I I ! THE NEW The II and C .Store Hargaiu Counter Bargain Catchers BONHAM & CURRIER Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, Dry Goods 107 South Jersey Street, St. Johns. PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Statement at close of business December .), 1006: Khsoukcim: Loniis f 117.731.1 1 I'lirnliurc tuiil fixtures. 3,976.116 Cnh on linml ninl due from lmuk 13,fi).(S fioj.ooS.fij HAVE YOU AN EYE FOR BUSINESS ELECTRIC LIGHT WILL MAKE SALESMEN OF YOUR WINDOWS AFTER DARK Theic Is no known llltiinlnant which will light store win dows as efiectively, handsomely and satisfactorily as Hleclrie Light. Fabrics arc shown in their true colors and every little detail is brought out in true proportion to its surroundings. Keep your place of business bright with P.lectrie Light, and don't neglect the KLP.CTKIC SKIN, and vou will keep busy. Light is tilt magnet that draws trade. The use of lihettic Light is an advertisement of your pro gressive enterprise. It's the light that's bright. Call Main (0H8 for information. PORTLAND GENERAL Pirst Tclcplimiu Mnln and New Bargains Two lots in Point View 75 50x100, bet income pi 0101 ly Jciiwy Mieyt ia,ooo 25x100 011 Philadelphia St., 2 story binlnttW l)hlg 3,150 87x100 on Chicniio St. cloe to Jcrwey 3650 iooxioouIoms in, collier lout and ncieti(o in Wont St. Johns, 3100 50x100 S. St. John, i..ni8 limine, water, dented 550 Two auiuti 011 Willis lluuluvtird romly for platting a.aoo 50X 1 00, 6 loom lioiiKv, fiuit, fine river view i00 50x100, 1 block to (Miiitonico 750 25x100, Jersey treot, with alley a.ooo 100x100, cl(o in, iciiideiice lot 1,600 Tun lots in Point View, etteh . 150 Lots in first addition to Liuiiton $.o to f 100, easy payments. lluniuuMi locations for lent. H. G. OGDEN Huviow Olllco. 00000OOOCOOOtOOXiOOOX0X Do you ever advertise in The Review ? If not, why not ? For neat work, good material ami reasonable prices The Review job printing department cannot be beaten. STORE. THE 6 v I I.iaiiimtwh: Ciinitnl Stock JJ.O-O.W Surplus mid undivided profits Dividends uuiinid.. l)fHltS 3,553-21 1,350.00 f JU3,tj03.63 ELECTRIC COMPANY Aider SI reels, I'OKII.ANI), OUIK.ON This Week f ST. JOHNS, ORHC.ON OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOO I See 1 REPUGNANT MEALS. What People Can Llvo on Under the Stress of Circumstances. The iniinbitunis of Paris onco liv ed under Henry IV. during n siego 1 on the ino.it ropngnant meals. All I grass which could be found, even that growing between tlio stones of i tho pavement, was cooked into soups. In a field oven ejected espe cially or this purpose "delicious" pastries of ground bones were mado up during u period of three weeks, and the ncccspary bones were ob tained from a nearby cemetery. What occurred during the sicgo of Paris in 1871 is still in mind. Peo ple ate uluiost all the animals of tlio zoological garden. One of tho butchers sold monkey and urchin meat, and canal rat as well as dog meat became "classical." A baker's family consumed during tlio 1! the sicgo all their their enliro shoii- goods and an aged tradeswoman stayed in her basement for 113 days, living during all that time on noth ing but cheese. Tho polar explor ers know even worco meals. Tho nionccin of tho nolo considered raw iish and polar bear meat delicacies, and Xaiuon is authority for tlio Etatemeiit that he and his men were ' exceedingly delighted when they i succcclcil in baking cakes with II- laminating oil. From tarred rigging 1 of the ship and from tho lichens ! which were found on tho de.olalo j rockn not infrequently the strangest j soups wero made. In the year 11)01 the well diggor .Simon of Uonneval, near Children, I was entombed by fallen sand and j remained so tor live nays, having nothing to eat or to drink. In 181)7 hoiiio miners in Wales were rescind from an entirelv lloodciltnino after ten days, still alive. The water had already rku to their chins. There are, however, still more re markable ciim'k. The London Phil-oxophit-al Transactions told of a man who had staved in a cellar, cov ered by the debris of tlio building, twenty-four days without eating and drinking. Italy, too, presents an In stance. It is reported by Hondo, the iliysicmn or the King or hardiiilu. 11 Piedmont fhrco women had been overtaken by an avalanche and had Ih'cii living, when they were rescued on .March 11), l?fiT, under tho debris of a utublo for thirty-seven days. llarper'M Weekly. Well Set Up. "So you'ro going to bo married, Jenny r" mid the vitiligo philiui Ihiopiiit to one of her favorites. 11111111," mid Jenny, all smile and blunties; "the wedding day is llxcd, and wo are looking for ward to 11 luiipy and prosperous fu ture." "Well, my girl, I trust you real ize what it means. 1 hope your young man is careful and has raved up a little money to set up house keeping." "Oh, vim, mum; he's been most careful about 'living oiiictliiu' to fall back upon in ciuo of a rainy day. Why, mum," she went mi, with an air of conscious pride, "I've got a Niir of ornaments, and Hill, why, Kill s got a clock what ho won for nuinin'. I think 1110 and uiv young man are verv luckv. Wo ain't got nothln' to fear." -London An- MVOrt. rtuitlo Critic, while Millais uno nay winio .miiiius was en gaged in painting his famous pic ture, "Chill Oetober," among tho reeds ami ninlnw 011 tho banks of the Tay, near Perth, a voice etuno from over tho hedge: ".miiii, urn yo niihy?" "No, novor," painting lowly. never try photog- replied Millais, A naio, "lt'rt a hunt lo ipiiokor," said tho voico. . "1 I-IIS, I HppoiO ISO. Another ;tno. Tho Itnnl thruat was: "An itV imiir likor tho place." A Poor Patiport. A sberilf of lubnburgh had for gotten hw twopenny ticket. Asked for fare, ho kind, "I have paid it." "I "Then where' your ticket?" hao Ut it." "Then you must pav again." "Come, now,' inv friend,5' raid tho Mieriu", "just look into my face and tell mo do 1 look like ii man who would tell you a lio for such a trille as twopence?" The null taker inspected tho counte nance thus olFored as a guarantee for its owner's integrity uud then dryly aid, "I'll just thank you foi the twopence," Anertlna Himself, "I'm anxious to got the names of all present," said the reporter. "Will you oblige mo" "Oh," raid the meek little man, "you muv put down .Mrs. Henry, reeK anu nusnanuY "Vou mean Mr, and Mrs. Henrv Peck, don't you?" "1 would "prefer thut," ho replied, with n furtive glance over his shoul der, "but for goodness sake don't say I gavo it to you that way." Central Market! IIoll)rvx)k lllock. I iu for the Choicest Cuts of the Mcst Meats Obtainable. Orders l'illed and l'amlly Trade Solicited Ward & AlcClave, Proprs. OLD STREET CRIES. The Din That Deafened London ki Days of Long Ago. Somewhere about a score of yoara Ago there was published in London n tiny volume of most unuminl in terest to students of old time man ners and customs. It was called "Old London Street Cries" and con tained sovcral hundred familiar calls, beginning with the middlo of the fifteenth century, in which, as in a mirror, 0110 can pee reflected tho life of tho common pcoplo through tho years what they ate and drank and wore, their furniture and amusements, the toys their childron played with and their luxuries, long Binco become commonest necessi ties. A walk through London streets in those days must have been a ver itable running of tho gantlet. A ; ,T, , cw specimens 0' the calls which bo- 6108C(1 1,10 travelers cars wilt bui- ncc. I "Iluy my dish of great eels I" "Buy n fino singing bird 1" "Buy my 'wax or wafers I" "Hot baked wor- dens (stewed pears) I" "Knives or 1 ecissors to grind I" "Buy my four j ropes of onions 1" "Buy n footc I stoolol" "Kibbons a groat a yardl" i "Buv a horn book!" "Songs, thrco , yanfs n penny I" "Holly and mistle I tool" "London's Gazetto here I" j "Buy my nico drops, twenty a pen 1 ny peppermint drops I" 'Troop cv : cry 0110 (toy hobby horses)!" "Three rows 11 penny pins, short whites and niiildlo-ingsl" Nor wero tho eager merchants content with verbal solicitation. Tho bewildered wayfarer was often so "pull-lmulcd" by 0110 after an other that resistance must havii been well nigh impossible. But times change and street lifo with them. A generation ago n few lineal descendants of the old Lon don hucksters called up and down our streets. Now the rags and bot tle men havo disappeared, tho "cis mm grinder" merely rings a boll, vender of fruit and vegetables havo been silenced by law in many cities, and save for tho sidewalk toys and the holly and mistletoe of Christ mas time tho newsboy is solo heritor of all the idrcet cries. Less picturesque? Possibly. But 0110 has onlv to spend an hou among tho fakirs of a country fair to rcalizo that even tho strenuous life of the twentieth century has it advantages. A Kt.n Wltttd Woman. Lord Waterford used to tell soma good stories of his experience as an Irish magistrate. U110 of them re ferred to tho case of a woman whom ho hud to sentence for a breach the peace, lie let her oh on cond tiou that she found two neeurities of 110 each that the would keep the peace lor six montus. "Thank ye, inv lord," said she. moving toward tho door. "No, no," said Lord Wnterfon "you must iiamn your securities that I may see whether they aro sat isiuciorv. "rait n, ami who would 1 name. sho nnswered, "but your lordship's self? Ver good enough for two," 11 retort which not only showed the sprlghtlines of tho Irish character. but in addition the feeling of frieu iv coniiiience w i ch tho ir s i ncas antry who knew him cherished for tho lord of Ourraghmore. Pear son's Weekly. "Captain Ab." Cost a Chanc. Several vears ui'o there lived in Miltowu, X. It,, a uniquo character wno always went by the title ol "Ciintain Ab." His greatest nectil iarity was that ho was always on the opposite side, no matter what tlio question was. At n town meoting one day after tho chairman had call ed for" tho yeas, which showed the vole was almost unanimous, ho call cu for tlio "contraminded." John I'arnliaiu, one of tho citizens, rose and eaid, "Mr. Chairman, ho has just gone out." Tho captain had left tho room 11 moment before A Cautious Widow. aanitary caution is not new. though doubtless it has grown. An eighteenth century rector was bury ing one of his parishioners in the churchyard when he was interrupt t'd ny u woman who demanded im mediate speech with him. "Vou must wait until I havo finished,' said he. "No, sir: I must speak at once." "Well, then, what's the mat ter?" ho inquired. "Why, sir," ex claimed tlio poor woman, "you are burying a man who died of tho smallpox next my who never had it," poor husband, Origin of a Much Quoted Saw, The origin of "A fool and his money are soon parted" has not been ascertained with cortainty, but the following story is sometime told: "CJeorgo llucnanan, tutor to James IV, of Scotland, made a bet with a courtier that ho (Puchanan) could make a courser verse than the courtier, Huchanan rose and, pick ing up the courtier's money, walk ed 0!? with the romark, 'A fool and Mi money ar soon parted.' " Stop Qrumbling , If you suffer from Rheumatism, or pains, for lullard's Snow Lumneut will bring quick relief. It is u sure cure tor bprains, Rheumatism, Con tracted Muscles and all pains and within reach of all. Price 25c, 50c. i. C R, Smith, Tenaha, Tex writcs: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment in uiy family for years and have found it a fiue rem edy for all palus and aches. I rec ommend it for pains iu the chest." Sold by St. Johns Drug Store. CHURCH NOTICES. Baptist church E. A. Leonard, pastor. Sunday school at 10 0. in. Preaching at 1 1 a. 111. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. in. Prcachinc nt 8 p. 111. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Methodist church F. L. Young, pastor. Sunday school 10 n. 111. ; preaching at 1 1 a. in. and -8 p. 111. Epworth League at 7 p. 111. Holy Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth Station 8:15 a. 111., low mass; 10:15 a- 'tig'1 mass; 7:30 p. in., vespers and benediction. St. Andrew's Episcopal Chapel, University Park -Kcv. Win. R. Powell, chaplain. Regular services 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 3 p. in. Bible class 7 p. 111. ; Lcntou service every Friday at 10 a. in. Evangelical church Sunday school ion. 111. Preaching 11 n. in. Junior K. L. C. E. 2:30 p. in.; Senior K. L. C. E. 7:00 p. in. Also preaching nt 8:00 p. in. Chester P. Gates, Pastor. First Congregational Church F. O.W.Nclsou, pastor. Sunday school ion. in.; preaching 11 a. 111. and 7:30 p. 111. Baptist Church, University Park. Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. Regu lar services every Sunday morning and evening. German Baptist Church Serv ices held each' Sunday nt Baptist church as follows: Sunday school 2 p. ni., preaching nt 3 p. 111. Rev. Faltment, pastor. :THE: White House Phone Scott 4065. NEW HOUSE AND NEW FURNITURE Clean Rooms, SI. 00 per Week and up. 107 Decatur street, Near Riverside Hotel. F. J. KOERNER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans ami tpcclflcatinns furnished on application, iloun with neatness and promptly All work dispatch. Office in Ilo'brook's brick block. W.C.ADAMS CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Wc now have with us a capable resident architect, and we can arrange to advance money to all tlicwwlio desire to build lie Homes, Shop Second Door West of Postoff!ce ST. JOHNS - - OREGON St. Johns Book Store Has just opened at 420 Jersey Street McChcsney Building 1 he best hue of readincr matter will be carried by them. A circu lating library, open to the public trotn 7 a. tn. to o p. in., is on hand. You pay the price of any book in class you may select, after which you can exchange it for any book in house, in same class, at price iu that class, from 5 to 20 cents ner . . - OOOK. Blauk books, legal blanks, sta tionery and children's books. We also carry a small stock of cigars, tobacco anu candies. CHIPMAN&CO. BUILT BY The Life Insurance Muddle has started the public to thinking. The wonderful success that has met Ballard's Horehoutid Syrup in its crusade on Coughs. Influenza, Bronchitis and all Pul monary troubles has started the public to thinking of this wonder ful preparation. They are all using it. Join the procession and down witli sickness. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by St. Johns Drug Store. NOTICE! Notice Is hereby given that the under signed will apply to the County Court of Multnomah county for n license to jell spirituoun, limit mid vinous liquors for tlic period ol six muntlis, iroiu tlic 2501 day of May, 1907, nt 10 o'clock n. ni.,nud thnt I will present the following petition to said Court oil said diiy for said license. Dated Anril 3. iw, SlIHHMAX COCIIIIAN. PETITION. To the llonornlile County Court of Mult noiiiah county: Wc, the undersigned residents nml lc gal voters of I.innton precinct, In Mult iioniuh rouulv. state of Oreuou, hereby respectfully ctkiou your honorable body to grant to Sherman Cochran n license for the (icrlod of six months from the 35th day of May, 1907, to sell splritous, limit ami vinous Honors. 111 less iptniin tics than one eiillou in the town of ton, I.innton precinct, Multnomah county, slate 01 Oregon l'nmk II. IIIII, Joe Krclt., A. I,. Treehc'e, S. Kinsman, H.J. Cunningham, Win. ('.rant, I'.. 1'. KrucKcr, M. T. Smith, H. T. Cartoon, R. II. llupuiau, C. Carlson, P. A. Ilallcck, V. Joyce, I.ouis hliclk, Uus ('.. Men lie veld. John Tritium, J. I,. Ilcngcvclil, I. .M. htusen, A. Ictte. v. i Alcorn, John M. Stencil, I.ee C. lleebc, W. II. lessee, P.. II. White, Otis I'ehcr, Peter V. Morlt, Iiirtigini J. Carr, Victor Swiiiisoii, Win. Mctivler, A.J. McClure, II. Deverell, Rich Dcverill, Chas. Taylor, Thus. Koukle, (-,. 1'. Heeler, I'. Snick, W. It. Shlle, S. Jurnlu, Win. Ilrooks, Walt, llrooks, J. llrooks, '.. Cary, W. P. Harris, II. tllrschcy, II, 1'. Morgan, 1'rcd Siieider, II, llaticrod, II. W. Caulield, V. ItitliiKur, V. V. lluiullMch, loo JJulKley, lony Oleson. Johns Kevicw April 17 and (, K17. J. 1'. Miller, II. lleleMil, l'eler Jeiison, J. Weston, J. C. I.;ipo, I.. Weston, K. k, Spnuldluu, A. J. Van Diilah, M. Allen, H. It. Allen, 'rank I.cuis, S. Kastcy, Curl Nelonti, H. T. Kincrolt, W. 8. Oliver. II. I,. Sandys. J. I. Kiilli. I (ico. iiurk'tier, Ileruiiiii IUIcmiii, W. I), .Madden. A. W. Sehlee. Published iu the St, 36, May j, 10, Ladies' and Gents' Billiard Parlors STINE BLOCK. OwiJNS Hues., Proprietors. Vive I'lrst-class Tables. Drop iu and play n game. Central Bar. Sam. Cociihan, Prop. Tii33. Coniki.v, Mj;r. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cochran Hlock, St. Johns, Orego: THE LOUVRE L. RICHARDS, Prop. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and ugars. A Fine Lunch Served Hvery Day PHONH UNION 3105 Liquor for Medicinal Purposes and Family Use W. H. AlcBRAYER (Cedar Brook) This whiskey direct from the six years distiller to us, In bond old and aged in wood. E. O. MAG00N, Distributor 1 1 1 North Jersey SU St. Johns. Ore The Wellington KNIGHT & GLOVEI. Proprhlori. Fine Wines and Liquors'. Family Supplies a Specialty. Holbrook Block, St. Johns, Oregon Mail Schedule Mail arrives at St. lolins at ?io n m. aim 1115 ji, m. uc-aves at 10:20 a. m., and 4M5 p. m. Office open week davs from 6li a. in. to 6:10 p. in, Sandays from 9 to 10 a. ni AN OFFICIAL DIRECTORY L. E. STORY, Al. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. Day mid Night Office, Rooms 7 and S, Holbrook lllock, ST. JOHNS. - - - OREOON S. H. GREENE Attorncy-at-Law. Office: Room 9, llreedcn Flulld lug, corner Third mid Washington streets, l'ortlntul, anil Room 1$, Hol brook lllock, St. Johns. I'lionc; Pacific 2098. Residence: St. Johns Joseph AkClicsncy, A. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dny and Nlplit Office In McClic.uicy lllock I'hnne WooJI.mn 47$ ST. JOHNS. - - OKBdON DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PinSICIAN AND SUROEON Residence: On Modoc Street. Phone Woodlawn 576. OlUcc: Hol brook llrick lllock, rooms 3 and 4 Phone I-'nst 3O89. St. Johns, .... Oregon Dr W. E. HARTEL, DENTIST Crown and Ilrlde Work a Swclalty Rooms t ami 3, Holbrook lllock, St. Johns Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Pli)ltlan and Surgeon. Olllco hi llothrook's lllock. Residence, The Raymond. OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D Office lioum, 9 to 1 in. til ., 1(03 p. in. OITlcc I'liour, (k-oll 1104, Itt.l.lcncc I'lionc, Union Jvni, oaiceln UnUcr-llv IMfU Diuk Store. C. AlARION SALISBURY (lraJualc Optician Will test the eye free of charge. Jersey Street. St. Johns, Oregon. Goodrich & Goodrich, AKCIIiriiCIS I'ull Professional Services I'lvc 1'cr Cent. Saint Johns and I'ortlnnd, Ore. N. A. (llil; IIoiik .Mover nml Repairer lloiuei moved, niineil and re txilml. Odd johs of all kinds, i'rnniiit ierloe, rwi-.'imlile elmruf. lauliiMi and Callhi siiel. I'lionc WiMidliiwu 5S6. Saint Johns . Oregon P. Al. KASMBAUOM l'uel fiirnUlied, i-ltlier ohort or long. Dniying and team-work of every kind. Prompt tervlce. Term rititoniihle. Corner JcrMjy and Catllu, ST. JOHNS LAUREL LODGE No. 1 86 I. 0. 0. P. ST. JOHNS, 0KI-.00N Meet each Monday cvcnln In Odd I'ellow hall, at 8:00. VUitor welcomed. Henry Allen, N. O. K. II. Uolcinnli. Secretary, S. C. NORTON Real Ustntc Insurance Kckldviit nj;eifi N. 1'. Norcn & Co. 1 10 S. Jeiey street. I'lionc Woodlawu 917, St. J0I1111, Ore, J. R. WEIAIER Transfer and Storage Your Patronage Solicited 103 Ha.t IliirliiiKtou ktaet, St. Johns. WOOD Iluy vottr wood at the Old Reliable Peninsula Feed & Fuel Go. Coal Por Sale. Green and dry shlnvood, Phone Kast 297. Housekeeping .Apartments Suite:) of two to four rooms, also single rooms. Situated one block from Columbia University, near cor. of I'Uk St. and lloulevard. Furnished or Unfurnished. A pleasant walk from St. Johns, Convenient to llridge and mills. UNIVERSITY PARK A. W. DICKSON Woodlawn 60S One Dollar will fit you to eye glasses or spec tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed, t Your eyes fitted at home. Write for free booklet describing our method. Remember, the glasses we fit yoo to are worth 3.50 any where on earth. Our price, only $1.00. OUR REPAIRING dtMrtment it mon complctt.MtlaiprioiSl-OO. Watch cWuc4 $1.00. Stod your work br rcfUlcrcd mul fUO rtpair u witch. METZGER & CO. lit StXTl tTKJWT. POSTIAXB, Otts-