary. S. C. NORTON Real I:slate Insurance Resident agent N. V. Norcu & Co. no S. Jersey street. Phone Woodlnwii 917. St. Johns, Ore. J. R. WE1AIER Transfer and Storage Your Patronage Solicited ioj Ivast Darlington street, St. Johns, 205 W. Burlington New St. Johns Hotel Block. PHONI5 UNION 3105 The Wellington KNIGHT GLOVH, Proprietors. Fiue Wines and Liquors. Family Supplies a Specialty. EASY TERMS Holhrook Block, St. Johns, Oregon Chamberlain cone, chokra and Richard Shepard For neat work, good material and reasonable prices The Review job printing department cannot Ik beaten. Better enroll your name ou our subscription books be fore the semi-weekly starts and the price oes up to $1.50. Diarrhoea Remedy Better than Three Doctors. J. S. McKINNEY REAL ESTATE "1 hree years ago we had three doctors with our little boy audi everything that they could do seemed in vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gone we began using Chamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera "Servant of Gal, well donel Rest from thy loved employ; I lie battle (ought, the victory won, hitter thy .Master s joy. The pains of death are passed, t i.- i And life's lomr warfare ehvUl .at I., ?ml D "rhoea Remedy and iu a few 1 Ier soul i foi.n.l i ,..,r.. ,ol!rs t0 immove. 1 oday 1 he is as healthy a child as parents Soldier of Christ, well done! cotilil wish for." Mrs. ii. J. John- Praise be thy new employ: ston, Uiuton, Miss. For sale by And while eternal ages run, at, Johns tlrtig store. Rest in thy Savior s joy," Oh, parents, husband, brother. If you want job priutiug done at I relatives aim tneiuls of dear Mrs. I once, bring it ut now. &Co. Central Market! Ilolbrook lllock, Five room modem house, 21 fruit trees, corner 100x126, same block as car and close in. If taken at once cau be had for $1400 cash. Come and see this snap. Bon Ton Barber Shop MANSKIKU) & KAKMUU.N. Pirst class work ami clean hot towels for patrons, Jlalr cutting a specialty, AKents for West Coast Laumlrv. Jersey street St. Johns Real Estate If you are looking for real estate in- vestments that will hrim nulck returns land double your money iu a short time, call 011 S. C. COOK Office near Point View Station. RACHEL PAULSON Teacher of Piano and Harmony 409 Titford Buildlmr. 10th and Morrison Sis., Portland. For Photographs CO TO THWAITE'S Ilolbrook Block AM WORK GUARANTEED Mail Schedule Mail arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. in. and 1:15 p. til. Leaves at 10:20 a. 111.. and ma r. tu. Office open week days from 6y a. ci. to 6:10 p. ui. Sumlays from 9 to 10 a. m The finest of calling cards at The Review office. OneDollar will fit y tacle See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable, St. Johns Heights Station. Phone Union aSj. Orders Filled and Family Trade Solicited T. P. WARD, Proprietor. Holmes Lodge No. 101 KMQI1TS Ol' PVTHIAS- Meets every Friday night I ai a o'clock: at 1, u. U. V. lull. Visitors alwavs wel come. C. L. Goodrich, C. C. b. U.Holcomb, K, R. S. you iet. to eye Perfect I ;lasses or spec t guaranteed, v Your eyes fitted at home. Write for free booklet describing our method. Remember, the jkuaea we fit you to are worth 13.50 any where ou earth. Our price, only ft. 00. J OUR REPAIRING dcixrtmtat U mtm com Diet.. Mala sense VXD. Wstth cUaatd M. Stad rear wort by rcwr4 miL rtptu say wtica. METZGER ui atxri & CO.