St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 08, 1907, Image 3

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    We Have Come
to Town
With everything needed for
Home Comfort
You are invited to inspect our
Clean Stock
Large Assortment and
Up-to-Date Service
We will open for business
Saturday, February 9th
At 10 o'clock a. m.
SPECIAL for Opening Day!
Sewing Tables o?'&il0
wwvvuiy I u M I v3 Not Delivered
Low Prices
Opposite Postoffice,
Make 1907 mi ELECTRIC YEAR In your hoii5c!.old ns
well as in your STORE, and enjoy the convenience, the labor
saving, the henltlifnlncss, the safety, the economy nr.d the pros
pcrity thnt attends the use of ELECTRICITY.
Free Lamp Renewals! VruaSrEfrce
to all meter customers, new Edison lamps of 4, 8, 16, 33 and
50 caudle power, in exchange for old lamps heretofore furnished
by the Company. Lamp renewals will he made at Nos. H 7 -1 - 9
PRBE LAAIP RENEWALS menu better light, and Is HQ UAL
For information call MAIN 6688.
First and Alder Streets,
Telephone Main 6688 PORTLAND, OKEdON
f Hardware
We have some special
Wire Door Muts, Heating
'Niagara'1 Ranges are
selling several every week.
A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.
Present investment in St. Johns realty means future independence.
For reliable information about prices and
best locations, write or call on
Colvin & Henderson
jo 1.3 Philadelphia Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON
Notary Public. Conveyancer. Titles Examined.
Central Bar.
S:i. Cochran, Trop.
Tuos. Condon, Mgr.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Cochran Block, St. Johns, Oregon
Liquor for Medicinal Purposes
and Family Use
(Cedar Brook)
This whiskey direct from the
distiller to us. In bond six years
old and aged in wood.
E. O. MAGOON, Distributor
1 1 1 Nor ln1 St. John. Ore
Easy Terms
St. Johns.
Specials! I
bargains in Cutlery,
Stoves, etc. Our
winners. We are
io8 Jersey Street.
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
List your property with us.
Better look over your stationery
and order your printing now.
Local News.
Try Hiukston & Frozen' s bread.
Have you found that leak in
your roof?
Rough dry washing at 6c per
pound. West Coast Lntindry.
Call mid inspect the fine stock of
millinery at 107 Tacoma street.
Geo. A. Dyson of Eugene was a
business visitor in town Saturday.
Leave your orders for cakes for
socials, etc. at the Home Bakery,
Insure against fire before you
have one, with D. C. Rogers, agent
for the old reliable Phoenix of Lon
Several new counter stools have
been added in the Wagoner Co.
store for the benefit of their cus
tomers. Representatives of the insurance
companies in St. Johns say that a
reduction in rotes will be made in
the near future.
Singing lessons given by n lady.
Terms 50c per lesson. Address
Music Teacher, 594, K. Morrison
street, Portland, Ore.
Falling ice from the trolley wires
broke panes of glass in several of
the street cars last Monday. Luck
ily no one was injured.
D. S. Sotithiuayd, painter, paper
hanger and decorntor, has plenty of
1906 wall paper in stock nt 708 W.
Richmond street, St. Johns.
A thoroughly experienced dress
maker from the East has opened
parlors nt 4 to E. Richmond street.
First class work guaranteed.
At last St. Johns is to have nu
ordinance regulating plumbing in
the city. It will be welcomed by
the plumber and the people they
Inquire of D. C. Rogers it Co.
for tract 150x300 feet on the Boule
vard. Finest river view on the
Willamette river. Price $3500.
1500 cash.
If you nre tired of the monoto
nous meals served nt restaurants
and hotels and desire good home
cooked meals, go to 403 West
Johns street.
Spencer, Dey & Hampton have
moved their law office Irom 201
South Jersey to 1 10 North Jersey
Street, taking desk room with R.
Shepard & Co.
Mrs. T. A. Trnnger, who left
here last August for n visit at her
old home In Iowa, returned last
Monday after being snow bound for
several days while on the road.
At the annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Peninsula Bank
held nt its place of business in St.
Johns Inst Tuesday afternoon the
old board of directors was reelected.
Bnted timothy liny from eastern
Oregon is selling in St. Johns at
534 n ton. With feed at this price
it is hard to figure where n man
can make n profit by teaming nt
$5 a day.
Cnlef Bros, nre unpacking n large
and varied stock of furniture nt
their store opposite the postoffice.
This firm will carry n line of house
furnishings second to none in Mult
nomah county.
Those who were short of fuel
last Monday were given quite a
scare 011 account of being unable to
obtniu it promptly, 011 account of
the sleet nnd bad roads tne team
sters took a day off.
T. XT. Khnw tins onened n second
hand store in the French block,
where all in need of house furnish
iiiL'S mav obtain iust what thev
need at n low price. Mr. Shaw Is
an experienced man in the business
and will be able to sunnlv the wants
of all in tlie various lines.
People make mistakes or change
their minds and sacrifice their
goods. It's tiuiortuuate for them
but it makes good bargains for some
one at Shaw s Furniture store,
French Block. Rockers, dining
chairs, parlor and extension tables,
stoves, ranges, dishes, sewing ma
chines. These are good clean
goods. Just like new, at prices
way below the original.
James Massey, who mysteriously
disappeared last May while under
520 bonds on a charge ot disorderly
conduct, returned to the city last
Sunday night and was arrested by
Chief of Police Urederson. On
Monday he was sentenced to five
days in the county jail. As he was
being locked up lie was relieved of
a revolver. On his release from
the county bastile he will be rear
rested on a charge of carrying con
cealed weapons.
It may be news to many of our
readers to learn that the hills oppo
site the river are dotted with sur
veyors' stakes bearing the peculiar
marks ot the men who survey
rights of way. Just what these
stakes are for or what the marks
on them mean no one knows. One
person who has extensive interests
over there says he believes they
are for a fast electric line that will
be built half way up the hill, and
which will use a third rail. An
other who claims to have inside
information says a new steam rail
road has something to do with the
survey. As it was only a short
time ago that many of us were
figuring out the marks on the
stakes that were driven in the
northern part of the city, it is
now in order to climb the hills
across the river aud put on our
thinking caps.
Fountain fund dance next Tliurs
day evening.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a specialty of lace curtains.
Mount Hood Yeast made in St.
Johns has 110 equal. Try it.
Inside lots on Jersey street from
$1250 to if 1300. D. C. Rogers & Co
Mrs. Rich of Astoria, Oregon,
was a St. Johns visitor last Friday.
For Rent 4-room new cottage
W. C. Adams, 120 Burlington
In order to make necessary re
pairs the St. Johns Lumber Mill
did not run last Monday.
Yes, the white building just op
posite Jobes' mill on Pittsburg street
is the West Coast Laundry.
1 00x100 iu South St. Johns.
Price $625. $300 down, balance
installments. D. C. Rogers & Co.
Mrs. Mnttic Vassar nnd Miss
Minnie Vnssar of Greeley, Colo.,
arc visiting at the home of Mrs. C.
The M. E. Ep worth League
gave nil enjoyable social nt the resi
dence of E. D. Hurlbttrt Tuesday
If you arc going to give an enter
tainment nnd want cake for the
occasion, leave your order at the
Home Bakery.
a room house 011 S. Jersey lot 100
xi 28; fine location on improved
street, only $3000. lt cash. D.
C. Rogers & Co.
Massive, solid oak hall tree and
sent with large plate mirror. A
bargain nt Shaw s Hiruiturc store,
French Block.
The keel for the new ferryboat
las been laid, but the unseasonable
weather has retarded progress to a
considerable extent.
Whatever Is to come in the way
of weather we nil have the satisfac
tion that the ground hog did not
see his shadow last Friday.
Andrew Rood nnd wife, who
inve been stopping at the Chicago
Rooming House for some time, re
turned to their home at Lansing,
Mich., Monday.
In another column the school
board advertises for bids on erect-
ug the new eight-room school
louse to be built in the northern
arl of the city.
The Wngoucr Co. now employs
five clerks regtilnrly. A year ago
two men practically took care of
the business. This speaks well
for advertising.
The real estate market has been
quiet during the week. As there
is always n lull jielore tne storm
there mny be considerable activity
11 the near future.
The drift that" went down the
river during the week was a sight
to see. Wrecked houses, barns,
ogs, timbers, etc., passed down in
countless numbers.
The steam barge Exchequer Is
dergoiug extensive repairs nt the
dry dock. The schooner William
McDonald is also iu the dock (or
repairs nnd repainting.
A steam engine mid hydraulic
apparatus has been installed nt the
point ol land soutii 01 tne reiiinsuin
Lumber Co's. mill, preparatory to
sluicing it into the river.
Some one is losing money but it
won't be the one who buys the
Steel Range for 1 18: cost $27 nd
used only three months, nt Shaw s
Furniture store, French Block.
The fountniii fund dance will be
held next Thursday (St. Valentine's
Day) evening. A five-piece orch
estra has been engaged and the best
kind of a time Is assured all iu
T. A. Tranger, formerly n clerk
in Bonhani & Currier's store, is
now a traveling salesman, with
headmiarters in Portland. Hi
many iriends wish nun success 111
Ins new Hue.
The Ladles Aid of the Congre'
gatioual church will hold a Valen
tine social and a 15c supper, Tues
day evening, Feb. 13, 1007 in the
m a use on church grounds. All
come and mail your valentines iu
our postomce.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Har
ris. living near Point View, died
suddenly Tuesday night after an
illness of only a day. isotiiing
serious was anticipated by the par
ents when they retired 1 uesday
lltglli, mil llie nine one was luunu
dead when they awolec the loilow
iug morning.
S. Williams, one of the workmen
engaged in moving the engine and
steam shovel, was severely injured
last Monday by one of the rails
falling on His right toot, oadiy
crushiiiL' it. He was taken to
Smith's Pharmacv. wliere Ur. Me
Chesnev attended to his injury,
after which he was taken to his
home in the French block.
The following clipping from the
Drain Nonpareil tells of the good
work of our townsman, Ex-Gov.
Fletcher: Ex-Governor Fletcher
of St Johns, delivered a highly
interesting and cultured lecture in
the Normal Hall here Friday even
ing to a very large and appreciative
I! '!'!. .... I, !,.. nf l,!o ,.r.
ture was "Sowing Wild Oats,"
which he handled in a masterly
manner. The Governor, who pub
lished a newspaper at Salem for
many years, is one of Oregon's
most brilliant citizens ami a very
pleasant gentleman to meet.
Get your valentines ready.
Doughnuts and coffee served
daily nt the Home Bakery.
Ask your grocer for Hinkstou &
Frnzen's Bread. It is good.
The latest styles in millinery nt
the lowest prices nt 107 Tncoma St.
We wash nnd iron nil flnt work
nt per dozen. West Coast
Valentine Day, Thursday, Feb.
14: full line of Valentines nt the
Wagoner Co.
Catching driftwood iu the the
river has engaged the time of many
during the week.
G. B. Tucker, the real estate ninn
of University Park, was n St. Johns
visitor yesterday.
50x100011 Jersey street corner,
one block from center for $3100.
D. C. Rogers & Co.
Furnished rooms, $1.25 to Si. 50
per week. Apply nt 403 Greshnin
street, comer Charleston.
The high wntcr has greatly Inter
fered with the workmen engaged iu
building the new ferry boat.
The Chinook wind of Monday
night caused the dtsapiicarniicc of
several inches of snow iu less than
ten hours.
The wrecked boat house of the
'ortlnud Rowing Club lies 011 the
bank of the river n short distance
below the city.
Petersen & Nocc is the firm
name of the merchant tnilors who
have located iu the Adams block
011 Philadelphia street.
Gilbert Goodhue, formerly of
Ithaca, Mich., entertained Henry,
red and Holland .Simmons from
lis old home last Monday.
Buy your cigars nnd tobacco of
Harris & GoodeM. The only ex
clusive cigar store in St. Johns.
Corner Jersey mid Tncoma streets.
The steam shovel Is exacted to
login work 011 the west cud of the
Portland & Seattle railroad cut
across the Peninsula within the
next ten days.
The Home Ilnkcry on Burlington
street makes n bid for the patron
age of those who wish bread, pies,
cakes, doughnuts, etc., baked iu
the palatable home style.
Hereafter nil advertisements and
reading notices Intended for The
Review must be iu the office nt 1
o'clock Thursday afternoon to
insure publication iu the paiier.
Four or five persons who wnut
good, home cooked meals close Iu
nt 11 reasonable rate, can be accom
modated. Steady mealers desired.
pply nt this office for particulars.
Why pay rent when n very small
payment down and $15 per month
will buy you n complete homer
If what I already have built does
not suit you I will build ns you
desire. W. C. Adams.
Our expenses arc light, our
prices corresiKindingly low. We
handle new and second baud furni
ture and stoics. Come in nnd
iusiiect our stock. Shaw's Furni
ture store, French Hlock.
On account of the dislocation of
the wires the nre lights have been
out of business for the past week.
The iucaudesceiits failed to respond
only two evenings 011 account of
the damage by the storm.
The telephones iu St. Johns have
been out of commission for the past
ten days, or ever since the first
"silver thaw." One of the line
men informs The Review that it
may be a week or more before
everything is iu working order.
Iu riding to or from the city on
the electric line it is easy to tell
whether the crew is nu old and ex
perienced one or whether it is made
up ot raw material. 1 lie jolts (lis
trihiitcd and the time made by the
latter arc enough to drive 11 decent
man to drink.
Dennett Bros, of the St. lohns
meat market are nincimr on 1 lie
. t
market Drcakiast uacon, sugar cured
hams and nn re lard of their own
make, and nre hnrdlv able to sup
ply tlie demand, jucsc are me
good old fashioned goods that the
meat trust cannot allord to make.
A series of social meetings will
be held iu the uvuugelical chtircli
commencing Sunday, February 10,
and continuing until buuduy, Feb
ruary 24. Services will begin at
7:45 each evening. Rev. C. P.
Gates of Brooks, will assist the
pastor, Rev. E. E. McVicker.
Rev. Gates is a young man, and
as such would esjecially desire to
have the young men and women
attend each evening.
During the past week any one who
cared could have seen the transfer
of a large locomotive aud a steam
shovel engine from the O. R. N.
tracks on the water front to the
tracks 011 .he right of way of the
Portland & Seattle railroad iu the
southern part 'of the city. Al
though the conditions were unfav
orable good progress was made am:
the outfit Is now at Its destination.
The two engines were brought over
the O. R. & N. tracks to Salem
street, thence up the Kuison and
Richmond street hills to the electric
line and then to the tracks on the
right of way. The temporary
track was laid by a large force of
men. The steam .shovel engine
acted as a pusher for the locomotive,
It was a bit of freighting seldom
seen. The lighter machinery for
work on the cut was conveyed to
points along the line by the Port
land & Suburban Express Co.
Exercises Held nt the St. Johns High
School List Evening.
Interesting graduating exercises
were held iu the school building
last evening. The class was com
posed of eighteen students of the
eighth grade who graduated into
the high school. An excellent pro
gram was rendered, the selections
being taken from the works of
Charles Dickens. A large audi
ence was in attendance nnd greatly
enjoyed the numbers ns rendered.
The occasion brought out the fact
that St. Johns has some particularly
bright young people, nnd reflects
grcnt credit upon the Instructors
who so nbly prepared them for the
graduation. The class colors were
cream nnd Alice blue, nnd the mot
to "Still up, up, up; nnd round
nnd round; and up, up, up; higher,
uglier upi" Following were tlie
members of the class;
imtcit, ANNA
lillltNllURN, lit.I.A
MKKKlt.t,, llttKTIIA
l'Alll, Mtmntt.
I'OI'I', Ct.AUim
TAl.t.MAN, Itl.Hllt
Introduction MIm HnMlcr
(Portland Public Library)
Piano Solo. Prof. Wheeler
'Tin? Wreck" . . .Rulh Crouch, Iter-
tint Merrill. Anna Ilrlcc
The Cricket on the Hearth"
,, . ..KUIc Tmliimu
'The Death ol Little Paul" . ,
Helen O.dc, Kllcti Victim
Mr. Winkle on Skate"
. Itlauchc Johnson
The Wreck of the White Ship"
Itlln Hdenbum
Pip nnd the Convict".. ...
I.uella ItiliiHiuilMiu. Alum llucry
Song "Come Where the Mile
lirow".., ...v. m
Dumb Hell Drill
Sixth Grade Hoy
Tint Pickwick Tkiai..
Mr. lattice Suirleluh
, .Wyuu Manning
Mr. Sergeant mum.. .
Lowell AineriMiii
.....Melvlu lloyle
, . AithurCarlwni
. . .Howard Ilrlcc
Palmer MeVlekcr
... Arthur Clark
...Allwrt Wright
. Htncry Glllmnru
Claude Poll
Muriel Page
Air. hcrgeaut hnubbin.
I.. Pickwick, mi
N. Winkle, Im
Mr. Perker
Mr. Grolliu
Mr. Weller
Clerk of the Couit
Crier ol the Court. ...
Vocal Solo MU Kimball
The S i 11 llu 1 er". .Rtlllh Trovl)rileu
AriilrcMi to Claw Judge A. I., l'ruer
I'reiteiitatliiu ol Dipiomm
....Air. v.. w. luucr
Increased Attendance nnd nn
Interesting Meeting:
A well ntteuded meeting of the
Commercial club was held nt the
office of 1). C. Rogers Wednesday
evening to take nctiou 011 incorpor
ating the club, renting iicrmnuciil
quarters and furnishing the same.
Alter being tuoroiigiiiy discussed
it was decided to incorixmite the
club for $1000, all stock to be sub
scribed to carry interest at ( kt
The committee 011 furnishing the
rooms presented a list of furnishings
including two billiard tnDles, calling
for nn expenditure of J Hoo. 'l he
president stated that this list could
be increased or decreased at the
option of the club. It was finally
decided to omit the billiard tables
for the present.
Concerning quarters tor Hie chip
. .
A. 1). McDonald stated that it
would be ut least sixty days before
he could submit u definite proposi
tiou to the club.
The secretary submitted a reiwrt
from the treasurer showing that
the total receipts had been $193.
Out of this sum bills had been paid
amounting to f.)3. Bills aggregat
iug I57.75 were still unpaid.
A resolution was adopted peti
tioniug the legislature to pass a law
coiii!clliiig the laud grant company
to sell their lauds iu boutherii Urc
gon at $2.50 per acre.
Subscription Notice,
The subscription price of Tint
Kl'.VIKW outside of Multnomah
county is 1.50 per year iu nd
vauce. All pat)ers will be dis
continued at the expiration of the
time paid for,
We are supplied with a full
line of valentines, valentine post
cards, etc. The very latest de
signs that could be purchased.
Call iu aud let us show you the
line. They range in price from
1 cent up to 50 cents each.
The Wagoner Co.,
Forntrly St. Johns Grocery Co.
Valentine Day
Thursday, February 14
The Old Firm Name Out
grown by the Addition
of Many New Lines.
From the first of February the
old name the St. Johns Grocery
Co. , ceased to apply to the big
store 011 the corner. The name
for several years has represented
the grocery firm, but since hun
dreds of new lines have been
added it no longer applies appro
priately to the business. Our
new furniture stove nnd hnrd
ware line filled the long link
that put us iu the line of n full
fledged department store. Wc
arc now able to furnish n house
"from cellar to gnrret." Every
new customer now puts us in n
position to sell goods cheaper
nnd to give our customers better
service. As the store grows,
each department grows, and in
this way n man or woman is put
in charge of this certain depart
ment and is held responsible for
that certain department, and is
capable of giving the very best
of service to one nnd nil. From
one clerk nnd n driver eighteen
months ngo the big store now
has four regular clerks and one
extra n part of the time, and
with the nrrivnl of the spring
months we cxect to have to ndd
another. Nothing speaks better
for our prices nnd service than
our Immense growth. During
the past week several hundred
dollars worth of groceries have
been ndded, and we will continue
to ndd to this department right
along until it meets our own ap
proval ns the most up-to-date
grocery department in Portland.
Wc wnut you to come In nnd
101-109 Jersey, 101 Burlington SI.
Do you know that during
the week beginning Jau
nary 13th, you can buy
Wine of Cnrdtil, regular
$ 1.00 size for 85 cents,
riicaford's Black Draught,
regular 35c size for 20 cents
or five 25c packages for 95c
Black Draught Stock Food,
regular 35c size for 20 cents,
Smith's Pharmacy
Holbrook Block,
St. Johns
Book Store
Has just oeued nt
420 Jersey Street
AkClicsncy Building
The best line of rending matter
will Iw carried by them. A circu
lating library, open to the public
from 7 u. 111. to 9 p. 111., is 011 hand.
You pay the price of any lxxik iu
class you mny select, after which
you can exchange it for nny book
in house, in same class, nt price in
that class, from 5 to 30 cents jh,t
blank books, legal blanks, sta
tionery and children's books.
We also carry n small stock of
cigars, tobacco and candies.
To whom It may concern:
I, Geo. M. Hull, City Treasurer of St.
loluu, Oregon, under uml by the author
ity vckted in me, hereby give notice that
I will sell at the front door of the City
Hull for the City of St. loltui, Oregon,
at public auction to the highest bidder,
cash In hand, on the nth day ol March,
1007, ut 10 o'clock u. m., lots 3 and 4,
block 39, Jumes Johns' Addition to the
City of St. Johns, Oregon, or so much
thereof an will tic necessary to pay the
sum of fi9.74. together with cots of
sale. That said sum of 609.7.1 ' due by
reason of an assessment placed upon the
city lien docket of the ttid City of St.
Johns, Orcnoi., 011 the 8th day of Febru
ary, 1907, Oi'.o. M. Ham,,
City Treasurer of St. Johns, Ore.
Published In the St. Johns Review l'eb.
ruary U, 15, 3) nnd March 1, 1907.
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