St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 08, 1907, Image 4

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The H mid C Store
Hnrgnin Counter
Hargain Catchers
Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, Dry Goods
107 South Jersey Street, St. Johns.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Statement nt close of business December 4, 1906:
Rkmiuklks: .Stock f a5,tx.i
f"L' i'll
I'uniiiiiru nnu iixuiri-.-. j,j,ti,mt
Cmli 1 011 lin.t.l n...l due
fronilml.kH 7t39.65
W fjdj.oyS.Ca
N the above squint' you will observe a tiny dot.
Noticed it, didn't you? Now if YOU saw that
little SH.-ck think of how all the rest of our
leadeis noticed it. Then, if you, Mr. Ilusiuess-
1 man, had placed an attractive announcement of your wares, at
coriect prices, in that space, you'll have some idea that it would
have brought you trade. Iletter try it next week.
New Bargains
Irvwinii Krmlli Inline li.riuu
looxKK) South St. Johns, corner and car line 950
50x100, boM income pioH.'ity Jeisey Mieet 13,000
jox 100 on Jimmy sticet with patty wall and alluy 1,500
H! ....... ....
.yixioo r. ni. jouns, uxin shuck,
ffl cox ion, south St. Johns, easy payments joo
Two aeiwi on Willis lloulevanl ready for platting 3,350
j; 50x100, 0 100m house, fruit, fine river view 1,375
,1 lots, cbwo iu, Willamette lloulevanl 900
1 neiu near car line and N. V. 1,300
? One acie within the new packing district 3,000
looxi(K), line factory site, on railioad 3,500
2j House ami lot, 150x150, on Jetsuy sticet 375
35x100, Jeroy sticet 1(oo
u I.ots in (list addition to I.iniitmi .o-oo, easy payments.
UtiMiu locations for tent.
Review Onice. ST, JOHNS, OKKGON
Keep in touch with the Western World, Business and
Bargains by subscrinlnj; for the
Monthly Investors' Guide
ir Uulmotii .stud, Pottl.iml, Orvjjon
o. M. I'Atll.K
0. 1'..MI!KKII.I.
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, drain, Plour
(iroiind Peed,
Paints, Oils and Building Materials
Phone Uast 713
Unlvaralty Park,
Buy your wood nt the
Old Reliable
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co.!
Coal For Side.
Green and dry slabwood.
Bhone ljust 297.
Surplus and undivided
profits 3 55A JJ
Dividends tiiipalrl.! ! . io.oo
nqx.slls . 174.295.-lo
This Week
. .
water, cleared 175 a
Wo now have with iu a cujuWe
usiiUiit urvtiiUx'l, unit we cuti
urniiinc to advance money to all
thvkcwlio desire to build home.
Sliop Second Door West
of Postofficc
Julti Janln Would Hather Rewrite
Than Read Hit Manuscript.
Charlotte Bronte's handwriting
seemed to have been traced with a
needle, nnd tlio penmanship of Bry
nut wns aggressive, well formed and
decidedly plcaBing to the eye
Thackeray a writing wns marvelous
ly neat and precise, but it was so 11. .1 ... 1 !.
Biiiuii uiui, iuiuiuBtuHu ujus were
needed to read it. Longfoll
wrolo n bold, open bnckhnnd which
was tho delight of printers.
Tho handwriting of Captain Mar-
rynt was so microscopic that when
ho rested from his labors he was
ouiigcu 10 iiinrK mu piui-u whuiu nu
left oft" by sticking 11 pin In tlio pa-
per. Napoleon's handwriting wns
per. flnpo con b nnm wriung wns
wursu uiuii iiiuyiuiu. 11 19 miii inui.
II. .1.1.. I. . .. - ..I bum.
His letters iroin uermnny 10 1110
.. 1. - ii.
uu iu. iuuHn i...., u. . v.
.much 01 unnyios tempcrnmciH
ly. It hmis not cxpresBivo of
.ecial ind yiduality, however.
nny csj
Tho writing of Die (ens was minute,
and ho nu hor's hnbit of writing
with bine ink upon blue paper, with
umjr u 11. ... ...... u.w. nnd)" Betting down another bottle,
wrote n patient, crabbed, oddly cm- ,hcr(J.fl your rh N whe
phnsizcd hnnd. 'I ho cli rography of t ti,nk of it n bringing a third bot-
Wnllcr Scott, Leigh Hunt, Moore tl0, hcro's your mnnnn too. They
and urav was easy 10 renu ami ran
frequent erasures and intcrlinca- lon tho Rci ecfl COflgt on th(J cnj)t thoso of her guests who were un
tions, mn. o his copy n burden to congt of Africft nnd in t nbun. derbrcd or unfortunnto enough to
his publishers. Byron s hnndwrit- ,int,.n t Tn,ii, 0 havo arrived on time sitting in do-
ing was n mcro scrawl.
His nddi-
lines woro added in tho proofs.
Ono day n distressed compositor
nnnenred at tlio houso of Jules Ja-
. .it. 1 t,t
nln nnd besought him to decipher
Homo pages of lis own manuscript.
Jiinin replied that ho would rnthcr
rewrito t inn attempt 0 renu over
until nn iinn oiicn wriLiim. 1
....... ..... --
Iow printers could rend tlio 1 copy
of Balzac, nnd thoso who could in-
viiriiuiiy iiiiiiiu 11 eiiiui iviiiuiii.
with their employer Hint they would
. . . 1 I. 1 ,1 ".I -
DO required 10 worK ni 11 oniy "no
hour nt n lime. Kven nfler tho
ileroglyphics hud been tra.iBlniod
nto print tlio proof sheets enmo
. , 1 1 I 1 a I
imcK moro iiiegioio iniin ma ong-
"". m?.''. , iti 11
Whilo linving liis house repaired
UiitiiB t iioa 0 iiihi proiuiscti in nu
to the builder tho model for n
carved mantelpiece. Failing to ob-
I1"! I "!? !! ffi
I IIIU III! HlllllV.ll, VIIW...U .u.u . ....
workman to Unit elTcct. Tho enr-
Hunter cved the missive from nil
sides and finally decided that it
must bo tlio promised plan. Forth
witli ho set to work to fashion what
would havo been tho most original
manlelpieco ever miulo. Now York
'IVillllim I
Tha Qynilaa of Hungary.
lions in nis proois oiicn excce. eu ch,.rchc8 the olibnnum is some- Kuc " tH0, evening, wno always
in volumo the original copy. To Umcg mixcd wUh , cnscarilla a point to nppcnr just flf-
on? ".nnl", P00"1811wllic,., ,c0"tni" nnd stornx, also nn oriental gum. ccn mnxtm after tho hour set in
only -100 lines in tlio onginnl 1,000 , ,,! ' i,,i the card of invitation, but "wo havo
Hungary is tlio homo of tho ,,ut tho buckot down hurriedly nnd, Australia, nro situated in tho south
Tziganes in so far ns tlioy havo nny iL,L.ctin,, hnndy tree, mndo for it ,crn portion of tho state, tho
IIIIIIIU. Ill llll Ulliur l'.llln:nil ."-
tries thoy were persecuted for con-
turies, but in tho llfleenth century
tlio Uungnrinns took pity on them.
Thero nro about 1.10,000 Tziganes
f.. t.t aniili titf avaiiii. I
111 nuiiiirj, nun, .ui i"
tioiiH, thoy nro musicians. '1 ho typ-
iml 'i zlganes may nest no teen unr
tho Croatian frontier in the district
of N'agy-Knrpod. Their camp aro
nhviivn set up nt somo distance from
tho town or village and if possible
near n forest. Their huts have hut
ono room and nru duvoid of furni-
turo. Tziganes take their meals
and sleep on the baro boards. Many
uiiKUCccsstui lUtcmpii navo neon
mudo to restrain the Tziganes. '1 he
Kmpcror Joseph II. onco allotted
nml and ordered them to cultivnto
their ncrcs. Tlioy turned tneir
houses into stables, set up lents
uctir by for their own use, ami to
nrovent tho corn niven them for
frnm snroutiiiL' thin- boiled it.
" '
Malhod In Mar Bubmliuon.
"I'd likon tronsfer for Fourteenth
street," bIio said meekly lo the con
"1 can't eivo you one now, mad
am," ho returned ilercely. "You
Bhould have asked for it when you
imid vour faro."
"Oh, verv well," said she.
"He's a hateful old thing," do-
clarcd her friend, who snt by her.
"I wonder you took his sauco so
ipiietly, Now you'll havo to pav
another fare. hy dnln t you nsk
. 1. . .1 ! 1
10 r 11 wiicii you paui your uiro any-
llecause," sho answered, "I have
not paid
my fare." Now York
Qood 8rvlc.
"Wns that a serious call?" asked
tho nervous citizen.
"No." answered tho driver of tho
nmbulunco that hud dashed mndlv
down tho streot. "The ease was
not serious, but our trip was not in
vain. Wo did good service on tho good hammerer." d boiling pitch shall bo poured
return trip, picking up the pedes- "Oh, ho knew what I meunt," said thereon, and tho feathers of a cusb
trians wo hud run nto and neonlo Mr. Moreu cheerfullv. "You know ion shall bo shaken out on him, so
who had boon thrown out by horses
wo scared." Washington Star.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a I
'We prefer Chamberlain's Cough
Kemetty to any other (or our chil
dren," says Mr. I.. J. Woodburv
of 1 wining, Mich. "It has also
done the work for us 111 hard colds
and croup, and we take pleasure in
recommending it." lor sale bv
St. Johns' Drug Store.
The finest of calling cards at The
Kevicw olhcc.
You May Buy It and Frankincense In
the Drug Stores.
A druggist recently gave a Sun
day school teacher a shock that he
is not likely soon to forget, says tlio
St. Louis Globe-Democrat. While
seated nt the soda fountain the
f nnnlmr una ilMlfni-itiff n lnnfnrrt nnn
rnmlntr hnw mimli dm wnrld tmrl
1 . -o v
forgotten since nncicnt times nnd
jcnrn BOmcthing more about the
articles of everyday usd, for in-
tnncC mentioned i tho Bible,
jf0W( thcro's gold, frankincense
nntj myrrh," he snid, "thnt the wiso
mcn brought from the east. Of
courgo VQ nj know nbout ,od
.vi.n i.nnW(I nnvdiln(T annul fmnWln.
who knoW8 nnvtilinK nbm,t frankin
1 eense or myrrh?
"Wo'vo cot 'em for snlo richt
Jiorn'' n?,1 IVn ,1niircr!f rnnptifn
"-"eu-rv -"o
for n oottio, which I10 plnced on tho
I oolintor hnfnrn llm narnnialiml lor.
turcr. "Hero's vour frankincense,
nrn nil num.
Mvrrh is the dried
of fte s of'trc(
'w, ?n Arnbin 1(
trees nnd Bhrubs
crsia and In-
j,B. nccng0 Jg com,)0gC( In grcnt
.)ftrt of Ul0 0Hbanum gum, the sap
' trnn wi. 7n a..m. nfi
,(fi. ,t, 41' !,, ,,,! in it.
tn,,nA u ri ii, i,iunn
t). lu,fl, linit4ilia mitn,. -, at,.
m.. rn. . ti. .i... .i..
..J. AIIU IllltlJllll Ul IIIU OiU.U
fnIg0 ft knd of m t.xutnlion
from Bcvorni vnrictlcg of ,, lrccg
n1(j 8iri,bg crowinir in Arabia nnd
,,cro nnJ t,,oro u' gouthcrn
ABin. 1110 nioiiKS 01 .iiouih auiai
it tu .... .1 u 1 mi. t
mck coo or 800 lnJg of nmnnn
ovcr.. ICason.
, rn(lcr cr, ,,0wOVor Uint tlur-
11 41 4. -1 .... 41.,. n,
, t, Jcwg mnrc.0(i 0,,t 0f
Kwpt myrrh, iiipeiifo and mannn
- v. vMf'i,v v,.r ...., 1lnM...1 nn.l
gonl to ,., from thu KaI1(J coun
h.i 1.. ...i.i-i. n n..
, . .. . ' , burncJ
!! or churches today i. of tho same
k ...I ..,, rolmi from 4 , .,
places ns thnt which smoked in
Aaron's conscr."
Ha Wain't Excltad.
In Sullivan countv. N. V.. a storv
is told which hud to do with a man
who wns picking blnckborries whon
lA oiklll at nb ImnM naaillt llfcl VaJttt I
, , ,
4i,,.l, fnllAwln dt. iri.I1 llo
yi tllQ intelltiOII 01 Shinning Up
to co stron(. mu prepared to
gtnnd a siege Along enmo tho bear, .1 't .....,.,1 ii10 i.-u nn.
VI ll2tty bucket without seeing it, I
. 7. . I
passed tho trco without taking no
ko of t10 ,luin.a cpnl nmi wont on
dow, 0 ,mth unl it w oui of
.i.,.! us?nw thoiifflit tho mnn.
.. ti,0 timo tQT , j,cnt jt jot
i,,., i, ,Pi, , ,n..,i ntt if n
cliit dow from his lofty porch bo
folmj tlmt j rcftlity ho was sitting
0 tho ,rolnd wltf, hia ttrma anj
i.,L wrnl)Ilp.i r0Ului tho tree
CCI j nxi I Forest andS
Origin of tha Rothachllda.
Tho founder of tho Rothschild
fnmilv, Amscliol Moses Itothschild,
kept a coin storo at 103 J udengasso,
of Jewish quarter, Frankfort on tho
Main. Itcforo this shop was dis
nlnved n red shield: bunco tho name
Untlisol.ilil Amiinlinl ilonlt in euri
" " . 1
nn t pa nri nnnila nml o il ro d and I
silver. His son, Mayer Amschel,
was born in 1743 and died in 1812.
He, liko his fathor, continued iu tho
coin business. In tho course of his
coin business ho mot a collector,
t).. o.Mir Imnlrnr In tlio lumlcraVO
0f Hesse. This banker was so im-
pressed by Mayer's business ability
that ho loaned him monoy for iu-
v.-itiM..nt nml It was in this wuv
tlmt tho urcat banking firm of I
....v. I
Itothschild waa established. Elder
a 1 I . II 1 f. 1. 1 I
1 raiso irom a nusuaim a una w i-
".. ,
praiso may bo too discriminating to
suit her.
"I thoueht it was nico of you to
tell that carnenter. who seemed to
think women know nothing that I
could 'hammer nails like light-
n nu.' " said Mrs. Morse to her hus-
band. "Hut I'm afraid, dear, you
are not an unprejudiced judge, 1
really don't think I'm such a very
lightning never strikes twico in the
anto placo, they say.1
Central Market!
Ilolbrook Mock.
See iu for the Choicest Cuts of the Best
Meats Obtainable.
Orders Wiled and l'anilly Trade Solicite.1
oth myrrh nnd manna aro orten u.
in compounding prescriptions, going when you are confronted with
incenso of course, is in con- a.K"P' ' 0,1 ' c " "P0
,1 ,i ..1 i 41... i i.. t of n transmitter? But tho tclc-
Ward &iMcCUve, Proprs,
Promptnatt and Pelltanaia In Answer-
Ing Olnnar Invitation.
There was once a great man,
whose namo I have forgotten, but
U is not important to this narra
tive, who gavo his son this bit of
social advice: "Answer a dinner in
vitation within twenty-four hours
after you receive it. If vou accent.
, . ... -
101 nounng snon 01 jour ucnui pre
vent vour eoine. and if vou die ar
tango for n substitute in your will,
Whatever you do, for heaven's sako
be prompt in the doing."
Along the Borne lines was a noto
received by a certnin Washington
nosicss irora me voiet 01 nn nuacno
of one of tho legations, "51.
regrets thnt he ennnot como to Mrs.
D.'s dinner, but he died last night."
Now, a funeral in tho family is
usually ncccptcd as n very good rea
son for not doing anything, but lit
tle short of ono can excuse n lnck
of punctuality in mnttcrs social.
Whatever you are, bo prompt.
A few years back it was consider
ed rather n nice thing to como in
tust a littlo late. Girls going to
alls spoke with pride of being
among the last arrivals. Novelists
who would chronicle tho doings of
tho smart set cot into tho fashion
of opening their choicest chapters
with a vision of tho hostess and
jeeted Blnto awnitinK tho honored
I ' I 11 u
chanced all thnt."
Punctuality, tho politeness of
kincs. is onco moro to tho fore. If
u 1 1 ... .
you wnnt to bo popular with thoso
who entertain, answer your invito-
"on8 08 BOon n8 J'ou rcocivo them.
rcrsonaliy I th nK : n tclcpiiono invi-
1 iniinn a iivfintinin rnniurv unrripq
1 v.:; -i:vv
or inquisition. How can you thin
' ""'n8 mcuscs for not going 0
P 'one has had its use n well ns its
nbuso in thnt it hns obliged tho oth-
fill A If
crwiso tardy to como up to time.
I he moro informal nnd pcrsonnl
tho invitation tho prompter should
tho answer be. If you are going to
bo merely nu atom in n vast ttsseiu
Wage, then you may bo pardoned
r wg wur rep y to your urn-
V J""
of n chosen few such hesitancy is
ono of tho blunders thnt nro worso
than crimes.
Dcclino if you will, ncccpt if you
sco fit, but, whatever you do, for
heaven 'a snko bo prompt in the do
ing. -Philadelphia North American.
awtaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aKH
Auatralla'a Cavaa
Tho Norrncooto caves, in south
l,'"t.jmi wimniun.., nuun.i 110 iiiu
oIrI cave," with its magnificent
profusion of beautiful stalactites
nnd stalagmites, forming a dazzling
apoctnelo when illuminated by tlio
tnnmiAatnm It rait Tit n aniAml Almnt.
"'"K""'""' '" . . i
ber, or cave, naluro hns boon prod-
iga 01 no mysi cai ornnmeni wiui
w'"0'1 "' w0'0 P'nco "bounds.
Thero nro pillars so finely formed
nnd covered with such dainty trel-
" work curious drippings of limo
creating sudi wonderful masses of
lovely scroll work, tlmt tho oyo is
bcwi.dcred with tho extent nnd rnri
ty of tho adornment. It is liko
pulnco of ice, with a rich profusion
ol frozen silvery cascades nnu loun
tains all around. Western Austra
lia possesses also a couplo of ex-
lensivo cavo systems wnicn miny
rival those of New South Wales,
(Queensland and south Australia.
omartlng of a PayehologUt
iti.. t.i.i. s 1 ...4.
n "en ticiiMiia recimcu uu umu-
graph copy of hU friond Clement's
latest book on tho "Genetic Theory
01 jvnowieugo,' 110 lmmeumieiy boi
down and acknowledged tlio gift,
nj"g that ho "anticipated great
PleaSUrO III itj DCrUSal."
"Why didn't you read it first?"
naked lf wc "Then you could
bavo said something much nicer
than that.
..1.1 I ... . . . 1 . .
fcwioi, saiu jeiiKins as no gavo
Clement's book a conspicuous placo
on f "bJ'y table, "X liavo a feel-
Img ifiuv Kuio 4a uuv ui mu itaiua
when mv forethoucht wouhl bo bet-
. .. . . .
ter than ray hind thought."
Tar and Faathara.
"ur and feathers are not a pecul
iarly American punishment. Hich'
ard the Uon Hearted nrst proclaim
. - - . m
cd this punishment. It was when
he was setting out for the third cru-
sade that ho gavo warning that
robber who shall be convicted of
men snail navo nis neau croppeu
nfter tho fashion of a champion,
that be sball be known." St. LouU
The Wellington
KNMirr GL8VE1. hnsttn.
Fine Wines and Liquors.
Family Supplies a Specialty.
I Ilolbrook Block, St. Johns, Oregon
Amarleans, It 8eamt, Do Not Make or
Keep Them Rlcht.
"You don't sec the best meer
schnum pipes in this country," said
a German pipe dealer who learned
his trado in Vienna.
"Why? Uecause tho Americans
aro in too big n hurry haven't time
to tako caro of n meerschaum,
haven't oven timo to learn how.
When tho American is through
smoking he knocks bis pipe on the
heel of his shoo to remove tho
ashes, Bhovcs it in tho most bandy
pocket and is on tho run.
"Now, in tho old country a man
takes bis pipe seriously, very seri
ously. Ho expects bis meerschaum
to Inst him a lifctimo and then bo
in good repair to hand down to bis
heir. Tho pipe is passed from gen
eration to generation, nnd it is nl
ways handled ns cnrofully ns n new
born bnbe. Tlio smoker never
touciics the bowl whilo it is wnrm.
That would spoil tho fine, glossy
color. When tho German has com
pleted his serious nnd meditntivo
smoko his pipe is lnid very carefully
away whero it will cool properly nnd
without dnngcr of scratching. Ho
docs not rnm it into bis pocket
with other misccllnncous articles,
as tho rushing American docs. Ho
takes his timo nnd gives it his caro
nnd nttcntion.
"Tho best meerschaum pipes in
tho old country nro mndo of soft
meerschaum and nro hnnd carved.
Then they nro boiled in beeswax.
Tho soft mcorschnum nbsorbs tho
wnx. Tho fino color is produced by
tho wnx nnd tho nicotine combin
ing. When tho pipo is smoked tho
wax softens from the bent. Thnt is
why tho pipo should not bo touched
whilo wnrm. Touching mars tho
"Tho American manufacturer
docs not enrvo or polish them by
hnnd. The work is done by ma
chines. Tho soft meerschaum, if
treated thnt way, would break, so
hard mcorschnum, n low grade, is
used. Tlio hard clay will not ab
sorb beeswax, so it is bailed in
glycerin. Tho most beautiful colors
cannot bo produced with glycerin."
Knnsns City Times.
A Poet Phyilolan.
Hearing of Dr. Goldsmith's grcnt
humanity, a poor woman, who be
lieved him to be 11 physician, onco
wrolo to him begging him to pro
scrlbo for her husband, who liad
lost his nppctito nnd wns nltogotlier
In n very end state. Tlio kind heart
ed poet immediately went to sco
ber nnd nftor somo tnlk with tho
man found him utmost overwhelm
od with sickness nnd poverty.
"You shnll bear from mo in an
hour," said tho doctor on leaving.
"and I shall send you somo pills
which I am suro will do you good.
Doforo tho timo was up Gold
smiths servant brought tho poor
woman a small box, which on being
opened was found to contain 10
guineas, with tho following direc
"To bo used ns necessities require
Ho patient nnd of good heart."
No Reward Offered.
"Havo you lost anything, mad
am?" asked tho polito floorwalker
of tho square jawed, nustoro looking
shopper who stood beforo tho "Lost
and Found" window of tho largo do
partment store
"Yes, sir," sho replied; "I'vo lost
114 pounds of husband in a light
brown suit, with black derby hat,
small tuft of hair on its chin and a
frightened look. I lost it in a crush
at tho fancy goods counter. It'
probably wandering through the
building in search of mo, and
thought perhaps you could find it
easier than I can. I want it on ac
count of a bundlo it is carrying un
der its arm." Woman's Home
"What aro you reading that causes
you to smilo so delightedly?"
"I beg your pardon."
"I ask you what aro you reading?
something new m notion r'
"Fiction? Just a trace."
"Any poetry?"
"Well, that's more like it."
"Not philosophy?"
"Plenty of it."
"Oh, comet What aro you read
"The report of the secretary of
agriculture. Don't bother me."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
CUar Evldtnca.
Judge What's your namo?
Prisoner I'm Pat Murphy, your
"Where do you live?"
"Suro, I don't Jive anywhere,
Judge (to second prisoner)
What's your name?
"I'm Denis McCarthy, sorr."
"Where do you live?"
"Begorra, your honor, I livo next
door to Pat Murphy." Lonfon
until tomorrow what you can do
today. If you are suffering from a
torpid liver, or constipation, don't
wait until tomorrow to get help.
uuy a bottle of Heroine and cet
that liver working right. Prompt
ness about health saves many sick
spells. Mrs. Ida Gresham, Point,
Tex. writes: "I used Herbine in
my family for six years, and find it
does all it claims to do." Sold by
St. Johns' Drug Store.
Bring iny our printing now.
L. E. STORY, M. D.
Day nnd Night Office, Rooms 7
and 8, Ilolbrook Ulock,
Office: Room 9, Brectlcn Build
ing, corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland, mid St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific 1098. Residence: St. Johns
Joseph McChcsney, M. D. ,
Day and Night Office In McChcsney Block
I'hone WoodUwn 41$
Resilience: On Modoc Street.
Phone Wooillnwn 576. Office: Ilol
brook llrick Mock, rooms 3 and 4
Phone Knst 3689.
St. Joints, .... Oregon
Crown nnd Bridge Work a
Rooms 1 nnd 2, Ilolbrook Mock, St. Johns
Pltyilclan and Surgeon.
Office In Holbrook's Block.
Residence, The Rnymotid.
Office hour, 9 lo 11 a. m 1 to 3 p. in,
OITlce I'lioiie, (Wot 1 1104,
Kenldencc l'lionr, Union 3901.
Office In Unlm.llv I'itk iltugKtof.
Carpenter and Contractor.
By the dny or by the ob.
l'lniis nnd siecificatlons furnithed on
.2. Allegheny street, 3 blocks the
I'rcnch block, St. Johns, Oregon.
OraJuate Optician
Will lent the eyes irccof churc.
Jcmcy Street.
St. Johns, Oregon,
Goodrich & Goodrich,
Pull Professional Service I'lve Per Cent.
&d nt Johns nnd Portland, Ore.
llouio Mover
and Repairer
Moiitcs moved,
rnlted and
paired. Odd jobs of nil kinds.
Prompt service, reasonable charges.
Ivatihoc and Ciilliu streets. Phone
Woodlawu 386,
Snlnt Johns ... Oregon
l'ncl furnished, either short or
long, Draying and tcum-work
of every kind. Prompt service.
Terms rcatonablc.
Corner Jerwjy and Cntllii, ST. JOHNS
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
I'cllow hall, at 8:00. VUitor welcomed.
II. H. HcwItt. N. G,
V, It. I'ootc, Secretary.
Ilolbrook Block, 103 South Jersey
street, Phone Union 385,
Saint Johns
Rcil Estate
Resident agent N, I'. Noren & Co.
no S. Jcrey street.
Phone Hast 6390. St, Johns, Oregon
Bon Ton Barber Shop
1'irst class work and cleati hot towels for
patrons. Hair cutting a
Agent for West Coast Laundry.
Jersey street St. johua
Mail Schedule
Mail arrives at St. lohns at 7:10 a. m.
and 1:15 p, in.
leaves ai io:x a. in., ana 4:45 p. to.
Office open week days from 6u a. m.
to 6:10 p.m. Sundays from 9 to 10 a, m
rso mailt arrive or depart Sunday,
One Dollar will
fit you to eye glasses or spec
tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed.
Your eyes fitted at home. Write for
free booklet describing our method.
Remember, the classes we fit yob
to are wonh $3.50 any where on
earth. Our price, only 1 1,00,
ntlB REPAIRING dtDirtiuat la mam
conpUtt. MinpriniH.Oi&. WatcbcUaaM
i.ub. stna tout wen ar restaur ml.
2JO rtptln aaj wakh.
In order to Insure a change of a4-
ertlsement the copy for such change
ihould reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleaae
remember this and save the printer
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