St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 12, 1907, Image 3

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    Our Credit System
Is designed to meet the requirements of
those who work for a living, or are de
pendent on a small income. It is ex
tremely liberal and provides most gener
ously for the convcnincc of our customers.
it. 7
Everything for
the Home
The humble cotttige or the
magnificent mansion.
from $3.00 to $20.00. They
represent Ucouty, Comfort mid
Clean Stock
Large Assort
ment, Up-to-date
"The Toledo"
Steel Range is known
wherever used as one of
the best steel rouges 011
the market. Manufac
tured of the best quality
cold rolled sheet steel.
They arc fuel savers.
Ptilly guaranteed for 10
years. Give them your
We invite comparison with Portland prices.
44444iU4i4 Local News.
Are showing a line of the celebrated
Reed Triple Coated white lined, tur
quoise enoinelcd ware the best enam
eled ware ever shown in St. Johns.
We have also a window filled with 30
cent every day bargains iti enameled
ware. Our customers appreciate these
values. Our line of Wabash screen
doors, adjustible window screens and
screen cloth is still complete. Lots of
Heath & Milligan paint, pure linseed
oil, Railway white lead, and Pratt &
Lambert varnish ou tap. These goods
arc strictly first class. A complete line
of cutler', builders' hardware, glass
doors and windows. In fact, every
thing that goes with a general hard
ware stock.
i Lauthers Transfer & Feed Co
Will sell you Hay, Grain, Shingles, Lime,
Cement, Lath and plaster at reasonable
prices. "Special prices now for your win
ter's supply of Coal.
Paints going at wholesale prices.
Try our Cupid Flour. "Quality guarati
Iialsam of Myrrh Liniment. "Hest on
earth for man or beast."
' A house and lot In Poiut View for $1600.
House and two lots In Holbrook's Addi
tion in North St. Johns for $1000.
Phone Scctt 6992
202 S. Jersey Street.
Rooms 4 and 5 Lkq Bi.ikj. Oitositk Postoi'iuck
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance i
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. vi
Plumbing, Tinning, Hardware!
We carry a good fWit EAST 63H
Hue of Rubber Hose 203 JEISEY ST.
For neat work, good material and reasonable prices The
Review job printing department cannot be beaten.
Mr. mid Mrs. W. T. Johnson,
of Dallas, Ore, visited at the home
of C. II. 1 haver and family over
X. P. Adams, of Aurora, was In
the city the week visiting old
friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Mr and Mrs. John Davis of Os
wego were clown to visit their
friends, the family of G. Ward, ou
the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franklin,
of South ILud, Oie., wete In the
city over Sunday, guests of C. II.
Thayer nnd family.
J. K. Johnson of the West Coast
Laundry is laid up with rheuma
tism or lumbago, which is a hard
graft for the wnshec man.
Among the passengers to Ilwaco
ou the steamer Potter last Saturday
were K. W. McKeon and W. I,.
Thorudyke, wife and daughter.
Jesse Krouskop arrived Friday
from I.ovcland, Colo., ou 11 visit to
I.aureucc Thorudyke. He expects
to remain in this vicinity for some
Rev. M. J. Ilallcutyiic, presiding
elder of Portland district of the
United livangelicar church, will
preach morning and evening, Sun
day, July i.). All arc invited. C.
j P. Gale, pastor.
The St. Johns Clothing House
people are ready and willing to get
anything you want in Portland,
thus saving you the trip, and is an
up-to-date establishment worthy of
the patronage of our home eoplc.
The Charleston and the Paul
Jones, of the Pacific Coast Naval
Station, participated in the Fourth
of July festivities, and will go to
Astoria to be present during the
visit of vice-president Fairbanks.
A friend of our chief of twlice,
living in Portland, made him a
most beautiful present of an em
blematic gold ring bearing the em
blems of the order of Odd Fellows,
of which Mr- Uredeson is especially
Mrs, Jennie V. Nelson, of Gree
ley, Colo., is visiting her sons, Fd
Stockton and Carl Nelson, at St.
Johns. She expects to remain here
during the summer and then go to
San Jose, Cal., to visit another
son, AlW-rt Stockton, of that place.
F. G. Couch, who has been visit
ing his father's family since last
February, left St. Johns for his old
home in Fraukford, Mich., and
returns to his first love, a "life on
the ocean wave" on the great lakes,
where 4ie has been a sailor for a
number of years.
I The stillness of the summer air
was greatly disturbed this week by
a young man with. .a megaphone
and a voice like a steam calliope ou
'a foggy morning, speiling for the
j wonder of the age in the Holbrook
block. If all men, had a vocal piece
j like this fellow there would be no
further use for wireless telegraphy.
K. II. Urtuison, of Newberg, has
beet) visiting his son, L. W, Hruu
son, the past few days. Mr. Brtin
son comes to St. Johns frequently
and would be a good victim to get
in the hands of our real estate
operators. We lelieve if their
wonderful persuasive powers were
concentrated upon him he might be
induced to locate here. He lias a
very exalted opinion of St. Johns.
Mrs. Harry IS. Wagoner Is visit
iug her parents nt Dallas.
Mrs. Josie Dunn and family of
Oswego visited with Mrs. G. Ward
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Raymond Lcland
returned Sunday from a Fourth of
July visit at Oregon City.
The Woodmen of the World en
tertained the Circle at Hickner's
hall last Tuesday evening and all
enjoyed a good time.
The officers of Oregon Grape
Circle were installed ly the Port
laud lodge on July 3rd. Lunch
was served and a good tune was
Oregon Grape Circle, Women of
Woodcraft, will give a lawn party
at the home of Mrs. John Crook on
Jersey street next Friday evening,
July 12. Everybody come.
Charles Leland, the young man
who was thrown from a delivery
wagon and badly Injured lust week
at Stewart station is recovering,
but still curries his arm in a sling,
S. II. Wells, the Oregoniun rep
resentative who covers this terri
tory, came in Monday and sized up
the new man on the Review. Glud
to meet up with the bays. Come
M. L. Holbrook Is treating his
brick block on Burlington street to
a coat of paint, which will give it a
better appearance and incidentally
give the walls greater resistance
against moisture.
Richard Shcpurd brought in a
fine specimen of pure asbestos from
a carload of the material received
by the usbestos factory here Tues
day. It is the purest piece of as
bestos we have seen.
Professor Geo. W. Webb, sing
ing evungelist, who gave a stcreop
ticon lecture in Hlekner's halt lust
night, Is the guest of Victor Carl
son, an old friend of the professor,
at 634 North Ivauhoe.
Rev. W. A. Wood, of Hood
River, a friend of ye editor, fa
vored the olliee with a pleasant call
Tuesday. He was in Poitlaud on
business connected witli the build
ing of the Christian church in Hood
The Christian church in conven
tion at Turner decided to build a
home for aged preachers mid their
wives, to be located probably at
ISugeue, and $20,000 was sub
scribed for the erection of a Chinese
mission in Portland, which is to
cost $.10,000.
Monday morning Christopher
Nelson, n sawyer for the Peninsula
sawmill, was caught by a belt and
before ussistnnec could reach him
his left arm was torn from its
socket. He was taken to St. Vin
cent's hospital where he died of his
Injuries Wednesday evening.
For the benefit of our readers
who may not be able to come to the
office to leave orders, pay subscrip
tions or transact other business
during working hours, we will keep
our office open between the hours
of 7 and 8 o'clock t. m. Drop in:
this will be our visiting hour. It is
our busy day at nil other hours, but j
come in anyway.
Gus Wilhelm is building a fine
residence at Point View.
Mrs. Frank of Point View has
sold the residence in which she is
T. J. Lindley has finished re
modeling ins House. It now pre
sents an attractive appearance.
Take notice of Calvin & I lender
soil's new ad "a Uargain in a Small
farm." 1111s isa snap for someone.
We wish to secure a cood, live
correspondent 111 Liniiton, Ports
mouth and University Park. If you
arc in a position to do us good work
write us at once.
Mrs. Thorudyke, who went with
the bunch to Ilwaco a few days
ago, declares there is no place like
St. Johns, and she felt like getting
out of jail when she returned home.
Goodl That is the way they all
feel who return to St. Johns from
the outside.
Mrs. Jones and daughter and
Mrs. Palmer, of Point View, have
returned from berry picking near
Mount Hood. They report being
financially rewarded for their trip,
besides receiving gratis all the ber
ries they needed for canning.
The St. Johns Lumber company
is installing one of the finest and
largest, if not the finest and largest
of all the drvkllns on the Pacific
coast. It is 50x150 feet, some 20
or more feet 111 height, carries three
tracks its entire length and has a
capacity of about 75,000 feet of dry
lumber per clay.
Members of the Modern Wood
men living 111 the city, out wlio
still have their membership in their
old home camps, are especially in
vited to mace their membership in
St. Johns camp 7546. They will
find it much more convenient and
beneficial to bath this camp and
I'd Mouuhan, the genial whisker
expert in Hall's shop, is laid up for
repairs. He was doctoring a House
last Moiulav in an attempt to make
It mare habitable, when a chisel he
was using slipcd and cut a deep
gash between the Ultimo and linger
of Kd's left hand. While not dan
gerous, It will keep him from
swinging his "rnzzer" for a couple
of weeks.
The Kmvorth League of the First
M. IS. church of St. Johns held its
regular monthly business meeting
and social Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Kemp, ou Isle wait
street. After the business meeting
games were played until a late
hour, when refreshments, consisting
of lemonade nnd wafers, were served
to the many people who were
Now, Hood River, prick up your
earsl You ore goad stun on appies
but we can skin you a mile on cher
ries. Pascal Hill Is marketing his
fine Lamberts this week, nnd erne
ten pound box which he brought to
IJonliiim it Currier's was suupied
up by Adam Kucmlehi at $2.50 to
ship back to his old home in Michi
gan. They packed tightly nine in 11
row each way fine, big, plump,
black fellows that the people in
Michigan will think tue jKiach
plums when they get there.
Last Call
Goods given about FREE
For Prices, Read On
15 cent package Force now oy
15 " " Corn Crisp now oy
35 " " Gold Dust now ty
25 " " Fig Prune now 19
30 " " Viotos now 10
10 " " Soda now , . . . ofl
15 " " Shredded Wheat o
5 " " Ml. Hood Veast now...; 03
10 " " Carnation Cream now .oy
10 " bar Toilet Soap now 04
70 " pint Mason jars, per dozen, now 53
50 " brass Wash Hoard now 39
50 " galvanized Wash Hoard now 24
75 " glass Wash Hoard now 42
Three meat safes, wire covered with nice door; regular 1 1.50,
now $1.39.
Ivight bundles of cotton batting, pound rolls, regular 25 cent
sellers, now 14 cents each.
2 for 5 cent postal cards now only 1 cent each.
Three food choppers left; regular 51.25 size now 69 cents.
Six window shades; regular size 35 cent goods now 29 cents.
Hest grade oil cloth, regular 25c per yaid grade now 17 cents.
One lone trunk left. First party that calls can huve same for
$1.98; regular 4 size.
The very best jar rubbers for Mason jars, small supply left; reg
ular 10 cent seller now 7 cents per dozen.
Mason Jars, only pinfs left, regular 70 cents per dozen seller,
now 53 cents per dozen.
We have sold during the past mouth some three hundred boxes
of this soap. It gives jerfect satisfaction. Regular 25 cents, now
12 cents box.
Red Seal Lye there's nothing better. Regular 2 for 25 cents
now 9 cents per can.
Ladies' 50 cent white hose, 24 pairs left, now 21 cents per pair.
Fly paper the sticky kind 3 double roll sheets for 5 cents.
The Wagoner Hlend Coffee 25 cents jer pound; 19 cents jkt lb.
is all we want for what is left.
The Wagoner Co.
ir i. 0 r.. I
Doniicim oc turner
Wear n Straw Hat
and Canvas Shoes.
Wear Lawns and Clmllics
and White Shirt Waists.
We have them all.
Bonham & Currier
Hr.tnelt store 107 S. JctM'3.
1 m
VMN9 r
St. Johns has never witness
ed bargains which stand out
in the limelight of selling
events more prominently for
tiiiUMtal values than those to
be had at the bargain counter
department of the National
Tea Stoic.
Marvelous savings appear to
those who visit the ehitia and
crockeryware department. On
account of low rent our prices
are from J5 to 50 per cent
lower than Portland prices;
our stock us large and the se
lections much later. Visit our
stare whenever you me up
town. Whether you buy or
not, make our store your
5, 10 and 10 cent Counter
Department of the
contains hargaius in China
ware, Glassware, Granite and
Tiuwurc, Notions, etc.
42 piece cottage wlc, $4.50.
08 niece Iiuulish china net.
beautiful decorations, dewtl
ment store price 20; at The
National $14.00
118 piece genuine llavlland
china set, n f 45 set nl any
More; our price ... . $30.00
National Hlend Coffee, 23c
er lb. Ah good ns the Ixntt,
letter than the rest.
Headquarters fur coffee, tea and spices.
103 S. Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OKI-CON
Howard Helms Is !u Mount Ta
bor visiting liis uncle, John Dennis,
and family during vacation.
Miss Francis Severance, formerly
11 icsidcnt of St. Johns, was married
Thursday evening to Mr. Ilelmun
of Portland.
Miss May Shepard re'urned finm
Hood Uiver Wednesday, and with
h r friend, Miss Hazel Carlson, will
go for a season to Seaside.
The main and hushics section of
our town should be kept well
sprinkled with water during the dry
season, cscciully ou Sunday.
Anna Hriev, Maurine Thiiimond,
Vina Swan and James Schrhushcr,
of St. Johns, euteied sweet pens in
tue Portland contest Wednesday.
Quite a number of St. lohus peo
ple witnessed the (lie works on the
night ol t lie Paiirtli from the top
of the water tower. They remrt 11
grand view.
The main suppoiu for the budge
011 the Doiilcvaiu over tliu north
bank road cut are about nil hi po
sition. In a shoit time the bridge
will be ready for tiuvel,
Miss Minnie McClave of the St.
Johns hotel is attending it conven
tion at Seattle this w.-ek. Mis.
Ilillier has charge of hur rooms.
On her leturii Miss McClave will
go to Denver.
J, S. Huseick has purchased a
large sheep ranch at Hamilton,
Ore., and will leave for that point
ut once. We are sorry to Ioe Mr.
Huseick from our city, but wikh !
him unbounded succe. in his new ;
location. I
Miss Clara Heller, our champion:
compositor, is enjoying her summer 1
vacation in Seattle and other sound 1
cities. Miss Heller has been hold
ing the case down very faithfully 1
for several mouths and we trust
she may have the time of her life
on her trip,
ISx-State Printer J. R. Whitney
was a pleasant caller in The Re
view office Wednesday. Mr. Whit
ney has invested largely in real 1
jroerty in Portland and his train-
nig with realty handlers here seems
to create the impression that he I
may have a weakness for some of
St. Johns' fine investments.
Real l;s(ale, Loans and
Ivnst St. Jnhnx
and husiiieBH
in St. Johns.
Cileii Kails and
J,' Chester Ingnmnee com
panies, New York.
113 1 . Jersey Street.
The reason f out splendid stie
ces for the first month's btisiueflu
in St. Johns is Ihimusl- our priow
are lower in many instance than
Portland prices, mid our goods are
always the I test.
Our (Juality is never affected
with Low Prices
Special for Coming Week
Double Roll, p r roll 1 - ' .e
Hendricks Hardware Go,
St. Johns Pharmacy
The big drug store with the
R. D. JACKSON, Prop.