St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 07, 1907, Image 2

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Publlifced Ktsry FrUsr
11V McKKON &
Nulitrrlptlon rstrs, $1.00 per resr In siltsncs.
Ailrcrllilnir thin, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All admitting bllli psysUe flrit of cb
Job Printing eiecntetl In firit-cUsa iiU.
mill for Job Printing thth on delivery.
All cottitnnnlcttloni should b sddrsssed to
The BoTlew, fit. Johns, Oregon.
TliK R.UVIKW Is entered nt jwst office
lit Saint Johns, Oregon, ns until tnatter
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Official I'swipsper ot tha City ef St. Jokns.
Phono Cast OIOO.
FRIDAY, JUNK 7, 1907.
Severn! new members of the Rod
nntl Gill) club hnve become so en
thusiastic over their shooting that
they now go nrotnul with one eye
shut in order to keep in practice.
The tourist rates, at a little more
than one fare for the round trip
and good for Oregon from all parts
of the United States wcnl on sale
Saturday In all ticket offices
throughout the country.
The seaside resorts are beginning
to show signs of activity, and soon
will be crowded with ticoplc who
have gone thither for their health
and who have lost their health try
ing to save enough money to go.
l)y an ordinance passed last wee
by council slot machines and dice
boxes arc to make their speedy (lis
apiiearaucc. and no more will 011
sports have the opportunity of
blowing in a dollar to gut a nickel
The street car line lias been do
ing a rushing business the past two
.Sundays. I he only regrettable
featuie about the street ear service
is the number of our people who
catch cold riding in a winter car in
the .summer time.
.Since Harry I.aue has lieeu re
elected mayor of I'oillnud 011 his
past lecord, it is exiweted that he
will continue to sit 011 the lid of the
cauldron of iniipiity of our neigh
boring suburb with all his weight
and not let his feet iiiiug over.
The Peoples Puns edited by
Dana Slccth, formerly hi. Johns re
porter for the Telegram, ceitainly
digs into thing and cople in great
shape. The paiK'i' is a fciirlcH one
and does not miiiec mallcis when it
guts after the subject in hand.
The pesky fly is already Wgiu
uiug to cause the busy housewife ti
scold her childieii in onler to give
vuut to the silent piofaiuly ciiumm
when the little varmints dip their
feet in the butter mid molasMW am
then plaster it over the wall.
The Portland Rose show and
KiuMu, June 20 mid si, is to be n
groat attraction and it wiltcurtiiiuly
be of much benefit to vUiloi from
1111 luttb 01 tue stale ol urogon, as
any movement that tilings us nwir
ur to iintuic's iKMiitiful thing dot
us good.
Hutwccii the Haywood tiial in
Idaho ami the unifiers headed by
Abe Ruef and Mayor Selmiit. at
Sail Iwunciscn the letideis of the
daily pniK-rn will have enough to
holt', them for awhile, ami wil
likuly glow cttiMi-vyeil in tletermiii
ing which to read fust.
Another indication (hat St. John
is moving tight along 1 the fact
that because 01 the increased postal
iccoipts Postmaster Valentine has
hail hisMilaiy raised fiom 1100 to
$1500 per year. And theie is
every indication that it will bu still
further itu-icnsed a year hence.
When you see a man laboriously
spaaing in an agoiuiug way in hi
back yard, mid slowly lifting each
spadeful as if it weighed fifty
pounds he is making a flower bed
lor lus wile, if he in tlmeine ike
11 fiend, and toeing the din around
like it was a pile of leathei.s he ii
digging worms to go fulling.
The eastern Mate are still suffer
nig liom the etlecU of winter, and
seems nimble to shako the cold
thing off. The only feasible plan
wotiiti nc mr easterners lo all euii
giate to Oiegou, wheie winter lets
up when we have gotten enough.
hiiow lull in .New York state Sun
day, ami a reiiort liom Peuusylva
ma stales that the trees are still
leal let. It is hard to lvalue how
well off we really are in Oiegou.
ttt . .
1 ue granting ot a lrnueliie to
the Home Telephone Co, was a
commendable act on the part of the
council hist u-ek The Home
people have acted in a gentlemanly
busiuosih-like manlier, and wci'e
ijtiite generous in tliur proiKiaitiou
to repay the the city for the use of
the streets. A good telephone sys
tem here has been a long-felt want
in St. Johns. The abominable
service that has been dished out to
us for the past year will cause all
to heave a sigh of relief over the
prospect of good service ut last.
The Home comes well etpiipiK-d to
supply the wants of all the itihab
hunts, and no doubt will meet with
great success when they commence
to solicit patronage.
Oregon City might as well do
away with the marriage law, lor
the people there no sooner get mar
ried than they want n divorce, anu
generally get it; then it would be
A young man in St. Johns has
just received from Ringer Hermann
a copy of the year book for 1903,
and he is wondering why Hinger
didn't bum this volume with the
rest of his old papers.
Sail b'raiicisco was visited with
another carthtiuake Tuesday, but
it did not jar Mayor Schiuitx nearly
so badly as the tiuake IIcti?y will
make when he gels down t- busi
ness. Abe's ruef will also likely
be blown off.
That pin worm of American pol
itics, W. S. U'Ren of Oregoi City,
should read the brief of Hot . Till
man Ford of Salem on be udf of
the petition for the rcfc.endum
against the University tax bill, and
then crawl into a hole and ork up
the entrance.
The bill poster ordinance still
reposes peacefully on the shelf ii
the council chamber. In lit; mean
lime the eye is afflicted with mini
erotis signs, posters and circulars
anywhere and everywhere. If the
city was deriving a revenue there
from they would not look nearly so
had. f
Sprinkling the lawns and gardens
is now it steady occupation morn
ings and evenings for many of our
cili.ens. The absence of rain for
several weeks has made It neces
sary to spend six dollars for water
to raise thirty-five cents worth of
garden "sass." Hut then the fun
ol lanniiit: ami ruining a .sun or
two of clothes handling the hose is
wot th .something.
The Oregon girls who went to
Jamestown seem to be disappointed
with the Ivxpositiou, with the city
and with New York and Chicago.
I he buildings in rscw org were
so low and stiuatty, while in Chi
cago they were in long, low, black
rows. In fact the girls found noth
ing in the eastern cities that could
quite compaic with the "Laud
where Hows the Oregon.
I; very Ainu His Own Doctor.
The average man cannot affoid
lo employ a physician for every
slight ailment or injury that may
occur in his family, nor can he
affoid to neglect them, as so slight
111 injury as the scratch of a pin
has been known to cause the loss
of 11 limli. Hence every man must
from necessity be his own doctor
for this class of ailments, Si 1 cocks
often dciicuds upon tteatmeiit,
which can only be had when suit
able medicines ate kept ut hand.
Cliambei Iain's Remedies have been
in the maiket for many yearn and
enjoy a good reputation,
(. hitinlM-rhiln s Colic, C lolurn
and Diairhoea Remedy for iiouel
Chambeilain Cough Utuicdy
for coughs, cold, cioup and
whooping cough.
Chamberlain s Pain Halm (an
antiseptic liniment) for cuts, Huns,
hruUcri, .sprains, .swellings, lame
hack ami iheiiinatic xiius,
Lhambeilaiu s Stomach ami Liv
er Tablets for constipation, bilious
ness ami stomach troubles.
ChamlK-i Iain's Salve for diseases.
of the skin.
One bottle of each of these
pieuuulioiu costs hut $1.25.
wile by Si. Joints Drug Stole.
Violin Lesson.
Louis A. Ciciu is forming a
lawi of violin pupils in St. Johns.
Mr. CieiU loecived his inimical
education in Leip.ic, (uriuauv,
whuie he spent several years.
Anyone wUhiiig information icgaid
iinc lentous athliess cure this office
or Telephone Pacific 189.
Por Sale
A fine diiviug maie, and almasl
new buggy. I his is 11 stylish driv
er mid only . years old. Will sell
or will trade tor lot in St, Johns.
S. McKiunev, 201, Hast Polk
sticet, St. Johns.
Hand nonets at the West Coast
Laundry. Apply nt once.
St. Johns Market
Also all kinds of Pickled
Meats. Poultry Dressed to
We make Family Trade n sje-
Oiders solicited and delivered to
any part ol the city.
Cull on us and you will be con
ineed that our prices are right.
Phone Scott 4062.
A Quick Wlttcd Orator Who
Equal to tlie Occasion.
An orator who wits equal to on
emergency was the laic (Jcorgo A.
Sheridan, who was n noted "spell
binder" often engaged by the Re
publican national committee. At a
big meeting he was addressing in a
town near New York he was intro
duced by a Mr. O'Brien, Hie chair
man, in most flattering terms. In
order to reciprocate Mr. Sheridan
paid a glowing tribute to tho ster
ling nualitios of tho chairman and
wound up the eulogy bv assorting
that no man could siiy Mr. O'Rricn
owed him a cent.
"Ho owes mo S.'U eamu a keen
Celtic voice from tho rear
It was almost a solar plexus blow
for the orator, and the audience
started lo laugh and jeer. Rallying,
the speaker said: "Don't be alarm
ed, good friends, i will answer that
man prosonlly." This assertion was
lo gain time and if possible havo
tho audience forgot the incident.
Rut again Unit penetrating voico
cried out:
"lie owes mo $11 cold cash!"
Advancing lo tho edge of llio
platform, General Sheridan In n
confidential tone raid: "Yes. I know
all about Hie $ for my friend, Mr.
O'Rricn, has given 1110 the Inside
facts. Ladies ami gentlemen, tho
truth Is simply this, and it rvvruls
a peculiar dinrnctpr: This mon who
1. .' i-, ...1 1 w Mtn.t-..
has Interrupted me met Mr. O'Rricn
recently nnd askrd him for tho loan
of $10. 'I haven't got ten, raid
generous Mr. O'Rriou, 'but hero nro
$7 handing tho money lo him.
Now Ibis man is going around my
lug my friend, tho honorable chair
man, owes him because he could
lund l,l, nnlv 7 when Ion worn ro-
t.i a' 1 mi,i
tho hall, and tin.1 indignant man
Ir'id to nnswor the omlor. Ho was
howled down. Tho chairman whis
pered in O'eneral Sheridan's car:
"You haM wived 1110. Yon nro n
(Junius." Leslie's Weekly.
Tha Refornud Gambler.
A reformed gambler from Ohio
wilt to Wiishinulo'i when lloko
Sitiilh was MM'rctary of thu interior
and, saying that In had forsaken
guines of chanro, sought employ
ment. A friend introduced him to
loko Smith, staling his case. Mr.
Smith listened attentively and then
"I will do what I en 11. I will look the vacancies and see if I can
phieo him. I would like to give him
n chnnco very uiiich. '
All this liiim flu! reformed gam
bler had been standing ouietlv, ey
ing llio secretary. After Smith had
finished ho stepped forward and
"Now, see hero, Hoke, old boy.
TuM mo if (his i right. If you kin
give 1110 n job ltiuiiiio know, hut if
yo'i can't I01111110 know, too, for I
rau'l nlford no timo to ho slavin'
ht'jo in this sort of wny dubbin'
nrouud on a dcml card."
Oak nnd Mlttlatoo.
A reviewer ill tho Outlook rebukes
mi American writer for wondering
whether there is any "natural con
nwtion" hot ween the oak and tho
mulli'too, seeing how constantly
Ihoy 1110 lUroeiatt'd. "In (treat
Rrilain," Hiv the reviewer, "th
oak is 0110 of the trees on which tho
mUtlotno notoriously tlotw not
grow." And it is trim' thai tho Kng
lUli child loams in 1111 early losnu
of tho honor in which the Druids
hold a mistlotoo I hat bv rmv chanco
did grow on an oak Rut tho re
viewed book, being American, is
imply justified. Tho hills (hat sur
round tho Lick olworvutory in Cali
fornia 11ml that boar its domes on
their higliet summit tiro entirely
covered with onkn, and it h not loo
much to any that every oak carries
n hunch or hum-he of inirlletno,
Loudon Chronicle.
8h Knew About Potor,
A viailiug niutor was examining
tho Sunday school of a Oormaittown
church a few Sundays ago and hud
naked the class just in front of him
if any inombor of it could tell any
thing about tho Apollo Peter. A
liltlo irl Avith 11 nrocoeiom face
ruistnl hor hand. "Come up hero,
my little lady," said (ho minUter.
'1 am much gratified to see that
you havo roniontbored ytiur lesson.
Now toll tho school what you know
shout Peter." The little tot was
.pule willing to show oil hor knowl
edge and commenced, "Peter, Peter,
pumpkin eater, had a wife and
rouldn't keep hor; put her in a"
iho Fclioni never heard whore ho
put hor on account of tho general
uproar. Philadelphia Record.
Pelted With Flower..
"Was your wife angry when you
got homo so Into lust night ?"
"Angry! Why, my boy, tho dear
woman pelted mo with flowers!"
"Rut how did you get that black
"Well, von soo, sho neglected to
tako tho (lowers out of tho pots be
foni sho throw them." London
Ancient Rome
is now merely a memory of the
past, llallatd's Snow Liniment is!
the family liniment of the twentieth ,
century. A positive cure for
Rheumatism. Hums, Cuts, Sprains, 1
.etiruigiu, etc. .Mr. v.. 11. Kuuyon, co
aiuiiocny, .mu. writes: "i nave
used Snow Liniment for Rheuma
tism and all pain. 1 can't say
enough in its praise." Sold by St.
Johns Drug Store.
-fc 1 f ... ... I
Bring in your printing now,
Each of tha Threa Conatltutea a Sepa
rata Monopoly.
To mnko, to use nnd to sell are
the only ways in which an invention
is capable of commercial enjoyment
Tho patentee can, if ho wishes, sit
down and not only not uso tin in
vention himself, but prevent others
from making or using or selling the
putentcd thing. If any one else
makes, uses or sells the subject of
tho patent tho courts will grant tho
patentee an injunction against fur
ther infringement and a recovery of
Hie profits made.
Kach of these three rights to
I ,. , ........ i . 1, r
mane, 10 uso anu 10 son is n sop
1 nratc mommolv nnd mav. bv tironci
I instruments, bo grunted or sold son
j ar.itely. l'or Instance, a patentee of
a nincliino could grant to a manu
facturer the exclusive right to mnko
tho machines for him (of course un
der proper restrictions as to price
etc.), and tho manufacturer would
bo an infringer if ho used tho ma
chines or sold them to others. Tho
jKitonteo coum then grant to a job
ber the exclusive right to soil tho
machines (reserving proper compen
cation to himself, such ns a percent
ago of tho profits), nnd tho jobber
would bo on infringer if he cither
made or used tho machine. Tho
exclusive right to uso tho machines
could then bo granted to a given
consumer, who in turn would hav
,111 1 . . 11 11
! n.. riB"1 10 mnKC or scu 1,10 ma
I 0 ,!,, . , , U1 .
Tho exclus vo ncht to uso an In
vention for each or several given
purposes can c separately sold. For
instance, a patentee of n process for
making watch dials not only sol
the exclusive right to mnko wntc!
dials by that process, but ho nlso
sold to a separate company tho cx
U?'T0 "B" 10 "c. 1,10 procwi in
-t.l 1- II' . 1
making enameled signs under the
I Biiino patent. Tho watch manufac
I turcr would have been an Infringer
if ho find mado signs ami, vico versa
the sign manufacturer would havo
been restrained from making wntc
A process of drying gunpowder
was found to ho npplicahlo to dry'
ing breakfast foods, and tho owners,
after getting nil they hnd over look
cd for from the patent from th
gunpowder rights, reaped a second
nnd unexpected harvest from Iho
sale of tho rights for breakfast
foods. The rights under n patent
for a mnchino can bo divided in tho
cniuo way. Ktlwin .1. Prindlo in
t. ! !...- 1
engineering 01 11117.1110.
Tha Laat Dullatln.
The editor of a newspaper in
small eastern town had occasion to
visit Washington n day or two nflor
('resident .McMnlcy was shot nnt
wus greatly impressed by the bulle
tin boards containing tho hourly
condition of the president. Inline
dialolv after his return ho had
bulletin bourd mndo and placed in
front of h's ollice. For awhilu ho
had no use for tho board, but tho
opportunity came when Deacon
Jones, one of tho lending men 0
tho town, became ill. Tho following
is the wav the board uppeared:
Monday, 10 a. in. Deacon Jones
uiiito sick.
Monday, I p. 111. Deacon Jones
has slight rally.
Monday, 0 p,
in. Deacon Jones
Tuesday, I) a. m. Deacon Jones
very much worse family hns boon
Tuesday, 11 a. in. Deacon Jones
has died and gono to heaven. Fu
neral at U.
When tho mourners returned
from the funeral they woro startled
by another notico mado by 11 wag-
gisu iraeiing man:
Tuesday, A p. m. Great oxcito
mont in heaven, Deacon Jones not
yet arrived.
An III Timed Laetura.
"There was onco a minister m
Ilarlford," aid Mark Twain, "who
had a lot of boys in his Sunday
school who were 111 tho luiuit 0
staying away on the Sunday when
tho big steamer City of Hartford
docked 111 tho morning. U110 oun
day tho ininUier camo down to Sun
day school and found nil tho boys
there. Ho was profoundly directed.
'Roys,' ho s.ud, 7011 cannot imogino
how much this exhibition of loyalty
on your nart to tho Sunday schoo,
alTects 1110. When 1 camo by the
dock this morning nnd saw the City
of Hartford there
"'(loo whiz!' shouted tho boys in
chorus, 'la sho inr And thoy ion
in a body."
A Thoughtful Officer.
Some years ago a battery of artil
lery was' at sun practice at Rormu
da. One of tho guns, a thirty-eight
ton, was found to havo n sorbin
Haw. Tho ollieer in chnrue, not car
ing to risk half a dozen valuable
lives, inquired, "Sergeant, havo we
any time expired men here?" "Yes,
sir," answered the sergeant. "John
Jackson has just comploted hii
time." "Well, then," replied the
thoughtful olhcer, "John Jackson
will fire the inm." And John Jack
6on did fire the gun, happily with bo
fatal result.
Subscription Notice.
The subscription price of Thk
KitviKw outside of Multnomah
county is $1. per year in ad
vance. All papers will be
continued at the expiration of the
time paid for.
For Sale,
Milch cow. first class,
luquire 203 Polk" street.
St. Johus
Mannar of a Wadding Danca
tha Provlncaa.
Tho wedding dnnce was being
held In n long, narrow building near
a fountain, and wo entered on a
smooth earth floor. Seats were ar
ranged nbout tho sides of tho white
washed room, and tho low rafters
were draped and festooned with fan
cy wall papor with gold scrolls In it.
Tho music was furnished by n piano
organ nt nc end of tho long room,
turned in rotation by n number of
small boys in their clean blue
blouses and brown corduroy
breeches, who felt their importance,
and nt the other end of tho room
a tnblo was spread with ca!:cs nnd
bread and n wino concoction very
ewect nnd pleasant, but ecdiicti 'c.
Tho women, some bringing their
babies, wert a pleasant set, but not
beautiful, although n few, with
their lnrgo dark eyes, enmo very
near to it. They did not wear tho
gny costumns of my imagination,
out their drosses showed great enre
and conscientious patching. A gay
handkerchief was often folded
around tho neck and across tho
breast, and largo earrings end big
breastpins wcro tho vogue even
among tho young women. Tho men
woro broad brimmed black felt hits
nnd elenn blue blouses, corduroy
trousers, cilher light tun or brown,
nnd tho long red or black sash belt
cnlled n "fcjn" wound many times
about tho waist, tho folds serving
ns pockets for cigarettes, tobacco
pouch nnd tho villainous knifo that
ovcrv ono carries.
The dances were "round," Inter
spersed with a squnro dance, whoro
four people comprised a set n sort
of fandango, with lots of stamping
nnd attempts at lithe, scrpentiuo
motions, with tho hnnds rnlscd
nbove llio head. Thcro wns n very
old man who danced with great
gusto and amused tho crowd of
young people, who encouraged him
with clapping of hnnds. Kdwnrd
Pcnfiejd in Scribner's.
Stonee In Queer Places.
round stone is found in
(s of ccrtnin kinds of bamboo.
his is cnlled "tnbashcor" nnd is
supposed to bo deposited from tho
siliceous juices of the cane. Anoth
er curiosity of this sort is the "co
coanul stone," found in thu en
dosperm of the cneounut in Java
nnd other Kast Indian islands. It is
a puro enrbonatu of lime, and the
form of tho stono is sometimes
round, sometimes pear shaped,
while the appcaranco is that of n
white pearl without much luster.
Some of these stones nro as largo
ns cherries and as hard us feldspar
or opal. They are very rarely found
mid nro regarded ns precious stones
by tho orientals and in charms
against disetiro or evil spirits by tho
natives. Stones of this kind tiro
nlso found in tho pomegranate and
in other Kast Indinn fruits. Apn
tito has also been discovered in teak
Ineecte and Odon.
Tho ordinary perfumes of every
day life havo a distinct uso in tho
destruction of microbes, nnd thii is
especially tho caso with soma of tho
essential oils wiir-n nro ucd m
cooking and in n cdicinc. Cinin
mou, which is so universally used
for flavoring, will kill some mi
crobes within a quarter of tin hour,
nnd it has loi.g been reputed ns ad
vantageous in tho destruction of tho
bacillus of typhoid while still out of
tho body, perhaps n very di!rorent
thing from tl.o bacillus when It ts
. i ...
inside our nMitomy. Cloves, too,
can destroy somo specimens of bac
teria in rather moro than halt an
hour, nnd tho common wild verbena
has n s.milar action in about three-
auarters of an hour, while geranium
owers have a similar action, though
it takes rather longer to dovclop it.
The Lobster an Idiot.
Tho best naturalists
....!.. t;m
orous enough and hesitate to dog
matizo. Tako thu casu of tho lob
stcr. Poke him here, ho docs this;
poke him there, ho does tlut; poko
n thousand of him in the samo wav,
u... .i it... i.: oi.n
uuu iiil-j uu nil; ruiiiu iniiis, tjiiuu
wo thorcfuro concludo that tho lob
ster lucks mentality, that he's a
mere machine and that ho doesn't
oven know ho's n lobster? By no
tn ... . m .:ii:
r 1 I U
entitle JUStlCO IS tllllt lippareiltly !
nnd onlv apparently ho's an idiot,
Tho wav to know for sure is to be
lobster !-
-Boston Transcript.
Amateur Essays.
Apropos of extravagant education
there is no moro utter waste, wheth
er in board schools or those of
higher class, than essay writing by
children. A poultry paper quotes a
littlo boy's effort on that subject.
"Geeco is a nasty animal, for they
will jump up vour back nnd beat
vou with their fenlhers." writes this
budding literary genius, and "the
turkeso is n largo kind of hen.
This may be an extreme instance,
but it furnishes tho text for an es
say on "geece" of quit anotht
kind. London Sketch.
Colic and Diarrhoea.
Pains in the stomach, colic and .
diarrhoea are quickly relieved by
the use of Chamlxrlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
For sale by St. Johns Drug Store.
Hotel For Sale.
First class hotel of 16 roams nt
No. 24 Albitta avenue. Has good tcne;1, . . Hwnte5 h?11- UP re
trfln.dJnr rd Tnm.t, w ?eipt of twentv-four (w) hours' notice
Lnarleston street. '
An Ordinance (kanllng to the Home
Telephone nnd Telegraph Com
panyof Portland, Oregon, its
Successes nnd Assigns, the
Right to Lay nnd Maintain
Underground Conduits and
Wires anil lo Construct Neces
sary Manho'es, Make House
Conn clions" nnd to Erect Poles
an J Thereon lo Fasten Wires
on the Strcc s and Alleys, and
to Operate n Telephone and
Telegraph Syst.m In the City
of St. Johns, Stale of Oregon
The City of St. Johns does onlnlit ns
lot lows:
Section I. That the Home Telephone
and Telegraph Comauy of l'ortlaiid
urvgotl, lis successors nun hssiiis.
iittilU hcrebv emitted for n ncriod
twenty-five (as) yenrs from the dntc o
Din tuuuiL'e nnd iituiroval of this onll
tinttcc the right, privilege itml franchise
lo erect jioles unit we necessary sui
tHirtit. crust units titiit fixtures, mid U
string wires mid cables thereon, and to
construct underground commits, to
trether with the necesHarv manhole ami
other appliances, and to lay, place and
stretch wires nnd cables therein and
ntoiiL'. over. iitKin. under nnd across tl
streets, alleys, nveuues nnd public places
of the City ol St. joiins, state oi uregon
fur the trutismlsMou of sound, slcouls
conversation and ititcllluence, thtoueh
and over said wires nnd cables by means
or electricity, and lo construct, ciaiinsii
equip, Install, maintain mid operate i
telephone itystcui, nnd to conduct it gen
eral leicpnouc nun tciegntpii uusiuess 11
snld Cltv of St. lohtis.
Section 3. That nil conduits shall be
constructed hi conformity with such
reasonable regulations ns the City Conn
ell tuny by ordinance prescribe for cou
(lulls of snuilar character and nil excavit
tiotis for constructing, retmiriug tin
chnitgiug such conduits shall bv done i
couitii ante with the ordinance of sal
City which may be in force at the time
ol tue ncrioriitaiice oi we wurK, ami in
such manner not to unnecessarily
Interfere with the free use of the streets
nnd alleys by the public, save and except
such tcmKjrary interference us tuny he
necessary incident to mo prosecution
of the untie.
Section x. That the said Council or
other pioperly constituted mtlhority
thereof shall have the power ami ittttlior
lly to aucivisc, direct nun inspect wi
manner of crcctlne Mild ixiles and cou
strticting said loiululls, mid of placing
said wircsituti carrying out uic provision
of this ordinance.
Section 4. Said grnnlcc hereby ngri-cs
and covenant 10 tniieuiniiy mm save
harmless the City oT St. Johns nealust
nil daiiifiges, costs mid exK'ii;es whatso
ever to which the city may be stihlcctcd
In conscuucnce of the nets or neelects of
said crantee. its ncents or servants. Ii
any inaiiucr nrislng from thu rights mill
privileges gnitueii Herein.
Section a. Tlie Mid eranlee. In cou
slilcnillon of the franchise, rights and
lirlvllcecs eruutcil liy tlilsordliiaucc, ami
ns romiH.'i.s.ttioii therefor, shall, wlthli
thirty (jo) d.ivsftom thecouimeiicemciit
ot tue oiiennioii oi miii leiepitoue tx
chauL'c. furnish to the City of St. Johm
five (5) main line telephones itml connect
the Mine with the system of said grantee,
mid thereafter maintain mid keep the
Mine lit good repnir mid wur' tiig order
during We term jI s-t.d li.-uc -e. v itit
out cxpeme or clinrKe to the City of St
joiins, nun snail uiiow wc t.ity oi nt
Johns the free mid exclusive use of th
two pins of the top cross nun on each o
the notes erected or maintained tiuilei
this franchise for illcc and fire alarm
purpose mid said Lily ol ht. joiins sunn
further have conduit accommodation in
the trenches of said urantee for the nlac
Im: of said nolicc and fire alarm wires
but which sitid wires shall not be of such
voltage n to interfere with or damage
the wire of said urantee. mid the con-
dulls to accommodate ld fire mid x)lice
wires shall be placed in the trenches at
we wins o ute connruaiou 01 con
1 . i . . . ....... ... . . t ...i.i ......... . . . . . i .. i . . i.i
mm iciii ui him Kiiimcc, Him.ii iiivi
lege ill mo tuc oi sum poic aim commit
shull extend ihiriui! the term of thi
. friiucliliit-. anil as further comnciikatlon
said grantee shall nay to the City of St
'John the sunt of Plve Thousand lja'
dollars as follows;
Two hunilml tfx) dollars on the
first day of January. iqoS. itml Two Hun
iilrcd(fjoo) dollar on the firt day of
'January of each ami every year there
! cent last ixtymeut. which t
alter iiuniiR tue uic ot tnu iraucliUe ex
kluill Ik; 1'our
"-;ijum,re,r(oo) dollar, mid said
chtso may lie forfeited by failure to make
we payments as nirelii proviiieil lor.
Section 6, The work of coiistnictine
said telephone plant, sy:
5hn,5e "? "
faltU in not more than six
am, system aim ex
commenced In cootl
mouths from
the date of acceptance of said franchise
mm mall ue continuously nrokecuted
thereunder in koou faith and khall be
completed within not more than eighteen
lioj mounts wereaiter,
Section 7. Nothing in this ordinance
8l,al1 be wmwl in any way to prevent
the nroner authorities of St. Inli
sewering, grading, planking, repairing
ornltenng nny of the street thereof as
may be determined from time to time
by the properly constituted officers of
Kitd City.
Section 8, Nothing in this ordinance
snail prevent tlie uty of St. Johns from
KrantttiK to other persons or corporation
iikc juivihcs us iiereiu set lorill,
Section 9. The said eratitee shall
restore all streets and public highways
in said city which shall be disturbed in
we installation 01 said telephone system
in said city, as &oon as practicable and
wituoui unnecessary delay.
Section io. That nothing in this
ordinance snail be construed as prohibit
ing the City of St. Johns or the Council
thereof from at any time hereafter er.
cising its police power to require the
mailt Hue wires of the grantee to be
placed m conduits lu the business por
tion of said City, provided, that such
police power snail not be exercised ex
cept by ordinance, applicable alike to
;an leiepuoue anu telegraph wires and
1 poles, and, provided further, that in the
Johns, all poles shall be, as far "as prac.1
residence ponton ol said Citv of-St
ticable, set tn alleys, where such alleys
Section ii. Whenever it shall be nec
essary In grading any street or alley in
said city or in building any sidewalk or
iu making any other improvements
, thereon, to remove any pole or poles
belonging to said grantee, on w .-It auy
line or Hues, wire or wires ln-liinvim. ,r
said grantee shall be stretched or fas-
other board or official as the Council n,
law may dcslgtmtc, remove such pole
or poles ami if said grantee, upon such
notice, shall neglect or refuse to remove
such pole or poles, then such pole or
poles sltiill be removed by the Hoard of
Public Works or such other board or
official ns the Council or law may desig
nate, nt the expense of said grantee,
Section 13, Said grantee, its success
ors and assigns, shall equip and there
after maintain n central station in the
said City of St. Johns, All poles erected
shall be, so far ns practicable, of the
same size nnd height, shall be painted
and the same shall be erected and main
tained at the edge of the side walks
unless otherwise directed by the City
Kiiginccr or such other oflicer as the
Council or law tuny direct or designate.
Section 1 i. Whenever any person or
company shall have obtained permission
of the properly constituted authorities
of lite 'illy of iit. Joints to remove any
buiulli 4 throiij'h any s els or streets,
thegrutilee, if il has a Hue 011 said
streets, on due notice from such person
or company, shall raise, remove or nil
just its lines so ns to allow nn unob
structed passage of such building', and
If said grantee shall, after such notice,
neglect so to do, the projicrly constituted
authorities of the City ot St. Johns shall,
at the expense of snid grantee, remove
said Hues its far ns they nre nn obstruc
tion to the pasvtge of said building.
Section i.. l'or the purjmse of effect
ually securing efficient service and con
tinued maintenance of the piopcrty.
plant, system nnd exchange constructs!
anil opetttted under this franchise, the
grantee shall keep nnd maintain its
poles, conduits, plant, system nnd ex
change in good order mid repair, nnd
shnll render efficient Fcrvlce throughout
the entire term of this grant. If the
grantee, its successors nud assigns, shall
(all to keep iu good repair its xdcs, con
duits, plant, system nnd exchange ns
aforesaid, or shall, during the period of
this franchise, fail lo render efficient
telephone service, the Council of said
City may by ordinance declare this
grunt and nil the rights nud privileges
herein conferred forfeited, but no such
forfeiture hereof shall be made if, within
it reasonable time after written notice
from the said Council of the City, the
raid grantee shall place said plant, sys
tem, exchange nud property In good
order nud repair mid shall render effi
cient service thereby nnd thereafter.
Section lj. The said grantee shall,
within thirty (30) days niter this onll
nance shall be passed nud approved, file
Iu the office of the City Recorder ol the
City a written acceptance ot this ordi
nance and franchise herein granted, mid
the failtiic upon the part of the grantee
herein to Tile such written acceptance
within the time herein ccllled shall be
deemed uu abandonment nud rejection
of th. franchise, rights mid privileges
herein conferred, mid this ordinance
shull forever be null nud void, nnd such
acceptance by grantee shall le unquali
fied mid shall bu 1111 acceptance of nil
the term, conditions nud restrictions
contained In this ordinance. Ami snld
grantee within thirty (30) days after this
ordinance shall be In force,' shall file
with the Krconler of the snld City of
St. John n good nnd sufficient Initio In
the sum of Two Thousand (f jooo) dollars,
to he approved by the Mayor and con
ditioned thitt each nnd every Street,
alley, highway or any jottlon thereof,
that may be disturbed or torn up by
said g inn tec tinder the provisions of this
ordinance, shall be rcp'accd mid put In
ns good otdcr mid condition ns the same
wits before it was disturbed, nnd there
utter maintained for n vcriod of one
year, mid further conditioned that said
grantee. Its successors n id anigiin, shall
faithfully keep mid perform inch mid
every condition imposed upon it by this
Section 16. This ordinance shnll take
effect from uud idler its uagu untl
approval according to law.
Passed the Council May 38, 1007.
Approved May 38, I'joj,
IC. C. Cotrcii,
A. M
tccord' 1
Published In the St. John ilcvicw .day
31. i7.
Don't Pay Rent!
liny a home of your own.
Kent money is practically
thrown away. Come In
at d look over our list of
residence and business lo
cations. Vou cannot make
n mistake by investing iu
procrty on the peninsula.
It's bound to increase in
value at n very rapid rate.
Iyt us show you.
J. S. Downey & Co.
io8j Jersey Street.
Proposals Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned up to Tuesday. June 11,
1907, at 4 o'clock p. m,, for printing and
furnishing ;oo copies of the Drowsed
chatter of the City of St. Johns. Hotly
type not smaller than K.poiut, set 13 ems,
two columns to page, sub-heads in bold
face, size of page trimmed 6x9; book to
be stapled, with glued coyer, l'age index
to be compiled by printer. Sample of
uper and coer must ue submitted by
duller and woik must be true to sample.
The right to rtect any and all bids is
hereby reserved. Prices submitted must
be for the lump bid not by the page.
Hid must be accompanied by a certified
check equal to ten per cent of the
amount bid.
A. M. Ksso.v,
Recorder, City of St. Johns.
White House
Phone Scott 4065.
Clean Rooms, $1.00 per Week
and up.
107 Decatur street,
Near Riverside Hotel.
Bon Ton Barber Shop
First class work and clean hot towels for
patrons. Hair cutttug a
Agents for Vest Coast Laumlrv. .
Jersey street St. Johns