St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 28, 1907, Image 4

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    - - - THE - - 3
St. Johns, Oregon.
Statement nt close of business December, 1906:
1'uriilttirc mill fixtures. 2,976,86
Cnsh on hand mid due
from banks 71339.65
Capital Stock f J5,xx).x
.Surplus nnil undivided
profits J.S53-1
Dividends unpaid.. , t.ajo.oo
UoiKjslts !7.,J95..o
Do you ever advertise in
The Review ?
If not, why not ?
Tht Venom of tha Cobra It Deadly At
most Doyond Belief.
It was in the iiutumn of lr'01
Hint Ciiliiiette, while noting ns di
rector of the Hactoriologicnl iu.ti
tutu of Saigon, Cochin Chirm, fir ft
commenced his experiments on the
nuutrnlizntion of ferpent venom in
the nninml system, He hud excep
tional opportunities in the matter
of fccrpent venom wherewith to car
ry out his investigations, inasmuch
ns a band of cobras had recently at
tacked n village in tho vicinity of
llaclieii, and by order of tho gov
ernor of tho district no fewer than
ninety specimens of the terrible Nil
ja tripttdians, or cobra de cnpollo,
were forwarded In n barrel to tho
Forty of tho reptiles arrived
nlive, and several were nt onco sac
rificcd to secure their venom glands.
Knch gland, resembling both in siza
unit slinpo a shelled almond, con
tains about thirty drops of venom,
mid in this transparent limpid lienor
is embodied n toxin or extraor
dinary strength. As is well known,
this cobra is tho most dreaded of
nil serpents, and it is widely dis
tributed over India, lltirum, biimn
tra, Java, .Malacca nnd Cochin Chi
nn. Until Calmcttc. however, set
to work to systematically study tho
nnttiro of this reptiles venom hut
llltlo precise or reliablo informu
lion had been obtained as to its
character. It was, of course, ncc
cssory in the first instance to as
certain, within us narrow n limit as
possible, tho exact degree of toxie
tower inherent in tho venom and to
(lotcrinino if possible tho precise
iloso lethal in respect of each varie
ty 01 animal experimented upon.
A correct calculation of tho minn
Illy of venom required in every case
was, However, found to bo quite im
possible, for so virulent is tho
poison that n simdu drop of nn
emulsion produced by noundlntr up
1 1 eight glunils in .1011 grams of dis
tilled water is sullieient, when in
trnducrd into tho vein of a rabbit's
ear, (o kill it in live minutes. All
the mammals lo whirh Calmetto ad
ministered this cobra venom, such
as monkeys, dogs, rabbits, jniinen
pigs mid rats, succumbed inoro or
less iiuickly, according to tho size
of tho don. Westminster (liuolte.
He Wat a Most Formidable Parsonage
In Days Qone By.
At a great entertainment given
in the fifteenth century by the ser-gcnnls-nt-law
nt Ely place, Holborn,
tho lord trensurer, Baron Kuthvcn,
refused to recognize that ns tho
sovereign's immediate representa
tive tho lord mayor was bound to
lake precedence of every other sub
ject within the limits of the city.
Tho bold, bad baron sat stolidly
thcrcforo nt tnblc in "tho most hon
orable place," whereupon tho lord
mayor Instantly withdrew, followed
by his faithful aldermen and sher
iffs nnd nil tho other citizens.
Tho person of the lord mayor
was onco hold to bo sacred nnd in
violable, nnd none dnro approach
his presenco in nn impudent man
ner. Men have been hanged for
forcible resistance to his nuthority,
nnd it is on record that one Hicharu
Hyficld in tho year 1170 was fined
50 for presuming to kneel too
close to his lordship at St. Erkcn
wnld's shrine. Most nwo inspiring
still, tho lord mayor onco command
ed the services of a merry undrew
and n poet laureate.
Hen Jnnson himself was a lord
mayor's laureate, and oven his su
premo talent wns not thought equal
tn tho high duty of singing tho
praises of tho common council. Ben
must hnvo performed lib duties not
loo graciously, for wo know that ho
vtoto a letter complaining of the
corporation withdrawing him from
thrlr "chandlery pension for ver
juice nnd mustard." Upon which
letter n champion of tho city inado
tho comment Unit tho pension was
"not so chandlery, for it amounted
to 33 Gs. 8d., n sum which may nt
least stand comparison witli what
has been nt nny t'mo allowed other
laureates of higher degree." It was
much more than was allowed oven
(0 tho kinir'ri laureate in lien Jon-
son's days, for until 1(130 tho pen
sion was but 1011 marks without n
sip of Canary. London Chronicle.
iiuilt ny
UV now Imvt' Willi u 11 chmIio
rt4lf nt HrcliiUt't. md v ohu
Milling lii mlviimv y Id all
Uu-mmiImi dflii- lit build ilium.
L. B. Chipman
Real Estate
Second Door Wot
of I'ostoffice
ST. JOHNS - . Oliimo.N
Buy a Lot in
West St. Johns
$100 and up.
Richard Shepard
& Co.
St. Johns Market
in,i, of
lillllV, PORK, MUTTON ami
Also all kimls
Meats. Poultry
We make Family Trade a sk
Orders solicited and dolivorct
tiny part ot the city.
Call on us and yon will be con
vinccd that our prices nie light.
Phone Scott 406.1.
Plan 11 wd ticiili'tious
fuiuWwtl oh application.
luuo with uaatut's.s nnd
of Pickled
Dressed to
All woik
Qllleoin ilolbiook's brick block.
Three uptodato houses on
easy installments; one 6 room
and modern. Small payment
down ami balance monthly.
High Priced Oumbltbeei.
Many years ago tho fanner of
Australia imported liuinblobcosfroni
Kiigluml anil set them fret in their
clover Holds. Hofnro tho nrrival of
tho boos clover did not lluuriidi in
Australia, but lifter their coming
tho fanners had no more dilllculty
on Unit scire. .Mr. Darwin had
shown that bumblebee were tho
only imccU fond of clover nectar
which MMM'd a prohiHcU nufll-
ciontly long to reach tho bottom of
(no long, tiiboliko llowcrs and nt
the same llinu 11 body heavy enough
to bend down tho clover head so
that tho M)lon would fall on tho in
siH't'ri back and thus bo curried olT
to fertilize other Howcm of the
nunc speciiM. Tho biimbltdiees cent
tn Australia cost tho fanners there
about half 11 dollar apiece, but (hoy
proven 10 no worth the price.
The Very Earliest Coin.
.mi 0110 Knows cMii'tiv wucii or
where tho original coin was
"struck" or what metal was used.
Certain pastiiiges in Hoofer would
lead to tho inference that bras wus
coined as earlv as tho venr llfil
11. C. Tradition iilllrniH that tho
('hiuo.0 had bronze coins us early
as tnoyonr iiyu u. u but iterodo-
tiw, tho ucknowledged "father of
hi lory," is of tho opinion that tho
l.ydiniM "invented" coin some time
during the ninth century It. C. One
of tho oldest coins now known is
11 gold dune, coined by the Porsians
during (no reign of Darius. On
one side of this coin is 11 bust of
Darius and on tho other side u
llguro of 11 kneeling archer.
"Mugwump" wus nn old Algon
quin word for it chief, which wus
wed in u seventeenth centurv In
dian Uibl to transluto "centurion,"
"captain" or "duko 111 tho Knglisli
version. It was borrowed by tho
Xew Kugluudcr us 11 iiiektisuuo for
Jnoit superior per.oiis, vorv like the
English "great panjandrum," nnd
first implied in its special political
loibo to Uopublicans who deserted
their party 011 grounds of principle
it the presidential election ot 1881.
Things Had Altered.
"Where Is the dashing boarder
who used tn bo the life ot the table
when I was hero before, Mrs. Liver
more?" utked an old natron, ad
dressing the landlady.
I married linn, was the ouiot
Indeed I He was 0110 of the
sprightlicsl follows I ever met, al
ways bubbling over with spirits nnd
chock inn or btories, lies awa
1 haven
Hew the Discovery of Ether Exalted
the Medical World.
it is Uillicult at tins day to re
alize what the excitement must have
been both in tho world nt largo and
among the medical profession on
tho discovery of ether. Tho late
Sir Ilcnjnmin Itichardson in his
"Vita Medica" gives an account of
tho commotion which prevailed in
tho medical collcgo nt Glasgow
when tho news reached tlio physi
cinns or the city.
According to custom, n lnrgo
class wns scntcd in tho collcao then
tor, wniting for tho midday lecture.
Tho professor, Dr. Moses Buchanan,
wns always scrupulously punctual,
but minuto uftcr minute went by
nnd he did not appear. Finally ho
enmc, but only to sny, to tho stu
dents' grcnt surprise, that there
would be no lecture that day. Ho
had, ho nnnounced, n wonderful
picco of news to tell tho fact that
a method had been discovered
through which surgical operations
could bo performed without pain.
"I nm, snid he, "on my wny to
the Jtoynl inlirmnry to tnko part
there in tho trial of tho new svst"in.
nnd by nnd by wo shall meet to
learn if the news which has reach'
cd us is rcnlly true. If it be, this
day is n red letter day in all our
Tho nnnounccmcnt crcntcd tho
greatest excitement, nnd nil the stu
dents trooped off nt once to tho
Hoynl Infirmary. There Professor
Andrew Ruchanan, who was to per
form tho operation, stepped forward
nnd repeated the news which had
coma from tho Massachusetts hos
pital nnd described the process so
rnr ns ho knew it. Tho patient ws.9
then sent for, nnd ho camo in quite
smilingly, rather proud of being tho
first man in Scotland to enjoy tho
honor nnd good fortune of being
cut without pain.
Tho usual programme followed.
Ho laughed, wept nnd went through
tho gamut of emotions produced bv
ether, but ho finally sank to sleep,
and the operation was brilliantly
Baptist church Ii. A. Leonard,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. tn.
Preaching nt 1 1 n. in. H. Y. P. V,
7 p. 111. l'rcaciuuu nt 0 p. m. nil
nre cordially invited to attend these
Methodist church F. L. Young,
pastor. Sunday school 10 n. 111. j
preaching nt 1 1 a. ill. nnd 8 p. 111.
Iipworth League nt 7 p. 111.
Holy Cross Cntholic church,
Portsmouth Station 8:15 a. 111. ,
low mnss; 10:15 a. 111., high mass;
7:30 p. in., vespers nnd benediction.
St. Andrew's lvpiscopal Chapel,
University Park Rev. Win. It.
Powell, chaplain. Regular services
7:30 p. in. autidav school 3 p. tn.
Bible class 7 ji. in. ; Lenton service
every Friday nt 10 a. in.
Kvangclical church Sunday
school ion. tn. Preaching tt n. in.
Junior K. L. C. Ii. 2:30 p. 111.;
Senior K. I. C. Ii. 7:00 p. in. Also
preaching nt 8:00 p. tn. Chester P.
Gntes, Pastor.
First Coniueirational Church
O.W. Nelson, pastor. Sunday school
ion. 111.; preaching it n. tn. and
8:00 p in. Good music. Your
presence nt these services, nnd co
operation in the work of the church
will be appreciated
Baptist Church, University Park.
Kev. A. U. waltz, pastor. Kcgti
lnr services every Sunday morning
and evening.
German Baptist Church Serv
ices held each Sunday at Baptist
church as follows: btinday school
2 p. in., preaching nt 3 P m. Rev.
I'nltmcnt, pastor.
St. Johns
Book Store
L. E. STORY, Al. D.
Day nnd Night Office, Rooms 7
anil 8, Holljrouk Mock,
Office: Room 9. llrecdcn Hulld
lug, corner Third nnd Washington
streets, Portland, nnil Room 35, Hot
brook Illock, St. Johns.
I'lionc: Pacific 2098, Residence: St. Johns
Joseph AlcChcsncy, M. D.
Day and Nlelit Office In McClicsncy Block
I'lionc Woodlaftn -I7J
Residence: On Modoc Street.
Phone Woodlmvn 576. Office: Hoi
brook llrick Illock, rooms 3 and 4
I'lionc Hast 36S9.
St. Johns Oregon
Dr V.
Crown nnd Ilrlilec Work n
Rooms t nnd a, Itotbrook Illock, St. Johns
Physician and Surgeon.
Office hi Holhrook's Illock.
Residence, The Raymond.
Office hour, 9I0 tin. m itoj p. m.
Office i'lionc, (Voll 1104.
Koldcnre I'lionc, L'ulcm 39)1.
Olficc In Uitlrtrtlly I'urk Drugstore.
from home, I Mippodc!
Shtrldan'i Qratltud.
Sheridan onco had occasion to
call ut n hnirdrciiiier'ri to order n
wig.' On being meamircd tho bar
ber, who wn a liberal noul, invited
tho orator to take eomo refresh
ment In an inner room. Hero ho
regaled him with a bottlo of port
nnu allowed fo much hospitality
ii... ci....:. 1 1... i i'. 1
11. uiiiv kjiiki 1 1 in 1 1 n iiv.11 it nun mui'lll'il.
ft 1 When th
liuy roa from tlio tablo and
. . . ... ..1..1 .ii.... 11.., 1.11
recti him since I returned. """Ul unmiig mu inner,
"IIo'h at home. lie hn never . looking tho lmrher full in tho fnce,
been nwnv." I""", Un rcllecting I don't intend
: . . .. ... 1 11. i 1 !.,
"Heallyl Wliero i ho then?" i i ihuku ny wig.
"n,- 1,.. 1. it, ..,..1 nr Astonished nnd with a bhink vlu
litis just opened nt
420 Jersey Street
iM:Chcsncy Ihitldlug
The best line of rending matter
will be curried by them. A circti
lating library, open to the public
from 7 11. 111. to 0 p. in., is 011 hand.
You pay the price of nny book hi
class you may select, after which
von can exchniiKe it for any book
in house, in same class, ut price in
that class, from 5 to 30 cents per
lllauk books, legal blanks, stn
tiouery nnd children's hooks.
We ulso carry it small stock of
cigars, tobacco nnd candies.
OrnJunlc Optician
Will test the cye free of clmrge.
Jcrecy Street. St. John, Oregon.
Goodrich & Goodrich.
I'hII rnifcunloiml Services I'lvc Per Cent.
Saint Jolnnnnd I'lirlluuil, Oic.
Hnuw Mocr and Repairer
moved, rained nnd- re-
Odd John of nil kind..
I'linnpt Kcrvicc, rvinuiuulilcchnrKc,
Iviinliov and Cntllii strectn. I'hont
Woodliiwii 386.
Salut J0I111
Oregon "
"What! That miict. subdued
looking man!'"
" c$, tr, ignillcantly.
,uge, tho other exclaimed: "Good
henveni, Mr. Sheridan! How can I
Tip In Advanct.
A gentleman who wns in tho hab
it of dining regularly nt it certain
restaurant Mild to tho darky waiter,
"Knistu, iiutead of tipping you
everv ilnv 111 colnir to eivo vou
your tip in n lump sum at tlio end
of the month."
"Dal' nil right, mh," replied the
darkv, "but I woiulah if you would
I , , I
uiiiiii imriil 11 u ill llilYltl cur u., rn . ...i,i 1 , ,
... 1 tril. I hn U'IiIaIi nili'nrlianil nnl iaiha
"Well, it it rntlior n strango ro-i4 ., , " ' .,
nuet. remarked tho natron. ' lu tt 0"l'"w" 11 ? pn?r
"However, hore'n 11 flvo dollur bill
hnvo dUplciifcd you?"
"Why, look you," mild Sheridan,
"you nro nn honest fellow, nnd, I
repeat it, you shan't mako my wig,
for I never intended to pny for It.
1 u go to another lesj worthy (ton
01 uio crait." Liverpool Jlorcury.
Tho Oitrlch't Mlitak.
A trained ostrich recently discon
certed us exhibitor nt n music hall
by continually endeavoring to break
tiwoy from nil restraint nnd to climb
over tho footlights into tho oreherf-
Ladies' and Gents'
Billiard Parlors
Owisns Hkos., Proprietors.
Five Ifirst-clnss Tables.
Drop in and piny n game.
Central Bar.
for you, I Bimposo you nro in wnnt
Sam. Cochkan, Prop.
Thos. Condon, Mgr.
.emerged from behind tho curtain
1 nnd apologized for tho notions of his
of monev. or U it that vou distrust ! P "l "U0Ul 1 1040 VrU8: ...
... ' "lA'MlPa nnu rrAnf nmnn Hi Imm
"Oh, no, soli," smiled Krustus, uv ' TT . 1
slipping tho bill in hU pocket tl"1". ,1."" .c" J f,d t .
"on v l's leuvinir livur toduv sah " 1 f iiiiKjjwiiicin limn me
Vi. !,Vl,i , ? L."r...?Uu' ,B,, , nianageinent hengngei new l.or-
o...... i homnloycd
They were seated 0.1 the cracker 1 'e,?'1T"n.'r,l!i,ke3 U for
barreU and soap boxes in tho vil- " """u""
luge grocery in nn Oakland county j Not 0niy Walls H.vo E.r..
town swapping vurns. Mrs. Smith looked lovely this
"I saw a foir on the Pacific 1 .,, ,,.i,.i '
coast," said one, "which was so juat rcturned from tho pink tea. l" RICHARDS, Prop.
tliiitl Hint -ti Aiililii'r caa 11 Inn. i;tt . . . ... I
l'url furiiUlicil, either short or
loiiK'. Druylng ami tcaui-wurk
of every kind. Prompt service.
Terms rcntoimlile.
Comer Jercy mid Cutlln, ST. JOHNS
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
sr. joiins, okihion
Meet each Monday cvcnlni? In Odd
I'd low hall, nt b:oo. VUitors welcomed.
Henry Allen, N. O.
It. II. Holcoiuh, Secretary.
Real I-stnte
Keldcnt agent N. V. N'orcn & Co.
110 S. Jcroy street.
Phone Woodlmvn 9J7. St. Johns, Ore.
ciii'tiira icnuer. ino ono tn present
V V US IIU (tit VI tl UI
Fine Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. Transfer and Storage
, Vour Patronage Solicited
Cochrnn Block, St. Johns, Oregon ,05 ,iut JlHrli1.ton gt JoJn
out to bhinle 11 house ono foggy
uioruin' right in this town nn' shin-
glin' four feet out 011 tho bosom of
the fog before he noticed his mis
take. Made Hi tcrriblo nngrv to
Qum Shoo Work.
"J tunes!" she said severely.
The butler looked up 'with u
guilty tlush.
"Jamej," sho usked, "how is it
that whenever I como into tho pan
try I find your work at sixes nnd
sevens nnd you sprawled out rending
tho news?"
"Well, ma'am," tho butier an
swered, "1 should say it was on ac
count of them old rubber soled ten
nls shoes you ro always wearin'
about the hoiuo."
Central Market!
St. Johns Heights Station,
l'hoiie Union jSj.
Holbrwk lllwk.
See iu for the Choicest Cuts of the llest
Moats Olituhuldv.
OiiWm l'itled mid Puiuity Trade Soticitetl
T. P. WARD, Proprietor,
thick that vou couldn't eeo n Ian- "Usually sho gets herself up like a
tern s .v away! crcnm milI or a slab of Neanolitnn
"Ibiiiiw: saui 11 native, "tn trn PPn, ), i,?a nrin; ct,
niiihs, uio curpeiiter, tens 01 goni looked lovely.
"Was sho as much painted as usu-
air- asKca tho girl.
"Painted?" queried tho kid of tho
family. "What color?"
1 1 I I I II il V V SV HO. VAUIUlUtU nn hour nppin olT all then. tho ;rl ick, (L,t,
shmg!es."--notroit News. !r,itchers! Wlf bo tolling her the
. inoxt time she calls." Now York
Tho Regular Foo. preM
A gentleman having advertised ' -
for a coachman was called upon by ! A Salmon story,
a candidate, who referred him to a I Here's a fish story: A sportsman
celebrated physician for informa fishing for salmon in one of tho
tion in regard to Ins qualities, the
gentleman called on tho physician,
who simply took his pen and wrote
on a piece of paper that his former
Pervaut was a reliable, punctual and
polite coachman. Taking tho paper
m his hand and thanking the write;
for it, tho man turned to leav.
Hut tho physician called him btok
nnd said, "I beg your pardon, ir,
but my terms for a consultation art
S guineas." London Tit-Bit.
The Ifinest of Wines, Liquors and
Buy your wood at the
Old Reliable
A Fine Lunch Served Kvery Day.
streams that run into the gulf of
St. Lawrenco discovered a spot
wnero no was convinced that
salmon ought to be lying. As he
made his way through tho bushes a
cast which lie had wound around
his hat became loosened. As the
sportsman peered over tho bank
fly on the looso cast gently touched
the water. Immediately a salmoa
seizea it ana rushed away upstream,
carrying both hook and hat
people who know how to take care
of themselves the majority do not.
The liver is a most itunortant orirati
in the body. Ilerbine will keep it'
in condition, V. C. Simpktus. I
Alba, Texas, writes: UI have used
1 let bine for Chills nnd Fever nnd
find it the best medicine I ever
used, I would not be without it.
It is ns good for children as it is for
grown tip people, and I recommend
it. It Is fine tor La Grippe." Sold
by St. Johus Drug Store.
Do Not Neglect the Children.
At this season of the year the
first unnatural looseness of a child's
Innvels should have immediate at
teutiou. 1 ne dcsi tiling that can
be given is Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
followed by castor oil as directed
with each bottle of the remedy.
For sale by St. Johns Drug Store.
Brodahl's greenhouse, 303
chauau street, for pot plants.
rilONH UNION jioj
Liquor for Medicinal Purposes
and Family Use
(Cedar Brook)
This whiskey direct
distiller to us. In bond
old and aged in wood.
E. O. MAGOON, Distributor
1 1 1 North Jerxy St. St. Johns, Ore
from the
six years
The Wellington
KNKHT CLOVEI, Prosritton.
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Go.
Coal For Sale.
Green and dry slabwood.
Phoue Kast 297.
Suites of two to four rooms, also
single rooms. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
cor, of Pisk St. and Boulevard.
I'uruUhed or Unfurnished. A
pleasant walk from St. Johns,
Convenient to Hridge and mills.
Woodlawn 605
Fine Wines and Liquors. Qjjg J)qHX Will
Family Supplies a Specialty.
Holhrook Block, St. Johns, Qregon
Mail Schedule
Mail arrives at St. Iohui at 7:10 a. tu.
and 1:15 P. m.
Leaves at 10:30 a. in., and 4:45 p. m. I
urate open wees uava 1 rum out a. ui.l
to 0:10 p. iu. bumlays from 9 to 10 a. m
fit vou to eye glasses or ipec-
tacle. Perfect fit guaranteed.
Your eyei fitted at home. Write for
1 . .i -i - .1 a
irec doukici urocnutnK uur iuciuuu.
Remember, the glastes we fit yoa
to are worth 13.50 any where on
earth. Our price, only 91.00.
OUK REPAIRING dtcrlmeai U bom
cobpIcI. Mils fprwf W.86. Watch cluaat
ji.iu. seaa jour vert oj rtcuitrra uu,