St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 16, 1907, Image 2

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Pnbtlf'.ed Krttr
nv MAKKMt & HVIiRI.Hli.
TllK Ritvtttvv Is entered nt post office
In Saint Jolins, Oregon, ns mall nmttcr
of the second class under tltc Act of Con
gross of Mnrcli 3, 1879.
OfflcUl Hiwiptptr of th Oltjr or Bt Jtkni.
Phone Eatt 0100.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1907.
luluortni matter crowded ottt tilts
Poor John D. will have to recoup,
$29,240,000 means t cent it gallon
011 2,02.1,000,000 gallons of kcro
.senc grease, mid then there l.s the
costs mid worry. We will probably
have to pay the fiddler for making
Uncle John dance.
The county authorities played a
scurvy trick on lis when they swoop
ed down last week and swiped all
the slot machines they could Hud in
this municipality. They should
have given a little warning so that
the nickics could have been
abstracted first.
One of our good friends who
visits us every day from the bin
city with its usual accuracy charges
St. Johns council with favoring tin
highest priced gas franchise The
fact is the Davidor franchise, which
is the fairest yet offered, is really
cheaper than the Purse franchise,
but it will not be a Portland affair,
which crhaps accounts for the fly
in the ointment with our big neigh
What did you say about Philadel
phia street? We don't want to
have to take a wheelbarrow mid
shovel and do the work ourselves.
Come, now, fellows, lend us a
hand, let us have this fine street
improved. II we lived oil that
street we would have it improved
if we bad to go over to Linnton nnd
get some of the rustlers there to
come mid help.
There has been a gteat deal of
talk about our pcojilc going over to
Portland to do their trading. One
of the greatest inducements to lead
the jicople to do this is not to ad
vertise in your home paper. A
number of our advertisers asked us
to come out twice a week. We
agreed to do this provided the ml
vertisiug htipiHirl justified us in
making the venture. We visited
nearly every business house in the
city, and all seemed pleased with
the prosK.'ct mid promised good
suppoit, or the most of them did
s ). We gained annul 20 iter cent
011 the volume of advertising the
first three weeks. The last two
weeks there has been a steady de
crease, wo will again see our
business men between now and the
Arrested for Disturbance.
The "bad boys" who were ar
rested for disturbing the camp I
meeting last week met their lute in
the municipal court Tuesday and
tif...i 1.... r .1.! 1. -..
c. i,. iioyie was f.ned 515 after Council Meets Tuesday Evening and Transacts Its
!m,m S ty' Thse theU'Lcau'se Usual Budget of Municipal Business
the preachers refused to stay and
prosecute were dismissed. The
fust one on trial Tuesday, there
was no evidence nirninsl. and was
also dismissed.
That there was a disturbance
there is little doubt, but the matter
The Hiu Tyco of St. Johns met in their new wickiup Tuesday
evening all being present, Mayor Couch in his chair, Recorder Ksson at
his station and Capt. liredeson on deck, but the city attorney, after a
strenuous day at court luesday, and the prospect of another Wednesday,
of proving who the guilty parties evidently sought his virtuous couch at an early hour, and was conspic-
were was another t i nt?. 1 en nous oy ins ausence.
As soon as tlie decks were cleared tor action tltc mayor called tor
the gas franchises in order to release the representatives of the different
frachises in time to get a car back to the city.
The F. L. Purse franchise was first read, but elicited no comment.
Then the Davidor franchise was taken up and read, carefully discussed
by sections and passed its first reading, and on motion of Uobie was
laid 011 the table until next meeting. 1 here will be another readme at I
least, then it will be necessary to print the same twice before the third
Hoover, one of the bunch who
plead guilty, we believe to have
been the least guilty of the squad,
for the reason that he docs not
look to be a bad boy, mid the fact
that he recognized he had been in
bad company like old dog Tray, as
one of the attorneys remarked, and
wnt ninii enmit'li to acknowledge reading and linal passage, as we nave stated before since we came
It. Of some? of tin otlierq. we can- here we have attended every meeting of the city fathers, have paid par-
not say so much. It is true, there tictilur attention to the readings of till the different franchises, having as
nri? few wlm Iwlievc In mich tiro, much interest therein as any citizen in bt. Johns, and so far as wc can
Cellini's ns nre reoorted to linve learn from the reading of the franchises wc consider the Davidor fran-
been carried on at the camp meet- cinse very mucii superior 10 miyiuiug utai nas occn ouercu. vvc ucucve
1 .... - . . .. 1... 1 1 . ....n .....1 111 . 1 . r . . 1 . 11... 1.. 1 1 ..
mis view is uikch uy ine council iinu win mereiore give me main puuus
of the franchise stripped of its legal verbiage:
The franchise gives S. H. Davidor permission to use the streets of
St. Johns for a jicriod of 25 years for the purpose of operating gas mains
and laterals to all residence, business and other properties, for which
the meetliiL'q. thev should hnve the franchise Mr. Davidor, heirs, executors and assigns must pay the city
manhood mid w?lf ri.vstM.-et to I1el111vu per aumiui until the population reaches 4000: between 4000 and
themselves in a decent and decorous 5000, $300; between 5000 and 10,000, $350; between f 0,000 and 15,000,
f.joo: between is, 000 mid 20,000. .5o; between 20,000 and 25,000,
S.soo: between 25,000 mid 35.000, $550 per milium, which is to be the
maximum price during the life of the franchise.
The price for the gas to consumers is to be $1.45 per 1000 feet until
the population reaches 4000: between 4000 and 5000, si. 40 per 1000I
feet; between 5000 and 10,000, -f 1.30; between 10,000 and 15,000, $1.25;
between 15,000 mid 20,000, Si. 20; between 20,000 and 25,000, $1.15;
iug, and these reports may have
been garbled as such reports olteu
are, but the fact remains that if
boys or men have their curiosity
so aroused that they will attend
maimer while there. The worst
feature of the affair as we view it
is that the jieople carrying on the
meeting were too stupid to take
Mifliciciit data as to enable them to
positively identify the culprits,
1. ........ I.. r.. ..11 ...1
1 111: dcuci wuy in mi 1111 wiiu iiiiimi
Want to Buy a Property ?
If SO; hero is a great opportunity -
Price Drops Ten Dollars a Day
If you want it, be quick
This property is one of the finest pieces of land iti the city mid any one
looking for an ideal home or a good investment cannot afford to pass it by. The
property is admirably located, being one block from the city hall, two blocks from
the street car station and three blocks from the postoffice, in the heart of the city.
There is a substantial frame dwelling of five roonn with wood house, etc., on the lot and mi abun
dance of fruit for family use, including pears, plums, pi tines, quinces, grapes, currants, cherries
and 25 or 30 fine rose bushes. The lot is 100x100 feet, on an improved street, has city water and
would make a delightful home for any one.
The price of this property today is (3500
Tomorrow it will be $3490, and each day thereafter for 28 days, unless taken, the price will drop
$10 per day. Compared with other property in St. Johns the property is cheap at $3500. Don't
delay too long. Reasonable terms given. The first money down takes the lot. If you mean bus
iness, for further particulars apply to
attend these meeting to at least be
decent in their behavior, which will
win for themselves the iesiect of
their fellows and save the innocent
oftentimes from serious trouble.
A Bonfire Picnic.
The Ashbys, Greene's, Taylors
mid their friends to the number of
37 gathered 011 the river bank near
the foot of Pessenden street, mid
enjoyed all the felicitous ex peri
euces of 11 bonfire picnic mid moon
light boat ride Wednesday evening.
It was n lovely night, mid they had
11 lovely time, with it most delicious
1 ecu. 1 ue moon was not nan 11s
full as they were (with fun) and
they played drop the handkerchief
mid other games in which all the
kids from six to sixty joined, mid
the light was just strong enough
from the young moon to enable the
boys to distinguish their best girl
from her mother, mid thus avoid a
serious mistake when they thought
of something particularly nice to
whistier on the side.
The best joke of the evening was
on the older part of the bunch,
who, when they took their boat
ride, were saluted by the wake of
between 25,000 and 35,000, $1.05 tier 1000 feet, which is to be the
minimum price of gas during the life of the franchise unless a lower
price is voluntarily made by the company.
In addition to these payments, concessions, etc., the gas company
will supply the city hall gas for heating and lighting free of cost. The
franchise is properly protected on the part of the city by good and suffi
cient bond of $10,000 by the gas company, all the city's rights are pro
tected in the usual way, and the quality of the gas is established at 565
Ilrllish thermal units mid 24 caudle power.
The company is to place the gas in the houses to the meter, furnish
the meter free, furnish all gas ranges and heaters at actual cost to be
paid for in installments if so desired, to have the plant in operation so I norntion ?
.. .. . . f . I. ! .! f... . .. I . I . I
iis 10 supply at icasi 35 jer cent 01 me opuiaiiou wiiu gas ami 10 nave
expended at least $30,000 in the construction of plant, purchase of site,
etc., within the first year after the date of franchise, and to expend an
nually at least T32H5 to maintain the same. The plant is to be erected
mid nK.-ratcd within the city of St. Johns. Is to be a home institution.
ho fur we have, as we have before stated, given this matter our
closest attention mid consider this by far the best proposition offered.
What we want especially is 11 home institution, one that will have its
iuteiest in St. Johns, that will be u part and parcel of St. Johns, and
not a tail to some other kite, mid personally we would be in
Review Office.
Ilv John M. Tints.
Did anyone speak on the
Wanted a blacksmith shop
bakery In Linnton.
Mrs. W. IS. Anderson returned
Monday from Seattle.
L. W. Guiss of Woodburn spent
a delightful week in I.iiiiiton.
Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn spent a de-
favor of UK"'"'! day nt Seaside last week.
Portland, are constructing another
24x50 store building, a e of
I the one just finished, nt a cost of
I $2500.
! The Teddy R. proclamation
struck Linutou early Wednesday
morning. J. J. Jackson was pre
sented with a bouncing baby boy
mid R. II. Rcsuor was presented
H. It. II. .Kin, t'liilntllT
Mary ifugnti, Defendant.
To Mary llognn, Defendant:
I In the inline of the utiitc of Oregon:
I Vim urc hereby luiinmoucd nml required
. to nitx.-nr nml answer tliu coiiinlnliit filed
ng.-iftirl you In tltc nbovo entitled suit on
with a girl. Not so bail. ZaTXe'lin
'I v
gimitiug even mote liberal terms in 11 franchise to a resousible and
honest company who would come in here and make a bona fide business
enterprise for St. Johns out of it than to have some company whose
interests me elsewhere mid who would simply aim to come in and bleed
St. Johns for all they could get. Twenty-live years is a long time in
which to repent, as has been intimated by some of our couucilmen, and
although they have been criticized severely by some of our chronic kick
ers for their diltitoriuess, had these same kickers been Johnnie on the
spot mid gone carefully through the work with the couucilmen they
would nave had less to say. We believe they have been wise in not
being too hasty. There is not a man iiciiuaiuted with the whole
11 nr. iii'ii miiiiiiii 1 1 1 it'll lt it ftriiiiMiiir imii iifikii' iiiitrfiihiiwiT 11 111 11 ii ftriiiifiiiinwt it'll 11 1 nn v 11 nil Tim 1 .
first of the month, and If 1I1..V will . " " " "T "r"': ."' """ .7 . ' 1 ' : r.'.T " "V . """ V r ' " " "V. T. from Southern
. , , ' , one 01 ine river Meiuiicrs ami given eeeiiiugs mil is perfectly sausiicti iiiat it tuey nan snapped up me oiccic ,.i i ,,,,,.
contrnc for enough space from a gixnl ducking. The only painful franchise on the start, their term of office hud not expired until they mcu m low"'
cptcimter lirM to Jtitititiry nrht to accident of the occasion occutred would have been on the penitent's humble bench. Everybody looks
meet tlie excuse of doing the wmi j)ilvt. jiyuri., i,i a .strenuous After the franchises were disused of for the time, a petition for fire "re prosjierous in I.
extra work we will make the tu-ort l() crack 11 joke struck his Ulack et al, to be placed: two on another reason.
vi. iniw iinnri ll n II I I I III! Ill 1 1 iv-llllmllllir Hull lln.llll n .. I Sill 1 1 Ii lurvi... Mini .tin. ...i.l W'.ill clruiilu in Mmt I Ml ...
.. , ...... ... ...... ll.mill 1111- I lioillll IVI 1 llllll llllb IIVM I'll I WIK .11111 ll.lll nilvvia I. .Vl... I iwiii lilt? Ill
Mrs. W. R. Stilts has gone to
Kentucky for an indefinite period.
Miss Nina Woodcock of Wood
burn visited her sister, Mrs. I. W.
Mr. L. N. Watts' valuable
horse, Teddy, was killed by a train
last Sunday.
t oroiuer 01 v. u. .Morgan
California has ar-
prosperous and
inntou. There's
to our advertisers, we are ready
do the work.
State Fair I:c11rsi011.
W. II. Jenkins, T. I. A. of the
S. P., was in the city ycslciday
looking up the interests of his com
IMiiy. The S. 1'. promises to take
our citieus from St. Johns to Salem
mid return on Thursday, Septem
her ty lor This does not
include admission to the fair, A
meeting is called by the mayor to
be held in the city hall Thursday,
oiivmim jj, 111 uiriiiiuc- i-niiiiiiiiicvs
ami such other matters as may
come before the meeting. We
trust our citieus will all come out
mid assist in making this a banner
excursion to the fair. It will not
only be a pleasant trip but a boost
er for St. Johns as well. Car will
leave St. Johns for the fair at 7 a. m.
Airs. 0. Al. Hull Surprised. 1 . i I ...
incident 10 nie dcpatiiirc 01 .mis.
(1. M. Hall for the east, n number
of her friends in the city arranged
an impromptu surprise party last
b'riduy evening. The evening
passed pleasantly with music and
games for cuteMuiiiinent, Refresh.
. . . r 1 ft
incuts 01 cake ami coiiee were
served, At the close of the even
iug the guests took their departure
iiiuukiug tiieir Hostess lor it genu
ine good time, ami wishing her a
sate mid pleasant journey.
To Water Users.
Water used through hose for
spiiiiKiiug yaius or sidewalks or
washing relies or windows must
be paid lor in advance, and used
only between the hours of 5 and S
a. m. and 5 mid y p. in. It must
not be used for sprinkling stteets.
Anyone using water eoutrarv to
these itiles, or wastefully, will be
shut off without futther notice. St.
Johns Waterworks and Lighting
u f. 11. l-.dlefsen, .Supt.
IK-iidiigc so as to seriously interfere
with his feeding tlie job press for
several days. The happy crowd
skiddoocd for home just ahead of
the witches mid nil got in safely.
A Jolly Birthday Surprise.
J. M. Meiklejohu of 430 Gilbert
street experienced the pleasure of a
delightful birthday surprise party
ullieted iiihiii him by 18 or 20 of
his good friends, who came to his
aid in passing the 421I uiilcposl last
Satuiday evening. They lust
stayed with the lad mid hustled
him by in such a pleasant and jolly
manner that lie didn't seem to real
ize that he was more than 21
There were games, social chat am
lefreshmeuts in abundance, mid
Mr. Meiklejohu declares he would
be glad to have a birthday like
mat nappeu along about every
cuaiigv of tne moon,
I hose picscut were: Mr. mid
Mrs. Graves, Mr. mid Mrs. Wiley,
Mrs. Ciistner, Misses Hetty and
Wealthy Chambers, Amy I.avelette,
Annie mid Lulu Foster. Sarah
Graves; Messrs. Clarence Ticer, of
this city, Dan Chambers, John and
l-rank Odell ami others from Port
land. It was a very happy occa
sion to all.
All admllitmcnti under thlt
hud one cent fur each word
W'ANTMi I hunt itoiu-rn id the Vt
Coast l.iiumlry. Apply ut omo
(5IUI.S V.ntiu A uutnl'cr of ulrU
imii Hvuti- employment at the I'oitlaiul
.iiiiiiiiiiu'iuriiig co. Apply al mice
fOK Su.ll-iitv' liiovele. tlrkt eluwi.
muni liainl, price f 15, At thin ollicc,
This was referred to the committee 011 light and water.
A remonstrance was then read against the ietitiou of A. C. Dald-
win et al, presented by C. L. Holmes, et al, desiring that Hartuiau
stieet between Myers mid Oswego be not improved at present. No
action was taken by the council, but the sentiment was that the grounds
of the remonstrance weie well taken.
The Goodrich claim came up and the committee not making a full
lepoil was continued.
1 wo little bills were presented, but being irregular were referred
back for the necessary O. K.'s.
Wnguer Iiros. petition to remove build uir from one portion of fire
limit to another was denied, 011 motion of Alderman Leggett.
Alderman kiun reported that the experts expected to be able to
make a full report of their findings at the next meeting, as the work
was practically all done but the writing up of the report.
uu sitccial committee the mayor reported that he had Interviewed
the woolen mills cople, and that they were already at work on their
sewer mid would complete it us rapidly its (xisMblc, and that these peo
ple are just as anxious us any one to make their plant and its surround
ing as sanitary as could be wished.
Alderman Leggett reported his visit to Mr. Reed of the electric
light company, who asMired him that as soon as the papers were re
ceived he would sign them mid make his promises uood to the letter.
Alderman Dobie usked as to the status of the Pacific States tele
phone franchise. The matter seems to lie up to that company to secure
I Mr. and Mrs. J. W,
left Stockholm, Sweden, July 22,
after a most delightful stay of three
mouths, and are exacted to arrive
some time next week as the trip
' across takes from ty to 22 days.
This is the greatest town for tak
ing 011 flesh. One young man who
weighs himself every (lay gained
three pounds in one night. As
there are quite a few slender people
in town we will be thankful if you
will put us wise.
Jette's four-story hotel is taking
form and will soon be ready for
occupancy. It will have in con
nection a bowling alley, billiard
mid ool room, barber shop, bath
and large recreation porch extend
ing around the building.
Hldou Nelson and John M. Tees
spent Sunday fishing along Ivagle
creek. After fishing all day wc
came to a sign: "No fishing here."
We have very goal reasons for
believing the fellow who put the
sign up, as we came home with
empty baskets.
The ladies aid held a meeting
last week for the purpose of hand
ling the question of building a new
parsonage. The local contractors
presented plans and specifications.
I which will be looked over and con-
1 tract placed after their next meet-ar-
:.,, , 1,,. i.i.i .. . r...
0f I "K mm in mc utui iiiiiiif.
i ne contract tor the addition on
the new schoolhouse lias been
which Ii nfter nix week Imvc exnl
Peterson ' 'ri11 die date of the firm publication of
HIM Mimmon. 11 l prrtcrilicil In the
order for tlm pulilicttlon of nuinmoni
tlmt tlie MinimmH lie piililUhcil fornix
uicccmIvu weekn, mill ulit order wu
mule nnd tinted the 13th tiny of Augimt,
affidavit of publication in order to get their franchise.
It was also reiHirted that the O. R. & N. neon e had been seen in
regard to the depot for St. Johns, and the committee were assured by
Mr. Fddy that the matter was receiving their attention and it would
be installed us soon as jKisstble,
On motion of Alderman Kiutr. Alderman Francis was granted a
leave of absence for 30 days.
On motion of Alderman Francis the city attorney was requested to
furnish a written opinion as to the method oi adiustimr the citv hall
affairs and making final settlement with all concerned.
rpcutitie plant is going
full blast. Good jobs, good pay,
everybody happy.
Miss Mariorie Slorah of Seattle.
is spending a short vacation with
the Misses Young.
Mrs. Crandall returned home
from Southern California in a much
improved condition.
Prosecuting Attorney Manning
of Portland, is erecting a large
store building in town.
The steamer N. S. Porter
rived last week with a cargo
oil for the oil company.
A. C. Frisby showed us one stalk ! "warded and operations will begin
that measured six feet. immediately. It calls for a room
,. . , , , 1 20x30 and will accommodate about
I he steamer John Pmilson is ,0 ,nore piip:Ui The population
now loading a full cargo of lumber fs increasing so wonderfully that
at Clark iSi Wilson dock. j jt woul(j ot Si,rprjse us t0 i,ear(
Did you ever see so many tieople 1 that after this term, still another
trying to buy real estate as there! addition will be required.
are in town now.
1907, nml the tint publication thereof U
made the ibtli tiny of Aiiiut, 1907, nml
if you full to nppenr nml niuwcr, the
plnliuiff will npply to the court for the
relief prayed for In III nald coiiinliiliit.
to wit: that the lxm l of matrimony
heretofore mnl now vxUtlnt; between thu
phdiitilT 11ml defendant he dUtolvcil, nml
lor null other nml further relief 111 nh.ill
cciii equitable.
ThU IUIUIIIOII4 Upubllthcdoticcn week
for lx uccedve week In the St. Joint 1
Review- by order of the Honorable Judge
T. V. Oateiihlnc, Juiluc of the ntiovc en
titled court, ami iiiinle the ijth tiny of
AllglUt, l'7. II. DltNI.INOIiK.
Attorney for the Plaintiff,
414 Chamber of Commerce.
I'lrit Insertion AiiKUtt 16, 1907; Intt
insertion Sept. 17, 1907.
Timber and Farm
Lands convenient
to transportation
and Linnton.
Bargains in Linn
ton Real Kstate.
Also at Whitwood Court.
The head camp convention of the Woodmen of the World held in
j Seattle adjourned last Saturday. The officers and delegates resolved
their next session will be held in
fOK Svi.h Uxa-ntioual chance for u
young couple to buy furniture of j room
houe. Party iroluu east. Unuuire he
11 hours of 6 nml 8 n. in. at - js ICast
KU-limoiiil lu-i't.
W.NTHI Canvassers) for a
that will net them f 10 per day.
119 iHirmiKtou ktrvet.
For Sale.
A milch cow cheap, Imiuire at
420 Stewart street. op
Girls at New St. Johns Hotel.
Good wages, apply at once.
An ear trumpet; finder please
leave at lionham & Currier's gro
cery. Mrs. S. M. Warner. 40j
Pot-Mi Picket! un on Willamette Held for owner who
must prove property nml pay for thN no
tice. Apply toChai. llretleson, Chief of
I'ollce. aoif
WANTKiv-l'atrish .Sc Ttiomibou need
unotluT man .it Hollow Cement block
works, cor. Myers ,S: Thompson streets
At that time Portland Wood
men will make an earnest, united
effort to have the head camp of
fices of their order removed from
Denver to Portland. It is be
lieved by the Woodmen of this
state that Portland is the most
central location for general head
miiitter, Vven.thinls of the en-
tire membership of the Pacific last week,
ilirisdit'timi of Hip V. ("V W. live again to HOOU
in Oregon, Washington and Cal
ifornia. On this theory it is ar
glial that the seat of govern
ment should be where the great
bulk of the membership reside.
The Choppers of Portland and
vicinity feel that they can win
easily from the standpoint of lo
cation. The delegates from Or-
n 1 1.. .
IHWI.IIIIIW3UH. fit. I.,0. . T ...
I iiw luiiaiiuieiiicu ui 1I!IIIIUU
The architects are busy working : "re trying to arrange a wrestling
on the plans of a beautiful home , matcii between Charley Smith, j
for Louis Sheik to be erected on whom they call the Albina kid,
Clark terrace. ad W. J. Joyce, our restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Miller of St. ! ..J, l K, ? ?ff
Louis, and their daighter, are stop- e Ul,k ffifie 'west
? illert ra fewda?? Ja",CS champion, and if they come togetl,!
Miller, for a few dajs. er we w hayc tQ admtUe for a
The Ileudrik Ibseu, a Norwegian new chef.
c. e r.. rJL. ri.i. c. i What promised to be one of the
son's To China and laoan ' Rtest sporting events ever pulled j
son s to CUina ana japan. , rr at r nntnn P.lm Hl, ' ..,,,.
Mrs. P. Trvlil rli.inpronpil n 'Tu-n nmtnr linit ivn otM.ul '
crowd of about 30 Sunday school ' race to the mouth of the Willamette I
children on a picnic excursion j and return to Linnton. The prep-1
along the Willamttte Tuesday after-1 arations were strenuous, both sides The reason of our splendid sue
noou. ' being anxious for the honors. At ; cess for the first month's business
Miss May Howard, while play- tue tm,e aPP"tcd for the start the in St. Johns is because our prices
iug with a large dog', was badly ;t,ocks were l'"ed with spectators ore lower iu many instances thau
bitten about the arms and body ic,,e,;riuK tiieir favorite boats, which 1 Portland prices, and our goods are
The dog is numbered among the 'were jockeying for positiou. At always the best.
nussiue, -... - p . m wa i 1 4i inrw ic pppmti at
were on iikc a nasa, necK ana ueck , yiunui i i 10 cdacn I
Office opposite postoffice
at Linnton.
Miss Anna Jette returned home they raced down the
from a three week's trip at Cham- engines quivering ant
river, their
mrines aim-erinc nnd snnrtmrr. ;
only to go away ; the engineers twistimr and turtiimr HARDWARE
speetl out of them. They reach
the slough, mile from the turn
ing stake, they round the stake,
neck atid neck still racing like mad
One of the boats had to be towed
home. Better luck next time,
Address Mrs. J. P. Rauzau,
Woodburn, Ore.
ctron ncrsuaded General Oman-
ru-TKK f. Liii.KOv, uer Peter F. Gilroy to bring to
Oregon at this time seventeen of the best field men iu the service of the
Ortler, Orgauier A. K. Kelsey has been assigned to the task of ujv-
ouiuiing tne memoerstitp ill 01. J OUtlS.
River for the rest
of the summer.
Kveryone joins iu expressing
deepest sympathy for Mr. aud Mrs.
W. F. Harris, whose dear little
boy passed away with pueumouia
a short time ago.
Miss Clara Nelson assisted Mrs.
Ida V. Alcorn in entertaining Miss
Marie White of Portland Tuesday
evening. Miss White has recently
returned from a tour of the world.
Mr. Marx 1 of the firm of Marx
& Bloch, diamond merchants of
Our Quality is never affected
with Low Prices
Take Notice.
Whitwood Court lots will be ad
vanced $25.00 each September tst.
Note what is happening along the !
St. Johus harbor and get busy.
Special for Coming Week
Double Roll, per roll !2jc
Hendricks Hardware Go.