St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 15, 1907, Image 2

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Publlahed Kverr Frtilty
HuWrlptlon rttea, f 1.00 per Tear In advance.
Advcrtialnp; ratea, 11.00 per inch per month.
All idteitlalng bills pajrtle Brat of oich
Job Printing eieeuted In flrat-elaia itjrt.
nltli for Job Printing caah on dtllfcrr.
All communlesttona ahould be addraaaad to
The Uerlew, St. Johna, Oreron.
Tint KKVIKW Is entered nt tiost office
in Snlnt Johns, Oregon, n3 ninll matter
of the Rccoml clns9 under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Official Ntwapiper of the Oltr ef St Joans,
Phono East 0106.
Gives a
Detailed Ftory
Official Career.
of His
making a total for the year $135.25.
Alt these bills were contracted at
the desire and will of the people,
and none of the money seems to
have been wasted.
Greene. Notary Public In and for
said County and State, VV. L.
Thorndykc, who signed the above
and foregoing instrument and made
oath that the same is true to the
With the additional street im
provements to be done this .summer
St. Johns will be one of the most
attractive cities in Oregon.
The city election is less than six
weeks away. It will be held on
the first dav of April. The man
who gets defeated will be April
The Review welcomes commuii
callous from its subscribers. Write
to the point. lixplain matters
thoroughly mid your ideas will
The legislature seems to be quite
busy trying to trip Gov. Chamber
lain, but tip to the present time the
executive has mummed to avoid all
the stumbling blocks.
The Jat scare has simmered
down, but George Dewey, the hero
of Manila Hay is on record that the
IJ. h. navy can knock the spots oil
the little brown fellows.
Hood River tieople's dream of 11
new county has again gone glim
mering. The legislature has passed
the matter up iiidelinitely, anil
Hood River apples will continue to
be grown in Wusco county.
1 he stieet car service between
our city tind the .suburbs is getting
ti'nrcii Mttil unfL'it I 'nru tint tistl I tii I t . .
..w.. ...... .r, ...v. ;-" Demi puiii iy mis administration a
outline 111 11 Mantling room is inn l0,n f ..,, ... dickies ti,,.
premium in the evenings. It is ,.,.,, ,,.,1 ir,ut . lritfliir fi Iwlimr,
:....!.! -1 1. 1 .". .. .........
liumwiK iniiiMini i mpiuc 1111 mini off IVIO.68 yet Unpaid.
aim a uau 111 going one way. This report is authentic, as the
entile matter was procrly exerted
To the Citizens and Tax-payers
of the City of St. Johns:
In order that all citizens and all
tax-payers and all voters of this
city may readily understand the
disposition that this administration
has made of the city funds I have
cone carefully over every record of
expenditure thus far made; and I
have collected a mass of informa
tlon which must prove, if carefully
perused by the reader, of great
Nearly every day the questions
are asked of me, "What has become
of all the money paid into the city
treasury? Why is it that when
$4000 for license alone was paid
to you there is now no money with
which to pay legitimate debts?'
Wlicn the reasons are explained in
a brief manner a disdainful smile
creeps over the face of the titles
tiouer, and he turns away fully
convinced that there is a vein of
this much reputed graft running
through the entire story.
It certainly docs seem odd that
with the income shown on tin
books of the city there should be
now the condition existing which
precludes the possibility of settling
claims constantly being made by a
citv that is ltowIik' nt a rnnid rate
Had the present administration
commenced business with a clean
slate, with no debts long created
crying for Immediate settlement,
there would have been a handsome
surplus at this time, and every sal- Street repairs
arv. every improvement, every Sewer tax
claim would have been promptly
Hut it was not such a condition
that confronted the present admin
istratlou. There were old claims
against the City of St. Johns,
lucked ut by warrants legally
issued, to the amount of;
these warrants were drawing Inter
est mid it was the general desire of
those concerned to take up these
warrants as rapidly as possible.
stop the interest, and wipe nut the
debt. Of that $.1122.12 there has
Last vear there were no electric best of his knowledge and belief.
Ihrlttt for the eltv excent a counle In testimony whereof, I have
of free ones. The citv has since hereunto set my hand and official
contracted for a scries of arcs, and
thus far warrants have been drawn
to the General Iilcctric Co. for
$261.45. all of which have been
paid. There have been more than
this amount of bills allowed, but
under the charter a warrant cannot
be issued unless there is money in
the fund to pay the same, except
for salar es and on judgments:
hence, these arc bcintr held In this
Amontr minor b lis allowed are:
snec al police for Sundays and boll
davs. 6o: addition to public dock,
$21; watching fires, 34; viewers
on Modoc street, $18, besides scores
of others.
And now a word about the sal
aries of officials. Last year the
salary list was $3262.50; this year I jolitis Drugstore,
the list amounts to $4758. Of this 2
sum there has been paid at least
The summary of the items as set
forth In this article follows-
seal the day and year last above
written. S. H. Greene,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Even From (lie Mountains
Ballard's Snow Liniment is praised
for tlie good it does. A sure cure
for Rheumatism and all pains.
Wright W. Loving, Grand Junc
tion, Colo., writes: "I used Bal
lard's Snow Liniment, last winter,
for Rheumatism and can recommend
it as the best liniment on the mark
et, l thought, at the tunc I was
taken down with this trouble, that
It would be a week before I could
get about, but on applying your
Liniment several times during the
night, I was about in 48 hours and
well in three days." Sold by St.
Figure Up!
Old debt paid $273 1 .44
Interest (presumably) . .
Old salaries
City hall site
Water Company
Fire bell
Hose and Sundries
Hayes Street Injunction
W.C. T U. Entertainment.
The W. C. T. U. have prepared
the following program to be ren
dered Monday evening, Feb. 18, at I
8 o clock:
Piano Solo Mrs. Johnson.
Devotional Services Mrs. Scott.
Song Junior L. T. L.
Life of Frances Willard Rev.
Vocal Duct -Johnny and Clifford
Reading Gordon Parker.
Instrumental Soto Miss Lillian
File and Docket . .
Flection excuses
W. W. Goodrich .
Minor bills ,
Salaries this year . ,
Total amount paid out 10,242.78
Here then, is the answer to the
query "What has become of the
f.1000 license money?' With
$10242.78 accounted for the reader
can readily note that there has not
31-34 Spattlding.
t67-52 Reading Mrs. Kcclcr.
50.80 Mandolin Solo Howard Helm.
25-75 Duct Roy and Lillian Perkins.
105. 15 Reading Klsie Tollman.
3"-35 Duct Hazel Couch and Gcr-
479-27 trudc Ualdwlu.
135-25 Presentation of Frances Willard's
I33-OQ picture to school Mrs. Additou.
2920.00 Reception of picture on behalf
of school Prof. Aldersou.
Solo Miss Kinnia Harlow.
What's the use of belonging to
the Commercial club if you do not
attend the meetings? If you want
the city to grow, help it along.
Don t he 11 diniic, or too selfish to
cute whether anybody else gets
along in the world besides youiself.
won t be a dead one.
Ah there will In all probability be
more building in .St. Johns the
coming season than ever before
many are of the opinion that an
ordinance regulating and governing
plumbing should be p.issed. It
will prevent much defective work,
save unnecessary annoyance and
hundreds of dollars of excuse,
It is reputed that Coal Oil Johnny
Rockefeller has set aside over thirty
million tlollais to be used in the
cause of education. It would be
infinitely better if John would re
mice the price of oil 11 few cents,
and thus help the jxior, as they are
the principal ttsets of the oil, not
being financially able to use elec
.ft. 1 . . . .
iricuy instead. udticallou Is a
1 .1.1 1 ... .., . . .
Kmhi mini;, nut a uiii Momacii is
much better.
The pleasant weather of the past
lew days has caused the local poll
tieiaus to swarm, mid ixilltical am
bilious ate swelling high in their
bosoms. Little knots of men are
tiauy seen gathered together Uku
our streets, and besides thanking
(toil that they ate iK-ruiitted to live
in Oregon, they talk lkilitics. Some
want to be couiiciliueii and say so,
01 tiers want to be but are too mod
est to admit it, and hoie that their I;.
friends will take up the matter for
them, hlcctiou time is drawing
uigii, aiui toe utile Knots ot men
will continue to gather and tunic
will be added until the political pot
is boned to u tiiiish,
- m
1 ue 1 uaw uitiruer case now 011
trial in New York city is attracting
1 ue ttiicuiiou ot the entire nation.
From the evidence thus far adduce
White had no right to live, His
sole aim nppaieutly was to ruin am
debauch young eirls. His wealth
by 1111 efficient accountant and can
be sworn to, if necessary.
It might be well to suggest rinlit
here that if the render labors under
the Impression that a city of 4000
iwople can lie governed and
handled as cheaply as a town of
px (the size of hi. Johns in 1900)
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
(From the Chicago Tribune)
"Don't trifle with a cold." is I
ltiti ni I tlf (iW f tariff ! t .! I
t . a I liV4 III It,. IUI III IIVIlIll, MICH lllltll
icciiiivery wholesale looting 01 ..,. T, ,., i, ,,, ... .
.!... it .1... .1 ...I. I J .... HIV I
mc iraiaury, even 11 tue which- . nt i, 1,1 iirnM.rIn,i i
dog of the finances" had never ..nttlatioii. mid drv . wnr...rln,M.,J
trlt'Kti n rrmtl I . i . I
" J", ?T n 1 1 i.t are the proper safeguards oga 11st
Since taking my official position Li,i., 1 ir .1..... ...t..?i
II 1 t 1 f vw,ui HI.) Uli,
have drawn a large number o lhrm the cinI?Kcn,)Ie wcntllcr of
warrants, 995 11 all. Many of nuU, w,mcr h1(1 , ,
hese were for the work clone 011 C,W11CCJ, of n W Lse tQn
the various streets improved, and
it must be remembered that a war
rant must be drawn upon every
fractional piece of protierty along
each street improved, lhesevar
ions amounts are in no manner
any farther pursuit of l i s article I rilfltt-iul ltilr tint fi ttt at ) 4 inn mwn ttt ai I
will bt tim-lfKX. Kor ,l,,li,. .1 KV" , """'"V'"" " t this SCflSOII of the y
.... .,, nil year, uwuum: every nircei ,...-.. -tri r
liiii-iiiliiMx nt nut- Mnri nf ii t. .-.. I .' iiicgiccteu com. y
: I liniM niKc care ui ltscit. na mow 0u, nr mlulr tin. v.l.l
ineiit. tin ess t it? tn-oti tnko snfli. i i.i i... .1... -1 I ciHiu or niiuu, the cold
. i" . .:: .... . .' , . s 1111 lw " in wny imrjh severe, the verv best
Cieill lllieiCM Id lUVCSlieillC llllt nut- nf tliH. iliiirnv..ii,..,itd
consider all matters,
any of these improvements
same ko far nM iirititluc nntlrt-4 to
prise from ordlnnrv
colds will be slight. lint the ordi
nary iignt com wilt become severe
if neglected, and a well established
ripe cold is to the eernis of diph
theria what honey is to the bee.
'! i nnnlul ............ 1- .1.11.1 l!f . I
t ll; IVHICIt II1VI1UIC IU lllllll UICI
car is the
hcthcr His a I
slight or I
lrintmriit tlitit
cxt-cpi cn Iju ndoDtMl la Q P iniiilr.
. " . r. -
Iain's Lough Kcmedy. It is
figure up how long it will take lots that are sell
ing at $40, $50, $60, $80 and $ioo each, and within a half
mile of St. Johns, to dcuble in value.
Call to mind the fact that barely a little over five
years ago lots in St. Johns were selling at the same prices,
and that blocks that arc now worth from $50,000 to $100,
000 sold for $500 each.
Then ask yourself why a small investment in the
Lots at Linnton!
would not be a good way to double your money in a short
time. There is plenty of deep water frontage on the oppo
site bank of the river- This means more industries. Do
you sec the point?
The new turpentine and alcohol plant is going up.
Other industries will soon follow. This will cause the price
of real estate to advance. Better get in now while prices
are low. They will advance in the near future. It will
cost nothing to investigate. Let us show you. Ten per
cent down and $5 per month.
SccC. I Bunker, 514 Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, Ore.; A. Hardy, on the ground, or
administration i.imv l. .......U- 1 " " i. ...!."" . '" ' Kemctly. It IS Safe
unjustly accused iy the s h ""CV" U ' .s' " Rreat popularity
1UHI WIICI1 OMCC IIIC lUIIHI IS llMSea lu iuhmi w nun ntii nt ntiv tlim. In
iuucii ioo: must ic suimmtal n.,. .t,.!
oeiore a cnange is wrought. a word or two about the finances
AIIIIOSl tlie lirst tiling I did IIPOII nf thr n,.u. ritv- Imll u-tll ,mt 1.
taking )osse.s.iiou of this ofiice, I amiss in this article since rumor
ins carried so much falseness about
me city, i ne nrst contract was
awarded to Youugferdorf Si Sou at
the figure of f 7953, and the agree
meiit was to have the contract
nprii 7, 100(1, was to draw war
rants for the salaries of most of the
officers whose terms expired about
that time. Those that I drew
made a total of f G.s.u while already
tli.r. I....1 1....... ii.Cii.tit , I. .1... I ... .
.. 1 mm iiuwiii:ii iiik 1 rnnitil.-liHl nn nr lilnr Iiiiimiri. i
... . .. t. . .... V I ....... ,
hmimiiiicc 01 me justice conn war- ,907. Up to this time there has
rants 10 uie ainouii ot M31 i.on. )W ovcr 1 7000 wor, of work ,,,,
About the next thing that I did materials ,,t into the job, yet
wijiitMiuiwu warrant 10. 37 U there has paid by the city
for 1517.50 as a first payment nnk- 5non. sn ih-r.. n..., i
1iH.11 tue sue ior a city n;m. irae- danger of the city's losing one tlol
iiiiiwi muvK 1 luiiej jauies joiius ar .... ....... Bi1,ll or foril.
Atlditiou, Of this amount $i.sool wiwii tin. i.iiiiiiimr timii 1
was principal, and 1 7.50 interest enclosed there will lie 1000 more
Ukjii t ie piucnase price 01 due: vet that navinent cannot be
ami immeiise sale ot this prepara
tion has becu attained by its re
markable cures of this ailment. A
cold never results in pneumonia
wncii it is given. lor sale by St.
Johns Drug Store.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express to our many
menus our heartfelt thanks and
sincere gratitude, and appreciation
of the kind assistance and offers of
assistance rendered and tendered
us during the teceiit illness and
death of our beloved husband and
father. Mrs. M. H. Goodrich,
Clenath h. Goodrich
Win. M. Goodrich
Ivan T. Goodrich
Thomas M. Goodrich.
St. Johns, Ore.
White House
Finest rooming house in St. Johns,
A" . . y a
August o, 1 00x1. 1 tuew war
rant No. 1011 in favor of the St.
Johns Water Company for 378;
this was for rent of the fire hy
drants as far back as February
i9"5- 'Hie taxes uikin the city
proiieny amounting to sis, 15 were
. f . I I - .
p.iHi 111 iime, aim tiuriiig the year
i.VJ (( tor cnaiity.
1 he lire Iiell cast the city $183.-
30, the St. Johns I.tiiiUHT Co. tlo
natiiig the lumber for the tower;
hose and sundries for the fire
department amounted to $415,65.
I he cost in the circuit court
regarding the injunction in the
Hayes street matter amounted to
M'55i which was paid. A disin
fecting apiwratus, together with a
stock of the best formaldehyde.
has been bought for $31, 34. includ
ing transportation charges. $167.
53 has been paid by the city for the
was used to lure ami attract youun repair of the streets, (some lumber
womanhood to degradation. Ue bills not yet paid, sewer improve
preyeti 011 virtue and no woman incuts for the fractional city block
was sate 111 his presence. A prettv amounted to o.8o. elm rs forvuin
face audit pleasing figtue caused cil chamber $25.75, fireproof docu
him to use all means in his jxiwer inent file, and a bonding lien docket
to ties nut ami sou tue uie mid rep- The eleetion
titatlon of its tKissessor. Such a amounted to i6.k.
..11 1 . 1
viic imwMei nun iiiuriu ticgcucriuc
surely was not fit to live. That
Harry Thaw was the logical jier-
.son to eiui uts existence it a conclu
sion that has many supporters, On
the other hand the life of Thaw has
been far from clean. A spoiled,
pauiercd jet of a too indulgent
mother, his moral life was far from
being pure. His one redeeming
feature was the way in which he
stood by and protected the young
woman wnose soiled lite he was
fully cognizant of. Murder in cold
'i.i . ... ..
1 ue pinning puis aiiowcu were
as follows: Warrants No. i6.; No. 176, for legal work.
- .... v 1 . .k
Jxvy5. 77i Jo woru, 73. 25:
No. 337, job work this year, $6o;
no. 1017. calls for b ids on bond.
ordinances and the like, $71: No.
M47, printing for the board of
health, 17. 13; making a total for
the almost two years allowed of
Warrants were issued to the city
engineer, W. W. Goodrich, for
miscellaneous work as follows: No,
made except the architect states in
writing to the recorder that all
siicciiicatious have been carried out,
and the mayor and recorder feel
sure uiion the advice of the city
attorney that the architect's advice
is good. Then, and then only.
will a warrant be issued. Accord
! ... .1. . . .
nig 10 tue contract, oacKcu by a
bond, the money can be paid out in
..A ...1. I.t . t . .
un wuiei wuy, wiiiioiu vitiating Uie
During the previous admiuistra
tiou there wits received by the
1nt1niclp.1l judge, according to the
exjiert's report, the sum of thirty
uoiiars tor lines, up to this writ
i . . . J
nig 1 nave received irom the same
source the sum of $455.40, besides
the work done on the streets bv
.. . . . -
gentlemen oi leisure who had more
time than money. Of this amount
. .-. ..
ot money a trine more than ten per
cent was received irom citizens of
St. Johns who drank not wisely
but too well, a fact which shows
that this city is not half as bad as
some of its friends would have it
1 nave tried to make this report
For Rheumatic Sufferers.
The quick relief from pain
forded by applying Chamberlain's
Fain Halm makes it a favorite with
sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica,
lame back, lumbago, and deep
seated ami muscular pains.
sale by St. Johns Drug Store.
Hand irouers at the West
Laundry. Apply at once.
Arthur MolIU, Plaintiff.
I.tiru Mollis, Defendant.
To I.uru IIollU. the above uautetl defend-
lit the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby suuituonetl ami required
to appear ami answer lite complaint tiled
against you in the above entitled suit on
or before the lSth day of March, 1907,
wlilclt Is alter six weeks Have expired
fmm the dute of the first publication of
this summons. It Is prescribed in the
Unler tor tlie publication ol
Brand new house and furniture.
Modern electric lighted.
Hot and cold water.
Rath and toilet rooms on both floors.
Telephone, reading room and all
the latest daily news.
For No extra charge for any of the ex
tra accommodations of the
house. All free.
Rooms from 75c per week up.
Same treatment to all we have no
pets or star roomers.
We are out for business aud are
getting it.
Give us a trial.
Working men a specialty.
Phoue Scott 4065.
W. J. Galyean, Mgr.
107 Decatur street,
Near Riverside Hotel.
L. B. Chipman
Real Estate
is not right, of course, but 216. exam niuir lower btiildiiiL'io!
until the law can lie amended in No. 310. verifvimr boundaries of
such a way as to lilting punish vile Richmond street to the dock, Ml. so:
.11 ... It.. .. . I . . . ' .' I
iciiiiicb iiKe wiine sucn occurrences o. 330, extension of Alleghany
will occur from time to time. The street. No. 1182. extension
outcome of the trial will be watched of Modoc street $45.75; No. 1 183,
with interest. plat of Richmond street. to.o:
Ml piaill Iliat eVCtl lie WHO Will IlOt that the tummoiu be tuihlialmt far ilx
oeneve must ocueve. There is successive weeks ami sum order was
nnthiiHT rniitninivl in It Mmr .vtll made ami dated the Uth day of Pebru
,int lUmr ir.c c....t i .1... V, I W. and the first publication there-
...... M 1 411 IIIV
closer inspection the public will
of is made the 15th day of I'ebruary,
give to it. the more often iudivid
mils will call and look up matters,
the more satisfied will they feel.
In order to assure people that I
have done the best I could to have
this report accurate I have sworn
to this entire document. If there
are any inaccuracies let them be
W. I. Thorudyke, Recorder.
State of Oregon
Multnomah County
1 his certifies, that on this 9th
day of February, A. D. 1007. per.
sotially uppeareU before me, S. H,
1907, ami if you fail to appear ami
uuswer, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed lor in her
raid complaint, towit:
That the bond af matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved and that
he be divorced from her the said defend.
ant, and for such other further and
further relief as (faall seem equitable.
This summon is published once a
week for six successive weeks in the St.
Johns Review by order of the Honorable
Alfred V. Sears. Jr.. Judge of the above
entitled court made the aist day ot May,
Attorney for the plaintiff
414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
.! . 1 . . 1
rirsi insertion rcuruary 13, ip7
Last iusertion March 22, 1907.
R J. Koerner,
Flans and specifications
furnished on application,
dom with neatness and
Jijoo Lot 50x100, cor.; two-story brick
is being erected in same block.
This is a splendid investment, and you
. 1 . . . . . 1 . ...
nan ucucr loot, mio 11 at once,
f jooo Lot 35x100; a close in inside lot
on Jersey street.
fSxlM 50x100. A nearby residence
lot; J5 cash if you build at once.
400 Lot 50x100, Fine location; one.
nan casu.
f 3,000 Lot 100x100 on Philadelphia St.
Notary Public.
To Make Money
from real estate investments
care should be exercised
in buying. The mau who
makes the most money out
of real estate is he who in
vests in property that will
increase in value rapidly.
Some Rare Bargains
are to be found in our list
of desirable properties. A
visit to our office and an
investigation of property
listed with us will prove
that no better investment
can lie made anywhere in
St. Johns than the pur
chase of some of our late
offerings. Call and let us
show you what we have.
Dobie, Peterson & Co.
Jersey Street.
Central Bar.
Liquor for Medicinal Purposes
and Family Use
(Cedar Brook)
This whiskey direct
distiller to us. In bond
old and aged in wood.
E. O. MAGOON, Distributor
111 n intj st su Mm, or. and keep potted.
from the
six years
Sam. Cochhan, Prop.
Tuos. Condon, Mgr.
Fine Wines, Liquors aud Cigars.
Cochran Block, St, Jolms, Oregon
The Finest of Wines, Liquors and
A Fine Lunch Served Every Day.
Subscribe for The Review
- -11-