St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 17, 1907, Image 3

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    Attractive Bargains in
Rugs, Art Squares
Matting, Floor Oil Cloth
Fine Lace Curtains
Wc will display and offer nt
a large ond beautiful line of lace curtains at very attrac
tive prices, that mean great bargains for our customers.
Couch covers, Portiers
New Shipments!
We have just received direct
n large shipment f locks. There arc many new designs we
would like to show you.
Our stocks of H. & M. Paints, Sunshine Pinishe, l'ratt l
& Lambert Varnishes, and Railway White Lead was never .so q
complete as now. Strictly guaranteed. '4?
Our I.tiwn Mowers are selling like hot cakes. Tents in W
Mock. Awnings ordered.
Scales Bros.' Grocery
Has n large and well elected stock of staple and fancy
groceries. Quality guaranteed. Our large and growing
trade is a sure indication that our prices arc right. If
you have not been trading with us, call in and look
around. We'll be pleased and ho will you.
Phone Union 4064. Cedar Park.
A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.
Present investment in St. Johns realty means future -independence.
Kor reliable information about nrices and
$ best locations, write or call on
I Colvin & Henderson
jj Notary Public. Conveyancer. Titles. Examined.
County Institute.
The county W. C. T. U. insti
tute to be held at St. Johns on
Tuesday, May 21 iu the Adventist
church promises to be a very inter
esting occasion. The following
program will be rendered:
10 a. m. Devotionals Mrs. Eul
lilove. Scientific Temperance Instruc
tionMrs. Donaldson.
Social Purity Mrs. Ada Wallace
Purity in Art and Literature
Mrs. Hidden.
Parliamentary Drill Mrs. I, F.
Noontide Prayer Mrs. Keller.
1:30 p. m. Devotionals Mrs.
Ida Darkley.
Mothers' Meetings Mesdames
Houstou and Homing.
Singing Mrs. Henderson,
Law Euiorcemeut Mr. Ruther
ford. Singing.
Superintendent's Hour.
A number of nice display stands
for dishes and tinware for sale at
The Wagoner Co.
Mrs. Sparschuh's
and See
from the factory in Chicago av
Qrand Army Notes.
Patriotic Memorial exercises will
be held at the schoolhousc Thurs
day afternoon, May 23, at two
Memorial services at Ilickuer
hall Sunday afternoon, May 26, at
2:30 o'clock.
Decoration Day services on
Thursday, May 30 program for
which will be published iu our next
issue in full.
The public generally is invited
to attend all exercises. It is due
the old veterans that all citizens
turn out en masse.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrho.a Remedy.
There is probably no medicine
made that is relied upon with more
implicit confidence than Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, During the third of a
ceutury iu which it has been in use,
people have learned that it is the
one remedy that never fails. When
reduced with water and sweetened
it is pleasant to take. For sale by
St. Johns Drug Store.
Gloves from Chicago
For Dress and Every Day Work
at the
St Johns Harness Shop.
Local News.
The National Tea Store.
Rough dry washing at 6c per
pound. West Coast Laundry.
See M. R. Urban, St. Johns, for
hollow, concrete building blocks.
The St. Johns Artisans gave a
basket social on Tuesday evening.
Little Leo Drown, son of Fred
Drown, has been very ill this week.
Fresh bread, tries, cake and cook
ie every day at the French block
We have n full line of black
screen cloth in all widths. Potter
& Ooold.
See P. W. Henderson, 243 Stark
street, Portland, for real estate in
vestments. Don't put off too long to supply
your wants at cost prices. The
Wagoner Co.
Prof. J. Deaklcy, from Aurora,
Oregon, was a recetit guest of Mrs
F. W. Valentine.
The Jobcs Milling Co. is build
ing an addition to the mill to be
used as an office.
Household goods of three rooms
for sale reasonable. 728 Fast
Richmond, Point View.
Go to Drodahl's greenhouse,
302 liucliauan bt., for your rose
bushes and bedding plants.
A marriage license has been
issued to Chas. E. Downing and
Sadie Wilson of St. Johns.
fry the new Tea store, fo3 12.
Jersey street, for your next order
of tea, coffee, spices or extracts.
First class concrete gravel de
livered to any part of the city at
$1.50 tier yard. St. Johns Drick
Thirteen thousand dollars worth
of lots have been sold iu Whitwood
Court on the opposite bank of the
l'hc carp arc spawning iu the
sloughs and the juveniles are en
joying themselves hooking a few
ot them.
Mrs. Delia Ticer has oncned a
dressmaking shop nt 507 Tioga St.
first class iiiesstnaktm:. ah work
I'm 11U Thonidvki! li'ft Wednes
day for the Coos Hay country, hav
ing scented a position on a .Mtirsu
field pajier.
Maud, eldest dauiihter of P. J.
Peterson, is ranidlv itimroviui: in
health to the gratification of the
many friends of the family.
Tucsdnv was the bitr dav in our
furniture dcrartmcnt. The prices
will convince von that wc want to
close out by June 15. The Wan-
oner Co.
The wife and three children of
Dr. Walter Tucker, who recently
vMted Charles llrcdesou, have just
left St. John1, after 11 visit of sev
eral days with Mrs. llrcdcsou.
Topics under consideration at
United Evangelical church for
Sunday, May 19: 11 a. m. "Put
ting Aside the Weights;" 8 p. m.
"Daniel nud Goliath " Vou ore
welcome. Chester P. Gates, Pastor.
The Willamette has been
steadily for the past week.
cause is the annual spring freshet
u the Columbia caused by the
melting snows near its source. This
causes the water iu the Willamette
to back up, hence the rise.
Leading a clean life in dirty
clrithcs, is a complex proposition.
Wc have recently installed n three
roll Troy mangle, which enables us
to return hotel work the same day
we collect it. We make a stieeialty
of ladies' white duck and linen
suits. All silks washed by hand,
skirts cleaned and pressed for fifty
cents Give us a trial next week.
We guarantee satisfaction. I need a
A rotary engine, the work of a
St. Johns machinist, is attracting
the attention of engineers and me
chanics who have seen it. Besides
being very powerful it is claimed
that it is the only one ever made
that can be reversed, It has been
put to severe tests for the past
mouth and iu every instance has
exceeded the extectatious of its
W. L. Thorndyke returned last
Sunday from a trip to the Coos
Hay country. In regard to it he
says: " As tar as tlie price ot real
estate is coucf.rucd it is high, iu
fact, too high, for investment. In
the towns on the bay the people
are enterprising and progressive.
Numerous big enterprises are pro
jected and several are under way.
As development proceeds condi
tions will improve. Dut, compared
to St. Johns, I will take St. Johns
every tune."
An Oregon editor took stock the
first of the year, after the plan of
other business people, which re
sulted in the following invoice;
Been broke, 300 tunes; had money,
65; praised by the public, 6;
damned by the public, 134; asked
to drink, 18; refused, o; missed
prayer meeting, 52; been roasted,
431; roasted others, 52; washed the
office towel, 3; missed my meals, o;
taken for a preacher, it; taken
for a capitalist, o; found money, o;
taken baths. 6; delinquent subscrib
ers paid, 27; did uot pay, 436; pain
in conscience, o; got whipped, o:
whipped other fellows, 8; cash on
hand, January 1, $1.47; cash on
hand now, 67 cents. Ex.
The National Tea Store.
Help wanted at the Inccda Laun
dry at once.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a specialty of lace curtains.
Drodahl's greenhouse, 302 Bu
chanan street, for pot plants.
In another week the roses of all
kinds and hues will be iu full bloom,
For Sale One-half
Central Meat market.
interest in
A bargain.
The entire stock of The Wagoner
Co. now ofliercd for sale at cost
Nice, cjean, sharp sand in lots to
suit furnished by the St. Johns
Brick Co.
Weaving 401 Tacoma St. is the
place to get your work done. Mrs.
S. M. Warner.
Use hollow concrete building
blocks, $24 per too, M. R. Urban,
maker, bt. Johns.
Hendricks & Monuich, the hard
ware men, have n new sign to lo
catc their place of business.
Remember we want to clean out
the entire stock by June 15th if
possible. The Waeoner Co.
The demand for St. Johns real
estate continues and lots iu alt parts
of the city daily change nanus.
Twelve nice, level lots iu South
St. Johns. Small payment down
and $5 per mouth L. H. Smith.
Exchange for Real Estate, Gro
cery iu Portland. Cheap rent.
Henderson, 243 Stark St. Portland.
Buy your cigars and tobacco of
Harris & Goodell. The only ex
clusive cigar store in St. Johns.
Corner Jersey and Tacoma streets.
Mrs. S. S. Roberts, the dress
maker, 1612 Olin St., University
Park, all work done neatly and
satisfactorily. Phone Woodlawn,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith
Sunday, May 12, a daughter. On
Tuesday it was reported that Mrs.
Smith was very ill at a Portland
The new building that F. J.
Koerncr is erecting for M. L. Hoi
brook at the corner of Jersey and
Richmond streets is rapidly Hearing
Mrs. Belle Thuycr has been
chosen as a delegate to represent
Laurel Rchckah lodge at Grand
Lodge which convenes at LaGraiide
.sometime in May.
A strawberry and ice cream so
cial will be given by the B. E. C.
May 21, 1907 nt the Chicago room
ing house. A program will be
giveu'first. All invited.
Considerable work iu the way of
improving the office of the St. Johns
Laud Co. lias been done. Wlicu
complete it will be particularly
handsome and convenient.
l'hc steam shovel 011 the railroad
cut has been moved from near Wil
lamette boulevard to a point near
Macgley Junction. A very deep
cut, extending from Northern Hill
to the river has already been exca
Miss May Mitchell of Los Angel
es, Oil., has been visiting with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
W. Wurreu of University Park lor
u couple of weeks. She left 011 the
8:30 train this morning for Tacoma.
Those contemplating building
ould consult with M. R. Urban
in regaid to the hollow concrete
building blocks he is manufacturing.
He has the facilities for turning
out these blocks on short notice
and guarantees satisfaction.
II. & M. Paints and .Sunshine
Finishes are still in the lead. Not
the cheapest iu price, but best iu
Siality, and economical to use.
ur stock was never before so com
plete as at present. I hese goods
absolutely guaranteed. Potter &
Last week while in Coos county
W. J. Collins and W, L. Thorn-
dyke, both of whom are projierty
owners iu St. Johns, transplanted
several rhododendrons from the
woods there to St. Johns. These
are now set out 111 tue yarn ot uiu
latter-named, and one of them is to
be placed iu the grounds of the city
hall when graded.
Contractor Crook: "Although
the contract calls for the comple
tion of the interior of the city hall
within ninety days, or about the
first of August, I am going to try
to turn it over to the c ty by July
The sooner I get it done the
greater the profit, and I shall try
and get through as quick as I can.
Several changes have been made in
the plans, but they will not retard
the work."
Although workmen are still en
gaged in clearing up the large tract
of gravel above the government
moorings on the opposite bank of
the Willamette the general public
lias uot been informed as to what
is to be built on the ground. A
rumor has been current that a
large gas plant will be erected,' but
this is discredited A person who
is familiar with the details of the
gas business says it is uot likely
that a gas plant would be built so
far from the source of consumption,
and cites the fact that it would cost
$5 or more a foot to extend the
large supply main to Portland. To
lay this main would require about
five miles of pipe. A more desir
able and less expensive site would
likely be selected if the manufacture
of gas was intended.
The National Tea Store.
See Dr. Rambo for dental work.
Room t8, Holbrook block.
Try the new bakery iu the French
block for wholesome goods.
We wash and iron all flat work
at 25c per dozen.. West Coast
New wall paperat Portland prices
at Hendricks & Monuich Potter
& Goold's old stand.
Exchange for lots home on
Williams Ave. Henderson, 243
Stark St., Portland.
Hollow concrete buihiinir blocks
are cheaper than stone. Ask M.
K. Urban about them.
Horse and wagon for sale. De
livery to be made as soon as stock
is closed out. The Wagoner Co.
Exchange for lot, smalt grocery
on peninsula. Suitable for lady.
Henderson, 243 Stark St. Portland.
Siding is rapidly being put in po
sition on the new Baptist church
and by Saturday night the roof
will be about covered.
S. J. Downey acts as pall-bearer
tor an old-time acquaintance John
McLallinghain. The funeral is
from 459 Eleventh St., North.
Late reports from Mrs. Phil
Smith arc assuring. She is now
convalescing and her condition pre
cludes nny possibility of relapse.
Have you seen the new Lorain
Steel range at Potter & Goold's?
Nothing like it on the market. Let
us show you this range. Potter it
1). S. Soutlimayd has n ton and
a half of 1907 wall paper 011 hand
for you to choose from. Prices and
work guaranteed. Call and inspect
this stock.
' W. Elmer Knight has purchased
of M. L. Holbrook the protwrty
corner 01 hast llurliimtou and Mo
doc streets and will occupy the
place at once.
There was a large exodus of
baseball cranks from St. Johns to
Portland en Wednc-day all very
anxious to see the mayor push the
nan to tlie plate.
F. J Koerncr commenced work
ycsteidny upon the brick building
near the postollice for Petered &
Noce. It is to be 25x3s feet iu
si.e and one story.
Buildiiur permits to the value of
$18,200 wete issued nt the city hall
during the mouth of April, and up
to this time the record for May
totalizes more than 512,000. This
seems a healthy growth.
Within four mouths, if the coun
cil will grant the franchise sought,
the P. S. T. & T. itople will com
mence the erection of a suitable
telephone exchange. And then
there will Iw no kick over the serv
ice. Property owners should remem
ber that there is an ordinance pro
hibiting any accumulations of filth
and debris within the city. Both
those who dump the stuff and those
who own the proiK-rty are liable to
arrest and fine.
Wc arc agents for the Wabash
screen doors made in the Hast.
Several good styles, and 11 large
stock to select from. Give us a
chance to do our part toward pro
tecting you from the flics this .sum
mer. Potter tV Goold.
F. J. Koerncr this week has
commenced the erection of another
building for M. L. Holbrook. This
s being constructed on lot 15, block
3, of Jersey street addition, (corner
of Jersey and Charleston) and will
Imj one story 50x60.
There have been numerous ar
rests and convictions iu municipal
court recently for the offence of
riding a wheel upon the sidewalk.
There is an ordinance forbidding
sidewalk riding and 110 x.-nnit can
be given to break the law. Wheel
men should bear this iu mind.
An Advertising Scheme,
Actually Selling Out.
The magnificent stock of the
Wagoner ComjKUty is now being
rapidly decreased iu size, and while
the owners are not making any
money out of the sale the patrons
of the store arc surely saving a
large amount. There is not a
householder iu this vicinity who
can afford to miss these great daily
sales because a purchase means
the shutting out of all profit to the
handler. It means buying at retail
at wholesale prices. It means, too,
that no Portland store can touch
the bargains shown by the Wago
ner Company.
Many people are caught by nam
ing ads iu the city dailies, and find
out, too late, that high prices rule
on decent goods, but here is an op
portunity to secure genuine bar
gains iu groceries, dry goods, fur
niture, tinware, notions in short,
every article handled by their ener
getic store is to be disposed of at
cost and sometimes at even less
than cost.
Every day lessens this big stock
the hustling kitten gets the cream:
delay not a day, but go to the store
and sec that your money is saved.
The careful householder realizes a
bargain when seen, and the big
store is full of them. After their
stock is closed out buyers will have
to purchase at profit-makiug stores.
The New
Store, 103 Jersey St., St. Johns
for your next order for Tea, Coffee, Spices or Extracts.
2 tickets with each 25c. purchase
4 tickets with each 50c. purchase
8 tickets with each $t.oo purchase
These tickets nrc redeemable in Crockery or Glassware.
25c Coffee beats them nil.
The National Tea Store
Northwest Blow Pipe Co. Anticipates
Locating Here.
New industrial plants building or
seeking locations iu our city Hie
gutting to be almost every day af
fairs. The latest one to conclude
that St. Johns is just about the
right location for their increasing
business is the Northwest Blow
Pipe Co. of Portland. Au option
has been taken 011 ground adjoin
ing the steel ship building opera
tions, and it is the intention of this
company to begin construction
work as soon as their plans are
uiatuic. The proposed
will manufacture dust
furnace feeders and
new plant
steel piping for
dust producing
exhaust fans 011
machinery of all
kinds. They will also do general
sheet metal work mid have a ma
chine and blacksmith shop iu con
nection. When this plant is iu
full oeratiou it will furnish em
ployment for 11 large number of
employes, ami increase the pay roll
of St Johns very substantially.
Holy Cross Catholic Church, l rl.s
moiilli Station.
The Catholics living iu and
around St, Johns arc requested to
notice the time for services. Sun
days, first mass at 8:15, High Mass
at 10:15. Vcher.s and Benediction
of the Most Blessed Sacrament at
7:30 o'clock. Daily mass at 8:00
o'clock during the month of May.
Wednesdays and Saturdays lit 7:30
p. in., May Devotions.
If Vou Don't
Succeed the first time use Ilerbiue
and you will get instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator. A ositlve
cure for Constipation, Dysjicpsia,
Malaria, (.lulls mid all liver com-,
plaints. Mr. C . of Emory, Tex-1
as, writes: "My wife has been us-f
ug Herbiue for herself and children
for five years. It is a sure emu for .
coustip.ition and malaria fever,
which is substantiated by what it
ins done for my family." Sold by
St. Johns Drug Stoic.
Stop That Rent !
Your choice of 64 lots, each 50
xioo, for $300, ten wr cent
cush and $5 11 mouth. This
procrty lies just across the car
line from Newort Station, iu
Marengo addition, and must
be seen to be projierly appreci
ated, We will be glad to show
you this proterty at any time,
Office at Point View.
Timber and Farm
Lands convenient
to transportation
and IJiiiitoii.
Dargaius iu I.iim
ton Real Estate.
Office opjosite postoffice
at L,iuutou.
Bonham & Currier
Branch Store.
Dry Goods
Shoes! Shoes!
Gents' Furnishings
107 Jersey Street.
We have a nice .selection of Men'
Hats and 2,000 paint of Shoot
to select fiom.
Our prices me icaitouahlc.
The reason of our splendid suc
cess for the first month's huNiuew
iu St. Johns is hecausv our prim
tu c lower iu in, my iustnucvM titan
Portland prices, ami our good are
always the best.
OurOuallty is never affected
with I.ovv Price
Special for Coming Week
Double Roll, pr loll n'.-e
Hendricks & Monnich
Require careful attention and only
the purest of iiigu-duuto ohould
enter into their comositioM.
Our Drugs are Pure
And only the the most careful at
tention is given cuch pacri
li you have not yet la-come a trw
of our store, the next time yMi
you are called tion to have a
preset iptiou filled or in fact rt
(piire drugs of any nature, giv
us a trial visit, and if onulou
treatment, putt- druga und cart
ful service count for anything
you will come agniu.
Smitlrs Phartnacy
Holbrook Block,
!To Make Money
from real estate iu vestments
care should 1m.- exercised
iu buying. Tin- man who
makes the most money out
of real entnle is he who in
vests iu projierty tlut will
iucicasv iu value rupully.
Some Rare Bargains
are to be found in our list
of dusirable proK-rtics. A
visit to our office und au
investigation of properly
listed witli us will provtt
that 110 better investment
can be made anywhere in
St. Johns than the pur
chase of some of our late
offerings. Call and let us
show you what we have.
Dobie, Peterson & Co.
Jersey Street.
Hand irguors at the Wet Qoafit
I.auudry. Apply at ouco.