THE ST JOHNS REVIEW Piibtliheit Ererr Frlil'jr 11V MAKKI.K & HVIIRI.KH. Subicrlullon rolft. $1.00 per er In 1tiic. Adtprtlnlni rt, 1.00 per Inch per tnantn. All id-etUiIng bill pajttla flrtt of acb month. Job Prlnllnit eiecuUd In fltit clM lyle. IIIIU for Job lTlntlng caih on dell-err. All communication! ihouM ba addreiicd to The IttTlew, Bt. John. Oregon. Tint HHV1HW Is entered nl jst office lit Saint Johns, Oregon, tis nmll tnnttcr of the second clnss under the Act of Con gress of Mnrcli 3, 1879. Official Hawipapar of tha Oitr ef St. Jeknt. Phono East O10Q. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1907. The Oregon Portland Cement company, with n 400,000 capital izntion, was organized lust week. This product is becoming more and more used in the construction of buildings, nnd the stnteiiient of the immortal wizard of Menio Park that "we arc entering the ceinenl age" .seems to be fully substantiated by the course of events. The good judge who is laboring to secure the evidence of Kuril J. Zlininer in the bribery case in San Francisco is easy. 1 le brings Mr. Ziiumer to the court room each day of the trial to testify and when he refuses returns him to the jail. This wives the gentleman too much uxcrcihc. Why not put him in solitary confinement until he ex purieuccs n change of heart ? If Governor Junius K. Vnrdaman of Mississippi has been correctly quoted as "I would rather be living under the stars and bats today with Jefferson Davis than under the stars mid strijH. witli President Noose volt," he should be given his wish, luff Davis and the stars and bars have none to "Davy Jones" so lone; since they are abnoit forgotten and it would be it pietism e to till lovers of their country to be able to stiy with 11 shout, "Vale Viird annul!" Vctdict in the Haywood trial: Not guilty but don't let it occur again. This will be the verdict of 11 great majority of the Amuricnu people. Thuie seems to be little or no doubt that I lay wood had a inoic or less guilty knowledge of the minders committed, but to piove this fact nnd the riegtec of his guilt is iiuother tiling. We believe the vcidict is 11 pioK.r one for the teiisou that the piisonur is entitled to the benefit of 11 iloubt, and t Ileit is the possibility that Haywood may ' not have been guilty. The gentleman who became mi gry at the decision of an umpiie lucent ly at the ball park was fined ?5 fin- slugging that ollicial and all it again MJieiie. It is chctivei to cull him a "mutt," it "chump" and all the icfliiud names indulged in during the snuie nine by two In dividual in dreMi who weiu sup- khknI to bv latlics until their ditty mouth lietrayvd the fuel that they wutu little better than she hyenas. Tlieie hi this objectionable fun lute to Imimv IkhII some K'ople think they 11 le licensed to do nil the work of tin hoodlum and y!t exect to lutiiin the tesKx't of decent teopte. They are mistaken, however, for no rtMiK.'ctuble peisou will condone such actions as were indulged in by the gentleman in tptestioti or these questionable ladies. Retailing to the old timer's inuthiNl of tilling for the kjntlwge about the piciuUc., we believe his plan to be a good one nnd one that might well lie adopted by a few we have noticed in out t ambulation. Svvcrnl pretty lesidetices with lovely lawns, neatly kept and well tiiiitmed shrubbery have we seen with the back pait of the ptemises mote or loss 111111 led by sticks, trash, old paints, bottles and bioketi dishes, old cutis and other tnislt ; miiiic timet) gathered in a pile as if to he liauleri to the guilMKe ground; tit othur hutaiiees scitttcml over the Krouud us if to fill the lot up evenly. Such 11 condition of thine, give. ouu the inipressiuii of a "(Jiavn Anno fioitt" witli a "Mary Ann bank yard" arrangement. The suyjj est ions of the old timer will uiaku it oasy for those who have 110 uthar way of riupoiiiu of this litter. "What would you have done had you been in Capt. Doinu's place 011 the Columbia ? is the iiiestiou that has lieett raised by the Telegram and responded to by a number of individuals in vat ions ways. Some think he met a gloi ions death, while othors believe he acted in a very foolish manner in going down with his ship while a chance leinaiticd of his escaping a watery grave. Our opinion of the matter is that the Captain used very poor judgment til acting lie Mid. It was a cube of suicide in a way, and an act that he will no doubt be held tespousible lor III tile world to come. Only that class of jkrople who are exten sive novel readets and huve im bibed strange ideas concerning a "glorious death" can find an ex cuse for him. His family would no doubt sooner have a live husband and father than a dead hero. We do ttot know what we would have done, but think if we had not got "rattled" by the disaster, we would have cinched on two or three full grown life preservers, done the best we could for the passengers bvfote the vessel sunk, and when she went down escaped witli them if we albly could. Why don't the man with the dog buy one of those little brass shingles and put it on his canine's neck? Itis not fair to mnke a few who pay voluntarily comply with the law and permit those who obey when they arc "licked" go tree. 1 nere was sonic talk in the council of either making the owner of the dog pay his footing or dispense with the dog. There are too many worth less curs in the city, anyway, nnd we hone the chief of police will round them all up. If n man thinks his dog is worth the tax he should be willing to pay if not, he should not object to abate the nuisance by disposing of the pttrp. Curfew is going to "ring tonight" every day in the year as soon as the municipal machinery for the business can be installed. Cnpt. Brcdeson says there will be no mon key business about it cither. When the hour comes the youths under age must get under cover. The only difference between us nnd the boys is thnt we have a badge on our luce which the police recognize us title clear to a seat in the whis ker shop, and for that reason they do not pull tis when out lute -and the rest of the boys should not hesi tate to hunt their nests when the curfew rings (or whistles, ns the case may be.) We all like to be out evenings, but is belter for all of us to be in early. Wc trust none of our boy friends will get into the hands of the police for keeping late hours. St. Johns Pioneer Society. As per announcement given last week a few of the pioneers of St. Johns met in the library rooms Wednesday at 2:30 p. in. and or gauized a .society by electing for president L. II. Cliipninn mid sec retary T. J. Moiiahiui. The name "St. Johns Pioneer hociely was adopted and it was decided that the lust Wednesday of each year be held us the annual ituulvcrsury, or Pioneer Day. All who at rived in St. Johns prior to 1HH9 weie declined pio neers, mid as sueli me eligible for mumbeiship in (lie society. The following committees weie appoin ted: committee on program, I,. II. Chipiiian, Mrs. J, C. Scott, Mrs. Ann knight; committee on te fieshmeiits, P. T. Hansen, Mrs. C. II. Thayer, Mrs. J. !. Poff; com mittee on sH.'itkets, Mrs. I.ivona M. Kendall, Mis. Alice Learned, T. J. Mouahau. It was unanimously agreed that we have a basket picnic at Cedar Patk Wednesday, August 28, and that the mayor be urgently teqiics teil to declare that day a holiday. Motion prevailed that we meet at atop. 111. August 7 in the library looms, and allplnnccrsatcicqucstcd to be pntveut. Secretary. Notice to Property Holders. Notice is heieby given to everv owner or occupant of all occupied ipiemises- and every owner of all un occupied iiiciiiUv within the cor I Niiate limits of the city of St. Johns I kliitll .h..r.utl ... ,.1liti. .111., (lll. ..,11. .-.,,11,, irvitll. ..ill... .1... llf- H.... 1.. 1.1.. '. .....i. 111 n iw inn-mini! in unm iiinni mini. grow upon ptemises, or in ftotit of or abutting UjHin the pieinises owned or occu pied by them, that same must be cut down at once without further notice. This action is in accord ance with Oidiuuncc No. i.((, pass es! by the city council July 23, 1907, and published in the St. Johns Re view July 2b. 1007. Cliu. Hiedesou, Chief of Police. Card of Thanhs. We diwire to express our grateful thanks to our fiieuds and neighbors who so kindly aided us 011 the occa sion of our guilt bereavement, and to the Honorable Mayor anil iiieiu Ihms of the city council of St. Johns, for the token of resHct which they olTeted to the memory j of Mr. W. V. lobes bv their ad-1 joiirument 011 the day of his death, July o. 11)07. listher Allen Joles. William II. Jobes, Allen R. Jobes. liiiilriinK Permits Issued. No. 71 Gilbeit Goodhue, frame tesideiice on Jeisey stieet between Learned and Tvler streets, St. Johns Heights, lot ., block 7, -f 1 700. No. 72 G, S. Cooper, residence, lot 25 and lb Point View, on New poit between Hudson street and Pottlaud boulevard, $250. Born. To Mr. and Mrs yesterday morning, a II. G. Smith, fine S-poutid daughter, and our genial pluirma cut is the happiest man 111 fire or no fire. tmv l J I Councilman W. W. Uaser handed his resignation to Mayor Couch riiursduy mottling. .The -sou given was that his business detrac ted to much of his attention to the city business. We are sorry to lose bur uicmlcr from Clackamas and will miss him from among the gatherings of the fathers, but his step is commendable. Miss Margaret Steicheu and her little nephew, Iru Drown, left last Saturday for Montana on a visit. i..foot row boat for sale. In quire at this office. SESSION OF THE CITY SAGES Another Long Sitting and ness Transacted in The Klricr Statesmen of the city evening and ground out the usual batch of municipal business. After the readimr of tile minutes of the previous meeting, wliic were approved with one or two minor corrections, a communication from ...'! . .t !..! .I tile St. Johns Milliner company requesting permission 10 iiu some vumu leer work on Kdlson street for the benefit of the teams hauling thcheavj loads from that busv mill was favorably received and referred to the street committee with the request on in tile matter. A crimmtiii cat on from the rend stntimr that the original order city bonds had been forwarded to not vet been seen bv the recorder, w next week. Communication from Architect dorf contract in which he refused to accept the building in the condition the outside walls were in and the absence of the railing in front was read and brought up some discussion in city fathers thut they would be able tmnrovnl of the architect with only be put in as quickly as it was possible for it to be done, and as to the walls, the boss bricklayer would same, and that it was not necessary from the walls at once. I he communication was filed. Mavor Couch rcmiested that all tract, which hud been made prior to charge of the huilditn. be uotteu touether and that the finance commit tee. in conjunction with the building renort at the next meeting. These nssiiined to one person, and after he some other attorney as to what action should be necessary the entire bunch could be handled together, thus saving the trouble and expense of liuudl iur each bill separately. Communication from Architect balance due city etmiuecr on the different city hall contracts was read There seemed to be some question on the penalty raise 011 contract price of the Crook iv Walton contract Deduct tin the nucstinuahlc part of the amount due for further itivestiga lion, the balance of $15-40 was allowed 011 motion of Alderman Dobie. The gas franchises then claimed the attention of the council for scv end hours. All the franchises were and discussed. Parties repre setitiug the different franchises were explanations, etc., to the council 111 takiiiL' so much time that it was found necessary to defer the matter, uin to save delay it was decided to hold thing and endeavor to settle the matter Wednesday evening. A report of the stH'cial session will be found On the call for bills the first Mavor Couch for furniture for the Semctrated the articles were as follows: 1'lnt desk for the mayor $22 revolving chair for same 57. 25. roll chair for saute .f.s. 2 s. table for fire sii' e $11. burlap packing, freight, The putchase was most economically at one time, mid the mayor, using his secured, making 11 saving of perhaps Other bills were Andy Kerr win, Otl & Co,, $159.25, blanks and Light Co., 15.50, hydrants; making fund, wete allowed and ordered paid City hall fund was charged with ferdorf contract: Andy Kerr T.V25, doois; total of 50.50, were allowed Recorder r.sson reported that books was progressing and it was would lie able to make their rcjmrt also teported that the cxicrl proof were meeting with numerous irregularities in the arrangement of the text of the same, but thought they would be able to get the proofs in the hands of the printer the coming The building committee presented to the council the acceptance of the Pauley Jail Iluildiiig Co. of the contract to .supply and set up the jail cells for $535, and also the contract for cliiinnes lit (lie present Moors. Capton, lesiduut agent of the company at Portland, who assured the council that this would be a rush order and the work done in the lest ., , possible manlier. - ,., ., . .... , ....... I mi iMiviiii iiy v.niiiiv.'n nun 1. 1111. Park was accepted by the council on Dog licenses were discussed and piocuicd the licenses for their canines or words to that elfect. It was nlso ring tonight?" and the Klicc committee were instructed to see that this time honored institution was revived for the benefit of our incipient hoodlums, who have been losing too The gaibage question caused a new suggestions offered u source of nite action was taken. Chief of Police llredson reported number of arrests Irotii Apttl 13 (o date were as follows: Nlgltt police 7, Htcdesou 27, Ashby 2. Allen 1, city mayor, city nttorney and Alder man King, jointly, i, making a total of till arrests 38. Received in fees for imiH)iindiug animals $22. On a hurry-up motion of Alderman King the council adjourned to meet Wednesday evening, July 31. WMPNIWP.W HVUNI.NT.'.S SHSSION. As on Tuesday evening at the siou of the council Wednesday evening there was a full attendance of all members. The council held a star liefote coming into the chamber in an franchise proiHisition Councilman King opened the There were good things in all the franchises and some bad things in all of them. Alderman Raser thought ter under advisement together with one and compare carefully and select Councilman jobes thought 25 years was a long tune to repent 01 a bail choice, and counseled care in making the selection and framing the franchise accepted so that no repentance would be necessary. He ques tinned the Steele franchise which offered the cheap gas until he brought out the tact pretty clearly that their tiou and that more than likely their poses anyway, and it was also shown on many points that it was necessary for the sections to be explained be fore they wete comprehensible. After iliseuvsing the Steele proposition some time the Davisdorf prop osition was taken up and the representative was given an opportunity to make the change in his offering for the franchise, because of objection to the percentage basis of payment for the franchise; he gave a flat offer of $250 per annum until the population reaches 10,000, $300 from that un til tt reaches 15.000, and raising the price 50 for each increase in popu lation of 5000. and reducing the price to consumers the same as in his former offer. This, with the other changes he has made in his fran- chise, makes his offer the most acceptable of the entire bunch. It was finally decided to hold the franchises over until Tuesday, Au gust 13th, to require each of the bidders for the franchise to rewrite their I offers iucorKratiug the changes suggested by council and those they had made voluntarily themselves and return to council by August 6th in or dcr to give mined an opportunity to they would endeavor to decide which one would be accepted. A street greaser from Portland made a spiel to the fathers it. favor of them making a donation for street greasing, which they looked favor ably upon and told him to call again next Tuesday when they would do business with him. For Sale. 2 lots and S room house at Hood River. Will take jurt pay in St. Johns unimproved property. II. V, Delicti, St. Johns. a Large Grist of Busi a Business-like Way met in regular session Inst Tuesday that they get a Waterbttry movement Daily B011M News of New York was covering the advertisement of th the Peninsula Hank. The same ha and the matter was held over tint Goodrich referring to the Youngfer which the city attorney informed the to accept tnc btiiioing wiutoui tin these objections, as the railing would testify as to the completeness of the to remove the markings of the alkal the bills of the Youngferdorf con the time the present council took committee investigate the same and bills the mayor suggested should be and the city attorney had consulted Goodrich requesting the payment of regarding the payment of commission present and lent their aid by way of their deliberations. 1 lie matter was n sKcial session to consider this one following this report. that was presented was the bill of city hall, firemen and txilicc offices top desk for chief of iolice '121.50, boys -f 10.50, two dozen chairs for etc., $2.77, making a total of $01.27 made by purchasing the entire lot rabbit foot, wholesale prices were mo to the city. 2.7.S ud J. II. Illack $x.7S, labor: Ir blank books; St. Johns Water am a total of $.102.50 for the genera on motion of Alderman Walker. the following bills on the Young J. mack SA.25, work 011 rear on motion of Alderman I.eggett. the extiert work on the treasurer thought the gentlemen in charge at the next regular meeting. He readers otK'ratiug 011 the city charter week. for the vault doors for f 130 plus Sto 1 Ills acceptance was lilcM by A. J. i v.ii.iiuivi.i iui 11 unit uvtii wviiiu .1 , t . . rv.i.. motion of Alderman King. the dog-gone owners who had not were threutend with impounding, asked: "Why Moes not the curfew much sleep lately. ripple of excitement and one or two solution to the problem, but no defi the lights out 30 minutes, and the tegular session, so at the special scs chamber session for a half hour endeavor to get together on the ball by stating that he was stuck. the council had better take the mat the city attorney and go over each the least objectionable one. plant was an experimental proposi gas would not be fit for lighting pur that their franchise was so obscure examine them for a week, when HOLMES LODGE NO. 101, KMQIITS OF PVTtlUS, Meet every 1'ritUy night at 8 o'clock at I, O. O. V, lull. Visitors alwayn wel come. C. l Goodrich, C. C. K. . Hotcomb, K, K, S. TWO MORNING BLAZES At Smith's Pharmacy and W. C. Adam's Residence. What came near being a calami tous fire for St. Johns occurred Wednesday nlorning early. The newsboys who were on their early trip discovered smoke pouring out of the windows on the south side of Smith's pharmacy and cave the alarm in a hurry. There has been a great deal of fun over the fact that our fire bell doesn't raise the tin roof off the city hall every time it rings, but there is this fact prominent in the history of St. Johns it gets the fire laddies out when it loosens up, They were in evidence Wednesday morning and about five o'clock spoiled the fine plate glass door in Smith's front in order to get at the fire in the rear room, where a hole about five by seven feet in extent was burned through the floor. The partition between this room and a room farther back which Dr. Sto rey had just finished preparatory to using as an ollice was destroyed with a large assortment of different drugs and medicines stored on the shelves. At this point, too, was a sum electric motor and its attachments which were destroyed. 1 he room was covered with soot and ashes and it will give our pharmacist and his running mate, Mr. buhsuury, job for the remainder of the week getting things into shape. The loss was about $600, mid is very fortunate that the fire was discovered when it was, for a little later it would have been a bn blaze and nothing could have saved the building. Very likely, too, the balance of the block would liav gone with it. The origin of the fire seems to be a mystery. If it had occutrec early in the night there might hav been some chance for a lighted match or smoked out cigar dropped 011 the floor, causing the fire. Hut occurring as it did early in th morning, hours after anyone had been in the room, makes it hard explain. There is some possibility that it may have been ignited by the electric current to the motor but Mr. Monahan thinks it couh not have occurred in 'that way There is another theory of spoil taueoiis combustion caused by the excessive heat and the oiling sub stance used on the floors of the freshly renovated room, but the oc cupnuts think this is hardly prob able. There is still another theory that of incendiarism. The win (low on the south slue of the room was ojoii and one could have tossed some burning sudstituce through the window and thus caused the conflagration. It will perhaps be impossible toarrivc at a definite con elusion as to just what was the cause, but good fortune and a goo bunch of fireboys favored Messrs Smith and Salisbury and they es catwl luckily. We have been told the procrty was insured sufficiently to cover the loss. Since the foregoing was put into type we have learned that when the boys first discovered the fire the sou tli Moor of the store was open ami 11 would not nave been neces sary to break open the front door that Mayor Couch was Johuny-ou thc-spot with his fire extinguisher before the fire laddies got on the scene; ami that Rev. V. I.. Young was the first man there and couh have extinguished the fire with 1 bucket of water had there been t convenient hydrant. Just the same, we congratulate Messrs. Smith and Salisbury on their narrow escape and hope they may be even more fortunate in the future. Thursday morning about the same hour as the day before the alarm was again given. This time it was the fine new residence of W, C. Adams iu Point View. The house has been recently finished and is said to have cost $3500, with less than ? 2000 insurance. The fireboys were late there because of the long distance, and when they arrived they could not get enough water to Mo much good. I he entire struc ture was Mestroyed, but most of the furniture and household goods was saved by the neighbors, who litir- ried to the rescue. We sincerely sympathize with Mr. Adams in his loss. A loss by fire is about the worst financial loss one can meet. If a man robs us the money will do someone some good, if he steals our coat, it will keep someone warm; but we cannot con ceive ot any benefit to anyone through the burning of public or private property; it is a direct loss to the whole world. In this connection it will be well for us all to remember the extreme ryuess of the season, and we should all use more than ordinary care that 110 opportunity is given for a fire to get started. Don't Grumble when your joints ache and you suf fer from rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liuiment and get instant relief. A positive cure for rheumatism, bums, cuts, con tracted muscles, sore chest, etc. I. T. Bogy, a prominent merchant at Willow Point, Texas, says that he finds Ballard's Suow I.inimeut the best all round liniment he ever used. For sale at St. Johus drug store. Call in and subscribe now. r MUCK & General Merchandise. 000 SATURDAY SPECIAL 7 a. 111. to 9 p. m. only 2 pounds best creamery butter 60 Best Japan and Knglish Breakfast tea, regu lar 50 cent value, ut 25 Half gallon pure olive oil. regular ft. 25, . . 1.00 Ileinz pun; mustard, qt jir and mustard.. . .25 We are the people who give you Five per cent off on your goods. FkiicIi Ulock. COUCH & CO. : : 1 1 Legitimate profits is our motto. 1 Phone Union .jo56. 2 The Breakers Hoodooed. The Breakers joitrnejed all the way to Camas, Wash., Sunday to teach the natives of that enterpris ing village how to play ball. They t discovered before they got through, however, that .someone else was mean enough to tench them before the Breakers came upon the scene. It was certainly fictcc how the Camasites slaughtered our team when they met iu battle array. They put it all over them nnd smote them hip mid thigh, and a few other places not mentioned iu Holy Writ. When the Breakers returned iu the evening they had nine nice large goose eggs strung 011 a Hue, while the farmer boys at Camas had eight runs chalked up on their scote board. "If Adam had been along ." I Remedy for Diarrhoea, Never Known (0 Pall. "I want to say a few .words for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past five years and have recom mended it to n number of people in York county and have never known it to fail to effect n cure iu any in stance. I feel that I cannot say too much for the best remedy of the kind iu the world." S. Jemisou, Spring Grove, York county, Pa. This remedy is for sale by St. Johns drug store. To Water Users. Water used through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or witulows must be paid for iu advance, and used only between the hours of 5 and 8 a. 111. and 5 and 9 p. 111. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. Anyone using water contrary to these rules, or wastefully, will le shut off without further notice. St, Johns Waterworks and Lighting Co., P. II. Kdlefseu, Sunt. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nndi Diarrhoea RcmeJy Hetfer than Three Doctors. i "Three years ago we had three doctors with our little boy and everything that they could do seemed iu vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gone we began using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and iu a few lours he began to improve. I oday he is as healthy a child as parents could wish for." Mrs. B. J. John ston, Linton, Miss. For sale by St. Johus drug store. Unclaimed Letters. List of unclaimed letters at the P. O. for week ending July 27, 1907: Willyam Ainbrostmoff, William Anderson, S. M. Cook, Mrs. Ired Devengham, Mrs. E. Plunket, Chas. Schaub, Mrs. C. Todd. I W. Valentine, P. M. Why Fret and Worry when your child has a severe cold ? You need not fear pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehoutid Syrup a positive cure for colds, coughs, whooping cough and bron chitis. Mrs, Hall, of Sioux Falls, D., writes; "I have used your wonderful Ballard's Horehoutid Sy rup on my children for five years, Its results have been wonderful " For sale by St. Johus drug store. DERR1E I'lionc union "2 5j2j3 Phil;t.L.'li)!ii;i Street. ISIMNTON ! Timber and Farm Lands convenient to transportation and Linnton. LOTS CITY PROPERTY WATER FRONT Bargains iu Linn ton Heal Instate. Also at Whitwood Court. A. HARDY Office opjwsite postofficc at Linnton. Prescriptions Require careful attention and only the purest of ingredients should enter into their composition. Our Drugs arc Pure And only the the most careful at tention is given each prescrip tion. II you have not yet become a patron of our store, the next time you you are called upon to have a prescription filled or in fact re quire drugs of any nature, give us a trial visit, and if courteous treatment, pure drugs and care ful service count for anything you will come again. Smith'sPharmacy Ilolbrook Block, ST. JOHNS, ORKGON. Don't Pay Rent! Buy a home of your own. Rent money is practically thrown away. Come iu a.d looV over our list of residence aud business lo cations. You cannot make a mistake by investing iu property on the peninsula.' It's bound to increase in value at o very rapid rate. Let us show you. J.S. Downey & Co. ioSj Jersey Street. For Photographs GO TO THWAITE'S Ilolbrook Ulock ALL WORK GUARANTHKD