Johns Ife . ST. REVIEW You Should Patronize The Home Paper. It menus helping St.Jolitis and this means a better city If you work with THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Advertise in The Review Us circulation is genu ine and It covers the field. Its better than n dally In the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 3 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH t, 1907. NO. 16 The New St. Johns Hotel S. COCHRAN &. CO., Proprietors. Finest Meals in the CitjLServed This hostelry is one of the finest in the NbMHpbeing mod" ern and complete in all its appointn1ent9ffiie, wants and comforts of guests are careful rooked af ter at all times. Rates are readable. 1 SASH I glazing j DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement li Paints Oils Glass St. Johns "D." Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHONE SCOTT 4063 JERSEY STREET w.E.swENGELSt. Johns Market Manufacturer of J i We make hand sewed . team harness to order. Our prices guaranteed as low as the same harness muciilue made. Don't be fooled! Factory harness don't cqunt with custom made. St. Johns Harness Shop. A PENNY SAVED Is a penny earned. Many pennies could be earned every day by buying your groceries, dry goods, con fectionery, footwear, etc., at our store. Then the satisfaction of knowing the goods are reliable is . worth while. Try it and see. - - Couch & Company 206 and 208 Philadelphia St. Handmade! fuu, T,iN is of L. j BEEP, PORK, AUJTTON and 1 laiucaa. 1 vpai hamc nArnxi HOMEMADE LARD and SAUSAGES. . Also all kinds of Pickled Aleats. Poultry Dressed to Order. We make Family Trade a spe cial K Ortle'rs solicited and delivered to any part ol the city. Call on us and you will be con vinced that our prices are right. Phone Scott 4062. . Real Estate If you are looking for real estate In vestments that Hill briiiK quick returns and double your money in a short time, call on S. C. COOK Office near Point View Station. BENNETT BROS., Props, ST. JOHNS OYSTER HOUSE 1 1 1 Jersey Street. Professor Mftx.E. Wagner, prop. Oysters in all styles at all hours. Families supplied with fresh oys ters on short notice. PIANOS! Direct from the factory to you. Saves you lifxi. Write for our price list before purchasing. Address Wheeler Piaao Manufacturing Co. I'. O. Uox 367, Portland. PATRONIZE Home Institutions if They Patronize Home In. Million.'. One tiny Inst week our streets were littered with dodgers gotten out by a firm that has just located on Bur lington street. In this hand bill the udvicc is given to "leave your money at home and patronize home Institutions." The fnct is nlso made known in n prominent man ner that the printing of the bill wns done by n Portland printing This is certainly being consistent with a vengeance. Asking our cit izens to patronize home institutions and at the snmc time refusing to do so themselves requires a good deal of nerve on the part of tiny business linn. If the home printing office had first been consulted in the mat ter and if its prices were unreason able or the work could not lie got ten out at the time required, then no fault could be found with this firm lor getting the work done else- wnerc. 1 lie Keview is n local in stitutiou. It is equipped in n tlior UNEQUAL of Valuations in the Assessment Property in St. Johns. As property owners in St. Johns lenrn the valuation of their real estate ns estimated by the county assessor and the amounts they are comtK'lled to pay as taxes some wonderful developments are coming ui iiKiu. mni me values navel been estimated in nu ovcr-the-fence- 5 mid-out sort of n way ninny are ready to admit. Many arc of the! opinion Hint the valuations were IS made in order to sec how much the 3 people could be mulcted. There is nothing fair in the appraisement of values. The whole list from the outside unimproved lots to the most valuable property in the busi ness center shows a carelessness that is almost criminal. To Illustrate: One niece of tiron- crty that sold Inst yenr for $6500 is assessed Si. is on a valuation of t 7000. Another that is and has ' Iiiim U'm-tli itnnm (tr tin .met ...... ........ I .... ..... JV..1 pays 1 taxes. A rnncli of 3 j M I. HOLBROOK C. B. BAILEY St. Johns Land Co. PHONE UNION 3104 The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Firm in St. Johns. 3 AS I At niti'tik' tnnilnrn inniilirr. flu lvi ' UCreS is SlHoo wllllv s3fv-' ' --ni - i 1 -.. ........, , and machinery being of the latest 000 worm 01 proiwrty gels oil by ami most approved Myle and put. p:yK $5 into the county treas- tern. As for workmnnshi its out- ry. A lot that was purchased a ut is suiterior to most of the print- 'ir ago for foo is assessed at its ng that Is ground out In Poitlinid, purchase price, while two houses ami its prices will compare fnvorn- worth -f 2500 ure taxed a paltry So. hie with any reputable printing of- 1 ere are many other instances ficc in thnt city. Therefore. The that might be cited to show the Review has u right to extect the unequal valuations. patronage of St. Johns business U is said that many values in the men. It would be nu easy matter cny were raised ny tne omciais at for the paper to revenge itself upon , the court house. Who determined the business men who do not ad- these values is not known to The verlisc or patronize its job depart Kevlcw. It could not have been mcnt by publishing the fact that lone by any one who was familiar wmi ms work. 1 lie wnoie list ol St. Johns is an excellent location to open 11 business of the nature rep resented by n iiou-ndvcrtiscr. This tian lias been adopted by in.iny ncwspaiicrs, hut The Keview does not desire to follow this course un less forced to tlo so. We are well 1 aware of the fact tlinl there are a valuations shows carelessness and Incompetency. There Is no good reason why one tax payer should be assessed at the full value of his ptocrly while another is allowed to pay taxes 011 a valuation of a final ter of what he owns. To of number of business and nrofe.sslonal asceitaiu the correct valuations men in St. Johns who do not udver- "H property in the county is a dilli tise. Why, we do not know. It ,eult task, but the oflieials in charge may be that they arc ashamed of the fact that they are located In St. Johns and do not want it publicly known, or elsa they would sootier oat than do business. When you sec n (Inn advocating ionic patronage and disregarding ts own theory, It would be well to examine their goods and prices be fore purchasing. .-llllnJM.t III MM .tKVi painstaking. 1 hey are paid and for their work and ure supposed to give It the time auduiltcution it requires. RASE RALL POSTOFFICE s Mini. Now Provided With Ple dred Boxes. From now on the patrons of the St. Johns postodice will have ample room for the transaction of business. ostmaster Valentine has had car- K-uters at work for the past two weeks installing the new partitions and boxes. The new receptacles for mail will occupy a space of over fifty feet. I here will le five com partments for the boxes of various sizes. Three windows for mail, money order and registered letters will also be available. Die boxes are of the regulation attem of wire bottoms, bronzed outside and provided with lock keys. The partitions have been stained and present a handsome upiearauce. The officials will occupy a space 011 the north side of the building, r.vcrytlitng will be ready for the public in n few davs. Postmaster Valentine is to be congratulated on the provisions he las made for the public. Of Course it Paid. "Judge" tells a story of a boy who wrote on the blackboard at school, "John Jones can hug the girls better than any other fellow in the class." A stern inquisition conducted by the teacher fastened the authorship of this declaration upon John Jones himself, and the culprit was commanded to remain after school was dismissed. His sympathetic classmates lingered in the vicinity to ieain his fate. "Well did she lick you?" they inquired, when he finally appeared. "Nope," said John. "Its funny what she kept you in for then," they said. I ain't a-gom to tell," he an swered, but it pays to advertise." For Rent. Two store rooms and office rooms, pposite tostoiiice. Inquire of Killgreen & Hryant, 720 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Bring in your printing now. St. John i to Have a First Class Ball Club. 4 5? 4, 4.' 4 4 4' 4 ' 41 4' 4' 4 41 4 ' .' ' i 8 s Si s 4k' EAST ST. JOHNS Lots now on sale $.100 and upwards. Ten per cent down and $10 per month. Located at intersection of Columbia Boulevard and electric car line two blocks from Great North ern and Northern Pacific depots, and Maeley Junction. In the heart of railroad and packing district. At n well attended meeting held in M. W. A. hall on the 21st ult. It was decided that St. Johns will have a ball club to represent her on the diamond this summer, There is plenty of material on the lower lK'iiiusula to select from, ami 1 all have declared n willingness to 1 j assist in giving the city a first class . article of ball. Representatives J were chosen to attend a meeting ofi the Portland City League and ! ascertain whether a club from this 1 1; city could gum admission. un being informed that this would be done, on condition that u club organize, 11 meeting was held Sat urday night, and organization in fected by the election of the follow ing officers: President F. W. Valentine. Secretary Frank Goodcll. Treasurer I). C, Rogers. Hxecutive Committee S. C. Norton, Pascal Hill. Pascal 1 1 ill offered the use of his grounds and promised to put and keep them in Ai order. Many players were present und signed up with the club for a trial. All home players are Invited to leave their names with the secretary that they may be given u chance for a place on the club. St. Johns Land Co., i St. Johns LAND OFPIC1; ON OROrXI) AT SMITH'S CROSSINC, Phone Union .1101 Oregon Listen Ami remember the next time you suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your head nearly bursts from neuralgia try liullurd's Snow Liniment. It will cure you. A prominent business man of Hempstead, Texas, writes: "I have used your liniment. Previous to using it I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism and Neuralgia. I am pleased to say that now I am free from these complaints. I am sure I owe this to your liniment.' bold by St Johns Drug Store. OOOOSkODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOX"X"'5 Bickner Brothers Department Store All Goods Sold at Portland Prices! Subscription Notice. The subscription price of Tint Rkvij'.w outside of Multnomah county is $1.50 jer year 111 ad vance. All pawns will be dis continued at the expiration of the time paid for. Keup a hir'u stock of (iumuul .MuriliiindUu, iiuliidin Dry Goods, Hoots and Kliou, (Irocurics, Hurdwuiu, Ilunsu KiiiuisliinH, Feed, Ktc. In fuel avurytliing. Thoir Pritua am right. Don't waslu your tiuio goiii' to l'orllanil, lint eoino in and kco our stuck and prices. Remember The Big Department Store Corner Jursoy Sticut und Uroadway St. Johns, Oregon EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Phone Scott 4065 ST. JOHNS, Or 0OOOOOOO( r PORTLAND and SUBURBAN EXPRESS CO. CITY I'lIONH MAIN 35 Reasonable Rates Quick Service Phone Woodlawn 818 C. W. STEARNS, Agt. at St. Johns s i I t s X . . v ( ( . t t v l I l t . I 1 t l I T t