St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 22, 1907, Image 2

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rubllnW Krery FrlJr
Subscription ralM, $t.00 per imr In adirsnee.
AilrertUInK rutfi, 1.00 per Inch per month.
All advertising bills pajailo flnl of tcb
Job rrlnllne executed In flrst-etais i.jle.
tltlli for Job 1'rlntlne cub on delivery.
All communication! ihnuld bo addreiied to
The Review, Ht. Johns, uregon.
Tint RttVlMV Is entered at jxjst ofTicc
in Sitlnt Johns, Oregon, ns nmll twitter
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3i 1879.
Offlclil Newspaper of the Oltr ft BU Joans,
Phono East 610G.
After nil the promises made by
the candidates Inst June doesn't the
work of the present legislature jar
you ?
A census of the railroad passes
Issued to the members of the legis
lature would make mighty interest
ing reading.
With nearly 700 pupils attending
the public school, and twenty
teachers employed .St. Johns seems
to have all she can handle.
The establishment of a slate
printing plant and putting the state
printer on a Hat salary is only trans
fernng the so-called graft to niioth
er quarter.
If congress would strive to appro
nriatc ten or fifteen million dollars
to build fi eight cars instead of try
ititr to out tltcad the Drcadiiaught,
the Milliliters and producers of this
country could pay the expense of a
war in n very few years.
While a number of the suburbs
of Portland aie howling about their
water supply and what they arc
going to do when the dry season
sets in, St. Johns sits back iwrfcctly
contented by the fact that there is
plenty of the best water in the
world 011 hand for all, ami some to
spare. I'rostiective buyers should
be informed of this important fact.
If twelve men run ho found who
will send a man to the electric sum paid for wages, fuel, etc., 100,
What Was Done at the Meeting
Tuesday Night.
Thirty -one people squeezed them
selves into the palatial city hall to
hear the deliberations of the council
at the regular meeting luesuay
niirht. and a majority of them re
untitled until the close of a long
All members were in their seats
when the meeting was called to
order. The minutes of the last
uicetine were read and approved.
A communication was received
from Mrs. W. W. Goodrich and
C. L. Goodrich expressing their
appreciation of the sympathy and
condolence tendered by the council
during the sickness and death of
the husband and father, the late
W. W. Goodrich, city engineer,
C. K. Goodrich, son of the late
architect of the city hall, asked
that Vt per cent of the amount of
the contract lor ntusuiug me city
hall be paid him on the ground
that the work should have been
started January 1. The request
was refused and the matter laid 011
the table, the council contending
that an administrator should be
appointed so that the affairs could
be settled hi a Icual way.
J. F. Hendricks asked for and
was granted permission to erect a
woodshed 10x16 feet on Jersey
street within the fire limits, prpvid
ing it was covered witli corrugated
Chief of Police Hredeson reported
that he had been tumble to obtain
any satisfaction from Judge Web
ster in the matter of settling the
bills paid out by the city for the
relief of the poor. A bill of $20
for relief of Mrs. Datigherty was
granted, however.
Aid. Norton presented a request
from the Woolen mill that Tacotua
street and the sidewalks lending to
the mill be improved, stating that
the mill contemplated increasing its
capacity After a brief discussion
the matter was referred to the street
Aid. Norton read a report from
the woolen mill giving the amount
of business done the past year. The
number of employes was 125; the
chair for killing 11 venomous snake
like Stiiufoid White the gtealest
ciuioMly of modern times will have
been discovered. We do not be
lievc it will be done. As White
wits protected in Ills hellish woik,
why not piotccl the er.Miii who rid
the earth of his pieseiice.
The following fiom the whole
sale luiKir houses to the .small
pi luting olliees throughout the
state shows how the paiier trust is
slowly but mm civ driving them to
the wall ami foiciug the printing
into the hands of the big concerns
that buy their Mock in car load lots:
"Owing to the advance in prices
ny t lie tuatimncttitcrs ol almost all
gnidcM of pacr and envelops we
1110 obliged to withdraw all former
quotation. All nidcrscnttiistcd to
us will be charged at the lowest
IKwible pi ice."
D.iiiiu I'tikhioii has ordained that
the wukp wnUt U the piuer thing
lor inaJiioimidv IimIivh to cultivate
It is M range, indeed, how iutelli
gnt womvii will diMoit and outrage
lliutruodie mi older to Ik.-in style
III ItcHlth, cotiMtiiitttiou and death
CHiiuot ltellt but follow in the wake
of fashion latent decree. The cor
Hit is rpotuible for a much mis
cry hi the world an strong drink
As far 11 lwMiity is concerned, a
woman with it figute the shae of
an Hour glut l tar Irom attractive.
Hut the edict ha gone foilh and
tuiiht 1 10 obeyed, of couioc.
. t
wiuie 11 is wen known 10 many
of the older tetiidents of the city,
it may be new to many to learn
tliat, altlioiiglt lie gave piopvrty to
the city that is now woith hundreds
of thoUMiudti of dollars, no stone or
monument matks the gtave of the
late jameti joniis. it nattily seems
possible that the old pioneer is for
gotten. 11 woiim oe a lilting rec
ognition of his generous donation
to the cause of education in the city
which bears his name that his
tasting place should be muiked
witli a handsome monument. It
has been spoken of many times,
but its yet no action has been taken.
For Rheumatic Sufferers.
1 lie quick lelief from pain af
forded by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Halm makes it a favorite with
Mtiioieis from rheumatism, sciatica,
lame back, lumbago, and deep
.settled ami muscular pains,
sale by St. Johns Drug Stote,
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Simmons
dusue to thank the M. W. A.
Yeomen and others for their sym
pathy and condolence during the
illness and death of their little
daughter, I.aviua.
For Rent.
Two store rooms and office rooms,
opiosite iKislolhce.
Killgreen it Hryaut, 7:
of Commeice building,
Inquire of
o Chamber
Hand trotters at the West Coast
Laundry, Apply at once.
The Review will keep you posted,
ooo, ami the business done amount
ed to 300,000 gross.
I he secretary of the fire depart
incut .submitted an inventory of the
hit apparatus owned by the city.
I lie lillls of I.oveioy iV Lincoln
of $20 for a police docket, St. Johns
Lumber Co., fuel f.1.50, and the
Centtal Hotel, boarding prisoners
-to, were allowed,
A. I). McDonald was granted
iHM'iuissioii to build a structure a6x
20x22 feet 011 the rear of his Jersey
street proicrty ptovltlcd the same
be enclosed with coritigated iron.
Aid. iNoiiou iiiiormed the conn
cil that the charter commission had
completed its work of tevisiug the
charter, ami that the document was
icatly to be turned over to the conn
City Attorney Greene stated that
the I cst way of handling the revised
charter would be for the council to
pass iikiii it, then submit it to a
mass meeting of the iieople ami
allow them to vote iiimhi its adop
lion 01 rejection and take the
chance on it in case an enabling act
for its adoption does not pass the
C, I,. Goodrich was appointed
city engineer and stiervlsuig arch
led 01 tlie new city lmll, vice
W. W. Goodrich, deceased.
i he matter of laying a street
crossing connecting the I, O. O. P.
mill and Ninth s Pharmacy was
refcued to the building committee,
In the matter of the opening of
Richmond sheet Aid. Hewitt
thought the reort "of the viewers
should be icferred back to them for
reconsideration, Aid. King was
of the opinion that the viewers
would not amend their retKtrt.
Laid on the table. Aid. Norton
was delegated to confer with Mrs.
Caples and daughter and see what
could be done to close the matter
An ordinance tegulating and
licensing plumbers, drafted by the
local plumbets, was read and re-
fcried to the city attorney for
The demand of the street con
tractors for their money for gtndiue
done during the Mst season brought
up a discussion as to how to obtain
the money, C, N, Hraasch ami
15. C, Httrlbttrt of Chicago street
gave their views, t he city attor
ney was iusttttctcd to given written
When the order of new business
was reached Aid. fsortou trotted
out St. Johns' sore spot otherwise
Known as the new city hall and
the currying and grooming the
blemished nag received caused its
most ardent admirers to open their
eyes with amazement.
" I he president of this council,
Aid. King, a couple of weeks ago
stated," said Aid. Norton, "that if
it had not been for the minority the
new city hall would have been
completed a couple of mouths ago.
lo me this remark .sounds like the
tail wagging the dog. 1 wish to
explain matters. When I speak of
the council I mean the majority.
The minority are Aid. Hewitt,
Dobie and myself. We have been
called 'the solid three.' As Aid.
Dobie and myself are the only rep
resentatives of the First ward on
the council I lelieve we have some
thing to account for to our constitu
ents, As it has been published
broadcast that if it had not been
for the minority the city hall would
have been completed, I desire to
put the minority on record. I
know at one time the minority
appealed to the majority asking
that one of them come to their
assistance to save the honor of the
council and the finances of the
city. And still we are accused of
retarding progress. We will see."
Commencing at the beginning
Aid. Norton began a review of the
entire work.
"The architect told us the city
hall could be built for .$10,000,
said the speaker. "At first the
lowest bid was $13,000 Then a
secret session of the council was
held. At this star chamber session
it was stated that no matter what
the hall would cost the city could
stand it. The minority did not
approve of it, and the city attorney
told us we were powerless to enjoin
the work if the council let the con
Then the matter of bids was ana
lyzed. "There were five bids,
but only two were sealed," said Mr,
Norton, "and belore the contract
was let the contractor invited a
crowd to drink, declaring that he
had the contract. That incident
put the minority on their guard.
How did the contractor know he
had the contract? Who told him
he had the contract? The minority
wanted nil bids rejected, but were
voted down. This contractor's
actions disgusted everybody. Pay
nir 11 s men oil over a bar was one
of the ways he did business.
"We all remember the vault
episode. How several men ap
beared with sealed bids at the
rcottest of the chairman of the
building committee when the conn
cil was in ignorance of their mis
sion. Steel vaults were to be
placed in the building without the
council having a wortl to say. Is
it any wonder the council are try
inn to point their finger at the
"Alderman Dobie was threatened
in his office ami I was told I 'was
to hit the ground' if certain things
were not done in the council.
"The shed that the council
allowed the contractor to build on
the McDonald lot grew into a two
story building, but it was not done
with the consent of the minority.
"(July recently an attempt was
made to saddle the numerous debts
of the contractor on the city, but
the mayor came to the rescue mid
refused to sign the notices.
"The material in the city hall is
of poor quality, and the building is
falling down. Who is responsible
for it? Who furnished the brick
ami who is to be paid for it ? I can
exonerate Aid. King because Aid.
Raser says he is not connected with
the local brick yard. Hut who is
Aid. Norton sitoke for fifteen
minutes, and concluded by saying
that if the p.'ople saw fit to censure
the minority he Iioih.i1 they would
be lenient.
Aid. King retaliated by saying
he thought it very uugciitlemauly
to Insinuate that the council was
guilty of accepting bribes. lie for
one was willing to stand by the
records and let the teople judge of
his actions.
Aid. Kascr claimed that 011 nc
count of the interference of the
minority the city hull would cost
two or three thousand dollars more
than it should. There was plenty
of money to finish the building.
If the minority had behaved them
selves the building would have
been completed two mouths ago
Kvcrythiug had been done in the
open from the letting of the bids to
the present time.
Aid. Hewitt took exception to the
statements made by Aid. Kascr,
ami corrected him, and tin denial
was made.
Adjourned to tomorrow evening
at which time the charter will le
Regarding the Proposed Plumbing
The effort on the part of the
plumbers of St. Johns to get an or
dinance passed requiring any one
engaging in the plumbing business,
to first obtain a license is right and
just as far as it goes, but, if you
will carefully look up conditions in
our neighboring city, Portland, you
will find a gigantic trust built up
on that particular ordinance. IMrst,
a property owner may be just as
good a workman os the plumber
himself, but can he do his own
work? No, lie must get a licensed
plumber to do it for him, and he
must pay him from 75 cents to it
per hour for doing it. The plumber
docs not send a first class workman
but some boy that is acting as a
helper, and the property owner
must pay the 75 cents or i for
inferior work, and the licensed
plumber pockets it. The helper
gets the experience at the property
owners expense. That is one of
the reasons why a clause should be
inserted in the ordinance to read,
"Kxccpt a property owner doing
his own work.
I also noted while the proposed
ordinance was being discussed that
certain specifications were intro
dticcd requiring that work must be
done a certain way. Kvcry one is
aware of the fact that the city of
St. Johns has a health and nuisance
ordinance which would cover defee
tive plumbing, and would give the
police department power to have
the same removed and corrected.
Now if an ordinance is passed re
quiring certain specifications to be
followed, it will be necessary to
create an office of plumbing inspect'
or, which must necessarily carry a
salary of trout 7100 lo $150 per
mouth. If there is no inspector
what is the use of the specification?
And every tax payer of St. Johns
ought to raise up in open rebellion
if a new expense is saddled up on
them just for the benefit of three
or four plumbers, viz., an office of
inspector. And this is not the fin
ish. If you will look a little further
into the matter you will find that
where there is a plumbing and
building inspector, that he tisunlly
is one of the same trade, which
must necessarily be so, and that
upon inspecting a piece of work,
that which he wishes lo see he can
sec, and what he does not want to
see he can not see. It has been
stated by some one that if we hail a
plumbing ordinance like Portland
we would not have had frozen
pipes, etc.. during the cold weather.
Let mc say that I have proierty in
Portland to look after, also in bt.
Johns, ami that the St. Johns
plumbing stood the test better than
the Portland. Look into this mat'
tcr belore you act, Mr. Cotiiicllmeu.
n. C. Hurlbcrt.
Figure Up!
fitrurc up how lonir it will take lots that arc sell
ing at $40, $50, $60, $80 and $100 each, and within a half
mile of St. Johns, to dcttblc in value.
Call to mind the fact that barely n little over five
years ago lots in St. Johns were selling at the same prices,
and that blocks that are now worth from $50,000 to $100,
000 sold for $500 each.
Then ask yourself why a small investment in the
Lots at Linnton!
would not be a good way
time. There is plenty of
to double your money in a short
deep water frontage on the oppo
site bank of the river- This means more industries. Do
you sec the point ?
The new turpentine and alcohol plant is going up.
Other industries will soon follow. This will cause the price
of real estate to advance. Better get in now while prices
arc low. They will advance in the near future. It will
nothing to investigate. Let us show you. Ten per
down and $5 per mouth.
SccC. F. Bunker, 514 Chamber of Commerce, Port
laud, Ore.; A. Hardy, on the ground, or
The ladies of the M. K.
will give a bazaar and
Master week. Watch for
next week.
St. Johns, Ore.
Let for Building the New North l-iul
School House.
The school board owned the bids
received for the erection of the new
school house last Monday evening
and found them to be as follows:
Melclt & Mourer $i,595
P. J, Koeruer 16,700
A. R. Richardson 17.169
W. C. Adams , 18,440
Crook t Walton. 20,000
A. W, Powers & Co., 21,750
A, 1. Peterson .-23.367
At a meeting of the board held
Wednesday evening Messrs, Welch
& Mourer, the lowest bidders, were
and the contract closed with them
for the construction of the building
and work has already commenced
and will be pushed forward as fast
as possible. The successful bidders
are the builders of the new Salem
high school building, which is one
of the latest school structures 011
the coast,
It is to be regretted that our home
bidders could not have been sue
cessful in the contest, but they were
an aware ot the amount to which
the board of directors were limited.
I he board of directors have been
actuated by only one object and that
was to secure the best at the lowest
possible cost. This has been dem
onstrated in the advantageous sale
of the school bonds and the lettimr
of the contract for the construction
of the school building and purchase
of grounds for the same, which has
all been accomplished within the
limit prescribed.
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
(Prom the Chicago Tribune)
"Don't trifle with a cold," is
good advice for prudent men and
women. It may be vital in the
case of a child. Proper food, good
ventilation, and dry, warm clothing
are the proper safeguards against
colds. If they are maintained
through the changeable weather of
autumn, winter ami spring, the
chances of a surprise from ordinary
colds will be slight. Hut the ordi
nary light cold will become severe
if neglected, and a well established
ripe cold is to the genus of diph
theria what honey Is to the bee.
The greatest menace to child life
at this season of the year Is the
neglected cold." Whether it is a
child or adult, the cold slight or
severe, the very best treatment that
can be adopted is to give Chamber
Iain's Cone It Remedy. It is safe
and sure. The great popularity
and immense sale of this prepara
tion bus been attained by its re
markable cures of this ailment. A
cold never results itt pneumonia
when it is given. I' or sale by bt.
Johns Drug Store.
Arthur Mollis, 1'lalntlff.
I.ura Mollis, Defcudunt.
To I.ura Mollis, the above named defend
In the name of the State of Oregon
you arc herebv summoned and required
to appear ami answer the complaint filed
against you m itie auovc entitled sun on
or belore the 6th day of April, 1907,
which is after six weeks have expired
Irom tlie date ol the lirst publication 01
this summons. It is prescribed in the
Order for the publication of summons
that the smumous be published for six
uccesiivc weeks and said order was
made and dated the tlth day of Pebru
ary, ix7. and the first publication there
of is made this 32nd day ot February,
1907, ami if you Ian to appear ami
uiswer. the lilaiutitt will atmlv to the
court for the relief prayed for in her
Mlid comolalut. to wit:
That the bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now exUttni; between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved and that
he be divorced from her the said defend
ant, and for such other further and
further relief as shall seem equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks in the St.
Johns Review by order of the Honorable
Alfred P. Scant. Jr.. Judge of the above
entitled court made the tlth day of Feb
ruary, 1907,
II. UHM.l.UnK,
White House
Finest rooming house in St. Johns.
Drand new houseand furniture.
Modern electric lighted.
Hot and cold water.
Tlatlt and toilet rooms on both floors.
Telephone, reading room and all
the latest daily news.
No extra charge for any of the ex
tra accommodations of the
house. All free.
Rooms from 75c per week tip.
Same treatment to all we have no
pets or star roomers.
We are out for business and are
getting it.
Give us a trial.
Working men a specialty.
Phone Scott 4065,
W. J. Galyean, Mgr.
107 Decatur street,
Near Riverside Hotel.
L. B. Chipman
Real Estate
R J. Koerner,
Attorney for the plaintiff
414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
rirsi insertion rcuruary it, xyjj,
Iut insertion April J, 1907,
Plans and specifications
furnished on application.
done with neatness and
500 it joxtoo, cor.; two-story brick
is ueuiK erected in same block.
This is a splendid investment, and you
had better look into it at once.
$ 2000 Lot 35x100; a close in iiulde lot
on Jersey street,
faoo Lot 50x100, A nearby residence
lot: 5 cosh if you build at once.
foo Lot 50x100. Pine location; one
half cash. Lot 100x100 on Philadelphia St.
Notary Public.
To Make Money
from real estate investments
care should be exercised
In buying. The man who
makes the most money out
of real estate is he who In
vests in property that wllj
Increase in value rapidly.
Some Rare Bargains
ore to be found In our list
of desirable properties. A
visit to our office aud an
investigation of property
listed with us will prove
that 110 better investment
can be made anywhere in
St. Johns than the pur
chase of some of our late
offerings. Call and let us
show you what we have.
nL: n. n.
vuDie, reierson a to.
Jersey Street.
Liquor for Medicinal Purposes
and Family Use
(Cedar Brook)
This whiskey direct from the
distiller to us. Iu bond six years
old and aged in wood.
E. 0. MAGOON, Distributor
1 1 1 North lnt) St St John, Ore.
The Finest of Wines,
Liquors and
A Fine Lunch Served Kvery Day.
Suites of two to four rooms, also
single rooms. Situated oue block
from Columbia University, near
cor. of Fisk St. and Boulevard.
Furnished or Unfurnished. A
pleasant walk from St. Johns,
Convenient to Bridge and mills.
Woodlawst 0C