THE ST JOHNS REVIEW Publlih'd Kmr r-ldy Bv McKliON & Mitturrtnttrtn vittta. it. Of) np vltnr In Attaints. AJTcrllslnR rstci, f 1.00 per Inch per month. All idtettlilnc Mill pytle first ol oich inoniD. Job Printing eieeutod In first-eUis iile. Hint for Job l'rlntlng cash on delltcr, All comraonlcullotn tbonld be iddreiitd to The Berlew, Ht. Jonni, Oreeon. Till! RuviHW is entered nt post office in Snlnt Johns, Oregon, ns tnnll matter ol tne R-coiiil clnss under tne ci 01 t.on- Kress of March 3, 1879. Local News. V. K. Swcnecl ndvertiscs n new siock 01 gioves direct irom .nicago J. K. Williams offers att attract ivc bargain in real estate in another column. A pile driver is doing work for the ferry company at their landings on the river. Honliam tv Currier have some thing to say about spring shoes and straw Huts in a new ad. I,. Sheik, Linnlon's merchant prince, is erecting a handsome res idciice on the site of the old smelter. A number of photos of the St He is n poor citizen who will not Johns baseball club enclosed in a JUCK Officii! Newiptper of the City of OU Jokni. Phone Enst 0100. FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1907. assist in boosting his own town. There eems to be no rest for the wicked. Ileney says he will get Dinger Hermann in Oregon. The total tax of Multnomah county is ia, 8.10.. 162. Of this amount only fan.!, 026 remnins un collected, which shows that the people of the county have plenty of money. neat frame are displayed at son's. X. A. Cee has built a comfort able home for himself and family on Macrum avenue in hast St Johns. Among the improvements is 11 well Co feet deep. Miss hditli Kimball, who sang with such telling effect in thcMcth odist church last Sunday evening, will sing aguin on next Sunday evening The daily cartoons on Jackson's 1 - ... Over in Portland the politicians or-' V""1 re s"rce 01 are 011 the anxious seal concerning the result of the primaries for the nominations for city offices. The gentlemen are entitled to the sym pathy of all. The Albany Democrat last week issued an attractive and exhaustive write up of the capital of I, inn county. It was well patronized and gotten up in a way to interest inquirers prospecting for new loca tions. Assessor I'arrish of Seattle, imi tilting our own inimitable Assessor Sigler, is iiHfewdug all the real estate by the arrival of the chemical, in the Washington metropolis at but trifling damage was done. its lull value. Thai .Seattle spirit will throw up its tail and ciuitwheu it ruiichcri the county tiensurcr's office ut tux paying time, attraction, As a handy man with a brush Mr. Jackson has few equals and the rapidity with which he makes the pictures is astonishing. On account of the illness of his wife 11. A. Olson has decided to sell his fine home at the corner o Willamette boulevard and Rich motid street. This is one of the handsomest and most sightly resi deuces in the city. A blaze in the attic of the resi dence of Mrs. Tyuer 011 Fillmore street was the cause of a fire alarm at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The bucket brigade was reinforced and The school teachers of Milton, Ore., arc an economical, thrifty mid enterprising set, and there are eleven of them. All of them are women, and none of them ate mar ried. Recently when the stock for the new hotel was offered, these feminine wieltleis of the birch promptly subscribed for f kkx) I.nle last summer theie was some talk of oiling Jersey street in the business section. Representatives of load oiling companies told of the advantages to lie derived Horn an application of oil to the thorough line and oil imc I to allow the exer- imeiiK lo la- made at a nominal cost. If thee gentlemen will now come for waul probably their pioositlon would he given consideration. COMMERCIAL CLUB iMcels ami Talks Over Plans for Active Work. I he Comiuciciiil club met in the uuw looms in the Ilolbrook block Wudueday night. Theie was a food attendance and considerable iituitt maiiifinted in the woik planned for the coming your. Ilefoie the meeting the executive boaid met ami elected C. A. Wood chairman, and nlo dikciiMed the the article-, of iticonioration mid the matter or the adoption of a coiuti tutiou and by-law. 1 lie matter wax afterward taken up by the club and icfoncd to the IkwhI of iliu-clnre mibjuet to rutin ration by the club. 1 he secretary was iiutiuctcd to notify all mumbein that the new ooiiklitutioti and by-law would count up for adoption or icjection 8t thtf imreting to be held two weeks liquet!. Mrs. Frank Smith yesterday re ceived a telegram conveying the sad news of the death of her moth er at Pliittsmouth, Neb. Only two weeks ago Mrs. Smith was informed of the death of her sister at the same place. In her double bereave iiieut she has the .sympathy of many friends. One of the latest and most attrac tive ways of finishing Oregon fir may be seen on the front of Coch ran's new saloon, It is a patent pioccss and is done by a blaze of lire. Of the many ways of treating this building uiateiial this burning process is one that will become iiop- ular with all who wish something new and handsome. Mrs. M. I,. Rowland surprised 11 great many of her St. Johns friends on Wednesday liy calling upon them. The family is now living near Riverview. Since leaving St. Johns Claude Rowland has been married. He is now at the Oood Samaritan hospital having his foot treated for an old injury. Jefferson II. Nye, as big and as rosy as ever, was 11 M' Johns and Portsmouth visitor yesterday in the iuteiest of his co-laboier in the vineyard, W. R. McGiiny, who is a candidate lor the Kcpuiiucau nomination for city attorney of Portland. "JefT" says when the ballots are counted tomorrow night the result will show that the flaxen hailed attorney has lauded the nomination. The only members of the (lie de- Piiitiueul to show Hi) at the engine house in 1 espouse to the fire alarm yesterday morning Kaemleiu and Harney .Nooimn, both arriving at the same tune, Po haul the machine to the tire these young men had to appeal to a half (linen youngsters standing near for help to teach the lite. The incident was commented upon by many who saw it, and the idea ml vaiiced that the proper thing to d in a like case would be to cull th neaiet diay or delivety wagon haul the machine and firemen the point wheie they weic needed WHITWOOD COURT! Opposite St. Johns. Oregon. 600' it s 0 k.. 0 IV JV?Yry Street 3 36 P. JO 4 3L 7 N SO JO 600 ' 60& ' 60O' . a - 600' ( GOO' a N Q- 600' 000 ' 8 g ? OD 600' Oycfe.n so SO So SO 3 2L so 1 8 S0' So'XSO'XSO- J0' I JO' fc a. 5- h) Cj so' So' so' so' so'so' o Sff jo- J0' I JO' So- s-yl su jioJ jo'jo: 5 N 25 8 So'l so'so'so'so'so'so'so'so' so' 4 o. kYooc SO' SO'JO' S0'J0' SO' SO' SO' SO' SO' p N, V) jjj) N Cb o So'so' so' so' so' so' so so' so' se so' so' so o'j-e jo'l so I ao' so so- k 5 e$ M r on n so'so'so'so'sa'so'so' iso'lso' jo' ' SO SO' SO' SO' SO' SO SO' so' so J P 140' so so so so I SO SO so SO do tA o Street SO to' J' SO' SO'i S0' SO' SO' I SO'ljV h & n M 1 1 jo'ljo' so'so so' SO' so SO' J"0 so' o Ba'ey SO SO' JV SO' SO' SO1 SO' so' Jo'.vjyS pN C Jo, o, N (o .s.' so' so' so' so' so' so' Set se so' go ' t SO JO' SO' ISO J0S0S0 S0'SO'30 & $ 5? 5; fc tj' f5 J5I J-s N 0 N Oo ft so'so' SO' SO' SO' SO' SO' SO AO so' Vv ! N 10 J si SO' SO' SO' Stf 3oj3 V 1 k 2S0 IS !l4a' I o. 1 1' 0 era i rw 1 370 U 270' ) w 1 pa I? CD I 5il JV JO' JO' SO' SO' SO' Otf.7 fc I , 5 ., ci 1, wQtflr IS : if WJOJI"ia WK JwT'' A onrr- - AftCeo? s?yeve ' ' so sa' so'30sojo'jo'cw j; $rWj Jrttf N ! 1 This Beautiful 200 Acre Tract .ies on the bank of the Willamette river, directly opposite the city of St. Johns. It is easily accessible, has a magnificent mountain and river view, tiaiuisome ami stately trees, ami tne purest 01 mountain spring water avauaoie to every pari 01 u. mis iniei nes iwoiig me imcbi oueu boulevard in the west, near Claremont tavern and ferry landing, where all trains stop for passengers; 4 1-2 miles to the city of Portland. Acres from $100 to $300. Nice Lying Lots from $75 to $350. The coming manufacturing centre of Oregon, with a present pay roll of about $75,000 per month lies within a mile Court. The new electric line now building from Portland runs through the tract. You can find our agent on the ground were Adam l''s property and you- will buy. There are no better values. radius of Whitwood afternoons. Inspect (lOOtl Pleasant Surprise, A reception wan teudoiutl Rev. C. P. date by the membeis of the UvauMullcul chinch Wednesday ovQuing nt the home of T. J. Mon ftlmu. The attair was in the uatuie of usurpruc and 11 huge delegation wuio pionent to welcome the young llinu to his new field of labor. The owning wsm1 pleuuiutly with gnmcii nod MK'iul chat. Refresh- menu of cake and fruit punch Bjr, Catherine, who vie served. Rev. Oates made a ld has been taking vv "ppiopnine jccci! uciorc toe dupuituie of the guests. to to For Sale. lilt. art. ... 1 iiu uiie nan mock at the corner Of Willamette boulevard mid Rich iiiouil street. .New, modern ten jooin Iiouie with fintKit tivur view in city; an ideal home and the Clienpot property in St. Johns Address II. A. Olson, St. Johns. Wanted. Hand ironers at the West laundry. Apply at once. NlvW STOCK Coast Gloves from Chicago Vor Dress and livery Day Work at the St. Johns Harness Shop. Words for Chamberlain Cough Remedy. People everywhere take pleasure 111 teaitityiug to the good qualitie ot Uiamocrlaui s Cough Remedy Mrs. Kdward Phillips of Harclay .Mil., writes: "l wish to tell vou that 1 can recommend Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. My littl is two yeais this remedy whenever she has had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted 11 dread fill coltl myself, but I took Cham oeriaiu s v.ougii Kenicuy unit was soon as well as ever." This rem edv is for saK by St. Johns Drug oiorc OWN YOUR OWN HOME Make Your Rent Money Buy It lor Sale New 5-rooni house with full lot 50x100 with alley, for only $1,600. Terms $160 down and $ ao JH.T mouth, with interest. Location nasi 01, minis, only one block from car line and one block from Columbia boulevard. Excel lent location, fine situation and property with a future. You scl- ilom have an opportunitx like this to become a home owner. J. E. WILLIAMS Take St. Johns car. net off at Kast St. Johns, Columbia boulevard WEST ST. JOHNS LAND CO Richard Shepard & Co. and H. G. Ogden, Agents, St. Johns, Oregon. Relief from Rheumatic Pains. ! "1 suffered with rheumatism for over two years," says Mr. Holland Curry, 11 patrolman, of Key West, 1 Flu. "Sometimes it settled in my knees mid lamed me so I could hardly walk, at other times it would be in my feet and hands so J I was incapacitated for duty. One night when 1 was in severe pain , mid lume from it my wife went to , the drug store here mid came hack with a bottle oi Chamberlain's Pain Halm. I was nibbed with it and found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheum ilisiii away. I nave not hail any trouble from that diseise lor over three months." For sale by St. Johns Drug Store. Buy a Lot in West St. Johns $100 and up. NOTICE! EASY TERMS Notice U hereby eiven that the under flKiied will apply to the County C Court of Multnomah county for a license to cll spirituous, malt ami vinous liquor for the twrioil of nix month, from the 3th .Uy of May, 1907, ut io o'clock a.m.. and i,HrKcr, that I will procnt the following petition iierl.ia,. iMiew to Mid Court 011 said day (or Mid license. Dated April 35. 'W. Siikkman Cochran. A. J. Van Dolah, II. Allen, J. 15. Allen, Prank Lewis, S. liastey, Curl Ncloau, K. T. Hancroft. W. S. Oliver, II, J Sandys, J. I . Kath, Walt. llrook, J, Ilrooks, O. Cary, V. I'. Harris, D. HirbChey, II. I'. Morgan, l'red Snelder, II. Hancroft, II. W. Caufield, I'. Ritilnuer. P. P. IltuelbacU, Joe Quleley, Tonv Oleson, Ilenuau lUlebon. W. D. Madden, A. W, Schice. Published in the St. Johns Review April 36, May 3, 10, 17 and 34, 1907, Richard Shepard J. S. Downey & Co, ioS) Jersey Street. Reliable information concerning St. Jolius realty cheerfully furnished. Real Kstate bought and Sold. your property with us. &Co. J. S. McKINNEY REAL ESTATE of 5 Lots within a 1-2 blocks school house Only $1100 Lots South St. Johns on Monthly Payments Lots at Northern Hill $150 each St. Johns Heights Station. Phone tftilon 38j. Bon Ton Barber Shop Mansfikld & Kakuukin, first class work und'clean hot towels for patrons. lUir cutting a specialty. Aecnts for West Coast Laundry. Jersey street St, Johns PETITION. To the Honorable County Court of Mult nomah couuty : We, the undersigned residents and le gal voters of I.iuuton precinct, in Mult uomah county, state of Oregon, hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to unnt to Sherman Cochran a license for the pcriol of six months from the 35th day of May, 1907, to sell spirituus, malt ami vinous liquors, in les nuauti-, ties than one gullon in the town of Linn ton, Linntou precinct, Multnomah j county, state 01 uregou, Prank II. Hilt, Joe KreiU. M. T. Smith, A. L. Trvebee, U. T. Carlson, S. Kinsman, R, II. Hapmau, H.J. Cunniugham, C.Carlson, Win. Grant, l A. Halleck, K. P. Krueger, W. Jovce. I.o'uis Sheik. Gus G. Hengeveld, John Trimau, J. L. Hengeveld, Jette, Ladies' and Gents' Billiard Parlors STINE BLOCK. Owkns Dros., Proprietors. olm M. Stencil, ,ee C. lieebe, W. U. Jesec, . II. White, Gus Pcber. Peter V. Monti, P. Miller, , Helgeuu, Peter Jensen, est on, Lape, cston. R. R, Spauldins, J. Wes J.C. I L. We J. M. Stusen, W. A. Alcorn, Jorugon J, Carr, Victor Swanson, Win, Metivter, A.J. McClure, II. Deverell, Rich Devcrill, Chos. Taylor, Thos. Konkle, G. P. Ikeler, P. Smeti, W. R. Shite, S. Jurnie, Win. Brooks, Five First-class Tables. Drop in and play a game. Central Bar. Sam. Cocukan, Prop. Tuos. Coxdo.v, Mgr. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cochran Block, St. Johns, Oregon! THE LOUVRE I L. RICHARDS, Prop. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A Fine Lunch Served Every Day, PHONU UNION 3105 Liquor for Medicinal Purposes and Family Use W. H. AlcBRAYER (Cedar Brook) Ibis whiskey direct distiller to us. In boud old and aged in wood. E. 0. MAGOON, Distributor 1 1 1 North Jersey St. . St. Johns, Ore from the six years The Wellington KNIGHT 4 CLOVEI, Profrktsn. Fine Wines and Liquors. Family Supplies a Specialty. Holbrook Block, St Johns, Oregon