St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 28, 1907, Image 3

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    Floor Coverings
of Every Description
Shades, Lace
Curtains, Etc.
Easy Terms
Low Prices
! This is the Season of
A lid In Liwn nru If vnli fniiV
Adjustable, and full length window screens, screen cloth. The V.
"New Perfection," the only
that can be
'I'll!. ir.MXtllf
mm I 111.
043 0 c53 oO c4D cO fO rS3 c!3 pO c8 rO
9 St. Johns Undertaking Co. ;
Undertakers and Embalmera U
?I.aily Afeltttiut. riione Main 6133. 1 10 Tacoinn Street, f
C5J G CJv G3 C50 C5 Cjo CJv C5 CSJ C?o Cjo Cjo C5 U
The reason of our splendid suc
cess for the first month's business
iu St. Johns is because our prices
are lower in many instances than
Portland prices, and our goods ore
always the best.
IV -
Our Quality is never affected
with Low Prices
Special for Coming Week
Double Roll, per roll tajc
Hendricks Hardware Go.
Timber and Farm
Lands convenient
to transportation
and Linnton.
Bargains in Linn
ton Real Estate.
Office opposite postoffice
at Linnton.
Iron Beds
Represent beauty, comfort mid
cleanliness. We have n large
line of these ranging from the
inexpensive styles to stately
$3.00 to $20.00
flBBl 1
White maple or mahogany
finish, $16, Others up to $30.
the Year for Flies
Wt Imi'ii n full ulnl f
blue llamc oil stove
DON'T! ! ! !
Don't let your child suffer with
that cough when you can cure it
with Mallard's Ilorchouiid Svrup,
a sure cure for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Influenza, Croup uud Pulmonary
Diseases. Buy a bottle and try
I). I). Laughter, Uyhalia. Miss.,
writes: "I huve two children who
had croup. I tried many different
remedies, but I must say your
Horchouud Syrup is the best Croup
and Cough medicine I ever used."
Sold by St. Johns Drug Store.
Por Sole
A flue driving mare, and almost
noil 1llmri' IMilc tc n ctnlicli 1rt...
' I 1 . . . . ,.1.1 iimi .11
ci mm umy 4 )cui uiu. will sen
or will trade for lot in St. Johns.
J. S. McKinuey, 203, East Polk
street, St. Johns,
For Sal..
Boat house, new 23 foot launch,
9 row boats, etc. Profits 5 to $8
per day. Owner must leave. See
II. G. Ogden, Review Office. St.
Hotel For Sale.
First class hotel of 16 rooms at
No. 24 Albina avenue. Has good
transient trade. Inquire 516 E.
Charleston street.
For Sale.
Milch cow, first class, Guernsey.
Inquire 202 Polk street, St. Johns
. C. V. Lindquist and family of
Morgauville, Kan., are expected to
arrive here next Tuesday for a
visit. Mr. L. is engaged in the
mercantile business in the Sunflower
state and will no doubt be very much
surprised with what he sees in St.
Johns and vicinity.
Tfie Memorial service of the
Odd Fellows held at the Evangel
ical church last Sunday night was
one of the most impressive and
eamest, and was largely attended.
The members of the Order marched
into the church in a body, filling
the first five pews. The floral
pieces and decorations were very
artistically arranged, one piece iu
which the three links, symbol of
the Order, were interwoven in pur
ple and white, was especially no
ticeable. The interior was photo
graphed on Monday, and afterward
the flowets distributed among the
sick of the city.
Local News.
Rough dry washing at 6c per
pound. West Coast Laundry.
See M. R. Urban, St. Johns, for
hollow, concrete building blocks.
Fresh bread, pies, cake nud cook
ie every day at the French block
We have a full line of black
screen cloth in all widths. Potter
& Goold.
We wash and iron all flat work
at 25c per dozen. West Coast
How do you like the good old
summer time that you have been
longing for?
The city treasurer has n couple
of notices in this issue offering prop
erty for sale.
The Brninard Cubs and the
Frakes will play ball at Hill's park
next Sunday.
Splendid bargains iu new oak
dining chairs at Shaw's Furniture
store, French block.
New wall paper at Portland prices
at Hendricks Hardware Co. Potter
& Goold' s old stand.
Hollow concrete buiUiiug blocks
are cheaper than stone. Ask M.
R. Urban about them.
Buy your medium priced shoes
for men, women and children of
Couch & Co. nud save money.
The Portland Manufacturing Co.
will furnish employment nt good
wages to n number of girls.
Judge Greene returned Monday
from an outing of several days on
his farm near Castle Rock, Wash.
The firm of Hendricks & Mon
nich has been dissolved and is sue
cccded by the Hendricks Hardware
First class concrete gravel de
livcred to any part of the city at
It. 50 per yard. St. Johns Brick
Lost Small bay mare, 4 white
feet, white stripe on forehead. Ted
Murphy, 870 Oherlin St., Ports'
See Dr. Rambo for dental work,
room 18, Holbrook block, St. Johns
Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. Evenings
7 to a p. in.
H. L. Bradley has rented the
New St. Johns Hotel of Cochran
Bros. He will have nothing to do
with the bar.
Attorney Geo. J. Perkins now
has n suite of offices in the Hol
brook block adjoining the rooms of
the Commercial club.
Mrs. L. Richard, who has been
mute ill for the past month, was
taken to a Portland hospital iu an
ambulance oil Wednesday.
Miss May Shcpard came down
from Hood River last week to take
iu the rose show, returning to the
apple town last Tuesday.
Rev. Charles Hamilton, of New-
berg, preached at the M. E. church
Sunday morning. Rev. Hamilton
is a sou of W. II- Hamilton of this
John Weeks died at his home on
Fillmore street on Tuesday last.
The funeral took place yesterday
from the M. K. church under the
auspices of the Odd Fellows.
Next Sunday the St. Johns nine
will go to Kelso to play the Tigers.
Of late Kelso has been putting up
a strong game, and last Sunday
blanked Woodburu until the last
F. J, Koerner left Wednesday
for Northern Washington, where
he will spend the season among the
numerous summer resorts, after
which he contemplates a trip to the
old world.
A couple of young fellows wear
ing the uniform of Uncle Sam's
sailors gave an exhibition of a par
alytic drunk lor au hour luesday
night parading up and down Jersey
street. It was disgraceful.
Jeff Nye, who built and operated
the New St. Johns hotel, hasojxmed
a thirst emporium 011 Sixth street
Portland, opposite Meier & Frank's
department store, where he will be
pleased to see Ins bt. Johns friends,
The annual picnic for the benefit
of Holy Cross church will be held
at Columbia University groutids
July 4. The place is an ideal one
for recreation and a good time is iu
store for all who attend this popu
lar picnic.
Geo. Packinghatn and wife,
formerly well known residents of
St. Johns, spent a few hours in the
city Tuesday coming direct from
Goldfields, Nevada. They were
on their way to Alaska, intending
to stay until fall, when they expect
to return to Gold field.
Gladys, the young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Elbert Owens, while
skating at the rink last Tuesday
evening, collided with another
skater, throwing her to the floor
and breaking her right arm iu
three places below the elbow. The
fractures are bad ones and it will
be some time before the little miss
will have the use of her arm.
The committee appointed at the
annual school meeting to audit the
accounts of School Clerk Tanch
found everything correct and all
the warrants and checks 011 hand,
The committee complimented the
clerk on the manner in which the
accounts are kept and the extreme
neatness of all the books.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a specialty of lace curtains.
Rooms to rent, furnished or un
furnished at 104 Modoc street.
For Sale One Little Gem soda
fountain. Inquire of Scales' Bros.
The river is slowly falling, but
the wutcr is still at a very high
Nice, clean, sharp sand in lots to
suit furnished by the St. Johns
Brick Co.
Use hollow concrete building
blocks, $24 per 100, M. R. Urban,
maker, St. Johns.
Al Harris and Thos. Condon
yesterday for a scsion with
waters at St. Martins springs.
W. II. Hamilton took in the
Soldiers' State Reunion which is
being held at Newberg this week.
The ice cream at Harris' confec
tionery is made of pure cream, and
is the best 011 the market. Try it.
Cherries for sale at Crook's place
corner Philadelphia and Crawford'
streets, between flour mill and
woolen mill.
Trade $35 worth with us nnd
get a 42-piccc set of decorated dish
es free. Shaw's Furniture store,
French block.
A regular 80c value in Gunpow
der, Spider Leg, English Break
fast and uucolorcd Japan tea for
50c per pound. Couch & Co.
Have you seen' the new Lorain
Steel range at Potter & Goold's?
Nothing like it on the market. Let
us show you this range. Potter it
D. S. Southmayd has a ton and
a half of 1907 wall pajicr on hand
for you to choose from. Prices and
work guaraul ed. Call and inspect
this stock.
Try the Central Cigar stand one
door north Peninsula Hank, 103,
Jersey St. Exclusive cigars and
tobaccos. Base ball headquarters.
F. E. Goodell, proprietor.
Those contemplating building
should consult with M. R. Urban
in regard to the hollow concrete
building blocks he is manufacturing.
He has the facilities for turning
out these blocks on short notice
nnd guarantees satisfaction.
The finishing touches are being
put on the city hall and the inten
tions are to turn it over to the city
next Monday. There is stilt some
plumbing that is not complete, but
this will not interfere with the occu
pancy of the building.
Ilallagh Hros. of Ottumwa, Iowa,
purchased the
r.mei prise nuKery
1.. 1.. 1
iu the French block, and took
charge Monday last. The new pro
prictors arc practical men who
have successfully conducted a bak
cry business for years in the East,
and who will offer 11 line of goods
that the people demand and will
Frank Smith returned home last
l'uesday nfter several weeks ab
sence at points in Nebraska, where
he was called by the deaths of his
father and mother and the parents
of Mrs. Smith. The four deaths
of the parents of Mr. nud Mrs.
Smith occurred within the short
space of four weeks.
The sand hogs working iu the
caissons at the new bridge now
labor nt a depth of 75 feet below
the surface of the river. They
work shifts of four hours two
hours on and four hours off, For
this time they receive $3.50 au
hour, an awfully small amount
when the danger they Incur is tak
en into consideration.
The Fraternal lirotherhood have
chartered u car uud will attend the
initiation of 500 members of that
order at the Armory iu Portland
l'uesday evening. About 100
members from Albina and St. Johns
will take iu this interesting event.
This will be the largest number
ever initiated at one tune 111 the
The four masted schooner Emily
F, Whitney is loading 1,000,000
feet of lumber at the St. Johns
lumber milt which she will carry
to the Hawaiian islands for use 011
large sugar plantation. Capt.
W. G. Goodwin, her master, is au
old river captain, having operated
out of Porflaud some 20 years ago.
This is his first visit to this locality I Mr. A. C, Gesler and Miss Eliza
iu 18 years. He notes the wonder-1 belli McCalltim were united iu mar
ful progress since his last visit, and riage at the M. E. parsonage on
related how his father sold the cor-! Wednesday evening, Rev. F. L.
ner of Sixth and Washington , Young informing the ceremony.
streets iu Portland in the early 70's
for $2400 only to see it sell for $20-
000 a lew years later. Lapuiu
Goodwin declares there is no place
on the continent with better pros-,
pects than Portland and vicinity. I
The new ferry boat James Johns
was brought down the river audi1' . . ,1 ,
moored near the landing at the foot ?l t Cll,C5 blKet 1,1 the H,,rl'
of Pittsburg street Wednesday after-1 "Wl l"ul-,l-noon.
The boat has been practic-t While unhitching Ins dray team
ally complete and ready for business ) Monday night Roy Wilcox met
since the first of the week, but I with an accident that for a time
owing to the hocus pocus of gov-! was thought to be serious. He had
eminent inspection the boat could
not be placed 111 commission. The
transportation company have the
promise that the boat will be in-
spected next Monday, and if she 1
passes the critical eye ol the gov-'
eminent officials she will begin bus-'
mess at once. 1 he men endeavor-
tug to give St. Johns first class
ferry service have been annoyed in
many ways iu their efforts to com
plete the boat, and it is to be hoped
that everything will progress so
that they will be doing business a
week hence.
If you want job priutiug done at
once, bring it in now.
Try the ice cream at Harris' con
fectionery. It is the best.
Try the new bakery in the French
block for wholesome goods.
2 Cool, quiet rooms $1 a week up,
at itie Kayiuotiu, no, 5. Jersey.
uu, ior me open cars that were
run on the electric line last winter.
ror weiu in ice ueu room, tree
use of sitting room. Apply at
Home Bakery.
MtS. M. A. Olson is reported
quite low at the home of her mother
Mrs. Ilorsuian.
Refreshing showers laid the dust
Sunday night. Little or no damage
was done to the cherries.
5 lb. special blend codec ground
by electricity, $t. Try it and be
convinced. Couch & Co.
Dressmaking and plain sewing
by the day or at home. Inquire
The Cottage, 116 S. Crawford St.
Last Tuesday the books of the
Sunshine library were given to the
St. Johns Public library by Miss
t Many of the local veterans of the
civil war attended the G. A. R.
encampment nt Newberg during
the week.
Tons and tons of the finest cher
ries have been picked in St. Johns
during the week. The cherry har
vest is now nt its height.
If you need n tent of any size or
style let us quote you a price that
will save you some money. Shaw's
Furniture store, French block.
A. D. McDonald has 11 force of
men at work on his business block
on Jersey street. The building
will be extended ten feel nud many
improvements added.
Owing to lower rent and smaller
running excuses we can and do
sell furniture at a lower price than
any other store in town. Shaw's
Furniture store, French block.
Al Harris mourns the loss of a
valuable cocker spaniel. The ani
mal was missed Saturday last and
was found dead Wednesday about
150 yards from home. Indications
are that the dog was poisoned.
The members of the Congrega
tional church tendered a reception
to their pastor, Rev. Nelson at the
manse Wednesday evening. It was
a well attended and very enjoyable
affair. Refreshments were served.
I). S. Southmayd: I he season
is changing in Oregon. Here it is
iii-iir tlu Kotirtli nf tnlv mill Mini
,cr j,s only begun. Years ago
when I was a boy iu Yamhill cotui
ly I saw them threshing grain on
the 3rd ol July. Now 110 one
thinks of threshing until about
August. 1 he old world seems to
have slipped n cog,
Judge Greene has exhibited sain
pies of coal taken from 1111 exposed
ledge 011 his farm near Castle Kock,
Wash. Two veins have been loca
ted and prosiiected. J liese veins
meet nud form a fine vein of mer
chantable coal seven feet wide.
The judge believes there is coal
near his place iu paying quantities,
and is making arrangements to
ascertain the depth and width of
the veins.
The shoot of the gun club last
Sunday morning was one of the
best. Several crack shots from
Portland were present uud the
members ot the club received many
pointers by their work at the traps.
Seats protected from the sun's rays
have been erected and au additional
shooting platform and gun rack
built. The interest among the
members is increasing, and first
class sjHirt is promised every Sun
day morning during the summer.
The St. Johns ball club will go
to Kelso next Sunday to play the
Kelso Tigers, one of the strongest
teams iu the Tri-City league. The
game will undoubtedly be the best
one of the season, as !oth clubs
have been strengthened for the oc
casion The locals will be accom
panied by the Rooters' club and a
number of fans, Arrangements
have been made to accommodate a
large crowd. Are you going? If
so reimrt to Frank Goodell at the
1 Central cigar store, so that pro
, vision may be made.
The groom is one of bt. Johns bus-
iness men, having recently pur-
chased au interest 111 the bt. Johns
branch of Calef Bros.' furniture
store. The bride is a txjpular and
accomplished young lady of Rose
VulIe'- Nevan- 1 c , 'W. co,1"
his young sou with him and while
he was unhitching the Horses lelt
the boy sitting on the wagon seat,
While Mr. Wilcox was iiiisiiappiug
the neck yoke the young man on
the seat struck one 01 tne norses a
sharp cut with the whip. As
quick as a Hash the animals leaped
forward, knocking Mr. Wilcox
down, cutting his head and badly
bruising his back. Dr. McChesuey
was called and rendered surgical
aid to the injured man. The team
enjoyed itself by running several
blocks before they were caught.
Wear a Straw Hat
and Canvas Shoes.
Wear Lawns and Cliallies
and White Shirt Waists.
We have them all.
fEuTTEklCK pattern!
LH ranch store 107 S. Jersey. I
The Assessor iMaUIng Inquiries for
Deputy Noith, Assessor Sigler's
right hand man iu the county asses
sor's office, was in town Monday
making imiuiries iu regard to prop
erty values so as to be able to make
up his assessment roll satisfactorily
to all concerned.
" hut we want to do," said Mr.
Noitli, "is to give everybody an
even break on their values. We
try to do it every year, but there
is generally 11 kick. Twenty esti
mates 011 the values iu St. Johns
could be made up, and there would
be something the matter with each
one. The copic can help the
assessor's ollice out if they will.
We are not estimating the value of
the improvements, but are after the
real valuations of the laud. These
values are based on the valuation
of the laud un March 1 of the pres
ent year. Au estimate of the val
ues of proiierty iu bt. Johns that
will please everybody is out of the
question, but if the proerty owners
and tax payers will cootterate with
the assessor St. Johns values will
be as near correct us experts and
owners can make them,"
To allow examination and to
obtain suggestions Mr. North left 11
map with the values of all property
iu the city plainly marked, with
the Commercial club. Any ersoii
interested may examine this map
and suggestions as to the actual
values ol real estate iu any pait of
the city will be thankfully received.
The assessor and his deputy are
entitled to a great deal of consider-,
iitlou for the interest they have'
taken iu the matter, and it is to be '
hoed that every courtesy will be
extended to enable them to get at ,
facts that will help them to render,
a fair and impartial appraisement of ,
the city's ti al estate. I
At Work Preparing (Irntnid for
Packing Plant,
Two big centrifugal dredges
gan work Widnesday deecn!iig
the channel iu Columbia slough
near the Columbia river, on the
grounds of the Swift Packing plant.
Ml the machinery is of the latest
lyc and the work is 011 a scale
never before attempted iu the West.
About 3,000,000 yards of earth
wilt be moved. F10111 75,000 to
100,000 yards will be pumicd a
month. The low lauds where the
packing plant will be built will be
filled to a M)iut above the high
water mark. 1
Iu addition to those employed on x
the dredges about 40 men are em-,
ployed clearing off the timber, j
'hi.:. 1 .... .1...'
I ui'nu iiiwii nit iuiuivii uu uiu
It is expected that the packing
plant will be in operation within a
year. It will oe the largest 01 us
kind iu the West. The plant will
daily handle 500 cattle, 1000 hogs
and 1000 sheep. Besides the pack
ing plant, other Industries that will
handle the by-products will un
doubtedly be built.
Immense stock yards capable of
handling all the stock offered will
adjoin the plant. The Portland &
Seattle and O. R. & N. railroads
and numerous lines of steamers will
afford unsurpassed shipping facil
ities. Not only the markets of the
coast will be supplied, but those of
the Orient and Alaska. Before the
plant is complete over 11,000,000
will be spent.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership of Hendricks & Mnu
nich, cointwsed of J. F. Hendricks
and E. C, Mouuich, was.dissolved
June iQi 1907. The firm will be
succeeded by the Hendricks Hard
ware Company, a corporation,
with au enlarged stock of hardware,
paints, etc.
J. v. ilendricks,
E. C Mouuich,
Bring in your printing now.
ot turner
& Currier
Stop Thai Rent !
Your choice of 64 lots, each 50
xioo, for $300, ten per cent
cash and 5 a month. This
pioperty lies just aeioss the ear
line from Newport Station, iu
Marengo addition, and must
be seen to be pnqierly appreci
ated. We will be glad to show
you this property al any time.
Office at Point View.
Require caieful attention and only
the purest of ingredients should
enter into their composition.
Our Drugs are Pure
And only the the most careful at
tention is given each prescrip
tion. II you have not yet become a patron
of our store, the next time you
you aie called upon to have 11
prescription filled or iu fact re
quire drugs of any nature, give
us 11 trial visit, and if courteous
treatment, pure drugs and en re
fill service count for anything
you will come again.
Holbrook block,
To Make Money
from real estate iu estmeiits
care should be exercised
iu buying. The man who
makes the uuM money out
of real estate is he who in
vests iu pro)erty that will
increase 111 value rapidly.
Some Rare Bargains
are to be found iu our list
of desirable proertieK, A
visit to our ollice and an
investigation of prorty
listed with us will provu
that no better iiivchtmcut
can be made auywheie iu
St. Johns than the pur
chase of some of our late
offerings. Call and let us
show you what we have.
llnhip Pptprcnn A In
I """,v uv" vw'
Jersey Street.
Don't Pay Rent!
Iluy a home of your own.
Rent money is practically
thrown away. Come iu
and look over our IUl of
residence and biuiue lo
cations. You cannot make
a mistake by investing iu
procrty 011 the euuuula.
It's bound to increase iu
value at a very rapid rate.
Let us show you.
J.S.Downey & Co,
io8 Jersey Street.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertlsemcnt the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the printer