ST. JOHNS REVIEW You Should Patronize The Home Paper. It means helping tt. Johns and this means a better city it you work with THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Advertise In The Review Its circulation Is genu ine and it covers the field. Its better than n dnily In the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to the Interest of the Peninsula, the .Manufacturing Center of tlio Northwest VOL. 3 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNK 21, 1907. NO. 32 IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAVE THE- 8 Portland Suburban Express Company DELIVER YOUR GOODS Any package, tio matter how targe or .small, will be delivered by us. Leave your bills of lading or baggage checks with C. W. Stearns, agent nt St. Johns. We will go after your goods, pay charges and deliver nt your door in St. Johns. C. W. STEARNS BASE BALL St. Johns Defeats Astoria in n flood Game. Standing of the TriCity Teams. Won Lost P. C. Frakes 8 a .800 Woodbum ... 8 a .800 St. Johns 7 3 7o Kelso 4 a .667 Astoria 2 5 .a36 Ttunks 2 6 .250 Brewers ..... 3 7 .300 Cubs t 8 .tit NAMES Phone Woodlawn 8t8. Agent at St. Johns. OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO( HAVE YOU AN EYE FOR BUSINESS ELECTRIC LIGHT WILL MAKE SALESMEN OF YOUR WINDOWS AFTER DARK There is no known illuminaut which will light store win dows as cfiectivcly, handsomely and satisfactorily ns Klcctric Light. Fubrics arc shown in their true colon and every little detail is brought out in true proportion to its surroundings. Keep your place of business bright with Klcctric Light, and don't neglect the KLKCTRIC SIGN, and you will keep busy. Light is the mnguet that draws trade. The use of Klcctric Light is an advertisement of your pro gressive enterprise. It's the light that's bright. Call Main 6688 for information. Owing to a lack of advertising the Astoria-bt. Johns nail game Hill's park last Sunday was not as well attended as it should Have been. As it was there was a coot crowd, but there should have been several hundred more. Those who were there saw a wood g line of ball In fact it was the best exhibition of the national game played on the local grounds this season, and every fan who was present said so. The score does not show what the game was. For four straight imiinirs the visitors had men on second and third, but on account of the condition of Charlie Moore's pitching wing they did not score. I he almost total absence of errors made the game doubly interesting, and the boys from Astoria have every reason to feel proud of their playing, although the score is against them. I'ollowiug is the detailed score: ST. JOHNS. n. nit. l'.o. a. it. v. Uuins, rf . . . 0000 o McKay, 2b o 1321 H .Moore, p. . . . 1 1 3 13 o Clarke Moore, ib o a 12 2 1 forterhcld, 3b, , o 1 1 o o If. Gains If ... . 0000 o Slater, ss o o 1 o o Lee, cf 1 1 o o o 10. Moore, c. . . . 1 3 7 3 1 Total 3 8 27 20 3 ASTORIA Graham, 3b. . . 000a 1 Hlossom, ss . . . . o 1 2 1 u Gates, il o 2 10 i o Ilackus, rf 004 1 o Wroteu, If o 1 1 o o Kelt, c o o 3 3 o Jackson, cf 00 1 o o I Griffith, ab . . . . 012a o Hoover, p 00 1 5 o Of Public School Teachers for the Coining Year. At a meeting of the school board held on the evening of the 13th hist, the following corps of teachers were elected to teach the young idea how to shoot in the St. Johns public schools for thi coming year: limit school. Miss Clara A. Boss, principal. Miss Ritudcll, assiiitaut. Miss Kthel G. Waters, assistant. 1st grade, Miss Nellie M. Stevens. ad grade, Miss Dontiu Beach. 3d grade, Miss Madge Dunn. 4U1 grade, Miss Inmc Johnson. CItNTHAI, SCIIOOI,. W. C. Alderson, principal. 1st grade, Miss Hattic Dunn, ad grade. Miss Heitha Lock, ad grade, Miss Verne Fonner. ad grade, Miss May Haley. 3d grade, Miss Viola Peddicotd. 3d grade, Miss Funny Loller. 4th grade, Miss Adelaide Heche. 4th grade, Miss Mamie Adams. 5th grade, Miss Merle Wooddy. 5th grade, Miss Caiunette Haley. 0111 grade, .Mis. nuighilttlt. INVALID HEROES. Great Mm Who Did Great Thlngi tn 8plt of Infirmity. J A record of thu magnificent courage of the world's invalid he roes 13 Sophia P. Slmlcr'a book, "The- Masters of Pate." One of these heroes was Green, the Hntrlish 1 historian, who could sign himself, "Faithfully (fccblv, wcaklv, dizzily, mopily, faintly, dreamily, 'dully), J. I?. Green." Another was Hobort Louis Stevenson, who wrote, "I am about knocked out of time now; a miserable, snullling, shivering, fo vcr stricken, nightmare- ridden, kiico louermg, nousl-hoiist-hoasting tlmilow and remains of a man. "Hut," continues Stevenson, "the medicine bottles on mv chimnev and tlio blood on my handkerchief arc accidents. They do not color my view of life." It was an octo- l gonnrian United States senator who, I when asked for rules for longevity, replied, "Aenulro h chronic ailment in youth, and nurso yourself ' through life and work.'' Kant , furnishes a lesson of this kind. Al ( though the great metaphysician was , never entirely well, he performed a prodigious amount of Intellectual J Al. L. IIOLUROOK C. U, BAILBY 7th grade, Misr. Anna II. Clflik. 8th grade, Miss Kdna Bailey. ; worn ami lived 10 ho eighty yours , of ace. "lie obtained such control over his discomfiture," writes Mrs. It will be noted the schools are Shiiler, "that when sulTerlng from designated as the hlgu and central ' a pain in his head ho could coiicen schools. the new school now trnto his mind to perfectly on a Total. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY First and Alder Streets, Telephone Main 6688 PORTLAND, ORGQON .... O 5 24 SCOKIS IIY INNINGS. Astoria Hits.. St. Johns Hits . 15 1 Bargains This Week 35x100 Jersey St .....$1,500 100x100, comer, Point View . 600 50x100 close in, corner 1,600 100x100, a houses, finest locations, close in 3i3 50x100, best income property Jersey street 14,000 100x100 close in, corner 3100 50x100, 6 room house, fruit, fine river view 1,400 50x100, 1 block to postoffice 800 14 acres i miles from Clackamas, improved, fruit, stock, etc 3,300 35x100 Jersey St 1700 50x100 Jersey St., party wall, 4,500 4 block factory site on R. R 4,500 . Business locations for rent. H. G. OGDEN Review Office. ST. JOHNS, OREGON :THE: White House Phone Scott 4065. NEW HOUSE AND NEW FURNITURE Clean Rooms, $1.00 per Week and up. 107 Decatur street, Near Riverside Hotel. Bon Ton Barber Shop MAKSFIKU) & Kakmi.kin. I'irt class work and clean hot towels for patrons. Hair cutting a specialty. Ageuts for West Coast Laundry. Jersey street St. Johns Real Estate 00000000 o o 3 1 I IOOOO O5 o o a o o o 1 0 3 00300a to 8 SUMMARY. Struck out, by Moore, 5; Hoover, 3. liases 011 nans, ott Moore, a; Hoover, 1. Two-base hits, 0. Moore. Double plays, Backus to uates. bacriuce hits, V. Gains. Stolen bases, McKay, C. Moore, Clarke Moore, Blossom, a; Gates, 3. Hit by nitched ball, Porterfield luud Blossom, Passed bulls. O. Moore, 1: Kelt 1. First base 011 errors, St. Johns, o; Astoria 1. Left 011 bases, Astoria 4: St. Johns 5. I line of game, 1 hour 15 minutes. Umpire Rankin. NOTKS. "Trilby" Rankin, the ex-leaeue umpire, held the indicator, and his decisions were well received. That attempt at a double steal in the sixth by Clark Moore and Por terfield was all right and furnished a lot of amusement, but the boys got their signals mixed. Backus, the big right fielder of the Astorians came in for his share of the joshing while faciuc the pitcher, but he made good 111 the field by taking everything in that came lus way, McKay on second base and Sater at short were the two new faces on the home team. The base running by the locals Hi the stxtn was the feature of the game. 1 he locals will go to Astoria next Sunday, and will no doubt be accompanied by a large crowd. T Y ! I 11 inn s oau parte win nave a double header next Sunday, the Frakes and Brewers contending for supremacy. A week from next Sunday the locals will play the Kelso Tigers at Kelso. There was not a bet made on the game, and it was one of the best of the season. Otto Moore started the run tret- ting by hitting safe, stealing second and coming home on Charlie Moore's two-bagger. By winning two games last Sun- If you are looking for real estate in vestments that will bring quick returns day Woodbum now stands near the 1 - . ,u a suon ume- head of the league. The Frakes did not play. and double your money call on S. C. COOK Office near Point View Station. Bring in your printiug now. If you want job printing done at 1 once, bring it in now. building in thu northern part of the city will be known as the liiuh school. Knch will be indccudcut of the other. Among the twculv-oue teacheis there are several new faces. Clara A. Boss, principal ofthehieh school, is- u graduate of the state university of Iowa, and is 11 teacher of 13 or 14 years exjierieuce. Of lute she has been teaching at liver- ett, Wash. Miss Ruunell, assistant principal of the high school, also comes from Iowa, being a graduate of Ames college. She comes highly recom mended as a most excellent teacher. Miss Nellie M. Stevens, teacher f first grade, comes from Oregon City, where she has been teaching 111 the schools for lbs past year Jane was formerly 'M? superinten cut ot schools at i'cudlelou, Ore. Miss Bertha Lock is one of th new teachers in the central school coming here from Salem. Her work in the capital city is highly spoKcu ot. Mrs. Burghduff, teacher in the sixth grade, has been principal of me i.iuutou scnoois lor the past year, and her work of graduating n class of sixteen sieaks for her ability us a teacher. Miss Anna Clark, the seven t grade teacher, comes from Rose burg, where she bus been success Hilly engaged lor the past two years. Of the teachers who have been here for the past year too much praise cannot be given them and their labor. Their work has been hard mid painstaking, and they have the .satisfaction of kuowiiitr mat it is appreciated liy all the pa irons 01 tuo school. 1 he repututio.i of the St. Johns public schools is something of which every citizen may feel proud 1 ne excellence ot our schools has become known abroad and the re suit will be of great benefit in many ways. ifor this good name the city is itHiemcd to rrot. Alderson um his proficient corps of teachers. 1 hey have labored long and earn estly and their labors have been crowned with success. The liltih standard set by them is attracting the attention of patrons and will be the means of adding many new residents to our thriving city. It is to be hoiwd every encouragement may be given the present corps of teachers that they may continue their efforts toward attaining a still Higher standard of excellence. Iv- pecially should they be encouraged in the matter of salary. A well paid teacher Is by far the cheapest in the end. There is probably no class of work meriting first class pay than that of teaching school. Keei) the teachers well remunerated for their trying work, and Young America will he well taken care of In conclusion we take off our hat to those who have established the high grade reputation of the St Johns public schools. DON'T I I I I Don't let your child' suffer with that cough when you can cure it with Ballard's I lore-hound Svrup. a sure cure for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottle and try it. B. B. Laughter, Byhalia, Miss., writes: "I have two children who had croup. I tried many different remedies, but I must say your Horehound Syrup is the best Croup aud Cough medicine I ever used." Sold by St. Johns Drug Store. The finest of calling cards at The Review office. I chosen subject that the puin was treated us if it did not exist. By sheer force of will he would also overcome sleeplessness, mused by rheumatic attacks. 'That these,' ho nivs, 'were not imaginary pains wtw proved by the glowing redness which was seen the next morning on the toes of my left foot.'" That pitiful account which John son give of Pope's physical condi tion rests upon thu authority of an old servant of Lord Oxford, who knew him after middle age. "llo was then so weak as to stand in per petual need of attendance. Ho was extremely sensitive to cold, so that he wore a kind of fur doublet under it shirt of coarse, warm linen, with flno sleeves. When ho urono ho was invested in bodices iiiudu of still canvas, being scurcely ablo to hold himself erect till thoy wero laced, mid then ho put on a Humid waist coat. Ouo kIiIu of his body was con tracted. His legs wero so slender that lie enlarged their bulk with two poiM of stockings." Great soldiers have homo ufllic lions thoy could neither overeomo nor avoid. "Somu of tlio world' foremost commanders Julius Cae sar, Naiioleon, tlio Duke of Welling ton aud Arclnliiko Charlie of Aus tria appear to have been epilep tics. At tlio battle of Wagram the archduke, it is said, lind a seizure which lasted about an hour. It was then that Napoleon gained thu us- condoncy. At thu critical moment if 3 i O i J! ' .' ' S s ' ,' l St. Johns Land Co. The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm in St. Johns. EAST ST. JOHNS Lots now on sale $400 and upwards. Ten per cent down and $I0 per month. Located at intersection of Columbia Boulevard and electric car line two blocks from Great North ern and Northern Pacific depots, and Macgley Junction. In the heart of railroad and packing district. h Five new factories have located in St. Johns during the past weektwo of them near .lobes' mill, and three on the 0. R. & N. Co.'s tracks in hast St. Johns. And this is only the beginning. OFFICK ON GUOt'NI) AT SMITH'S CROSSING. St. JoIlllS 'one Union 3 1 04 QrCgOIl WHITWOOD COURT! has been selling beyond our exiectations. The owners have given us iH-rinisslon to sell it limited number of lots and acreage at opening prices before the arrival of the Klcctric line :: :: :; : ;. :t .. Terms 10 per cent down, $10.00 per mouth It. SIIKPARI) & CO. and II. G. OGD1CN, AOIINTS St. Johns, Okhoo.w in thu fato of two ereat armies was in ! tlio hands of two enilcnticx. Cam-1 1. byses, thu conqueror of Kgypt ; Al- COLVIN & HENDERSON Rooms 4 m5 I,i:o Hum), On'omti. Postoi i iu; Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guarantee!, frcd flifl firenl n ml lu-n nt llin irrnul. ' ioCwerasiS Real Estate, Loans. Insurance as was also tlio prophot Mohum- J ' 7 Many Languages of Duenos Ayr. 'J! Tlinrn nrn fmv rilirw in tlin unrld ..... ...H --'. ... .. I having more newspaper of varied tongues uiun uiieuos ayros, Alto gether thu number of dailies, week- lies, monthlies and irregulars pub- j T lished in tlio republic fluctuate I Ol 11--!. l" -M II I uihjiii iou. dckiuim, iii course, ins a "national" language, with its wide 'I divergencies from Spanish, there T nro papers published in Castilian, T in Catalan, iu Italian, French, Ger- T man and Knglish, in Busipie, in Norwegian and iu Danish, mi Ara 1 bic, Syrian, Hebraic, Sorvian and in several dialects, whilu in tlio Chu-t but territory the Welbh organ liai a considerable sale and inlluence. Buenos Ayres Herald, EDMONDSON CO., Plumbing, Tinning, Hardware We carry a good line of Rubber Hose PHONE EAST 6311 203 JERSEY ST. "Long EdV Outfit. When it was noised about Soy- mouth that "Long F.d" Ames wu going to marry Cora Black ono ol the summer residents thought to iave souio fun with him. "Aro yon going to get married, VaV "That's what Cora says." "Well, I bupposo yuu'vo mudo all the preiiarations got your trous seau ready." "Long YA" did not balk at tht unusual word, as was expected. "Yep," ho returned; "Aunt Lizs ! she bound my Sunday coat und put i new collar on't, and I've had in I shoes tapped." Youth's Compan i on. I Quito a I "Man1," said a lady to her sorv ! ant, "I strongly object to your copy- ing Miss Lucy in your dreis." I in what way do 1 copy herr asked the cook haughtily. "Why, the hat you woro yeswr- ay Is, I notice, exactly liko mt daughter's now hat." "IIcxcuso me, mum, it isn t. The feather in my 'at Is real hostrioh, but Mi'33 Lucy's is ouly hiinitaUoar ZELLER-BYRNES CO. Undertakers Embalmers 0 LADY ASSISTANT Phones: Main office, Kast 10S8 Branch office, Woodlawn 22 203 JERSEY ST, LEROY H. SMITH & CO. REAL ESTATE, EIRE, LIPE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Phone M 22i Offices Cochran Block, St Johns 408 Abingtou Bldg . Portland PETERSEN & NOCE, tailors 10 1 Have moved to 408 N. Jersey St. Ladies' aud Gents' Suits Cleaned Pressed and Repaired. Steam Cleaning and Dyeing. Will call for aud deliver. Drop us a jiostal . . . . . . . , ' For neat work, good material and reasonable prices The Review job printing department cannot be beaten. O i i o f f t h ! ( It ( tf P l . t l 1 l l It i: t i , & t f v s London Tlegruh.